
编程入门 行业动态 更新时间:2024-10-28 00:15:28
本文介绍了将错误的记录信息发布到表的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述


While looping through my customer table and posting latitude and longitude values based on an address, the first set of lat/lng values are posting to records number 1 and 2, and then subsequently every record thereafter is off by one. When I step through in Debug mode I see that the values for the first record are still there on my second iteration. After that, it corrects itself, but every records values are for the address or record above it. Why?


procedure TViewMaps.StartBtnClick(Sender: TObject); var iRecs, i : Integer; Location : TLocation; begin ViewMaps := TViewMaps.create(self, MapAddress); Customer.Open; iRecs:= Customer.RecordCount; i := 0; While Not Customer.EOF do begin i := i + 1; Customer.Edit; MapAddress := CustomerSAddress1.AsString + ' ' + CustomerSAddress2.AsString + ' ' + CustomerSAddress3.AsString + ' ' + CustomerSAddress4.AsString + ', ' + CustomerSCity.AsString + ', ' + CustomerSState.AsString + ' ' + CustomerSZip.AsString; fAddress := StringReplace(StringReplace(Trim(MapAddress), #13, ' ', [rfReplaceAll]), #10, ' ', [rfReplaceAll]); Location := GetGeoCode(fAddress); Customerlat.AsString := Location.Lat; Customerlng.AsString := Location.Lng; StatusBar1.SimpleText:= 'Update Geocode for address ' + ' [Count ' + IntToStr(i) + ' of ' + IntToStr(iRecs) + ']'; Sleep(3000); StatusBar1.Refresh; Customer.Next; end; end;


Okay, I modified the code based on your suggestion (not sure I'm doing it the right way), but I'm getting the exact same result. This program is just a run once application to populate the lat/lng values to our database, and the delay is because I was running into a Google query limit and the app was posting to the database before the results were back from Google, so I had to slow it down.


procedure TViewMaps.StartBtnClick(Sender: TObject); begin Customer.Open; iRecCount:= Customer.RecordCount; iCurRec := 0; Customer.First; if Not Customer.EOF then Timer1.Enabled := True; end; procedure TViewMaps.OnTimer(Sender: TObject); begin iCurRec := iCurRec + 1; //ShowMessage('I am here and iCurRec = ' + inttostr(iCurRec)); Customer.Edit; // Load full customer address into MapAddress MapAddress := CustomerSAddress1.AsString + ' ' + CustomerSAddress2.AsString + ' ' + CustomerSAddress3.AsString + ' ' + CustomerSAddress4.AsString + ', ' + CustomerSCity.AsString + ', ' + CustomerSState.AsString + ' ' + CustomerSZip.AsString; fAddress := StringReplace(StringReplace(Trim(MapAddress), #13, ' ', [rfReplaceAll]), #10, ' ', [rfReplaceAll]); // Get Longitude and Latitude from Google Maps Location := GetGeoCode(fAddress); // Populate lat and lng fields in Customer table Customerlat.AsString := Location.Lat; Customerlng.AsString := Location.Lng; // Post record to Customer table Customer.Post; StatusBar1.SimpleText:= 'Update Geocode for address ' + ' [Count ' + IntToStr(iCurRec) + ' of ' + IntToStr(iRecCount) + ']'; StatusBar1.Refresh; // Grab the next record in the Customer table Customer.Next; if Customer.EOF then Timer1.Enabled := False; end;

好吧...这是codeAddress javascript

Ok... here's the codeAddress javascript

''+ ' function codeAddress(address) { '+ ' if (geocoder) {'+ ' geocoder.geocode( { address: address}, function(results, status) { '+ ' if (status == google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK) {'+ ' map.setCenter(results[0].geometry.location);'+ ' var myLatlng = new google.maps.LatLng( results[0].geometry.location.lat(), results[0].geometry.location.lng()); '+ ' var marker = new google.maps.Marker({ '+ ' position: myLatlng, '+ ' title: "", '+ ' map: map '+ ' }); '+ ' markersArray.push(marker); '+ ' document.getElementById("hiddenlat").value = myLatlng.lat(); '+ ' document.getElementById("hiddenlng").value = myLatlng.lng(); '+ ' '+ ' } else {'+ ' document.getElementById("hiddenlat").value = "error"; '+ ' document.getElementById("hiddenlng").value = "error"; '+ ' alert("Geocode was not successful for the following reason: " + status);'+ ' }'+ ' });'+ ' }'+ ' }'+ ''+


And here's the Delphi code:

constructor TViewMaps.create(AOwner: TComponent; AAddress: string); begin inherited create(AOwner); fAddress := AAddress; // fAddress is now stored to form variable end; procedure TViewMaps.LoadGoogleApi; var aStream: TMemoryStream; begin WebBrowser1.Navigate('about:blank'); //Set the location to an empty page MemoAddress.Lines.Text := '1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043'; if Assigned(WebBrowser1.Document) then begin aStream := TMemoryStream.Create; //create a TStream to load the Page from the string try aStream.WriteBuffer(Pointer(HTMLStr)^, Length(HTMLStr)); aStream.Seek(0, soFromBeginning); (WebBrowser1.Document as IPersistStreamInit).Load(TStreamAdapter.Create(aStream)); finally aStream.Free; end; HTMLWindow2 := (WebBrowser1.Document as IHTMLDocument2).parentWindow; end; while WebBrowser1.ReadyState <> READYSTATE_COMPLETE do // wait for google begin sleep(0); application.processmessages; end; end; function TViewMaps.GoogleApiReady: boolean; begin result := (HTMLWindow2 <> nil); end; procedure TViewMaps.ExecuteScript(AScript: string); begin HTMLWindow2.execScript(AScript, 'JavaScript'); end; function TViewMaps.GetElementByID(AElementID: string): IHTMLElement; begin result := (WebBrowser1.Document as IHTMLDocument3).getElementByID(AElementID); end; function TViewMaps.GetElementValue(ElementID: string): string; var HtmlElement: IHTMLElement; begin HtmlElement := GetElementByID(ElementID); result := HtmlElement.getAttribute('value', 0); end; procedure RemoveInvalidGeoLookupChars(var AString: string); begin AString := StringReplace(StringReplace(Trim(AString), #13, ' ', [rfReplaceAll]), #10, ' ', [rfReplaceAll]); // remove invalid chars AString := StringReplace(AString, #39, #32, [rfReplaceAll]); // single quotes AString := StringReplace(AString, #34, #32, [rfReplaceAll]); // double quotes end; procedure TViewMaps.FormShow(Sender: TObject); var Location: TLocation; begin MapAddress := '1600 Amphitheatre Parkway' + ', ' + 'Mountain View' + ', ' + 'CA' + ' ' + '94043'; ViewMaps := TViewMaps.create(self, MapAddress); LoadGoogleApi; address := MemoAddress.Lines.Text; fAddress := StringReplace(StringReplace(Trim(address), #13, ' ', [rfReplaceAll]), #10, ' ', [rfReplaceAll]); Location := GetGeoCode(fAddress); LatitudeEdit.Text := Location.Lat; LongitudeEdit.Text := Location.Lng; end; function TViewMaps.GetGeocode(Address: string): TLocation; begin result.Lat := '0'; result.Lng := '0'; LatitudeEdit.text := '0'; LongitudeEdit.text := '0'; result.Result := 'OK'; application.processmessages; RemoveInvalidGeoLookupChars(address); application.processmessages; ExecuteScript(Format('codeAddress(%s)',[QuotedStr(Address)])); while (GetElementValue('hiddenlat') = '0') do application.processmessages; result.Lat := GetElementValue('hiddenlat'); result.Lng := GetElementValue('hiddenlng'); end; procedure TViewMaps.StartBtnClick(Sender: TObject); var iRecCount, iCurRec: integer; Location: TLocation; fAddress, MapAddress: string; begin Customer.open; Customer.first; iRecCount := Customer.RecordCount; iCurRec := 0; while not Customer.eof do begin inc(iCurRec); fillchar(Location, sizeof(Location), 0); MapAddress := CustomerSAddress1.asstring+' '+CustomerSAddress2.asstring+' '+CustomerSCity.asstring+', '+CustomerSState.asstring+' '+CustomerSZip.asstring; fAddress := StringReplace(StringReplace(Trim(MapAddress), #13, ' ', [rfReplaceAll]), #10, ' ', [rfReplaceAll]); fillchar(Location, sizeof(Location), 0); Location := GetGeocode(fAddress); if (Location.lat <> 'error') and (Location.lat <> '0') then begin Customer.edit; CustomerLat.AsString := Location.Lat; CustomerLng.AsString := Location.Lng; Customer.Post; end; Statusbar1.SimpleText := 'Update Geocode for address ' + ' [Count ' + IntToStr(iCurRec) + ' of ' + IntToStr(iRecCount) + ']'; application.processmessages; sleep(2000); // adjust to not exceed Google API query limit Customer.next; end; end;



Users of SO should know that this is a continuation to one of OP's previous questions - Getting Latitude Longitude from GoogleMaps in TWebBrowser


I created a test using the code below. My customer table field names are different, but you'll get the idea.


Notice to keep the time between Customer.edit and Customer.post as narrow as possible, to avoid any premature posts. Also, make sure that Customer table doesn't have any events that would cause an interruption during your loop. Only edit/post if a valid geocode has been returned. And for good measure, the Location record is initialized at each iteration.

procedure TForm2.StartBtnClick(Sender: TObject); var iRecCount, iCurRec: integer; Location: TLocation; fAddress, MapAddress: string; begin Customer.open; Customer.first; iRecCount := Customer.RecordCount; iCurRec := 0; while not Customer.eof do begin inc(iCurRec); fillchar(Location, sizeof(Location), 0); MapAddress := CustomerAddress.asstring+' '+CustomerAddress2.asstring+' '+CustomerCity.asstring+', '+CustomerState.asstring+' '+CustomerZip.asstring; fAddress := StringReplace(StringReplace(Trim(MapAddress), #13, ' ', [rfReplaceAll]), #10, ' ', [rfReplaceAll]); fillchar(Location, sizeof(Location), 0); Location := form1.GetGeocode(fAddress); if (Location.lat <> 'error') and (Location.lat <> '0') then begin Customer.edit; CustomerLatitude.AsString := Location.Lat; CustomerLongitude.AsString := Location.Lng; Customer.Post; end; Statusbar1.SimpleText := 'Update Geocode for address ' + ' [Count ' + IntToStr(iCurRec) + ' of ' + IntToStr(iRecCount) + ']'; application.processmessages; sleep(1000); // adjust to not exceed Google API query limit Customer.next; end; end;

此外,修改您的codeAddress Javascript函数以清除隐藏的页面值.

Also, modify your codeAddress Javascript function to clear the hidden page values.

''+ ' function codeAddress(address) { '+ ' document.getElementById("hiddenlat").value = "0"; '+ ' document.getElementById("hiddenlng").value = "0"; '+ ' if (geocoder) {'+ ' geocoder.geocode( { address: address}, function(results, status) { '+ ' if (status == google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK) {'+ ' map.setCenter(results[0].geometry.location);'+ ' var myLatlng = new google.maps.LatLng( results[0].geometry.location.lat(), results[0].geometry.location.lng()); '+ ' var marker = new google.maps.Marker({ '+ ' position: myLatlng, '+ ' title: "", '+ ' map: map '+ ' }); '+ ' markersArray.push(marker); '+ ' document.getElementById("hiddenlat").value = myLatlng.lat(); '+ ' document.getElementById("hiddenlng").value = myLatlng.lng(); '+ ' '+ ' } else {'+ ' document.getElementById("hiddenlat").value = "error"; '+ ' document.getElementById("hiddenlng").value = "error"; '+ ' alert("Geocode was not successful for the following reason: " + status);'+ ' }'+ ' });'+ ' }'+ ' }'+ ''+



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