【数据结构】1 - 分析算法

编程入门 行业动态 更新时间:2024-10-18 12:31:05


How to Estimate Efficiency?


效率可以通过多种方式衡量; 即:






测量应独立于所使用的软件(即编译器,语言等)和硬件(CPU速度,内存大小等), 特别是,运行时分析可能存在严重的缺陷,但效率在很大程度上取决于方法的定义。




忽略各种限制; 即:CPU速度,内存限制等。







Estimating Running Time








Assume an array a [0 … n –1] of int, and assume the following trace:


for (int i = 0; i < n - 1; i++)

if (a [i] > a [i + 1])

System.out.println (i);


What is worstTime(n)?










a  = Time taken by the fastest primitive operation

b  = Time taken by the slowest primitive operation

Let T(n) be the running time of compareValues. Then
                a (4n - 4) <= T(n) <= b(4n - 4)








Constant Factors



 1. 常数

 2. 低阶项



  • 102𝑛 + 105 is a linear function
  • 105𝑛2 + 108𝑛 is a quadratic function




Big-O Notation



(原文:The basic idea is to determine an upper bound for the behavior of the algorithm/function. In other words, to determine how bad the performance of the algorithm can get!If some function g(n) is an upper bound of function  f(n), then we say that f(n) is Big-O of g(n). )





对于n> = n0,f(n)<= c*g(n)
























Asymptotic Algorithm Analysis


In computer science and applied mathematics, asymptotic analysis is a way of describing limiting behaviours (may approach ever nearer but never crossing!).


Asymptotic analysis of an algorithm determines the running time in big-O notation. To perform the asymptotic analysis:

 - We find the worst-case number of primitive operations executed as a function of the input size

 - We then express this function with big-O notation




算法的渐近分析确定了big-O表示法的运行时间。 要执行渐近分析:







We determine that algorithm compareValues executes at most 4n - 4 primitive operations


We say that algorithm compareValues “runs in O(n) time”, or has a “complexity” of O(n)


Note: Since constant factors and lower-order terms are eventually dropped anyhow, we can disregard them when counting primitive operations


If two algorithms A & B exist for solving the same problem, and, for instance, A is O(n) and B is O(n2), then we say that A is asymptotically better than B (although for a small time B may have lower running time than A). 








如果存在用于解决同一问题的两种算法A和B,例如A为O(n)而B为O(n2),则我们说A渐近优于B(尽管在很短的时间内B可能 具有比A更低的运行时间。


To illustrate the importance of the asymptotic point of view, let us consider three algorithms that perform the same operation, where the running time (in µs) is as follows, where n is the size of the problem:

Algorithm1: 400n

Algorithm2: 2n^2

Algorithm3: 2^n


Which of the three algorithms is faster?

Notice that Algorithm1 has a very large constant factor compared to the other two algorithms!




算法2:2n ^ 2

算法3:2 ^ n








Let us further illustrate asymptotic analysis with two algorithms that would compute prefix averages.


Given an array X storing n numbers, we need to construct an array A such that:

A[i] is the average of X[0] + X[1] + … + X[i])

That is, the i-th prefix average of an array X is average of the first (i + 1) elements of X:

A[i] = (X[0] + X[1] + … + X[i])/(i+1)



Computing prefix average has applications to financial analysis; for instance the average annual return of a mutual fund for the last year, three years, ten years, etc.





A [i]是X [0] + X [1] +…+ X [i]的平均值)

也就是说,数组X的第i个前缀平均值是X的第一个(i + 1)元素的平均值:

A [i] =(X [0] + X [1] +…+ X [i])/(i + 1)



计算前缀平均值可应用于财务分析; 例如,共同基金最近一年,三年,十年等的平均年回报率。




Prefix Averages (Quadratic)


The following algorithm computes prefix averages in quadratic time (n^2) by applying the definition






Hence, to calculate the sum n integers, the algorithm needs (from the segment that has the two loops) n(n + 1) / 2 operations.


In other words, prefixAverages1 is
O(1 + 2 + …+ n) = O(n(n + 1) / 2) è O(n2)


因此,要计算n个整数的总和,该算法需要(从具有两个循环的段中)进行n(n +1)/ 2个运算。


换句话说,prefixAverages1是O(1 + 2 +…+ n)= O(n(n + 1)/ 2)--> O(n^2)


Prefix Averages (Linear)

The following algorithm computes prefix averages in linear time (n) by keeping a running sum




Algorithm prefixAverages2 runs in O(n) time, which is clearly better than prefixAverages1.



Big-Omega, Big-Theta & Plain English!


In addition to Big-O, there are two other notations that are used for algorithm analysis: Big-Omega and Big-Theta.


While Big-O provides an upper bound of a function, Big-Omega provides a lower bound.


In other words, while Big-O indicates that an algorithm behavior “cannot be any worse than”, Big-Omega indicates that it “cannot be any better than”.


Logically, we are often interested in worst-case estimations, however knowing the lower bound can be significant when trying to achieve an optimal solution.










Big-Omega is defined as follows: Given functions f(n) and g(n), we say that f(n) is Ω(g(n)) if there are positive constants c and n0 such that

f(n) >= cg(n)  for n >= n0


Big-O provides and upper bound of a function, while Big-Ω provides a lower bound of it.


In many, if not most, cases, there is often a need of one function that would serve as both lower and upper bounds; that is Big-Theta (Big-Θ). 



对于n> = n0,f(n)> = cg(n)




在很多(如果不是大多数)情况下,通常需要一个功能同时充当上下限。 那就是Big-Theta(Big-Θ)。



Big-Theta is defined as follows: Given functions f(n) and g(n), we say that f(n) is Θ(g(n)) if there are positive constants c1, c2 and n0 such that

c1g(n)  <=  f(n) <= c2g(n)  for n >= n0


Simply put, if a function is f(n) is Ω(g(n)), then it is bounded above and below by some constants time g(n); in other words, it is, roughly, bounded above and below by g(n).

  Notice that if f(n) is Θ(g(n)), then it is hence both O(g(n)) and Ω(g(n)).



c1g(n)<= f(n)<= c2g(n)对于n> = n0


简而言之,如果一个函数为f(n)为Ω(g(n)),则该函数上下限为某个常数时间g(n); 换句话说,它大致由g(n)上下限制。






Plain English


Sometimes, it might be easier to just indicate the behavior of a method through natural language equivalence of Big-Θ.


For instance

if f(n) is Θ(n), we indicate that f is “linear in n”.

if f(n) is Θ(n2), we indicate that f is “quadratic in n”.


The following table shows the English-language equivalence of Big-Θ





如果f(n)是Θ(n),则表明f是“ n线性”。








We may just prefer to use plain English, such as “linear”, “quadratic”, etc..


However, in practice, there are MANY occasions when all we specify is an upper bound to the method, which is namely:        





屏幕剪辑的捕获时间: 2020/1/15 9:25


Big-O and Growth Rate


The big-O notation gives an upper bound on the growth rate of a function

The statement “f(n) is O(g(n))” means that the growth rate of f(n) is no more than the growth rate of g(n)

We can use the big-O notation to rank functions according to their growth rate




Again, we are specifically interested in how rapidly a function increases based on its classification.


For instance, suppose that we have a method whose worstTime() estimate is linear in n, what will be the effect of doubling the problem size?

worstTime(n) ≈ c * n, for some constant c, and sufficiently large value of n

If the problem size doubles then worstTime(n) ≈ c * 2n ≈ 2* worstTime(n)

In other words, if n is doubled, then worst time is doubled.



Now, suppose that we have a method whose worstTime() estimate is quadratic in n, what will be the effect of doubling the problem size?

worstTime(n) ≈ c * n2


If the problem size doubles then worstTime(2n) ≈ c * (2n)2 = c * 4 * n2 ≈ 4* worstTime(n)


In other words, if n is doubled, then worst time is quadrupled.




Again, remember that the Big-O differences eventually dominate constant factors.


For instance if n is sufficiently large, 100 n log n will still be smaller than n2 / 100.


So, the relevance of Big-O, Big-W or Bog-Q may actually depend on how large the problem size may get (i.e. 100,000 or more in the above example).


The following table provides estimate of needed execution time for various functions of n, if n = 1000,000,000, running on a machine executing 1000,1000 statements per second.
















【数据结构】1 - 分析算法

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本文标签:数据结构   算法


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