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FrankensteinAI is an immersive, interactive experience developed by Luxembourg Tech School (LTS), based on a multi-year research project of Columbia University’s Digital Storytelling Lab. It aims to explore the social and ethical implications of how we design and interact with Artificial Intelligence (AI) and what it means to be human in the age of AI.

FrankensteinAI 是由卢森堡理工学院(LTS)根据哥伦比亚大学数字叙事实验室的多年研究项目开发的一种身临其境的交互式体验。 它旨在探讨我们如何设计和与人工智能(AI)进行交互的社会和伦理意义,以及在AI时代成为人类​​的意义。

“Knowing the future is impossible. But what we can do: Knowing what future we would like to have. And then work on it.”

“知道未来是不可能的。 但是我们能做的:知道我们希望拥有的未来。 然后继续努力。”

  • Have you ever thought about what makes you human?

  • What makes you different from others or from an intelligent machine?

  • If we create something like an app or a robot, are we responsible for its consequences?


Artificial Intelligence (AI) might have the potential to help us find answers to problems we have not been able to solve yet. For that reason, we need to discuss and demystify AI. Looking from different angles might help us to overcome commonly known perspectives, fears and desires and provoke conversation around possible AI futures.

人工智能(AI)可能有潜力帮助我们找到尚未解决的问题的答案。 因此,我们需要讨论AI并使其神秘化。 从不同的角度看待可能会帮助我们克服众所周知的观点,恐惧和愿望,并引发有关可能的AI未来的对话。

如果我们邀请AI与我们交谈会怎样? (What might happen if we invited AI to talk with us?)

FrankensteinAI is a multi-year research project developed to explore the social and ethical implications of how we design and interact with AI and is being carried out in various forms around the world. It has its origins at the Columbia University School of the Arts’ Digital Storytelling Lab / lance weiler and premiered in 2018 at the Sundance Film Festival.

FrankensteinAI是一个多年研究项目,旨在探索我们如何设计和与AI互动的社会和道德意义,并且正在全球范围内以各种形式进行。 它的起源于哥伦比亚大学艺术学院的数字故事实验室 / 兰斯韦尔 ( lance ler) ,于2018年在圣丹斯电影节上首映 。

Students of the Luxembourg Tech School worked over the course of 7 months on an own version of an immersive experience and presented it for the first time as part of an off-beat 20th anniversary evening event of the Fonds National de la Recherche Luxembourg (FNR).

卢森堡理工学院的学生在7个月的时间里进行了自己的沉浸式体验工作,并首次将其作为卢森堡Fonds National de la Recherche National(FNR) 20周年纪念晚会的一部分进行介绍。 。

科学怪人AI:事件 (FrankensteinAI: The Event)

In November 2019 citizens and scientists came together in an old townhouse in Luxembourg City to immerse themselves in some of the biggest controversial science topics facing society, such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), genome editing, gender balance and the use of space resources.


Impressions from the FNR Event / FrankensteinAI Experience in the Mary Shelley Room / Hand-crafted Booklet
FNR活动的印象/ Frankenstein在Mary Shelley会议室的AI体验/手工制作的小册子

In the Mary Shelley room, guests walked in to see a cube on a table. The cube — called Frankie — was the ‘mouth’ of an Artificial Intelligence, connected to an AI in the cloud.

在玛丽·雪莱(Mary Shelley)的房间里,客人走进来时看到桌上的一个立方体。 名为Frankie的多维数据集是人工智能的“嘴”,连接到云中的AI。

Frankie talked to the guests, explaining that it has learned that humans are social creatures, and that it could not understand humans by just meeting them online. Frankie wanted to learn about human emotions: it asked questions and encouraged the human guests to take a critical look at their thoughts, hopes and fears around technological innovations. To question stereotypical assumptions and share their feelings and thoughts with each other.

弗兰基(Frankie)与客人交谈,解释说它已经了解到人类是社交动物,仅通过在线会面就无法理解人类。 弗兰基(Frankie)想了解人类的情感:它提出了问题,并鼓励人类客人认真地看待他们对技术创新的想法,希望和恐惧。 质疑陈规定型的假设并彼此分享他们的感受和想法。

When leaving the room, the guests received a self-created handcrafted paper booklet with further content about AI, Frankenstein and the whole project.


The experience gives food for thought — both about the increased digitalisation of our world, and way of communicating with each other, while also giving a taste of how AI may not feel emotions, but can “read them”, prompting many questions. It raises the question of responsibility we have towards scientific and technical achievements we create and use. Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein novel presents a framework for narratively examining the morality and ethics of the creation and creator.

这段经历令人深思 ,既涉及到我们世界的日益数字化以及彼此之间的交流方式,同时也领略了AI可能不会感觉到情感,而是能够“读懂”情感的方式,从而引发了许多问题。 它提出了我们对创造和使用的科学技术成就负有责任的问题。 玛丽·雪莱(Mary Shelley)的《科学怪人》(Frankenstein)小说为叙事研究创作者和创作者的道德和道德提供了一个框架。

活动设计流程 (Event Design Process)

The entire project is based on a human-machine collaboration.


We aimed to dig into the tensions between human and machine in an immersive environment that mixes visuals, sounds, space, narratives, technical tools and conversation.


In order to build our creature and to make it grow, we of course had to feed it. This was achieved by labelling every sentence of the Frankenstein novel with up to three of nine basic emotions (curiosity, surprise, love, trust, sadness, anger, disgust, fear and joy).

为了建造我们的生物并使它生长,我们当然必须喂养它。 这是通过在科学怪人小说的每句话中标注多达九种基本情感中的三种来实现的(好奇,惊奇,爱,信任,悲伤,愤怒,厌恶,恐惧和喜悦)。

We then used the labelled sentences with the same emotion to feed a Machine Learning model and generate new paragraphs of text in the style of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein novel.

然后,我们以相同的情感使用带有标签的句子来提供机器学习模型,并以Mary Shelley的科学怪人小说的风格生成新的文本段落。

We used adapted excerpts of the original novel to ask how our creature should feel in certain situations. To create the questions, we filled a few pads of sticky notes with personal questions pertaining to the nine basic emotions. We then fed the questions for each emotion into the same model to obtain additional and sometimes eerie questions.

我们使用原始小说的改编摘录来询问我们的生物在某些情况下的感受。 为了提出问题,我们用与九种基本情感有关的个人问题填充了一些便签纸。 然后,我们将针对每种情感的问题反馈到同一模型中,以获取其他问题,有时甚至是令人毛骨悚然的问题。

We wrote a whole script, where Frankie (the AI) and human narrators guide people through the whole experience and enriched the experience with self-programmed visual projections and sound.


使用的技术和工具 (Technology & Tools used)

Our most important tool, the base of the project, is of course the original novel “Frankenstein; or the Modern Prometheus” by Mary Shelley. However, we were lucky enough to get our hands on a special edition released by the MIT Press: Frankenstein: Annotated for Scientists, Engineers and Creators of all kinds. This edition includes relevant and concise annotations, that help with understanding the scientific and historic context, and thought-provoking essays.

我们最重要的工具,作为项目的基础,当然是原始小说《弗兰肯斯坦》。 玛丽·雪莱(Mary Shelley)的《现代普罗米修斯》 。 但是,我们很幸运地获得了麻省理工学院出版社发行的特别版:科学怪人:为各种科学家,工程师和创作者加注。 该版本包括相关且简洁的注释,有助于理解科学和历史背景以及发人深省的论文。

Processing by the Processing Foundation is a free open-source Java-based programming language that makes creating impressive two- and three-dimensional graphics easy. We used it for creating animations around the nine emotions.

处理中 Processing Foundation提供的一种免费的开放源代码基于Java的编程语言,使创建令人印象深刻的二维和三维图形变得容易。 我们用它来创建围绕九种情绪的动画。

Projections created by students around 9 emotions

RunwayML is a powerful but accessible machine learning tool that allowed us to run models remotely and provides a simple graphical interface. We used the models GPT-2 by OpenAI and Photosketch.

RunwayML是功能强大但可访问的机器学习工具,它使我们能够远程运行模型并提供简单的图形界面。 我们使用了OpenAI和Photosketch的GPT-2模型。

Google AIY Voice Kit is a small cardboard box through which guests heard the voice of the creature/Frankie. The kit allows to assemble a Raspberry Pi –based smart speaker, which can be connected directly to Google Assistant, or to program it to use Google’s text-to-speech engine to build an own speech-based application.

Google AIY语音套件 是一个小纸箱,客人可以通过它听到生物/弗兰基的声音。 该套件允许组装基于Raspberry Pi的智能扬声器,该扬声器可以直接连接到Google Assistant,也可以对其进行编程以使用Google的语音合成引擎来构建自己的基于语音的应用程序。

FrankensteinScript is our own self-developed system for managing the event flow. It is based on scripts that control what the Voice Kit says, when to listen or what to show on the screen. The system works around a central server that receives information from the different devices and controls them accordingly.

FrankensteinScript是我们自己开发的用于管理事件流的系统。 它基于控制语音工具包说什么,何时收听或在屏幕上显示什么的脚本。 该系统围绕中央服务器工作,该中央服务器从不同的设备接收信息并相应地控制它们。

互相讨论。 与我们讨论。 (Discuss with each other. Discuss with us.)

We would like to move the conversation around Artificial Intelligence away from fears and build awareness around the ways in which AI can be used as a tool by humans to accomplish all kinds of things — good and bad.


  • What benefits do you see in AI applications?

  • How strongly is your everyday life already influenced by AI?

  • Do you know examples in which AI systems could do some harm?

  • Shall the development of AI systems be regulated? If yes, by whom?

    人工智能系统的发展是否受到监管? 如果是,是谁?
  • Will intelligent machines replace us, coexist with us, or merge with us?


在AI时代成为人类​​意味着什么? (What will it mean to be human in the age of AI?)

Our version of FrankensteinAI was co-developed by LTS students Barbara Hougardy, Henri Ahola and Nora Dieschbourg under the lead of LTS Program Director Sara Kaiser and LTS Founder Sergio Coronado.

我们的FrankensteinAI版本 是LTS学生总监Barbara Hougardy,Henri Ahola和Nora Dieschbourg在LTS计划总监Sara Kaiser和LTS创始人Sergio Coronado的领导下共同开发的。

LTS Project Team: Sara Kaiser, Henri Ahola, Nora Dieschbourg and Barbara Hougardy (from left to right).
LTS项目团队:Sara Kaiser,Henri Ahola,Nora Dieschbourg和Barbara Hougardy(从左到右)。

Luxembourg Tech School (LTS) is an extracurricular school program to support the development of future Digital Leaders. It is aimed at 11–19 years old students, who are eager to learn and apply technology in a real business context. Currently LTS started to offer first paid job experiences for its students through its “Learning to Work” program.

卢森堡技术学校 (LTS)是一项课外教学计划,旨在支持未来的数字领导者的发展。 它面向渴望在真实商业环境中学习和应用技术的11至19岁的学生。 目前,LTS通过其“学习工作”计划开始为学生提供第一份带薪工作经验。

翻译自: https://medium/luxembourg-tech-school/what-it-means-to-be-human-in-the-age-of-artificial-intelligence-b74ddeec7989




本文发布于:2023-06-13 23:43:00,感谢您对本站的认可!
本文标签:人工智能   人类   意味着什么   时代   ai


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