
编程入门 行业动态 更新时间:2024-10-23 15:19:55
SchemePurposeStatusDefined byGeneral formatNotes
aaa Diameter ProtocolPermanentRFC 3588aaa[s]://<host>[:<port>][;transport=<transport>][;protocol=<protocol>]
aaasRFC 6733example:
aboutDisplaying product information and internal informationPermanentRFC 6694See about URI scheme for more details.Widely used by web browsers, sometimes even providing interactive resources. TheOpera web browser forwards to theiropera: scheme instead.
acapApplication Configuration Access ProtocolPermanentRFC 2244acap://[<user>[;AUTH=<type>]@]<host>[:<port>]/<entry>URL scheme used within the ACAP protocol for the "subdataset" attribute, referrals and inheritance
acctIdentifying user accountPermanentIETF Draft
adiumxtraDirect installation of Adium Xtras (plugins).ProvisionalIANA registration templateadiumxtra://www.adiumxtras/download/00000000 refers to a specific Xtra
The Adium Team
afpAccessing Apple Filing ProtocolsharesProvisionalIANA registration templateover TCP/IP: afp://[<user>@]<host>[:<port>][/[<path>]]
IETF Draftover AppleTalk: afp:/at/[<user>@]<host>[:<zone>][/]
afsAndrew File System global file namesProvisionalRFC 1738
aimControlling AOL Instant Messenger.ProvisionalIANA registration templateaim:<function>?<parameters>Functions include goim, addbuddy, andbuddyicon.
aptExperimental method of installing software usingAPT.ProvisionalIANA registration templateapt:<package name>Commonly found on websites which contain Debian software repositories.
attachmentAttaching resources toMHTML pagesProvisionalIANA registration templateattachment:/<resource number>/<filename>Opera-specific
awLink to an Active Worlds worldProvisionalIANA registration templateaw://<worldserver host>:<worldserver port>/<worldname>Mostly found in HTTP referers when users open a website from within an Active Worlds world.
Activeworlds Inc.
barionSend e-money to a Barion e-money walletProvisionalIANA registration templatebarion:<target>[?[amount=<amount>][&][currency=<currency>][&][comment=<comment>][&][sender=<sender>][&][type=purchase|charity|p2p]]Used by Barion mobile apps.
Barion URI scheme
beshareOpen a search query on a BeShare serverProvisionalIANA registration templatebeshare://<servername>/<query>Mostly used internally, with variants.
BeShare source code
bitcoinSend money to a BitcoinaddressProvisionalIANA registration templatebitcoin:<address>[?[amount=<size>][&][label=<label>][&][message=<message>]]
Bitcoin URI Scheme
boloJoin an existing bolo game.ProvisionalIANA registration templatebolo://<hostname>/Mostly passed via IRC or via tracker servers.
calltoLaunchingSkype call (+And in Hungary the KLIP Software call too) (see also skype:)ProvisionalIANA registration templatecallto:<screenname> orIntroduced with Microsoft NetMeeting. Works with current version of Skype withInternet Explorer, Opera and Safari
old version of IETF Draftcallto:<phonenumber> [1]
capCalendar access protocolPermanentRFC 4324generic syntaxURL scheme used to designate both calendar stores and calendars accessible using the CAP protocol
chromeSpecifies user interfaces built using XUL in Mozilla-based browsers.ProvisionalIANA registration templatechrome://<package>/<section>/<path> (Where <section> is either "content", "skin" or "locale")Works only in Mozilla-based browsers such as Firefox, SeaMonkey and Netscape. Not related to the Google Chromebrowser.
chromeUsed for the management ofGoogle Chrome's settings. In contrast with other browsers, its preferences appear as web-pages instead of dialog boxes.ProvisionalIANA registration templatechrome://<settings>/<path>/[<specificSetting>]Works only in Google Chrome.
chrome-extensionManage the settings of extensions which have been installed.ProvisionalIANA registration templatechrome-extension://<extensionID>/<pageName>.html (Where <extensionID> is the ID given to the extension by "Chrome Web Store" and <pageName> is the location of an HTML page)Works only in Google Chrome.
cidReferencing individual parts of anSMTP/MIMEmessagePermanentRFC 2111cid:<content-id>e.g. referencing an attached image within a formatted e-mail. (See also mid:)
RFC 2392
coap Constrained Application ProtocolPermanentRFC 7252coap[s]://<host>[:<port>]/<path>[?<query>]Identify CoAP resources and provide a means of locating the resource.
com-eventbrite-attendeeProvisionalIANA registration template
contentAccessing anAndroid content provider.ProvisionalIANA registration templatecontent://provider/<path>Performs a query on an Android Content Provider
Open Handset Alliance
cridTV-AnytimeContent Reference IdentifierPermanentRFC 4078crid://<host>/<data>Allow references to scheduled publications of broadcast media content.
cvsProvides a link to a Concurrent Versions System(CVS) RepositoryProvisionalIANA registration templatecvs://<method:logindetails>@<repository>/<modulepath>;[date=date to retrieve | tag=tag to retrieve]
Concurrent Versions System
dataInclusion of small data items inlinePermanentRFC 2397data:<mediatype>[;base64],<data>
davHTTP Extensions for Distributed Authoring (WebDAV)PermanentRFC 2518dav:Used for internal identifiers only; WebDAV itself addresses resources using the http:and https: schemes. [2]
RFC 4918
dictDictionary service protocolPermanentRFC 2229dict://<user>;<auth>@<host>:<port>/d:<word>:<database>:<n>refer to definitions or word lists available using the DICT protocol
dlna-playsingle ProvisionalIANA registration template IANA registration template
dnsDomain Name SystemPermanentRFC 4501dns:[//<host>[:<port>]/]<dnsname>[?<dnsquery>]designates a DNS resource record set, referenced by domain name, class, type, and, optionally, the authority
dtnDTNRG research and developmentProvisionalRFC 5050
dvbProvisionalIETF Draft
ed2kResources available using theeDonkey2000networkProvisionalIANA registration templateed2k://|file|<filename>|<size of file>|<hash of file>|/ orLinks to servers are also possible, as are additional parameters. Official documentation from eDonkey2000 website at the Wayback Machine
facetimeFaceTime is a video conferencing software developed by Apple for iPhone 4, the fourth generation iPod Touch, and computers running Mac OS X.ProvisionalIANA registration templatefacetime://<address>|<MSISDN>|<mobile number>Apple has not published documentation on this protocol yet.
Apple Inc.example:
faxUsed fortelefacsimilenumbersHistoricalRFC 2806fax:<phonenumber>Deprecated in RFC 3966 in favour oftel:. Listed as "Historical"
RFC 3966
feedweb feedsubscriptionProvisionalIANA registration templatefeed:<absolute_uri> orSee Feed URI scheme for a detailed overview of common implementations, supported software, and critics.
feed://<hierarchical part>
fileAddressing files on local or network file systemsPermanentRFC 1738file://[host]/path orSince this usually used for local files the host from RFC 1738 is often empty leading to a starting triple /. RFC 3986allows an absolute path with no host part.
RFC 3986(RFC 3986) file:[//host]/path
fingerQuerying user information using the Finger protocolProvisionalIANA registration templatefinger://host[:port][/<request>]
IETF Draft
fishAccessing another computer's files using the SSHprotocolProvisionalIANA registration templatefish://[<username>[:<password>]@]<hostname>[:<port>]See Files transferred over shell protocolfor details about the protocol.
fish KDE kioslave
ftpFTP resourcesPermanentRFC 1738generic syntax
IETF Draft
Old IETF Draft
geoA Uniform Resource Identifier for Geographic LocationsPermanentRFC 5870geo:<lat>,<lon>[,<alt>][;u=<uncertainty>]Other coordinate reference systems(including those for non-terrestrial globes, such as The Moon and Mars) will be supported, once registered.
(for WGS-84)
ggStarting chat with Gadu-GaduuserProvisionalIANA registration templategg:<userid>
gitProvides a link to a GIT repositoryProvisionalIANA registration templateGithub example: git://github/user/project-name.git
gizmoprojectGizmo5 calling link.ProvisionalIANA registration templategizmoproject://call?id=<gizmo_id>May use sip:// instead of gizmoproject:// in recent versions of Gizmo5.
goCommon Name Resolution ProtocolPermanentRFC 3368go://[<host>]?[<common-name>]*[;<attribute>=[<type>,]<value>] or
gopherUsed withGopher protocolPermanentRFC 4266gopher://<host>:<port>/<item type><path>
gtalkStart a chat with a Google TalkuserProvisionalIANA registration templategtalk:chat?jid=example@gmailSee Google Talk, XMPP, andhttp://juberti.blogspot/2006/11/gtalk-uri.html for more information
Google Talk
h323Used with H.323multimedia communicationsPermanentRFC 3508h323:[<user>@]<host>[:<port>][;<parameters>]
hcpDisplaying a help page onMicrosoft Windows Help and Support Center.ProvisionalIANA registration templatehcp://system/<File>.htm (Where <File> is the file to load)Works only on Windows XP. Later replaced by ms-help:.
httpHTTP resourcesPermanentRFC 1738generic syntax
RFC 2616
RFC 2068
RFC 7230
httpsHTTP connections secured usingSSL/TLSPermanentRFC 2817generic syntax
RFC 7230
iaxInter-Asterisk eXchangeprotocol version 2PermanentRFC 5456iax:[<username>@]<host>[:<port>][/<number>[?<context>]]
icapInternet Content Adaptation ProtocolPermanentRFC 3507
iconProvisionalIETF Draft
imInstant messagingprotocolPermanentRFC 3860im:<username>@<host>, and also im:sip:<username>@<host> for MS Communicator launchingWorks as xmpp: URI for single user chat sessions.
imapAccessing e-mail resources through IMAPPermanentRFC 2192imap://[<user>[;AUTH=<type>]@]<host>[:<port>]/<command>
RFC 5092
infoInformation Assets with Identifiers in Public NamespacesPermanentRFC 4452
ipnProvisionalRFC 6260
ippInternet Printing ProtocolPermanentRFC 3510
ircConnecting to an Internet Relay Chatserver to join a channel.ProvisionalIANA registration templateirc://<host>[:<port>]/[<channel>[?<password>]]Assuming the client knows a server associated with the name, "host" may optionally be an IRC network name.
IETF Draft
Old IETF Draft
irc6IPv6 equivalent of ircProvisionalIANA registration templateirc6://<host>[:<port>]/[<channel>[?<password>]]See irc
ircsSecure equivalent of ircProvisionalIANA registration templateircs://<host>[:<port>]/[<channel>[?<password>]]See irc
IETF Draft
iris Internet Registry Information ServicePermanentRFC 3981 RFC 3983 RFC 4992 RFC 4992 RFC 4993
itmsUsed for connecting to the iTunes Music StoreProvisionalIANA registration templateitms:
Apple Inc
jabberPermanentIANA registration template
jarCompressed archive memberProvisionalIANA registration templatejar:<url>!/[<entry>]Works for any ZIP based file.
Java API
jmsJava Message ServiceProvisionalRFC 6167
keyparcKeyparc encrypt/decrypt resource.ProvisionalIANA registration templatekeyparc://encrypt/<username>/<uri> or
lastfmConnecting to aradio streamfrom Last.fm.ProvisionalIANA registration templatelastfm://<radio_stream> or lastfm://globaltags/<genre> or
ldapLDAP directory requestPermanentRFC 2255ldap://[<host>[:<port>]][/<dn> [?[<attributes>][?[<scope>][?[<filter>][?<extensions>]]]]]
RFC 4516example:
ldap://ldap1.example:6666/o=University%20of%20Michigan, c=US??sub?(cn=Babs%20Jensen)
ldapsSecure equivalent ofldapProvisionalIANA registration templateldaps://[<host>[:<port>]][/<dn> [?[<attributes>][?[<scope>][?[<filter>][?<extensions>]]]]]Not an IETF standard, but commonly used in applications.
Old version of IETF Draft
magnet"magnet links"ProvisionalIANA registration templatemagnet:?xt=urn:sha1:<hash of file>&dn=<display name>Used by various peer-to-peer clients, usually providing the hash of a file to be located on the network.
Magnet-URI Project(other parameters are also possible)
mailserverAccess to data available from mail serversHistoricalRFC 6196
mailtoSMTP e-mailaddresses and default contentPermanentRFC 6068mailto:<address>[?<header1>=<value1>[&<header2>=<value2>]]Headers are optional, but often includesubject=; body= can be used to pre-fill the body of the message.
maps"map links"ProvisionalIANA registration templatemaps:q=<physical location>Some mobile web browsers will launch a dedicated mapping application. See also "geo:" (RFC 5870)
marketOpens Google PlayProvisionalIANA registration templatemarket://details?id=Package_name orSupported by Android devices
Android [3]market://search?q=Search_Query or
messageDirect link to specific email messageProvisionalIANA registration templatemessage:<MESSAGE-ID>Supported by Mail since OS X 10.5
Apple Inc [4]message://<MESSAGE-ID>
midReferencingSMTP/MIMEmessages, or parts of messages.PermanentRFC 2111mid:<message-id>[/<content-id>](See also cid:)
RFC 2392
mmsWindows streaming mediaProvisionalIANA registration templatemms://<host>:<port>/<path>Used by Windows Media Player to stream audio and/or video.
modemHistoricalRFC 2806Deprecated in RFC 3966 in favour oftel:. Listed as "Historical"
RFC 3966
ms-helpDisplaying a help page onMicrosoft Windows Help and Support Center. Used byWindows Vistaand later.ProvisionalIANA registration templatems-help://<section>/<path>/<file>.htm (Where <section> is a library of help files – the name of the library begins with "MS.", <path> is the sub-libraries, and <file> is the name of the file)Works only on Windows Vista and later.
ms-settings-powerProvisionalIANA registration template
msnimAdding a contact, or starting a conversation in Windows Live MessengerProvisionalIANA registration templateAdd a contact to the buddy listCan be invoked from a web page or via a run command or an Internet Explorer browser URL (won't work with Firefox For web pages use this HTML: <a href="chat?contact=nada@example">Click to chat!</a>
Windows Live Messengermsnim:add?contact=nada@example
Start a conversation with a contact
Start a voice conversation with a contact
Start a video conversation with a contact
msrp Message Session Relay ProtocolPermanentRFC 4975
mtqpMessage Tracking Query ProtocolPermanentRFC 3887
mumbleJoining a server.ProvisionalIANA registration templatemumble://[username[:password]@]<address>[:port]/[channelpath]?version=<serverversion>[&title=<servername>][&url=<serverurl>]Official documentation from Mumble website
mupdateMailbox Update ProtocolPermanentRFC 3656
mvnAccess Apache Mavenrepository artifactsProvisionalIANA registration templatemvn:org.ops4j.pax.web.bundles/service/0.2.0-SNAPSHOT
news(Usenet) newsgroups and postingsPermanentRFC 1738news:<newsgroupname> orReferences a particular resource, regardless of location.
RFC 5538news:<message-id>
nfsNetwork File SystemresourcesPermanentRFC 2224generic syntax
ni PermanentRFC 6920
nntpUsenet NNTPPermanentRFC 1738nntp://<host>:<port>/<newsgroup-name>/<article-number>Referencing a specific host is often less useful than referencing the resource generically, as NNTP servers are not always publicly accessible
RFC 5538
notesOpen a Lotus Notes document or databaseProvisionalIANA registration templatenotes://<address>Used by IBM Lotus Notes to refer to documents and databases stored within the Lotus Notes system. When clicked in a browser on a computer with Lotus Notes client installed, Notes will open the document link as if a Notes DocLink were clicked within Notes.
Lotus Notes
oidProvisionalIANA registration template IETF Draft
opaquelocktokenPermanentRFC 2518
RFC 4918
packHistoricalIANA registration template IETF Draft
palmUsed to designate system services in HP webOSapplicationsProvisionalIANA registration templatepalm:<servicename>[/<method>]]/Official documentation from HP webOS Services Overview
HP webOS
paparazziUsed to launch and automatically take a screen shot using the application "Paparazzi!" (Mac only)ProvisionalIANA registration templatepaparazzi:[<options>]http:[//<host>[:[<port>][<transport>]]/Official documentation from the Paparazzi! website
pkcs11PKCS #11ProvisionalIANA registration template
IETF Draft
platformAccess to Eclipse platform resources.ProvisionalIANA registration templateplatform:/(resource|plugin|fragment|meta|config|base)/...Registered with java.URL when launching with the org.eclipse.core.filesystem bundle, and heavily leveraged by org.eclipse.emfmon.util.URI.
Eclipse platform scheme documentation
popAccessing mailbox throughPOP3PermanentRFC 2384pop://[<user>[;AUTH=<auth>]@]<host>[:<port>]
presUsed in Common Profile for Presence (CPP) to identify presencePermanentRFC 3859pres:<address>[?<header1>=<value1>[&<header2>=<value2>]]Similar to "mailto:"
prosperoProspero Directory ServiceHistoricalRFC 1738Listed as "Historical" by IANA.
RFC 4157
proxyAlter proxy settings in the FoxyProxy applicationProvisionalIANA registration templateproxy:<option>=<value>[&<option>=<value>[&...]]Official documentation from FoxyProxy website
psycUsed to identify or locate a person, group, place or a service and specify its ability to communicateProvisionalIANA registration templatepsyc:[//<host>[:[<port>][<transport>]]/[<object-name>][#<channel-name>]Official documentation from PSYC website
queryOpens a filesystem queryProvisionalIANA registration templatequery:<queryformula>Implemented by the url_wrapper application
reloadREsource LOcation And Discovery ProtocolPermanentRFC 6940reload://<destination>@<overlay>/[<specifier>]
resUsed by Internet Explorer to display error pages when the server doesn't have its own customized error pages, or when there is no response from the server (in case which the server wasn't found, like when the server is down or the domain isn't registered or when there is no Internet connection, or in case of a timeout).ProvisionalIANA registration templateres://ieframe.dll/<File> (Where <File> is the file to load)Works only in Internet Explorer.
resourceCreating mapping for resource protocol aliases generted by the resource instruction. Used byFireFox.[4]ProvisionalIANA registration templateresource://<aliasname>/ (Where <aliasname> is the name of the aliase)Works only in FireFox.
rmiLook up a Java object in an RMI registry.ProvisionalIANA registration templatermi://<host>[:<port>]/<object-name>URI scheme understood by JNDI. Can be used to lookup a remote Java object within an RMI registry (typically for the purposes of RMI on that object). Host/port in the URI are of thermiregistry process, not the remote object.
rsyncrsyncProvisionalRFC 5781rsync://<host>[:<port>]/<path>
rtmpReal Time Messaging ProtocolProvisionalIANA registration templatertmp://<host>/<application>/<media>URI schema used to connect to Adobe Flash Media Server.
Adobe Systems
rtspReal Time Streaming ProtocolPermanentRFC 2326
secondlifeOpen the Map floater in Second Life application to teleport the resident to the location.ProvisionalIANA registration templatesecondlife://<region name>/<x position>/<y position>/<z position>Used by SLurl. Knowledge base article.
Linden Lab
servicePermanentRFC 2609
sessionMedia Resource Control ProtocolPermanentRFC 4463session:<content-id>
RFC 6787example:
sftpSFTP file transfers (not be to confused with FTPS(FTP/SSL))ProvisionalIANA registration templatesftp://[<user>[;fingerprint=<host-key fingerprint>]@]<host>[:<port>]/<path>/<file>
IETF Draft
sgnSocial Graph Node MapperProvisionalIANA registration templateexample:Official documentation fromsgnodemapper project.
shttpSecure HTTPPermanentRFC 2660Largely superseded by HTTPS.
sieveManageSieveprotocolPermanentRFC 5804
sipUsed withSession Initiation Protocol (SIP)PermanentRFC 2543sip:<user>[:<password>]@<host>[:<port>][;<uri-parameters>][?<headers>]
RFC 3969examples:
RFC 3261sip:alice@atlanta?subject=project%20x&priority=urgent
sipsSecure equivalent of sipPermanentRFC 3969sips:<user>[:<password>]@<host>[:<port>][;<uri-parameters>][?<headers>]
RFC 3261
skypeLaunchingSkype call (see also callto:)ProvisionalIANA registration templateskype:<username|phonenumber>[?[add|call|chat|sendfile|userinfo]]
smbAccessingSMB/CIFS sharesProvisionalIANA registration templatesmb://[<user>@]<host>[:<port>][/[<path>]][?<param1>=<value1>[;<param2>=<value2>]] or
IETF Draftsmb://[<user>@]<workgroup>[:<port>][/] or
smsInteract withSMS capable devices for composing and sending messages.PermanentRFC 5724sms:<phone number>?<action>Should be used as a subset to the tel:schema.[citation needed]
snewsNNTP over SSL/TLSHistoricalRFC 5538
snmpSimple Network Management ProtocolPermanentRFC 4088snmp://[user@]host[:port][/[<context>[;<contextEngineID>]][/<oid>]]
soap.beep PermanentRFC 3288
soap.beepsRFC 4227
soldatJoining serversProvisionalIANA registration templatesoldat://<host>:<port>/[password]Official note in Manual
spotifyLoad a track, album, artist, search, or playlist in SpotifyProvisionalIANA registration templatespotify:<artist|album|track>:<id> orInformally specified in Spotify official blogpost by CTO Andreas Ehn.
Spotifyspotify:search:<text> or
sshSSH connections (like telnet:)ProvisionalIANA registration templatessh://[<user>[;fingerprint=<host-key fingerprint>]@]<host>[:<port>]
IETF Draft
steamInteract with Steam: install apps, purchase games, run games, etc.ProvisionalIANA registration templatesteam:<command line arguments> orOfficial documentation from Valve Developer Community website
Steam, Valve Corporationsteam://<action>/<id, addon, IP, hostname, etc.>
stun Session Traversal Utilities for NAT(STUN)PermanentRFC 7064stun[s]:<host>[:<port>]
svnProvides a link to a Subversion (SVN) source control repositoryProvisionalIANA registration templatesvn[+ssh]://<logindetails>@<repository><:port>/<modulepath>
tagTag URIPermanentRFC 4151tag:<email/domainname>,<date>:<Item>Represented entities do not necessarily have to be accessible electronically.
teamspeakJoining a server.ProvisionalIANA registration templateteamspeak://<server>[:<port>]/[?<parameter1>=<value1>[&<parameter2>=<value2>]]Official documentation from TeamSpeak Website
telUsed for telephone numbersPermanentRFC 5341tel:<phonenumber>
RFC 3966
RFC 2806
telnetUsed with telnetPermanentRFC 1738telnet://<user>:<password>@<host>[:<port>/]
RFC 4248
tftpTrivial File Transfer ProtocolPermanentRFC 3617
thingsSend a to-do toThings.ProvisionalIANA registration templatethings:add?title=Buy%20milk&notes=Low%20fat&dueDate=2011-12-24This URI scheme works on Mac OS X & iOS, providing Things by Cultured Codeis installed.
Cultured Code
thismessagemultipart/related relative reference resolutionPermanentIANA registration template RFC 2557
tipTransaction Internet ProtocolPermanentRFC 2371
tn3270Interactive 3270 emulation sessionsPermanentRFC 6270
turn Traversal Using Relays around NAT (TURN)PermanentRFC 7065turn[s]:<host>[:<port>][?transport=<transport>]
tvTV BroadcastsPermanentRFC 2838
udpBitTorrent tracker protocol based on UDP.ProvisionalIANA registration templateudp://<server>[:<port>]/Documentation: UDP tracker protocol
udpMPEG Transport Stream over UDPProvisionalIANA registration templateudp://[<localaddress>@]<destination|multicastgroup>[:<port>]Supported by FFmpeg, VLC and other common video streaming applications and appliances. Each UDP packet typically contains 1 to 7 188 byte TS packets with no additional headers or footers.
unrealJoining serversProvisionalIANA registration templateunreal://<server>[:<port>]/Unreal legacy "protocol"
urnUniform Resource NamesPermanentRFC 2141urn:<namespace>:<specificpart>Commonly used with namespace 'uuid'. See URN Namespaces.
ut2004Joining serversProvisionalIANA registration templateut2004://<server>[:<port>][/<map>?<options>]Documentation from Unreal Developer Network
Unreal Tournament 2004
vemmiVersatileMultimediaInterfacePermanentRFC 2122
ventriloJoining a server.ProvisionalIANA registration templateventrilo://<server>[:<port>]/[?<parameter1>=<value1>[&<parameter2>=<value2>]]Official documentation from Ventrilo Website
videotexHistoricalIANA registration template
IETF Draft
RFC 2122
RFC 3986
view-sourceShows a web page as code 'in the raw'.ProvisionalIANA registration templateview-source:<absolute-URI>See view-source URI scheme for details.
IETF Draftwhere <absolute-URI> is specified in RFC 3986. Example:
waisUsed with Wide area information server (WAIS)HistoricalRFC 1738wais://<host>:<port>/<database>[?<search>] or wais://<host>:<port>/<database>/<wtype>/<wpath>Listed as "Historical" by IANA.
RFC 4156
webcalSubscribing to calendars iniCalendar formatProvisionalIANA registration templatewebcal://<hierarchical part>HTTP as a transport protocol is assumed.
iCalendarexample:See Webcal for details.
ws WebSocketprotocolPermanentRFC 6455ws:<hierarchical part>
wtaiWireless Telephony Application InterfaceProvisionalIANA registration templatewtai://wp/mc/+18165551212See Application Protocol Wireless Application Environment Specification Version 1.1 for details.
WAP Forum
wyciwygWhat You Cache Is What You GetWYCIWYGProvisionalIANA registration templatewyciwyg://<URI>See WYCIWYG for details.
xcon PermanentRFC 6501
xfireAdding friends and servers, joining servers, changing status text.ProvisionalIANA registration templatexfire:<function>[?<parameter1>=<value1>[&<parameter2>=<value2>]]Official documentation from Xfire website
xmlrpc.beep PermanentRFC 3529
xmppXMPPPermanentRFC 4622xmpp:[<user>]@<host>[:<port>]/[<resource>][?<query>]
RFC 5122
xrieXtensible Resource Identifier (XRI)ProvisionalIANA registration templatexri://<authority>[/[<path>]][?<query>][#fragment]Official documentation from OASIS XRI Technical Committee
OASIS XRI Technical Committee
ymsgrSending an instant message to a Yahoo! Contact.ProvisionalIANA registration templateymsgr:sendIM?<screenname>
Yahoo! Messenger
z39.50Z39.50 information accessHistoricalRFC 1738
RFC 2056
z39.50rZ39.50 retrievalPermanentRFC 2056z39.50r://<host>[:<port>]/<database>?<docid>[;esn=<elementset>][;rs=<recordsyntax>]
z39.50sZ39.50 sessionPermanentRFC 2056z39.50s://<host>[:<port>]/[<database>][?<docid>][;esn=<elementset>][;rs=<recordsyntax>]



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