nltk StanfordNERTagger:如何在不使用大写字母的情况下获取专有名词

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本文介绍了nltk StanfordNERTagger:如何在不使用大写字母的情况下获取专有名词的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述


I am trying to use the StanfordNERTagger and nltk to extract keywords from a piece of text.

docText="John Donk works for POI. Brian Jones wants to meet with Xyz Corp. for measuring POI's Short Term performance Metrics." words = re.split("\W+",docText) stops = set(stopwords.words("english")) #remove stop words from the list words = [w for w in words if w not in stops and len(w) > 2] str = " ".join(words) print str stn = StanfordNERTagger('english.all.3class.distsim.crf.ser.gz') stp = StanfordPOSTagger('english-bidirectional-distsim.tagger') stanfordPosTagList=[word for word,pos in stp.tag(str.split()) if pos == 'NNP'] print "Stanford POS Tagged" print stanfordPosTagList tagged = stn.tag(stanfordPosTagList) print tagged


John Donk works POI Brian Jones wants meet Xyz Corp measuring POI Short Term performance Metrics Stanford POS Tagged [u'John', u'Donk', u'POI', u'Brian', u'Jones', u'Xyz', u'Corp', u'POI', u'Short', u'Term'] [(u'John', u'PERSON'), (u'Donk', u'PERSON'), (u'POI', u'ORGANIZATION'), (u'Brian', u'ORGANIZATION'), (u'Jones', u'ORGANIZATION'), (u'Xyz', u'ORGANIZATION'), (u'Corp', u'ORGANIZATION'), (u'POI', u'O'), (u'Short', u'O'), (u'Term', u'O')]


so clearly, things like Short and Term were tagged as NNP. The data that i have contains many such instances where non NNP words are capitalized. This might be due to typos or maybe they are headers. I dont have much control over that.

我如何解析或清理数据,以便即使它可以大写也可以检测到非NNP项? 我不希望将Short和Term之类的术语归类为NNP

How can i parse or clean up the data so that i can detect a non NNP term even though it may be capitalized? I dont want terms like Short and Term to be categorized as NNP

此外,不确定为什么John Donk被捕获为一个人而Brian Jones未被捕获为人.可能是由于我数据中其他大写的非NNP引起的吗?会影响StanfordNERTagger如何对待其他一切吗?

Also, not sure why John Donk was captured as a person but Brian Jones was not. Could it be due to the other capitalized non NNPs in my data? Could that be having an effect on how the StanfordNERTagger treats everything else?



  • 获取每个单词并转换为小写
  • 标记小写字母
  • 如果标签是NNP,那么我们知道原始单词也必须是NNP
  • 如果不是,则原始单词的大小写错误
  • Take each word and convert to lower case
  • Tag the lowercase word
  • If the tag is NNP then we know that the original word must also be an NNP
  • If not, then the original word was mis-capitalized
  • 这是我想做的

    str = " ".join(words) print str stp = StanfordPOSTagger('english-bidirectional-distsim.tagger') for word in str.split(): wl = word.lower() print wl w,pos = stp.tag(wl) print pos if pos=="NNP": print "Got NNP" print w


    John Donk works POI Jones wants meet Xyz Corp measuring POI short term performance metrics john Traceback (most recent call last): File "X:\", line 37, in <module> w,pos = stp.tag(wl) ValueError: too many values to unpack

    我尝试了多种方法,但总是会出现一些错误. 我如何标记一个单词?

    i have tried multiple approaches but some error always shows up. How can i Tag a single word?


    I dont want to convert the whole string to lower case and then Tag. If i do that, the StanfordPOSTagger returns an empty string


    首先,请参见另一个问题,以设置要从命令行或python调用的Stanford CoreNLP:.

    Firstly, see your other question to setup Stanford CoreNLP to be called from command-line or python: nltk : How to prevent stemming of proper nouns.


    For the proper cased sentence we see that the NER works properly:

    >>> from corenlp import StanfordCoreNLP >>> nlp = StanfordCoreNLP('localhost:9000') >>> text = ('John Donk works POI Jones wants meet Xyz Corp measuring POI short term performance metrics. ' ... 'john donk works poi jones wants meet xyz corp measuring poi short term performance metrics') >>> output = nlp.annotate(text, properties={'annotators': 'tokenize,ssplit,pos,ner', 'outputFormat': 'json'}) >>> annotated_sent0 = output['sentences'][0] >>> annotated_sent1 = output['sentences'][1] >>> for token in annotated_sent0['tokens']: ... print token['word'], token['lemma'], token['pos'], token['ner'] ... John John NNP PERSON Donk Donk NNP PERSON works work VBZ O POI POI NNP ORGANIZATION Jones Jones NNP ORGANIZATION wants want VBZ O meet meet VB O Xyz Xyz NNP ORGANIZATION Corp Corp NNP ORGANIZATION measuring measure VBG O POI poi NN O short short JJ O term term NN O performance performance NN O metrics metric NNS O . . . O


    And for the lowered cased sentence, you will not get NNP for POS tag nor any NER tag:

    >>> for token in annotated_sent1['tokens']: ... print token['word'], token['lemma'], token['pos'], token['ner'] ... john john NN O donk donk JJ O works work NNS O poi poi VBP O jones jone NNS O wants want VBZ O meet meet VB O xyz xyz NN O corp corp NN O measuring measure VBG O poi poi NN O short short JJ O term term NN O performance performance NN O metrics metric NNS O


    • 您的NLP应用程序的最终目标是什么?
    • 为什么输入的内容小写?是您做的还是提供数据的方式?
    • What is the ultimate aim of your NLP application?
    • Why is your input lower-cased? Was it your doing or how the data was provided?


    And after answering those questions, you can move on to decide what you really want to do with the NER tags, i.e.

    • 如果输入是小写字母,并且是由于构造NLP工具链的原因,那么

    • 请勿这样做!对普通文本执行NER,而不会造成您的变形.这是因为NER对普通文本进行了培训,因此它不会在普通文本的上下文之外真正发挥作用.
    • 也不要尝试将它与来自不同套件的NLP工具混用,它们通常不能很好地发挥作用,尤其是在您的NLP工具链的末尾.
    • DO NOT do that!!! Perform the NER on the normal text without distortions you've created. It's because the NER was trained on normal text so it won't really work out of the context of normal text.
    • Also try to not mix it NLP tools from different suites they will usually not play nice, especially at the end of your NLP tool chain


    • 注释一小部分数据,或查找小写的注释数据,然后重新训练模型.
    • 解决此问题并训练带有常规文本的Truecaser,然后将TrueCasing模型应用于小写字母的文本.参见〜llita/papers/lita.truecasing-acl2003.pdf


    • 也尝试使用truecasing解决方案.


    nltk StanfordNERTagger:如何在不使用大写字母的情况下获取专有名词

    本文发布于:2023-10-23 01:54:49,感谢您对本站的认可!
    本文标签:大写字母   专有名词   情况下   如何在   nltk


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