
编程入门 行业动态 更新时间:2024-10-27 17:16:08


Here's a list of RSS feeds I'm subscribed to, I'm using the Google Reader thing and check these usually once a day, sometimes several times a day, if I feel I need a break and don't have anything in mind. These have become de facto the way I get informed of what's up, my pretty limited view of the world, if you wish. Sometimes I feel a bit guilty of using the feeds, for example I don't visit SitePoint as much as before I subscribed to its feeds, therefore I'm not so exposed to their ads and so on, feels a bit like stealing. Anyway, on to the list.

这是我已订阅的RSS供稿列表,我使用的是Google阅读器,通常每天检查一次,有时一天检查几次,如果我觉得需要休息并且没什么想法。 如果您愿意,这些实际上已经成为我了解最新情况的方式,我对世界的了解非常有限。 有时我对使用提要感到内,例如,我没有像订阅其提要之前那样访问SitePoint,因此我对他们的广告不太了解,等等,感觉就像是在偷东西。 无论如何,进入列表。

The list is ordered as Google Reader orders it, seems like alphabetically, only the first ones had some spaces in the names. The list was produced from their OPML export feature. How I managed to get HTML out of the OPML would be a subject of another post. OK, the list.

该列表是按照Google Reader的顺序排序的,就像按字母顺序排列一样,只有第一个列表的名称中有一些空格。 该列表是从其OPML导出功能生成的。 我如何设法使HTML脱离OPML将是另一篇文章的主题。 OK,清单。

  • [RSS] The Net is Dead - Life Beyond the Buzz

    [ RSS ]网络已经死了-超越嗡嗡声的生活

    Marco is this cool guy, web dev from Netherlands. I "met" him through his comments on my

    Marco是这个很酷的人,来自荷兰的Web开发人员。 我通过他对我的评论“满足”了他

    CSS conventions post, which turned out to be a bit controversial at times. Marco was totally on my side. Seems like he's pretty busy now and doesn't post as much as he used to, but I'm sure he'll be back.

    CSS约定发布,有时会引起争议。 Marco完全站在我这一边。 看来他现在很忙,发帖不如以前,但我敢肯定他会回来的。

  • [RSS] phpied

    [ RSS ] phpied

    My own blog, yes, now narcissistic of me, I subscribed as part of the blog's QA process (or lack thereof) 😉


  • [RSS] SitePoint Blogs

    [ RSS ] SitePoint博客

    This has been my primary source of web-dev-related information and news for years. Very good stuff on the blogs, especially Harry Fueck's posts!

    多年来,这一直是我与Web开发相关的信息和新闻的主要来源。 博客上的好东西,尤其是哈里·福克(Harry Fueck)的帖子!

  • [RSS] Bruce Eckel's Weblog

    [ RSS ]布鲁斯·埃克尔(Bruce Eckel)的博客

    Bruce Eckel is the author of the Thinking in Java|C|Python books, he doesn't post too often, but what he has to say is a must-read.

    布鲁斯·埃克尔(Bruce Eckel)是《 Java | C | Python中的思考》一书的作者,他的发帖次数并不多,但他必须说的是必读内容。

  • [RSS] Creating Passionate Users

    [ RSS ]创建热情的用户

    Recently found and subscribed, because of


    this post. Haven't been really reading it since, unless the title is catchy.

    这个帖子。 从那以后就没有真正阅读过,除非标题很吸引人。

  • [RSS] Fleegix

    [ RSS ] Fleegix

    SitePoint author of an


    AJAX book I recently read, loved and reviewed on Amazon, added the guy's feeds after reading the book.


  • [RSS] Isidoro's Blog

    [ RSS ] Isidoro的博客

    Just testing a buddy's blog. Doesn't post much and when he does, it's in Spanish. And I don't know Spanish, apart from one meaningless poem. OK, let me see how the poem goes. Aham - "Tipi-tape, tipi-tape, tipi-tape, tipiton. Tipi-tape, zapa-zapa, zapatero remendon."

    只是测试一个好友的博客。 张贴的内容并不多,当他发表时,它是西班牙语的。 除了一首毫无意义的诗外,我不懂西班牙语。 好,让我看看这首诗的去向。 阿罕(Aham)-“ Tipi-tape,tipi-tape,tipi-tape,tipiton。Tipi-tape,zapa-zapa,zapatero remendon。”

  • [RSS] Ivo Web 2oo6

    [ RSS ] Ivo Web 2oo6

    The only request I've ever got to add somebody to my blogroll was from Ivo. I thought I might subscribe to his feed first. Posts in Bulgarian.

    我唯一需要将某人添加到我的博客记录中的请求是来自Ivo。 我以为我可以先订阅他的供稿。 保加利亚语中的帖子。

  • [RSS] Let the Good Times Roll--by Guy Kawasaki

    [ RSS ]让美好时光滚滚-Guy Kawasaki

    I've seen this Guy quoted here and there, so I decided to subscribe. Apparently he has (had?) something to say, but lately seems like becomming a top-whatever-technorati is more important for him. Haven't read a full post recently and I do hate list posts, you know like "10 ways to ... do something". Such posts always remind me of this Douglas Adams's joke about a book, called something like "101 things you never wanted to know about sex, but have been forced to find out"

    我已经看到这个家伙在这里和那里被引用,所以我决定订阅。 显然他有话要说,但最近看来成为顶尖技术对他来说更重要。 最近还没有阅读完整的帖子,我也很讨厌列出帖子,您知道像“ ...做某事的10种方法”。 这样的帖子总是让我想起道格拉斯·亚当斯(Douglas Adams)关于一本书的笑话,这种笑话叫做“ 101本来你不想知道的关于性的事情,但被迫找出来”。

  • [RSS] Official Google Blog

    [ RSS ]官方Google Blog

    Mhm. Although I don't think I've leared much there. Most of the important news tend to spread organically anyways.

    嗯尽管我认为我在那儿学习不多。 无论如何,大多数重要新闻倾向于有机地传播。

  • [RSS] Paul Graham: Unofficial RSS Feed

    [ RSS ] Paul Graham:非官方的RSS源

    Love his articles. This unofficial feed works in its weird ways, but it's better than nothing.

    喜欢他的文章。 这种非官方的提要以其怪异的方式起作用,但是总比没有好。

  • [RSS] PhilRenaud

    [ RSS ] PhilRenaud

    A blog I found through stylegala, loved his design and subscribed (since I don't have the habit of bookmarking). I like his posts, but recently haven't read anything, he decided not to have the full-size posts in the feed, so this extra click turned out to be too much of an effort. That's sad, come to think of it.

    我在stylegala上找到了一个博客,喜欢他的设计并订阅了该博客(因为我没有收藏书签的习惯)。 我喜欢他的帖子,但最近什么都没读,他决定在Feed中不要显示全尺寸的帖子,因此,这种额外的点击实在是太费力了。 真可悲,想一想。

  • [RSS] PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor

    [ RSS ] PHP:超文本预处理器

    PHP news, not too often and seems like more conferences than anything else. The rest just spreads.

    PHP新闻不是经常出现,而且似乎比其他任何会议都多。 其余只是传播。

  • [RSS] Poo-tee-weet

    [ RSS ] Poo-tee-weet

    Lukas Smith, the guy who did PEAR::MDB2!

    Lukas Smith,做PEAR :: MDB2的人!

  • [RSS] QuirksBlog

    [ RSS ] QuirksBlog

    This guy knows his javascript, I'd love to read his book (if the publisher is reading, please don't hesitate to send me a review copy)


  • [RSS] SAP Developer Network SAP Weblogs by Piers Harding

    [ RSS ] SAP开发人员网络SAP网络日志,作者Piers Harding

    I've been experimenting with SAP and PHP connectivity and this guy has done a lot, but with Perl, Python and Ruby, no PHP.


  • [RSS] Signal vs. Noise

    [ RSS ]信号与噪声

    With all the noise around Ruby On Rails... I don't like most of the posts though, I mean how much (or less) can you say about "less". There are

    围绕着Ruby On Rails的喧嚣,尽管我不喜欢大多数文章,但我的意思是您可以说“少”多少(或更少)。 有

    exceptions though.


  • [RSS] Simon Willison's Weblog

    [ RSS ] Simon Willison的博客

    Followed to his blog from the times he contributed to SitePoint. Not too many posts though.

    从他为SitePoint做出贡献以来一直关注他的博客。 虽然没有太多的帖子。

  • [RSS] SitePoint

    [ RSS ] SitePoint

    SitePoint again, this time it's feed for their articles. They have some

    再次使用SitePoint,这是他们文章的供稿。 他们有一些

    really good articles 😉


  • [RSS] Stylegala | news

    [ RSS ] Stylegala | 新闻

    Admin-posted news on Stylegala. Always fresh, always good.

    管理员在Stylegala上发布的新闻。 永远新鲜,永远美好。

  • [RSS] Stylegala | public news

    [ RSS ] Stylegala | 公共新闻

    Public news on the Stylegala site. Anyone can post (I've done it myself). Firstly from here I get news about interesting web-developments (for example I'm not subscribed to ALA, because people post the links to Stylegala) and secondly I find stuff that is posted by guys like me, that probably won't be the-next-biggest-thing, but is often very, very interesting. Democracy in action - Google's next tool, together with the small guy's latest JS trick.

    Stylegala网站上的公共新闻。 任何人都可以发布(我自己完成了)。 首先,我从这里得到有关有趣的Web开发的新闻(例如,我没有订阅ALA,因为人们发布了指向Stylegala的链接),其次,我发现了像我这样的人发布的内容,这可能不是-下一个最大的东西,但通常非常非常有趣。 民主在行动-Google的下一个工具,以及小家伙的最新JS技巧。

  • [RSS] Web Standards with Imagination

    [ RSS ]具有想象力的Web标准

    The title says enough about the topics. I like his posts very much. Lately he's been podcasting more than blogging, but that's still good.

    标题足以说明主题。 我非常喜欢他的帖子。 最近,他比博客更多地播客,但这还是不错的。

  • [RSS] Webmaster Central Blog

    [ RSS ]网站管理员中央博客

    This is something new from Google and so far not too appealing, unless you're into SEO and getting ranked well. Or getting paid to get someone else ranked well 😉

    这是Google的一项新功能,到目前为止还算不上吸引人,除非您对SEO感兴趣并获得良好的排名。 或获得报酬以使其他人排名良好😉

  • [RSS] Yahoo! User Interface Blog

    [ RSS ]雅虎! 用户界面博客

    Not much posts, but good stuff. Sometimes by

    职位不多,但是好东西。 有时

    Mr. JavaScript himself!


In addition to that I'm subscribed to a few mailing lists, of which I read the PEAR-General and PEAR-Dev ones, the rest (such as YUI list) is just storred by gmail for latter searches 😉


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