
编程入门 行业动态 更新时间:2024-10-25 10:27:33


以前也搭建体验过基于 ElasticSearch 7.x的服务及集群,不过当时一直在内网环境下运行,也没有进行其认证相关的配置 xpack ,我记得当时写的建议:由于 Elasticsearch 默认未启用内置的安全防御机制,因此在生产环境中不建议直接开放在公网上。否则,就是在网络上裸奔。。。这不, ElasticSearch 8.0来了,默认开启安全防护便是其中一个新特性,根据官方介绍, ElasticSearch 8.0带来的主要特性包括:

  1. 7.x REST API compatibility(通过头信息配置可兼容7.x REST API)
  2. Security features are enabled and configured by default(默认启用安全相关的配置:认证、授权、节点间以及与Kibana间的TLS传输)
  3. Better protection for system indices(更好地保护系统索引)
  4. New kNN search API(新增kNN搜索API)
  5. Storage savings for keyword, match_only_text, and text fields(升级的倒排索引,节约存储空间)
  6. Faster indexing of geo_point, geo_shape, and range fields(对地理信息相关数据更快地索引效率)
  7. PyTorch model support for natural language processing (NLP)(支持上传训练好的PyTorch模型至ElasticSearch进行自然语言处理)


CentOS7 上进行安装,虚拟主机信息如下:

[root@hadoop1 local]# uname -a
Linux hadoop1 3.10.0-1127.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Tue Mar 31 23:36:51 UTC 2020 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
[root@hadoop1 local]# cat /proc/version
Linux version 3.10.0-1127.el7.x86_64 (mockbuild@kbuilder.bsys.centos) (gcc version 4.8.5 20150623 (Red Hat 4.8.5-39) (GCC) ) #1 SMP Tue Mar 31 23:36:51 UTC 2020
[root@hadoop1 local]# cat /etc/redhat-release
CentOS Linux release 7.8.2003 (Core)


[root@hadoop1 ~]# cd /usr/local/
[root@hadoop1 local]# wget https://artifacts.elastic.co/downloads/elasticsearch/elasticsearch-8.0.0-linux-x86_64.tar.gz
[root@hadoop1 local]# tar -xvf elasticsearch-8.0.0-linux-x86_64.tar.gz
[root@hadoop1 local]# mv elasticsearch-8.0.0 elasticsearch
[root@hadoop1 local]# cd elasticsearch
[root@hadoop1 elasticsearch]# ./bin/elasticsearch


org.elasticsearch.bootstrap. StartupException: java.lang. RuntimeException: can not run elasticsearch as root

解决方法:添加用户,并赋予对 elasticsearch 目录的权限

# 添加用户es-admin
[root@hadoop1 elasticsearch]# useradd es-admin
# 赋予对elasticsearch目录的权限
[root@hadoop1 elasticsearch]# chown -R es-admin:es-admin /usr/local/elasticsearch
# 切换至es-admin
[root@hadoop1 elasticsearch]# su es-admin
# 尝试启动ElasticSearch
[es-admin@hadoop1 elasticsearch]$ ./bin/elasticsearch


ERROR: [2] bootstrap checks failed. You must address the points described in the following [2] lines before starting Elasticsearch.
bootstrap check failure [1] of [2]: max file descriptors [4096] for elasticsearch process is too low, increase to at least [65535]
bootstrap check failure [2] of [2]: max virtual memory areas vm.max_map_count [65530] is too low, increase to at least [262144]


  • 解决“max file descriptors [4096] for elasticsearch process is too low”问题:
# 先查看系统的默认配置
[es-admin@hadoop1 elasticsearch]$ ulimit -Hn
[es-admin@hadoop1 elasticsearch]$ ulimit -Sn

# 切换至root
[es-admin@hadoop1 elasticsearch]$ exit

# 编辑vi /etc/security/limits.conf,在最后添加以下内容,注意要退出root用户重新登录后才会生效
[root@hadoop1 elasticsearch]# vi /etc/security/limits.conf
*               soft    nofile          65536
*               hard    nofile          65536

# 验证我们的操作是否生效
[root@hadoop1 elasticsearch]# ulimit -Hn
[root@hadoop1 elasticsearch]# ulimit -Sn
  • 解决“max virtual memory areas vm.max_map_count [65530] is too low”问题:
# 编辑vi /etc/sysctl.conf,在最后添加:
[es-admin@hadoop1 elasticsearch]$ vi /etc/sysctl.conf
vm.max_map_count = 262144

# 记得使用sysctl -p刷新配置文件
[root@hadoop1 elasticsearch]# sysctl -p

# 切换到es-admin用户
[root@hadoop1 elasticsearch]# su es-admin

# 尝试启动
[es-admin@hadoop1 elasticsearch]$ ./bin/elasticsearch

不出意外,可正常启动 ElasticSearch 8.0服务,同时注意控制台打印的这段日志,其中包含了4部分重要信息:

  1. elastic用户的密码(登录ElasticSearch与Kibana的Web界面时需要~);
  2. HTTP CA证书SHA-256指纹;
  3. 用于Kibana连接当前ElasticSearch服务的enrollment token(注意有效期为30分钟!!);
  4. 说明了如何让其他ElasticSearch节点加入当前集群的操作步骤(我会在下一篇介绍ElasticSearch8.0分布式搜索引擎集群及其高可用测试)。
✅ Elasticsearch security features have been automatically configured!
✅ Authentication is enabled and cluster connections are encrypted.

Password for the elastic user (reset with `bin/elasticsearch-reset-password -u elastic`):

HTTP CA certificate SHA-256 fingerprint:

Configure Kibana to use this cluster:
• Run Kibana and click the configuration link in the terminal when Kibana starts.
• Copy the following enrollment token and paste it into Kibana in your browser (valid for the next 30 minutes):

Configure other nodes to join this cluster:
• On this node:
  ⁃ Create an enrollment token with `bin/elasticsearch-create-enrollment-token -s node`.
  ⁃ Uncomment the transport.host setting at the end of config/elasticsearch.yml.
  ⁃ Restart Elasticsearch.
• On other nodes:
  ⁃ Start Elasticsearch with `bin/elasticsearch --enrollment-token <token>`, using the enrollment token that you generated.

上述问题解决后,在浏览器访问"https://localhost:9200",注意这里使用 HTTPS 协议访问。

输入用户名: elastic ,密码: 9SWTTFDuibtaS2*L0NRv 。登录成功后,经典的启动信息页面:“You Know, for Search”。


[root@hadoop1 ~]# cd /usr/local/
[root@hadoop1 local]# wget https://artifacts.elastic.co/downloads/kibana/kibana-8.0.0-linux-x86_64.tar.gz
[root@hadoop1 local]# tar -xvf kibana-8.0.0-linux-x86_64.tar.gz
[root@hadoop1 local]# mv kibana-8.0.0 kibana
[root@hadoop1 local]# cd kibana
[root@hadoop1 kibana]# ./bin/kibana


Error: Unable to write to UUID file at /usr/local/kibana/data/uuid. Ensure Kibana has sufficient permissions to read / write to this file. Error was: EACCES

解决方法:使用 es-admin 用户(这个是前面新增的,名字可以自己起),赋予对 kibana 目录的权限。

# 赋予对kibana目录的权限
[root@hadoop1 kibana]# chown -R es-admin:es-admin /usr/local/kibana
# 切换至es-admin
[root@hadoop1 kibana]# su es-admin
# 尝试启动Kibana
[es-admin@hadoop1 kibana]$ ./bin/kibana


解决了前一个问题后, Kibana 成功启动,并在控制台打印出如下内容,仅能本地访问,可我的是 CentOS 系统,没法打开浏览器进行本机访问。

Go to http://localhost:5601/?code=194486 to get started.

解决方法:修改配置,让其他机器也可访问 Kibana

# 编辑配置文件,修改server.host: ""
[es-admin@hadoop1 kibana]$ vi ./config/kibana.yml
server.host: ""

# 尝试启动Kibana
[es-admin@hadoop1 kibana]$ ./bin/kibana

Kibana 成功启动后,使用控制台生成的附加随机码的连接在远程的浏览器上打开,输入第一次启动 ElasticSearch 时,默认生成的 enrollment token

问题3:Kibana连接ElasticSearch的enrollment token过期

[2022-02-19T22:16:24.366+08:00][ERROR][plugins.interactiveSetup.elasticsearch] Failed to enroll with host “”: {“error”:{“root_cause”:[{“type”:“security_exception”, “reason”:“unable to authenticate with provided credentials and anonymous access is not allowed for this request”, “additional_unsuccessful_credentials”:“API key: api key is expired”, “header”:{“WWW-Authenticate”:["Basic realm=“security” charset=“UTF-8"”, “Bearer realm=“security””, “ApiKey”]}}], “type”:“security_exception”, “reason”:“unable to authenticate with provided credentials and anonymous access is not allowed for this request”, “additional_unsuccessful_credentials”:“API key: api key is expired”, “header”:{“WWW-Authenticate”:["Basic realm=“security” charset=“UTF-8"”, “Bearer realm=“security””, “ApiKey”]}}, “status”:401}

前面提到,第一次启动 ElasticSearch 时,默认生成的 enrollment token 在30分钟内有效,但是如果从第一次启动 ElasticSearch 服务,到 Kibana 服务启动连接 ElasticSearch 时超过了30分钟,该怎么办呢?(感觉像是断了线的风筝,失去了与组织的单线联系,好慌。。)

这时需要使用E lasticSearch 自带的工具: /bin/elasticsearch-create-enrollment-token ,重新手动生成 Kibana 连接 ElasticSearchenrollment token

# 使用ElasticSearch自带的工具:/bin/elasticsearch-create-enrollment-token,后续添加节点到集群内时,同样要用到这个工具~~
[root@hadoop1 elasticsearch]# ./bin/elasticsearch-create-enrollment-token  -s kibana
warning: ignoring JAVA_HOME=/usr/local/jdk; using bundled JDK

接着要输入用户名与密码后登录 Kibana (这里的用户名与密码跟 ElasticSearch 用到的一致),打完收工~


之所以要实践最新版ElasticSearch 8.0,主要还是奔着默认启用安全功能这一新特性来的,毕竟以前关于 ElasticSearchRedis 甚至 MongoDB 的勒索事件层出不穷,主要原因还是人们安全意识淡薄或者偷懒没有配置认证功能,然后使用这些服务的默认配置(没有启用最基本的认证功能,更不用说强密码了。。)直接在公网环境运行(裸奔)。。

附:以前写的关于ElasticSearch的内容,包含 ElasticSearch8.0 分布式搜索引擎集群及其高可用测试。

  • ElasticSearch入门(一)单节点初体验
  • ElasticSearch入门(二)批量导入数据(Postman与Kibana)
  • ElasticSearch入门(三)Logstash实现MySQL数据同步至ElasticSearch
  • ElasticSearch入门(四)常用插件:Head插件与ik分词器
  • ElasticSearch入门(五)SpringBoot2.3.0集成ElasticSearch7.5.2-HighLevelClient
  • ElasticSearch入门(六)SpringBoot2.3.0集成ElasticSearch7.5.2-SpringData
  • ElasticSearch入门(七)搭建ElasticSearch集群
  • 在华为鲲鹏openEuler20.03系统上安装ElasticSearch
  • 全栈开发之ElasticSearch8.0分布式搜索引擎集群及其高可用测试

If you have any questions or any bugs are found, please feel free to contact me.

Your comments and suggestions are welcome!



本文发布于:2023-06-14 02:20:00,感谢您对本站的认可!


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