
编程入门 行业动态 更新时间:2024-10-28 13:25:26


Ji Huang 维多利亚大学.机械工程



Physical processes which are governed by differential equations or difference equations with discontinuous behavior can be modeled as jump systems. An important type of jump systems is the one evolving linearly among the discrete events; this type of systems is called jump linear systems. A common analysis approach is to employ stochastic processes to describe the sequences, switches, and statistic properties of the discrete events. In this thesis, the jump linear systems to be studied are governed by semi-Markov processes. This type of jump linear systems is called the semi-Markov jump linear system. Due to the nature of the jump linear system, it finds many applications in networked control systems, fault tolerant control systems, and other systems subject to abrupt changes. It is worthwhile to mention that the well studied Markov jump linear system is a special case of the semi-Markov jump linear system.


The thesis consists of two parts: The analysis and synthesis of semi-Markov jump linear systems and networked dynamic systems. In Chapter 2 and Chapter 3, the stochastic stability and optimal control for semi-Markov jump linear systems with or without time delays are investigated. In Chapter 4, a novel fault tolerant control scheme is proposed based on the semi-Markov jump linear system stability conditions. Chapter 5 to Chapter 7 discuss the networked dynamic systems analysis via jump linear system approaches.


The stochastic stability conditions for semi-Markov jump linear systems are firstly derived. The Lyapunov theory is used to establish the sufficient stability conditions by deriving the infinitesimal generator of the Lyapunov function. Since in practice, almost all the system models could not be identified precisely, robust control prob- lems for systems with uncertainties are investigated based on the established stability conditions. Considering the potential applications on networked systems where time delays are inevitable, optimal control problems for systems with time-varying delays have been studied. In the fault tolerant control design, the semi-Markov process is ideal to characterize time-varying failure rates of the system components whose life time is not exponentially distributed. The designed controller is capable of maintain- ing the stability when an actuator malfunctions.


In the networked control system analysis, stochastic processes are used to model time delays and sensor scheduling rules. Network limitations are compensated by considering more historical information or planning for all possible delays that hap- pen in the future. Both simulations and experiments show the improvements of the control performance by using the proposed techniques. A networked haptic system is investigated via the switching system approach. In the haptic system, the avatar interacts one-dimensionally with a multi-material virtual wall in the virtual environ- ment. The random trajectory along which the avatar moves upon the wall is modeled by stochastic processes, then the multi-material virtual wall rendering is achieved.


Finally, the thesis work is summarized and two future research topics are pro- posed. One is on the networked control system design where delays are modeled by semi-Markov processes, and the other one is on the event-trigger scheme design for networked dynamic systems.

1. 简介

1.1. 跳变线性系统


Jump linear systems, sometimes referred to as hybrid systems, are mathematical models of the practical dynamic systems or processes that are governed by differential equations or difference equations with discontinuous behavior [3]. A jump linear system consists of a set of linear systems, and the overall system switches among discrete events. It is assumed that the dynamics between discrete events is linear, because 1) linear systems have been well studied and many results have been reported during the past decades; 2) many practical processes can be well modeled in the framework of jump linear systems, such as systems subject to component failures and systems with parameter shifting [4].


Depending on different time domains, jump linear systems can be classified: Discrete- time jump linear systems and continuous-time jump linear systems. A review of the two categories is as follows.


For discrete-time jump linear systems, a popular treatment for the switching of the discrete-time stochastic process is to assume that the process switches at each time step. The applications of discrete-time Bernoulli jump linear systems have been reported extensively, though the terminology Bernoulli switching system was not explicitly adopted. For instance, Gupta et al. provided an example on the Bernoulli jump linear system in [5], where the measurements from sensors are transmitted through unreliable communication links subject to Bernoulli distributed dropouts; as a result, the closed-loop dynamics exhibits a Bernoulli switching pattern. In Bernoulli processes, it only allows two possible states, taking either 1 or 0. This intrinsic property of Bernoulli processes coincides with the nature of the fault isolation and fault tolerant control, where the operating modes are working and failure . If the probability of a successful transmission is p and the probability of an unsuccessful transmission is 1 p, then the overall system in the closed-loop form jumps according to a Bernoulli process. This type of systems has been studied for decades in the area of fault isolation and fault tolerant control [6].


The analysis and synthesis of continuous-time jump linear systems are more com- plicated and mathematically involved. Some features and characteristics in continuous- time systems do not have direct analogies to discrete-time systems. A big challenge lies in that the variations of the system dynamics may occur at any time during the operation in continuous-time systems, while discrete-time systems could only jump at specific time instants [7, 8]. Since both continuous state variables of a plant or a pro- cess, such as displacement, velocity, or accelerations, and discrete state variables of the governing processes co-exist, continuous-time jump linear systems are sometimes called hybrid systems . This type of hybrid systems can be employed to model many practical systems, such as, electrical power systems and the solar thermal cen- tral receiver [9]. The continuous-time switching model has brought in many benefits in the stability analysis and controller design. In [10], the Markov process has been employed to model a vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) aircraft; consequently, a less restrictive stability condition was established.


Other classifications of jump linear systems are based on the underlying stochastic processes. Depending on the governing stochastic processes, jump linear systems can be classified as Bernoulli jump linear systems, Markov jump linear systems (MJLSs), semi-Markov jump linear systems (S-MJLSs), and other jump linear systems. As a result, the characteristics and system dynamics highly depend on the properties of the underlying stochastic processes. Among all types of jump linear systems, the MJLS has been intensively investigated in the control community [11, 12, 13]. Two main reasons have motivated the use of Markov processes instead of Bernoulli processes. Firstly, in the analysis of NCSs, the transmission delays could be represented by the modes of stochastic processes; for networked control systems (NCSs) with time- varying delays, usually two or more delays need to be modeled and represented. Markov processes, even finite-state Markov processes, are able to handle two or more operating modes. Secondly, the future states of jump linear systems usually depend on the current state. Take the weather system for an example. It can be regarded as a jump system where the mode represents the status of the weather, i.e., sunny and rainy; in some areas around the world, it tends to be sunny tomorrow if today is sunny, and vice versa. A Bernoulli random variable is not suitable for characterizing the relation between the prediction and the current state, whereas Markov processes draw attention with the ability to predict the states in future steps based on the current state. The study of MJLSs started in 1960s when Dynkin firstly derived the infinitesimal operators for differential systems with Markov switching patterns [14]. The motivations on the study of semi-Markov process after the study of Markov process are two-fold. Firstly, the Markov process is a special case of the semi-Markov process. Secondly, lots of system behavior could be better captured by semi-Markov process. Detailed explanations and analysis are given in Chapters 2, 3, and 4.


The stability analysis results of jump linear systems have been summarized in a comprehensive survey [18]. Early work on the stability analysis stems from [19]. In recent years, with the fast development of optimization techniques and programming tools, lots of stability problems have been converted to optimization problems which could be solved by linear matrix inequalities (LMIs) [20, 21]. With the established results on the stability analysis, researchers attention has shifted to the control de- sign problems of jump linear systems. In 1990, Ji et al. analyzed the controllability and the stabilizability of continuous-time MJLSs [22], where new definitions for con- trollability, observability, stabilizability, and detectability were constructed. Another contribution of [22] is to construct a stability condition which is not only sufficient  but also necessary.


Following the established stability conditions, researchers have always been pur- suing improvement in control performance. Optimal control is mathematically a minimization problem, in which different optima are calculated for meeting specific goals. These goals are often called performance indexes or criteria, according to which various optimal control schemes could be proposed. An early work on optimal control of MJLSs was reported in 1969 [7], where the control performance is optimized in the quadratic sense. With the development of the H theory since 1980s, H optimal controllers for jump linear systems were designed for a VTOL vehicle [10]; the opti- mal control problem has been formulated as an LMI optimization problem, which is readily solvable by using Matlab LMI Control Toolbox [23]. In [10], another popular and widely applied optimal control algorithm, H2 control algorithm, was proposed. Other results on H2 optimal control systems could be found in [24] and the references therein. Aside from the aforementioned systems operating under ideal conditions, often the state variables and control signals are constrained by physical limitations, such as operating work space limitations or the maximal power of the actuator, so optimal control problems with constraints were examined in [25]. In this thesis, the H and H2 controllers for MJLSs with delays and for a networked DC motor system are discussed.

在上述所有工作中,,系统动力学总是被假定为设计者和操作者确切知道,但在实践中并非总是如此,这是由于系统识别挑战或由于基于不同假设获得的不同系统动力学。为了解决系统参数不确定的问题,提出了鲁棒控制理论。文献中主要研究了两种类型的模型不确定性:多面体不确定性和范数有界不确定性。对于多面体不确定性,假设系统参数属于多面体顶点的凸集。用多面体来描述模型不确定性的优点是,所得到的系统可以用一组线性定常(LTI)系统的线性组合来表示;使用多面体类型表示的缺点是,随着多面体顶点数的增加,计算量会显著增加。在[26]中研究了一类具有多面体不确定性的跳跃线性系统的鲁棒稳定性和控制问题。进一步,de Souza报告了跳变线性系统的稳定性分析和控制设计问题,其中多面体不确定性不仅考虑了系统动力学,而且考虑了[27]中随机过程的参数。另一种方法是使用范数有界矩阵来刻画模型的不确定性。在这种方法中,扰动被限制在一个特定的度量[28]中预定的单位球内。以具有范数有界不确定性的跳跃线性系统为例,在[29]及其文献中研究了该系统的稳定性和控制问题。

In all the aforementioned work, the system dynamics is always assumed to be ex- actly known to the designer and the operator, which is not always the case in practice, due to the system identification challenges or because of different system dynamics obtained based on different assumptions. In order to tackle the problem of uncer- tain system parameters, the robust control theory has been developed. Two types of model uncertainties are mainly examined in the literature: Polytopic uncertainties and norm-bounded uncertainties. For polytopic uncertainties, the system parameters are assumed to belong to convex sets of polytopic vertices. The advantage of us- ing a polytope to describe model uncertainties is that the resulting system could be represented by a linear combination of a set of linear time-invariant (LTI) systems; the disadvantage of using the polytopic type representation is that the computational load would increase significantly with the increase of the polytope vertex number. Ro- bust stability and control problems for a class of jump linear systems with polytopic uncertainties were examined in [26]. Moving one step further, de Souza reported the stability analysis and control design problems for jump linear systems where polytopic uncertainties were not only considered for system dynamics but also for the parame- ters of the stochastic processes in [27]. The other approach is to use norm-bounded matrices to characterize the model uncertainties. In this approach, the perturbations are confined within a predetermined unit ball in a particular metric [28]. For example, the stability and control for jump linear systems with norm-bounded uncertainties were studied in [29] and the references therein.


To investigate the more general stochastic systems with non-Markov jumps, it is natural to relax the assumptions introduced by the Markov process. In a jump linear system, the duration h between two consecutive jumps is called sojourn-time, which is usually a random variable [30]. In continuous-time jump linear systems, the sojourn-time h is a random variable governed by the continuous probability distribu- tion F . For instance, F is an exponential distribution in the continuous-time MJLS. The continuous stochastic process whose sojourn-time does not follow an exponen- tial distribution is referred to as a continuous semi-Markov process. Accordingly, the jump linear system whose parameters switch according to a semi-Markov process is termed as an S-MJLS [1]. A stability condition for the S-MJLS controller design was obtained in [1] where the MJLS stability condition was adopted to design the controller. Although the condition was verified on a bunch-train cavity interaction system, the sojourn-time distribution was just nearly exponential , which indicated that the S-MJLS was nearly MJLS and the time-varying information of the transition rate was not considered in the controller design. Hou et al. addressed the stochastic stability for the linear system with semi-Markov jump parameters and similar results have been obtained as those in Markov jump systems [31]. In [31], due to the density property of phase-type distributions of all probability distributions on [0, + ), the phase-type semi-Markov process was firstly defined and the stability of simple linear systems with phase-type semi-Markov jump parameters was addressed.

1.2. 网络控制系统

NCSs指的是执行器、传感器和控制器空间分布的控制系统。近几十年来,对NCS的研究越来越受到人们的关注。在控制领域,许多特殊问题在科学期刊出版存在的,例如,IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control Guest Editorial Special Issue on Networked Control Systems (2004),Proceedings of the IEEE Special Issue on Technology of Networked Control Systems (2007), International Jour- nal of Systems, Control and Communications Special Issue on Progress in Networked Control Systems (2011), IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics Special Section on Advances in Theories and Industrial Applications of NCSs (2012)。此外,NCS也在许多研究研讨会中被介绍和讨论,例如,Workshop on Networked Embedded Sensing and Control (2005 USA),Global Centers of Excellence Workshop on Networked Control Systems (2008 Japan),以及First International Workshop on Wireless Networked Control Systems (2011 Canada)。此外,控制界的两大旗舰会议IEEE Conference on Decision and control (IEEE-CDC)和American control Conference (ACC)也举办了许多关于NCSs的专题会议。2012年,IEEE-CDC和ACC分别组织了5个和6个网络控制系统专题。

NCSs are control systems where actuators, sensors, and controllers are spatially dis- tributed. The research on NCSs has attracted increasing attention in the past decades. In the control community, many special issues in scientific journals have been published on NCSs, for example, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control Guest Editorial Special Issue on Networked Control Systems (2004), Proceedings of the IEEE Special Issue on Technology of Networked Control Systems (2007), International Journal of Systems, Control and Communications Special Issue on Progress in Networked Control Systems (2011), and IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics Special Section on Advances in Theories and Industrial Applications of NCSs (2012). Also, the NCS has been introduced and discussed in a lot of research workshops, for example, Workshop on Networked Embedded Sensing and Control (2005 USA), Global Centers of Excellence Workshop on Networked Control Systems (2008 Japan), and First International Workshop on Wireless Networked Control Systems (2011 Canada). In addition, the two flagship conferences in the control community, IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (IEEE-CDC) and American Control Conference (ACC), have been holding many special sections on NCSs. In 2012, IEEE-CDC and ACC organized five and six Special Sections on Networked Control Systems , respectively.


The NCS differs from the traditional control systems on signal channels between system components. Traditional formulations assume that all components are inter- connected by ideal channels [32, 33]. The ideal link/connection puts no limitations on the transmission time, bandwidth, nor transmission faults such as data missing or wrong data. In practice, control systems with distributed components have existed in many fields such as chemical processes [34], mobile sensor networks among ve- hicles [35], tele-surgeries [36], plant monitoring [37], spacecrafts [38], and unmanned aerial vehicles [39]. In those applications, control signals and sensor outputs are trans- mitted over various communication networks to the actuator and to the controller, respectively.


A typical NCS diagram is shown in Figure 1.1. As can be seen, the states of the plant/process are measured by various sensors, such as gas analyzers, flow meter- s, pressure transmitters, and thermocouples. The sensors send measurements to the central control computer via control networks, such as Modbus, DNP, WirelessHART, and ISA100. The control algorithm is implemented in the central control comput- er. Control actions calculated by the central control computer are sent to different actuators; possible actuators are motors, valves, and pumps, etc.


As indicated in Figure 1.2, two main research streams on studying NCSs are: 1) Control of networks, and 2) control over networks.


1)Control of networks concentrates on the property of the network itself; for example, the bit rate, the bandwidth, the protocol design and so on. The re- search results from sensor networks have also been applied to NCS studies [40]. In the process control and automation industry, improvements on current wire- less protocols for NCSs are being extensively studied [41]. It should be pointed out that this type of research falls into the communication and network research fields.


2)Control over networks focuses on the control strategy design for NCSs where particular communication protocols have been selected for NCSs. In engineering applications, due to the existing devices, cost consideration, or environmental concerns, only specific communication protocols could be used. Therefore, the system designer should customize the control laws or strategies to accommo- date network constraints. This type of research falls into the system control community. It is worth mentioning that there is a trend in the co-design of the network and controller for NCSs [42, 43, 44].


The spatial distribution property brings in several advantages for NCSs: 1) Re- ducing wirings, 2) ease of system installation, diagnosis, and maintenance, 3) low cost, and 4) sharing data effectively [45]. With these features, NCSs would be implemented with less redundant wires, or even no wires by utilizing industrial wireless networks the easy installation enhances the system agility, for example, additional components could be installed modularly, and failed components could be replaced without shut- ting down the whole system. Challenges come along with the advantages. The major constraints caused by the introduced network are: 1) Time delays, 2) packet dropouts, 3) sampling and quantization errors, and 4) bandwidth limitations [45]. Among those challenges, sampling and quantization issues have been studied for computer control systems with analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog conversions; bandwidth limita- tion which slows down the sampling rate has been studied in sampled-data control systems. Therefore, time delays and packet dropouts become the major concerns in the system design. To deal with these two issues, in the communication community, new internet transport protocols were developed for teleoperation tasks; meanwhile, new methods that can guarantee the stability and certain performance criteria for NCSs were proposed in the control community. In this thesis, we will also focus on the time delay and packet dropout issues.


During the past years, there was a trend to employ the stochastic system approach to study NCSs, because closed-loop NCSs can be modeled by switching systems. In the 1990s, Nilsson modeled the real-time control system with delays using Markov chains [46]. According to Nilsson s thesis, the original idea was to model the delayed system using jump linear systems; the reasons of using Markov chains to model delays were provided and some preliminary results were reported. After Nilsson s work, Xiao et al. modeled the control systems with random but bounded time delays by finite- dimensional, discrete-time jump linear systems [47]. Based on Nilsson s and Xiao et al. s results, various approaches have been proposed for NCSs [24, 48, 49, 50]. The timing mechanism and design approaches are reviewed as follows.


The timing mechanism of NCSs is the core aspect in the stability analysis and the control strategy design. Two communication links are involved with the timing mechanism: The sensor-to-controller (S-C) link, and the controller-to-actuator (C-A) link. In each communication link, the transmitted data packages may be subject to delays or dropouts. Such phenomenon would significantly alter the system dynam- ics [51]. The two delays are depicted in Figure 1.3. A commonly used assumption is that the delay is upper bounded, and in such cases the packet dropout could be addressed in the delay framework [52]. If the designed controller ignores the effects caused by delays, this type of controller is often termed as the mode-independent controller [53]. Similarly, controllers considering one or two side delays, are called one-mode dependent controllers or two-mode dependent controllers , respectively. In the controller design, taking more delay information into consideration would improve the control performance both intuitively and theoretically [47].


The S-C delay is relatively easy to deal with, since the controller could compen- sate for the S-C delay in the control signal calculation. The compensation has been achieved through many approaches. In [47], both the mode-independent controller and the one-mode dependent controller were designed for NCSs where transmission delays were modeled by finite-state discrete-time Markov processes. Furthermore, Seiler et al. have built an H optimal controller considering the S-C delays based on the bounded real lemma [50]. An early work dealing with the C-A communication link introduced buffers to handle the C-A packet dropouts [54]. To study the C-A delays, some strong assumptions were made. For instance, a two-mode dependent controller was developed given that the current S-C delay and the one step previous C-A delay were accessible by the controller at every sampling instant [55]. Howev- er, the one step previous C-A delay may not always be accessible by the controller. Indeed, when the controller receives and calculates the one step previous delay infor- mation will depend on the S-C delays. A thorough explanation regarding the relation between S-C and C-A delays could be found in [53], where an output feedback con- troller was designed considering two side delays. By taking the model uncertainties into account, the mixed H2/H control problems were examined in [56]. Both one- mode dependent controllers and two-mode dependent controllers are working with a buffer type actuator. With such actuators, only the most recent control signal from the controller will be implemented on the plant. The actuator by itself does not have any intelligence on evaluating the control signals based on the delay information or making appropriate compensations for the detected C-A delays. The rationale behind which the controller could easily compensate for the S-C delay is that the controller could immediately measure the most updated S-C delay; analogously, the actuator is the ideal system component to compensate for the C-A delays, because the actuator could immediately determine the C-A delay once it happens. The remaining tasks are to develop smart actuators and to adapt control strategies accordingly, which will be discussed later in this thesis.


The main approaches in this thesis are based on Lyapunov theory, or the corol- laries stemmed from the Lyapunov theory. Before addressing the stability of systems switching under Bernoulli processes or semi-Markov processes, a brief review of sta- bility analysis for systems with arbitrary switching is summarized. It is shown that the arbitrary switching systems may not be stable even if all sub-systems are stable. The stability of each sub-system becomes a sufficient condition for the overall system stability only in some special cases, for example, when the A matrices of the sub- system state-space models are symmetric [57], or when the sub-systems are pairwise commutative [58]. Nevertheless, the existence of a common Lyapunov function for all the sub-systems is able to guarantee the overall stability with arbitrary switching [59]. Following the idea of searching for a common Lyapunov function and with the devel- opments of numerical toolboxes, such as LMI Toolbox [28] and YALMIP [60], lots of results have been reported for NCSs via switching system approaches. A controller was designed for NCSs in [61]; the NCSs under investigation were subject to network- induced packet dropouts and time-varying delays. Based on the constructed common Lyapunov functions, sufficient conditions in terms of LMIs are obtained. For more results on NCSs stability and control using common Lyapunov functions, please refer to [62] and the references therein. The study on non-common Lyapunov functions for the NCSs has two reasons: Firstly, stability conditions using the common Lya- punov functions are often conservative. Secondly, common Lyapunov functions are used to verify the switching system stability with arbitrary jumps. In such cases, the switching Lyapunov functions are developed, where different Lyapunov function pa- rameters are constructed corresponding to different conditions in the NCS. Although a less conservative stability condition could be obtained via switching Lyapunov func- tions, the conditions are still only sufficient not necessary. In the NCS applications, switching Lyapunov functions are constructed depending on time-varying delays [63]. As mentioned before, the common switching Lyapunov function is a special case of the switching Lyapunov function. Therefore in [63], the delay and dropout depen- dent controller is less conservative. In this thesis, the switching Lyapunov function approach has been extensively utilized to reduce the conservativeness in the stability analysis and the controller design.

1.3 研究目的


Though many results on jump linear systems and NCSs were reported, the analysis and synthesis of S-MJLSs have not been fully addressed and clearly reported. The motivations of this research are two-fold.

1)  切换系统分析


As discussed in previous sections, some results on S-MJLSs have been reported. These results are either directly approximated from the results for MJLSs, or with computational defects which preclude their engineering applications. So the first part of the thesis is to provide the stability condition for S-MJLSs, especially the numerically testable conditions which are ready for engineering applications within acceptable computational time. Considering the modeling  errors in the system identification, the stability problem for systems with un- certainties should be studied. In order to apply the theory to NCSs, stability conditions are further studied for S-MJLSs with time-varying delays. Another research motivation comes from the fault tolerant control community. The life time of a system component may not follow an exponential distribution. Thus a semi-Markov process should be applied to model the system faults.

2)  网络化动态系统分析


Based on the proposed stability conditions for jump linear systems and for systems with uncertainties or delays, different applications should be studied. In NCSs, the control signal from the controller to the actuator is subject to network-induced delays. This delay information is not accessible by the con- troller when the control signal is calculated. Therefore, a send all, apply one scheme is proposed by allowing the actuator to freely choose an appropriate con- trol signal in the plant side. Another approach to compensate for time delays is to consider more historical measurements of the plant in NCSs. To further verify some of the established results, a haptic device is used as an experimental testing tool.


The road map of the research can be summarized in Figure 1.4. To investigate the two fundamental problems for the NCS: 1) Time delays and 2) packet dropouts the switching system is studied. The switching system serves as a bridge between the system (NCSs) and the problems (delays and packet dropouts).

1.4 研究贡献及论文组织


The thesis is organized as follows. In Chapter 1, the fundamental concepts and existing results of jump linear systems and NCSs, research motivations, and main research approaches have been reviewed. Then the research contributions of this PhD thesis are presented.


The stability and control problems for S-MJLSs are discussed in Chapter 2. The S-MJLS is more general than the MJLS in terms of modeling some practical systems. Unlike the constant transition rates in the MJLS, the transition rates of the S-MJLS are time-varying. This chapter focuses on the robust stochastic stability condition and the robust control design problem for the S-MJLS with norm-bounded uncertainties. The infinitesimal generator for the constructed Lyapunov function is derived. Numer- ically solvable sufficient conditions for the stochastic stability of S-MJLSs are then established in terms of LMIs. In order to reduce the conservativeness of the stability conditions, we propose to incorporate the upper and lower bounds of the transition rate and apply a new partition scheme at the same time. The robust state feedback controller is accordingly developed. Simulation studies and comparisons demonstrate the effectiveness and advantages of the proposed methods. With the developed theorems in this chapter, numerically testable stability conditions and controller design approaches are established for S-MJLSs for the first time.


Chapter 3 discusses the control problem for a class of S-MJLSs with time- varying delays. The sojourn-time partition technique is proposed for the delayed stochastic switching system. A sufficient condition for designing a state feedback  controller is then established. Moreover, the sufficient condition is expressed as a set of LMIs which can be readily solved.


Chapter 4 investigates the active fault tolerant control problem via the H state feedback controller. Due to the limitations of Markov processes, we apply semi- Markov process in the system modeling. Two random processes are involved in the system: the failure process and the fault detection and identification process. Therefore, two corresponding semi-Markov processes are integrated in the closed- loop system. This framework is able to accommodate different types of system faults, including the randomly happening sensor faults and actuator faults. A controller is designed to guarantee the closed-loop stability with a prescribed noise/disturbance attenuation level. The controller parameters are solved by using convex optimization techniques.


In Chapter 5, the NCS with multiple physically distributed sensors is considered. The state information of the discrete-time plant with multiple state delays is sent to the controller by communication networks. By setting a sensor scheduling algorithm, the controller receives the measurement from one sensor at each time step. The guaranteed cost state feedback controller is proposed which considers not only the most up-to-date state information, but also the historical information of the state. In addition, according to the sensor scheduling scheme, we design and implement different control gains, i.e., the so-called sensor-dependent controller.


The application of NCS theory on a haptic system is investigated in Chapter 6. In this chapter, a virtual coupler is designed for the Phantom Omni Haptic System in the networked environment with one degree-of-freedom interaction. The manipulator and the control computer are connected through wireless communication links over which the position of the manipulator and the torque of the motor are transmitted. The virtual environment consists of multiple materials with different stiffness and damping, and it is termed the mixed virtual wall. The contact point between the avatar and the virtual wall switches among different materials, where the movement is characterized by a stochastic process. To achieve the free oscillation for the haptic device with the human operator, the stability condition is established based on the passivity theory. After transforming the transparent virtual coupler design problem into an  optimization problem for a delayed jump linear system, we propose a design scheme for the switching virtual coupler. The performance of the proposed virtual coupler is verified and tested on the Phantom Omni Haptic System.


Chapter 7 investigates robust  and  step tracking control methods for NCSs subject to random time delays modeled by Markov chains. To make full use of the delay information, the proposed two-mode dependent output feedback controller depends on both sensor-to-controller and controller-to-actuator delays. To active- ly compensate for the controller-to-actuator delays, we propose the send all, apply one scheme: Sending a sequence of control signals, then at the actuator/plant node, applying the appropriate control signal according to the actual controller-to-actuator delay. Using the augmentation method, the resulting closed-loop system can be for- mulated as a discrete-time MJLS. The H2 and H step tracking problems are tackled by solving a set of LMIs with nonconvex constraints. Both numerical simulations and experiments on a networked DC motor system are conducted to illustrate the effec- tiveness of the proposed methods.


The concluding remarks and a few topics deserving future research attention are presented in Chapter 8.



2.1 介绍


The past years have witnessed extensive research on the Markov jump linear systems (MJLSs). Modeled by a set of linear systems with the transitions among the linear systems governed by the Markov chain, the MJLSs can be used to characterize and model different types of systems subject to abrupt changes [64]. Hence, the MJLS finds many applications in control systems, such as fault tolerant systems, target tracking systems, manufactory processes, NCSs, and multiagent systems; see, e.g., [12, 13, 65]. Many important results on MJLSs have been addressed in the literature. For instance, the stability analysis, filter and control design problems were investigated in [16, 22, 66], and the optimal control and filter design for MJLSs were discussed in [11, 67, 68]. Furthermore, nonlinear systems with Markov jumping parameters were addressed in [69, 70]. Besides the aforementioned theoretical studies, MJLSs also found applications in practical systems, such as networked DC motor systems [71].


In general, the MJLS belongs to the class of jump linear systems. In jump linear systems, the duration h between two successive jumps is referred to as sojourn-time which is usually a random variable [30]. In continuous-time jump linear systems, the sojourn-time h is a random variable governed by the continuous probability distribu- tion F . For instance, F is an exponential distribution in the continuous-time MJLS. Depending on F , the transition rate λij(h) is the speed/rate that the system jumps from mode i to mode j. The transition rate is also called the failure rate or the hazard rate in different applications [72]. From the memoryless property of the exponential distribution, λij(h) λij is a constant, meaning that the jump speed is independent of the past/history of the stochastic process. In fact, among all the continuous-time probability distributions, exponential distribution is the only one that possesses the memoryless property [72]. As a result, if the MJLS is applied to describe the stochas- tic system of interest, the transition rate should be assumed to be constant. This requirement, however, is too restrictive, because the transition rates for many prac- tical systems are not constants [73, 74]. For example, in the fault tolerant control systems, the bathtub curve is widely used to describe a particular form of the transi- tion rate function which consists of three parts: a) decreasing, b) constant (roughly), c) increasing [75]. Obviously, the jumping of such process cannot be modeled by an MJLS. A typical transition rate in the bathtub shape in the reliability analysis was reported in [76]. The application of semi-Markov processes in fault-tolerant control systems was discussed in [77], and it was shown that when a practical system does not satisfy the so-called memoryless restriction, the widely used Markov switching scheme would not be applicable.


In a more general setting, the transition rate λij(h) is usually time-varying in- stead of a constant λij [74]. A continuous stochastic process whose sojourn-time is non-exponentially distributed is often termed as a continuous semi-Markov process. Accordingly, the jump linear system which switches according to a semi-Markov pro- cess is termed as a semi-Markov jump linear system (S-MJLS) [1]. It is known that the MJLS is a special case of S-MJLSs that can be used to model and characterize a wider range of practical stochastic systems. Therefore, it is of both theoretical merit and practical interest to investigate the stochastic stability and robust stabilization problems of S-MJLS, which is the focus of this chapter.


Compared to the rich literature on MJLSs, there are relatively few research efforts devoted to S-MJLSs. In [1], a stochastic stability condition and the controller design method for the S-MJLS were presented, and further the results were verified on a bunch-train cavity interaction system. Yet, it is worthwhile to point out that the sojourn-time distribution was nearly exponential ; this indicates that the S-MJLS was nearly an MJLS and the time-varying information of the transition rate was not fully characterized in the control design problem. Hou et al. discussed the stochastic stability for the linear system with semi-Markov jump parameters and similar results were obtained for the Markov jump systems [31]. Due to the density property of phase- type (PH) distributions, the PH semi-Markov process was defined and the stability condition of linear systems with PH semi-Markov jump parameters was established in [31, 78]. Shmerling et al. studied the stochastic stability for differential equations with semi-Markov jump parameters [79], where the mean square asymptotic stability of the system was verified by checking the existence of a set of positive definite matrices. The condition in [79] was expressed in an integration form which is difficult to check. It is noticed that, although the stability and control design problems for S-MJLSs have been receiving increasing interest, little attention has been paid to developing numerically testable stochastic stability conditions, and little research was devoted to the controller design for S-MJLSs. The limitation of the MJLS and the wide application of the S-MJLS motivate the current research. The main objectives of this chapter are three-fold


1)To establish sufficient stochastic stability conditions for a class of uncertain S-MJLSs.


2)To propose a new partition scheme by dividing the range of the transition rate (from the lower bound to the upper bound) in order to effectively reduce the conservativeness of the stability conditions.


3)To propose a robust state feedback controller design for the S-MJLSs with norm-bounded uncertainties.


The remainder of this chapter is organized as follows. The problem formulation is presented in Section 2.2. In Section 2.3, the sufficient conditions for the stochastic stability of S-MJLSs are established. The robust stabilization problem is discussed in Section 2.4. Finally, simulation studies illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed methods in Section 2.5. Some concluding remarks are made in Section 2.6.

2.2 问题描述
















2.3  S-MJLS的随机稳定性分析


Lemma 2.1



定理 2.1 




































其中, 表示负半定矩阵。因此,










定理 2.2







通过调整和,可以得到所有可能的 。因此,(2.1)中的条件一致成立,这意味着(2.1)中的系统是随机稳定的。








2.4 S-MJLS的鲁棒反馈控制
























,          (2.18)



推论 2.2 


,          (2.18)



备注 2.2 

驻留时间的划分策略对S-MJLS的随机稳定性分析和相应的鲁棒控制器设计有重要作用。如[88]所示,充分条件的保守性随着分区的增加而降低。在本章中,逗留时间被划分为第 段:


这里,和是当系统运行在特定模式时m阶段的开始和结束时间。图2.1给出了开始和结束时间的说明。在该图中,模式3共设置M个区段。S- MJLS在之后和之前从模式3切换到模式1,即系统在部分切换。





事实上,a)不同的分区数(M)和 b)不同的逗留时间分区策略对稳定性分析和控制器设计的影响尚未得到充分的研究,这一问题值得进一步探讨,是我们当前的研究课题。



2.5 解释性例子








根据推论2.2,设M为2,即在h=0.8326处将逗留时间h分成两段。因此,当h<0.8326时,模式1的状态反馈控制律为K(1,1),模式2的状态反馈控制律为K(2,1);当h>0.8326时,模式1的状态反馈控制律为K(1,2),模式2的状态反馈控制律为K(2,2)。在PC机上(3.0 GHz, 2.0 GB RAM内存)计算时间为0.0749 s。利用推论2.2设计的状态反馈控制律如下:


基于不同区间划分的控制器设计:需要注意的是,应用定理2.4,(2.20)中的条件是不可行的。将驻留时间h进一步划分为2段,得到控制器(2.27)。另外,对于某些系统,m = 4是可行解,而m = 2不是。因此,使用推论2.2,较大的M更有可能产生可行的控制器。如何将驻留时间适当地划分为若干部分,仍值得进一步研究。

与[1,2]比较:对于每个工作模式,采用[1,2]中的技术提出的控制器分别为K1 =[3.7949,2.2244], K2 =[1.7292,1.2225]。在仿真中,采用相同的初始条件和相同的切换时间,状态轨迹如图2.2a所示。对于所设计的控制器,两种状态收敛到0需要2.95s,而[1,2]所设计的控制器则需要超过10s。从理论上讲,由[1,2]得到的控制器反馈增益相对较小,因此瞬态响应较慢。因此,所提出的控制设计技术优于现有的方法。



采用两种不同的控制器的稳定时间平均值分别为3.5741 s和9.9100 s。因此,在随机意义上,本章提出的控制方案可以产生更快的瞬态响应。除了稳定时间的平均值外,标准偏差(Std)对于描述系统性能也是至关重要的。10000次运行的稳定时间标准偏差分别为0.8849和2.1895。图2.4显示了不同模拟运行次数下平均阀的收敛性和沉降时间的标准差。表2.1列出了1、2、3个标准差。

2.6 结论


3. 对于含时滞的半马尔可夫跳变线性系统的H无穷的状态反馈控制

3.1 简介


The study of jump linear systems is motivated by many real-world technical problems involving abrupt changes and switches [89, 90]. The evolution of system parameters can be modeled within a stochastic framework, where each set of the system param- eters describes one linear system. In the jump linear system, the sojourn-time h is the duration between two consecutive jumps/switches. In general, h is a random variable following certain probability distributions. For example, in a continuous-time jump linear system, if h is governed by an exponential distribution, then the jump linear system is reduced to the well-known Markov jump linear system (MJLS) which has attracted much research attention. Applications of MJLS cover several research areas, such as NCSs [56], fault tolerant systems [91], aerospace systems [92], and so on. Because the MJLS model is suitable for characterizing and representing system changes and switches, for example, system failures, random events, and unexpected configuration changes.

在一个更一般的框架中,逗留时间遵循任何可能不总是取指数分布的概率分布。在这种情况下,跳变线性系统被称为半马尔科夫跳变线性系统[1]。因此,MJLSs的集合是S-MJLSs集合的一个子集。MJLS与S-MJLS以及跳变线性系统之间的关系如图3.1所示。与文献丰富相比,对S- MJLSs的研究相对较少。在[1]和[2]中,建立了一个随机稳定条件,并根据该稳定条件设计了控制器。设计的控制器在串列腔相互作用系统上进行了试验,该系统可被描述为S- MJLS。而在[1]和[2]中逗留时间的概率分布近似为指数分布,表明S-MJLS的行为与MJLS相似。在[88]中,我们提出了一个保证S-MJLS稳定性的数值可测试条件。为了进一步降低方法的保守性,开发了逗留时间划分技术。S-MJLSs的其他结果参见[88]及其文献。

In a more general framework, the sojourn-time follows any probability distribution which may not always take the exponential distribution. In such cases, the jump linear system is termed as a semi-Markov jump linear system [1]. Therefore, the set of MJLSs is a subset of the set of S-MJLSs. The relationship among MJLS and S-MJLS as well as jump linear system can be shown in Figure 3.1. Compared to the rich literature on MJLSs, relatively less research attention has been paid to S- MJLSs. In [1] and [2], a stochastic stability condition was established and a controller was designed based on the proposed stability condition. The designed controller was tested on a bunch-train cavity interaction system which can be formulated as an S- MJLS. However, the probability distributions of the sojourn-time in [1] and [2] were chosen as nearly exponential , which indicates that the S-MJLS behaves similarly as an MJLS. In [88], we proposed a numerically testable condition for ensuring the stability of the S-MJLS. To further reduce the conservativeness of the method, the sojourn-time partitioning technique was developed. For other results on S-MJLSs, please refer to [88] and the references therein.


On the other hand, the H control has been proved to be a useful tool for attenu- ating the effect of disturbances/noises in dynamic systems [28, 93]. H control stems from the robust stability problem in the frequency domain, and it is now commonly used to solve the optimal control problems which attenuates the L2 gain from the disturbance/noise to the output of interest in the time domain. The H controller can be effectively and conveniently designed by solving a set of linear matrix inequal- ities (LMIs) [23]. The H controller design for MJLS with and without delays has been reported in the past decades; see, e.g. [94, 95, 96]. Compared to the aforemen- tioned work, in this chapter, we consider a more general and practical scenario: The switching tendencies/trends from one state to another are not constant any more;in this case, if the well-developed MJLS methods are applied, 1) the time-varying information of the transition rate will be missed, and accordingly the control perfor- mance will be deteriorated; 2) the proposed controller or filter may malfunction due the evaluation failure of potential state jumps.


Besides the stochastic behavior of practical systems, the existence of time-delays is ubiquitous in many applications, and it has been studied extensively over the past years [97]. The time delay is an inherent feature of many control processes in mechanical plants, chemistry processes, and automation systems [98]. On one hand, it is well recognized that time delays can lead to divergence, oscillation, or instability [99]. On the other hand, considerable efforts have been devoted to the analysis and synthesis problems for MJLSs with constant delays as well as time- varying delays. Especially, the time delay effect on MJLSs with partially known transition rates has been considered in [16]. In this chapter, we move one step further, where transition rates are not partially known, but are time-varying. However, until now, no result has been reported for the H optimal control for the S-MJLS with time-varying delays, which motivates this research.


The remainder of this chapter is organized as follows. The H state-feedback control design problem for the delayed S-MJLS is formulated in Section 3.2. In Sec- tion 3.3, the sufficient conditions for ensuring the stochastic stability of S-MJLSs with time-varying delays are established and the H control design method is developed. To validate the proposed theorem and corollaries, simulation studies are provided in Section 3.4. Finally, the concluding remarks are given in Section 3.5.

3.2. 问题描述





更多的,我们假设时滞地最大容许值是,并且。是初始状态,是半马尔可夫过程地初始模态。对于系统3.1而言,如果控制输入是0,也就是, 然后存在下列非强制系统:






定义3.1.  如果对于所有可能的有限初始函数,且所有可能的初始模态,非强制系统3.2是均方随机指数稳定的,使以下不等式成立:








3.3 主要结论


3.3.1 时滞S-MJLS的随机稳定性条件


命题1. 带时滞的(3.3)中的S-MJLS系统实现均方意义下的随机指数稳定条件为:如果存在矩阵,同时,这样以下不等式对于所有 和



































3.3.2 对于带有时滞的S-MJLS系统的H无穷控制器设计















,           (3.28)

,         (3.29)

























备注3.2  在命题1中,涉及驻留时间h的剩余参数为,为待确定的未知矩阵。在这里,我们寻求能够满足无限个线性矩阵不等式的统一。


引理3.1 给定对称矩阵,定义以下集合:。如果对于所有


使得 A<0,那么对于所有可能的








其中α是一个常数。条件是θ1+θ2 = 1并且 θ1>0,θ2>0,同时乘以θ1到(3.38)和乘以θ2到(3.39),两个不等式的总和得出(3.37)。

(2)假设矩阵A中有p个不确定项,满足(3.37)。现在,我们给第(p + 1)项和引入不确定性。从(3.36)中可以得到,对于,




引理3.2 引理3.1成立条件是:存在,并且还存在一个标量满足:


推论3.1 如果存在对称矩阵,和矩阵,这些矩阵都具有合适的维度,并且对于所有的,和,以下不等式成立:











3.3.3 保守性降低

值得注意的是推论3.1中的条件是保守的,因为公共变量, , 能够满足定理3.1中所示的无穷多个lmi。减少保守性的思想是通过引入更多的设计变量集来解决可行性,而不是使用一组, , 矩阵[88]。通过划分逗留时间h的范围,可以将和的跃迁率划分为不同的区间,称为分区。下面的推论演示了如何利用分区来降低H无穷控制器设计的保守性,方法是将驻留时间H划分为M个分区。









3.4 数值例子










在数值分析中,模拟的初始状态为。在图3.2中,直升机的所有状态变量都是稳定的,即实现了直升机的悬停。然而,由于持续的外部干扰ω(t), x(t)并不收敛于0。在这个例子中,注意集中的状态变量是垂直速度,即。从图3.2可以看出,在扰动和系统延迟的情况下,垂直速度的大小从6m/s减小到小于1m/s。在控制器设计中,设H无穷衰减级为γ = 0.93,从仿真结果看,。

3.5 结论


4. 半马尔可夫模型方法的主动容错控制系统

4.1 介绍


The fault detection and fault tolerant control problems have received increasing at- tention due to their broad applicability [104]. In order to achieve a higher reliability level and better control performance, modern control systems relying on sophisticated control algorithms have been developed to meet these critical requirements [105]. The designed fault tolerant control systems can achieve the system stability and maintain the acceptable control performance, even when they are subject to failure events. Generally speaking, fault tolerant control strategies can be categorized into two main categories: Passive control and active control [106]. In passive fault tolerant control systems, no reconfiguration of the controller is needed, so essentially it has limited fault tolerant capacities. On the contrary, active fault tolerant control configura- tion reacts to the system failure actively by adjusting control actions to achieve the stability and required performance of the closed-loop system [107]. Besides the clas- sification of the control schemes, the system faults can also be classified into several groups, such as actuator faults, sensor faults, component faults, and a combination of the above [108]. In this chapter, we seek to design an active control method to accommodate a combination of the above faults.


Active fault tolerant control systems are feedback control systems that reconfigure  the control law in real time. The abrupt occurrence of faults in the system can be practically characterized as being governed by stochastic processes. The class of systems governed by stochastic processes is termed as the jump linear system [70]. In this class of systems, a stochastic process is defined to represent the random variations of the system parameters. Normally, continuous-time finite state Markov processes are used in continuous-time systems where the system may jump at any time instant; while in discrete-time systems, discrete-time finite state Markov processes are applied; to be precise, only Markov process kernels are used. Sometimes, finite state processes are also called discrete-state processes, or countable state processes. To practically formulate active fault tolerant control problems, two stochastic processes are involved in the system model: One is used to model the system faults, and the other one is used to represent the fault detection and identification (FDI) process [109]. The rationale behind the two-process model is that the FDI process brings random variations into the control law. In other words, the FDI process modifies the system dynamics by the control strategy reconfiguration [110]. The two-process model was proposed in [111], where necessary and sufficient conditions were provided for systems with single component failures. For the system with multiple failure occurrences, the stochastic stability analysis was presented in [112]. Further, considering the system uncertainties, detection delays, and noise/disturbances, results have been reported in [113]. Besides the results on the stability issue, optimal controller design problems have been studied for fault tolerant control systems modeled by Markov processes; see [114] and the references therein.


For all the aforementioned work, most of them deploys continuous-time or discrete- time Markov processes to model the system failure. To satisfy the requirements of Markov processes, the life time of the system components should be assumed to be exponentially distributed. However, such an assumption may not be appropriate in practice for two reasons. Firstly, in the reliability engineering, a typical transi- tion/failure rate function is in a bathtub shape instead of a constant value [75, 76]. With such shapes of transition/failure rates, the system components would be more likely to fail in the infant or senior stages. For a more comprehensive literature review on time-varying and even random transition rates; see [115] and the references therein. In this chapter, for simplicity, we adopt the terminology transition rate from switching system theory, and it is mathematically equivalent to the failure rate in the reliability engineering. Secondly, suppose that the continuous-time prob- ability distribution function (PDF) is an exponential distribution, i.e., the transition rates are constant, which is a widely used assumption in reliability engineering [116]. Since the redundancy design finds wide applications in practice, for example, in the fly-by-wire aircraft system design [117, 118], the overall life time probability distri- bution function will not be exponential (red and blue curves in Figure 4.1) and the corresponding transition rates are not constant values (red and blue curves in Fig- ure 4.2). Therefore, in this chapter, we investigate the fault tolerant control system where the life time of the components is not necessarily exponentially distributed. Therefore, the semi-Markov process is more appropriate for modeling the random changes/jumps in the system. Some related results have been reported; for example, in [119], a continuous-time countable (discrete) state semi-Markov process was used to characterize the failure phenomenon of an object. In the field of jump linear system research, semi-Markov processes have been deployed and studied [2, 78, 88, 120].


The remainder of this chapter is organized as follows. In Section 4.2, we formulate the fault detection problem by using semi-Markov processes. Next, we present the main results for the stochastic stability analysis and the controller design technique for the formulated fault tolerant control system in Section 4.3. In Section 4.4, a vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) vehicle simulation example is presented. Finally, we conclude this chapter in Section 4.5.

4.2 问题描述





系统故障用系统矩阵表示。例如,在正常工作状态下,系统矩阵为。例如,如果一个传感器工作不正常,那么中的元素可能会变化,甚至在完全失败的情况下被设置为0。在这样的故障场景中,操作系统矩阵将是、、和。另一种经常遇到的故障是所谓的驱动故障。在这种情况下,操作系统矩阵是、 、 ,和。同样地,通过调整,可以适当地模拟由外部干扰引起的故障。因此,切换系统模型可以适应不同类型的故障场景。































4.3 主要结论















其中,∆> 0是一个小正数。的一阶展开为



















证明: 考虑到事实1,这个推论很容易被证明。

4.3.2 控制性能


定理4.2  如果存在一系列矩阵和,并且对于所有的和,存在以下矩阵不等式:














推论4.2  系统随机稳定的条件是:如果存在一组矩阵和,对于所有的和,使得




推论4.2 系统随机稳定的条件是:如果存在一组矩阵和,对于所有的,和,使得





4.4 数值实验






在仿真中,初始状态为,,。外部干扰是一个零均值、方差为1的白噪声。故障发生序列由上述转换矩阵生成。为了更清晰地观察,故障序列的前19秒,而不是模拟过程中的3秒在图中显示(图4.3)。当时,闭环控制系统在正常状态工作;当时,随机故障发生;(4.30)中通过控制器控制的状态轨迹如图4.4所示。从仿真结果来看,。作为对照,用(4.31)控制器的状态轨迹在图4.5中显示,并且。在干扰衰减等级γ = 1.5的条件下,实现了系统的H∞控制性能。




4.5 结论



5. 用历史数据进行网络控制系统的设计

5.1 介绍


The modeling, control, and filtering problems for NCSs have been studied extensively over the last few years [33, 70, 124]. In the conventional NCSs, the sensors of the plant are located at the same place; as a result, the measurements of the plant can be sent to the controller within one data packet at the same time. Recently, with the fast development of the sensor technology, a significant research interest in the control society has been devoted to combining the data supplied by different sensors [125]. Especially, different communication protocols are being developed, which will be used in the next generation NCSs, such as WirelessHART [126], ZigBee [127], ISA100 [128]. The interested readers are referred to [129] and the references therein. In a modern NCS, it is common to have distributed sensors for the measurements [130]. Different from the conventional control system, the distributed sensor configuration enhances the reliability and robustness of the control system, improves the resolution of the measurement, and extends the coverage [131]. While enjoying these advantages, new problems arise. Take the intelligent building system as an example, the spatially distributed sensors detect the gas, noise, temperature and humidity of the building and transmit the information to the central controller by shared interface device [132]. Using the shared interface, the controller cannot accept the data from all sensors at the same time. Another example is the state estimation problem where the out of sequence of data occurs, and the central controller estimates the state of a complex control system by using the information provided by physically distributed sensors through communication networks [133].


Despite the rich literature on the controller design problem that aims to stabilize the closed-loop NCS, in practical systems, it is always desirable to propose a controller that not only stabilizes the plant but also satisfies certain control performance. A widely used control strategy is the socalled guaranteed cost control [134]. The guaranteed cost control for the NCS is often referred to as the guaranteed cost networked control (GCNC) [135]. The GCNC seeks to stabilize the closed-loop sys- tem and simultaneously guarantees a prescribed system performance in terms of a cost function. For example, Wu et al. proposed the static state feedback controller for the discrete-time NCS which satisfied the specific control performance [136]. Also in [137], the authors considered the guaranteed cost control problem for a class of NCSs with uncertainties where an improved predictive controller was developed to compensate for the communication delays and packet dropouts in the communication links. Apart from linear systems, GCNC was also applied to the nonlinear NCSs where the time delays can be represented by T-S fuzzy models [138].


With the spatially distributed sensors, the connection between the sensor and the controller would be multi-channel links. In this chapter, we consider the NCSs in which each individual sensor measures one state information and transmits the measurement to the controller via separate communication channels. In [136], the data packet dropout and disorder problems for multi-channel NCS were studied where the guaranteed cost controller can be proposed by solving a set of linear matrix inequal- ities (LMIs). Chen et al. designed controller for the NCS where the communication delays were modeled by Markov processes [139]. In [139], after transforming the resulting closed-loop system into a Markov jump linear system, the controller can be readily computed. It is noticed that in the aforementioned works and more (see e.g. [63, 140, 141]), only the most updated/recent state information will be used to determine the control effort. Intuitively, the information behind the historical data is wasted when computing the control signal. In addition, with the fast developed compressive sensing theory [142, 143], the compressive sensor can transmit a substan- tial length of historical data of the system state to the controller with small network bandwidth. Therefore, in this chapter, motivated by making the most of the historical state information, the novel guaranteed cost state feedback controller will not only depend on the most updated state information, but also the historical data at the controller node.


The rest of the chapter is organized as follows. In Section 5.2, we present the structure of the NCS and the sensor scheduling scheme. Also, the cost function is given along the design objectives. In Section 5.3, the controller design procedure is provided and the equivalent LMI conditions with nonconvex constraints are devel- oped. The numerical simulation and concluding remarks are given in Sections 5.4 and 5.5, respectively.

5.2 问题描述










































因为 ,可以定义,然后闭环系统是稳定的如果对于所有的以下LMI成立
















5.4 数值实验









5.5 结论





6. 网络控制系统设计:一个触觉的例子

6.1 简介


A haptic system allows the human operator to interact kinesthetically with the dy- namics of a virtual environment through a motorized haptic device [150, 151]. Con- necting the haptic device to the virtual environment, the virtual coupler seeks to let the haptic dynamics mimic the dynamics of the virtual environment. It is challenging to accurately render the dynamics of the virtual environment to the human opera- tor, while simultaneously maintaining the system stability [152]. Both stability and transparency are essential for giving operators the sense of the virtual presence [153]. Although stability and transparency should be satisfied simultaneously, they are gen- erally competing objectives [154]. On one hand, the system should be stable. Different from the traditional robot manipulators, the haptic device is interactively connected with an operator; therefore, any unexpected/unstable behavior of the device may cause oscillation of the manipulator or injuries of the human operator. Even minor oscillation can impair the realism to the user. On the other hand, transparency is required to ensure a realistic feeling of the surface properties such as the stiffness. Transparency quantifies the fidelity with which the virtual object properties are p- resented to the user [155]. For example, a virtual wall in the virtual environment should not be felt like materials with apparent deformation. On the contrary, a soft tissue in the virtual environment should not be touched like a wall either [156].


A meaningful transparency measurement will only exist unless all haptic dynamics, including the virtual environment, the device, and the human operator interact to produce a stable system [155]. The stability issue in haptics has been studied by several authors, among which, Minsky et al. [157] firstly investigated it by approxi- mating the sampling and hold effects to a delayed continuous-time model. This early study and several following work assumed a particular model of the human operator. However, the time-varying nature of the human body poses a challenge for the de- sign of stable haptic systems. Later, the time domain passivity control approach was developed by designing the observer and controller separately to guarantee a stable haptic system. Miller et al. [158] attempted to avoid explicit modeling of human dynamics by establishing the passivity of the haptic components: The haptic device, the virtual coupler, and the virtual environment. Using the passivity theory, the con- cept of virtual coupler was proposed in [159]. The virtual coupler for one-dimensional interaction guaranteeing the stability and transparency was proposed by converting the design problem into an H optimization problem in [160].


In traditional haptic systems, the control computer and the device are directly interconnected. However, with the fast development of the NCS [161, 162], there is a great trend to employ the wireless communication links in the control system; see, e.g., [163, 164, 165]. The wireless haptic systems have also been reported in [166], where a wireless controller is implemented to control the direction and the speed of a humanoid robot. In [167], the virtual environment and the haptic device are connected through wireless communication links. The measurement of the position, the velocity and the control signal are transmitted through wireless channels. The wireless haptic system has a great potential in many applications, for example, the remotely controlled robot can operate in locations where wired ones cannot reach, e.g., inside a nuclear power plant. However, the time delays introduced by the network can degrade the performance of the tele-operated devices [168]. In [168], it is suggested to alter the force reflected from the environment depending on the force applied by the human operator. In order to achieve stability of a tele-operated haptic system with time delays, several different approaches have been reported. Please refer to [169] and references therein.


In the virtual environment, multi-material parts have been increasingly employed in manufacturing as means for increasing the application as well as adding the func- tional capability [170]. In [170], the haptic rendering for the system where multiple virtual materials was presented. This multi-material virtual environment is called a mixed virtual environment. In mixed virtual environments, the virtual physical property varies from place to place. Stiffness and damping are not constant through- out the mixed virtual environment. The digital object in the virtual environment which follows the operator movement through the haptic device is generally termed avatar [171]. Because the movement of the operator is generally not predictable, so the contact position in the virtual space between the avatar and the virtual environ- ment is not predictable either. In other words, the change of the contact position inherently exhibits a stochastic pattern. In order to design the virtual coupler, the stochastic process as a mathematical tool can be used to characterize the trajectory of the avatar. We assume the movement of the human operator is independent of the past. Therefore, the Markov process is suitable for modeling the trajectory of the avatar due to its memoryless property. Until now, little research attention has been paid to the virtual coupler design for the mixed virtual environment, especially in a network environment, which is the main motivation of this chapter. The main contributions of the chapter are three-fold




1)The movement of the avatar in the multi-material virtual environment is mod- eled by a stochastic process to better characterize its practical feature. 

2)The stochastic stability condition is established for the networked haptic system considering the network-induced delay.

3) By converting the design problem into a model matching problem to characterize the transparency requirement, the virtual coupler is designed for the networked haptic system.


The remainder of this chapter is organized as follows. Section 6.2 presents the system identification of the haptic device and constructs the stochastic model of the virtual environment. The virtual coupler design procedure is discussed in Sections 6.3 and 6.4 in which the stability and transparency issues are discussed, respectively. Finally, the simulation and experimental results and concluding remarks are given in Sections 6.5 and 6.6, respectively.

6.2 系统辨识和随机模型


6.2.1 系统辨识




其中m是棒子的质量,b是杆的轴向阻尼。当一个极点在原点时,系统本身是不稳定的,即积分器使系统有界输入有界输出(BIBO)不稳定。输入-输出系统辨识技术不能直接应用于这种不稳定装置。因此,采用比例控制器进行闭环识别实验,输入信号为频率为0.4545 Hz,幅值为0.02 V的方波。采用最小二乘辨识方法,辨识出的触觉装置参数分别为 m = 0.7943kg 和 b = 1.9857 N·s/m。所以确定的传递函数是


6.2.2 随机模型




越大,avatar 从模式i移动到模式j的概率就越大。是随时间变化的滑动速度,由此得到的马尔可夫过程是非齐次的,难以求解。为了简化这个问题定义,假设 avatar以恒定的速度滑动(如果与虚拟墙壁接触),即是常数,则。事实上,恒速横移可以广泛应用于工业应用,如激光加工过程[173]、磨料加工过程[174]、搅拌摩擦过程[175]。给出了离散时间马尔可夫过程的转移矩阵:




虚拟墙上的斑块以重复的模式对齐。在这种模式中,所有相同材料的斑块都具有相同的形状和相同的相邻斑块。因此,跃迁率 在一个斑块i上可以应用到整个虚拟墙上的所有带有i材料的斑块上。


注意,avatar 不能在任意两个补丁之间任意跳转。例如,材料i不相邻材料j,即,那么 avatar 就不能从i移动到j,也不能从j移动到i。在这种情况下,一些对称元素的过渡矩阵是0(),然而仍然是一个有效的转移矩阵。本章的设计过程允许内存在0元素。

6.3 稳定性分析















给出了触觉系统中虚拟壁相互作用的一个充分稳定条件[176]。该条件表明,对于没有虚拟耦合器的触觉系统,当阻尼系数较大、刚度较大或采样周期较大时,其稳定性无法得到保证。这就引出了引入虚拟耦合器块的想法,其中,会被使用当 avatar 与材质i交互时。因此是一个切换型虚拟耦合器。虚拟耦合器具有更大的采样周期和更灵活的和选择,给系统设计带来了额外的自由度。







表示输入为输出为的图6.4中和的网络化并联为,当avatar 接触材料i时,









其中,是操作手的速度。能量意义上的负定要求系统的输入能量不应小于存储函数的增量。换句话说,不应少于。那么,在任意时间区间内,从步骤k到k + p (p是任意正整数),下面不等式成立[160]



















。            (6.14)






,               (6.17)




6.5 仿真和实验结果

我们使用Phantom全触觉系统(图6.7)作为测试平台,采样周期T=0.05s。对于图6.2所示的混合虚拟壁,材料1、2、3的刚度和阻尼分别为K1=1000 N/m、B1=2 N·s/m;K2= 800N/m、B2=2 N·s/m;K3 = 800 N/m、B3 = 5 N·s/m。考虑贴片模式和(6.3),给出avatar与虚拟墙壁接触位置切换的转移矩阵

6.5.1 仿真


6.5.2 实验

在实验中,触觉装置跟随手臂的运动。然而,由于人类行为的随机性,施加在虚拟墙上的力不会是恒定的。模拟通信时延设为τ1 = τ2 = 3T = 0.15 s。设备的位置由安装在设备上的编码器测量并传输到虚拟环境。根据设备和虚拟墙之间的相对位置,控制计算机计算给用户的反馈力。末端执行器的轨迹是弧形的。来自虚拟环境/墙壁的反馈力由用户感知。从实验中可以看出,墙体不同部位具有不同的刚度;因此,所设计的触觉系统可以为混合虚拟墙提供良好的触觉感知。



6.6 结论和未来工作



7. 网络控制系统的鲁棒跟踪控制:在网络直流电机中的应用

7.1 介绍

随着数字网络技术的快速发展,将通信网络集成到控制系统设计中的趋势日益明显。这类系统被称为网络控制系统(networked control systems, NCSs)[32, 33, 141, 182, 183]。NCSs在降低成本、易于系统诊断和灵活性、单个元件的添加和替换相对简单等方面具有优势。因此,NCSs的工业应用非常广泛,从大规模的工厂自动化和工厂监控[184,185]到较小但复杂的系统,如自主移动机器人[37]。然而,有线和/或无线网络的存在也引发了几个具有挑战性的问题。这些挑战包括通信带宽的约束、网络诱导的时延、数据包丢失、抖动和异步[40,186]。众所周知,在网络控制系统的设计中必须明确考虑网络特性。

With the fast development of digital network technologies, there is a steadily increas- ing trend to integrate communication networks into the control system design. This kind of systems are called networked control systems (NCSs) [32, 33, 141, 182, 183]. NCSs have advantages in terms of cost reduction, easy system diagnosis and flexi- bility, relatively simple addition and replacement of individual elements, and so on. Hence, the industrial applications of NCSs are very wide, ranging from the large scale factory automation and plant monitoring [184, 185] to smaller yet complicated sys- tems such as autonomous mobile robots [37]. The presence of wired and/or wireless networks, however, has also induced several challenging problems. These challenges involve the constraints on communication bandwidth, network-induced time delays, packet dropouts, jitter, and asynchronization [40, 186]. It is recognized that the network characteristics must be considered explicitly in the NCS design.

在通信网络带来的挑战中,时间延迟和数据包丢失是两个主要的问题,可能会降低系统性能,甚至导致不稳定[99]。一方面,针对网络特性的遥操作任务研究了新的网络传输协议[187,188]。一些网络协议保证了网络节点之间的同步,如WorldFIP、FlexRay、Profibus-DP;其他网络协议,如Ether-net或WiFi,不能保证传感器、控制器和执行器之间的同步[189]。在本章中,我们考虑一个场景,其中系统组件通过具有时变时延的网络连接和同步[71,190]。除了标准的工业网络,如Profibus和CAN,通用网络,如以太网,由于其可负担性,简单性,广泛的使用,并连接到Internet,越来越多地应用于NCSs;参见[191]和其中的参考文献了解更多细节。另一方面,通过考虑网络特性,控制领域已经开发了关于NCSs的稳定性条件和性能分析的新方法[54,55,125]。与常时延模型和有界随机时延模型相比,随机过程模型不仅刻画了时延的随机性,而且还说明了当前时延与下次传输[46]时延之间的相关性。文献[47,55]有效地利用了伯努利过程和离散时间马尔可夫链来建模时延和丢包。得到的闭环系统被定义为马尔可夫跳变线性系统(Markovian jump linear system, MJLS)[24,48,49,50]。此外,已有文献在MJLSs框架下考虑了NCSs的稳定和控制合成。Xiao等人[47]设计了基于马尔可夫链模型的具有传感器-控制器(S-C)时滞的网络控制系统的时滞依赖状态反馈控制器,以及具有S-C和控制器-执行器(C-A)时滞的网络控制系统的时滞独立输出反馈控制器。在[50]中,作者考虑了在有损耗通信链路上的车辆控制问题,其中丢包过程建模为伯努利过程,控制器与执行器处于同一位置,这意味着在该网络控制系统中只考虑S-C丢包问题;设计了一种H无穷模态依赖输出反馈控制器。在[192]中,作者考虑了具有随机通信延迟的NCSs在系统状态和S-C链路中的稳定问题。为了同时考虑NCSs中的S-C和C-A延迟,并充分利用可用的延迟信息,Zhang和Shi等[53.55]针对马尔可夫链模型的时滞NCSs,提出了一种既依赖S-C又依赖C-A延迟信息的双模依赖控制器。是注意到状态反馈控制器在[55]的状态反馈和输出反馈控制器在[53]取决于当前S-C延迟()和以前的C-A延迟(或)。如果最新的延迟可以被纳入控制器设计的信息,需要取得更好的性能。因此,一个更有效的依赖于延迟的控制方案应该同时依赖于当前的S-C延迟和当前的C-A延迟。但是,当产生控制信号时,控制器并不知道当前的C-A延迟,因为当控制信号通过C-A链路传输时,将来会发生C-A延迟。在本章中,我们提出了一种"send all, apply one"方案来设计既依赖于当前S-C时延又依赖于当前C-A时延的时延相关控制器。

Among the challenges that communication networks bring, the time delays and packet dropouts are two major issues that may degrade system performance and, even worse, cause instability [99]. On the one hand, new internet transport protocols were studied for teleoperation tasks regarding network characteristics [187, 188]. Some network protocols guarantee the synchronization among network nodes, such as WorldFIP, FlexRay, and Profibus-DP; other network protocols, for instance, Ether- net or WiFi, cannot guarantee the synchronization among the sensor, the controller, and the actuator [189]. In this chapter, we consider a scenario where the system components are connected and synchronized over networks with time-varying de- lays [71, 190]. Besides standard industrial networks such as Profibus and CAN, the general-purpose networks, such as Ethernet, are increasingly applied in NCSs due to its affordability, simplicity, widespread usage, and the connectivity to Internet; see [191] and references therein for more details. On the other hand, the control com- munity has developed new methods regarding the stability conditions and the per- formance analysis for NCSs by taking network properties into account [54, 55, 125]. Compared to the constant delay model and the bounded random delay model, the stochastic process model cannot only characterize the stochastic property of the delay but also illustrate the correlation between the current time delay and the delay in next transmission [46]. The Bernoulli process and the discrete-time Markov chain were effectively employed to model time delays and packet dropouts in the litera- ture [47, 55]. The resulting closed-loop system was formulated as a Markovian jump linear system (MJLS) [24, 48, 49, 50]. Further, the stabilization and control syn- thesis of NCSs have been considered in the existing literature under the framework of MJLSs. Xiao et al. [47] designed the delay dependent state feedback controller for NCSs with sensor-to-controller (S-C) delays modeled by Markov chains, and the delay independent output feedback controller for NCSs with both S-C and controller- to-actuator (C-A) delays. In [50], the authors considered a vehicle control problem over lossy communication links where the packet loss process was modeled as the Bernoulli process and the controller was co-located with the actuator, meaning that only the S-C packet loss was considered in this NCS; an H mode dependent output feedback controller was designed. In [192], the authors considered the stabilization problem of NCSs with random communication delays both in the system state and in the S-C links. To consider both S-C and C-A delays in NCSs, and to make full use of the available delay information, Zhang and Shi et al. [53, 55] proposed a two-mode dependent controller that depends on both S-C and C-A delay information for NCSs with time delays modeled by Markov chains. It is noticed that the state feedback con- troller in [55] and the output feedback controller in [53] depend on the both current S-C delay (τk) and previous C-A delay (dk 1 or dk τk 1). If the newest delay information can be incorporated into the controller design, it is desirable to achieve better performance. Hence, a more effective delay dependent control scheme is expected to be dependent on both current S-C delays and current C-A delays. However, when control signals are generated, the current C-A delay is not known to the controller because the C-A delay will occur in the future when the control signal is transmitted through the C-A link. In this chapter, a send all, apply one scheme is developed to design the delay dependent controller that depends on not only the current S-C delay but also the current C-A delay.


It is well recognized that the tracking control problem is more challenging than stabilization and can find applications in various fields. While most of the exist- ing work focused on the stabilization problem, only a few considered the tracking problem for NCSs [193, 194, 195, 196, 197]. In [193], the tracking control problem for NCSs with uncertain, time-varying sampling intervals and network delays was considered. Wu et al. [194] proposed an event-driven networked predictive tracking control method, where the control signal was selected according to the plant output. In [195], the H output tracking control was studied for sampled-data systems; the time delays were assumed to have lower and upper bounds. In [196], the authors studied the H control for NCSs with constant and time-varying sampling periods. Li et al. proposed an output tracking controller design method in [197]. Nevertheless, the step tracking control of NCSs with random delays modeled by Markov chains has not been fully investigated in the existing literature, which motivates the research in this chapter.


1)提出了一种send all, apply one方案来补偿可以被建模为马尔可夫链的C-A延迟。对于可能的C-A延迟,所有与双模式延迟相关的控制信号将计算并发送到执行器节点;根据执行器节点实测的实际C-A延迟,提取相应的控制信号并施加。由于随机C-A延迟是由马尔可夫链控制的,所以特定控制信号的选择也是由马尔可夫链控制的。为了便于控制器的设计,将具有发送全部、应用一个方案的网络控制系统设计为MJLS。本质上,send all, apply one方案源自于在[198,199,200]中应用的基于预测的思想。这一工作将该方案扩展到受马尔可夫链控制的随机延迟的ncs上。



The contributions of this chapter are mainly three-fold. 

1)A send all, apply one scheme is applied to compensate for the C-A delays that can be modeled as Markov chains. For possible C-A delays, all the two- mode delay dependent control signals will be computed and sent to the actuator node; according to the actual C-A delay measured at the actuator node, the corresponding control signal will be picked up and applied. Since the random C-A delay is assumed to be governed by the Markov chain, the choice of a specific control signal is also governed by the Markov chain. The NCS with the send all, apply one scheme is then formulated as an MJLS to facilitate the controller design. Essentially, the send all, apply one scheme is originated from the prediction-based idea that has been applied in [198, 199, 200]. This work extends the scheme to NCSs subject to random delays governed by Markov chains.

2)A delay dependent output feedback controller is developed. Such a controller depends on both current S-C and current C-A delays. Compared to the delay independent controller in [47], the proposed control scheme can reduce the con- servativeness and it can include the delay independent controller as a special case. Compared to the delay dependent controller in [55], the proposed con- troller is more effective because it depends on the current C-A delay whereas the controller in [55] depends on the previous C-A delay.

3)With the introduction of the ideal plant response, we develop the robust H2 and H control schemes to achieve the step tracking with disturbance rejection for NCSs with S-C and C-A delays modeled by Markov chains, which has not been studied in the literature.


The remainder of this chapter is organized as follows. The problem formulation of the NCS and the objective are given in Section 7.2. In Section 7.3, the closed-loop system is transformed to an MJLS and the robust H2 and H tracking problems are solved under the framework of MJLSs. Numerical simulations and experimental tests are presented in Section 7.4. Finally, concluding remarks are addressed in Section 7.5.

7.2 问题描述







备注 7.1



,             (7.3)

,            (7.4)








,             (7.7)


假设A, B, C是满秩的。如果p>m,一般来说,解不存在。因此,我们假设,如果p = m,则通过N的标准矩阵反转可以得到唯一解。如果p<m,则没有唯一解。通过解下式可以得到一个可能的解:


,              (7.8a)














备注 7.2


备注 7.3


7.3 鲁棒的H2和H无穷优化跟踪


7.3.1 将NCS重新定义为MJLS



,           (7.14a)

,           (7.14b)

 .           (7.14c)





,             (7.15)

,              (7.16)

















7.3.2 鲁棒的H2跟踪控制


定义7.2 [24] 系统(7.14)中的范数定义是:































根据舒尔补定理,考虑(7.24c), (7.24b)其等价于






7.3.3 鲁棒H无穷跟踪控制



[208] 假定(7.14)中的闭环系统是随机稳定的。设,定义(7.14)中系统的H无穷范数为




















条件(7.24)和(7.30)包含非凸约束。这可以通过产品约简算法(product reduction algorithm, PRA)[209]来解决,PRA是一种迭代LMI方法。如何应用PRA解决式(7.26)和式(7.31)中的优化问题的具体步骤可参考文献[210]。






7.3.4 H2和H无穷混合追踪控制设计



7.4 仿真和实验结果


7.4.1 在一个VTOL系统中的数值实验结果



这里,最大的C-A延迟是d = 1。考虑到时间戳信息,传输数据包的数据部分为

其使用的是IEEE 754标准

将网络性质引入控制器设计过程中,选择以下权重矩阵:Q = C, R =[0.01 0.01]。当需要提高控制性能时,可采用启发式方法选择权矩阵Q和权矩阵R,最小H2范数最小值为0.1225,所提出的时滞相关控制器为

所得到的阶跃响应,对应于提出的H2控制器和一个本地H2控制器,如图7.2所示。这里,本地H2控制器增益计算为[-56.0196 -10.5998]T,与时延无关。在这个仿真中,一个脉冲干扰被添加到控制信号的时间为300的瞬间。从图7.2可以看出,本文提出的H2控制器既有较好的暂态响应,又有较好的抗干扰性能。


还是在时间为300的瞬间增加了脉冲干扰。在步进跟踪上与本地H控制器的比较如图7.3所示。结果表明,所提出的H无穷控制器具有较好的暂态响应和抗干扰性能。在PC机(3.0 GHz, 2.0 GB RAM)上,两台控制器的总计算时间为8.23小时。值得注意的是,计算是离线进行的,不需要在线计算来确定控制器参数。


7.4.2 网络化直流电机系统的数值仿真




假设NCS的随机时延为和,转移概率矩阵为(7.34)。加权矩阵取Q = C, R = 0.01。根据所提出的控制器设计方法,最小H无穷范数为17.4085,H无穷控制器参数为


在PC机上(3.0 GHz, 2.0 GB RAM内存),两个控制器的总计算时间为1.93小时。

参考信号为幅度为3 rad的阶跃信号,在时间为30s的瞬间加2个采样周期的0.1rad的扰动信号。(7.36)和(7.37)中使用设计的H无穷和H2控制器的仿真结果如图7.6和图7.7(虚线)所示。仿真结果表明,该方案具有良好的跟踪性能,是有效的。


7.4.3 网络化直流电机系统的实验测试




跟踪误差在0-50s和5-50s的平方和列于表7.2。采用所提出的控制器,控制性能得到了显著提高,特别是在5 ~ 50s时间段内。


从实验结果(图7.6和图7.7中的蓝色实线)来看,应用本文提出的H无穷和H2控制器的稳态误差分别为-0.0348 rad和0.0172 rad,即-1.16%和0.57%。实验结果中的稳态误差虽小,但也不足为奇,因为在实验装置中存在不可避免的建模误差和不可避免的非线性,如死区和电刷摩擦。考虑非线性摩擦的非线性NCSs控制器设计值得研究,而且目前仍在研究中。还应注意到死区是电动机的固有特性。为了进一步提高稳态跟踪性能,其他控制技术可在此应用,例如:1)动态控制器;2)反馈加前馈控制设计。



7.5 结论


8. 总结和将来工作


This thesis investigates stabilization and control problems for S-MJLSs and discusses  the networked dynamic system design via switching system approaches. Robust and  optimal control problems for S-MJLSs are studied. Furthermore, analysis and design  for networked dynamic systems have been conducted and verified by using numerical  simulations and/or experiments. Nevertheless, based on the developed theorems in  the thesis, more research topics deserve further research attention. In this chapter, a  summary of the thesis is firstly provided, followed by some topics in the next research  step in the future.

8.1 论文的总结


By examining the limitations of Markov processes and MJLSs, the semi-Markov pro- cess is revisited and jump linear systems depending on semi-Markov processes are studied. Compared with the existing results in the literature, this thesis focuses on the developments of results that could be used in practice. Some approaches in the literature rely on a solution of a set of integral equations which are hard to solve, so those approaches are not ready for engineering applications. Other approaches in the literature use Markov processes to approximate the semi-Markov processes and then deploy the results from Markov processes or MJLSs to solve the S-MJLS stabilization and control problems.


In this thesis, systematic numerically implementable methods are proposed for S-MJLSs for the first time. The procedure of the systematic stability analysis enables the designer to be aware that if an S-MJLS is stochastically stable. The thesis also 132 provides a standard procedure to design controllers for unstable S-MJLSs. In the engineering applications, mathematical models of dynamic systems or processes often suffer from uncertainties. Controller design problems for such uncertain systems are also studied. Compared with the existing results where Markov approximations are applied, the control performance is improved by applying the proposed control strategies in this thesis. The improvements are illustrated in numerical simulation results. In order to study the NCSs, the delayed S-MJLS is studied, where not only the stabilization conditions are obtained, but also the H optimal controller is designed.


Two approaches have been developed to design controllers for NCSs in this thesis. One approach is to provide redundant control signals to the pre-configured smart actuator, then the smart actuator could determine the C-A delay and select the appropriate control signals. In this way, the C-A delays can be well compensated. The tracking controller by using this compensation technique is tested on networked DC motor devices. Similar experiments using different control laws have been conducted for the same networked DC motor device without compensating for the C-A delays. A  clear improvement in control performance is observed by utilizing the control laws in this thesis. The other approach is to make the most of the historical information of the system state. In the literature, when the controller calculates the control signal, the outdated measurement of the plant was usually discarded and only the most recent available measurement was used. For certain special types of networked systems where multiple sensors are mounted to measure different states of the plant/process, we develop control strategies using not only the most recent data but also the historical measurement. After taking the historical data into account, a smoother transient response is obtained. The two aforementioned approaches developed in this thesis provide two hints on the controller design for NCSs: 1) Learn from the history; 2) plan for the future.


Since semi-Markov processes can naturally describe the working and failure status of system components, the semi-Markov processes are used in fault tolerant control analysis. In the thesis, a system whose component s life time follows non- exponential distributions is studied and fault tolerant control schemes are provided. The purpose of using semi-Markov processes is that the failure rate of the system components may not necessarily be constant, because the failure rate function could theoretically be in any shapes. As a matter of fact, the research from reliability en- gineering shows that the failure rate often exhibits bathtub shapes, i.e., time-varying functions. With the designed fault tolerant controller, the numerical simulation for a  VTOL vehicle with actuator failures is conducted. Improvements are observed using the proposed fault tolerant controllers.


The stochastic process is used to model a complex planar surface in the virtual environment. In the virtual environment, the avatar is moving with one-dimensional interaction on the virtual wall. The virtual wall consists of serval materials, so the random walking of the avatar results in a random interaction between the avatar and the wall. The random interaction is modeled by a stochastic process, so the resulting closed-loop system is a jump linear system. With the designed controller, the perception of a multi-material wall is realized and the multi-material wall is felt by the operator, therefore the virtual environment rendering is achieved.

8.2 今后的工作


This thesis has solved some basic problems for a type of jump linear systems and has applied the results on NCSs and fault tolerant control systems. Nevertheless, we believe that lots of research problems have not been solved, especially the applications in NCSs. In the future, we will extend the current results to more general scenarios and practical situations.

8.2.1 S-MJLSs在NCSs中的应用


For the NCSs in this thesis, the time delays are modeled by Markov processes; it is anticipated that the semi-Markov process could improve the precision of predicting the network-induced delays. So we propose to study the NCS stability and control problems where S-C and C-A delays are modeled by semi-Markov processes. This idea is a natural extension of the one used in Chapter 5. The historical information is used to capture the behavior of the system dynamics in Chapter 5, while in this proposed research topic, the historical information is applied to improve the precision of future communication delay predictions. As depicted in Figure 8.1, not only τk 1 but also τk 2, τk 3, τk 4, and so on are used to predict τk; similarly, not only dk 1 but also dk 2, dk 3, dk 4, and so on are used to predict dk. With the proposed problem formulation, it is expected that the control performance will be improved.


Several challenges under the aforementioned framework are: (1) Data packet dis- order. If packet disorder happens, the prediction model will depend on an incomplete set of historical information. A potential technique to tackle this challenge is to construct a prediction model according to partially known delay values. (2) Data package dropout. It would also result in an incomplete set of previous delays. In the disor- der case, the delayed packets will arrive at the controller or the actuator at a later time. In contrast, the lost packets will never arrive at the controller or the actuator in the packet dropout scenario. So it is preferable yet a challenge to distinguish the difference between the disorder and dropout. (3) Length of the historical data to be used. A too short history may not be able to capture the delay variation dynamics, while a too long history may cost too many computational resources with limited improvements in the prediction.

8.2.2 事件触发S-MJLSs

使用事件触发方案的主要目的是为了减少通信网络中的网络负载[215,216]。图8.2说明了这个想法。与图1.3中的标准NCS设置相比,从传感器到控制器的通信通道中增加了一个额外的系统组件事件触发开关。假设要控制的过程是一个化学过程,测量的过程值是反应炉的温度。热电偶(即传感器)检测从k到k +8的值,以此类推。当状态变化不剧烈时,我们假定过程保持相同的温度,不需要任何控制动作。因此,在网络资源有限的情况下,没有必要发送冗余信息。对于图8.2中的示例,k、k + 4、k + 7和k + 8处的测量值包含更多的信息。我们称之为关键测量。

The main purpose of using event-trigger scheme is to reduce the network load in communication networks [215, 216]. The idea is illustrated in Figure 8.2. Compared with the standard NCS setup in Figure 1.3, an additional system component event- trigger switch is added in the communication channel from sensors to the controller. Suppose that the process to be controlled is a chemical process, and the measured process value is the temperature in a reaction kettle. The thermocouple (i.e. sensor) detects the value from k to k +8 and so on. When the state variation is not dramatic, we assume that the process preserves the same temperature and no control actions are required. Therefore, it is not necessary to send the redundant information when the network recourses are limited. For the example in Figure 8.2, the measurements at k, k + 4, k + 7, and k + 8 contain more information. We call them key measurements.


The event-trigger switch is able to determine which measurements are critical and then labels them as key measurements, which would be transmitted to the controller. The non-key measurements would be discarded. A lot of research results discuss the proper triggering schemes. The most popular ones are: 1) Magnitude based triggering with impulse control [217]; 2) error based triggering [218]; and 3) deadzone based triggering [219]. The triggering scheme shown in Figure 8.2 is of the second type.


In the system configuration, the time delays are assumed to follow semi-Markov processes. Several challenges are identified. (1) The controller should be able to predict the network-induced delays in several time steps. Two popular ways to predict the stochastic process mode in several steps are state augmentation and constructing a multi-step transition rate matrix. The flaw of using the state augmentation is that the dimension of the resulting stochastic process will increase drastically, so it is ideal to construct the multi-step transition rate matrix. In Markov chains, the n-step transition rate matrix has been studied in [56]. Therefore, the first challenge is to determine the stochastic process mode in a longer future. (2) The second challenge is to choose a proper event-trigger scheme. As mentioned before, several event-trigger schemes exist in the literature. It is crucial to select the most appropriate one that costs least communication load and guarantees satisfactory control performance. The second challenge is actually a network and control co-design problem.




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