大学英语精读第三版(第五册)学习笔记(原文及全文翻译)——8B - Conflict in Black and White(黑人与白人的冲突)

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Unit 8B - Conflict in Black and White

Conflict in Black and White

Lewis. Levine & Lucinda S. Hughey

Black and white. In the United States these two colors have been the source of racial conflict since the early 1600s. It was at that time that the first black people were kidnapped in Africa and sold into slavery to sea captains eager to make a profit in the human trade market. Those slaves who survived the long and difficult voyage across the ocean were then resold in America to wealthy landowners. These white landowners possessed large amounts of farmland and were in need of cheap labor to help them raise their crops. Of course farm machinery like today's did not exist, making farm work extremely laborious and difficult. Slaves were forced to labor all day under a hot sun, much like work horses and mules.

To eliminate feelings of guilt and to justify their actions, slave owners found it easier to think of their slaves as "nonhuman" beings. To the white slave owner, those first Africans resembled monkeys as much as "men," with their dark skin color, bushy hair, and broad-shaped noses. The slave owner viewed these different physical features as "inferior." Furthermore, the slave owner perceived of these newly arrived slaves as "ignorant" since they neither spoken nor understood English. Slaves were considered by their owner as his property, like cattle or furniture, and if his slaves did not obey him, he would "fix" them so that they would. He was their "master," "superior" to them, and it was his job to teach them to "know their place."

If a man wants to keep his property, he does not allow it to go free. He does not want it to be independent and strong, but rather, submissive and powerless. Knowledge is one kind of power. In many states, it was illegal to teach a slave how to read or write, for if slaves could read and write, they could also make their own "freedom papers." They might even read about other slave revolts and unite together to fight for their freedom. Slave owners obviously did not want their property to run away or fight back. Consequently, they tried to intimidate their slaves and keep them illiterate. From childhood, slaves were taught that they were nothing, that they would always be nothing. Blacks, it was also believed, were naturally not as intelligent as white people. Therefore, it was not worth the trouble to try to educate them. Whites gave their slaves poorly constructed cabins with dirt floors and then said that black people were dirty by nature. Blacks, they said, did not deserve nice houses because they could not keep their own cabins clean. Owners did not give their slaves any rewards or money for their labor and often beat them when they failed to do their work. They then accused blacks of being lazy, shiftless, and incompetent. These attitudes about blacks helped slave owners to justify the system of slavery and soon developed into stereotypes about an entire race of people.

It is not surprising then that these conditions created strong feelings of hatred and hostility in blacks toward whites. They also caused fear and hostility in whites toward blacks, since whites were afraid that blacks would someday rebel. Most blacks were simply afraid of white people's power and mistreatment, and only some slaves tried to escape or did things to harm their owners. These actions, in turn, reinforced the owners' belief that black people were unreliable and untrustworthy. Often whites found excuses for "lynching", and torturing blacks. Justice, it was clear, could not exist without equality, and equality could not exist with stereotypes of racial inferiority. Conflict between the two races increased as the stereotypes became more widespread and the mistreatment continued.

These racial stereotypes were in direct contradiction to the fundamental principles of the Constitution of the United States. The United States had been founded on the ideas that "all men are created equal" and that there should be "liberty and justice for all." People had come to the U. S. from all around the world in search of freedom. How could they call their country “the land of the free” when people actually had the right to own other human beings? Clearly, the concepts of freedom and slavery were in direct conflict with each other.

By the mid-1820s, the states in the North had banned slavery. In the South, however, many states still insisted that people had the right to own slaves. Upon the election of Abraham Lincoln to the presidency in November of 1860, almost 100 years after the United States had become an independent nation, some of the states in the South seceded from the Union, declaring themselves independent from the rest of the U. S. A. These southern states called themselves The Confederacy, a confederation of independent states, each with its own separate government. The Confederacy would no longer accept policies made by some distant politician from "up North." The separation of the South was equivalent to a declaration of war. In 1865 the Civil War, (also known as the “War between the States”) finally came to an end, but not before hundreds of thousands of men had died. The North had defeated the South, and slavery was banned in all parts of the United States.

Although the Civil War was officially over, the hostility and tension between blacks and whites and North and South persisted. During the period of "Reconstruction" that followed (1865-1877), the federal government gave black men some of the freedoms and privileges that white men had always enjoyed. Eventually, however, various states, particularly those in the South, enacted new laws to keep "the nigras in their place." These laws specified that blacks could not go to school with whites, that they could not eat at the same restaurants, that they could not vote unless their grandfathers had voted, that they could not use the same public rest rooms or waiting rooms at bus and train stations or drink from the same water fountains. Blacks continued to receive inferior accommodations and unequal treatment, since whites were still the ones who made the laws and held the power.

Although blacks had "freedom" in a legal sense, most of them still did not have any education or economic independence. Consequently, they were helpless to participate significantly in the political process to try to improve their status. Except for farm work, most former slaves had no skills. As a result, many blacks went back to work for the same white people who used to be their masters. Not many blacks could buy their own land or accumulate enough money to become economically independent. Instead they worked on the whites' land and gave to or shared with the owner the crops or money earned from the crops. In the South, "sharecropping" had become a way of life for many blacks. By 1900, thirty-five years after the end of the Civil War, conditions in the South had changed little for black people.












Key Words:

conflict    ['kɔnflikt]

n. 冲突,矛盾,斗争,战斗

vi. 冲突,争

eliminate        [i'limineit]      

v. 除去,剔除; 忽略

machinery     [mə'ʃi:nəri]     

n. (总称)机器,机械

extremely       [iks'tri:mli]     

adv. 极其,非常

ignorant ['ignərənt]     

adj. 不知道的,无知的,愚昧的

superior  [su:'piəriə]     

n. 上级,高手,上标

adj. 上层的,上好

justify     ['dʒʌstifai]     

vt. 替 ... 辩护,证明 ... 正当

source    [sɔ:s]      

n. 发源地,来源,原始资料

guilt        [gilt]

n. 罪行,内疚

cattle      ['kætl]    

n. 牛,家畜,畜牲

consequently ['kɔnsikwəntli]

adv. 所以,因此

beat        [bi:t]

v. 打败,战胜,打,敲打,跳动

n. 敲打,

shiftless  ['ʃiftlis]   

adj. 无计谋的,不中用的,无能的

incompetent  [in'kɔmpitənt]

adj. 无能力的,不称职的,不能胜任的 n. 没有能力

intelligent       [in'telidʒənt]  

adj. 聪明的,智能的

justify     ['dʒʌstifai]     

vt. 替 ... 辩护,证明 ... 正当

property ['prɔpəti]

n. 财产,所有物,性质,地产,道具

submissive     [səb'misiv]     

adj. 服从的,顺从的,柔顺的

independent  [indi'pendənt]

adj. 独立的,自主的,有主见的

n. 独立

intimidate      [in'timideit]    

vt. 威胁,恐吓,胁迫

fundamental  [.fʌndə'mentl]

adj. 基本的,根本的,重要的

n. 基本原理

constitution    [.kɔnsti'tju:ʃən]      

n. 组织,宪法,体格

hatred    ['heitrid] 

n. 憎恶,憎恨,怨恨

widespread    ['waidspred]  

adj. 分布(或散布)广的,普遍的

hostility   [hɔs'tiliti]

n. 敌意,敌对状态,公开战争

rebel       ['rebəl]   

n. 叛徒,起义者,反叛者

adj. 造反的,

unreliable      ['ʌnri'laiəbl]   

adj. 不可靠的


conflict    ['kɔnflikt]

n. 冲突,矛盾,斗争,战斗

vi. 冲突,争


adj. 靠不住的;不能信赖的

inferiority       [in.fiəri'ɔriti]   

n. 自卑,低劣

confederacy   [kən'fedərəsi] 

n. 同盟,联邦,共谋 Confederacy:(美国南

eventually      [i'ventjuəli]    

adv. 终于,最后

independent  [indi'pendənt]

adj. 独立的,自主的,有主见的

n. 独立

hostility   [hɔs'tiliti]

n. 敌意,敌对状态,公开战争

inferior   [in'fiəriə] 

adj. 次等的,较低的,不如的

tension   ['tenʃən] 

n. 紧张,拉力,张力,紧张状态,[电]电压

election   [i'lekʃən] 

n. 选举

politician [.pɔli'tiʃən]     

n. 政治家,政客

separate ['sepəreit]      

n. 分开,抽印本

adj. 分开的,各自的,

equivalent      [i'kwivələnt]   

adj. 等价的,相等的

independence       [.indi'pendəns]     

n. 独立,自主,自立

legal       ['li:gəl]    

adj. 法律的,合法的,法定的

accumulate    [ə'kju:mjuleit] 

vt. 积聚,累加,堆积

vi. 累积

participate      [pɑ:'tisipeit]   

vt. 分享

vi. 参加,参与

helpless  ['helplis] 

adj. 无助的,无依靠的

except     [ik'sept]  

vt. 除,除外

prep. & conj.

independent  [indi'pendənt]

adj. 独立的,自主的,有主见的

n. 独立

status     ['steitəs] 

n. 地位,身份,情形,状况

consequently ['kɔnsikwəntli]

adv. 所以,因此


  1. 大学英语精读(第三版) 第五册: unit8B Conflict in Black and White(1)_大学教材听力 - 可可英语
  2. 大学英语精读(第三版) 第五册: unit8B Conflict in Black and White(2)_大学教材听力 - 可可英语
  3. http://www.kekenet/daxue/201701/46745shtml
  4. http://www.kekenet/daxue/201701/46745shtml
  5. http://www.kekenet/daxue/201701/46745shtml


大学英语精读第三版(第五册)学习笔记(原文及全文翻译)——8B - Conflict in Black and White(黑人与白人的冲突)

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