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In this article, we will discuss all Microsoft Certifications paths in a way that helps you to drive on the correct road, to meet the requirements of the current job career growth or the job that you plan for.


为什么要获得认证? (Why get Certified?)

Before discussing the different Microsoft Certifications paths, we need to know why should we get certified?


An important point to mention here is that not being a certified specialist does not mean that you are not qualified as an expert in your field. But what encourages me to discuss that subject is the number of questions I received recently about the best certification path and the new changes performed by Microsoft in the certification process. This article will help you in clarifying these new changes and encourage you to start taking new certificates.

这里要提到的重要一点是,不是经过认证的专家并不意味着您不具备该领域的专家资格。 但是,鼓励我讨论该主题的是,我最近收到的有关最佳认证途径以及Microsoft在认证过程中进行的新更改的问题数量很多。 本文将帮助您阐明这些新更改,并鼓励您开始采用新证书。

As an expert, becoming a Microsoft Certified specialist helps in verifying your current skills, where these certificates will help you to be noticed and recognized globally and become a target for any new opportunity that matches your skills. In other words, the certificate will unlock new opportunities for you, shape your resume, and simplify your job interviews.

作为专家,成为Microsoft认证专家有助于验证您当前的技能,这些证书将帮助您在全球范围内受到关注和认可,并成为与您的技能相匹配的任何新机会的目标。 换句话说,证书将为您带来新的机会,塑造您的简历,并简化面试。

If you already have your dream job, getting certified helps you in getting promoted and jumping to the next step in your career path faster. It is an indication of your proactivity and productivity.

如果您已经拥有理想的工作,那么获得认证可以帮助您获得晋升并更快地跳到职业生涯的下一步。 这表明您的积极性和生产力。

If you are stepping up in your career path ladder and starting your journey, getting certified helps you widely in choosing the best career path for you, verifying the gained skills gradually, showing your proactivity sooner, and opening new opportunities that match your skills.


微软认证退休 (Microsoft Certifications Retirement)

Due to the rapidly changing information technology field, Microsoft keeps continuously reviewing the current certification programs, retiring the old ones, and introducing newer ones to make sure that these certificates reflect the latest Microsoft technologies that are verified within these certificates.


At the beginning of the next year, 31st of January 2021, Microsoft will retire the MCSA, MCSE, and MCSD certificates and the associated exams completely, which means that you will not be able to attain the certification exams.

在明年年初,即2021年1月31 日 ,Microsoft将完全淘汰MCSA,MCSE和MCSD证书以及相关的考试,这意味着您将无法获得认证考试。

The happy news here is that, if you have already earned the retired certificate, it will remain active for you. For a complete list of Microsoft retired certificates, check the Retired Microsoft Certifications.

这里的喜讯是,如果您已经获得了退休证书,它将继续为您服务。 有关Microsoft退休证书的完整列表,请检查“ Microsoft退休证书” 。

Microsoft认证路径 (Microsoft Certifications Paths)

Microsoft provides you with the ability to start a specific certification path that matches your job role from one side, and your plan in improving your skills. The Microsoft certificates can be categorized by the job role, as we will discuss below, by the certificate type or level. When talking about the certificate level, the Microsoft Fundamental certifications are recommended for those who plan to start a new technology or change the current career path. The Microsoft Associate certifications require a minimum of two years of practical experience in the certificate subject. For the Microsoft Expert certifications, you need to have up to five years of deep practical experience on that technology to be certified in that field.

Microsoft使您能够从一侧开始与您的工作角色相匹配的特定证书路径,以及您提高技能的计划。 Microsoft证书可以按工作角色分类,如下我们将讨论的那样,可以按证书类型或级别进行分类。 在谈论证书级别时,建议计划开始一项新技术或更改当前职业道路的人员使用Microsoft 基础证书。 Microsoft 助理认证至少需要两年的证书主题实践经验。 对于Microsoft 专家认证,您需要在该技术上具有长达五年的丰富的实际经验,才能在该领域获得认证。

Let us discuss these paths so that it will be easy for you to decide where to go.


Microsoft开发人员认证 (Microsoft Certifications for Developers)

If you are responsible for designing, building, testing, and maintaining cloud-based solutions, you can improve and verify your skills by taking the below exams:


  • Azure Fundamentals (AZ-900): Ensure that you have the main knowledge of the different cloud services, provided by Microsoft Azure. The main points that are measured here can be found in the Skills Measured page
  • Azure基础知识 (AZ-900):确保您具有Microsoft Azure提供的不同云服务的主要知识。 此处测量的主要要点可以在“ 测量的技能”页面中找到
  • Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure (AZ-204): This exam helps in measuring your skills in designing, building, testing, and maintaining the different types of cloud solutions using the Microsoft Azure services. Passing this exam, you will earn the 为Microsoft Azure开发解决方案 (AZ-204):该考试有助于评估您使用Microsoft Azure服务设计,构建,测试和维护不同类型的云解决方案的技能。 通过此考试,您将获得Azure Developer Associate certificate Azure开发人员助理证书

For more technology-specific developers’ certificates and exams, check the Developer Certification Path page.

有关更多特定于技术的开发人员的证书和考试,请查看“ 开发人员认证路径”页面。

Microsoft管理员认证 (Microsoft Certifications for Administrator)

Azure Administrators are responsible mainly for implementing, size, and performance monitoring, and maintaining the different types of Microsoft solutions, that are built using the Microsoft Azure services, such as the Compute, Security, Storage, and Network services. Your skills can be improved and validated using the number of exams, include:

Azure管理员主要负责实施,大小和性能监视,以及维护使用Microsoft Azure服务(例如计算,安全性,存储和网络服务)构建的不同类型的Microsoft解决方案。 您可以使用多项考试来提高和验证您的技能,包括:

  • Azure Fundamentals (AZ-900) Azure基础知识 (AZ-900)
  • Microsoft Azure Administrator (AZ-104): This exam measures different administration skills such as implementing, managing, configuring, deploying, and monitoring the Microsoft Azure services and resources. For the complete list of measured skills, check the Microsoft Azure管理员 (AZ-104):此考试衡量各种管理技能,例如,实施,管理,配置,部署和监视Microsoft Azure服务和资源。 有关已测技能的完整列表,请查看“已Skills Measured page. Taking this exam, you will be an测技能”页面。 参加此考试,您将成为 Azure Administrator Associate Azure管理员助理
  • Designing and Implementing Microsoft DevOps Solution (AZ-400): This exam measures different development, implementation, and code management skills that can be found under the Skills Measured page
  • 设计和实施Microsoft DevOps解决方案 (AZ-400):该考试评估了不同的开发,实施和代码管理技能,这些技能可以在“ 技能测度”页面下找到。

Passing both (AZ-104 or AZ-204) and AZ-400, you will be certified as DevOps Engineer Expert.

同时通过(AZ-104或AZ-204)和AZ-400,您将被认证为DevOps工程师专家 。

For more specific Administrator certifications and exams, check the Administrator Certifications page.

有关更具体的管理员认证和考试,请查看“ 管理员认证”页面。

微软解决方案架构师认证 (Microsoft Certifications for Solutions Architect)

Solutions Architects are responsible for reshaping the business requirements in the form of cloud solutions. This helps in designing and implementing different types of solutions that are built over Microsoft Azure services, includes the computing, network, storage, and security Azure services. Your skills can be improved and validated using the number of exams, include:

解决方案架构师负责以云解决方案的形式重塑业务需求。 这有助于设计和实施基于Microsoft Azure服务构建的不同类型的解决方案,包括计算,网络,存储和安全Azure服务。 您可以使用多项考试来提高和验证您的技能,包括:

  • Azure Fundamentals (AZ-900) Azure基础知识 (AZ-900)
  • Microsoft Azure Architect Technologies (AZ-300): This exam measures your skills in deploying, implementing, configuring, and creating the apps based on the Microsoft Azure Services. You can check all measured skills from the Microsoft Azure架构师技术 (AZ-300):此考试评估您基于Microsoft Azure服务部署,实施,配置和创建应用程序的技能。 您可以从检查所有测量技能Skills Measured page 技巧测量页
  • Microsoft Azure Architect Design (AZ-301): This exam measures the design part of the solutions that are built using Microsoft Azure Services. Check the Skills Measured for a complete list of covered subjects
  • Microsoft Azure建筑师设计 (AZ-301):此考试评估使用Microsoft Azure服务构建的解决方案的设计部分。 查看“ 测得的技能”以获取涵盖主题的完整列表

Passing both AZ-300 and AZ-301 exams, you will be certified as Azure Solutions Architect Expert.

通过AZ-300和AZ-301考试,您将被认证为Azure解决方案架构专家 。

For more specific Solution Architect certifications and exams, check the Solutions Architect page.

有关更具体的Solution Architect认证和考试,请查看Solutions Architect页面。

Microsoft数据工程师认证 (Microsoft Certifications for Data Engineer)

Azure Data Engineers are responsible for designing, implementing, management, monitoring, securing, and maintaining data-related solutions. Your skills can be improved and validated using the number of exams, include:

Azure数据工程师负责设计,实施,管理,监视,保护和维护与数据相关的解决方案。 您可以使用多项考试来提高和验证您的技能,包括:

  • Azure Fundamentals (AZ-900) Azure基础知识 (AZ-900)
  • Implementing an Azure Data Solution (DP-200): This exam measures your skills in implementing, managing, developing, monitoring, and optimizing the data solutions. Check the Skills Measured page for a complete list of skills.
  • 实施Azure数据解决方案 (DP-200):此考试评估您在实施,管理,开发,监视和优化数据解决方案方面的技能。 查看“ 测量的技能”页面以获取技能的完整列表。
  • Designing an Azure Data Solution (DP-201): This exam measures your skills in designing the different parts of the data solutions. The complete list of these skills can be found under the Skills Measured page.
  • 设计Azure数据解决方案 (DP-201):此考试评估您设计数据解决方案不同部分的技能。 这些技能的完整列表可在“ 衡量的技能”页面下找到。

Passing both DP-200 and DP-201 exams, you will be certified as an Azure Data Engineer Associate.

通过DP-200和DP-201考试,您将被认证为Azure数据工程师助理 。

Microsoft数据库管理员认证 (Microsoft Certifications for Database Administrator)

The Azure Database Administrator is responsible for managing and operating the data solutions using the Microsoft Azure data services and Microsoft SQL Server. Your skills can be improved and validated using the exam below:

Azure数据库管理员负责使用Microsoft Azure数据服务和Microsoft SQL Server管理和操作数据解决方案。 您可以使用以下考试来提高和验证您的技能:

  • Administrating Relational Databases on Microsoft Azure (DP-300): This exam will measure your skills in performing different data related administrative tasks. For a complete list of these skills check the Skills Measured page. Passing this exam, you will be certified as an Azure Database Administrator Associate
  • 在Microsoft Azure (DP-300) 上管理关系数据库 :该考试将评估您执行与数据相关的不同管理任务的技能。 有关这些技能的完整列表,请查看“ 测量的技能”页面。 通过此考试,您将被认证为Azure数据库管理员助理

Microsoft数据分析师认证 (Microsoft Certifications for Data Analyst)

Data Analysts are responsible for designing and building data models by transforming it in a format that can be easily analyzed and visualized. Your skills can be improved and validated using the exam below:

数据分析师负责通过将其转换为易于分析和可视化的格式来设计和构建数据模型。 您可以使用以下考试来提高和验证您的技能:

  • Analyzing Data with Microsoft Power BI (DA- 100): This exam measures your skills in preparing, modeling, visualizing, and analyzing the data. Check the Skills Measured for the complete skills list. Passing this exam, you will be certified as a Data Analyst Associate
  • 使用Microsoft Power BI (DA-100) 分析数据 :该考试评估您在准备,建模,可视化和分析数据方面的技能。 查看“ 测得的技能”以获取完整的技能列表。 通过此考试,您将被认证为数据分析师助理

Microsoft数据科学家认证 (Microsoft Certifications for Data Scientist )

Data Scientists are responsible for applying the different machine learning techniques to solve the business-related problems by training, evaluating, and deploying these machine learning models. Your skills can be improved and validated using a number of exams, include:

数据科学家负责通过培训,评估和部署这些机器学习模型来应用不同的机器学习技术来解决与业务相关的问题。 您可以使用多种考试来提高和验证您的技能,包括:

  • Azure Fundamentals (AZ-900) Azure基础知识 (AZ-900)
  • Designing and Implementing a Data Science Solution on Azure (DP-100): This exam measures your skills in running, optimizing, deploying, and consuming the Machine Learning models to solve different business problems. For a detailed list of these skills, check the Skills Measured page. Passing this exam, you will be certified as an Azure Data Scientist Associate
  • 在Azure (DP-100) 上设计和实施数据科学解决方案 :该考试评估您在运行,优化,部署和使用机器学习模型以解决不同业务问题方面的技能。 有关这些技能的详细列表,请查看“ 测量的技能”页面。 通过此考试,您将被认证为Azure数据科学家助理

微软AI工程师认证 (Microsoft Certifications for AI Engineer)

AI Engineers are responsible for using the Cognitive Services, the Azure Machine Learning Service, and Knowledge Mining, to design and implement different types of AI solutions, such as language and speech processing solutions. Your skills can be improved and validated using a number of exams, include:

AI工程师负责使用认知服务,Azure机器学习服务和知识挖掘来设计和实现不同类型的AI解决方案,例如语言和语音处理解决方案。 您可以使用多种考试来提高和验证您的技能,包括:

  • Azure Fundamentals (AZ-900) Azure基础知识 (AZ-900)
  • Designing and Implementing an Azure AI Solution (AI-100): This exam measures your skills in analyzing the solution requirements and designing and implementing AI solutions based on the analysis result. Check the Skills Measured page for a complete list of skills. Passing this exam, you will be certified as an Azure AI Engineer Associate
  • 设计和实施Azure AI解决方案( AI-100):该考试评估您分析解决方案要求以及基于分析结果设计和实施AI解决方案的技能。 查看“ 测量的技能”页面以获取技能的完整列表。 通过此考试,您将被认证为Azure AI工程师助理

Microsoft安全工程师认证 (Microsoft Certifications for Security Engineer)

Security Engineers are responsible for managing and controlling the user’s identity and access, performing the required configurations and implementations for protecting stored data, the running applications, and the overall company networks. Your skills can be improved and validated using a number of exams, include:

安全工程师负责管理和控制用户的身份和访问,执行所需的配置和实现,以保护存储的数据,正在运行的应用程序以及整个公司网络。 您可以使用多种考试来提高和验证您的技能,包括:

  • Azure Fundamentals (AZ-900) Azure基础知识 (AZ-900)
  • Microsoft Azure Security Technologies (AZ-500): This exam measures your skills in managing, implementing the security components, and securing the data and the applications. The detailed list for these skills can be found in the Skills Measured page. Passing this exam, you will be certified as an Azure Security Engineer Associate
  • Microsoft Azure安全技术 (AZ-500):此考试评估您在管理,实施安全组件以及保护数据和应用程序方面的技能。 有关这些技能的详细列表,请参见“ 衡量的技能”页面。 通过此考试,您将被认证为Azure安全工程师助理

Microsoft功能顾问认证 (Microsoft Certifications for Functional Consultant)

The functional consultant is responsible for using Microsoft Dynamics 365 to meet the different customer’s needs. Each exam will help in measuring your skills in a specific business field and certify you as an associate in that field. For a complete list of all available certificates and exams for Microsoft Dynamics 365, check the Functional Consultant Certifications.

功能顾问负责使用Microsoft Dynamics 365满足不同客户的需求。 每次考试都将帮助您评估您在特定业务领域中的技能,并证明您是该领域的助理。 有关Microsoft Dynamics 365的所有可用证书和考试的完整列表,请检查功能顾问认证 。

结论 (Conclusion)

In this article, we summarized most of the new certificates provided by the Microsoft Learning program. You can check the Microsoft Certification path that matches a job role, specific technology, certificate type, or level from the Browse All Certifications page.

在本文中,我们总结了Microsoft Learning程序提供的大多数新证书。 您可以从“ 浏览所有证书”页面检查与工作角色,特定技术,证书类型或级别相匹配的Microsoft证书路径。

I wish you all the best in your career development.


翻译自: https://www.sqlshack/it-is-the-time-to-specify-your-microsoft-certifications-path/




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