Rails 3:nested

编程入门 行业动态 更新时间:2024-10-26 18:30:06
本文介绍了Rails 3:nested_form,collection_select,accepts_nested_attributes_for和fields_for的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述



There are lots of good questions and answers here and on the interweb about getting nested_form, collection_select, accepts_nested_attributes_for and fields_for to play nicely together, but I'm still stumped. Thanks in advance if you can help me.

目标:生成新的isbn记录.一个isbn可以有很多贡献者.我已成功使用 ryanb nested_form gem 在表单上动态产生新的贡献者字段,按要求.这些字段之一使用Contributor中所有名称记录的collection_select下拉列表.创建新记录时,需要将许多参与者ID写入联接表(contributors_isbns).

Aim: To generate a new isbn record. An isbn can have many contributors. I am successfully using the ryanb nested_form gem to dynamically produce new contributor fields on a form, as required. One of these fields uses a collection_select drop down of all the name records in Contributor. When the new record is created, the many contributor ids need to be written to the join table (contributors_isbns).


I have got bits of this working, but only to the point where I can save a single contributor ID to the new record in the isbns table. I can't seem to get anywhere in writing any data to the join table.


I have three models. Contributors and Isbns have a many to many relationship, which I've done using has_many :through. An isbn can have many contributors, and a contributor can have many isbns. They are joined via contributors_isbn.


attr_accessible :contributor_id has_many :contributors, :through => :contributors_isbns has_many :contributors_isbns accepts_nested_attributes_for :contributors accepts_nested_attributes_for :contributors_isbns



attr_accessible :isbn_id has_many :contributors_isbns has_many :isbns, :through => :contributors_isbns accepts_nested_attributes_for :isbns



class ContributorsIsbn attr_accessible :isbn_id, :contributor_id belongs_to :isbn belongs_to :contributor accepts_nested_attributes_for :contributors


In the isbns controller:

def new @isbn = Isbn.new @title = "Create new ISBN" 1.times {@isbn.contributors.build} @isbn.contributors_isbns.build.build_contributor end


(obviously I can't make my mind up on which build method to use.)

在isbns new.html.erb视图中:

In the isbns new.html.erb view:

<%= nested_form_for @isbn, :validate => false do |f| %> <h1>Create new ISBN</h1> <%= render 'shared/error_messages', :object => f.object %> <%= render 'fields', :f => f %> <div class="actions"> <%= f.submit "Create" %> </div> <% end %>


In the _fields partial, a version with a very plain text_field:

<%= field_set_tag 'Contributor' do %> <%= f.link_to_add "Add Additional Contributor", :contributors %> <li> <%= f.label 'Contributor Sequence Number' %> <%= f.text_field :descriptivedetail_contributor_sequencenumber%> </li> <%= f.fields_for :contributors_isbns, :validate => false do |contrib| %> <li> <%= contrib.label :id, 'contributors_isbns id' %> <%= contrib.text_field :id %> </li> <% end %> <li> <%= f.label 'Contributor Role' %> <%= f.text_field :descriptivedetail_contributor_contributorrole %> </li> <% end %>


And here, a fancier version which doesn't work either:

<%= f.fields_for :contributors_isbns, :validate => false do |contributors| %> <li> <%= f.label :personnameinverted, 'Contributor Name' %> <%= f.collection_select(:contributor_id, Contributor.all, :id, :personnameinverted ) %> </li> <% end %>

此代码使用了此处的答案.两者均在nested_form_for @isbn行上导致缺少块"错误.

This code uses the answer from here. Both result in a 'Missing block" error on the nested_form_for @isbn line.


更新:此处是有关nested_form宝石的一些信息,可能会派上用场看这种问题.这是accepts_nested_attributes_for上的[2009但仍然相关的文章] [4].

Update: here is some info about the nested_form gem which might come in handy for looking at this sort of problem. And here's a [2009 but still relevant post][4] on accepts_nested_attributes_for.


Update 2: well, here's a thing. I've been poking around on a cut-down version of this in two different models, not using collection_select or has_many through, but just on a simple belongs_to / has_many association. The parent model is Contract and the child model is Istc. I couldn't even create a record through the nested form. However, after looking in the stack and googling the error message "Warning. Can't mass-assign protected attributes" I've just added :istcs_attributes to my :attr_accessible line and now I can add records. A rather crucial bit missing, and a case of RTFM, as it's right there in the gem readme. I'll update later to see if this works on the more complicated has_many through association.

更新4:[此处] [5]是有关如何处理nil记录错误消息的另一篇有用的文章.

Update 4: [Here][5] is another useful post about how to deal with a nil record error message.

更新5:略微绕行-当我向表单中动态添加一组新字段时,正在创建一个子记录. h-我在子表单区域内拥有添加"链接.之前是这样:

Update 5: Slight detour - When I dynamically added a new set of fields to the form, one one of the child records was being created. Duh - I had the "Add" link inside the child forms area. Here's the before:

<%= f.fields_for :istcs do |istc_form| %> <h4> Istc</h4> <%= istc_form.label "istc name" %> <%= istc_form.text_field :title_title_text %> <%= istc_form.link_to_remove "[-] Remove this istc"%> <%= f.link_to_add "[+] Add an istc", :istcs %> <% end %>


<%= f.fields_for :istcs do |istc_form| %> <h4> Istc</h4> <%= istc_form.label "istc name" %> <%= istc_form.text_field :title_title_text %> <%= istc_form.link_to_remove "[-] Remove this istc"%> <% end %> <%= f.link_to_add "[+] Add an istc", :istcs %>


哦,是的. collection_select无法正常工作.它正在添加新的参与者记录,而不使用参与者模型中的现有记录. 其他人也遇到了这个问题.有任何想法吗?

Oh noes. The collection_select isn't working. It's adding new contributor records, not using an existing one from the contributor model. Someone else had this problem too. Any ideas?



Huzzah! Here's the code which makes all this work. Bit verbose but didn't want to leave anything out. My main learnings:

  • 您需要在父模型中使子属性attr_accessible

  • you need to make the child attributes attr_accessible in the parent model

您需要在联接表模型中使父ID和子ID attr_access可访问

you need to make the parent and child ids attr_accessible in the join table model


it makes life easier if you build at least one child instance in the parent controller.


contributor.rb model

class Contributor < ActiveRecord::Base attr_accessible #nothing relevant has_many :contributors_isbns has_many :isbns, :through => :contributors_isbns


class Isbn < ActiveRecord::Base attr_accessible :contributors_attributes, :contributor_id, :istc_id #etc belongs_to :istc has_many :contributors, :through => :contributors_isbns has_many :contributors_isbns accepts_nested_attributes_for :contributors #if you omit this you get a missing block error


contributors_isbn model

class ContributorsIsbn < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :isbn belongs_to :contributor attr_accessible :isbn_id, :contributor_id


def new @isbn = Isbn.new @title = "Create new ISBN" 1.times {@isbn.contributors.build} end



<td class="main"> <%= nested_form_for @isbn, :validate => false do |f| %> <h1>Create new ISBN</h1> <%= render 'shared/error_messages', :object => f.object %> <%= render 'fields', :f => f %> <div class="actions"> <%= f.submit "Create" %> </div> <% end %>



<%= field_set_tag 'Identifier Details' do %> <li> <%= f.label 'Title prefix' %> <%= f.text_field :descriptivedetail_titledetail_titleelement_titleprefix %> </li> <li> <%= f.label 'Title without prefix' %> <%= f.text_field :descriptivedetail_titledetail_titleelement_titlewithoutprefix %> </li> <li> <%= f.label 'ISTC' %> <%= f.collection_select(:istc_id, Istc.all, :id, :title_title_text, :prompt => true) %> </li> <% end %> <%= field_set_tag 'Contributor' do %> <li> <%= f.label 'Contributor Sequence Number' %> <%= f.text_field :descriptivedetail_contributor_sequencenumber%> </li> <%= f.fields_for :contributors, :validate => false do |contributor_form| %> <li> <%= contributor_form.label :personnameinverted, 'Contributor Name' %> <%= contributor_form.collection_select(:isbn_id, Contributor.all, :id, :personnameinverted ) %> </li> <%= contributor_form.link_to_remove "[-] Remove this contributor"%> <% end %> <%= f.link_to_add "[+] Add a contributor", :contributors %> <li> <%= f.label 'Contributor Role' %> <%= f.text_field :descriptivedetail_contributor_contributorrole %> </li> <% end %>


Rails 3:nested

本文发布于:2023-10-18 03:11:10,感谢您对本站的认可!
本文标签:Rails   nested


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