
编程入门 行业动态 更新时间:2024-10-26 10:30:34
本文介绍了如何从Flex客户端接收消息从BlazeDS推送数据?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述 我在Flex应用程序项目中使用BlazeDS来实现数据推送功能。从官方教程 BlazeDS入门,它显示了消息示例与API生产者/消费者。 但是我怎样才能实现服务器端,而不需要从Flex客户端调用,而是从服务器端而不是。我有一些想法,但我不知道该怎么做,因为我是一名Flex开发人员,而不是Java开发人员,所以我认为您可以帮助我。

  • 在Google中,有一个关于我需要在Java端扩展 ServiceAdapter 类的教程节目,它扩展了 Invoke 方法。如何配置 message-config.xml

  • 如何配置 / code>得到如上所述的结果? 这是我编写和使用的测试代码,有时会测试发送数据给我们的客户端。这是一个精简的,一个ServiceAdapter实现的骨架Java示例。它从网络上的现有示例中删除了大量不必要的代码。它编译,工作,我经常在测试中使用它。

    package your.package.structure.adapter; 导入your.package.structure.device.DevicePort; 导入flex.messaging.messages.AsyncMessage; 导入flex.messaging.messages.Message; import flex.messaging.services.MessageService; import flex.messaging.services.ServiceAdapter; import flex.messaging.util.UUIDUtils; / ** *测试服务适配器。当你想要发送一个对象,而不是 *其他的时候,测试是非常好的。这个类必须留在主代码库(而不是测试),因为当它使用 *时,它需要部署到Tomcat。 * @author Kevin G * * / public class TestServiceAdapter extends ServiceAdapter { private volatile boolean running; $ b $ private消息createTestMessage(){ DevicePort objectToSend = new DevicePort(RouterDevice); final AsyncMessage msg = new AsyncMessage(); msg.setDestination(getClass()。getSimpleName()+Destination); msg.setClientId(UUIDUtils.createUUID()); msg.setMessageId(UUIDUtils.createUUID()); msg.setBody(objectToSend); return msg; $ b private void sendMessageToClients(Message msg){((MessageService)getDestination()。getService())。pushMessageToClients(msg,false); $ b / ** * see flex.messaging.services.ServiceAdapter#start() * / @Override public void start(){ super.start(); 线程messageSender = new Thread(){ public void run(){ running = true; while(running){ sendMessageToClients(createTestMessage()); secondsToSleep(3); } } }; messageSender.start(); $ b $ ** * see flex.messaging.services.ServiceAdapter#stop() * / @Override public void stop( ){ super.stop(); running = false; } / ** *当生产者发送消息到目的地时,调用这个方法。目前, *我们不在乎什么时候发生。 * / @Override public Object invoke(Message message){ if(message.getBody()。equals(stop)){ running =假; } 返回null; private void secondsToSleep(int seconds){ try { Thread.sleep(seconds * 1000); } catch(InterruptedException e){ System.out.println(TestServiceAdapter while during sending messages); e.printStackTrace(); $你需要设置一些

    在 messaging-config.xml 中,您需要添加一个适配器和目标地址:

    将此行添加到现有的< adapters> 标记:

    < adapter-definition id =TestServiceAdapterclass =your.package.structure.adapter.TestServiceAdapter/>

    将此目标添加到同一个 messaging-config.xml

    < destination id =TestServiceAdapterDestination> <渠道> < channel ref =my-streaming-amf/> < / channels> < adapter ref =TestServiceAdapter/> < / destination>

    最后,确保在code中定义了my-streaming-amf > services-config.xml ,如下所示:

    < channel-definition id =my -streaming-amfclass =mx.messaging.channels.StreamingAMFChannel> < endpoint url =http:// {server.name}:{server.port} / {context.root} / messagebroker / streamingamfclass =flex.messaging.endpoints.StreamingAMFEndpoint/> <属性> <! - 您不需要设置所有这些属性,这只是我们设置的内容,仅用于说明,仅限于> < idle-timeout-minutes> 0< / idle-timeout-minutes> < max-streaming-clients> 10< / max-streaming-clients> < server-to-client-heartbeat-millis> 5000< / server-to-client-heartbeat-millis> < user-agent-settings> < user-agent match-on =Safarikickstart-bytes =2048max-streaming-connections-per-session =10/> < user-agent match-on =MSIEkickstart-bytes =2048max-streaming-connections-per-session =15/> < user-agent match-on =Firefoxkickstart-bytes =2048max-streaming-connections-per-session =10/> < / user-agent-settings> < / properties> < / channel-definition>注意,在blazeDS中,这两个配置文件(messaging-config.xml和services-config.xml )位于以下目录中:

    / blazeds / tomcat / webapps / [nameOfYourApp] / WEB-INF / flex /

    其中 [nameOfYourApp] 是您的webapp住在。



    I am using BlazeDS for data-push feature in my Flex application project. From the official tutorial, Getting started with BlazeDS, it shows messaging example with producer/consumer from API.

    but how can I implement server side which doesn't need to be invoke from Flex client, but from within server-side instead. I got some idea but I don't know how to do because I'm a Flex developer, not Java developer, so I think you can help me.

  • In Google, there's a tutorial show about I need to extend ServiceAdapter class in Java-side, which extends Invoke method. Do I need to extend other class instead of this to do what I want?

  • How to configure the message-config.xml to get the result like I describe above?

  • 解决方案

    Here is test code I wrote and use, at times, to test sending data to our client. It's a stripped down, bare bones Java example of a ServiceAdapter implementation. It removes a lot of unnecessary code from the existing examples on the web. It Compiles, works and I use it often in testing.

    package your.package.structure.adapter; import your.package.structure.device.DevicePort; import flex.messaging.messages.AsyncMessage; import flex.messaging.messages.Message; import flex.messaging.services.MessageService; import flex.messaging.services.ServiceAdapter; import flex.messaging.util.UUIDUtils; /** * Test service adapter. Great for testing when you want to JUST SEND AN OBJECT and nothing * else. This class has to stay in the main codebase (instead of test) because, when it's used * it needs to be deployed to Tomcat. * @author Kevin G * */ public class TestServiceAdapter extends ServiceAdapter { private volatile boolean running; private Message createTestMessage() { DevicePort objectToSend = new DevicePort("RouterDevice"); final AsyncMessage msg = new AsyncMessage(); msg.setDestination(getClass().getSimpleName() + "Destination"); msg.setClientId(UUIDUtils.createUUID()); msg.setMessageId(UUIDUtils.createUUID()); msg.setBody(objectToSend); return msg; } private void sendMessageToClients(Message msg) { ((MessageService) getDestination().getService()).pushMessageToClients(msg, false); } /** * @see flex.messaging.services.ServiceAdapter#start() */ @Override public void start(){ super.start(); Thread messageSender = new Thread(){ public void run(){ running = true; while(running){ sendMessageToClients(createTestMessage()); secondsToSleep(3); } } }; messageSender.start(); } /** * @see flex.messaging.services.ServiceAdapter#stop() */ @Override public void stop(){ super.stop(); running = false; } /** * This method is called when a producer sends a message to the destination. Currently, * we don't care when that happens. */ @Override public Object invoke(Message message) { if (message.getBody().equals("stop")) { running = false; } return null; } private void secondsToSleep(int seconds) { try{ Thread.sleep(seconds * 1000); }catch(InterruptedException e){ System.out.println("TestServiceAdapter Interrupted while sending messages"); e.printStackTrace(); } } }

    You need to set a few properties in tomcat to get this to work.

    In messaging-config.xml, you need to add an adapter and destination:

    Add this line to the existing <adapters> tag:

    <adapter-definition id="TestServiceAdapter" class="your.package.structure.adapter.TestServiceAdapter"/>

    Add this destination to that same messaging-config.xml file:

    <destination id="TestServiceAdapterDestination"> <channels> <channel ref="my-streaming-amf"/> </channels> <adapter ref="TestServiceAdapter"/> </destination>

    Finally, make sure the "my-streaming-amf" channel is defined in services-config.xml, as in:

    <channel-definition id="my-streaming-amf" class="mx.messaging.channels.StreamingAMFChannel"> <endpoint url="{server.name}:{server.port}/{context.root}/messagebroker/streamingamf" class="flex.messaging.endpoints.StreamingAMFEndpoint"/> <properties> <!-- you don't need to set all these properties, this is just what we set, included for illustration, only --> <idle-timeout-minutes>0</idle-timeout-minutes> <max-streaming-clients>10</max-streaming-clients> <server-to-client-heartbeat-millis>5000</server-to-client-heartbeat-millis> <user-agent-settings> <user-agent match-on="Safari" kickstart-bytes="2048" max-streaming-connections-per-session="10"/> <user-agent match-on="MSIE" kickstart-bytes="2048" max-streaming-connections-per-session="15"/> <user-agent match-on="Firefox" kickstart-bytes="2048" max-streaming-connections-per-session="10"/> </user-agent-settings> </properties> </channel-definition>

    Note that in blazeDS, these two config files (messaging-config.xml and services-config.xml) are located in the following directory:


    where [nameOfYourApp] is the directory your webapp lives in.

    I hope all that helps!




    本文发布于:2023-10-26 19:17:45,感谢您对本站的认可!
    本文标签:客户端   消息   数据   Flex   BlazeDS


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