我想给他拿给他拿台计算机的英文,NO-BOOK 傻瓜机英语口语中级版The machine can do the work of ten men.这机器...

编程入门 行业动态 更新时间:2024-10-26 05:34:36









1.The machine can do the work of ten men.这机器能干十个人的活。

2.What time do you get to work?你几点上班?

3.Treasure Island is probably his best-known work.《金银岛》大概是他最著名的作品。

4.This must be the work of that boy.一定是那个男孩干的。

5.The bent form of the tree is the work of wind and rain.弯曲的树为风雨所致。

6.Something must be wrong with the work.一定是机件有毛病了。

7.Is your sweater your own work?你的毛衣是不是自己织的?

8.We don't have to work until the holiday is over.假期结束后才上班。

1.He hesitates at nothing.他做什么决定都毫不犹豫。

2.I'm hesitating about whether I'll join in.我正在盘算是否要参加。

3.I hesitate to tell him the truth about it.我不想告诉他这件事的真相。

4.She always hesitates before choosing a new dress.她买新衣服前总是犹豫不决。

5.Don't hesitate too long-you'll miss the chance.别再犹豫了,不然会错过机会。

6.I hesitate to make a decision.我正在犹豫着不想做决定。

7.I'm hesitating to disturb him.我正犹豫着不想打扰他。

8.Are you still hesitating?你还拿不定主意吗?

May I refer you to the record?我想让你看一下记录。

1.May I refer you to the record?我想让你看一下记录。

2.May I refer you to the first line on page five?我想请你参阅一下第五页的第一行。

3.May I refer you to Article Five of the contract?我想让你看一看合同的第五条。

4.May I refer you to the schedule?可不可以请你看一看议程表。

5.May I refer you to the relevant entry in the dictionary?请你看一看字典的相关的词条。

6.May I refer you to the fifth line in the text?请你看一看课文的第五行。

7.May I refer you to the user's manual?请你参考一下使用手册。

8.I'll refer to a history book.我要参考一下历史书。

We might as well take a look at the city.还是先在市里看看的好。

1.We might as well take a look at the city.还是先在市里看看的好。

2.You might as well take one more day off.还是多休息一天吧。

3.Since it's a fine day,you might as well walk.今天天气特别好,不妨出去走走。

4.We might as well go home as you suggested.还不如听你的,早点回家呢。

5.We might as well enjoy yourselves today.今天还是好好享受一下。

6.If that's the case,I may as well try.如果真是那样,不妨一试。

7.We may as well get the work done first.还是先把工作干完的好。

8.I might as well read the newspater.不妨读一下报纸的好。

I prefer the country to the town.我喜欢乡村胜过城市。

1.I prefer the country to the town.我喜欢乡村胜过城市。

2.I prefer to walk there,rather than to by bus.我宁愿步行也不愿乘公共汽车。

3.Oh,I prefer being alone,darling.只想自己呆一会儿。

4.I prefer spending the vacation with my family.我宁愿同家人在一起。

5.I perfer not to think about the future.我不愿意去想将来的事。

6.I prefer classical music.我更喜欢古典音乐。

7.I prefer making a speech after careful preparation.我更愿意经过准备以后才做发言。

8.Well,I'd prefer not to have it.我还是不喝的好。

I appreciate the way you work.我欣赏你工作的方式。

1.I appreciate the way you work.我欣赏你工作的方式。

2.I greatly appreciate what you've done for me.我很感激你为我做的一切。

3.I appreciate his generosity.我很感激他的提醒。

4.We appreciate his generosity.我们都喜欢Tom的慷慨。

5.This is because I can't appreciate music.这是因为我不懂得欣赏音乐。

6.Do you appreciate my reason for objecting?是否理解我反对的理由?

7.You must appreciate the difficulty of the job.也要理解到这项工作的艰难。

8.Nobody will appreciate your jokes when you're gone.你人都不在了,还有谁会为你的笑话捧场呢。

I wonder if you're free tomorrow.不知道你们明天是否有空。

1.I wonder if you're free tomorrow.不知道你们明天是否有空?

2.I wonder if you're doing something special for Saturday.你们周六有没有什么安排?

3.I wonder if you'd give me some advice.你是否能给我一些建议呢?

4.I wonder if you'd mind doing me a favor.你能帮我一个忙吗?

5.I wonder if you'd tell me the way to...请你告诉我这条路怎么走,好吗?

6.I wonder why you are always late.我明白你为什么总是来迟的原因。

7.I wonder if I can take a day off.我是否能离开一天呢?

8.I wonder what time is convenient for you.我几点钟给你打电话,比较好呢?

I ran all the way to make sure.我一路跑来是要弄明白的。

1.I ran the way to make sure.我一路跑来是要弄明白的。

2.Make sure all the windows are closed,children.孩子们,你们千万要把窗子关好。

3.I'll make sure.我来搞定。

4.I'll make sure she is ready for you.我去确定一下她是否准备见你。

5.Make sure of your facts before accusing him.要控告他,你得先搞清事实。

6.Have you made sure of the time of the flight?航班时间弄清楚了没有?

7.Make sure that you haven't left anything here.千万别丢下东西。

8.I want to make sure that someone will look after me at night.我想确定一下晚上有人来照料我。

You missed the point of my story.你没弄懂故事要点。

1.You missed the point of my story.你没弄懂故事要点。

2.Let me give you a case im point.我给你讲个适当的例子。

3.My point is that we'll face a choice sooner or later.我的观点是,面临选择是迟早的事。

4.Get back to the point.回到问题上来。

5.That's the point.问题就在这里。

6.I'll stretch a point and let you leave work early.今天放宽限制,你可以早下班。

7.You've got a point in your words.你的话很有道理。

8.The point is to get enough money.问题是要有足够的钱。

I'm not ready to come to a decision.我还未准备好作出决定。

1.I'm not ready to come to a decision.我还未准备好作出决定。

2.All right,it'll be ready for use immediately.好,好,马上就可以用了。

3.Get my shirts ready,darling.亲爱的,把我的衬衣准备好。

4.You're always ready with excuses.你总是找得到借口。

5.I felt ready to cry after his words.听了他的话,我简直要哭出来。

6.Kate is ready to find fault.Kate老爱挑别人的毛病。

7.I'm afraid I won't be ready by then.恐怕到时完不成。

8.He is always ready to help others.他总是乐于助人的。

His temper is bad enough,let alone his extravagance.他脾气够坏的了,更不要说他挥霍无度。

1.His temper is bad enough,let alone his extravagance.他脾气够坏的了,更不要说他挥霍无度。

2.They had no hospital,let alone an isolation.连医院都没有,还谈什么隔离室。

3.He can't speak his native language,say nothing of English.母语都不能讲,更不要说英语了。

4.He will not help his brothers,not to mention a stranger.那人连自己的兄弟都不帮,更不要提陌生人了。

5.He can't do the simplest one,say nothing of the fractions.他连最简单的都不会,更不要说分数了。

6.I can't afford to rent a house,not to mention buy it.我连租房子都租不起,怎么谈起买房子呢。

7.The baby can't even walk,let alone learn to dance.这孩子连走路都不会,更不要说去学跳舞了。

8.I haven't enough money for food,let alone amusement.连吃饭的钱都没有了,更不要说娱乐了。

My parents are respectable people.我父母都是不容轻看的人。

1.My parents are respectable people.我父母都是不容轻看的人。

2.I wish you would be more respectable to the elderly.我希望你对老人尊重点。

3.Respectable citizens should obey the law.正当的公民应当守法。

4.I know it's not respectable to be drunk in the street.我知道在大街上醉酒不像样子。

5.Can you act in a respectable manner?能不能请你举止正派点儿?

3.But my prospects at present are poor.现在的我前途是黯淡的。

4.Do I have a bright prospect if I accept the position?接受了这个职位,前途会不会光明呢?

5.Behave youself,don't ruin your propects.不要把自己的前途给毁了。

6.My mind is fully occupied by the prostects.我满脑子都给前途占了。

7.The prospect of her recovery is great.母亲的病也有指望恢复了。

8.Is there any prospect of your staying longer?有没有希望多住几天?

How time slips away!时光飞逝!

1.How time slips away!时光飞逝!

2.Another two months slipped by.又是两个月过去了。

3.Hold my hand,and watch so you don't slip.抓住我的手,不要滑倒。

4.My foot slipped and I fell down the stairs.我脚一滑,从楼梯上摔下来。

5.I'm sorry,I must be slipping.对不起,一不留神搞错了。

6.You slipped now and then in your grammar.你的语法不时出现错误。

7.The condition of the horse is slipping.这马的情况越来越糟。

8.His name has slipped my mind.我忘掉他的名字了。

How can you prove it?你怎么证明呢?

1.How can you prove it?你怎么证明呢?

2.Nothing can be proved by others' suspicion.别人的怀疑并不能证明什么。

3.He proved a very helpful friend.看来他真够朋友。

4.The documents will prove useful-take good care.以后肯定会有用的。

5.The advice did prove sound.事实证明这个建议的确不错。

6.On the long journey he proved himself an honest man.走了这么长的路证明他是个诚实的人。

7.The document proves that he has the right.文件证明他有这个权利。

8.The fact will prove these worries groundless.事实会证明这担忧是无根据的。



我想给他拿给他拿台计算机的英文,NO-BOOK 傻瓜机英语口语中级版The machine can do the work of ten men.这机器...

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