
编程入门 行业动态 更新时间:2024-10-25 13:29:33
本文介绍了在Matlab中检查时间戳记间隔的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述

我只是想知道是否有一种方法可以比较许多时间戳,以查看是否缺少任何时间戳. 目前,我每年要看365天,每天要读取48个读数. (在Excel文档中)因此我需要分析17000多点. 目前,时间戳记的格式为:

I was just wondering if there is a way to compare many time stamps to see if any are missing. At the moment I am looking at 365 days of the year, with everyday 48 readings being taken. (In an excel document) therefore I have over 17000 points to analyse. At the moment the format of the timestamps are:

1/01/2011 12:30 AM 1/01/2011 1:00 AM 1/01/2011 1:30 AM 1/01/2011 2:00 AM 1/01/2011 2:30 AM


I need to go through and see if any values are missing every 30min. I have thought of using



and then trying to compare it, and throw an error when it does not follow the trend and return the previous value. But I am not sure.


Any help would be appreciated!



You can use datenum and put in one of those exact date-formatted strings that are in the example that you have provided. If you have time intervals of half an hour, then the difference between successive datenum calls should yield the same difference. For example, let's place your dates into a cell array like so:

C = {'1/01/2011 12:30 AM', '1/01/2011 1:00 AM', '1/01/2011 1:30 AM', '1/01/2011 2:00 AM', '1/01/2011 2:30 AM'};

我们可以使用 diff 来区分连续元素之间的区别.给定数组中的第i个 元素,diff的工作原理,给定输入值x_i的情况下y_i处向量的输出为:

We can take the difference between successive elements using diff. How diff works, given the ith element in an array, the output for the vector at y_i given the input value x_i is:

y_i = x_{i+1} - x_i


Therefore, this will return a vector that has its length as one less than the original. We are basically considering elements from the second element of your dates onwards. As such, applying diff to datenum for every element in this cell array, we get:

format long diffs = diff(datenum(C)) diffs = 0.020833333255723 0.020833333372138 0.020833333372138 0.020833333255723


The first 7 significant digits or so matters. The rest of the digits are due to some precision differences, but let's shelve that for now. As such, you need to check to see if each element in the difference is about 0.0208333. If it isn't, then you're missing an interval. Let's try fudging a few of the times:

C = {'1/01/2011 12:30 AM', '1/01/2011 1:30 AM', '1/01/2011 2:30 AM', '1/01/2011 3:00 AM', '1/01/2011 4:30 AM'}; format long diffs = diff(datenum(C)) diffs = 0.041666666627862 0.041666666627862 0.020833333372138 0.062500000000000


Therefore, for the second, third and last element of C, we are missing measurements at the half an hour interval. Specifically, I'm assuming that your units are in times of half an hour. As such, the smallest possible jump between missing measurements is an hour, and that's a jump between 0.0208 and 0.0416, so that's about a difference of 0.02. As such, we need to find locations in this array where it's bigger than 0.0416. To be safe, let's set this to 0.03. As such, if you want to do this programatically, you could do this:

diffs = diff(datenum(C)); locs = find(diffs > 0.03) + 1;

find 找出矩阵/数组中的位置满足特定的布尔条件.在这种情况下,我们要查找差异为> 0.03的位置.我们也用1抵消了,因为我们正在像前面讨论的那样看第二个元素.通过对修改后的C数组执行此操作,我们得到:

find figures out the locations in a matrix / array which satisfies a particular Boolean condition. In this case, we want to find locations whose differences are > 0.03. We also offset by 1 because we are looking at the second element like we talked about before. By doing this with our modified C array, we get:

locs = 2 3 5


This tells us that at locations 2, 3 and 5 for our modified dates array (C), we are missing measurements at the half hour mark.


To double check for our first example, if we applied this on the first example when there are no skips, we get the empty array as expected:

locs = []


As a little bonus, we can display at which locations there is an interval missing. Specifically:

missingTimes = C(locs)


For our fudged time example, we get:

missingTimes = '1/01/2011 1:30 AM' '1/01/2011 2:30 AM' '1/01/2011 4:30 AM'




From our conversation in the comments back, this messes up as soon as you have a date with no time and just the date. Specifically, when you call datenum with at least one of these in the cell array, we won't get floating point precision anymore. We will only get whole numbers (for some odd reason... and I can't figure out why. I should probably make a StackOverflow post about this). In other words, if we did:

C = {'1/01/2011', '1/01/2011 12:30 AM', '1/01/2011 1:30 AM', '1/01/2011 2:30 AM', '1/01/2011 3:00 AM', '1/01/2011 4:30 AM'};




ans = 0 0 0 0 0


To get around this, I had to implement my own version of diff, and access the elements in the dates array individually. Therefore, do this instead:

format long; diffs = arrayfun(@(x) datenum(C{x}) - datenum(C{x-1}), (2:numel(C)).');

我使用了 arrayfun ,并且指定了一个输入数组从2到C中的所有元素.对于输出中的每个元素,我们采用第i+1个元素的datenum表示形式,并将其从第i个元素中减去.这本质上是手动实现diff操作,并且当您包含没有时间的日期时,可以逃避轻微的错误.老实说,我不知道为什么要删除所有数字后的所有小数点.....但是现在可以使用.

I used arrayfun and I specify an input array that goes from 2 up to as many elements as we have in C. For each element in our output, we take the datenum representation of the i+1th element and subtract this from our ith element. This essentially implements the diff operation manually, and escapes the slight bug when you include a date with no time on it. I honestly have no idea why all of the decimal points after the whole numbers get removed.... but this works for now.


diffs = 0.020833333372138 0.041666666627862 0.041666666627862 0.020833333372138 0.062500000000000


看来您仍然遇到麻烦.我要提出的另一个建议是找到那些缺少时间戳的时间.然后,我们将找到这些条目并手动放置12:00 AM时间戳.因此,我们可以使用正则表达式通过 regexp .正则表达式尝试查找字符串中模式出现的位置.这样,我们要做的是找到那些不最后包含时间戳的模式,然后使用一些其他代码将时间戳插入其中.让我们来看一个玩具示例:

Edit #2

It looks like you're still getting trouble. Another suggestion that I would make is to find those times that are missing the 12:00 AM time stamp. We would then find these entries and place the 12:00 AM time stamp manually. As such, we can use regular expressions to do that through regexp. Regular expressions try and find where patterns occur in strings. As such, what we're going to do find those patterns that don't contain the time stamp at the end, then use some additional code to insert this time stamp in. Let's consider a toy example:

C = {'1/01/2011', '1/01/2011 12:30 AM', '1/01/2011 1:30 AM', '1/01/2011 2:30 AM', '1/01/2011 3:00 AM', '1/01/2011 4:30 AM', '1/02/2011', '1/02/2011 12:30 AM', '1/02/2011 1:30 AM', '1/02/2011 2:30 AM', '1/02/2011 3:00 AM', '1/02/2011 4:30 AM', '1/03/2011', '1/03/2011 12:30 AM', '1/03/2011 1:30 AM', '1/03/2011 2:30 AM', '1/03/2011 3:00 AM', '1/03/2011 4:30 AM'};

在这里,我们有各种日期和时间,其中有些缺少12:00 AM时间戳.因此,这是我要在以下位置插入时间戳的方法:

Here we have various dates and times, with some missing the 12:00 AM time stamp. As such, here's how I am going to insert the time stamps in:

missingTimeStampsLocs = cellfun(@(x) isempty(regexp(x,'[0-9]{1,2}\/[0-9]{2}\/[0-9]{4} [0-9]{1,2}:[0-9]{2} [AaPp][Mm]')), C); missingTimeStamps = C(missingTimeStampsLocs); filledInTimeStamps = cellfun(@(x) [x ' 12:00 AM'], missingTimeStamps, 'uni', 0); C(missingTimeStampsLocs) = filledInTimeStamps;

这看起来有些令人生畏的代码,但可以肯定地解释.让我们从第一行代码开始.首先,我们调用regexp,其中包含要查看的字符串,然后第二个参数用于描述您要查找的 pattern .我要做的是按照以下格式查找所有日期:

This looks like some intimidating piece of code, but can certainly be explained. Let's start with the first line of code. First, we call regexp where it takes in a string we want to look at and then the second parameter is for describing the pattern you are looking for. What I have to do here is I am going to look for all dates that following the following format:

#/##/#### ##:## xx OR ##/##/#### ##:## xx


# denote a number and x denotes a character. We are going to search for all dates that follow this exact format. Any dates that don't follow this format we are going to flag and that means they are missing timestamps. Take a look at this statement:

regexp(x,'[0-9]{1,2}\/[0-9]{2}\/[0-9]{4} [0-9]{1,2}:[0-9]{2} [AaPp][Mm]')


What this is saying is that for a string x, we are going to look for a string that starts with 1 or 2 numbers, followed by a /, followed by exactly 2 numbers, followed by a /, followed by exactly 4 numbers, followed by a space, then we will look for either 1 or 2 numbers, followed by a :, then exactly 2 numbers, followed by a space, then either AM or PM and is case-insensitive. This means that the AM or PM can be either upper or lower case.

从regexp返回的内容是您的字符串中找到该字符串的位置.在我们的情况下,它将返回1表示我们在字符串的开始处找到了该字符串,或者返回 empty ,这意味着我们没有找到这样的字符串.如果regexp返回空,则该日期缺少时间戳.这就是为什么我用 isempty 包裹此呼叫以进行查看的原因如果regexp返回空.然后,我使用 cellfun 封装此调用,以便我们可以迭代日期单元格数组中的所有元素.输出(存储在missingTimeStampsLocs中)将包含一个布尔数组,其中1表示缺少时间戳,而0表示没有时间戳.

What will be returned from regexp are the locations in your string where this string is found. In our case, it will either return 1 meaning that we have found this string at the starting of it, or empty which means that we have not found such a string. If regexp returns empty, then this date has a missing timestamp. This is why I wrapped this call with isempty to check to see if regexp returns empty. I then wrap this call using cellfun so that we can iterate over all elements in our date cell array. The output (stored in missingTimeStampsLocs) will contain a Boolean array where 1 denotes that the timestamp is missing, and 0 denotes that it isn't missing.

然后,下一行代码从原始单元格数组中提取那些缺少日期的日期.然后,我再运行一次cellfun遍历这些单元格,然后在提取的单元格数组中每个字符串的末尾连接12:00 AM时间戳.请注意,我还指定了两个附加参数('uni'和0),因为输出不再是单个值,而是一个字符串.这些字符串将放置在单元格数组中,这是完美的,因为无论如何它们都是从单元格数组中提取的.我们不必在第一个cellfun调用中指定它,因为输出是单个值-在这种情况下,它是0或1的布尔值.完成后,我们将那些缺少时间戳的日期替换为我们刚刚用12:00 AM时间戳填充的日期.这将覆盖到C中.这样,通过使用我们的C运行上述代码,我们将获得:

The next line of code then extracts from the original cell array those dates that have missing dates. I then run cellfun one more time to iterate through these cells, and we then concatenate the 12:00 AM timestamp at the end of each string in this extracted cell array. Note that I also specify two additional parameters ('uni' and 0) because the output is no longer a single value, but a string instead. These strings will be placed inside a cell array, which is perfect because they were extract from a cell array anyway. We didn't have to specify this in the first cellfun call as the output is a single value - in that case, it was a Boolean value of 0 or 1. Once we are done, we then replace those dates that have the missing timestamps with those that we just filled in with the 12:00 AM time stamp. This gets overwritten into C. As such, by running the above code with our C, this is what we get:

C = '1/01/2011 12:00 AM' '1/01/2011 12:30 AM' '1/01/2011 1:30 AM' '1/01/2011 2:30 AM' '1/01/2011 3:00 AM' '1/01/2011 4:30 AM' '1/02/2011 12:00 AM' '1/02/2011 12:30 AM' '1/02/2011 1:30 AM' '1/02/2011 2:30 AM' '1/02/2011 3:00 AM' '1/02/2011 4:30 AM' '1/03/2011 12:00 AM' '1/03/2011 12:30 AM' '1/03/2011 1:30 AM' '1/03/2011 2:30 AM' '1/03/2011 3:00 AM' '1/03/2011 4:30 AM'


We can then run this through our detection code and see which dates are jumping by a half an hour.

diffs = diff(datenum(C)); locs = find(diffs > 0.03) + 1; missingTimes = C(locs)


missingTimes = '1/01/2011 1:30 AM' '1/01/2011 2:30 AM' '1/01/2011 4:30 AM' '1/02/2011 12:00 AM' '1/02/2011 1:30 AM' '1/02/2011 2:30 AM' '1/02/2011 4:30 AM' '1/03/2011 12:00 AM' '1/03/2011 1:30 AM' '1/03/2011 2:30 AM' '1/03/2011 4:30 AM'

我真的希望这是我最后一次解决这个问题(LOL),因为我很确定我已经涵盖了所有意外情况.我还假设您的日期是以特定的格式设置的,我希望这可以解决您的问题.我们也不需要使用我们编写的自定义diff函数,因为我现在正在完成您的日期以在其上贴上12:00 AM时间戳.

I really hope this is the last time I work on this problem (LOL), as I'm quite sure I've covered all contingencies. I'm also assuming that your dates are formatted in a specific way, and I'm hoping this will solve your problem. We also don't need to use our custom diff function that we wrote, as I am now completing your dates to have the 12:00 AM timestamp on it.




本文发布于:2023-10-13 09:44:04,感谢您对本站的认可!
本文标签:戳记   间隔   时间   Matlab


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