极限竞速地平线4 没声音_极限竞速:地平线是汽车爱好者的食物

编程入门 行业动态 更新时间:2024-10-27 08:27:05

极限竞速地平线4 没声音

I have loved cars almost my entire life. I can’t say that I have a great mechanical knowledge, but I’ve always been fascinated by them. When I was in primary (elementary) school, I used to sit at the top of a large wooden climbing frame with my best mate, and we’d talk cars all through our lunch break. As we entered high school, we both collected car magazines — they were our bibles. After reading them cover-to-cover, we’d cut out the images of our favourite machines and plaster our school diaries with them. Eventually, I’d amassed three enormous stacks of Wheels and Motor in my closet. These columns of automotive decadence remained hidden away until after I moved out of home — I was never motivated to move them, partly because I couldn’t bear to give them up, and partly because I feared knocking them over; I’d likely have been crushed under their weight.

我几乎一生都爱汽车。 我不能说我具有丰富的机械知识,但我一直对它们着迷。 当我上小学(小学)时,我和最好的伙伴一起坐在大型木制攀爬架的顶部,我们在午休期间一直在谈论汽车。 进入高中时,我们俩都收集了汽车杂志-它们是我们的圣经。 从封面到封面的阅读完这些书后,我们将其最喜欢的机器的图像剪下来,并用它们贴上我们的学校日记。 最终,我在衣柜里积聚了三堆巨大的轮子马达 。 这些汽车decade废专栏一直隐瞒着,直到我搬出家门为止–从来没有动过他们的动力,部分是因为我舍不得放弃他们,部分是因为我担心将它们撞倒。 我可能已经被他们的体重压垮了。

Magazines were just the beginning of my car obsession, though. I started high school in 1995, right after The Need for Speed launched on PC (I never played the original 3DO version). My family didn’t own a PC until the late ’90s, so the only way I was able to experience The Need for Speed was to visit my best mate’s house — this was perfect, because we could play the game and pour over the details of each car together. The Need for Speed was revolutionary. It was really the first game — certainly the first I was aware of — that genuinely attempted to approximate the feeling of driving, including the specific quirks of each vehicle. It wasn’t just that this was a great driving simulator, either. The game had been designed in collaboration with the team at Road & Track, the globally famous American car enthusiast magazine. As a result, it was possible to delve into the individual histories of each vehicle on the game’s roster. Here’s an example:

不过,杂志只是我迷恋汽车的开始。 1995年,我在PC上推出了 极品飞车》 (我从未玩过原始3DO版本)之后,我于1995年开始读高中。 直到90年代后期,我的家人才拥有一台PC,所以我能体验到《极品飞车》的唯一方法就是去拜访我最好的伴侣的房子,这很完美,因为我们可以玩游戏仔细研究细节每辆车在一起。 极品飞车》具有革命性。 实际上,这确实是第一款游戏-确实是我所知道的第一款游戏-真正地试图近似驾驶的感觉,包括每辆车的特殊怪癖。 不仅仅是这是一个很棒的驾驶模拟器。 该游戏是与全球知名的美国汽车爱好者杂志Road&Track的团队合作设计的。 结果,有可能在游戏名册上探究每辆车的个人历史。 这是一个例子:

MindlessMiles on YouTube. MindlessMiles提供。

This may not seem terribly impressive when viewed through a 2019 lens. But bear in mind that this kind of media wasn’t ubiquitous in 1995 — you couldn’t just jump on YouTube and watch videos about your favourite cars. Magazines and auto shows (the latter I attended with my dad almost every year without fail) were the only ways, generally, to get up close and personal with exotic cars. In between races, my mate and I would sit through another showcase, grinning from ear-to-ear.

从2019年的镜头来看,这似乎并不令人印象深刻。 但是请记住,这种媒体在1995年并不是无处不在-您不能只跳到YouTube上观看有关自己喜欢的汽车的视频。 通常,杂志和汽车展(我几乎每年都会和父亲一起参加后者的表演)是与异国情调的汽车亲密接触的唯一途径。 在比赛之间,我和我的同伴坐在另一个展示台上,耳ear目染。

In the early years of The Need for Speed, the focus remained very much on the experience of driving exotic cars. Yes, you were trying to win races, but in some ways that almost seemed incidental. Each vehicle sounded just like the real thing, and you could actually view the action from the driver’s seat, complete with a fully-digitised steering wheel and dashboard right in front of you. This was remarkable stuff. The whole thing was made even more droolworthy because you were typically driving on realistic roads rather than isolated racetracks. So, you’d need to weave in-and-out of traffic while enjoying the gorgeous scenery rolling past. It was glorious stuff.

极品飞车》的早期,人们一直将重点放在驾驶异国情调的汽车上 。 是的,您试图赢得比赛,但在某些方面几乎是偶然的。 每辆车的声音听起来都像是真实的声音,实际上您可以从驾驶员座位上观看动作并在您面前看到全数字化的方向盘和仪表板。 这是非凡的东西。 整个过程变得更加流口水了,因为您通常在逼真的道路上行驶,而不是在孤立的赛道上行驶。 因此,您需要在进入和退出交通的同时欣赏过去的美景。 那是光荣的东西。

Over time, the franchise (now just called Need for Speed), experimented with the formula. In my view, the absolute peak of the series was Need for Speed III: Hot Pursuit. The bullseye was still squarely aimed at the exotic cars and the thrill of driving them, but now it was possible to take down speeding vehicles from behind the wheel of your own police cruiser. My mate and I used to play split-screen on his PC; we’d take turns playing cat-and-mouse, until his mum would inevitably end the fun so that we could, you know…eat. Food seemed like a frustrating inconvenience that only stood in the way of more Need for Speed.

随着时间的流逝,特许经营权(现在称为“ 极品飞车” )开始尝试使用该公式。 在我看来,该系列的绝对高峰是《 极品飞车III:热追求》 。 靶心仍然直接瞄准奇异的汽车和驾驶它们的快感,但是现在可以从您自己的巡洋舰的方向盘上放下超速行驶的汽车了。 我和我的伴侣曾经在他的PC上播放分屏; 我们会轮流玩猫和老鼠,直到他的妈妈不可避免地结束游戏的乐趣,以便我们可以……吃。 食物似乎是一种令人沮丧的不便,只会阻碍更多的“ 极品飞车”

I must admit, I completely lost interest in the series after the third game. High Stakes and Porche Unleashed didn’t do it for me. I don’t think I ever played Hot Pursuit 2, but once the early ’00s rolled around, EA had gone in a very different direction with my favourite driving games. I remember enjoying Need for Speed: Underground, though not nearly as much as the first three games. And really, since Underground, it felt like the franchise had been sucked into the Fast and Furious abyss — indeed, many racing games for a good 10–15 year period seemed to gravitate around buzzwords like “rep”, “nitro”, “vinyls”, and “drifting”. It’s not that these late-night street-racing experiences weren’t interesting, it’s just that they had sucked the oxygen out of the room. They started to feel like games designed entirely by focus-group, where the experience revolved around being cool rather than simply being a car enthusiast.

我必须承认,第三局之后我对系列赛完全失去了兴趣。 高额赌注释放的保时捷对我没有帮助。 我认为我从来没有玩过《 Hot Pursuit 2》 ,但是一旦00年代初,EA在我最喜欢的驾驶游戏中就走了一个截然不同的方向。 我记得喜欢《 极品飞车:地下》 ,虽然不及前三场。 实际上,自从Underground以来,感觉就像是特许经营被吸收到了《 速度与激情》的深渊中—实际上,许多长达10到15年的赛车游戏似乎吸引了诸如“ rep”,“ nitro”,“ vinyls”等流行词”和“漂移”。 这些深夜街头竞速的经历并不是没有意思,只是他们从房间里吸了氧气。 他们开始感觉自己像是完全由焦点小组设计的游戏,体验围绕着而不是单纯地成为汽车迷。

Partly for this reason, I haven’t really played many racing games over the last few years. I’ve dabbled here and there, but I do find myself longing for those early Need for Speed days.

出于这个原因,在过去的几年中,我并没有真正玩过很多赛车游戏。 我到处闲逛,但我确实渴望自己早日的极品飞车之旅。

Just recently, though, I fired up my dusty Xbox One again — mostly because GamePass has given me a reason to dive back in and check out what’s on offer. After downloading and installing a billion updates, I had a browse on GamePass. Playground Games’ Forza Horizon 4 caught my eye.

不过,就在最近,我再次启动了尘土飞扬的Xbox One,这主要是因为GamePass使我有理由重新探究并查看提供的产品。 下载并安装了十亿个更新后,我在GamePass上进行了浏览。 Playground Games的《 极限竞速:地平线4》引起了我的注意。

That was about a week ago now.


I haven’t been able to get this game out of my mind since then. Although it’s thoroughly modern in very possible way, it reminds me so very much of the first few Need for Speed games — not in terms of specific features or anything like that, but in terms of the whole package being a triumphant celebration of cars and the thrilling experience of collecting and driving them in breathtaking locales.

从那以后,我一直无法摆脱这个游戏。 尽管它完全是现代的,但它使我想起了前几个极品飞车游戏-并不是从特定功能或类似的方面出发,而是从整个包装上欢呼雀跃的汽车和在惊险的地点收集和驾驶它们的激动人心的经历。

The intro sequence alone is remarkable.


CircuitLord on YouTube. CircuitLord提供。

It stylishly and seamlessly introduces you to the core gameplay mechanics as well as the various flavours you’ll encounter through the game — including the seasons, which each breathe new life into the landscape (and the driving experience itself).


As expected for a flagship Xbox franchise, Forza Horizon 4 reviewed very well. But this isn’t just a great racing game — it’s a masterful driving game. It’s an experience built for car enthusiasts, and it’s the first game in a very long time that brings back all of the emotions I felt playing those original Need for Speed games.

正如旗舰Xbox特许经营产品所预期的那样,《 极限竞速:地平线4》的评测非常出色。 但这不仅是一款出色的赛车游戏,而且还是一款精湛的驾驶游戏 。 这是为汽车爱好者打造的体验,并且是很长时间以来的第一款游戏,它带回了我玩那些最初的《 极品飞车》游戏时所感受到的所有情感。

Forza Horizon 4 manages to feel current and — dare I say — trendy, without this ever seeming like a concession. On this score, Horizon isn’t a follower, it’s a leader. It doesn’t merely present a cookie-cutter open world, for example; it lays out a stunning fictionalised Great Britain. The game space is a microcosm of Britain’s many beautiful locations, each lovingly crafted with obvious care and painstaking detail. As well, Forza Horizon 4 may be full of things to do, but very few of the activities feel throwaway in nature. Each event type is thoroughly unique, and there’s a great mixture here — one moment you’ll be engaging in an “off the books” street race, the next you’ll be engaged in an epic showdown with The Flying Scotsman. Racing the famous, historic train through the glorious British countryside (backed by a soundtrack that is better than it has any right to be) is nothing short of sublime.

《极限竞速:地平线4》设法感觉到潮流,并且(我敢说)很时髦 ,而这从来没有让步。 在这个分数上, Horizo​​n不是追随者,而是领导者。 例如,它不仅提供了一个千篇一律的开放世界,还包括 它展示了一个令人惊叹的虚构的英国。 游戏空间是英国许多美丽地点的缩影,每个地点的精心制作都带有明显的细心和细致的细节。 同样,《 极限竞速:地平线4》可能有很多事情要做,但是几乎没有什么活动可以让您自然而然地扔掉。 每个事件类型都是完全独特的,并且这里混合了很多-有一刻你将参加“书本上”的街头比赛,下一刻,你将与《飞行的苏格兰人》进行史诗般的对决 在光荣的英国乡村(以比其应有的权利更好的音轨作为后盾)上穿越著名的历史悠久的火车,真是绝妙。

So, although I’m looking forward to Need for Speed Heat, I can’t help but feel that most racing games (especially those that aren’t strictly based around track racing, like Gran Turismo or Forza Motorsport) are constantly dialled up to 11. It seems like there’s little space left for those experiences which don’t demand expert driving skills or which aren’t about some kid trying to prove themselves in an underground racing circuit.

因此,尽管我期待《 极品飞车:狂热》 ,但我还是忍不住觉得大多数赛车游戏(尤其是那些并非严格基于田径赛车的游戏,例如Gran TurismoForza Motorsport )一直都在不断拨叫。 11.对于那些不需要专业驾驶技能或不需要某些孩子在地下赛车场证明自己的经历,似乎没有什么余地。

In this context, Forza Horizon 4 is simultaneously boldly new and delightfully retro. It has become the flag-bearer of the style of game that Need for Speed used to be.

在这种情况下,《 极限竞速:地平线4》同时是大胆的新品令人愉悦的复古。 它已成为极品飞车的游戏风格的旗手。

翻译自: https://medium/super-jump/forza-horizon-is-food-for-the-car-enthusiast-soul-53be55d793fb

极限竞速地平线4 没声音


极限竞速地平线4 没声音_极限竞速:地平线是汽车爱好者的食物

本文发布于:2023-06-14 01:30:00,感谢您对本站的认可!
本文标签:地平线   竞速   极限   爱好者   食物


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