
编程入门 行业动态 更新时间:2024-10-26 22:21:30
本文介绍了AJAX更新accepts_nested_attributes_for谐音的的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述

我目前的工作环境是Rails的 2.3.8 (各种原因,我公司并没有转移到Rails 3中)。 我试图更新一个多模式的形式要素,通过AJAX调用 - 的想法是更换某些下拉菜单取决于用户如何选择或填写其他领域

我有previously管理使用非基于表单的谐音得到这个工作 - 这个问题我现在已经是重现选择下拉菜单的AJAX更新时,谐音是根据各地的form_for和fields_for

对不起,文字的下面壁 - 我试着剪下来尽可能地(在code本身确实在我的测试现场工作)




类疫情<的ActiveRecord :: Base的         的has_many:事故,:依赖=> :破坏         的has_many:地点:通过=> :事件      accepts_nested_attributes_for:地点:allow_destroy =>如此,:reject_if => :all_blank      accepts_nested_attributes_for:事故,:allow_destroy =>如此,:reject_if => :all_blank 结束 类事件与LT;的ActiveRecord :: Base的     belongs_to的:爆发     belongs_to的:位置     belongs_to的:类     belongs_to的:子类别     belongs_to的:亚型 结束 一流的位置和LT;的ActiveRecord :: Base的     的has_many:事故,:依赖=> :破坏      的has_many:爆发:thorugh =>事故 结束



<%的form_for(@outbreak,:HTML => {:多部分=>真})办|形式| %>   <%=渲染:部分=> outbreak_type_select',:当地人=> {:outbreak_types => @outbreak_types,:F =>形式}%GT;    <%form.fields_for:事件做| incident_form | %>       <%=渲染:部分=> category_select',:当地人=> {:类=> @categories,:incident_form => incident_form}%GT;       <%=渲染:部分=> subcategory_select',:当地人=> {:子类=> @subcategories,:incident_form => incident_form}%GT;    <%结束%GT; <%结束%GT;


<%with_str ='outbreak_type ='+价值%> <%@如果outbreak.id%GT; <%with_str<< +和ID ='+#{outbreak.id}%> <%结束%GT; <%= f.collection_select(:outbreak_type,@outbreak_types,:property_value,:property_value,{},{:的onchange =>中#{remote_function(:URL => {:动作=>中update_select_menus}, :与=> with_str)})%>



<%= incident_form.collection_select(:CATEGORY_ID,@categories,:ID,:姓名,{:提示=>中选择一个类别},{:的onchange =&GT ;#{remote_function(:URL => {:动作=>中update_subcategory}:与=>中CATEGORY_ID ='+价值)})%>


开始     page.replace_htmloutbreak_transmission_div',:部分=> 暴发/ transmission_mode_select',:当地人=> {:transmission_modes => @transmission_modes}    拯救     page.insert_html:底部,'ajax_error','&其中p为H.;错误::传输模式更新选择&所述; / P>'     page.showajax_error    结束    开始     page.replace_htmlincident_category_select',:部分=> 暴发/ category_select',:当地人=> {:类=> @categories}    拯救     page.insert_html:底部,ajax_error','< P>错误::事件类别更新选择< / P>     page.showajax_error    结束



高清新         @outbreak = Outbreak.new         @ outbreak.incidents.build         @ outbreak.locations.build         #just的下拉菜单中的内容         @categories = Category.find(:所有,:条件=> {:outbreak_type =>中食源性}:为了=>中outbreak_type ASC)         @subcategories = Subcategory.find(:所有,:为了=>中CATEGORY_ID ASC)     结束    高清update_select_menus       @outbreak_type = PARAMS [:outbreak_type] .strip       如果PARAMS [:ID]         @outbreak = Outbreak.find(PARAMS [:ID])       其他         @outbreak = Outbreak.new         @ outbreak.incidents.build               @ outbreak.locations.build       结束       如果@outbreak_type ==食源性           ob_type_query =暴发:TRANSMISSION_MODE:<< @outbreak_type           @transmission_modes = Property.find(:所有,:条件=> {:字段=> ob_type_query})           ob_type_query =调查:类别:<< @outbreak_type           @sample_types = Property.find(:所有,:条件=> {:字段=> ob_type_query})           @categories = Category.find(:所有,:条件=> {:outbreak_type =>中食源性})           @subcategories = Subcategory.find(:所有,:条件=> {:CATEGORY_ID => @ categories.first.id})           @subtypes = Subtype.find(:所有,:条件=> {:subcategory_id => @ subcategories.first.id})       ELSIF @outbreak_type ==非食源性           ob_type_query =暴发:TRANSMISSION_MODE:<< @outbreak_type           @transmission_modes = Property.find(:所有,:条件=> {:字段=> ob_type_query})           ob_type_query =调查:类别:<< @outbreak_type           @sample_types = Property.find(:所有,:条件=> {:字段=> ob_type_query})           @categories = Category.find(:所有,:条件=> {:outbreak_type =>中NON-食源性})           @subcategories = Subcategory.find(:所有,:条件=> {:CATEGORY_ID => @ categories.first.id})           @subtypes = Subtype.find(:所有,:条件=> {:subcategory_id => @ subcategories.first.id})      结束      respond_to代码做|格式|           的format.html           format.js       结束   结束




高清update_select_menus       @outbreak_type = PARAMS [:outbreak_type] .strip       #next_child_index将只如果使用       @next_child_index? PARAMS [:next_child_index]:0       如果PARAMS [:ID]         @outbreak = Outbreak.find(PARAMS [:ID])       其他         @outbreak = Outbreak.new         @ outbreak.risks.build         @ outbreak.incidents.build         @ outbreak.locations.build       结束       如果@outbreak_type ==食源性           ob_type_query =暴发:TRANSMISSION_MODE:<< @outbreak_type           @transmission_modes = Property.find(:所有,:条件=> {:字段=> ob_type_query})           ob_type_query =调查:类别:<< @outbreak_type           @sample_types = Property.find(:所有,:条件=> {:字段=> ob_type_query})           @categories = Category.find(:所有,:条件=> {:outbreak_type =>中食源性})           @subcategories = Subcategory.find(:所有,:条件=> {:CATEGORY_ID => @ categories.first.id})           @subtypes = Subtype.find(:所有,:条件=> {:subcategory_id => @ subcategories.first.id})       ELSIF @outbreak_type ==非食源性           ob_type_query =暴发:TRANSMISSION_MODE:<< @outbreak_type           @transmission_modes = Property.find(:所有,:条件=> {:字段=> ob_type_query})           ob_type_query =调查:类别:<< @outbreak_type           @sample_types = Property.find(:所有,:条件=> {:字段=> ob_type_query})           @categories = Category.find(:所有,:条件=> {:outbreak_type =>中NON-食源性})           @subcategories = Subcategory.find(:所有,:条件=> {:CATEGORY_ID => @ categories.first.id})           @subtypes = Subtype.find(:所有,:条件=> {:subcategory_id => @ subcategories.first.id})      结束      @pathogen_types = Property.find(:所有,:条件=> {:字段=>中致病菌:类别})      @outbreak_types = Property.find(:所有,:条件=> {:字段=>中暴发:OUTBREAK_TYPE})      渲染:更新办|首页|          page.replaceoutbreak_transmission_div',:部分=> transmission_mode_select_update          page.replaceincident_category_select',:部分=> incident_category_select_update          page.replaceincident_subcategory_select',:部分=> incident_subcategory_select_update          page.replaceincident_subtype_select',:部分=> incident_subtype_select_update      结束   结束


<%而ActionView ::助手:: FormBuilder.new。(:爆发,@outbreak,@Template,{},PROC {})fields_for:事故,{:CHILD_INDEX = > @next_child_index}做| this_form | %> < D​​IV ID =incident_category_select> <%=渲染:部分=> category_select',:当地人=> {:incident_form => this_form}%GT; < / DIV> <%结束%GT;

的的ActionView ::助手:: FormBuilder用于产生所需fields_for形式 - 该网站文章经过此更详细

将所得的指数是通过其可以被传递给控制器​​由原始AJAX调用(例如@next_child_index = 1 @next_child_index变量设置,然后将所得的表格元件名称将是的爆发[incidents_attributes] [1 ] [CATEGORY_ID] ) - 我没有用过这个在这个例子中,因为虽然在未来,我希望表单支持每个爆发多个位置的初始运行通过它只是接受一个位置 - 事件每个爆发。


<%with_str ='CATEGORY_ID ='+价值%> <%@如果outbreak.id%GT; <%with_str<< +和ID ='+ #{@outbreak.id}%> <%结束%GT; <%= incident_form.collection_select(:CATEGORY_ID,@categories,:ID,:姓名,{:提示=>中选择一个类别},{:的onchange =>中#{remote_function(:URL => { :行动=>中update_subcategory}:与=> with_str)})%>


在必须这样做的简洁的方式 - 尤其是表单助手,并通过可选的字符串传递爆发ID

My current working environment is Rails 2.3.8 (various reasons why my company hasn't moved to Rails 3). I'm trying to update elements of a multi-model form via AJAX calls - the idea being to replace certain dropdowns depending on how the user selects or fills in other fields.

I have previously managed to get this working by using non-form based partials - the problem I have now is to reproduce the AJAX updating of the select dropdowns when the partials are based around form_for and fields_for.

Sorry for the following wall of text - i've tried to cut it down as much as possible (the code itself does work on my test site).

How do I generate the form builder elements in the Outbreak controller and then pass this to the category partial to take the place of incident_form?

Any pointers would be great :D


class Outbreak < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :incidents, :dependent => :destroy has_many :locations, :through => :incidents accepts_nested_attributes_for :locations, :allow_destroy => true, :reject_if => :all_blank accepts_nested_attributes_for :incidents, :allow_destroy => true, :reject_if => :all_blank end class Incident < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :outbreak belongs_to :location belongs_to :category belongs_to :subcategory belongs_to :subtype end class Location < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :incidents, :dependent => :destroy has_many :outbreaks, :thorugh => incidents end



<% form_for(@outbreak, :html => {:multipart => true}) do |form| %> <%= render :partial => 'outbreak_type_select', :locals => {:outbreak_types => @outbreak_types, :f => form } %> <% form.fields_for :incidents do |incident_form| %> <%= render :partial => 'category_select', :locals => {:categories => @categories, :incident_form => incident_form} %> <%= render :partial => 'subcategory_select', :locals => { :subcategories => @subcategories, :incident_form => incident_form } %> <% end %> <% end %>


<% with_str = "'outbreak_type=' + value " %> <% if @outbreak.id %> <% with_str << "+ '&id=' + #{outbreak.id}" %> <% end %> <%= f.collection_select(:outbreak_type, @outbreak_types, :property_value, :property_value, {}, {:onchange => "#{remote_function(:url => { :action => "update_select_menus"}, :with => with_str)}"} ) %>


After calling update_select_menus how to generate the incident_form

<%= incident_form.collection_select( :category_id, @categories, :id, :name, {:prompt => "Select a category"}, {:onchange => "#{remote_function(:url => { :action => "update_subcategory"}, :with => "'category_id='+value")}"}) %>


begin page.replace_html 'outbreak_transmission_div', :partial => 'outbreaks/transmission_mode_select', :locals => {:transmission_modes => @transmission_modes } rescue page.insert_html :bottom, 'ajax_error', '<p>Error :: transmission modes update select</p>' page.show 'ajax_error' end begin page.replace_html 'incident_category_select', :partial => 'outbreaks/category_select', :locals => { :categories => @categories } rescue page.insert_html :bottom, 'ajax_error', '<p>Error :: incident category update select</p>' page.show 'ajax_error' end



def new @outbreak = Outbreak.new @outbreak.incidents.build @outbreak.locations.build #just the contents for the dropdowns @categories = Category.find(:all, :conditions => {:outbreak_type => "FOODBORNE"}, :order => "outbreak_type ASC") @subcategories = Subcategory.find(:all, :order => "category_id ASC") end def update_select_menus @outbreak_type = params[:outbreak_type].strip if params[:id] @outbreak = Outbreak.find(params[:id]) else @outbreak = Outbreak.new @outbreak.incidents.build @outbreak.locations.build end if @outbreak_type == "FOODBORNE" ob_type_query = "OUTBREAKS:TRANSMISSION_MODE:" << @outbreak_type @transmission_modes = Property.find(:all, :conditions => {:field => ob_type_query}) ob_type_query = "INVESTIGATIONS:CATEGORY:" << @outbreak_type @sample_types = Property.find(:all, :conditions => {:field => ob_type_query}) @categories = Category.find(:all, :conditions => { :outbreak_type => "FOODBORNE"}) @subcategories = Subcategory.find(:all, :conditions => { :category_id => @categories.first.id}) @subtypes = Subtype.find(:all, :conditions => { :subcategory_id => @subcategories.first.id}) elsif @outbreak_type == "NON-FOODBORNE" ob_type_query = "OUTBREAKS:TRANSMISSION_MODE:" << @outbreak_type @transmission_modes = Property.find(:all, :conditions => {:field => ob_type_query}) ob_type_query = "INVESTIGATIONS:CATEGORY:" << @outbreak_type @sample_types = Property.find(:all, :conditions => {:field => ob_type_query}) @categories = Category.find(:all, :conditions => { :outbreak_type => "NON-FOODBORNE"}) @subcategories = Subcategory.find(:all, :conditions => { :category_id => @categories.first.id}) @subtypes = Subtype.find(:all, :conditions => { :subcategory_id => @subcategories.first.id}) end respond_to do |format| format.html format.js end end


Found a work around based on www.treibstofff.de/2009/07/12/ruby-on-rails-23-nested-attributes-with-ajax-support/

This should probably go in Outbreak helper (in Outbreak controller atm)

def update_select_menus @outbreak_type = params[:outbreak_type].strip #next_child_index will only be used if @next_child_index ? params[:next_child_index] : 0 if params[:id] @outbreak = Outbreak.find(params[:id]) else @outbreak = Outbreak.new @outbreak.risks.build @outbreak.incidents.build @outbreak.locations.build end if @outbreak_type == "FOODBORNE" ob_type_query = "OUTBREAKS:TRANSMISSION_MODE:" << @outbreak_type @transmission_modes = Property.find(:all, :conditions => {:field => ob_type_query}) ob_type_query = "INVESTIGATIONS:CATEGORY:" << @outbreak_type @sample_types = Property.find(:all, :conditions => {:field => ob_type_query}) @categories = Category.find(:all, :conditions => { :outbreak_type => "FOODBORNE"}) @subcategories = Subcategory.find(:all, :conditions => { :category_id => @categories.first.id}) @subtypes = Subtype.find(:all, :conditions => { :subcategory_id => @subcategories.first.id}) elsif @outbreak_type == "NON-FOODBORNE" ob_type_query = "OUTBREAKS:TRANSMISSION_MODE:" << @outbreak_type @transmission_modes = Property.find(:all, :conditions => {:field => ob_type_query}) ob_type_query = "INVESTIGATIONS:CATEGORY:" << @outbreak_type @sample_types = Property.find(:all, :conditions => {:field => ob_type_query}) @categories = Category.find(:all, :conditions => { :outbreak_type => "NON-FOODBORNE"}) @subcategories = Subcategory.find(:all, :conditions => { :category_id => @categories.first.id}) @subtypes = Subtype.find(:all, :conditions => { :subcategory_id => @subcategories.first.id}) end @pathogen_types = Property.find(:all, :conditions => {:field => "PATHOGENS:CATEGORY"}) @outbreak_types = Property.find(:all, :conditions => {:field => "OUTBREAKS:OUTBREAK_TYPE"} ) render :update do |page| page.replace 'outbreak_transmission_div', :partial => 'transmission_mode_select_update' page.replace 'incident_category_select', :partial => 'incident_category_select_update' page.replace 'incident_subcategory_select', :partial => 'incident_subcategory_select_update' page.replace 'incident_subtype_select', :partial => 'incident_subtype_select_update' end end

In the Outbreak view (although since this partial is related to Incident it should probably go in that view instead)

<% ActionView::Helpers::FormBuilder.new(:outbreak, @outbreak, @template, {}, proc{}).fields_for :incidents,{:child_index => @next_child_index} do |this_form| %> <div id="incident_category_select"> <%= render :partial => 'category_select', :locals => {:incident_form => this_form } %> </div> <% end %>

The ActionView::Helpers::FormBuilder is used to produce the required fields_for form - The website article goes through this in more detail.

The resulting index is set by the @next_child_index variable which can be passed to the controller by the original AJAX call (for example @next_child_index = 1, then the resulting form element name will be outbreak [incidents_attributes] [1] [category_id] ) - I haven't used this in this example because although in future I want the form to support more than one location per Outbreak for this initial run-through it will just accept a single Location - Incident per Outbreak.

_category_select.erb partial (in Outbreak view atm)

<% with_str = "'category_id=' + value " %> <% if @outbreak.id %> <% with_str << "+ '&id=' + #{@outbreak.id}" %> <% end %> <%= incident_form.collection_select( :category_id, @categories, :id, :name, {:prompt => "Select a category"}, {:onchange => "#{remote_function(:url => { :action => "update_subcategory"}, :with => with_str)}"}) %>

The with_str is just to optionally pass the Outbreak id if it exists to the controller to find the Outbreak record to produce the form and if not to build a new Outbreak and associated nested attributes like Incidents and Locations.

The must be neater ways of doing this - especially the FormHelper and passing the Outbreak id via the optional with string.



本文发布于:2023-10-18 03:10:29,感谢您对本站的认可!
本文标签:AJAX   accepts


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