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本文介绍了在MySQL触发器中使用Prepared语句的替代方法的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述


I'm trying to create a MySQL Before Insert trigger with the following code which would do what I want it to do if I could find a way to execute the prepared statement generated by the trigger.


Are the any alternative ways to execute prepared statements from within triggers? Thanks

BEGIN SET @CrntRcrd = (SELECT AUTO_INCREMENT FROM information_schema.TABLES WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA=DATABASE() AND TABLE_NAME='core_Test'); SET @PrevRcrd = @CrntRcrd-1; IF (NEW.ID IS NULL) THEN SET NEW.ID = @CrntRcrd; END IF; SET @PrevHash = (SELECT Hash FROM core_Test WHERE Record=@PrevRcrd); SET @ClmNms = (SELECT CONCAT('NEW.',GROUP_CONCAT(column_name ORDER BY ORDINAL_POSITION SEPARATOR ',NEW.'),'') FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_schema = DATABASE() AND table_name = 'core_Test'); SET @Query = CONCAT("SET @Query2 = CONCAT_WS(',','",@PrevHash,"','", @CrntRcrd, "',", @ClmNms, ");"); PREPARE stmt1 FROM @Query; EXECUTE stmt1; DEALLOCATE PREPARE stmt1; SET NEW.Hash = @Query2; END


UPDATE / CLARIFICATION: The data will be stored in a table as below.

+------------+-----+------+----------------+ | Record (AI)| ID | Data | HASH | +------------+-----+------+----------------+ | 1 | 1 | ASDF | =DHFBGKJSDFHBG | (Hash Col 1) | 2 | 2 | NULL | =UEGFRYJKSDFHB | (Hash Col 1 + Col 2) | 3 | 1 | VBNM | =VKJSZDFVHBFJH | (Hash Col 2 + Col 3) | 4 | 4 | TYUI | =KDJFGNJBHMNVB | (Hash Col 3 + Col 4) | 5 | 5 | ZXCV | =SDKVBCVJHBJHB | (Hash Col 4 + Col 5) +------------+-----+------+----------------+


On each insert command the table will generate a Hash value for that row by appeding the pervious row's Hash value to a CONCAT() of the entire new row, then re-hashing the entire string. This will create a running record of Hash values for auditing purposes / use in another part of the application.


My constraints are that this has to be done before the INSERT as rows cannot be updated afterwards.


UPDATE: I'm currently using the following code until I can find a way to pass the column names to CONCAT dynamically:

BEGIN SET @Record = ( SELECT AUTO_INCREMENT FROM information_schema.TABLES WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA=DATABASE() AND TABLE_NAME='core_Test' #<--- UPDATE TABLE_NAME HERE ); SET @PrevRecrd = @Record-1; IF (new.ID IS NULL) THEN SET new.ID = @Record; END IF; SET @PrevHash = ( SELECT Hash FROM core_Test #<--- UPDATE TABLE_NAME HERE WHERE Record=@PrevRecrd ); SET new.Hash = SHA1(CONCAT_WS(',',@PrevHash, @Record, /* --- UPDATE TABLE COLUMN NAMES HERE (EXCLUDE "new.Record" AND "new.Hash") --- */ new.ID, new.Name, new.Data )); END



The short answer is that you can't use dynamic SQL in a TRIGGER.


I'm confused by the query of the auto_increment value, and assigning a value to the ID column. I don't understand why you need to set the value of the ID column. Isn't that the column that is defined as the AUTO_INCREMENT? The database will handle the assignment.

也不清楚您的查询是否保证返回唯一值,尤其是在运行并发插入时. (我尚未测试,因此可能会起作用.)

It's also not clear that your query is guaranteed to return unique values, especially when concurrent inserts are run. (I've not tested, so it might work.)


看起来您要完成的工作似乎是从最近插入的行中获取列的值.我认为在查询定义触发器的同一表上存在一些限制. (我肯定知道Oracle中有此功能; MySQL可能会更宽松.)

It looks as if what you're trying to accomplish is to get the value of a column from the most recently inserted row. I think there are some restrictions on querying the same table the trigger is defined on. (I know for sure there is in Oracle; MySQL may be more liberal.)


If I needed to do something like that, I would try something like this:

SELECT @prev_hash := t.hash AS prev_hash FROM core_Test t ORDER BY t.ID DESC LIMIT 1; SET NEW.hash = @prev_hash;


But again, I'm not sure this will work (I would need to test). If it works on a simple case, that's not proof that it works all the time, in the case of concurrent inserts, in the case of an extended insert, et al.


I wrote the query the way I did so that it can make use of an index on the ID column, to do a reverse scan operation. If it doesn't use the index, I would try rewriting that query (probably as a JOIN, to get the best possible performance.

SELECT @prev_hash := t.hash AS prev_hash FROM ( SELECT r.ID FROM core_Test r ORDER BY r.ID DESC LIMIT 1 ) s JOIN core_Test t ON t.ID = s.ID

MySQL 5.1参考手册的摘录 E.1对存储程序的限制

Excerpt from MySQL 5.1 Reference Manual E.1 Restrictions on Stored Programs

SQL准备好的语句(PREPARE,EXECUTE,DEALLOCATE PREPARE)可以是 用于存储过程,但存储函数或 触发器.因此,存储的函数和触发器无法使用 动态SQL(在其中将语句构造为字符串,然后 执行它们). [原文]

SQL prepared statements (PREPARE, EXECUTE, DEALLOCATE PREPARE) can be used in stored procedures, but not stored functions or triggers. Thus, stored functions and triggers cannot use dynamic SQL (where you construct statements as strings and then execute them). [sic]



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本文标签:语句   器中   方法   MySQL   Prepared


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