
编程入门 行业动态 更新时间:2024-10-28 14:35:26

2008 was an eventful year on the web. From Yahoo! spurning Microsoft to Google launching both a browser and a cell phone (sort of), there was a lot to write about this year. Even though I only started writing about web technology news for SitePoint starting in July, I’ve actually been writing about this stuff all year. So it was fun and interesting to take a look back at everything that’s happened this year on the web, and try to pick out the top 15 stories. Below are my selections, along with plenty of links to further reading material to keep you busy. It’s a lengthy post, but it was a long and action packed year.

2008年是网络上不平凡的一年。 来自Yahoo! 微软拒绝谷歌同时推出浏览器和手机(今年),今年还有很多事情要做。 尽管我从7月才开始撰写有关SitePoint的网络技术新闻,但实际上我全年都在撰写有关此类信息的文章。 因此,回顾一下今年在网络上发生的一切,并尝试挑选出前15个故事,是一件有趣而有趣的事情。 以下是我的选择,以及大量链接,可进一步阅读材料,以使您保持忙碌。 这是篇冗长的文章,但那是漫长而动感十足的一年。

Hopefully you’ll enjoy reading this year-end recap as much as I did creating it. Let us know if any big stories were left off the list that you think should have been included by leaving a note in the comments at the end of this post. These are presented in no particular order (but numbered for readability).

希望您会喜欢阅读我撰写的本年度总结。 通过在帖子末尾的注释中留下注释,让我们知道您是否认为应该包括的大故事不包括在内。 这些内容没有特定顺序显示(但为便于阅读而编号)。

1.美国总统竞选 (1. The US Presidential Campaign)

The Internet played a huge role in the presidential election in the United States in 2008. No only did more people than ever turn to the web for election information, the Internet also allowed candidates to raise incredible amounts of money from small donors and build powerful grassroots networks that were never before possible. US President-Elect Barack Obama in particular was able to build a campaign on the back of this emerging political long tail and energize people who were not easily reachable using previous methods of organizing and fundraising.

互联网在2008年美国总统大选中发挥了巨大作用。不仅有更多的人转向网络来获取选举信息,互联网还使候选人能够从小额捐助者那里筹集不可思议的资金并建立强大的基层组织。前所未有的网络。 特别是美国当选总统巴拉克·奥巴马(Barack Obama)能够在这种新兴的政治长尾巴的背景下开展一场运动,并激发使用以前的组织和筹款方法不易接近的人们的活力。

The second episode of the new SitePoint Podcast was dedicated to the effect of the Internet on electoral politics.


2. Yahoo! 拒绝微软 (2. Yahoo! Turns Down Microsoft)

On February 1, 2008 Microsoft made a $44.6 billion takeover offer of Yahoo!. A couple of week’s later Yahoo! would reject that offer — a move that might go down in the annals of company history as their second worst decision (the first being not buying Google in 2002 for $5 billion) and ultimately led to CEO Jerry Yang stepping down in November. Yahoo! tried to sign an advertising deal with Google a few months later that would have outsourced their search ad sales to the more popular search engine, but that went south when the US Department of Justice got interested in the potential antitrust implications.

2008年2月1日,微软提出了446亿美元的雅虎收购要约。 几周后的Yahoo! 会拒绝这一提议 。此举可能成为公司历史上第二个最糟糕的决定(第一个决定不是在2002年以50亿美元的价格收购Google),最终导致首席执行官杨致远(Jerry Yang)在11月辞职 。 雅虎! 几个月后,微软试图与Google签订广告交易,将其搜索广告销售外包给更受欢迎的搜索引擎,但当美国司法部对潜在的反托拉斯影响感兴趣时 ,这种交易就落空了。

Rumors still run rampant about Microsoft potentially coming to the table again, purchasing just a piece of Yahoo!, or offering their own search advertising deal, but one thing is for sure: Yahoo!’s market cap is now less than half of what Microsoft offered to spend to acquire the company.


3.苹果的iPhone App Store取得了巨大的成功 (3. Apple’s iPhone App Store is a Huge Success)

iPhone debuted the App Store for their iPhone device in July of 2008 and it has been an undeniable success. Analysts predict that next year the App Store will be a $1.2 billion business for Apple, and we reported in August that many developers are doing quite well writing software for the phone platform full-time.

iPhone于2008年7月在其iPhone设备的App Store上首次亮相,这是不可否认的成功。 分析师预测,明年苹果的App Store交易额将达到12亿美元 。我们在8月份报道说 ,许多开发人员在全职为手机平台编写软件方面做得很好。

The iPhone platform now has over 10,000 applications, but we’ve wondered how many of them are worth your time and money. More importantly, we’ve wondered if the Apple model for the App Store is really good for consumers. Closed platforms like Apple’s, in which one company is the ultimate gatekeeper, are ultimately a bad thing for the web.

iPhone平台现在有10,000多个应用程序 ,但是我们想知道其中有多少值得您花费时间和金钱的。 更重要的是,我们想知道App Store的Apple模式是否真的对消费者有利 。 像苹果公司这样的封闭平台(其中一家公司是最终的看门人) 最终对网络来说是一件坏事 。

Regardless, iPhone users should not miss our list of 5 awesome iPhone productivity apps.

无论如何,iPhone用户都不应错过我们列出的5个出色的iPhone生产力应用程序 。

4. Google提供Android (4. Google Delivers Android)

Not content to let Apple have all the mobile fun, at end of last year Google launched Android, their open source mobile phone operating system. In September of this year, the first Android phone arrived, in the form of the T-Mobile G1, manufactured by HTC.

不满足于让苹果拥有所有的移动乐趣,去年年底谷歌推出了Android ,他们的开源手机操作系统。 今年9月,HTC生产的第一款Android手机以T-Mobile G1的形式出现。

The phone hasn’t been quite the iPhone killer that pundits hoped for, but it is certainly one of the most compelling phones on the market, and because Android is open source, more “Google phones” from other handset manufacturers are sure to follow.


5. Google发布Chrome网络浏览器 (5. Google Releases Chrome Web Browser)

The mobile web isn’t the only place Google was getting “Googley” this year. The Mountain View, California-based search giant surprised everyone in September by releasing their own web browser. Called Chrome, the open source web browser is based on the WebKit rendering engine and left beta earlier this month. Though still very rough around the edges, Chrome has already garnered as much as 1% of the browser market worldwide in just 3 months, a number that we expect to rise as important planned features — such as extensions — are added.

移动网络并不是Google今年唯一获得“ Googley”地位的地方。 总部位于加利福尼亚山景城的搜索巨头9月份发布了自己的网络浏览器,令所有人感到惊讶。 名为Chrome的开源Web浏览器基于WebKit渲染引擎,并在本月初退出测试版 。 尽管仍处于起步阶段,Chrome仍在短短3个月内赢得了全球浏览器市场的1%的份额 ,随着扩展等重要的计划功能(如扩展程序)的加入,我们预计这一数字将会增长。

Chrome is specifically designed with web applications in mind, and as we’ve discussed, it is an important part of Google’s 3-pronged Web OS strategy. Along with Gears (offline data store) and Native Client (local CPU resources for web apps), Chrome gives Google a compelling platform for the delivery of web applications.

Chrome专门针对Web应用程序而设计,正如我们已经讨论过的,Chrome浏览器是Google 三管齐下的Web OS战略的重要组成部分。 Chrome与Gears(离线数据存储)和Native Client(用于Web应用程序的本地CPU资源)一起,为Google提供了一个引人注目的平台,用于交付Web应用程序。

However, Chrome might be coming at the expense of Firefox, which Google has long supported. At the very least, the release of Chrome has complicated Google’s formerly warm relationship with Mozilla.

但是,Chrome可能会牺牲Firefox的费用,而Firefox一直是Google长期支持的。 至少,Chrome的发布使Google以前与Mozilla 的友好关系更加复杂 。

6.微软计划使Office联机-最后 (6. Microsoft Plans to Bring Office Online — Finally)

Starting sometime in 2009, Microsoft will finally begin to offer a web-based version of Office. That’s a huge departure from their previous attitude toward web applications, and a somewhat surprising development considering what a cash cow the Office line of products has been for Microsoft. It is, however, in line with the new future that Microsoft has been talking up in which both the client and the cloud play complimentary roles.

从2009年某个时候开始,Microsoft最终将开始提供基于Web的Office版本 。 这与他们以前对Web应用程序的态度有很大的出入,考虑到Office产品对微软来说是摇钱树,这是一个令人惊讶的发展。 但是,与新的未来是一致的,Microsoft一直在讨论客户端和云在其中扮演互补角色 。

“I contend it makes no sense to try to push [lots of data and processing] up the wire [to the cloud, just] so that it can come back and talk to you,” Microsoft Chief Research and Strategy Officer Craig Mundie told Technology Review in September. “And so, ultimately, that leads us back to what I call this composite platform, where you’ve got a balanced set of roles between what you expect the cloud to provide and what you expect the clients to provide themselves.”

“我主张这是没有意义的尝试推[大量数据和处理]了线[云,刚]所以,它可以回来和你说话,”微软首席研究与战略官克瑞格·蒙迪告诉科技 9月审查 。 “因此,最终,这使我们回到了我所说的复合平台,在这个平台上,您在期望云提供的功能和期望客户提供的功能之间拥有了平衡的角色。”

In Microsoft’s vision of the future of software, web services and web-based applications rely on local client software to get more intensive processes done. That’s a future that isn’t all that different from the one that Adobe is also working toward.

在Microsoft的软件未来愿景中,Web服务和基于Web的应用程序依靠本地客户端软件来完成更密集的流程。 那是一个与Adobe正在努力的未来没有什么不同的未来。

7.经济衰退 (7. Economic Recession)

In December, the United States’ National Bureau of Economic Research officially admitted that the US has been in a recession since December 2007. The effects of that recession have been felt worldwide, including in the tech industry where over 110,000 jobs have been lost since October.

12月,美国国家经济研究局正式承认 ,美国自2007年12月以来一直处于衰退中。这种衰退的影响已在全球范围内感受到,包括在高科技行业,自10月以来已经失去了110,000个工作岗位。 。

That’s some depressing stuff, and it’s putting a damper on my holiday spirit, so we’ll not spend much time on it. But if you were one of the unfortunate people who lost their job or have found yourself a few clients short as a result of the economic crisis, be sure to check out our 10 essential tips for landing your next job, as well as our list of 20 places to find your next web dev job. Also don’t miss our 12 killer ways to make extra income on the web.

那是一些令人沮丧的事情,并且正在抑制我的度假精神,所以我们不会花很多时间在上面。 但是,如果您是不幸的人之一,或者由于经济危机而失业,或者发现自己的一些客户短缺,请务必查看我们找到下一份工作的10个基本技巧以及我们的清单。 找到下一个Web开发人员工作的20个地方 。 也不要错过我们的12种杀手ways,以在网上赚取额外收入 。

We definitely wish you luck in finding a new job in 2009!


8. OpenID获得牵引力-差不多; Facebook Connect也是如此 (8. OpenID Gains Traction — Sort Of; So Does Facebook Connect)

OpenID won some huge partners over the past year. Most impressively, Google, Yahoo!, and Microsoft are all now OpenID providers. Unfortunately, that’s as far as their integration of the single sign-on standard has gone — none of them have taken the plunge to become relying parties. Further, they have each implemented OpenID in their own way creating a single sign-on war (they each want to be the de facto identity provider for the web), that is ultimately bad for consumers in our opinion.

过去一年,OpenID赢得了一些巨大的合作伙伴。 最令人印象深刻的是,Google,Yahoo!和Microsoft现在都是OpenID提供程序。 不幸的是,到目前为止,他们对单点登录标准的集成已经消失了,没有一个人愿意冒险成为依赖方。 此外,他们每个人都以自己的方式实现了OpenID ,从而形成了单点登录战争(他们每个人都希望成为Web的事实身份提供者),这最终对我们的消费者不利。

Perhaps worse news for OpenID: according to Yahoo! research most people still have no idea what it is. And, Facebook might just eat OpenID’s lunch.

对于OpenID来说,也许更糟的消息是:根据Yahoo! 研究大多数人仍然不知道这是什么 。 而且,Facebook可能只吃OpenID的午餐。

Facebook Connect, which was announced in July, is a single sign-on solution that on some level competes with OpenID. What gives is an advantage is that Facebook Connect comes with your social graph data.

7月宣布的 Facebook Connect是一种单点登录解决方案,在某种程度上可以与OpenID竞争。 这样做的好处是,Facebook Connect 附带了您的社交图数据 。

“Because Facebook Connect is not just a registration system, but also a marketing channel with a built-in audience of 130 million monthly active users (according to Facebook), this program will crush competing registration systems,” wrote CNET’s Rafe Needleman about Facebook’s system. “Sites will adopt Facebook Connect for two reasons. First, their users are already actively using it; millions of users have OpenID log-ins and don’t even know it. And second, because it’s not just a registration system, it’s that marketing channel. Self-interest (on the part of site owners) wins over philosophy. Facebook gets that. That’s why it wins.”

CNET的Rafe Needleman写道: “由于Facebook Connect不仅是注册系统,而且是拥有1.3亿月活跃用户的内置营销渠道(根据Facebook),该计划将压垮竞争性注册系统。” 。 “网站将采用Facebook Connect的原因有两个。 首先,他们的用户已经在积极使用它。 数百万用户拥有OpenID登录,甚至都不知道。 其次,因为它不仅是注册系统,而是那个营销渠道。 自利(网站所有者的利益)胜过哲学。 Facebook知道了。 这就是为什么它获胜的原因。”

9.音乐的价格现在……免费? (9. The Price of Music is Now … Free?)

Radiohead’s name-your-own price release of their album In Rainbows last fall set the stage for the price of music to start a decent toward zero in 2009. The success of Radiohead’s gimmick encouraged other bands to follow suit. REM streamed their new album for free on iLike, and Pennywise put their album on MySpace, as did Oasis.

去年秋天,Radiohead发行了自己的专辑《 In Rainbows 》, 自己的名字发行了唱片,这为音乐的价格在2009年实现接近零的发展奠定了基础。Radiohead的gi头的成功鼓励了其他乐队效仿。 REM在iLike上免费传送了他们的新专辑 ,Pennywise和Oasis一样将他们的专辑放到MySpace上 。

But the most famous free release from 2008 was from Nine Inch Nails. Trent Reznor — who had previously experimented with alternative album release schemes with Saul Williams, a slam poet whose album he produced — put out not one, but two new albums for free on the web.

但是,自2008年以来最著名的免费版本是《九寸指甲》。 特伦特·雷兹诺(Trent Reznor)曾与一位出任大满贯的诗人索尔·威廉姆斯(Saul Williams)尝试过其他专辑发行计划,他制作的专辑在网络上免费发行了一张,而是免费发行了两张新专辑 。

By selling value-adds, such as signed copies and deluxe DVD editions of the albums, Reznor was able to still make a considerable amount of money by self-publishing his music online and giving it away for free. Likely, he also garnered some new fans to support NIN’s 2008 tour due to the all the attention and awareness that the word “free” commands. Though Reznor had a lot of help from major labels in building his group of core fans, his success at giving away a free album was on some level a confirmation of Kevin Kelly’s theory of “true fans,” which states that artists can make a living from a small group of die-hard fans.

通过出售增值产品,例如签名的副本和专辑的豪华DVD版,Reznor仍然能够通过在线自我发布音乐并免费赠送音乐来赚取可观的收入。 可能的是,由于“免费”一词的所有关注和认识,他还吸引了一些新粉丝来支持NIN的2008年巡回演唱会。 尽管Reznor在建立核心粉丝群方面得到了主要唱片公司的大量帮助,但他免费赠送专辑的成功在某种程度上证实了Kevin Kelly的“真实粉丝”理论,即艺术家可以谋生。一小撮顽固的粉丝。

10.专业视频内容反击 (10. Professional Video Content Fights Back)

According to comScore, Hulu — a joint venture between Fox and NBC that offers professionally created content — cracked the list of the top 10 video sites on the web in July in the tenth spot at 88 million views. A few months later in October? Hulu is now sixth and streaming 235 million videos in the US each month.

根据comScore的数据,Hulu是Fox和NBC之间的合资企业,提供专业创作的内容,该网站在7月份以8800万观看次数名列第十,排名第十。 几个月后的十月? Hulu现在排名第六,每月在美国流播2.35亿个视频。

Think that worries Google? You betcha. YouTube is still way out in front, dominating the online video market with almost 40% of all video views at over 5.3 billion, but the average length of the videos that users are watching is up from 2.7 minutes per video in July to 3 minutes in October. The likely reason: Hulu.

认为让Google担心吗? 完全正确。 YouTube仍然遥遥领先,在在线视频市场上占据了近40%的视频观看量 ,超过53亿,但用户观看的平均视频时长从7月份的每分钟2.7分钟增加到 7月份的3分钟十月。 可能的原因:葫芦。

Clearly, people are responding to professionally created content. People are becoming so used to getting their TV content on demand, via web sites like Hulu and DVRs, that we think on demand will be television’s future. Not wanting to be left behind as long-form, professional content shifts to a web distribution model, YouTube began supporting full-length video content in October.

显然,人们正在响应专业创作的内容。 人们已经越来越习惯通过Hulu和DVR之类的网站来点播电视内容,以至于我们认为点播将是电视的未来 。 YouTube不想因为长期的专业内容转换为网络发行模式而被抛弃,YouTube于10月开始支持全长视频内容 。

Remember, YouTube initially rose to its dominant position on the back of professional content (like viral Saturday Night Live clips such as “D*ck in a Box”) that were uploaded to the site. Everything old is new again.

请记住,YouTube最初是在上传到网站的专业内容(例如病毒性的Saturday Night Live剪辑,例如“ D * ck in a box”)的支持下崛起的。 旧的一切又都是新的。

11. Firefox占据20%的市场份额 (11. Firefox Hits 20% Market Share)

In June, the popular Firefox web browser released its third version with the goal of setting a world record for most downloads in a 24 hour period. They definitely met that goal with a super impressive 8 million downloads over the first day of release.

六月,流行的Firefox网络浏览器发布了其第三版,其目标是在24小时内为大多数下载量创造世界纪录。 他们在发行的第一天就实现了800万次的下载量,从而实现了这一目标。

More impressively, though, Firefox hit 20% browser market share for the first time over a couple of weeks in October, and has since stayed there. Unfortunately, once extensions arrive for Google’s Chrome, Firefox might start to see those numbers slip. And their relationship with Google is already starting to turn, as we noted earlier in this round up.

然而,更令人印象深刻的是,Firefox在十月份的几个星期中首次达到了20%的浏览器市场份额 ,此后一直保持在那里。 不幸的是,一旦Google的Chrome浏览器扩展名到来 ,Firefox可能会开始看到这些数字下滑。 正如我们在本综述的前面所述,他们与Google的关系已经开始转变。

12. DRM 几乎死亡...几乎 (12. DRM Almost Dies … Almost)

DRM is still here, but it’s a lot closer to dead at the end of 2008 than it was at the end of the 2007. In January, the final hold out among the major labels from Amazon’s DRM-free music store, Sony-BMG, gave in and decided to start selling music on the service without the burden of DRM. That said, Apple’s iTunes, which controls about 70% of the digital music market, still only has DRM-free tracks from one major label (EMI).

DRM仍在这里,但与2007年底相比,它在2008年底已濒临死亡。1月,亚马逊无DRM的音乐商店Sony-BMG在主要唱片公司中脱颖而出, 放弃并决定开始在服务上销售音乐,而无需承担DRM的负担。 也就是说,苹果公司的iTunes控制着大约70%的数字音乐市场,但仍然只有一个主要唱片公司(EMI)的无DRM曲目。

That’s less encouraging, since it has now been more than a year and a half since Steve Jobs wrote in a treatise on digital rights management: “If the big four music companies would license Apple their music without the requirement that it be protected with a DRM, we would switch to selling only DRM-free music on our iTunes store.”

这不太令人鼓舞,因为距乔布斯(Steve Jobs)在数字版权管理专着中写到现在已经一年半了:“如果四大音乐公司在不要求使用DRM对其进行保护的情况下许可苹果的音乐使用权,我们将改为只在iTunes商店上销售无DRM的音乐。”

However, Apple is apparently in talks with the other three major labels about offering DRM-free tracks via iTunes. Those talks may or may not come to anything, but clearly, the labels are open to selling DRM-free music, since they all now do it via companies like Amazon, MySpace, and Napster. What remains to be seen is what the labels want more: the ability to frustrate Apple (whom they don’t want controlling their digital sales channel) or pleasing their customers.

但是,苹果显然正在与其他三个主要品牌商谈通过iTunes提供无DRM曲目的问题。 这些谈判可能不会有任何结果,但是显然,唱片公司愿意出售无DRM的音乐,因为它们现在都通过Amazon,MySpace和Napster等公司进行了。 标签还需要进一步观察:使苹果公司(他们不想控制其数字销售渠道的人)沮丧或取悦客户的能力。

Looked at from that perspective, we’re less confident that DRM will die completely in 2009. Oh, but we’re so close!


13.读书回来了! 我们希望 (13. Reading is Back! We Hope)

The stats on reading don’t look good. Our attention spans are rapidly approaching zero, and that’s bad news for books. Or is it? Starting at the end of last year a curious thing happened: eBooks suddenly became cool. The reason? The November 2007 launch of Amazon’s Kindle eBook reader.

阅读的统计数据看起来不好 。 我们的注意力跨度正在Swift接近零 ,这对书籍来说是个坏消息。 还是? 从去年年底开始,发生了一件奇怪的事情:电子书突然变得很酷。 原因? 亚马逊的Kindle电子书阅读器于2007年11月推出。

Amazon is projected to sell a billion dollars worth of Kindles by 2010. But the real eBook success story of 2008 might be the iPhone. As we reported in October, the iPhone and its cadre of eBook applications, is actually the most popular eBook reader. eBooks are so hot, that even Nintendo wants in on the action, and Sony is planning a huge marketing blitz in airports, train stations, and bookstores in an attempt to capitalize on Kindle shortages.

亚马逊预计到2010年将售出价值10亿美元的Kindle 。但2008年真正成功的电子书故事可能是iPhone。 正如我们在10月所报道的那样 ,iPhone及其电子书应用干部实际上是最受欢迎的电子书阅读器。 电子书非常热, 甚至任天堂都希望采取行动。索尼正计划在机场,火车站和书店进行大规模的营销突击 ,以利用Kindle的短缺。

2008 might be remembered as the year that reading became cool again and books started going digital in earnest.


14. Yahoo! 真正开放 (14. Yahoo! Gets Really Open)

When it comes to Yahoo!, 2008 will be remembered in one of two ways: either as the year that the company put the final few nails in its coffin by rejecting Microsoft’s $44.6 billion takeover offer, or as the year that it began to claw its way back to the top by opening itself up to third-party developers.


First, Yahoo! launched SearchMonkey, a platform that allows developers and site owners to use structured data to enhance search results. Then came the Build Your Own Search Service, which opened up Yahoo!’s search infrastructure and allowed developers to create their own search mashups (including powerful custom site search applications).

首先,雅虎! 推出SearchMonkey ,该平台使开发人员和网站所有者可以使用结构化数据来增强搜索结果。 然后是构建自己的搜索服务 ,该服务打开了Yahoo!的搜索基础结构,并允许开发人员创建自己的搜索混搭(包括强大的自定义站点搜索应用程序 )。

Most recently, Yahoo! announced a brand new development platform on top of its super popular email application and MyYahoo! start page. Yahoo! is enacting its extremely ambitious plan to rewire their entire network of sites from the inside out to be more open and provide more hooks for developers. Incidentally, that’s close to what I advised that they should do a year and a half ago.

最近,雅虎! 在其超级受欢迎的电子邮件应用程序和MyYahoo!的基础上,宣布了一个全新的开发平台。 首页。 雅虎! 正在实施其雄心勃勃的计划,从内到外重新连接整个站点网络,以使其更加开放,并为开发人员提供更多的机会。 顺便说一句,这接近于我建议他们一年半前要做的事情 。

15.每个人都在云端 (15. Everyone Has their Heads in the Cloud)

The buzzword of 2008 was without a doubt, cloud computing. Early in 2008, the aggregate bandwidth of all companies using Amazon’s AWS cloud infrastructure services surpassed that of Amazon’s own sites. Amazon is a top 10 property worldwide, which means that a lot of sites are now putting their faith in Amazon’s back end services.

毫无疑问,2008年的流行语是云计算。 在2008年初,所有使用亚马逊AWS云基础设施服务的公司的总带宽都超过了亚马逊自己的站点 。 亚马逊是全球排名前十的酒店,这意味着许多网站现在都对亚马逊的后端服务深信不疑。

As is the theme of everything else on the web, if you have success, Google will eventually decide that they too want a piece of the action. 2008 saw Google become interested in offering developers cloud-based infrastructure services. In April they launched App Engine, their own cloud-based infrastructure service. According to venture capitalist Albert Wenger of Union Square Ventures, App Engine is the only true cloud computing platform. For now, App Engine only supports the Python language for development, but Google plans to add support for another runtime in 2009.

与网上其他所有主题一样,如果您成功了,Google最终将决定他们也想要采取行动。 2008年,Google变得有兴趣向开发人员提供基于云的基础架构服务。 他们在4月推出了自己的基于云的基础架构服务App Engine 。 根据Union Square Ventures的风险资本家Albert Wenger的说法,App Engine是唯一真正的云计算平台 。 目前,App Engine仅支持Python语言进行开发,但Google计划在2009年添加对另一个运行时的支持 。

Microsoft is also getting in on the cloud computing buzz, preparing a Software as a Service release of Office (as we noted earlier in this round up) and talking up their client + cloud future. However, for all the talk of the cloud, desktop apps will remain important. Why? Because the cloud will go down. That’s why companies like Yahoo!, Adobe, Microsoft, and perhaps even Google think that the future of Rich Internet Applications will very much involve the desktop.

微软也开始涉足云计算领域,准备发布Office的软件即服务版本(正如我们在本综述中前面提到的那样),并谈论他们的客户端+云的未来。 但是,就云计算而言,桌面应用程序仍然很重要。 为什么? 因为云会倒下 。 这就是为什么Yahoo!,Adobe,Microsoft甚至Google都认为Rich Internet Applications的未来将非常涉及台式机的原因 。

Have we missed any big stories? Let us know what you think were the top web tech stories of the year or leave your thoughts about our selections in the comments below.

我们错过了什么大故事吗? 让我们知道您认为本年度最热门的网络技术故事,或者在下面的评论中留下您对我们选择的想法。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint/the-top-15-web-tech-stories-of-2008/



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