js 框架 操作成功提示_如何获得想法:成功的成功框架

编程入门 行业动态 更新时间:2024-10-28 18:21:50

js 框架 操作成功提示

I know how to get absolutely amazing and revolutionary ideas. It doesn’t require any illegal drugs; just a good ole’ traditional process.

我知道如何获得绝对惊人和革命性的想法。 它不需要任何非法药物; 只是一个很好的传统过程。

Yeah, I know, I know – the latter seems so lame compared to the prior, but hey, that’s a whole different animal.


In this post, you will learn a technique for producing ideas that will make you so good, you’ll leapfrog over the people who have been diligently practicing this process for years.


Ready. Set. Ideate!

准备。 组。 酝!

介绍 (Introduction)

帕累托原理 (The Pareto Principle)

According to The Pareto Principle, there are two types of people – speculators and rentiers.

根据帕累托原理 ,有两种类型的人-投机者和食堂主。

Speculators are the rebels. They’re the ones who can’t leave well enough alone and who speculate how to change anything and everything that isn’t working. They are obsessively preoccupied with the possibilities of new combinations.

投机者是叛军。 他们是那些不能独自离开的人,他们推测如何改变任何东西以及所有无效的东西。 他们沉迷于新组合的可能性。

On the opposite end of the spectrum are rentiers. Rentiers are stereotypical banker or consultant types. They’re steadily consistent routine-followers. Rentiers are unimaginative conservatives, who speculators manipulate.

在频谱的另一端是食利者。 承租人是刻板印象的银行家或顾问类型。 他们是稳定一致的例行追随者。 食利者是没有想象力的保守派,由投机者操纵。

For the sake of you reading this post, I hope you’re a member of the first group because that’s who this one is for – the speculators.


观念产生的两个原则 (Two Principles of Idea Generation)

Learning is comprised of two things:


  • Principles

  • Methods


Just like you’d learn anything in life, you’ll learn the idea generation process the same way so first let’s detail the principles of this technique then move on to the method.


原则 (Principles)

原则1:一个想法无非就是旧元素的新组合。 (Principle 1: An idea is nothing more nor less than a new combination of old elements. )
原则2:能否将旧元素组合成新组合在很大程度上取决于连接点或查看关系的能力。 (Principle 2: Having the capacity to bring old elements into new combinations depends largely on the ability to connect the dots or see relationships. )

Principle 2 is the big differentiator between speculators and rentiers. Speculators have a somewhat innate ability to connect ideas – i.e. see relationships.

原则2是投机者和食利者之间的最大区别。 投机者具有某种天生的联系思想的能力,即看到关系。

Think about how Google intuitively searches for the right results instantaneously – without thinking.


Your mind needs to act like this if you want to become really good at producing ideas.


The best idea generators have made this process a habit – something they don’t even think about – a reaction is a good word to describe the act of generating ideas for these people.


The habit of searching for connections between ideas is the utmost important part in the production of new ideas.


By now, you should have a solid foundation that will help you grasp the five-step framework I’m ready to detail.


产生思想的五步框架 (The Five-Step Framework for Producing Ideas)

重要说明:为了使此过程有效,您必须按照以下概述的顺序完成步骤。 (Important note: For this process to be effective, you must complete the steps in the order outlined below. )

1.聚集。 (1. Gather.)

John Wesley makes a great point in his post, “The Secret to Creativity.”

约翰·卫斯理(John Wesley)在他的文章《创造的秘密》中指出了一个重点。

“The biggest misconception about creativity is that it involves a moment of magical creation when the incredible appears out of thin air. The truth is less romantic. Everything comes from somewhere. All ideas have been thought before and all artists, especially the most brilliant, have their sources of inspiration,” Wesley said.

“关于创造力的最大误解是,当不可思议的事物凭空出现时,它涉及到神奇的创造时刻。 事实不是那么浪漫。 一切都来自某个地方。 所有想法都经过深思熟虑,所有艺术家,尤其是最杰出的艺术家,都有其灵感来源,”韦斯利说。

I agree with Wesley and Einstein: The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources.


The reason I have so many ideas about how to solve every single problem I (or a client, friend, whomever) have is because I am a voracious reader. I read books, blogs, articles, newspapers, texts, emails – everything. Not only do I incessantly read, but I also talk to a multitude of different types of people all day long.

我对如何解决我(或客户,朋友,任何人)遇到的每个问题有很多想法,是因为我是一个贪婪的读者。 我阅读书籍,博客,文章,报纸,文本,电子邮件等所有内容。 我不仅不停地读书,而且整天都在和许多不同类型的人交谈。

This might sound overwhelming to the majority of idea generating noobs, and, I won’t lie, it can get draining after a while; but it’s so much fun that you forget you’re working.

对于大多数产生想法的想法来说,这听起来可能是压倒性的,而且,我不会说谎,一段时间后它可能会变得枯竭。 但它是如此有趣,以至于您忘了工作。

It’s vital that the gathering process is continuous or never-ending – only of course, if you want to make the idea generation process a habitual one.


If you’re a programmer, think of the “gathering” stage as a continuous deployment type of thing.


在哪里聚会 (Where to Gather Online)

Here’s where I love to frequent online. (Use with caution, these places will make your mind explode with ideas).

这是我喜欢经常上网的地方。 (谨慎使用,这些地方会使您的想法爆炸)。

  • Product Hunt: Daily curation of the coolest new startups, products and services.

    产品搜寻 :每日精选最酷的新创公司,产品和服务。

  • PickCrew blog: Phenomenal blog for entrepreneurs and freelancers.

    PickCrew博客 :面向企业家和自由职业者的现象博客。

  • Quibb: Article curation newsletter for entrepreneurs and creatives.

    Quibb :面向企业家和创意者的文章策划时事通讯。

  • Hacker News: Y Combinator’s (YC) Reddit-like forum.

    黑客新闻 :Y Combinator(YC)的类似Reddit的论坛。

  • Reddit: Online forum flooded with ideas on any topic your little heart desires.

    Reddit :在线论坛上充斥着您小小的心愿的任何主题的想法。

  • Buffer blog: Blog on social media and marketing.

    缓冲博客 :有关社交媒体和营销的博客。

  • Andrew Chen: Silicon Valley icon Andrew Chen’s blog.

    Andrew Chen :硅谷偶像Andrew Chen的博客。

  • The Muse: Career website with amazing advice for anyone really.

    The Muse :职业生涯网站,为每个人提供了令人惊奇的建议。

  • Slack Groups: I’m a member of multiple active and brilliant Slack groups.

    Slack组 :我是多个活跃且出色的Slack组的成员。

  • Sidekick: HubSpot’s advanced blog on business and marketing.

    Sidekick :HubSpot有关业务和营销的高级博客。

  • Panda: Daily news and inspiration for designers, developers and entrepreneurs.

    熊猫 :每日新闻,为设计师,开发商和企业家提供灵感。

  • Inbound: HubSpot’s community of forward thinking inbound marketers.


  • GrowthHackers: Sean Ellis’ vibrant community of growth hackers.

    GrowthHackers :Sean Ellis充满活力的成长型黑客社区。

  • Medium: A place to blog and read good stuff on a wide variety of topics.

    中等 :博客和阅读各种主题的好东西的地方。

  • Harvard Business Review: Think Dale Carnegie and Peter Drucker.

    哈佛商业评论 :想想戴尔·卡内基和彼得·德鲁克。

  • NY Times: Forward-thinking newspaper.

    纽约时报 :有远见的报纸。

如何组织你的想法 (How to Organize Your Ideas)

To be honest, I’m not very good at this part. I guess what you could say is I’m an organized mess.

老实说,我在这部分不是很好。 我想你能说的是我是一个有组织的混乱者。

The idea generation process is a ridiculously quick moving one, which sucks, because it makes it that much more difficult to document your ideas as they invade your mind.


Because of this, I suspect the majority of people with ideas, are living in a similar type of organized chaos.


My motto for this phase is: Bookmark and move on.

此阶段的座右铭是: 标记并继续。

I regularly use three tools in this stage, including:


  • OneTab: Whenever you find yourself with too many tabs, click the OneTab icon to convert all of your tabs into a list.

    OneTab :每当您发现自己的选项卡太多时,请单击OneTab图标将所有选项卡转换为列表。

  • Pocket: When you find something you want to view later, put it in Pocket.

    口袋 :找到以后要查看的内容时,请将其放入口袋中。

  • Trello: Trello is a fantastic tool to organize anything.

    Trello :Trello是组织任何事情的绝佳工具。

我们继续前进之前的另一件事… (One More Thing Before We Move On…)

You may have noticed above that I frequent a wide array of different places. This is important to point out because, to be a good idea generator, you have to be interested in just about everything.

您可能在上面已经注意到,我经常光顾各种各样的地方。 指出这一点很重要,因为要成为一个好主意产生者,您必须对所有事情都感兴趣。

The reason so few people get paid to think of ideas all day long is because the majority of people are constantly reading or gathering information about things that are only interesting to them.


Take the kaleidoscope for instance:

以万花筒为例 :

“The kaleidoscope, as you know, is an instrument which designers sometimes use in searching for new patterns. It has little pieces of colored glass in it, and when these are viewed through a prism they reveal all sorts of geometrical designs. Every turn of its crank shifts these bits of glass into a new relationship and reveals a new pattern. The mathematical possibilities of such new combinations in the kaleidoscope are enormous, and the greater the number of pieces of glass in it the greater become the possibilities for new and striking combinations.”

“正如您所知,万花筒是一种工具,设计人员有时会使用它来寻找新的样式。 它里面只有几块彩色玻璃,当通过棱镜观看时,它们可以显示出各种几何设计。 曲柄的每一转都会将这些玻璃碎片转变成新的关系,并揭示出新的样式。 万花筒中这种新组合的数学可能性是巨大的,并且其中的玻璃片数量越多,新组合和醒目的组合的可能性就越大。”

Think of the production of ideas as you would a kaleidoscope.


2.嚼。 (2. Chew. )

After you’ve exhausted yourself with reading, (but really during step 1 as well), you need to chew on everything you’ve taken in thus far.


Mentally digest your new knowledge.


During this stage, it’s easy to appear absent-minded to others, but don’t let anyone make you think you’re being unproductive because this is a required part of the process.


During this step, you need to write down or type out all of these partial ideas you will get after reading so much. Don’t try to elaborate on all of them. Just literally go with the flow.

在此步骤中,您需要写下或输入阅读大量内容后得到的所有这些不完整的想法。 不要试图详细说明所有这些。 从字面上看,顺其自然。

Whatever you do though – just make sure you write down every single one of your ideas – no matter how half-baked or stupid.


You’ll know you completed step 2 once you reach a hopeless state. You’ll feel drained and tired – in the best way possible, of course.

一旦达到绝望的状态,您就会知道已经完成了步骤2。 您会感到筋疲力尽,当然,这是最好的方式。

3.忘了。 (3. Forget. )

This is really quite simple. Stop, drop and roll – into something totally different and fun.

这真的很简单。 停止,拖放和滚动–变得完全不同而有趣。

Go to a concert. Get a beer with some friends. Do anything but think about your ideas.

去听音乐会。 和一些朋友一起喝啤酒。 除了考虑您的想法外,什么都不要做。

4.等一下。 (4. Wait. )

In this stage of the game, the ball is no longer in your court – i.e. you just have to wait for it.


The brilliant idea will come to you when you least expect it to – in the shower, on your commute home and/or any other impromptu time to get a revolutionary idea.


Because speculators are obsessive, you will be constantly thinking about your idea, meaning you’ll constantly be testing different pieces of the puzzle until the magic moment when pieces begin putting themselves together.

由于投机者非常着迷,因此您将不断思考自己的想法 ,这意味着您将不断测试难题的不同部分,直到魔术片开始组合在一起的神奇时刻。

5.形状。 (5. Shape. )

The final and fifth step in this technique for producing ideas requires that you shape and develop this idea into something useful for yourself and others.


It’s time to bring your idea into reality.


Screw stealth mode. No one wants to steal your bloody idea – trust me.

螺丝隐身模式。 没有人愿意窃取您的流血想法-相信我。

You need to share your idea because you need to collect criticism and ideas from others.


Why? To get more (and/or better) ideas – duh!

为什么? 要获得更多(和/或更好)的想法– h!

结论 (Conclusion)

Whether you need some inspiration for a simple marketing campaign or want to found a startup, the framework I detailed above will help you reach your goal.


And since I began with Wesley’s words, I’ll end with his too, because he perfectly articulates the key takeaways of creativity:

自从我以韦斯利的话开始,我也将以他为结尾 ,因为他完美地表达了创造力的关键要素:

It’s also important to draw from a wide array of sources. Your best option is to play the statistics. Creativity isn’t a spark it’s a boiling pot. Sample an enormous amount of creative work and you’ll produce an inspirational concoction. The most important creative asset is curiosity.

同样重要的是要从各种各样的资源中吸取教训。 最好的选择是播放统计信息。 创造力不是火花,而是沸腾的锅。 品尝大量的创意作品,您将获得鼓舞人心的气息。 最重要的创意资产是好奇心。

Genuine creativity doesn’t exist, particularly in a cosmic sense. Living beings don’t create life, they re-purpose existing matter into offspring. Nothing has been created since the Big Bang. All we can do is rearrange the stuff we find around us. If you want to be more creative, stop waiting for inspiration and start experimenting. Creativity isn’t creation at all, it’s reorganization.

真正的创造力并不存在,特别是在宇宙意义上。 生物不会创造生命,它们会将现有物质重新用于后代。 自大爆炸以来,没有任何东西被创造出来。 我们所能做的就是重新排列我们在周围发现的东西。 如果您想更具创造力,请停止等待灵感并开始尝试。 创造力根本不是创造力,而是重组。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint/how-to-get-ideas/

js 框架 操作成功提示


js 框架 操作成功提示_如何获得想法:成功的成功框架

本文发布于:2023-06-13 22:50:00,感谢您对本站的认可!
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