
编程入门 行业动态 更新时间:2024-10-11 21:24:37
本文介绍了关于我的网站的进一步问题的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述

我想知道是否有人能指出我的信息方向 解决我的网站(正在开发中)的以下问题。 网址为 thesouthbeachhostel/ PHP-T ... p =保留。此文件夹中的这个 内容尚未激活。这是我的第一个专业的 网站,所以我希望一切都尽可能完美。 1)在表格上有一个标签Check-在日期: - 我希望小的 日历图标与文本字段对齐。我不能完美地排队 。 2)另外,我想在用户点击时弹出一个JavaScript日历 日历图标,然后将日期转移到表单中。我不知道 JavaScript所以我想知道是否有人知道一个好的免费(或非常便宜) 脚本可以很好地完成这项功能。是否很难学会编码 这样的东西?我喜欢Travelocity在他们的主页上所做的事情,但是 可能过于雄心勃勃...... 3)我如何建立安全连接服务器传送信用卡 卡号? 4)有一个?图标旁边是住宿类型的文本区域。 如何在点击它时打开一个小弹出窗口。我想 提供有关选择框中不同选项含义的信息。 提前感谢任何人可以提供的任何建议或资源。 />


从哪里开始... " Josh" <乔***** @ hotmail>在消息中写道 新闻:10 ************* @ corp.supernews ...

我想知道是否有人可以指出我的信息方向来解决我的网站(正在开发中)的以下问题。 网址是 thesouthbeachhostel/php-t...p=reservations 。 此文件夹中的此内容尚未激活。这是我的第一个专业网站,所以我希望一切都尽可能完美。 1)在表格上有一个标签登记日期: - 我希望小的日历图标与文本字段对齐。我不能完美地排好它。 登记入住日期:之后没有任何内容。 您的来源有以下行: < script> DateInput(''orderdate'',true,''DD-MON-YYYY'')< / script> 但我找不到include ;提交于: thesouthbeachhostel/php-t ... arDateInput.js 请注意,只要我加载页面,就会出现两个JavaScript错误: A发生了运行时错误。 你想调试吗? 行:1 错误:预期;" 如果我点击否然后我得到: 发生了运行时错误。 你想调试吗? 行:165 错误:预期的对象 如果我点击否然后我加载页面。 调试两个错误指向同一行: DateInput(''orderdate'',true,''DD- MONYYY'') 2)此外,当用户点击日历图标上的时,我想弹出一个JavaScript日历,然后将日期转移到表单中。我不想知道JavaScript,所以我想知道是否有人知道一个好的免费(或非常b $ b便宜)脚本可以很好地完成这个功能。难以学会编码这样的东西吗?我喜欢Travelocity在他们的主页上做的,但这可能太野心了...... 我会在以后回复你... 3)如何与服务器建立安全连接以传输信用卡号码? 你需要一个SSL(安全套接字层)证书。 4)有一个?图标旁边的住宿类型的文本区域。如何点击它时打开一个小弹出窗口。我想提供有关选择框中不同选项含义的信息。 您是否希望访问者点击?弹出窗口? 如果有,请尝试: < img src =" images / question.gif"边界=" 0"对齐= QUOT;中间" alt ="点击此处获取 更多信息的onclick = QUOT;弹出()" /> < javascript type =" text / javascript"> 函数Popup(){ var pop ="房间类型:\ n"; pop + =" \ n Small Mixed Dorm" ;; pop + =" \ n Large混合宿舍; pop + =" \ n女性宿舍; pop + =" \ n私人房间; var win = window.open(""," Popup","") win.document.write(pop); } < / script> 提前感谢任何人可以提供的建议或资源。

" McKirahan" <氖** @ McKirahan>在消息中写道 新闻:Je ******************** @ comcast ...

其中开始... Josh <乔***** @ hotmail>在消息中写道新闻:10 ************* @ corp.supernews ...



解决我网站的以下问题(正在开发中)。 网址是 thesouthbeachhostel/php-t .. P =保留。此文件夹中的


专业网站,所以我希望一切都尽可能完美。 1)在表格上有一个标签登记入住日期: - 我希望小的日历图标与文本字段对齐。我不能完美地排好。

登记入住日期:后没有任何内容。 你的来源有以下几行:< script> DateInput(''orderdate'',true,''DD-MON-YYYY'')< / script> 但我找不到那个包括提交于: thesouthbeachhostel/php-t ... arDateInput.js 请注意,只要我加载页面,就会出现两个JavaScript错误: 发生了运行时错误。你想调试吗?行:1 错误:预期" ;;" 如果我点击否然后我得到: 发生了运行时错误。你想调试吗?行:165 错误:预期的对象 如果我点击否然后我加载页面。 调试两个错误都指向同一行: DateInput(''orderdate'',true,''DD-MON-YYYY'')

抱歉...自从我发布该消息以来,我一直在网站上工作。我在 www.dynamicdrive 上找到了 a免费日历脚本我正试图让 正常工作。它运行正常,但它从我的表单中消失了。 我认为脚本可能有一些错误。






的意思。您希望访问者点击 ;?"对于弹出窗口?如果有,请尝试: < img src =" images / question.gif"边界=" 0"对齐= QUOT;中间" alt ="点击这里获取更多信息的onclick = QUOT;弹出()" /> < javascript type =" text / javascript"> 函数Popup(){ var pop ="房间类型:\ n" ;; pop + =" \ n Small Mixed Dorm" pop + =" \ n Large Mixed Dorm" pop + =" \ n Female Dorm" ;; pop + =" \ n Private Room" ;; var win = window.open(""," Popup","") win.document。写(pop); } < / script>


" Josh" <乔***** @ hotmail>写在消息 新闻:10 ************* @ corp.supernews ... 这里'一个流行的日历: http:// www .dynarch / projects / calendar /#

I was wondering if anyone could point me in the direction for information to solve the following problems with my site (under development). The URL is thesouthbeachhostel/php-t...p=reservations. This contents in this folder are not active yet. This is my first professional site so I want everything to be as perfect as possible. 1) On the form there is a label "Check-in Date:" -- I want the small calendar icon to line up with the text field. I can''t get it to line up perfectly. 2) Also, I want to make a JavaScript calendar pop up when the user clicks on the calendar icon, which then transfers a date into the form. I don''t know JavaScript so I was wondering if anyone knew of a good free (or very cheap) script that would do that function well. Is it difficult to learn to code something like that? I like what Travelocity does on their homepage but that might be too ambitious... 3) How do I make a secure connection with the server to transmit the credit card numbers? 4) There is a "?" icon next the the text area for "type of accommodation." How do I get a small popup to open when they click on that. I want to provide information on what the different options in the select box mean. Thanks in advance for any advice or resources anyone can provide.


Where to start... "Josh" <jo*****@hotmail> wrote in message news:10*************@corp.supernews...

I was wondering if anyone could point me in the direction for information to solve the following problems with my site (under development). The URL is thesouthbeachhostel/php-t...p=reservations. This contents in this folder are not active yet. This is my first professional site so I want everything to be as perfect as possible. 1) On the form there is a label "Check-in Date:" -- I want the small calendar icon to line up with the text field. I can''t get it to line up perfectly. Nothing appears after "Check-in Date: ". Your source has the following line: <script>DateInput(''orderdate'', true, ''DD-MON-YYYY'')</script> but I couldn''t find that "include" file at: thesouthbeachhostel/php-t...arDateInput.js Note that as soon as I load the page I get two JavaScript Errors: A Runtime Error has occurred. Do you want to Debug? Line: 1 Error: Expected ";" If I click "No" then I get: A Runtime Error has occurred. Do you want to Debug? Line: 165 Error: Object Expected If I click "No" then I then the page loads. Debugging both errors point to the same line: DateInput(''orderdate'', true, ''DD-MON-YYYY'') 2) Also, I want to make a JavaScript calendar pop up when the user clicks on the calendar icon, which then transfers a date into the form. I don''t know JavaScript so I was wondering if anyone knew of a good free (or very cheap) script that would do that function well. Is it difficult to learn to code something like that? I like what Travelocity does on their homepage but that might be too ambitious... I''ll get back to you later... 3) How do I make a secure connection with the server to transmit the credit card numbers? You''ll need an SSL (Secure Socket Layers) ceritificate. 4) There is a "?" icon next the the text area for "type of accommodation." How do I get a small popup to open when they click on that. I want to provide information on what the different options in the select box mean. Do you want your visitors to click on the "?" for the popup? If so, then try: <img src="images/question.gif" border="0" align="middle" alt="Click here for more information" onclick="Popup()" /> <javascript type="text/javascript"> function Popup() { var pop = "Room Types: \n"; pop += "\n Small Mixed Dorm"; pop += "\n Large Mixed Dorm"; pop += "\n Female Dorm"; pop += "\n Private Room"; var win = window.open("","Popup","") win.document.write(pop); } </script> Thanks in advance for any advice or resources anyone can provide.

"McKirahan" <Ne**@McKirahan> wrote in message news:Je********************@comcast...

Where to start... "Josh" <jo*****@hotmail> wrote in message news:10*************@corp.supernews...

I was wondering if anyone could point me in the direction for information


solve the following problems with my site (under development). The URL is thesouthbeachhostel/php-t...p=reservations. This

contents in this folder are not active yet. This is my first

professional site so I want everything to be as perfect as possible. 1) On the form there is a label "Check-in Date:" -- I want the small calendar icon to line up with the text field. I can''t get it to line up perfectly.

Nothing appears after "Check-in Date: ". Your source has the following line: <script>DateInput(''orderdate'', true, ''DD-MON-YYYY'')</script> but I couldn''t find that "include" file at: thesouthbeachhostel/php-t...arDateInput.js Note that as soon as I load the page I get two JavaScript Errors: A Runtime Error has occurred. Do you want to Debug? Line: 1 Error: Expected ";" If I click "No" then I get: A Runtime Error has occurred. Do you want to Debug? Line: 165 Error: Object Expected If I click "No" then I then the page loads. Debugging both errors point to the same line: DateInput(''orderdate'', true, ''DD-MON-YYYY'')

Sorry... I''ve been working on the site since I posted that message. I found a free calendar script on www.dynamicdrive that I am trying to get to work correctly. It was working fine but then it disappeared from my form. I think the script might have some bugs in it.

3) How do I make a secure connection with the server to transmit the


card numbers?

You''ll need an SSL (Secure Socket Layers) ceritificate.

I''ll search for that on Google...

4) There is a "?" icon next the the text area for "type of accommodation." How do I get a small popup to open when they click on that. I want to provide information on what the different options in the select box

mean. Do you want your visitors to click on the "?" for the popup? If so, then try: <img src="images/question.gif" border="0" align="middle" alt="Click here for more information" onclick="Popup()" /> <javascript type="text/javascript"> function Popup() { var pop = "Room Types: \n"; pop += "\n Small Mixed Dorm"; pop += "\n Large Mixed Dorm"; pop += "\n Female Dorm"; pop += "\n Private Room"; var win = window.open("","Popup","") win.document.write(pop); } </script>

Thanks for that help. I will try it out...

"Josh" <jo*****@hotmail> wrote in message news:10*************@corp.supernews... Here''s a popular calendar: www.dynarch/projects/calendar/#



本文发布于:2023-10-24 20:45:23,感谢您对本站的认可!


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