visual basic_Visual Basic术语表

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visual basic

32位 ( 32-bit )

The number of bits that can be processed or transmitted in parallel, or the number of bits used for single element in a data format. Although this term is used throughout computing and data processing (as are 8-bit, 16-bit, and similar formulations), in VB terms, this means the number of bits used to represent memory addresses. The break between 16-bit and 32-bit processing happened with the introduction of VB5 and OCX technology. 

可以并行处理或传输的位数,或数据格式中用于单个元素的位数。 尽管此术语在整个计算和数据处理过程中都使用(例如8位,16位和类似的表示形式),但在VB术语中 ,这意味着用来表示内存地址的位数。 随着VB5和OCX技术的引入,在16位和32位处理之间实现了突破。

一个 ( A )

Access LevelIn VB code, the ability of other code to access it (that is, read it or write to it). The access level is determined both by how you declare the code and by the access level of the container of the code. If code can't access a containing element, then it can't access any of its contained elements either, no matter how they're declared.

访问级别在VB代码中,是其他代码对其进行访问(即读取或写入)的能力。 访问级别取决于您声明代码的方式以及代码容器的访问级别。 如果代码无法访问包含元素,那么无论如何声明,它也无法访问其包含的任何元素。

Access ProtocolThe software and API that allows applications and databases to communicate information. Examples include ODBC - Open DataBase Connectivity, an early protocol that is often used in conjuction with others and ADO - ActiveX Data Objects, Microsoft's protocol for accessing all kinds of information, including databases.

访问协议允许应用程序和数据库通信信息的软件和API。 例子包括ODBC-开放数据库连接,这是一种经常与其他协议结合使用的早期协议,以及ADO- ActiveX Data Objects ,它是Microsoft用于访问各种信息(包括数据库)的协议。

ActiveXis Microsoft's specification for reusable software components. ActiveX is based on COM, the Component Object Model. The basic idea is to define exactly how software components interact and interoperate so developers can create components that work together using the definition. ActiveX components were originally called OLE Servers and ActiveX Servers and this renaming (actually for marketing rather than technical reasons) has created a lot of confusion about what they are.

ActiveX是Microsoft对可重用软件组件的规范。 ActiveX基于COM,即组件对象模型。 基本思想是准确定义软件组件之间如何交互和互操作,以便开发人员可以使用该定义创建可以协同工作的组件。 ActiveX组件最初被称为OLE服务器和ActiveX服务器 ,这种重命名(实际上是出于营销目的,而不是出于技术原因)对它们的名称造成了很多困惑。

A lot of languages and applications support ActiveX in some way or another and Visual Basic supports it very strongly since it's one of the cornerstones of the Win32 environment.

许多语言和应用程序都以某种方式支持ActiveX,而Visual Basic则非常强烈地支持它,因为它是Win32环境的基石之一。

Note: Dan Appleman, in his book on VB.NET, has this to say about ActiveX, "(Some) products come out of the marketing department.

注意:Dan Appleman在其有关VB.NET的书中曾这样说过ActiveX,“(某些)产品来自营销部门。

... What was ActiveX? It was OLE2 -- with a new name."

...什么是ActiveX? 是OLE2,有一个新名称。”

Note 2: Although VB.NET is compatible with ActiveX components, they must be enclosed in "wrapper" code and they make VB.NET less efficient. In general, if you can move away from them with VB.NET, it's a good idea to do that.

注2:尽管VB.NET与ActiveX组件兼容,但必须将它们封装在“包装”代码中,这会使VB.NET的效率降低。 通常,如果您可以使用VB.NET远离它们,那么这样做是个好主意。

APIis a TLA (Three Letter Acronym) for Application Program Interface. An API consists of the routines, protocols and tools that programmers must use to ensure that their programs are compatible with the software that the API is defined for. A well-defined API helps applications work together by providing the same basic tools for all programmers to use. A wide variety of software from operating systems to individual components are said to have an API.

API是应用程序接口的TLA(三字母缩写)。 API由程序员必须使用的例程,协议和工具组成,以确保其程序与API所定义的软件兼容。 定义明确的API通过为所有程序员提供相同的基本工具来帮助应用程序协同工作。 据说从操作系统到各个组件的各种各样的软件都具有API。

Automation ControllerAutomation is a standard way to make a software object available through a defined set of interfaces. This is a great idea because the object is available to any language that follows the standard methods. The standard used in Microsoft (and therefore VB) architecture is called OLE automation. An automation controller is an application that can use the objects belonging to another application. An automation server (sometimes called an automation component) is an application that provides the programmable objects to the other applications.

自动化控制器自动化是通过一组定义的接口使软件对象可用的标准方法。 这是一个好主意,因为该对象可用于遵循标准方法的任何语言。 Microsoft(因此也称为VB)体系结构中使用的标准称为OLE自动化。 自动化控制器是可以使用属于另一个应用程序的对象的应用程序。 自动化服务器(有时称为自动化组件)是一种向其他应用程序提供可编程对象的应用程序。

C ()

CacheA cache is a temporary information store used in both hardware (a processor chip typically includes a hardware memory cache) and software. In web programming, a cache stores the most recent web pages visited. When the 'Back' button (or other methods) are used to revisit a web page, the browser will check the cache to see if the page is stored there and will retrieve it from the cache to save time and processing. Programmers should remember that program clients might not always retrieve a page directly from the server. This sometimes results in very subtle program bugs.

缓存缓存是在硬件(处理器芯片通常包括硬件内存缓存)和软件中使用的临时信息存储。 在Web编程中,缓存存储了最近访问过的网页。 当使用“后退”按钮(或其他方法)重新访问网页时,浏览器将检查缓存以查看网页是否存储在该页面中,并将从缓存中检索该页面以节省时间和处理时间。 程序员应该记住,程序客户端可能并不总是总是直接从服务器检索页面。 有时会导致非常细微的程序错误。

ClassHere's the "book" definition:


The formal definition for an object and the template from which an instance of an object is created. The main purpose of the class is to define the properties and methods for the class.

对象的形式定义以及用于创建对象实例的模板。 该类的主要目的是为该类定义属性和方法。

Although included in previous versions of Visual Basic, the class has become a key technology in VB.NET and its object-oriented programming.

尽管该类包含在Visual Basic的早期版本中,但它已成为VB.NET及其面向对象编程中的关键技术。

Among the important ideas about classes are:


  • A class can have subclasses that can inherit all or some of the characteristics of the class.

  • Subclasses can also define their own methods and variables that are not part of their parent class.

  • The structure of a class and its subclasses is called the class hierarchy.


Classes involve a lot of terminology. An original class, from which interface and behavior is derived, can be identified by any of these equivalent names:

类涉及很多术语。 可以通过以下任何等效名称来标识派生出接口和行为的原始类:

  • Parent class

  • Superclass

  • Base class


And new classes can have these names:


  • Child class

  • Subclass


CGIis Common Gateway Interface. This is an early standard used to transfer information between a web server and a client over a network. For example, a form in a "shopping cart" application might contain information about a request to purchase a particular item. The information could be passed to a web server using CGI. CGI is still used a great deal, ASP is a complete alternative that works better with Visual Basic.

CGI是通用网关接口。 这是用于通过网络在Web服务器和客户端之间传输信息的早期标准。 例如,“购物车”应用程序中的表单可能包含有关购买特定商品的请求的信息。 该信息可以使用CGI传递到Web服务器。 CGI仍然被大量使用,ASP是可以更好地与Visual Basic一起使用的完整替代方案。

Client/ServerA computing model that divides processing between two (or more) processes. A client makes requests that are carried out by the server. It's important to understand that the processes could be running on the same computer but they normally run over a network. For example, when developing ASP applications, programmers often use PWS, a server that runs on the same computer with a browser client such as IE. When the same application goes into production, it normally runs over the Internet. In advanced business applications, multiple layers of clients and servers are used. This model now dominates computing and replaced the model of mainframes and 'dumb terminals' which were really only display monitors attached directly to a large mainframe computer.

客户/服务器一种在两个(或多个)进程之间划分处理的计算模型。 客户端发出由服务器执行的请求 。 重要的是要了解这些进程可以在同一台计算机上运行,​​但是它们通常在网络上运行。 例如,在开发ASP应用程序时,程序员经常使用PWS,PWS是与IE之类的浏览器客户端在同一台计算机上运行的服务器 。 当同一应用程序投入生产时,它通常通过Internet运行。 在高级业务应用程序中,使用了多层客户端和服务器。 现在,该模型主导了计算,并取代了大型机和“哑终端”的模型,它们实际上只是直接连接到大型大型机计算机的显示器。

In object-oriented programming, a class that provides a method to another class is called the server. The class that uses the method is called the client.

在面向对象的编程中,为另一个类提供方法的类称为server 。 使用该方法的类称为client

CollectionThe concept of a collection in Visual Basic is simply a way to group similar objects. Both Visual Basic 6 and VB.NET provide a Collection class to give you the ability to define your own collections.So, for example, this VB 6 code snippet adds two Form1 objects to a collection and then displays a MsgBox that tells you that there are two items in the collection.

集合Visual Basic中集合的概念只是将相似对象进行分组的一种方法。 Visual Basic 6和VB.NET都提供了Collection类,使您能够定义自己的集合。因此,例如,此VB 6代码段将两个Form1对象添加到集合中,然后显示一个MsgBox来告诉您是集合中的两项。

Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim myCollection As New Collection
Dim FirstForm As New Form1
Dim SecondForm As New Form1
myCollection.Add FirstForm
myCollection.Add SecondForm
MsgBox (myCollection.Count)
End Sub

COMis Component Object Model. Although often associated with Microsoft, COM is an open standard that specifies how components work together and interoperate. Microsoft used COM as the basis for ActiveX and OLE. The use of the COM API ensures that a software object can be launched within your application using a wide variety of programming languages including Visual Basic. Components save a programmer from having to re-write code. A component can be large or small and can perform any kind of processing, but it must be re-usable and it must conform to set standards to for interoperability.

COM是组件对象模型。 尽管COM通常与Microsoft相关联,但它是一个开放标准,用于指定组件如何协同工作和互操作。 Microsoft使用COM作为ActiveX和OLE的基础。 COM API的使用确保可以使用包括Visual Basic在内的多种编程语言在应用程序中启动软件对象。 组件使程序员不必重新编写代码。 组件可以大也可以小,可以执行任何类型的处理,但是它必须可重用,并且必须符合所设置的互操作性标准。

ControlIn Visual Basic, the tool you use to create objects on a Visual Basic form. Controls are selected from the Toolbox and then used to draw objects on the form with the mouse pointer. It's key to realize that the control is just the tool used to create GUI objects, not the object itself.

控件在Visual Basic中 ,用于在Visual Basic窗体上创建对象的工具。 从工具箱中选择控件,然后使用鼠标指针在窗体上绘制对象。 关键是要认识到控件只是用于创建GUI对象的工具,而不是对象本身。

CookieA small packet of information that is originally sent from a web server to your browser and stored on your computer. When your computer consults the originating web server again, the cookie is sent back to the server, allowing it to respond to you using information from the previous interaction. Cookies are usually used to provide customized web pages using a profile of your interests that were provided the first time you access the web server. In other words, the web server will appear to "know" you and provide what you want. Some people feel that allowing cookies is a security problem and disable them using an option provided by the browser software. As a programmer, you can't depend on the ability to use cookies all the time.

Cookie Cookie最初从Web服务器发送到您的浏览器并存储在计算机上的一小包信息。 当您的计算机再次查询原始Web服务器时,该cookie被发送回该服务器,从而使其可以使用先前交互中的信息来响应您。 Cookies通常用于使用您第一次访问Web服务器时提供的个人资料来提供自定义网页。 换句话说,Web服务器将显示为“了解”您并提供您想要的内容。 有人认为允许cookie是一个安全问题,请使用浏览器软件提供的选项将其禁用。 作为程序员,您不能一直依赖使用cookie的能力。

d ()

DLLis Dynamic Link Library, a set of functions that can be executed, or data that can be used by a Windows application. DLL is also the file type for DLL files. For example, 'crypt32.dll' is the Crypto API32 DLL used for cryptography on Microsoft operating systems. There are hundreds and possibly thousands installed on your computer. Some DLLs are used only by a specific application, while others, such as crypt32.dll, are used by a wide variety of applications. The name refers to the fact that DLL's contain a library of functions that can be accessed (linked) on demand (dynamically) by other software.

DLL是动态链接库 ,它是一组可执行的功能或Windows应用程序可以使用的数据。 DLL也是DLL文件的文件类型。 例如,“ crypt32.dll”是用于Microsoft操作系统上的加密的Crypto API32 DLL。 您的计算机上安装了数百甚至数千个。 一些DLL仅由特定的应用程序使用,而其他DLL(例如crypt32.dll)则由各种应用程序使用。 该名称是指DLL包含一个功能库的事实,该功能库可由其他软件按需(动态)访问(链接)。

Ë ()

Encapsulationis the Object Oriented Programming technique that allows programmers to completely determine the relationship between objects using the object interface (the way the objects are called and the parameters passed). In other words, an object can be thought of as being "in a capsule" with the interface as the only way to communicate with the object.

封装是面向对象的编程技术,它使程序员可以使用对象接口(调用对象的方式和传递的参数)完全确定对象之间的关系。 换句话说,可以将对象视为“在胶囊中”,而将接口作为与对象通信的唯一方法。

The main benefits of encapsulation are that you avoid bugs because you're completely certain about how an object is being used in your program and the object can be replaced with a different one if necessary as long as the new one implements the exact same interface.


Event ProcedureA block of code that is called when an object is manipulated in a Visual Basic program. The manipulation can be done by a user of the program through the GUI, by the program, or through some other process such as the expiration of a time interval. For example, most Form object have a Click event. The Click Event Procedure for the formForm1 would be identified by the name Form1_Click().

事件过程在Visual Basic程序中操纵对象时调用的代码块。 程序的用户可以通过GUI,程序或其他一些过程(例如时间间隔到期)来进行操作。 例如,大多数Form对象都有Click事件。 表单Form1Click事件过程将由名称Form1_Click()标识。

Expression In Visual Basic, this is a combination that evaluates to a single value. For example, the integer variable Result is given the value of an expression in the following code snippet:

表达式在Visual Basic中,这是一个计算结果为单个值的组合。 例如,以下代码片段中为整数变量Result提供了表达式的值:

Dim Result as Integer
Result = CInt((10 + CInt(vbRed) = 53 * vbThursday))

In this example, Result is assigned the value -1 which is the integer value of True in Visual Basic. To help you verify this, vbRed is equal to 255 and vbThursday is equal to 5 in Visual Basic. Expressions can be a combination of operators, constants, literal values, functions, and names of fields (columns), controls, and properties.

在此示例中,为Result分配了值-1,该值是Visual Basic中True的整数值。 为了帮助您验证这一点,在Visual Basic中vbRed等于255,vbThursday等于5。 表达式可以是运算符,常量,文字值,函数以及字段名称(列),控件和属性的组合。

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File Extension / File TypeIn Windows, DOS and some other operating systems, one or several letters at the end of a filename. Filename extensions follow a period (dot) and indicate the type of file. For example, 'this.txt' is a plain text file, 'that.htm' or 'that.html' indicates that the file is a web page. The Windows operating system stores this association information in the Windows Registry and it can be changed using the 'File Types' dialog window provided by Windows Explorer.

文件扩展名/文件类型在Windows,DOS和某些其他操作系统中,文件名末尾一个或几个字母。 文件扩展名后跟一个句点(点),并指示文件的类型。 例如,“ this.txt”是纯文本文件,“ that.htm”或“ that.html”表示该文件是网页。 Windows操作系统将此关联信息存储在Windows注册表中,可以使用Windows资源管理器提供的“文件类型”对话框窗口来更改它。

FramesA format for web documents that divides the screen into areas that can be formatted and controlled independently. Often, one frame is used to select a category while another frame shows the contents of that category.

框架 Web文档的一种格式,它将屏幕划分为可以独立设置格式和控制的区域。 通常,一帧用于选择类别,而另一帧则显示该类别的内容。

FunctionIn Visual Basic, a type of subroutine that can accept an argument and returns a value assigned to the function as though it was a variable. You can code your own functions or use builtin functions provided by Visual Basic. For example, in this example, both Nowand MsgBox are functions. Now returns the system time.MsgBox(Now)

Function在Visual Basic中,一种子程序,可以接受参数并返回分配给该函数的值,就好像它是一个变量一样。 您可以编写自己的函数,也可以使用Visual Basic提供的内置函数。 例如,在此示例中, NowMsgBox都是函数。 现在返回系统时间。MsgBox(Now)

H ()

HostA Computer or a process on a computer that provides a service to another computer or process. For example, VBScript can be 'hosted' by the web browser program, Internet Explorer.

主机为另一台计算机或进程提供服务的计算机或计算机上的进程。 例如,VBScript可以由Web浏览器程序Internet Explorer“托管”。

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Inheritanceis the reason a no-talent jerk is running the company instead of you.No ... seriously ...Inheritance is the ability of one object to automatically take on the methods and properties of another object. The object that supplies the methods and properties is usually called the parent object and the object that assumes them is called the child. So, for example, in VB .NET, you will often see statements like this:

继承是无才干而不是您经营公司的原因。没有……严重...继承是一个对象自动采用另一对象的方法和属性的能力。 提供方法和属性的对象通常称为父对象,而假设它们的对象则称为子对象。 因此,例如,在VB .NET中,您经常会看到类似以下的语句:

The parent object is System.Windows.Forms.Form and it has a large set of methods and properties that have been pre-programmed by Microsoft. Form1 is the child object and it gets to take advantage of all of the parent's programming. The key OOP (Object Oriented Programming) behavior that was added when VB .NET was introduced is Inheritance. VB 6 supported Encapsulation and Polymorphism, but not Inheritance.

父对象是System.Windows.Forms.Form,它具有Microsoft预编程的大量方法和属性。 Form1是子对象,它可以利用所有父对象的编程。 引入VB .NET时添加的关键OOP(面向对象编程)行为是继承。 VB 6支持封装和多态性,但不支持继承。

Instanceis a word seen in Object Oriented Programming explanations. It refers to a copy of an object that has been created for use by a specific program. In VB 6, for example, the statementCreateObject(objectname) will create an instance of a class (a type of object). In VB 6 and VB .NET, the keyword New in a declaration creates an instance of an object. The verb instantiate means the creation of an instance. An example in VB 6 is:

实例是在面向对象编程说明中看到的一个词。 它指的是已创建供特定程序使用的对象的副本。 例如,在VB 6中,statementCreateObject( objectname )将创建一个类的实例(一种对象类型)。 在VB 6和VB .NET中,声明中的关键字New创建对象的实例。 动词实例化表示实例的创建。 VB 6中的一个示例是:

ISAPIis the Internet Server Application Program Interface. Usually, any term that ends in the characters 'API' is an Application Program Interface. This is the API used by Microsoft's Internet Information Server (IIS) web server. Web applications that use ISAPI run considerably faster than those that use CGI, since they share the 'process' (programming memory space) used by the IIS web server and therefore avoid the time consuming program load and unload process that CGI requires. A similar API used by Netscape is called NSAPI.

ISAPI是Internet服务器应用程序接口。 通常,任何以字符“ API”结尾的术语都是应用程序接口。 这是Microsoft的Internet信息服务器(IIS)Web服务器使用的API。 使用ISAPI的Web应用程序的运行速度比使用CGI的Web应用程序快得多,因为它们共享IIS Web服务器使用的“进程”(编程内存空间),因此避免了CGI所需的费时的程序加载和卸载过程。 Netscape使用的类似API称为NSAPI。

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KeywordKeywords are the words or symbols that are the elementary parts of the Visual Basic programming language. As a result, you can't use them as names in your program. Some simple examples:Dim Dim as StringorDim String as StringBoth of these are invalid because Dim and String are both keywords and can't be used as variable names.

关键字关键字是单词或符号,它们是Visual Basic编程语言的基本组成部分。 因此,您不能在程序中将它们用作名称。 一些简单的示例:Dim Dim as String或Dim String as String这两个都是无效的,因为Dim和String都是关键字,不能用作变量名。

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MethodA way to identify a software function that performs an action or a service for a particular object. For example, the Hide() method for form Form1 removes the form from the program display but doesn't unload it from memory. It would be coded:Form1.Hide

方法一种方法,用于识别对特定对象执行操作或服务的软件功能。 例如,窗体Form1Hide()方法从程序显示中删除该窗体,但不将其从内存中卸载。 它将被编码为:Form1.Hide

ModuleA Module is a general term for a file containing code or information that you add to your project. Usually, a module contains program code which you write. In VB 6, modules have a .bas extension and there are just three kinds of modules: form, standard, and class. In VB.NET, modules usually have a .vb extension but others are possible, such as .xsd for a dataset module, .xml for an XML module, .htm for a web page, .txt for a text file, .xslt for an XSLT file, .css for a Style Sheet, .rptfor a Crystal Report, and others.

模块 “模块”是文件的通用术语,其中包含您添加到项目中的代码或信息。 通常,模块包含您编写的程序代码。 在VB 6中,模块具有.bas扩展名,并且只有三种模块:表单,标准和类。 在VB.NET中,模块通常具有.vb扩展名,但其他扩展名也是可能的,例如,数据集模块为.xsd,XML模块为.xml,网页为.htm,文本文件为.txt,.xslt为XSLT文件,样式表的.css,Crystal Report的.rpt等。

To add a module, right click the project in VB 6 or the application in VB.NET and select Add and then Module.

要添加模块,请右键单击VB 6中的项目或VB.NET中的应用程序,然后依次选择“添加”和“模块”。

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NamespaceThe concept of a namespace has been around for quite a while in programming but has only become a requirement for Visual Basic programmers to know about since XML and .NET became critical technologies. The traditional definition of a namespace is a name that uniquely identifies a set of objects so there is no ambiguity when objects from different sources are used together. The type of example that you usually see is something like the Dog namespace and the Furniturenamespace both have Leg objects so you can refer to a Dog.Leg or a Furniture.Leg and be very clear about which one you mean.

命名空间命名空间的概念在编程中已经存在了很长一段时间,但是自从XML和.NET成为关键技术以来,它仅成为Visual Basic程序员了解的一项要求。 命名空间的传统定义是唯一标识一组对象的名称,因此,将来自不同来源的对象一起使用时不会产生歧义。 您通常看到的示例类型类似于Dog命名空间和Furniturenamespace都具有Leg对象,因此您可以引用Dog.Leg或Furniture.Leg,并非常清楚您的意思。

In practical .NET programming, however, a namespace is just the name that is used to refer to Microsoft's libraries of objects. For example, both System.Data and System.XML are typicalReferences in default VB .NET Windows Aplications and the collection of objects they contain are referred to as the System.Data namespace and the System.XML namespace.

但是,在实际的.NET编程中,名称空间只是用于引用Microsoft对象库的名称。 例如,System.Data和System.XML都是默认VB .NET Windows应用程序中的典型引用,它们包含的对象集合称为System.Data命名空间和System.XML命名空间。

The reason "made-up" examples like "Dog" and "Furniture" are used in other definitions is that the "ambiguity" problem really only comes up when you define your own namespace, not when you're using Microsoft's object libraries. For example, try to find object names that are duplicated betweenSystem.Data and System.XML.

其他定义中使用“ Dog”和“ Furniture”等“虚构”示例的原因是,“歧义”问题实际上仅在定义自己的名称空间时出现,而不是在使用Microsoft的对象库时出现。 例如,尝试查找在System.Data和System.XML之间重复的对象名称。

When you're using XML, a namespace is a collection of element type and attribute names. These element types and attribute names are uniquely identified by the name of the XML namespace of which they are a part. In XML, a namespace is given the name of a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) - such as a Web site's address - both because the namespace could be associated with the site and because a URI is a unique name. When it's used this way, the URI is not required to be used other than as a name and there doesn't have to be a document or XML schema at that address.

使用XML时,名称空间是元素类型和属性名称的集合。 这些元素类型和属性名称由它们所属的XML名称空间的名称唯一标识。 在XML中,命名空间被赋予统一资源标识符(URI)的名称-例如网站的地址-既是因为该命名空间可以与该站点相关联,又因为URI是唯一的名称。 以这种方式使用时,不需要将URI用作名称,而且该地址不必有文档或XML模式。

NewsgroupA discussion group operated through the Internet. Newsgroups (also known as Usenet) are accessed and viewed on the web. Outlook Express (distributed by Microsoft as part of IE) supports newsgroup viewing. Newsgroups tend to be popular, fun, and alternative. See Usenet.

新闻组通过互联网运营的讨论组。 可在网络上访问和查看新闻组(也称为Usenet)。 Outlook Express(由Microsoft作为IE的一部分分发)支持新闻组查看。 新闻组往往是受欢迎,有趣和另类的。 请参阅Usenet。

Ø ()

ObjectMicrosoft defines it as a software component that exposes its properties and methodsHalvorson (VB.NET Step by Step, Microsoft Press) defines it as ...the name of a user interface element you create on a VB form with a Toolbox controlLiberty (Learning VB.NET, O'Reilly) defines it as ... an individual instance of a thingClark (An Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming with Visual Basic .NET, APress) defines it as ... a structure for incorporating data and procedures for working with that data

Microsoft 对象将其定义为公开其属性和方法的软件组件 Halvorson( VB.NET Step by Step ,Microsoft Press)将其定义为... 您在带有工具箱控件 Liberty 的VB表单上创建的用户界面元素的名称。 ( 学习VB.NET ,O'Reilly)将其定义为... 事物的单个实例 Clark( 使用Visual Basic .NET的面向对象编程的简介 ,APress)将其定义为... 合并数据的结构。和处理该数据的程序

There's quite a broad spectrum of opinion on this definition. Here's one that is probably right in the mainstream:

关于这个定义有很多不同的见解。 这可能是主流中的一种:

Software that has properties and/or methods. A Document, Branch or Relationship can be an individual object, for example. Most, but not all, objects are members of a collection of some kind.

具有属性和/或方法的软件。 例如,文档,分支或关系可以是单个对象。 大多数(但不是全部)对象是某种集合的成员。

Object LibraryA file with the .olb extension that provides information to Automation controllers (like Visual Basic) about available objects. The Visual Basic Object Browser (View menu or function key F2) will let you browse all of the object libraries available to you.

对象库具有.olb扩展名的文件,用于向自动化控制器(如Visual Basic)提供有关可用对象的信息。 Visual Basic对象浏览器(“查看”菜单或功能键F2)将让您浏览所有可用的对象库。

OCXThe file extension (and generic name) for OLE Custom control (the X must have been added because it looked cool to Microsoft Marketing types). OCX modules are independent program modules that can be accessed by other programs in a Windows environment. OCX controls replaced VBX controls written in Visual Basic. OCX, both as a marketing term and a technology, was replaced by ActiveX controls. ActiveX is backward compatible with OCX controls because ActiveX containers, such as Microsoft's Internet Explorer, can execute OCX components. OCX controls can be either 16-bit or 32-bit.

OCX O LE C tomtom控件的文件扩展名(和通用名称)(必须添加X,因为它对于Microsoft Marketing类型看起来很酷)。 OCX模块是独立的程序模块,可以由Windows环境中的其他程序访问。 OCX控件替换了用Visual Basic编写的VBX控件。 OCX,无论是作为营销术语还是技术,都被ActiveX控件取代。 ActiveX与OCX控件向后兼容,因为ActiveX容器(例如Microsoft的Internet Explorer)可以执行OCX组件。 OCX控件可以是16位或32位。



OLE stands for Object Linking and Embedding. This is a technology that first came on the scene along with the first really successful version of Windows: Windows 3.1. (Which was released in April 1992. Yes, Virginia, they had computers that long ago.) The first trick that OLE made possible was the creation of what is called a "compound document" or a document that has content created by more than one application. For example, a Word document containing a genuine Excel spreadsheet (not a picture, but the actual thing). The data can be provided by either "linking" or "embedding" which accounts for the name. OLE has gradually been extended to servers and networks and has gained more and more capability.

OLE代表对象链接和嵌入。 这是一项与第一个真正成功的Windows版本一起出现的技术:Windows 3.1。 (哪个版本于1992年4月发布。是的,弗吉尼亚州,他们很早以前就拥有计算机。)OLE使之成为可能的第一个窍门是创建所谓的“复合文档”或包含由多个对象创建的内容的文档应用。 例如,一个包含真实Excel电子表格的Word文档(不是图片,而是实际的东西)。 可以通过说明名称的“链接”或“嵌入”来提供数据。 OLE已逐渐扩展到服务器和网络,并且获得了越来越多的功能。

OOP - Object Oriented Programming


A programming architecture that emphasizes the use of objects as the fundamental building blocks of programs. This is accomplished by providing a way to create the building blocks so they include both data and functions that are accessed through an interface (these are called "properties" and "methods" in VB).

一种编程体系结构,强调使用对象作为程序的基本构建块。 这是通过提供一种创建构造块的方法来实现的,以使它们包括通过接口访问的数据和功能(在VB中称为“属性”和“方法”)。

The definition of OOP has been controversial in the past because some OOP purists vehemently insisted that languages like C++ and Java were object oriented and VB 6 was not because OOP was defined (by the purists) as incorporating the three pillars: Inheritance, Polymorphism, and Encapsulation. And VB 6 never implemented inheritance. Other authorities (Dan Appleman, for example), pointed out that VB 6 was very productive for building binary reusable code blocks and therefore it was OOP enough. This controversy will die down now because VB .NET is very emphatically OOP - and most definitely includes Inheritance.

过去,OOP的定义一直是有争议的,因为一些OOP纯粹主义者坚称C ++和Java之类的语言是面向对象的,而VB 6并不是因为(纯粹主义者)将OOP定义为包含了三个Struts:继承,多态和封装。 VB 6从未实现继承。 其他机构(例如Dan Appleman)指出,VB 6在构建二进制可重用代码块方面非常有生产力,因此它足够面向对象。 由于VB .NET非常着重于OOP,因此该争议现在将消失,并且绝对包括继承。

P ()

Perlis an acronym that actually expands to 'Practical Extraction and Report Language' but this doesn't do much to help you understand what it is. Although it was created for text processing, Perl has become the most popular language for writing CGI programs and was the original language of the web. People who have a lot of experience with Perl love it and swear by it. New programmers, however, tend to swear at it instead because it has a reputation for not being easy to learn. VBScript and Javascript are replacing Perl for web programming today. Perl is also used a great deal by Unix and Linux administrators for automating their maintenance work.

Perl是首字母缩写词,实际上扩展为“实用提取和报告语言”,但这并不能帮助您理解它的含义。 尽管Perl是为文本处理而创建的,但它已成为编写CGI程序的最受欢迎语言,并且是Web的原始语言。 对Perl有很多经验的人喜欢它并对此发誓。 但是,新程序员倾向于对此发誓,因为它以不易学习而著称。 VBScript和Javascript如今已取代Perl进行Web编程。 Unix和Linux管理员还大量使用Perl来自动执行维护工作。

Processrefers to a program that is currently executing, or "running" on a computer.


Polymorphismis a word seen in Object Oriented Programming explanations. This is the ability to have two different objects, of two different types, that both implement the same method (polymorphism literally means "many forms"). So, for example, you might write a program for a government agency calledGetLicense. But the license could be a dog license, a driver's license or a license to run for political office ("license to steal" ??). Visual Basic determines which one is intended by differences in the parameters used to call the objects. Both VB 6 and VB .NET provide polymorphism, but they use a different architecture to do it.requested by Beth Ann

多态是在面向对象编程说明中看到的一个词。 这是具有两个不同类型的两个不同对象的能力,它们都实现相同的方法(多态字面意思是“许多形式”)。 因此,例如,您可能为政府机构编写了一个名为GetLicense的程序。 但是许可证可以是狗证,驾照或竞选政治职务的许可证(“偷窃许可证” ??)。 Visual Basic通过调用对象所用参数的差异来确定要使用哪一个。 VB 6和VB .NET都提供了多态性,但是它们使用不同的体系结构来实现。

PropertyIn Visual Basic, a named attribute of an object. For example, every Toolbox object has a Nameproperty. Properties can be set by changing them in the Properties window at design time or by program statements at run time. For example, I might change the Name property of a form Form1with the statement:Form1.Name = "MyFormName"

属性在Visual Basic中,对象的命名属性。 例如,每个Toolbox对象都有一个Name属性。 可以通过在设计时在“属性”窗口中更改属性或在运行时通过程序语句来设置属性。 例如,我可以使用以下语句更改表单Form1Name属性:Form1.Name =“ MyFormName”

VB 6 uses Property GetProperty Set and Property Let statements to manipulate properties of objects. This syntax has been completely overhauled in VB.NET. The Get and Set syntax isn't at all the same and Let isn't supported at all.

VB 6使用Property GetProperty SetProperty Let语句来操纵对象的属性。 此语法已在VB.NET中进行了全面修订。 Get和Set语法完全不同,Let完全不受支持。

In VB.NET a member field in a class is a property.

在VB.NET中, 类中成员字段是属性。

Class MyClass
Private memberfield as String
Public Sub classmethod()
' whatever this class does
End Sub
End Class

PublicIn Visual Basic .NET, the keyword in the declaration statement that makes the elements accessible from code anywhere within the same project, from other projects that reference the project, and from any assembly built from the project. But see Access Level as well on this.

Public在Visual Basic .NET中,声明语句中的关键字,该关键字使元素可以从同一项目中任何地方的代码,引用该项目的其他项目以及从该项目构建的任何程序集中均可访问。 但与此同时,请参阅访问级别

Here's an example:


Public Class aPublicClassName

Public can be used only at module, interface, or namespace level. You can't declare an element to be Public within a procedure.

Public只能在模块,接口或名称空间级别使用。 您不能在过程中将元素声明为Public。

[R ()

RegisterRegistering a DLL (Dynamic Link Library) means the system knows how to find it when an application creates an object using the DLL's ProgID. When a DLL is compiled, Visual Basic automatically registers it on that machine for you. COM depends on the Windows registry and requires all COM components to store (or 'register') information about themselves in the registry before they can be used. A unique ID is used for different components to make certain they don't clash. The ID is called a GUID, or Globally Unique IDentifier and they're calculated by compilers and other development software using a special algorithm.

注册注册DLL( 动态链接库 )意味着系统知道当应用程序使用DL​​L的ProgID创建对象时如何找到它。 编译DLL后,Visual Basic会自动为您在该计算机上注册它。 COM依赖于Windows注册表,并且要求所有COM组件在使用前在注册表中存储(或“注册”)有关自身的信息。 唯一的ID用于不同的组件,以确保它们不会发生冲突。 该ID被称为GUID,或G loballyüNIQUE ID entifier和他们的编译器和其他开发软件采用特殊算法计算。

小号 ()

ScopeThe part of a program where a variable can be recognized and used in statements. For example, if a variable is declared (DIM statement) in the Declarations section of a form, then the variable can be used in any procedure in that form (such as the Click event for a button on the form).

范围程序的一部分,可以在语句中识别和使用变量。 例如,如果在表单的“声明”部分中声明了变量( DIM语句),则可以在该表单的任何过程中使用该变量(例如,表单上按钮的Click事件)。

StateThe current condition and values in a running program. This is usually most significant in an online environment (such as a web system such as an ASP program) where the values contained in program variables will be lost unless they're saved somehow. Saving critical "state information" is a common task necessary in writing online systems.

状态正在运行的程序中的当前条件和值。 这通常在在线环境(例如Web系统,例如ASP程序)中最为重要,在该环境中,除非以某种方式保存了它们,否则程序变量中包含的值将丢失。 保存关键的“状态信息”是编写在线系统所需的常见任务。

StringAny expression that evaluates to a sequence of contiguous characters. In Visual Basic, a string is the variable type (VarType) 8.

字符串任何计算结果为连续字符序列的表达式。 在Visual Basic中,字符串是变量类型(VarType)8。

SyntaxThe word "syntax" in programming is almost the same as "grammar" in human languages. In other words, it's the rules you use to create statements. The syntax in Visual Basic must let the Visual Basic compiler 'understand' your statements to create an executable program.

语法编程中的“语法”一词与人类语言中的“语法”几乎相同。 换句话说,这是您用来创建语句的规则。 Visual Basic中的语法必须使Visual Basic编译器“了解”您的语句以创建可执行程序。

This statement has incorrect syntax


  • a==b

    a == b

because there is no "==" operation in Visual Basic. (At least, there isn't one yet! Microsoft continually adds to the language.)

因为在Visual Basic中没有“ ==”操作。 (至少还没有!Microsoft不断添加该语言。)

ü ()

URLUniform Resource Locator - This is the unique address of any a document on the Internet. The different parts of a URL have specific meaning.

URL统一资源定位符-这是Internet上任何文档的唯一地址。 URL的不同部分具有特定含义。

The Parts of a URL


ProtocolDomain NamePathFile Name
协议 域名 路径 文档名称
http:// visualbasic.about/ 图书馆/每周/ blglossa.htm

'Protocol', for example, could be FTP:// or MailTo:// among other things.


UsenetUsenet is a world-wide distributed discussion system. It consists of a set of 'newsgroups' with names that are classified hierarchically by subject. 'Articles' or 'messages' are posted to these newsgroups by people on computers with the appropriate software. These articles are then broadcast to other interconnected computer systems via a wide variety of networks. Visual Basic is discussed in a number of different newsgroups such as Microsoft.public.vb.general.discussion.

Usenet Usenet是一个全球性的分布式讨论系统。 它由一组“新闻组”组成,其名称按主题分层。 人们在装有适当软件的计算机上将“文章”或“消息”发布到这些新闻组。 这些文章然后通过各种各样的网络广播到其他互连的计算机系统。 在Microsoft.public.vb.general.discussion等许多不同的新闻组中讨论了Visual Basic。

UDTWhile not really a Visual Basic term, a definition of this term was requested by an About Visual Basic reader so here it is!

UDT虽然不是真正的Visual Basic术语,但是About Visual Basic读者要求提供此术语的定义,所以这里是!

UDT is an acronym that expands to "User Datagram Transport", but that may not tell you much. UDT is one of several "network layer protocols" (another is TCP - half of the perhaps more familiar TCP/IP). These are simply agreed upon (standardized) methods to transfer bits and bytes across networks such as the Internet but also possibly from one computer to another in the same room. Since it's just a careful description of how to do it, it might be used in any application where bits and bytes have to be transfered.

UDT是首字母缩写词,可扩展为“用户数据报传输”,但可能不会告诉您太多信息。 UDT是几种“网络层协议”之一(另一个是TCP-可能是更熟悉的TCP / IP的一半)。 这些都是经过简单商定(标准化)的方法,可以跨网络(例如Internet)传输位和字节,也可以从同一房间中的一台计算机传输到另一台计算机。 由于这只是对操作方法的仔细描述,因此它可用于必须传输位和字节的任何应用程序中。

UDT's claim to fame is that it uses new reliability and flow/congestion control mechanisms that are based on another protocol called UDP.


V ()

VBXThe file extension (and generic name) of components used by 16-bit versions of Visual Basic (VB1 through VB4). Now obsolete, VBXs do not have two of the properties (inheritance and polymorphism) many believe are required by true object-oriented systems. Starting with VB5, OCX and then ActiveX controls became current.

VBX Visual Basic(VB1至VB4)的16位版本使用的组件的文件扩展名(和通用名称)。 现在已经过时了,VBX不具有许多人认为真正的面向对象系统需要的两个属性(继承性和多态性)。 从VB5开始,OCX和ActiveX控件成为最新的控件。

Virtual MachineA term used to describe a platform, that is, the software and operating environment, for which you are writing code. This is a key concept in VB.NET because the virtual machine that the VB 6 programmer writes to is radically different than the one the VB.NET program uses. As a starting point (but there is much more), VB.NET's virtual machine requires the presence of the CLR (Common Language Runtime). To illustrate the concept of a virtual machine platform in actual use, VB.NET provides for alternates in the Build menu Configuration Manager:

虚拟机一个术语,用于描述您正在为其编写代码的平台,即软件和操作环境。 这是VB.NET中的关键概念,因为VB 6程序员编写的虚拟机与VB.NET程序使用的虚拟机完全不同。 作为起点(但还有很多),VB.NET的虚拟机要求存在CLR(公共语言运行时)。 为了说明实际使用的虚拟机平台的概念,VB.NET在“构建”菜单的“配置管理器”中提供了替代方案:

w ^ ()

Web ServicesSoftware that runs over a network and provides information services based on XML standards that are accessed through a URI (Universal Resource Identifier) address and an XML defined information interface. The standard XML technologies normally used in web services include SOAP, WSDL, UDDI and XSD. See Quo Vadis, Web Services, The Google API.

Web服务软件,它运行在网络上,并提供基于XML标准的信息服务,该XML标准可通过URI(通用资源标识符)地址和XML定义的信息接口进行访问。 Web服务中通常使用的标准XML技术包括SOAP,WSDL,UDDI和XSD。 请参见Quo Vadis,Web服务,Google API。

Win32The Windows API for Microsoft Windows 9X, NT, and 2000.

Win32用于Microsoft Windows 9X,NT和2000的Windows API。

X ()

XMLThe Extensible Markup Language allows designers to create their own customized 'markup tags' for information. This makes it possible to define, transmit, validate, and interpret information between applications with greater flexibility and accuracy. The XML specification was developed by the W3C (the World Wide Web consortium - an association whose members are international corporations) but XML is used for applications far beyond the web. (Many definitions you can find on the web state that it's used only for the web, but this is a common misunderstanding. XHTML is a specific set of markup tags that are based on HTML 4.01 as well as XML that is exclusively for web pages.) VB.NET and all Microsoft .NET technologies use XML extensively.

XML可扩展标记语言允许设计人员创建自己的自定义“标记标签”以获取信息。 这使得在应用程序之间定义,传输,验证和解释信息成为可能,并且具有更大的灵活性和准确性。 XML规范是由W3C(万维网联盟-成员为国际公司的协会)开发的,但是XML用于远远超出Web的应用程序。 (许多定义,你可以找到关于它只是用来在网络中的网络状态,但这是一个常见的误区。XHTML是一组特定的标记标签是基于HTML 4.01,以及XML 专门为网页。 )VB.NET和所有Microsoft .NET技术都广泛使用XML。

翻译自: https://www.thoughtco/glossary-of-visual-basic-terms-4077441

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