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A bit more closer to perfection with MVVM-C in swift


Many architectural design patterns are introduced since now, amongst those few gained more popularity for developing iOS applications. Earlier, we were using MVC design pattern for developing iOS application, which is quite old now, since many developers have already adapted MVVM design pattern for their iOS applications to focus more on clearly defining responsibility for each layer of architecture.

从现在开始,引入了许多架构设计模式,其中有少数在开发iOS应用程序中获得了越来越多的欢迎。 早些时候,我们使用MVC设计模式来开发iOS应用程序,这已经很老了,因为许多开发人员已经为他们的iOS应用程序改编了MVVM设计模式,以更加专注于明确定义体系结构每一层的职责。

In the following part of the story, we would see, why there was need to enhance MVVM further and how MVVM-C emerged as one of the widely used architectural design pattern.


To answer these questions, let’s have a glimpse of MVC and MVVM.


MVC中过多的ViewController (Overburdened ViewControllers in MVC)

MVC is having three components Model-View-Controller.


Model is quite nicely defined and having specific responsibility.


View component is somewhat confused with ViewController notion in iPhoneSDK.

View组件与iPhoneSDK中的 ViewController概念有些混淆。

Developers tend to make ViewController responsible for View rendering as well as Controller activity(i.e navigation logic, business logic etc.)

开发人员倾向于让ViewController负责View渲染以及Controller活动( 即导航逻辑,业务逻辑等 )。

Which makes View and Controller tightly coupled to each other and hence they are hard to re-use and of course hard for Unit Testing.


调用MVVM进行救援以减少ViewController的责任 (Call MVVM to rescue to reduce responsibility of ViewControllers)

MVVM is quite nice compared to MVC, since it helps to overcome drawback of overburdened ViewController of MVC design pattern.


MVVM has also three components Model-View-ViewModel.


Model is straight forward and having single responsibility like MVC.


View is simplified and made more clearer with avoiding confusion of ViewController as Controller in MVC. View is responsible for UI rendering on screen. It can be either UIView or UIViewController subclass.

避免将ViewController作为MVC中的Controller造成混淆,从而简化了视图并使视图更加清晰。 视图负责在屏幕上呈现UI。 它可以是UIView或UIViewController子类。

ViewModel is responsible for implementation of business logic as well as communicator between Model and View. ViewModel can be struct or class.

ViewModel负责业务逻辑的实现以及ModelView之间的通信器。 ViewModel可以是structclass

ViewModel is responsible for containing navigation logic, business logic etc. Since, it’s not UIViewController subclass, it is easier to test business logic which is implemented in ViewModel.

ViewModel负责包含导航逻辑,业务逻辑等 。 由于不是UIViewController子类,因此更容易测试在ViewModel中实现的业务逻辑。

ViewModel also helps to make View component dumb with removing ViewController’s responsibility of containing navigation logic. With a dumb View component, it’s completely re-usable.

ViewModel还有助于消除ViewController包含导航逻辑的责任,从而使View组件变得笨拙。 借助笨拙的View组件,它可以完全重用。

ViewModel承担着许多责任,因此很难重用 (ViewModel is having many responsibilities, making it harder to re-use)

ViewModel helped to make View component re-usable and testable and also it made easier to Unit test business logic.


However, if you have observed, still it has other responsibilities(i.e navigation logic) apart from it’s main responsibility of implementing business logic.

但是,如果您已经观察到,除了实现业务逻辑的主要职责之外,它还有其他职责(即导航逻辑 )。

It’s time now to think of reducing responsibility of ViewModel.


MVVM-C模式的出现,并在MVVM中引入了新的组件`Coordinator`。 (Emergence of MVVM-C pattern with introduction of new component `Coordinator` in MVVM.)

To reduce responsibility of ViewModel we can add one more component which can take out responsibility to implement navigation logic from ViewModel


We call new component Coordinator, since it acts as a coordinator between View and ViewModel.

我们将其称为新组件Coordinator ,因为它充当ViewViewModel之间的协调器。

Coordinator would help ViewModel to hold single responsibility of implementing business logic, which means it’s more easily testable and re-usable now.


We could achieve separation of concerns with introducing fourth component(Coordinator) to MVVM.

通过在MVVM中引入第四个组件( 协调器 ),可以实现关注点分离。

致电MVVM-C以提高可读性,可伸缩性和可测试性 (Call MVVM-C to improve Readability, Scalability and Testability)

Overview of each component in MVVM-C:




  • Represents data-objects

  • Can be struct or class (Recommended to use struct, and confirm to Codable protocol for easy encoding/decoding operations.)

    可以是structclass (建议使用struct ,并确认为Codable协议以方便进行编码/解码操作。)



  • Responsible for rendering UI elements on screen

  • Make it dumb object, it should follow command of ViewModel only


  • Recommended to make View dependant on ViewModel with Protocol instead of Concrete types. (i.e DataSource, Loadable, Refreshable, Searchable etc.)

    建议使View依赖于具有Protocol ViewModel而不是Concrete类型。 (即数据源,可加载,可刷新,可搜索等)

  • Make it’s additional behaviour(except data rendering) Abstract (i.e LoadingDisplayable)

    使其成为额外的行为(数据渲染除外) Abstract (即LoadingDisplayable)



  • Responsible for implementing business logic

  • Communicates with DataLayer to load data from API/Database

    DataLayer通信以从API /数据库加载数据

  • Acts as convenient Datasource for View


  • Must notify View when it’s state is changed(i.e isLoading, isRefreshing)

    state更改时必须通知View (即isLoadingisRefreshing )

  • Must notify View when it’s updated(i.e with data from API/Database or any kind of sort/filter of data)

    更新时必须通知View (即使用API​​ /数据库中的数据或任何类型的数据排序/过滤器)

  • Optionally communicates to Coordinator for Error handling




  • Responsible for implementing navigation logic

  • Instantiates and returns ViewController via start() method


  • Instantiates ViewModel and feeds it to ViewController


  • Optionally acts as ErrorDelegate of ViewModel to handle errors

    (可选)充当ViewModel ErrorDelegate处理错误

  • Informs to parent cordinator via finished() method about it’s job completion

    通过finish finished()方法通知父项Cordinator工作完成情况

Till this point, we just focused on theoretical part. May be you’re not 100% clear about implementing MVVM-C.

至此,我们只关注理论部分。 可能您对实现MVVM-C不太了解100%。

Don’t worry!! In the following section, we would discuss around actual code to give you better understanding. :)

不用担心! 在下一节中,我们将围绕实际代码进行讨论,以使您更好地理解。 :)

We would build one demo application, which consumes remote API and populates list on the screen.


In this demo, we used https://restcountries.eu APIs to populate countries on the screen, based on search keyword.

在此演示中,我们基于搜索关键字 ,使用https://restcountries.eu API填充了屏幕上的国家/地区。

Let’s start defining one by one entities for our application.


模型 (Model)

As you can see below, I defined my Model as struct and confirmed my Model to Codable protocol for easy encoding/decoding.

如下所示,我将Model定义为struct并确认Model to Codable协议易于编码/解码。

To know more about Codable, you can check my story: Essential of “Codable” in Swift

要了解有关Codable更多信息,可以查看我的故事: Swift中“ Codable”的要点

视图模型 (ViewModel)

As I mentioned above, ViewModel is responsible to implement business logic and notify View about its state change.

如上所述, ViewModel负责实现业务逻辑并通知View 状态更改。

So, I prefer to define ViewModel protocol, with methods to keep notifying View about it’s state change and notify View when it’s updated with data.

所以,我更愿意定义ViewModel 协议 ,与方法,以保持通知View它的状态变化,并通知View时,它的数据更新

This mechanism to notify view would make communication between View and ViewModel pretty easy to implement and understand.


It would also make View implementation clean and readable to render updated data when ViewModel is updated.


Now, we can define our concrete ViewModel and let’s name it CountryListViewModel .


CountryListViewModel confirms toCountryListDatasource protocol, which would make CountryListViewModel act as datasource for View.

CountryListViewModel确认使用CountryListDatasource协议,这将使CountryListViewModel充当View 数据源

CountryListViewModel confirms to ViewModel protocol to notify View about state change.


CountryListViewModel implements “func seachFor(keyword: String)” method to confirm to Searchable protocol.

CountryListViewModel实现“ func seachFor(keyword:String) ”方法以对Searchable协议进行确认。

CountryListViewModel communicates to DataLayer via RequestManager.


And it communicates with Coordinator via ErrorDelegate protocol.


CountryListViewModel implements all required things, which we listed in above section with great Readability.


We also increased Scalability of CountryListViewModel, in a sense to easily add new behaviour.

我们还增加了可扩展性 CountryListViewModel ,从某种意义上讲可以轻松添加新的行为。

It can confirm to Refreshable protocol and implement “func refresh()” method like we implemented “func searchFor(keyword: String)”.

它可以确认为可Refreshable协议,并可以像我们实现“ func searchFor(keyword:String)”那样实现“ func refresh() ”方法。

Now, let’s have a look, how it helps to improve Testability of our code.


As you can see above, we can easily test all responsibilities of our ViewModel. It has code coverage of 100%.

如您在上面看到的,我们可以轻松测试ViewModel所有职责。 它的代码覆盖率为100%。

And not only code coverage, it would make it easier to achieve 100% functional coverage to test various scenarios for your business logic.

而且不仅是代码覆盖率,还可以更轻松地实现100% 功能覆盖率,以测试各种业务逻辑方案

视图 (View)

I prefer to make View dumb object, to make it easy to re-use.


It must communicate to ViewModel to fetch data to render it on screen. It should observe state change and updating of ViewModel to refresh data on screen.

它必须与ViewModel通信以获取数据以将其呈现在屏幕上。 它应该观察状态变化和ViewModel 更新以刷新屏幕上的数据。

CountryListViewController communicates to Coordinator via CountryListViewControllerDelegate protocol.


View is dependant on protocol types for ViewModel in “func configure(viewModel: CountryListViewModelProtocol)”

View取决于“ func configure(viewModel:CountryListViewModelProtocol)”中ViewModel协议类型

It would increase Scalability of View. For example, if we want to add ability to “refresh” screen, we could easily ask our ViewModel to be Refreshable like below.

这将增加可扩展性 View 。 例如,如果我们想为“刷新”屏幕添加功能,我们可以轻松地要求ViewModel如下所示是可Refreshable

typealis CountryListViewModelProtocol = CountryListDatasource & ViewModel & Searchable & Refreshable

typealis CountryListViewModelProtocol = CountryListDatasource&ViewModel&Searchable& Refreshable

协调员 (Coordinator)

Coordinator is mainly responsible for implementing navigation logic.


I prefer to define Coordinator protocol, which defines basic responsibility of Coordinator.


Let’s implement concrete coordinator and name it CountryListCoordinator.


You can see that CountryListCoordinator implements functionality of Coordinator protocol.


CountryListCoordinator instantiated CountryListViewController and returned it from start() method.


CountryListCoordinator acts as delegate for View by confirming to CountryListViewControllerDelegate protocol.

通过确认CountryListViewControllerDelegate协议, CountryListCoordinator充当Viewdelegate

CountryListCoordinator also acts as ErrorDelegate of ViewModel by confirming to CountryListViewModeLoadingErrorDelegate protocol.

通过确认CountryListViewModeLoadingErrorDelegate协议, CountryListCoordinator还可以充当ViewModelErrorDelegate

Implementing Coordinator makes it easy to separate concern of implementing navigation logic from View or ViewModel.

通过实现Coordinator ,可以轻松地将实现导航逻辑的关注点与ViewViewModel分开。

We can easily test Coordinator now.


MVVM-C helps to follow SOLID principles by Uncle Bob.

MVVM-C帮助遵循Bob叔叔的 SOLID原则。

SOLID principles helps you improve Readability, Scalability and Testability of your application.


I hope you enjoyed reading this story and have good understanding of MVVM-C for your swift applications.


I would be happy to answer your queries.


Happy Coding!! :)

快乐编码! :)

翻译自: https://medium/swlh/readability-scalability-and-testability-ae0d1d8b08c0




本文发布于:2023-06-14 04:33:00,感谢您对本站的认可!
本文标签:可读性   可维护性   伸缩性   测试   系统


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