[转载] 如何在Android设备之间共享Google Play应用,音乐等

编程入门 行业动态 更新时间:2024-10-15 18:23:05

参考链接: 使用super访问Java祖父母的成员

We recently showed you how to configure your iOS devices for app and media sharing; more than a few people wrote in asking how to do the same thing with Google Play purchases. Read on as we dig into how to share purchases across your Android devices. 

  我们最近向您展示了如何配置iOS设备以进行应用程序和媒体共享 ; 不少人写信询问如何对Google Play购买商品做同样的事情。 请继续阅读,以深入了解如何在您的Android设备上共享购物。  

  我为什么要这样做? (Why Do I Want to Do This?) 

 The motivation for wanting to share purchases between your Android devices is simple: it’s inconvenient and costly to purchase multiple copies of everything for every person in your household. 


 Unfortunately there is no built-in mechanism for easily sharing content among spouses or family members as there is with both the Apple and Amazon ecosystem. Earlier this year both companies introduced sharing/family systems; Apple has Family Sharing and Amazon as Family Library which both more or less accomplish the same thing. 

  不幸的是,没有内置的机制可以像苹果和亚马逊生态系统那样轻松地在配偶或家庭成员之间共享内容。 今年早些时候,两家公司都推出了共享/家庭系统。 苹果有家庭共享和亚马逊作为家庭图书馆 ,它们或多或少都完成了同一件事。  

 Given that Google has yet to roll out anything at all in the family-sharing department, we’re left cobbling together a solution on our own. This is, frankly, a gross oversight on Google’s part and, given that their competitors have already rolled out sharing systems to better serve the highly interconnected tech-oriented families of today, we really hope they get their act together and introduce a sharing plan for the Play Store. 

  鉴于Google尚未在家庭共享部门中推出任何产品,因此我们只能自己解决一个问题。 坦率地说,这是对Google的全面监督,并且鉴于其竞争对手已经推出了共享系统以更好地服务于当今高度互连的面向技术的家庭,我们真的希望他们能够共同采取行动,并为Google引入共享计划Play商店。  

 Fortunately there is a way, albeit via a more winding path, to accomplish our ends and share our apps and content across multiple devices. In the next section we’ll outline two approaches and then show you how to apply them. 

  幸运的是,尽管有一条曲折的道路,但仍有一种方法可以实现我们的目标,并在多个设备之间共享我们的应用程序和内容。 在下一节中,我们将概述两种方法,然后向您展示如何应用它们。  

  我需要什么? (What Do I Need?) 

 There are two ways you can approach the problem of Play Store content sharing across devices. One is what we’d call the discovered-the-problem-too-late solution and the other is what we’d call the planning-ahead solution. In the end they both work, but the planning-ahead solution is definitely superior. Let’s look at both. 

  您可以通过两种方式解决跨设备共享Play商店内容的问题。 一个是我们所谓的“发现问题太迟了”的解决方案,另一个是我们所谓的“提前计划”的解决方案。 最终它们都可以工作,但是预先计划解决方案绝对是优越的。 让我们看看两者。  

  共享您的主要帐户 (Sharing Your Primary Account) 

 You likely already have a Google Play account with a significant number of purchases on it. These purchases are permanently linked to your account and, you guessed it, the only way to share them is to share your account with the other devices owned by your family members. 

  您可能已经拥有一个拥有大量购买记录的Google Play帐户。 这些购买已永久链接到您的帐户,并且您猜到了,共享这些购买的唯一方法是与家人拥有的其他设备共享您的帐户。  

 This solution works because the Google Play application and the greater Android operating system allow for multiple accounts. Thus your son or daughter can have their own device with their own Google account for email, calendar, and other functions but have a secondary account on the device that pulls down Google Play data from your account. 

  该解决方案之所以有效,是因为Google Play应用程序和更高版本的Android操作系统允许多个帐户。 因此,您的儿子或女儿可以拥有自己的设备,并拥有自己的Google帐户来使用电子邮件,日历和其他功能,但是设备上具有辅助帐户,该辅助帐户会从您的帐户中提取Google Play数据。  




 The downside to this solution is that it requires you to share your primary account with members of your family and though you can turn off data syncing between apps (such that your email and calendar updates aren’t pushed out to everyone in your family) they can be turned back on fairly easily and your family members can gain access to your account. 


 From a privacy standpoint this is clearly problematic, but we’ll leave it at your discretion as to whether or not this is a workable solution for your family. If it’s just you and your spouse and you’re not worried about them reading your email and you already share your calendar with them, then it’s not much of an issue. If you’d prefer your teenage children to not have access to your email you’ll want to look at the next proposed solution. 

  从隐私的角度来看,这显然是有问题的,但是我们将自行决定是否对您的家庭可行。 如果只是您和您的配偶,并且您不担心他们阅读电子邮件,并且已经与他们共享日历,那么这并不是什么大问题。 如果您希望未成年的孩子无法访问您的电子邮件,则需要查看下一个建议的解决方案。  

  共享专用内容帐户 (Sharing a Dedicated Content Account) 

 The more ideal solution is to create a Google account dedicated to sharing content. This solution is the planning-ahead solution as it works much better if you started with this method and made all your purchases on the sharing account from the start. 

  更为理想的解决方案是创建一个专用于共享内容的Google帐户。 该解决方案是一种预先计划的解决方案,因为如果您开始使用此方法并从一开始就在共享帐户上进行了所有购买,则效果会更好。  

 As we highlighted in the previous section you can add multiple Google accounts to Android devices. While most people use this feature to manage their own personal stable of Google accounts (personal email, work email, etc.) it’s also very useful for our purpose. In the case of the dedicated account solution you create a Google account whose sole purpose is to serve as a content purchasing and delivery account across all your devices. 

  正如我们在上一节中强调的那样,您可以将多个Google帐户添加到Android设备。 虽然大多数人都使用此功能来管理自己的Google帐户的个人稳定帐户(个人电子邮件,工作电子邮件等),但对于我们的目的也非常有用。 对于专用帐户解决方案,您创建一个Google帐户,其唯一目的是充当所有设备上的内容购买和交付帐户。  

 Thus, everyone in your family will have their own accounts (if necessary and age appropriate) on their Android devices, as well as the family account that syncs the app and media purchases across all the devices. From Google’s perspective all your devices are simply primary and secondary devices of the account holder you’ve created. 

  因此,您家庭中的每个人都将在其Android设备上拥有自己的帐户(如果需要并且适合年龄),以及在所有设备上同步应用程序和媒体购买的家庭帐户。 从Google的角度来看,您的所有设备只是您创建的帐户所有者的主要和辅助设备。  

 This is the most ideal solution as there are no privacy risks, all purchases are pooled in one location, and you can even take advantage of the new account’s central email inbox and calendar if you wish to have a family email inbox (where, say, grandparents can email the whole family) and a family calendar everyone can edit. 


 The only downside of this solution is that, if you implement it late in the game, you may already have numerous non-transferrable purchases on your original Google account. 


  添加和配置帐户 (Adding and Configuring the Account) 

 Whichever route you choose, the process, with some very minor variations related to syncing and privacy, is identical. Let’s walk through the process of adding a new Google account to an Android device. Although there are differences between the different versions of Android so our screenshots might not look identical to what you see on your device the option is built into Android and a little poking around the menus will reveal it. 

  无论选择哪种路由,该过程都是与同步和隐私相关的一些非常小的变化,都是相同的。 让我们逐步完成将新的Google帐户添加到Android设备的过程。 尽管不同版本的Android之间存在差异,所以我们的屏幕截图看起来可能与您在设备上看到的屏幕截图并不相同,但该选项已内置于Android中,并且在菜单上稍加戳戳就会发现它。  

 Before we proceed you’ll need the username and password of the account which will sync apps and purchases across the devices (whether that’s your primary account or a dedicated account you’ve just created to serve as the family-sharing account). 


  添加帐号 (Adding the Account) 

 Gather up all the Android devices you wish to add the sharing account to. For demonstration purposes we will be adding a dedicated sharing account to a device but the steps are the same regardless of whether you’re using your primary account or a secondary account. 

  收集要添加共享帐户的所有Android设备。 出于演示目的,我们将向设备添加专用共享帐户,但是无论您使用的是主帐户还是辅助帐户,步骤都是相同的。  

 Navigate to the Settings menu on your Android device and scroll down until you see the Accounts section. At the bottom of the Accounts section is an “Add account” shortcut. 

  导航至Android设备上的“设置”菜单,然后向下滚动,直到看到“帐户”部分。 帐户部分的底部是“添加帐户”快捷方式。  




 In the sub-menu select “Google” to add in the account. 

  在子菜单中,选择“ Google”以添加帐户。  




 You’ll be prompted to either create a new account or plug in the credentials for an existing account. Plug in the appropriate credentials for either your primary account or the account you’ve created explicitly for the Play Store. 

  系统将提示您创建一个新帐户或插入现有帐户的凭据。 为您的主要帐户或您为Play商店明确创建的帐户插入适当的凭据。  

 Once you’ve successfully signed in the with account you’ll be prompted to review the data syncing settings. 





 For the strict purposes of sharing apps and content you don’t actually need to check anything. You can uncheck every single syncing option. The secondary devices will still have access to the shared account and the Play Store and all its content. If you want to automatically sync books and other media, however, you’ll want to check the boxes as seen in the screenshot above to sync Books, Movies & TV, and Newsstand. 

  出于共享应用程序和内容的严格目的,您实际上不需要检查任何内容 。 您可以取消选中每个同步选项。 辅助设备仍将有权访问共享帐户和Play商店及其所有内容。 但是,如果要自动同步书籍和其他媒体,则需要选中上面的屏幕快照中的复选框,以同步书籍,影视和报亭。  

 You can make adjustments to these settings later by returning to the Settings -> Accounts, selecting Google, and then selecting the appropriate account from the list. 


  在Google Play中访问帐户 (Accessing the Account In Google Play) 

 Now that the account is on the device we just need to pop over to the Play Store app and show you how to access it. Launch the Play Store app now. 

  现在,该帐户已在设备上,我们只需要弹出Play商店应用并向您展示如何访问该帐户即可。 立即启动Play商店应用。  




 Select the menu button in the upper left corner, represented by the three lines in the search box. 





 In the application menu you’ll find two locations you can click on to access the secondary account on the device. As seen in the screenshot above and indicated by the red arrows you can either click on the new profile icon (the blue icon up top), or you can click on the account selection menu (the white arrow icon at bottom) to select one specific account from many. If you only have the primary account and the secondary account on the device it’s easy enough to just tap the icon up top as there is no chance of selecting the wrong account. 

  在应用程序菜单中,您将找到两个位置,可以单击它们来访问设备上的辅助帐户。 如上面的屏幕快照所示,并由红色箭头指示,您可以单击新的配置文件图标(顶部的蓝色图标),也可以单击帐户选择菜单(底部的白色箭头图标)以选择一个特定的来自许多的帐户。 如果您在设备上只有主要帐户和次要帐户,那么只需点击顶部的图标就很容易了,因为没有机会选择错误的帐户。  

 Once you’ve select the other account you can then access all the content purchased by that account and download it to your device. 


 To configure Google Play Books, Movies & TV, and Music you simply need to open the respective applications, click on the identical three-line menu button in the upper left corner, and select the appropriate account in each application so that the shared library is the default library for each service on the device. 

  要配置Google Play图书,影视和音乐,您只需打开相应的应用程序,单击左上角相同的三行菜单按钮,然后在每个应用程序中选择适当的帐户,以便共享库为设备上每个服务的默认库。  

  设置购买和内容限制 (Setting Purchase and Content Restrictions) 

 One final bit of business you may wish to attend to (given the age of your children) is purchase and content restrictions. Return to the Play Store app and open up the menu. Ensure you’re currently using the account whose settings you wish to change (e.g. the secondary family sharing account) and then select the “Settings” option near the bottom of the menu. 

  考虑到孩子的年龄,您可能希望参加的最后一项业务是购买和内容限制。 返回Play商店应用并打开菜单。 确保您当前正在使用要更改其设置的帐户(例如,二级家庭共享帐户),然后选择菜单底部附近的“设置”选项。  




 There you’ll find the following options roughly half-way down the list. 





 If you select content filtering you will be prompted to select what level of apps your child has access to using an Everyone-Low-Medium-High maturity rating system or simply leaving all apps available; once you make your selection you’ll lock the application/content with a PIN. You can read more about what each of those levels entails here. 

  如果您选择内容过滤,则系统会提示您选择一个孩子可以使用“所有人-低-中-高”成熟度分级系统访问级别的应用程序,或者只是让所有应用程序可用; 选择之后,您将使用PIN锁定应用程序/内容。 您可以在此处详细了解每个级别的含义 。  

 In addition to filtering content you can also require authentication for purchases. Your options are “For all purchases through Google Play on this device,” “Every 30 minutes,” and “Never.” Requiring a password for all purchases not only stops your child from purchasing new content but also from racking up bills in freemium-style games as they won’t be able to drop $99 on 100 gems/smurf berries/mega potions or the like without your authorization. 

  除了过滤内容外,您还可以要求对购买进行身份验证。 您可以选择“对于在此设备上通过Google Play进行的所有购买”,“每30分钟”和“从不”。 所有购买都需要输入密码,这不仅会阻止您的孩子购买新内容,而且还会阻止他们在免费增值型游戏中累积账单,因为如果没有您的购买权,他们将无法在100颗宝石/蓝精灵/巨型药水等物品上投放99美元授权。  

 Unfortunately the setup here is kind of a mish-mash of very useful and sort-of useful. The content filtering, for example, only applies to the applications in the app store and not to media content like movies or music. Further, when you look in the settings of all the other media apps the only content filtering to be found is that you can filter explicit lyrics in the Play Music store (but you can just uncheck the box). On the other hand the purchase restrictions apply to any Play purchases across the entire device. 

  不幸的是,这里的设置有点杂乱无章,非常有用。 例如,内容过滤仅适用于应用商店中的应用,不适用于电影或音乐等媒体内容。 此外,当您查看所有其他媒体应用程序的设置时,唯一可以找到的内容过滤就是您可以在Play音乐商店中过滤露骨的歌词(但您可以仅取消选中该框)。 另一方面,购买限制适用于整个设备上的所有 Play购买。  

 It would be nice if Google would work on implementing cross-content filtering. As it stands now the purchase authentication works to restrict purchases in Play Books (even free books are a “purchase” and require the account password) but it doesn’t have any effect in the Play Movies & TV app as any free content is available including free episodes of very mature programming like the very graphic supernatural thriller TV series Salem. That’s definitely something to keep in mind when configuring devices for younger children. 

  如果Google能够实施跨内容过滤,那就太好了。 目前,购买身份验证可以限制Play图书中的购买(即使免费书籍都是“购买”,也需要输入帐户密码),但是在Play影视应用中它没有任何作用,因为任何可用的免费内容都可以使用包括非常成熟的节目的免费剧集,如非常形象的惊悚片电视节目塞勒姆 。 在为年幼的孩子配置设备时,绝对要牢记这一点。  

 While a cobbled together solution is better than no solution at all, we’re definitely looking forward to Google releasing a legitimate family sharing system with proper content sharing and restrictions. 




 Have a pressing Android question? Shoot us an email at ask@howtogeek. Have a tip for sharing content on Android devices? Share your tips by joining the discussion below. 

  有迫切的Android问题吗? 向我们发送电子邮件至ask@howtogeek。 有在Android设备上共享内容的提示吗? 通过加入下面的讨论来分享您的技巧。  

 Image Credits: Google; Android Foundry. 

  图片来源:Google; Android Foundry 。  


  翻译自: https://www.howtogeek/214555/how-to-share-google-play-apps-music-and-more-between-android-devices/


[转载] 如何在Android设备之间共享Google Play应用,音乐等

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