
编程入门 行业动态 更新时间:2024-10-26 22:17:22


My biggest takeaways from the 2020 documentary-drama, and why it finally opened my eyes…


Last weekend I watched 2020 documentary-drama The Social Dilemma. It left me terrified, repulsed, outraged, and numb at the same time. As a computer science major, a Silicon Valley native who previously worked at Google, I was shocked to my core by how bad the situation actually is. Sitting there while the credits rolled, I felt more worried about Facebook than I did about climate change.

上周末,我看了2020年的纪录片《社会困境》。 它让我同时感到恐惧,排斥,愤怒和麻木。 作为计算机科学专业的人,以前曾在Google工作的硅谷人,我对自己的核心感到震惊,实际情况是多么糟糕。 在信用额度下降的时候坐在那里,我对Facebook的担忧比对气候变化的担忧还要多。

I knew the big culprits: Google, Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, Snapchat, LinkedIn, Twitter, Pinterest, Reddit, and more. I thought I knew the problems: device addiction, fake news, mental health deterioration, polarization. But what I didn’t know was the fundamental problem underlying all of this. And I didn’t know that this problem threatens the very fabric of our society.

我知道罪魁祸首:谷歌,Facebook,Instagram,Youtube,Snapchat,LinkedIn,Twitter,Pinterest,Reddit等。 我以为我知道这些问题:设备成瘾,假新闻,心理健康恶化,两极分化。 但是我不知道的是所有这一切的根本问题。 而且我不知道这个问题威胁着我们社会的结构。

The Social Dilemma exposes the horrifying extent to which social media companies like Facebook have used big data and machine learning to drill down into the deepest parts of our brain stem. It shows us how social media is accelerating us towards a Matrix-like existence. I now genuinely believe that our society has a significant chance of devolving into a technological dystopia.

社交困境暴露了像Facebook这样的社交媒体公司使用大数据和机器学习来深入研究我们大脑最深处的可怕程度。 它向我们展示了社交媒体如何促进我们迈向矩阵式的生存。 我现在真正地相信,我们的社会有很大的机会发展为技术反乌托邦。

All that might sound way too Black Mirror. But I found The Social Dilemma a uniquely powerful exposé because it actually connected the dots all the way from cat videos to existential threat. After watching it, you cannot think of social media and persuasive technology as anything less.

所有这些听起来都太黑镜了。 但是我发现《社交困境》是一种独特而强大的作品,因为它实际上将点滴联系起来,从猫视频到存在的威胁。 看完之后,您再也不会认为社交媒体和说服技术是什么。

Here are my five biggest takeaways from The Social Dilemma, but please don’t just take my word for it. Watch it for yourself, with undivided attention.

这是我从《社交困境》中获得五个最大收获,但请不要只听我的话。 全神贯注地亲自观看。

大型社交媒体公司不出售数据,而是出售确定性 (Big social media companies don’t sell data, they sell certainty)

I’ve heard countless times before, if you aren’t paying for the product, then you are the product. Social media is free for us users because social media companies have paying customers: advertisers (who could be anyone from companies to political organizations to Flat Earthers.) However, it’s not accurate to say that social media companies are selling our data.

之前我听过无数次,如果您不付款,那您就是产品。 社交媒体对我们的用户免费,因为社交媒体公司有付费客户:广告客户(可能是公司,政治组织再到Flat Earthers的任何人。)但是,不能说社交媒体公司正在出售我们的数据是不准确的。

As former Firefox & Mozilla Labs employee Aza Raskin points out, it’s not in Facebook’s business interest to give up the massive amounts of user data they harvest. This data is crucial feed for Facebook’s machine learning models, which give rise to insights and predictions — the big bucks. These targeted insights and predictions allow social media companies to sell advertisers certainty, or as technology writer Jaron Lanier describes it, sell the guarantee that gradually, imperceptibly, social media platforms will shift the behavior of users over time. In a nutshell, social media companies sell a highly tunable mass manipulation system to the highest bidder.

正如前Firefox&Mozilla Labs员工Aza Raskin指出的那样,放弃他们收获的大量用户数据不符合Facebook的商业利益。 这些数据对于Facebook的机器学习模型至关重要,它可以带来见识和预测-大笔费用。 这些有针对性的见解和预测使社交媒体公司可以向广告商出售确定性,或者如技术作家Jaron Lanier所描述的那样,出售保证,即社交媒体平台将逐渐,不知不觉地逐渐改变用户的行为。 简而言之,社交媒体公司向出价最高的人出售了一种高度可调的大规模操纵系统。

社交媒体不是工具-更糟糕的是 (Social media is not a tool — it’s much worse)

A tool is something that sits passively waiting to be used. The purpose of a tool is to help its owner accomplish their goals. Social media is therefore not a tool, because a) it doesn’t sit passively waiting for us to use it, and b) its purpose is not to help us accomplish our goals. Tristan Harris, former design ethicist at Google and co-founder of the Center for Humane Technology, warns that “if something is not a tool, it’s demanding things from you. It’s seducing you, it’s manipulating you. It wants things from you.”

工具是被动地等待使用的东西。 工具的目的是帮助其所有者实现其目标。 因此,社交媒体不是一种工具,因为a)它不会被动地等待我们使用它,并且b)它的目的不是帮助我们实现目标。 谷歌前设计伦理学家,人道技术中心联合创始人特里斯坦·哈里斯( Tristan Harris)警告说:“如果不是工具,那就是您的要求。 它在诱惑你,在操纵你。 它想要你的东西。”

Social media platforms are much more than, and much worse than, tools. These platforms have their own goal (selling advertisers the ability to control our behavior) and their own means of pursuing that goal (implementing more and more addictive features). These platforms are constantly, relentlessly using the data they collect and the insights they form to drive changes in our behavior. Social media isn’t a digital tool waiting to be used — it’s using us. And, as evidenced by the global assault on truth and democracy around the world, it’s not even using us for our own good.

社交媒体平台远不止工具,而且比工具差得多。 这些平台有自己的目标(向广告商出售控制我们行为的能力)和实现该目标的手段(实现越来越多的令人上瘾的功能)。 这些平台不断地,不懈地利用它们收集的数据和形成的见解来推动我们的行为发生变化。 社交媒体不是等待使用的数字工具,而是在使用我们。 而且,正如全球对真相和民主的全球攻击所证明的那样,它甚至没有利用我们为自己谋福利。

即使没有坏演员,这些平台也会很糟糕 (These platforms would be bad even without bad actors)

Until I watched The Social Dilemma I thought that the problem with social media was how easy it was for those with bad intentions (e.g. sabotaging democratic elections) to abuse the platforms. This gets back to the concept of social media as a tool — tools themselves are not good or evil, people use them for good or evil purposes. I think social media has been hiding behind this concept for a very long time.

在我看完《社会困境》之前,我认为社交媒体的问题在于,那些怀有恶意(例如破坏民主选举)的人滥用平台是多么容易。 这回到了社交媒体作为一种工具的概念-工具本身不是善恶的,人们将其用于善恶目的。 我认为社交媒体长期以来一直隐藏在该概念背后。

Social media as it exists today, the most sophisticated addiction machine humankind has ever known and would never win against, is an evil in and of itself. Of course, bad actors using social media to further their agendas is a monstrous issue. But even if social media was magically free of all fake news and hateful content, it would still drain more and more of our attention on ads. It would still plunge us into pits of insecurity and FOMO. It would still keep us trapped in a digital world, away from meaningful human connection. No matter how “good” the content, social media platforms are inherently bad for us. And this is no accident.

当今社会存在的社交媒体,是人类迄今已知且永远不会战胜的最复杂的成瘾机器,它本身就是一种邪恶。 当然,不良行为者利用社交媒体来推进他们的议程是一个巨大的问题。 但是,即使社交媒体神奇地摆脱了所有虚假新闻和令人讨厌的内容,它仍然会吸引我们对广告的越来越多的关注。 它仍然会使我们陷入不安全和FOMO的陷阱。 它将仍然使我们陷于数字世界,远离有意义的人类联系。 无论内容多么“好”,社交媒体平台对我们本质上都是不利的。 这绝非偶然。

人类(内在)比活着更有价值 (Human beings are worth more dead (inside) than alive)

Justin Rosenstein, cofounder of Asana, hit me hard with this:

Asana的联合创始人Justin Rosenstein对此深感震惊:

We live in a world in which a tree is worth more, financially, dead than alive, a world in which a whale is worth more dead than alive … This is short-term thinking based on this religion of profit at all costs … What’s frightening, and what hopefully is the last straw that will make us wake up as a civilization to how flawed this theory has been in the first place, is to see that now we’re the tree, we’re the whale. Our attention can be mined. We are more profitable to a corporation if we’re staring at a screen, staring at an ad, than if we’re spending that time living our life in a rich way.

我们生活在一个世界上,一棵树比活着的财物更有价值,死了,而不是活着的世界,在这个世界里,鲸鱼比死了还活着。 ,希望这是使我们作为一个文明被唤醒的最后一根稻草,这是该理论最初有多严重的缺陷,是要看到现在我们是树,我们是鲸鱼。 我们的注意力可以得到挖掘。 我们是更有利可图的公司,如果我们盯着屏幕,盯着广告,比如果我们花那个时候住我们的生活在一个富裕的方式。

Thanks to the multi-billion dollar market in human behavior that social media companies have created, the more time we spend as zombies on our devices, the more we are worth. Without financial incentives (e.g. taxing data assets) and strict legal restrictions, there is no sign that social media companies will change how they treat human beings. Their attention extraction business model is simply too profitable.

得益于社交媒体公司创造的数十亿美元的人类行为市场,我们花在僵尸身上的时间越长,我们就越有价值。 没有财务激励措施(例如,对数据资产征税)和严格的法律限制,就没有迹象表明社交媒体公司将改变他们对待人类的方式。 他们的注意力提取业务模型太赚钱了。

“这是人类的死敌” (“This is checkmate on humanity”)

So far, I haven’t heard anyone capture the essence of this whole mess more succinctly than Tristan Harris. Basically, we have been way too preoccupied with questions about the point in time when AI will overwhelm human strengths —I think of long-term strategizing, imagination, empathy, etc. And over the course of the digital technology race, as social media has tightened its grip over billions of minds, we’ve missed an earlier (and arguably more crucial) point in time: when AI overwhelms human weaknesses.

到目前为止,我还没有听过任何人比特里斯坦·哈里斯(Tristan Harris)更加简洁地了解整个混乱的本质。 基本上,我们过于关注关于人工智能将压倒人类力量的时间点的问题,我认为是长期的战略,想象力,同理心。在数字技术竞赛的过程中,社交媒体已经数十亿人的思维更加紧绷,我们错过了一个更早(可能更关键)的时间点:人工智能压倒了人类的弱点。

Human weaknesses are many — addiction pathways, tribalism, insecurity, confirmation bias, among others. Our biological software just hasn’t evolved that much. The machine learning models of social media companies are exploiting these weaknesses and “using our psychology against us” in order to capture as much of our attention as possible. They’ve proven that even relatively primitive AI systems can overwhelm human weaknesses. We’ve crossed a point of no return, and “this is checkmate on humanity.”

人类的弱点很多,包括成瘾途径,部族主义,不安全感,确认偏见等。 我们的生物软件还没有发展太多。 社交媒体公司的机器学习模型正在利用这些弱点,并“利用我们的心理对付我们”,以便尽可能吸引我们的注意力。 他们已经证明,即使是相对原始的AI系统也可以克服人类的弱点。 我们已经越过了无路可退的地步,“这是人类的死敌”。

With social media tied so tightly to not just social connection but also to a social-professional online presence, it’s easier said than done to delete my accounts outright (Jaron Lanier might convince you though). However, the day after watching The Social Dilemma, I spent an hour (and yes, it took an hour) to dig through every privacy, data, ads, and notifications setting of every social media app on my phone, and turn off almost every one. No more badges or push notifications. (Since doing so, my screen time on those apps has gone down by over half.) I also started using Brave as my browser + DuckDuckGo as my search engine.

由于社交媒体不仅与社交联系紧密相连,而且与社交专业在线存在紧密联系,因此彻底删除我的帐户说起来容易做起来难(但贾伦·拉尼尔可能会说服您)。 但是,在看完《社交困境》的第二天我花了一个小时(是的,它花了一个小时)来浏览手机上每个社交媒体应用程序的每个隐私,数据,广告和通知设置,然后关闭几乎每个一。 没有更多的徽章或推送通知。 (这样做以来,我在这些应用程序上的显示时间减少了一半以上。)我也开始使用Brave作为浏览器+ DuckDuckGo作为搜索引擎。

我们都应该惊慌,没关系 (We should all be panicking and that’s okay)

Beyond these small changes, my brain is still in a numb panic. How much has my attention span degraded up to now and how much worse will it get over time? How will new generations, born into digital device addiction, form real friendships? Is this the beginning of the end of democracy? If/when I have kids, will they ever talk to me?

除了这些微小的变化,我的大脑仍处于麻木的恐慌之中。 到目前为止,我的注意力跨度降低了多少,随着时间的推移会变得更糟吗? 数码设备成瘾的新一代将如何形成真正的友谊? 这是民主终结的开始吗? 如果/我有孩子,他们会和我说话吗?

I hope I’m not the only one panicking. Panic used productively becomes activation energy. I’m speaking now especially to my fellow tech people. It’s just the beginning of the 21st century and we’re kind of failing. We all know policy is lagging behind tech, and that gap continues to widen. Our actions will determine how much damage occurs in that lag time. So panic! And then do something about it. Individually, our goal should be to spend less time on social media; collectively, our goal should be to completely reform it.

我希望我不是唯一一个惊慌失措的人。 有效使用的恐慌症成为活化能。 我现在正在特别向我的技术人员讲话。 这只是21世纪的开始,我们有点失败了。 我们都知道政策落后于技术,而且这种差距还在继续扩大。 我们的行动将确定在该滞后时间内发生了多少损害。 好慌! 然后做一些事情。 就个人而言,我们的目标应该是减少在社交媒体上的时间; 总体而言,我们的目标应该是彻底改革它。

Myrmecology expert Edward O. Wilson once wrote:


The real problem of humanity is the following: we have Paleolithic emotions, medieval institutions, and godlike technology.


So far we’ve been mostly focused on wondering what we can and will do with technology. We‘ve been neglecting to ask ourselves what technology can and will do with us. Horror or dystopian films involving AI often show humans united against a superintelligent AI. But this very minute, comparatively primitive AI systems are zombifying people and then pitting us against each other… without even being sentient. If that isn’t horror, what is?

到目前为止,我们主要集中在想知道我们将如何使用技术。 我们一直在问自己,什么技术可以并且将对我们起作用。 涉及人工智能的恐怖片或反乌托邦电影常常表明人类团结起来反对超级智能的人工智能。 但是,这个非常微小的,相对原始的AI系统正在僵化人们,然后使我们彼此对抗……甚至没有感觉。 如果那不是恐怖,那是什么?

I cannot stress how important it is for as many people as possible to watch The Social Dilemma, because it finally explains the root problem. And I think once you understand that root problem, it’s just impossible not to feel personally, existentially threatened. You will want to act immediately.

我不能强调让尽可能多的人观看“社会困境”有多重要,因为它最终解释了根本问题。 而且我认为,一旦您理解了根本问题,就不可能不感到个人的,存在的威胁。 您将要立即采取行动。

跟进社会困境(Follow up on The Social Dilemma with:)

  • A memo from Facebook whistleblower Sophie Zhang, describing how Facebook ignores and perpetuates political manipulation

    Facebook检举人Sophie Zhang的备忘录,描述了Facebook如何忽略并永久维持政治操纵

  • Jaron Lanier’s latest book, Ten Arguments for Deleting Your Social Media Accounts Right Now and accompanying articles

    Jaron Lanier的最新著作《立即删除社交媒体帐户的十大论点》 以及附带的文章

  • Tristan Harris and Aza Raskin’s new podcast, “Your Undivided Attention,” on how the big tech arms race is eroding our social fabric

    特里斯坦·哈里斯(Tristan Harris)和阿扎·拉斯金(Aza Raskin)的新播客“您的关注”,内容涉及大型高科技军备竞赛如何侵蚀我们的社会结构

  • Video overview of “Humane: A New Agenda for Tech,” from the Center for Humane Technology


  • New York Times interview of Tristan Harris and Yuval Noah Harari on truth decay and the technology threat

    《纽约时报》对特里斯坦·哈里斯(Tristan Harris)和尤瓦尔·诺亚·哈拉里(Yuval Noah Harari)的采访涉及真相衰减和技术威胁

翻译自: https://medium/swlh/the-social-dilemma-a-horror-film-starring-us-e11705a7b4e




本文发布于:2023-06-13 23:26:00,感谢您对本站的认可!
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