
编程入门 行业动态 更新时间:2024-10-28 10:24:38

During a live hearing conducted before the House Judiciary Committee on Wednesday July 29th , four of the world’s most powerful tech titans testified at an antitrust hearing titled: ‘Online Platforms and Market Power: Examining the Dominance of Amazon, Apple, Facebook and Google.’

在7月29日星期三在众议院司法委员会举行的现场听证会上 ,全球四大最强大的技术巨头在一次名为“在线平台和市场力量:研究亚马逊,苹果,Facebook和Google的统治地位”的反托拉斯听证会上作证。

In a session which lasted for five and a half hours, members of the United States’ Congress asked the four CEO’s grueling questions which echoed many concerns which the public has been vocal about over the past several years. Congressman Jamie Raskin, representing Maryland’s 8th district began his statement by invoking the analogy of unscrupulous business practices of a past century: “in the 19th century we had the robber barons, today we have the cyber barons.”

在持续了五个半小时的会议中,美国国会议员问了这四位首席执行官的艰苦问题,这些问题回响了过去几年公众一直在表达的许多担忧。 代表马里兰州第八区的国会议员杰米·拉斯金(Jamie Raskin)的发言开始时引用了上个世纪无良商业行为的类比:“在19世纪,我们拥有强盗男爵,今天我们拥有网络男爵。”

Amazon’s Jeff Bezos, Apple’s Tim Cook, Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg, and Google’s Sundar Pichai appeared together for the first time before Congress, (Jeff Bezos for the first time), while defending their positions from remote locations. House Judiciary Antitrust, Commercial and Administrative Law Subcommittee Chair, David Cicilline opened the hearing by stating that the comprehensive “investigation has been bipartisan from the start.” He also noted that each of the tech titans “uses its control over the digital infrastructure to surveil other companies, their growth, business activity, and whether they pose as a competitive threat.”

亚马逊的杰夫·贝佐斯(Jeff Bezos),苹果公司的蒂姆·库克(Tim Cook),Facebook的马克·扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)和谷歌的Sundar Pichai首次在国会开会之前就出现了(第一次是杰夫·贝佐斯),同时在偏远地区捍卫了自己的立场。 众议院司法反托拉斯,商业和行政法小组委员会主席戴维·西西里恩(David Cicilline)在听证会开幕式上表示,全面的“调查从一开始就是两党的。” 他还指出,每个技术巨头都“利用对数字基础架构的控制来监视其他公司,它们的成长,业务活动以及它们是否构成竞争威胁。”

Surveillance was a key concern throughout the hearing, with several members of the congressional committee warning the company executives about their harvesting of and selling people’s data without the public having a choice to escape their control. “As gatekeepers of the digital economy,” the Chair remarked, the four tech companies “represent the powers of a private government.”

监视是整个听证会的主要关注点,国会委员会的几名成员警告公司高管,他们在收集和出售人们数据的过程中没有让公众选择逃避控制。 主席指出:“作为数字经济的看门人,这四家科技公司”代表了私人政府的权力。”

Sunder Pichai, CEO of Google/Alphabet makes a statement
Google / Alphabet首席执行官Sunder Pichai发表声明

Although the need for monopolies to be properly regulated and held accountable was echoed by the committee, it is equally important to summon a statement from the CEO of Facebook Mark Zuckerberg, who during the hearing explicitly admitted that, “we routinely collaborate with law enforcement and intelligence agencies and are able to (sometimes) identify threats coming from other countries before governments are even able to.”

尽管委员会回覆了对垄断进行适当监管和追究责任的需求,但召集Facebook首席执行官马克·扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)的声明同样重要,他在听证会上明确承认:“我们定期与执法部门合作,并情报机构,并且能够(有时) 在政府甚至没有能力识别其他国家的威胁之前 。”

A 2019 Amnesty International report on Facebook and Google’s omnipresent system of surveillance warned that it posed as a systemic threat to human rights in which users are “constantly tracked across the web and in the physical world as well.”


Congresswoman Ms McBath questions Jeff Bezos, CEO of Amazon
国会女议员麦克巴斯女士质疑亚马逊首席执行官杰夫·贝佐斯(Jeff Bezos)

To get a summary of the types of data collected on users with a Facebook account, click on the settings and privacy menu and scroll down to settings. All the way towards the bottom you will encounter the ‘Legal and Policies’ feature of Facebook. Click on Data Policy. This guide describes the information and content you provide which is collected by the social media platform to support Instagram, Messenger and other products and features offered by Facebook.

要汇总使用Facebook帐户收集的用户数据类型,请点击设置和隐私菜单,然后向下滚动至设置 。 从头到尾,您将遇到Facebook的“ 法律和政策 ”功能。 单击数据策略 。 本指南描述了您提供的信息和内容,这些信息和内容由社交媒体平台收集,以支持Instagram,Messenger和Facebook提供的其他产品和功能。

Facebook collects information not only on how you use their products, or view and engage with the people/accounts you interact with, but also the type of content you view and the frequency and duration of your activities. This all pervasive approach towards collection takes on another controversial form; harvesting massive amounts of data from the global South, which according to the Amnesty International report represents a lucrative market, “largely through the potential for expanded access to data.”

Facebook不仅收集有关您如何使用其产品或查看与之互动的人员/帐户并与之互动的信息,还收集您查看的内容类型 以及活动的频率和持续时间的信息。 这种普遍使用的收集方法采用了另一种有争议的形式。 大赦国际的报告称 ,这是从南方获取大量数据的市场,“主要是因为扩大了访问数据的潜力。”

Congressman Mr Jamie Raskin, US Representative from Maryland makes his remarks

In Surveillance Valley, published in 2018, the author Yasha Levine argues that Amazon, Google, Facebook and other respected names from Silicon valley are all integrated with various intelligence agencies. In 2013, Amazon signed a $600 million contract with the CIA to run its cloud computing and storage services. Around the same time, Edward Snowden a contractor with Booz Allen, blew the whistle on a secretive program known as Prism, which was illegally collecting the data of American citizens. Verizon, an American phone company was supplying the National Security Agency (NSA) with the comprehensive telephone metadata of millions of its customers.

在2018年出版的Surveillance Valley中 ,作者Yasha Levine认为,硅谷的亚马逊,谷歌,Facebook和其他受人尊敬的名字都与各种情报机构整合在一起。 2013年,亚马逊与中央情报局签署了一份价值6亿美元的合同 ,以运行其云计算和存储服务。 大约在同一时间,与布兹·艾伦(Booz Allen)的承包商爱德华·斯诺登(Edward Snowden)吹响了一个被称为“ 棱镜”(Prism)的秘密程序的举报,该程序非法收集美国公民的数据。 美国电话公司Verizon向国家安全局(NSA)提供了数百万客户的综合电话元数据 。

Although the congressional committee highlighted several recurring problems, some have argued that the tech antitrust hearing was mere political theatre. Jessica Melugin, the Associate Director of the Center for Technology & Innovation at the Competitive Enterprise Institute has written in a recent article that Google’s algorithm is set to produce the results it wants, as this is the company’s prerogative. “Since its search engine is its private property, Google is responsible for being profitable to its shareholders — to the benefit of everyone using its products free of charge,” — that its obviously not running “a search engine charity for its competitors.”

尽管国会委员会强调了一些反复出现的问题,但有些人认为技术反托拉斯听证会只是政治舞台。 竞争企业研究所技术与创新中心副主任杰西卡·梅鲁金(Jessica Melugin)在最近的一篇文章中写道,谷歌的算法已准备好产生想要的结果,因为这是该公司的特权。 “由于搜索引擎是其私有财产,因此,谷歌有责任为股东带来利润-惠及免费使用其产品的所有人。”-谷歌显然没有为竞争对手提供搜索引擎慈善服务。

In 2018, Mark Zuckerberg testified before the House Committee on Energy and Commerce. He faced nearly 100 legislators, some of them were people he had donated thousands of dollars to. Amazon likewise, has spent millions of dollars in campaign contributions.

2018年,马克·扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg) 向众议院能源和商业委员会作证 。 他面对近100名议员,其中一些是他捐赠了数千美元的人。 亚马逊同样也花费了数百万美元的竞选捐款。

Nevertheless, taking campaign donations did not stop the senators from asking tough questions. As Ms Melugin has pointed out, are the arguments against the tech firms convincing at all? Or is it all merely political theatre?

尽管如此,参加竞选捐款并没有阻止参议员提出棘手的问题。 正如Melugin女士所指出的那样,反对科技公司的论点是否完全令人信服? 还是仅仅是政治剧院?

Ms Mary Gay Scanlon, Congresswoman for Pennsylvania’s 5th District voices her concerns
Mr Greg Steube from Florida’s 17th Congressional District questions Mr Pichai, CEO of Google
佛罗里达州第十七国会区的格雷格·斯蒂伯(Greg Steube)先生质疑Google首席执行官Pichai先生
Mr Matt Gaetz, Congressman from Florida
佛罗里达国会议员Matt Gaetz先生

The good news is, the hearings are public, live-streamed and accessible to anyone who would care to spend the time to understand the lines of investigation, and the tremendous amount of information which is freely available in order to draw one’s own conclusions.


翻译自: https://medium/@missSingh/blurred-lines-state-power-tech-giants-and-the-omnipresent-system-of-surveillance-39a04f2bc819



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