
编程入门 行业动态 更新时间:2024-10-28 12:16:17
本文介绍了非聚集索引在堆上的性能与聚集索引的性能的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述

这份2007年白皮书比较了单个select/insert的性能/delete/update和range select语句在作为聚簇索引组织的表上与在与CI表相同的键列上具有非聚簇索引的堆组织的表上相比.

This 2007 White Paper compares the performance for individual select/insert/delete/update and range select statements on a table organized as a clustered index vs that on a table organized as a heap with a non clustered index on the same key columns as the CI table.


Generally the clustered index option performed better in the tests as there is only one structure to maintain and because there is no need for bookmark lookups.

本文未涉及的一个潜在有趣案例是将堆上的非聚簇索引与聚簇索引上的非聚簇索引进行比较.在那种情况下,我希望堆甚至可以在NCI叶级别上表现更好,因为SQL Server具有直接遵循的RID,而不需要遍历聚集索引.

One potentially interesting case not covered by the paper would have been a comparison between a non clustered index on a heap vs a non clustered index on a clustered index. In that instance I would have expected the heap might even perform better as once at the NCI leaf level SQL Server has a RID to follow directly rather than needing to traverse the clustered index.


Is anyone aware of similar formal testing that has been carried out in this area and if so what were the results?



To check your request I created 2 tables following this scheme:

  • 790万条记录.
  • 从1到790万的身份字段
  • 一个数字字段,将记录分为约50万个组.
  • 7.9 million records representing balance information.
  • an identity field counting from 1 to 7.9 million
  • a number field grouping the records in about 500k groups.


The first table called heap got a non clustered index on the field group. The second table called clust got a clustered index on the sequential field called key and a nonclustered index on the field group

测试在具有2个超线程内核,4Gb内存和64位Windows 7的I5 M540处理器上运行.

The tests were run on an I5 M540 processor with 2 hyperthreaded cores, 4Gb memory and 64-bit windows 7.

Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 (RTM) - 10.50.1600.1 (X64) Apr 2 2010 15:48:46 Developer Edition (64-bit) on Windows NT 6.1 <X64> (Build 7601: Service Pack 1)

2011年3月9日更新:我通过运行以下代码并在Sql Server Profiler中记录了持续时间,CPU,读取,写入和行计数,做了第二次更广泛的基准测试. (使用的CommandText将在结果中提及.)

Update on 9 Mar 2011: I did a second more extensive benchmark by running the following code and logging Duration, CPU, Reads, Writes and RowCounts in Sql Server Profiler. (The CommandText used will be mentioned in the results.)

注意: CPU和持续时间以毫秒为单位

NOTE: CPU and Duration are expressed in milliseconds

  • 1000个查询
  • 从结果中消除
  • 零CPU查询
  • 从结果中删除
  • 0条受影响的行
  • 1000 queries
  • zero CPU queries are eliminated from the results
  • 0 rows affected are eliminated from the results

int[] idList = new int[] { 6816588, 7086702, 6498815 ... }; // 1000 values here. using (var conn = new SqlConnection(@"Data Source=myserver;Initial Catalog=mydb;Integrated Security=SSPI;")) { conn.Open(); using (var cmd = new SqlCommand()) { cmd.Connection = conn; cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; cmd.CommandText = "select * from heap where common_key between @id and @id+1000"; cmd.Parameters.Add("@id", SqlDbType.Int); cmd.Prepare(); foreach (int id in idList) { cmd.Parameters[0].Value = id; using (var reader = cmd.ExecuteReader()) { int count = 0; while (reader.Read()) { count++; } Console.WriteLine(String.Format("key: {0} => {1} rows", id, count)); } } } }




SELECT performance

To check performanc numbers I performed the following queries once on the heap table and once on the clust table:

select * from heap/clust where group between 5678910 and 5679410 select * from heap/clust where group between 6234567 and 6234967 select * from heap/clust where group between 6455429 and 6455729 select * from heap/clust where group between 6655429 and 6655729 select * from heap/clust where group between 6955429 and 6955729 select * from heap/clust where group between 7195542 and 7155729


rows reads CPU Elapsed ----- ----- ----- -------- 1503 1510 31ms 309ms 401 405 15ms 283ms 2700 2709 0ms 472ms 0 3 0ms 30ms 2953 2962 32ms 257ms 0 0 0ms 0ms

2011年3月9日更新: cmd.CommandText = "select * from heap where group between @id and @id+1000";

  • 721行的CPU> 0,并且影响超过0行

Counter Minimum Maximum Average Weighted --------- ------- ---------- ------- --------- RowCounts 1001 69788 6368 - Cpu 15 374 37 0.00754 Reads 1069 91459 7682 1.20155 Writes 0 0 0 0.00000 Duration 0.3716 282.4850 10.3672 0.00180



for the table clust the results are:

rows reads CPU Elapsed ----- ----- ----- -------- 1503 4827 31ms 327ms 401 1241 0ms 242ms 2700 8372 0ms 410ms 0 3 0ms 0ms 2953 9060 47ms 213ms 0 0 0ms 0ms

2011年3月9日更新: cmd.CommandText = "select * from clust where group between @id and @id+1000";

  • 721行的CPU> 0,并且影响超过0行

Counter Minimum Maximum Average Weighted --------- ------- ---------- ------- --------- RowCounts 1001 69788 6056 - Cpu 15 468 38 0.00782 Reads 3194 227018 20457 3.37618 Writes 0 0 0 0.0 Duration 0.3949 159.6223 11.5699 0.00214



cmd.CommandText = "select * from heap/clust h join keys k on h.group = k.group where h.group between @id and @id+1000";

SELECT WITH JOIN performance

cmd.CommandText = "select * from heap/clust h join keys k on h.group = k.group where h.group between @id and @id+1000";


The results of this benchmark are for the heap:

873行的CPU> 0,并且影响超过0行

873 Rows have > 0 CPU and affect more than 0 rows

Counter Minimum Maximum Average Weighted --------- ------- ---------- ------- --------- RowCounts 1009 4170 1683 - Cpu 15 47 18 0.01175 Reads 2145 5518 2867 1.79246 Writes 0 0 0 0.00000 Duration 0.8215 131.9583 1.9095 0.00123


865行具有> 0 CPU,并且影响超过0行

865 Rows have > 0 CPU and affect more than 0 rows

Counter Minimum Maximum Average Weighted --------- ------- ---------- ------- --------- RowCounts 1000 4143 1685 - Cpu 15 47 18 0.01193 Reads 5320 18690 8237 4.97813 Writes 0 0 0 0.00000 Duration 0.9699 20.3217 1.7934 0.00109



UPDATE performance

The second batch of queries are update statements:

update heap/clust set amount = amount + 0 where group between 5678910 and 5679410 update heap/clust set amount = amount + 0 where group between 6234567 and 6234967 update heap/clust set amount = amount + 0 where group between 6455429 and 6455729 update heap/clust set amount = amount + 0 where group between 6655429 and 6655729 update heap/clust set amount = amount + 0 where group between 6955429 and 6955729 update heap/clust set amount = amount + 0 where group between 7195542 and 7155729


rows reads CPU Elapsed ----- ----- ----- -------- 1503 3013 31ms 175ms 401 806 0ms 22ms 2700 5409 47ms 100ms 0 3 0ms 0ms 2953 5915 31ms 88ms 0 0 0ms 0ms

2011年3月9日更新: cmd.CommandText = "update heap set amount = amount + @id where group between @id and @id+1000";

  • 811行的CPU> 0,并且影响超过0行

Counter Minimum Maximum Average Weighted --------- ------- ---------- ------- --------- RowCounts 1001 69788 5598 811 Cpu 15 873 56 0.01199 Reads 2080 167593 11809 2.11217 Writes 0 1687 121 0.02170 Duration 0.6705 514.5347 17.2041 0.00344



the results of this benchmark for the clust:

rows reads CPU Elapsed ----- ----- ----- -------- 1503 9126 16ms 35ms 401 2444 0ms 4ms 2700 16385 31ms 54ms 0 3 0ms 0ms 2953 17919 31ms 35ms 0 0 0ms 0ms

2011年3月9日更新: cmd.CommandText = "update clust set amount = amount + @id where group between @id and @id+1000";

  • 853行具有> 0 CPU,影响多于0行

Counter Minimum Maximum Average Weighted --------- ------- ---------- ------- --------- RowCounts 1001 69788 5420 - Cpu 15 594 50 0.01073 Reads 6226 432237 33597 6.20450 Writes 0 1730 110 0.01971 Duration 0.9134 193.7685 8.2919 0.00155




DELETE benchmarks

the third batch of queries I ran are delete statements

delete heap/clust where group between 5678910 and 5679410 delete heap/clust where group between 6234567 and 6234967 delete heap/clust where group between 6455429 and 6455729 delete heap/clust where group between 6655429 and 6655729 delete heap/clust where group between 6955429 and 6955729 delete heap/clust where group between 7195542 and 7155729


The result of this benchmark for the heap:

rows reads CPU Elapsed ----- ----- ----- -------- 1503 10630 62ms 179ms 401 2838 0ms 26ms 2700 19077 47ms 87ms 0 4 0ms 0ms 2953 20865 62ms 196ms 0 4 0ms 9ms

2011年3月9日更新: cmd.CommandText = "delete heap where group between @id and @id+1000";

  • 724行具有> 0 CPU,影响多于0行

Counter Minimum Maximum Average Weighted --------- ------- ---------- ------- --------- RowCounts 192 69788 4781 - Cpu 15 499 45 0.01247 Reads 841 307958 20987 4.37880 Writes 2 1819 127 0.02648 Duration 0.3775 1534.3383 17.2412 0.00349



the result of this benchmark for the clust:

rows reads CPU Elapsed ----- ----- ----- -------- 1503 9228 16ms 55ms 401 3681 0ms 50ms 2700 24644 46ms 79ms 0 3 0ms 0ms 2953 26955 47ms 92ms 0 3 0ms 0ms


cmd.CommandText = "delete clust where group between @id and @id+1000";

  • 751行具有> 0 CPU,影响多于0行

Counter Minimum Maximum Average Weighted --------- ------- ---------- ------- --------- RowCounts 144 69788 4648 - Cpu 15 764 56 0.01538 Reads 989 458467 30207 6.48490 Writes 2 1830 127 0.02694 Duration 0.2938 2512.1968 24.3714 0.00555




INSERT benchmarks

The last part of the benchmark is the execution of insert statements.

插入堆/集群(...) 值(...), (...), (...), (...), (...), (...)

insert into heap/clust (...) values (...), (...), (...), (...), (...), (...)


rows reads CPU Elapsed ----- ----- ----- -------- 6 38 0ms 31ms


string str = @"insert into heap (group, currency, year, period, domain_id, mtdAmount, mtdAmount, ytdAmount, amount, ytd_restated, restated, auditDate, auditUser) values"; for (int x = 0; x < 999; x++) { str += string.Format(@"(@id + {0}, 'EUR', 2012, 2, 0, 100, 100, 1000 + @id,1000, 1000,1000, current_timestamp, 'test'), ", x); } str += string.Format(@"(@id, 'CAD', 2012, 2, 0, 100, 100, 1000 + @id,1000, 1000,1000, current_timestamp, 'test') ", 1000); cmd.CommandText = str;

  • 912个语句具有> 0个CPU
    • 912 statements have > 0 CPU
    • Counter Minimum Maximum Average Weighted --------- ------- ---------- ------- --------- RowCounts 1000 1000 1000 - Cpu 15 2138 25 0.02500 Reads 5212 7069 6328 6.32837 Writes 16 34 22 0.02222 Duration 1.6336 293.2132 4.4009 0.00440



      The result of this benchmark for the clust:

      rows reads CPU Elapsed ----- ----- ----- -------- 6 50 0ms 18ms


      string str = @"insert into clust (group, currency, year, period, domain_id, mtdAmount, mtdAmount, ytdAmount, amount, ytd_restated, restated, auditDate, auditUser) values"; for (int x = 0; x < 999; x++) { str += string.Format(@"(@id + {0}, 'EUR', 2012, 2, 0, 100, 100, 1000 + @id,1000, 1000,1000, current_timestamp, 'test'), ", x); } str += string.Format(@"(@id, 'CAD', 2012, 2, 0, 100, 100, 1000 + @id,1000, 1000,1000, current_timestamp, 'test') ", 1000); cmd.CommandText = str;

      • 946个语句具有> 0个CPU
        • 946 statements have > 0 CPU
        • Counter Minimum Maximum Average Weighted --------- ------- ---------- ------- --------- RowCounts 1000 1000 1000 - Cpu 15 2403 21 0.02157 Reads 6810 8997 8412 8.41223 Writes 16 25 19 0.01942 Duration 1.5375 268.2571 6.1463 0.00614





          Although there are more logical reads going on when accessing the table with the clustered & the nonclustered index (while using the nonclustered index) the performance results are:

          • SELECT语句具有可比性
          • 在具有聚集索引的情况下,UPDATE语句更快
          • 有了聚集索引,DELETE语句会更快
          • 在具有聚集索引的情况下,INSERT语句更快


          Of course my benchmark was very limited on a specific kind of table and with a very limited set of queries, but I think that based on this information we can already start saying that it is virtually always better to create a clustered index on your table.



          As we can see from the added results, the conclusions on the limited tests were not correct in every case.


          The results now indicate that the only statements which benefit from the clustered index are the update statements. The other statements are about 30% slower on the table with clustered index.


          Some additional charts where I plotted the weighted duration per query for heap vs clust.


          As you can see the performance profile for the insert statements is quite interesting. The spikes are caused by a few data points which take a lot longer to complete.




本文发布于:2023-10-15 02:18:59,感谢您对本站的认可!
本文标签:索引   性能


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