
编程入门 行业动态 更新时间:2024-10-24 01:50:17


For those of you looking to break into the world of web development with your first dev job, the amount of things you are expected to know can be overwhelming: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, version control, build tools, frameworks, the command line. The list goes on …

对于那些希望通过第一个开发工作进入Web开发领域的人们来说,您应该了解的内容不胜枚举:HTML,CSS,JavaScript,版本控制,构建工具,框架,命令行。 清单继续...

But never fear! In this post, I’d like to offer you a little guidance by outlining ten skills that will help you land your first dev job in 2020. For each skill, I’ll suggest a hands-on project to get you started and point you to appropriate resources on SitePoint Premium for further reading.

但是不要害怕! 在这篇文章中,我想通过概述十种技能为您提供一些指导,这些技能将帮助您在2020年获得第一份开发工作。对于每种技能,我都会建议您动手做一个项目,以帮助您入门并指出您访问SitePoint Premium上的适当资源以进一步阅读。

Let’s dive in.


1.了解您的代码编辑器 (1. Get to Know Your Code Editor)

As a coder, you’re going to be spending a lot of time in your editor of choice. That’s why you should make the effort to learn what it can do and how to configure it properly. The subject of which editor to use can quickly become controversial, but if you’re just starting out, I would encourage you to check out VS Code (or VSCodium if you care about privacy).

作为一名编码人员,您将在选择的编辑器上花费大量时间。 这就是为什么您应该努力学习它可以做什么以及如何正确配置它的原因。 使用哪个编辑器的主题可能会很快引起争议,但是如果您刚开始使用,我建议您查看VS Code (如果您关心隐私,请查看VSCodium )。

VS Code ships with a lot of cool features, such as Emmet abbreviations, intellisense, various keyboard shortcuts and Git integration. There are also hundreds (if not thousands) of extensions that you can install to customize your workflow.

VS Code附带了许多很酷的功能,例如Emmet的缩写 , 智能感知 , 各种键盘快捷键和Git集成 。 您还可以安装数百个(如果不是数千个)扩展名 ,以自定义工作流程。

项目构想 (Project Idea)

Install VS Code on your machine and commit to using it. Spend some time researching popular extensions for your language of choice and install at least three of these. You should also install Prettier and configure it to format your code on save, as well as ESLint, which will display JavaScript linting errors in VS Code’s console. For bonus points, you can print out the keyboard shortcut reference sheet for your platform and attempt to memorize two or three shortcuts per week.

在计算机上安装VS Code并承诺使用它。 花一些时间为您选择的语言研究热门扩展,并至少安装其中三个。 您还应该安装Prettier并将其配置为在保存时格式化代码,以及ESLint ,以在VS Code的控制台中显示JavaScript掉毛错误。 对于奖励积分,您可以打印出适用于您平台的键盘快捷方式参考表,并尝试每周记住两个或三个快捷方式。

进一步阅读 (Further Reading)

By way of a reference, I would recommend Visual Studio Code: End-to-End Editing and Debugging Tools for Web Developers. This up-to-date guide covers all of the essential VS Code components, including the editing features of the workspace, advanced functionality such as code refactoring and key binding, and integration with Grunt, Gulp, npm, and other external tools. Chapter Two, which introduces you to the user interface, and Chapter Nine, on working with extensions, should be of particular interest.

作为参考,我将推荐Visual Studio代码:Web开发人员的端到端编辑和调试工具 。 本最新指南涵盖了所有基本的VS Code组件,包括工作区的编辑功能,高级功能(如代码重构和键绑定)以及与Grunt,Gulp,npm和其他外部工具的集成。 第二章介绍了用户界面,而第九章介绍了如何使用扩展,应该特别感兴趣。

2.建立联络表格 (2. Build a Contact Form)

If you’re building a web application, it’s only a matter of time until you encounter HTML forms. They’re a big part of the web experience, and they can be complicated. For example, you need to make them accessible, and you need to make sure they render well on different browsers and smaller screens. It can also be a challenge to style them consistently without breaking their usability.

如果要构建Web应用程序,则遇到HTML表单只是时间问题。 它们是网络体验的重要组成部分,而且可能很复杂。 例如,您需要使它们可访问,并且需要确保它们在不同的浏览器和较小的屏幕上呈现良好。 在不破坏其可用性的情况下对其进行持续样式设置也可能是一个挑战。

Forms are a critical part of a visitor’s journey on your site. Even if your visitor is sold on what you have to offer, a broken or even a badly laid out form could be enough for them to abandon ship. That means you lose the conversion.

表单是您网站上访问者旅程的重要组成部分。 即使您的访客以您所提供的物品出售,破损甚至布局不当的形式也足以使他们放弃运送。 这意味着您将失去转换。

项目构想 (Project Idea)

Build and style a contact form. Concentrate on the alignment of the form fields, a prominent CTA, and make sure the form previews well across browsers and devices. Try to include various form controls, such as <select> elements and check boxes, while keeping the layout simple and elegant.

建立并设置联系表单的样式。 着重于表单字段的对齐(突出的CTA) ,并确保表单在浏览器和设备之间的预览效果良好。 尝试包括各种表单控件,例如<select>元素和复选框,同时保持布局简洁美观。

You might also like to upload your finished form to CodePen, an online community for testing and showcasing user-created HTML, CSS and JavaScript code snippets. When applying for a job, a well-curated CodePen account could potentially serve as a mini portfolio.

您可能还希望将完成的表单上载到CodePen ,这是一个在线社区,用于测试和展示用户创建HTML,CSS和JavaScript代码段。 申请工作时,精心策划的CodePen帐户可能会充当迷你组合。

进一步阅读 (Further Reading)

Form Design Patterns offers ten recipes for different kinds of forms — registration forms, booking forms, login forms and more. Learn from the pros and find out how to make your forms both engaging and accessible to all. If you’re looking for a quick start with this project, I recommend reading the first part of the first chapter, which covers things such as labels, placeholders, styling and input types.

表单设计模式为不同类型的表单提供了十个配方-注册表单,预订表单,登录表单等等。 向专家学习,并了解如何使您的表格既吸引人又可供所有人使用。 如果您正在寻找一个快速入门的项目,建议阅读第一章的第一部分 ,其中包括标签,占位符,样式和输入类型。

3.熟悉客户端验证 (3. Become Acquainted with Client-side Validation)

You won’t get far as a web developer in 2020 without knowing JavaScript: it’s one of the most popular programming languages in the world and, frankly, a must-have skill.


On the front end it’s used for a wide variety of tasks, such as making interactive elements for web pages (sliders, maps, charts, menus, chat widgets, etc.) and generally enhancing the user experience. One rather nice feature of the language is that it can manipulate the DOM, to offer users instant feedback on an action without needing to reload the page. This makes web pages feel snappier and more responsive.

在前端,它可用于多种任务,例如为网页创建交互式元素(滑块,地图,图表,菜单,聊天小部件等),并通常增强用户体验。 该语言的一个相当不错的功能是它可以操纵DOM ,从而为用户提供有关操作的即时反馈,而无需重新加载页面。 这使网页感觉更生动,响应速度更快。

项目构想 (Project Idea)

In this project, you should take the contact form you built in step two and augment it with client-side validation.


Using the correct input types will get you a lot of the way there, but also try to add some custom validation. You should display error messages in an intuitive way and avoid using alert boxes. And if all that sounds a bit too easy, why not add a field which asks a question to ensure that the user isn’t a bot.

使用正确的输入类型将为您提供很多帮助,而且还尝试添加一些自定义验证。 您应该以直观的方式显示错误消息,并避免使用警报框。 并且,如果这听起来太简单了,为什么不添加一个字段来询问一个问题,以确保用户不是机器人。

进一步阅读 (Further Reading)

If you’re new to the world of JavaScript programming, or would just like a quick and easy desk reference, then check out JavaScript: Novice to Ninja, 2nd Edition. This step-by-step introduction to coding in JavaScript will show you how to solve real-world problems and develop richer web applications. You’ll want to pay particular attention to Chapter Eight, which shows you how to use JavaScript to interact with an HTML form.

如果您不熟悉JavaScript编程,或者只想快速轻松地获得桌面参考,请查看JavaScript:《 Ninja的新手,第二版》 。 这个JavaScript编码的分步介绍将向您展示如何解决实际问题并开发更丰富的Web应用程序。 您需要特别注意第八章 ,该章向您展示了如何使用JavaScript与HTML表单进行交互。

4.使用Fixer API制作货币转换器 (4. Make a Currency Converter Using the Fixer API)

In the past, JavaScript had a reputation as being a toy language — good for menus and animations, but not a lot else. And while that might have been the case in the early 2000s, in 2020 nothing could be further from the truth.

过去,JavaScript曾被誉为玩具语言,对菜单和动画很有用,但在其他方面却不多。 尽管在2000年代初期可能就是这种情况,但到2020年,事实离真相再远了。

Nowadays, entire apps are written in JavaScript. New tools and frameworks are introduced and developed at a rapid rate, and the language itself has undergone big changes since the arrival of ES2015 (aka ES6). It’s important you stay abreast of these changes, and have a good idea of what JavaScript is capable of and where it fits into the web development picture as a whole.

如今,整个应用程序都是用JavaScript编写的。 自从ES2015(又名ES6)问世以来,新工具和框架的引入和开发Swift,并且语言本身发生了巨大变化。 重要的是,您必须了解这些变化,并全面了解JavaScript的功能以及它在整个Web开发中的位置。

项目构想 (Project Idea)

Make an app that allows users to convert one currency to another. Users should enter an amount, select the actual currency, select the desired currency and then the app should fetch the exchange rate from the Fixer API. The user interface should be updated dynamically without any kind of page refresh.

制作一个允许用户将一种货币转换为另一种货币的应用。 用户应输入金额,选择实际货币,选择所需货币,然后应用程序应从Fixer API获取汇率。 用户界面应动态更新,而无需任何页面刷新。

Use modern JavaScript features where you can. Complete the project using either vanilla JavaScript, or a library like React to handle the UI updates.

尽可能使用现代JavaScript功能。 使用原始JavaScript或类似React的库来处理UI更新来完成项目。

进一步阅读 (Further Reading)

JavaScript: Best Practice is a collection of articles which take a look at modern JavaScript and how the language has evolved to allow you to write clean, maintainable, and reusable code. I would recommend reading the “Anatomy of a Modern JavaScript Application”, “Using Modern JavaScript Syntax” and “Flow Control in Modern JavaScript”.

JavaScript:Best Practice是一系列文章,介绍了现代JavaScript以及该语言的发展方式,使您可以编写干净,可维护和可重用的代码。 我建议阅读“ 现代JavaScript应用程序剖析 ”,“ 使用现代JavaScript语法 ”和“ 现代JavaScript中的流控制 ”。

5.设计自己的投资组合网站 (5. Design Your Own Portfolio Website)

In your career as a web developer, you’ll likely find yourself working alongside a designer on the same project. And while design and development can be considered separate disciplines, having a firm grasp of the design process will ease that relationship and stand you in good stead with your colleagues.

在作为Web开发人员的职业生涯中,您可能会发现自己与设计师一起从事同一项目。 尽管可以将设计和开发视为独立的学科,但牢牢掌握设计过程将缓解这种关系,并使您与同事保持良好的关系。

Or perhaps you want to go it alone as a freelancer, taking projects from design to deployment. In this case, a generic-looking website won’t cut it. You’ll need to offer the client an eye-catching but also highly functional design that helps them achieve their business goals.

或者,也许您想成为一名自由职业者,将项目从设计转移到部署。 在这种情况下,外观通用的网站不会削减它。 您需要为客户提供醒目的但功能强大的设计,以帮助他们实现业务目标。

项目构想 (Project Idea)

Design your own portfolio website — your place on the internet to present yourself and showcase your skills. Spend some time researching what makes a good portfolio design, then mock up a design of your own either with pencil and paper, or using a wireframing tool of your choice.

设计您自己的投资组合网站-您在互联网上的位置,以展示自己并展示自己的技能。 花一些时间研究什么才是好的投资组合设计,然后用铅笔和纸或使用您选择的线框图工具来模拟自己的设计。

Design-wise, pay attention to the layout, the colors you’ll use, and the typography. Content-wise, consider which pages you’ll need (hint: you could include a contact form) and how to present both yourself and your work. There are lots of sites around the Internet that will give you tips on what to include.

在设计方面,请注意布局,将使用的颜色和版式。 在内容方面,考虑需要哪些页面(提示:您可以包括联系表格),以及如何展示自己和您的工作。 Internet上有很多站点 ,这些站点将为您提供包含内容的提示。

进一步阅读 (Further Reading)

Ok, I get it. Design is hard. But it doesn’t need to be …

好的我明白了。 设计很难。 但这并不一定是……

The Principles of Beautiful Web Design is a fantastic book if you’re struggling with the design process. It will walk you through an example design, from concept to completion, teaching you a host of practical skills along the way.

如果您在设计过程中苦苦挣扎,《 美丽的网页设计原理》是一本很棒的书。 它将引导您完成从概念到完成的示例设计,并在此过程中教会您一系列实用技能。

Start in Chapter One by reading about what makes good design and take it from there. Personally, I read the book from cover to cover in a week, but you could also dip into the other chapters and learn about layout, color, texture, typography, and imagery at your leisure.

从第一章开始,先了解什么是好的设计 ,然后再从中学习。 就个人而言,我一周之内都会翻阅这本书,但您也可以在其他章节中随意学习版式,颜色,纹理,版式和图像。

6.编写自己的投资组合网站 (6. Code Your Own Portfolio Website)

JavaScript isn’t the only technology that’s evolving rapidly; there are changes aplenty in the world of CSS, too. Advances in the language mean that we can now easily make complicated layouts, declare variables in our CSS code, create animations, apply CSS conditionally (using @supports) and more — things that, in the past, we’d have resorted to hacks (or JavaScript) to achieve.

JavaScript不是唯一快速发展的技术。 CSS领域也有很多变化。 语言的进步意味着我们现在可以轻松地制作复杂的布局,在CSS代码中声明变量,创建动画,有条件地应用CSS(使用@supports )以及更多-过去,我们曾采用过hack(或JavaScript)来实现。

If you’re writing CSS in 2020, you should be aware of all of these modern techniques and when to use them — especially Flexbox and CSS Grid for creating layouts. You should also have a grasp of modern CSS tooling (such as Houdini), pre-processors and the abundance frameworks that we have at our disposal.

如果您要在2020年编写CSS,则应了解所有这些现代技术以及何时使用它们,尤其是Flexbox和CSS Grid用于创建布局。 您还应该掌握现代CSS工具(例如Houdini ),预处理器以及我们可以使用的丰富框架。

项目构想 (Project Idea)

In the previous project, you designed your portfolio website. Now it’s time to get your hands dirty and code it. Use modern CSS to lay out the site and take time to research some of the more recently introduced measurement units, such as vw and vh. These will come in very handy if, for example, you want to include a fullscreen splash image.

在上一个项目中,您设计了投资组合网站。 现在是时候动手整理代码了。 使用现代CSS布局站点,并花一些时间研究一些最近推出的度量单位,例如vwvh 。 例如,如果您要包括全屏启动图像,这些将非常方便。

Also, include the contact form that you created previously and use CSS to add a couple of minimal animations. For example, you could animate the Send button when the user hovers over or clicks it.

另外,包括您先前创建的联系表单,并使用CSS添加一些最小的动画。 例如,当用户将鼠标悬停或单击时,可以为“ 发送”按钮设置动画。

进一步阅读 (Further Reading)

CSS Master, 2nd Edition shows you how to write better, more efficient CSS, and to take advantage of the plethora of the new cutting-edge CSS features available to the front-end developer. You’ll also learn to master tools that will improve your workflow.

CSS Master,第二版向您展示了如何编写更好,更高效CSS,以及如何利用前端开发人员可用的大量新的尖端CSS功能。 您还将学习掌握可改善工作流程的工具。

Pay particular attention to Chapter Five that will help you create complex layouts using the recently introduced multicolumn, Flexbox, and Grid modules.

请特别注意第五章 ,该章将帮助您使用最近引入的multicolumnFlexboxGrid模块创建复杂的布局。

7.绩效很重要! 使用Lighthouse审核您的站点 (7. Performance Matters! Audit Your Site With Lighthouse)

Nowadays there’s little excuse for a sluggish website. People are impatient. No one wants to wait 15 seconds for your high-definition images to load. Your users just want to get straight to your content.

如今,网站呆滞没有什么借口。 人们不耐烦。 没有人愿意等待15秒钟来加载高清图像。 您的用户只想直接访问您的内容。

And even if things seem OK for you, don’t forget how the other half lives. Not everyone has a high-end MacBook pro with a 100Gbit Ethernet connection. Many of your visitors will browse your site on a smartphone, possibly on a flaky 3G network. It’s your job as the web developer to provide all of your visitors with the best possible experience their technology will allow.

即使您觉得一切正常,也不要忘记另一半的生活。 并非每个人都有配备100Gbit以太网连接的高端MacBook Pro。 许多访问者会在智能手机上(可能是在不稳定的3G网络上)浏览您的网站。 作为网络开发人员,您的工作是为所有访客提供其技术所能提供的最佳体验。

项目构想 (Project Idea)

Google Chrome ships with a fantastic tool called Lighthouse, which runs audits against a page for performance, accessibility, best practices and SEO. It will offer you a variety of tips on how to address any issues it finds.

Google Chrome附带了一个名为Lighthouse的出色工具,该工具可以针对页面进行性能,可访问性,最佳实践和SEO的审核。 它将为您提供各种有关如何解决所发现问题的提示。

You should run this tool against your newly created portfolio site and do your best to make sure that each category is in the green. Lighthouse will allow you to generate reports for both the mobile and desktop versions of your site. You should check both of these.

您应该在新创建的投资组合网站上运行此工具,并尽最大努力确保每个类别均为绿色。 Lighthouse允许您为网站的移动版本和桌面版本生成报告。 您应该检查这两个。

If you haven’t created a portfolio site, run it against a different site that you own.


进一步阅读 (Further Reading)

The practical, short book Jump Start Web Performance provides advice, tips, and best practice for improving the performance and responsiveness of your site. These range from quick, five-minute configuration changes to major website overhauls. It goes into some detail on running audits with Lighthouse, as well as the Chrome DevTools in general. Later chapters of the book will be useful for addressing any problems that the audits highlight.

实用的简短书籍《快速入门Web性能》提供了一些建议,技巧和最佳实践,以改善您的网站的性能和响应能力。 从快速的五分钟配置更改到主要的网站检修,范围很广。 它详细介绍了如何使用Lighthouse以及一般的Chrome DevTools进行审核 。 本书的后续章节将有助于解决审计所强调的任何问题。

8.了解您的终端 (8. Get to Know Your Terminal)

As web developers, the command line is becoming an ever more important part of our workflow. We use it to install packages from npm, to test API endpoints, to push commits to GitHub, and lots more besides. If you can demonstrate familiarity with the command line to a prospective employer, that will doubtless boost your chances.

作为Web开发人员,命令行正在成为我们工作流程中越来越重要的部分。 我们使用它来从npm安装软件包,测试API端点,将提交推送到GitHub等。 如果您可以向潜在的雇主证明对命令行的熟悉,那无疑会增加您的机会。

Another advantage of being able to use the terminal is that it opens the door to scripting. This will allow you to automate various mundane tasks (such as file manipulation, or deploying a site), which, in the long run, could prove to be a real time-saver.

能够使用终端的另一个优点是,它为编写脚本打开了大门。 这将使您能够自动执行各种日常任务(例如文件操作或部署站点),从长远来看,这些任务可能会真正节省时间。

项目构想 (Project Idea)

Install and familiarize yourself with the Bash shell. This will come as standard on macOS and a lot of Linux distros. On Windows, you’ll need to enable something called Windows subsystem for Linux, which you can read about here.

安装并熟悉Bash shell 。 这将作为macOS和许多Linux发行版的标准配置。 在Windows上,您需要为Linux启用称为Windows子系统的内容,您可以在此处阅读有关内容。

Commit to using Bash for a whole week and use it to perform any tasks you can. These could include navigating your file system, working with files, editing files, reading logs, launching services, or installing programs. You should also investigate aliases, which are shortcuts for commonly used commands.

承诺整个星期都使用Bash,并使用它来执行您可以执行的所有任务。 这些可能包括浏览文件系统,处理文件,编辑文件,阅读日志,启动服务或安装程序。 您还应该研究别名,别名是常用命令的快捷方式。

Tip: if you already feel comfy with Bash, you might like to try out Zsh as an alternative. I go into that here.

提示:如果您已经对Bash感到满意,则可以尝试使用Zsh作为替代方法。 我在这里讲 。

进一步阅读 (Further Reading)

If leaving the comfort of your GUI has you feeling out of sorts, have a look at the Bash Quick Start Guide. This book will give you a thorough introduction to Bash, familiarize you with its command structure and quickly get you up to speed with some essential commands.

如果您不满意GUI的舒适度,请参阅《 Bash快速入门指南》 。 本书将为您提供Bash的全面介绍,使您熟悉其命令结构,并快速掌握一些基本命令。

For the brave of heart, later chapters of the book introduce you to shell scripting and demonstrate how even simple programming constructs in the shell can speed up and automate any kind of daily command-line work.


9.将您的项目置于版本控制之下 (9. Put Your Projects Under Version Control)

Now that we have some terminal knowledge under our belts, it’s time to look at Git — version control software used for tracking changes in source code during development. Thanks to its branching feature, Git makes it easy for multiple people to collaborate on a project. It also makes it a doddle for you to roll your code back to a previous state if you realize you’ve unwittingly introduced a bug.

现在我们已经掌握了一些终端知识,是时候来看一下Git —版本控制软件,用于在开发过程中跟踪源代码的更改。 由于其分支功能,Git使多个人可以轻松地在一个项目上进行协作。 如果您意识到自己不经意地引入了错误,那么这也使您将代码回滚到以前的状态变得轻而易举。

Practically any position you apply for will expect you to know version control. Now’s a good time to acquire that knowledge.

实际上,您申请的任何职位都希望您了解版本控制。 现在是学习该知识的好时机。

项目构想 (Project Idea)

Install Git on your machine and familiarize yourself with its basic commands. Put the currency converter app that you created in project four under version control, then create a GitHub account and upload it for the world to see (from the command line, of course).

在您的机器上安装Git,并熟悉其基本命令。 将您在项目4中创建的货币转换器应用置于版本控制下,然后创建一个GitHub帐户并将其上传以供全世界查看(当然是从命令行)。

For those that are unfamiliar with GitHub, it’s a web-based platform where developers can store their projects and interact with other like-minded developers. When you come to apply for jobs, it will be advantageous to have a GitHub account you can point potential employers towards.

对于那些不熟悉GitHub的人,这是一个基于Web的平台,开发人员可以在其中存储他们的项目并与其他志趣相投的开发人员进行交互。 当您开始求职时,拥有一个GitHub帐户可以为潜在的雇主提供帮助是有利的。

进一步阅读 (Further Reading)

Aimed at beginner-level developers with little or no Git experience, Jump Start Git will walk you through getting set up, as well as the basic commands and steps that comprise a successful Git workflow.

针对没有Git经验或没有Git经验的初学者级开发人员, Jump Start Git将引导您完成设置以及构成成功Git工作流程的基本命令和步骤。

Be sure to check out Chapter Two, which covers remote repositories and how to push your code to GitHub.

确保检查第二章 ,其中涵盖了远程存储库以及如何将代码推送到GitHub。

10.构建您的第一个节点应用程序 (10. Build Your First Node App)

As I alluded to before, JavaScript is everywhere. It powers most, if not all, front-end applications, but it can also run on the server in the guise of Node.js. Having at least some knowledge of how to write JavaScript on the server (including Node’s execution model) is a desirable skill when entering today’s job market.

正如我之前提到的,JavaScript无处不在。 它支持大多数(如果不是全部)前端应用程序,但是它也可以以Node.js为幌子在服务器上运行。 进入当今的就业市场时,至少需要具备一些如何在服务器上编写JavaScript的知识(包括Node的执行模型)。

项目构想 (Project Idea)

We’re going to take a slightly different tack with this one, as I’d like to point you towards my tutorial “Build a Simple Beginner App with Node, Bootstrap and MongoDB”.

我们将采取一种稍有不同的方法,因为我想向您介绍我的教程“ 使用Node,Bootstrap和MongoDB构建简单的初学者应用程序 ”。

Starting from the ground up, I demonstrate how to build a no-frills web app using Node.js, but instead of focusing on the end result, I focus on a range of things you’re likely to encounter when building a real-world app. These include routing, templating, dealing with forms, interacting with a database and even basic authentication.

从头开始,我演示了如何使用Node.js构建简洁的Web应用程序,但是我不关注最终结果,而是关注构建现实世界时可能遇到的一系列问题。应用程式。 这些包括路由,模板,处理表单,与数据库交互,甚至是基本身份验证。

For this project you should follow along with my tutorial, adapting the end result to suit your needs. You should also keep your code under version control and push it to your GitHub profile.

对于这个项目,您应该遵循我的教程,调整最终结果以适合您的需求。 您还应该将代码置于版本控制下,并将其推送到GitHub个人资料。

进一步阅读 (Further Reading)

Not so much reading, as a resource: the SitePoint forums. This is a potentially tricky project to tackle, so if you get stuck, please feel free to drop by and ask for help.

无需过多阅读,作为一种资源: SitePoint论坛 。 这是一个可能棘手的项目,因此,如果您遇到困难,请随时过来寻求帮助。

结论 (Conclusion)

So there you have it — ten skills that will help you land your first dev job in 2020. While not exhaustive, I hope this post goes some way to help you orient yourself in the ever-changing world of web development and gives you some idea of what to learn next.


And don’t forget, reading tutorials is great, but there’s no substitution for actually building stuff. Your next employer will be more impressed by an active GitHub account than a list of what you’ve read.

而且不要忘了,阅读教程非常棒,但是没有什么可以替代实际编写东西的。 活跃的GitHub帐户给您的下一个雇主留下了深刻的印象,而不是您所阅读的内容列表。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint/first-dev-job-projects/




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