
编程入门 行业动态 更新时间:2024-10-23 01:49:46


Intel doesn’t make laptops. But in the past, it has occasionally used its power to guide laptop trajectory. If you remember Ultrabooks, that was an Intel drive to steer the future of premium laptops.

英特尔不生产笔记本电脑。 但是在过去,它偶尔会使用其功能来引导笔记本电脑的轨迹。 如果您还记得Ultrabooks,那将是英特尔驱动高端笔记本电脑的未来。

Now Intel is introducing Project Athena, only this time the focus isn’t premium laptops so much as long-lasting laptops. A Project Athena laptop (a branding name is coming later) should have nine hours of battery life. And if you’re thinking plenty of laptops reach that benchmark now, those are tested under ideal conditions. Typically a video playing with the screen brightness turned very low. Intel wants to test laptops with something closer to real-world conditions.

现在,英特尔推出了Athena项目,只是这次重点不是高端笔记本电脑,而是持久笔记本电脑。 Project Athena笔记本电脑(稍后会有商标名称)应具有9个小时的电池寿命。 而且,如果您认为现在有很多笔记本电脑都达到了该基准,则可以在理想条件下对它们进行测试。 通常,播放视频时屏幕亮度会非常低。 英特尔希望对笔记本电脑进行更接近实际条件的测试。

The company knows just saying, “make it last longer” isn’t all that helpful, so Intel is also introducing a proposed feature to help reach that goal: presence detection. On prototype laptops, Intel showed a proximity sensor embedded next to the webcam. When you step away, the proximity sensor notices you aren’t near anymore and puts the device to sleep. When you come back, the laptop sees you and wakes up to the login screen. It’s pretty close to the method many smartphones use now.

该公司知道,只是说“让它持续更长的时间”并没有帮助,因此英特尔还推出了一项提议的功能来帮助实现该目标:存在检测。 在原型笔记本电脑上,英特尔展示了一个嵌入在摄像头旁边的接近传感器。 当您走开时,接近传感器会发现您不在附近,并使设备进入睡眠状态。 当您回来时,笔记本电脑会看到您并唤醒您进入登录屏幕。 它与许多智能手机现在使用的方法非常接近。

As an alternative, Intel is also testing using a camera and facial recognition. The idea isn’t to save specific faces, at least not yet, but to recognize that some face is present and use that information to wake up the device or put it asleep. Unfortunately, in demonstrations, the tech was far too sensitive, and the Intel rep had to point the camera at the ceiling for the laptop to go to sleep. Plenty of fine-tuning is needed. And naturally, privacy implications with facial recognition technology will need to be addressed.

作为替代方案,英特尔还使用相机和面部识别进行测试。 这个想法不是要保存特定的面Kong(至少现在还没有),而是要认出存在的面Kong并使用该信息唤醒设备或使其入睡。 不幸的是,在演示中,这项技术过于敏感,英特尔代表不得不将相机对准天花板,让笔记本电脑进入睡眠状态。 需要大量的微调。 当然,将需要解决面部识别技术对隐私的影响。

But I think we can all agree that laptop battery life that lasts longer would be a good thing. [Engadget]

但我认为我们都可以同意,续航时间更长的笔记本电脑电池寿命将是一件好事。 [ Engadget ]

在其他新闻中: (In Other News:)

  • Google sticks to its guns on ad blocking: We previously detailed out Google’s plans to make changes in how ad blocking works, and there was naturally some negative feedback. Google says it’s going to push forward with its plans, while allowing enterprise users to access the old scheme, for in-house purposes. [9to5Google]

    Google坚决拥护广告拦截:我们之前详细介绍了Google计划更改广告拦截方式的计划,自然会有一些负面反馈。 谷歌表示,它将推进其计划,同时允许企业用户出于内部目的访问旧计划。 [ 9to5Google ]

  • The Latest Windows Insider Build includes new Your Phone app features: We like the Your Phone app, and it’s encouraging to see Microsoft add more features. In the latest Insider Update, Your Phone grabs MMS capabilities and better accessibility support. Very nice. [Microsoft]

    最新的Windows Insider Build包括您的Phone应用程序新功能: 我们喜欢Your Phone应用程序 ,并且令人鼓舞的是,看到Microsoft添加了更多功能。 在最新的Insider Update中,您的电话具有MMS功能和更好的辅助功能支持。 非常好。 [ 微软 ]

  • You can have an official Pokemon themed wedding if that’s your thing: Because of course you can, official Pokemon themed weddings are now a thing in Japan. If the sight of a Pikachu in a cute top hat or bridal veil doesn’t horrify you, you should really check this out. No word if Ryan Reynolds will officiate. Or if it’s OK to capture any of the Pokemon present. [Kotaku]

    如果您愿意的话,可以举行一场官方的神奇宝贝主题婚礼:因为您可以,因此,在日本,官方的神奇宝贝主题婚礼现在已经成为您的事。 如果看到可爱的高顶礼帽或新娘面纱中的皮卡丘并没有使您感到恐惧,那么您​​应该检查一下。 瑞恩·雷诺兹(Ryan Reynolds)担任主礼一言不发。 或者,如果可以捕获存在的任何神奇宝贝,也可以。 [ Kotaku ]

  • Checker’s payment system got hacked, leading to credit card theft: Checker’s (or Rally’s depending on your location) is one of the larger fast-food restaurant chains in the U.S. Unfortunately, over 100 of the company’s restaurants had malware installed on its POS systems between 2017 and 2019. The malware stole credit card numbers, cardholder names, pin data, and more. If you’ve eaten at a Checker’s or Rally’s you should check if your local restaurant is in the list, and then call your bank. [ZDNet]

    Checker的付款系统被黑客入侵,导致信用卡盗窃: Checker(或Rally的零售店,取决于您所在的位置)是美国较大的快餐连锁店之一。不幸的是,该公司的100多家餐馆在POS系统之间安装了恶意软件2017年和2019年。该恶意软件窃取了信用卡号,持卡人姓名,PIN数据等。 如果您在Checker's或Rally's 用餐,则应检查清单中是否有我们当地的餐厅 ,然后致电您的银行。 [ ZDNet ]

  • 70% of Hulu subscribers are on the ad-supported tier: Unlike Netflix, Hulu comes in both an ad-free and an ad-supported tier. You might think going without ads would be the more popular choice, but the ad-supported tier is nearly half the cost. According to the company, 70% of its subscribers choose the cheaper option. That’s just fine with the company, it’s making so much from ads it recently lowered the price of that tier. [Variety]

    Hulu的订户中有70%位于广告支持层:与Netflix不同,Hulu分为无广告层和广告支持层。 您可能会认为没有广告会是更受欢迎的选择,但是广告支持的费用几乎是成本的一​​半。 据该公司称,其70%的订户选择了更便宜的选择。 对于公司来说,这很好,它从广告中赚了很多,因此最近降低了该层的价格。 [ 品种 ]

  • Google Play Store now requires app developers to disclose loot box odds: Loot boxes are controversial, and done wrong can ruin a game. The biggest issue stemming from the practice is the promise of a fantastic item and not having any idea how likely it is to win. If you can only get cool red shaded thingamajig .01% of the time, it’s practically a rip-off and lie. Now Google requires game makers to disclose those odds so you can make an informed decision before parting with your hard-earned dollars. That’s a good thing. [The Verge]

    Google Play商店现在要求应用程序开发人员披露战利品的几率:战利品 是有争议的 ,做错了会毁掉游戏 。 练习产生的最大问题是做出出色项目的承诺,却一无所获。 如果您只能在0.01%的时间里得到冷淡的红色阴影东西,那实际上是一种骗人的谎言。 现在,Google要求游戏制造商披露这些赔率,以便您在做出血汗钱支付之前做出明智的决定。 这是好事。 [ 边缘 ]

  • Microsoft announces Game Pass for PCs: Speaking of games, Microsoft is bringing its Xbox Game Pass to PCs. Details are scarce (like pricing, what games, etc.) but the company promises over 100 games from 75 developers to start. That means it won’t be limited to Microsoft backed games like Forza. If the pricing is right, could be worth looking at. [The Verge]

    微软宣布推出PC游戏通行证:说到游戏,微软将其Xbox Game Pass引入了PC。 细节稀缺(如价格,什么游戏等),但该公司承诺将由75个开发人员提供100多种游戏。 这意味着它将不仅限于Microsoft支持的游戏,例如Forza。 如果定价合适,可能值得一看。 [ 边缘 ]

  • Wyze Cameras now work with Google Assitant: Wyze Cams are exceptional, especially for the price. One feature they lacked was Google integration, but that’s no longer an issue. Starting now, you can use voice commands to start a recording or turn your camera on (but not off). And if you have a Google Home hub, you can watch a video feed. Right now, the feed has high latency, though, so it’s not perfect. Call it a good start. [Wyze]

    Wyze相机现在可以与Google 助理 一起使用:Wyze相机 非常出色 ,尤其是在价格方面。 他们缺少的一项功能是Google集成,但这不再是问题。 从现在开始,您可以使用语音命令开始录制或打开相机(但不能关闭)。 如果您有Google Home集线器,则可以观看视频供稿。 目前,提要具有很高的延迟,因此还不够完善。 称其为良好的开端。 [ Wyze ]

Astronomers discovered a Neptune-like planet (designated NGTS-4b) about 920 light-years from Earth. Neptune-like planets aren’t necessarily unusual themselves, but this one is special. You see, it’s incredibly close to its star.

天文学家发现了一个距地球约920光年的海王星状行星(称为NGTS-4b)。 海王星般的行星本身不一定非同寻常,但这一行星很特殊。 您会发现,它离它的星星非常近。

How close? Well, a single orbit around its star (what we call a year) takes less than two days. For comparison, Mercury, the closest planet to our Sun, takes just over 89 days to complete an orbit.

多近? 好吧,绕它的恒星绕行一个轨道(我们称之为一年)需要不到两天的时间。 相比之下,离我们的太阳最近的水星完成一个轨道需要89天以上。

Usually, only small rocky planets (like Mercury) or massive and hot planets (like Jupiter) exist so close to a star. This is the first time astronomers have spotted a Neptune-planet so close to its star, and the discovery led to a new designation: a Neptune-desert.

通常,只有小的岩石行星(如水星)或巨大而炎热的行星(如木星)如此靠近恒星。 这是天文学家第一次发现如此接近海王星的海王星行星,这一发现导致了一个新的称呼:海王星沙漠。

The best guess for how this happened is, of course, gravity. Astronomers don’t think the planet formed so close to its star, but instead started much farther away and is drifting closer. Scientists are now looking for other similar examples, which could change some of our understanding of planet physics. [Gizmodo]

当然,关于这是怎么发生的最好的猜测是重力。 天文学家并不认为行星的形成离恒星如此近,而是从更远的地方开始并逐渐靠近。 科学家现在正在寻找其他类似的例子,这可能会改变我们对行星物理学的一些理解。 [ Gizmodo ]

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek/fyi/daily-news-roundup-intel-wants-laptops-to-know-youre-near/




本文发布于:2023-06-13 23:43:00,感谢您对本站的认可!
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