
编程入门 行业动态 更新时间:2024-10-23 05:52:12


We are in the middle of the rise of a new operating system. It’s being driven primarily by millennials and the shift to remote work — accelerated by COVID-19. Two clear winners have emerged, and Slack and Microsoft Teams have created a duopoly of workplace operating systems fighting to win the hearts and minds of teams and employees across the globe. The story looks surprisingly similar to iOS vs. Android.

我们正处在新操作系统兴起的过程中。 它主要是由千禧一代推动的,并且转向偏远地区的工作-由COVID-19加速。 已经出现了两个明显的赢家,Slack和Microsoft Teams建立了工作场所操作系统的双头垄断者,他们为赢得全球团队和员工的心血而战。 这个故事看起来惊人地类似于iOS与Android。

In 2007, the iPhone was announced. But more importantly, 2007 was the launch of a new operating system for the mobile consumer — iOS.

iPhone于2007年发布。 但更重要的是,2007年是面向移动消费者的新操作系统iOS的发布。

In 2008, Google announced its competitor to iOS — the Android platform, along with the first device running Android, the HTC Dream. This was the result of an acquisition of the Android team in 2005 for $50M.

2008年,Google宣布了其与iOS的竞争者-Android平台,以及首款运行Android的设备HTC Dream。 这是2005年以5000万美元收购Android团队的结果。

Over the next decade, these two products would establish a duopoly in the mobile operating system market. iOS was ahead of Android in market share for the first several years, but in 2010 Android passed iOS and never looked back. This was driven primarily in markets outside of the US. As of 2020, Android owns 87% of the global market. In the US, iOS is used by 59% of mobile devices and Android 41%.

在接下来的十年中,这两种产品将在移动操作系统市场上建立双头垄断。 在最初的几年中,iOS的市场份额领先于Android,但在2010年,Android超越了iOS,再也没有回头。 这主要是在美国以外的市场推动的。 截至2020年,Android拥有全球市场的87%。 在美国,有59%的移动设备使用iOS,而41%的Android使用Android。

These new mobile operating systems would become the launchpad for an enormous wave of innovation that includes Uber, Tinder, Snapchat, Instagram, and hundreds of other multi-billion dollar products made possible by the capabilities of the new mobile platform.


Slack和团队的历史 (The history of Slack and Teams)

Slack launched in 2013 and was one of the fastest-growing B2B companies ever. Pioneering a new “bottoms-up” adoption strategy, Slack became the darling of Silicon Valley and was used overwhelmingly by developers at blue-chip technology companies. At first, Slack looked like just another messaging tool. As they’ve matured, they’ve enabled a whole new class of applications for the modern worker, with thousands of apps in their app store.

小号缺乏2013推出,是增长最快的B2B公司有史以来之一。 开拓新的“自下而上”采用策略,Slack成为硅谷的宠儿,并被蓝筹科技公司的开发人员大量使用。 最初,Slack看起来只是另一个消息传递工具。 随着他们的成熟,他们为现代工作者启用了全新的应用程序类别,其应用程序商店中有成千上万个应用程序。

Microsoft launched its Microsoft Teams product in 2017. The origins of Microsoft Teams tie back to the acquisition of Skype in 2011 and the success of Skype for Business, which is now being sunset in favor of Microsoft Teams. Teams has video chat built-in, and copied a lot of the paradigms Slack pioneered such as channels and apps.

微软于2017年推出了Microsoft Teams产品。微软Teams的起源可以追溯到2011年对Skype的收购以及Skype for Business的成功,如今它对微软Teams的支持正在逐渐落伍。 Teams内置了视频聊天功能,并复制了Slack开创的许多范例,例如渠道和应用程序。

Although Slack had quite the head start, MS Teams passed Slack in daily active users in 2019. Both products have grown significantly during the COVID-19 pandemic, but Microsoft Teams seems to be taking the majority of the growth in the market, especially outside of the US.

尽管Slack处于领先地位,但MS Teams在2019年的每日活跃用户中超过了Slack。在COVID-19大流行期间,两种产品均取得了显着增长,但是Microsoft Teams似乎占据了市场的大部分增长,尤其是在美国。

Teams announced in April it had over 75M daily active users, showing the growth is only accelerating in 2020.

团队在4月宣布每天有超过7500万活跃用户 ,这表明增长只会在2020年加速。

As these platforms mature, there is an enormous opportunity to build a new set of workplace products made possible with these new operating systems. Early success stories include products like Troops, Halp, and Polly.

随着这些平台的成熟,利用这些新操作系统构建一套新的工作场所产品的机会巨大。 早期的成功故事包括Troops , Halp和Polly等产品 。

As other companies start to build on these platforms, it's important to understand how they compare, what each platform good at, what its limitations are, and how to engage with them.


Slack与iOS有很多相似之处 (Slack has many similarities to iOS)

It’s a premium product that costs more ($6.67/user/mo for Standard, $12.50/user/mo for Plus, compared with MS Teams which is bundled into Office 365 which many companies already pay for). As a result, companies and employees using Slack are premium buyers with more willingness to pay for products.

这是一种高级产品,价格更高(Standard的价格为6.67美元/用户/月,Plus的价格为12.50美元/用户/月,而捆绑到Office 365中的MS Teams已为许多公司所支付) 。 结果,使用Slack的公司和员工是高级购买者,他们愿意为产品付款。

Slack is led by a CEO with strong design instincts (Stewart) and as a platform is very opinionated about the user experience. As a result, they force applications on their platform to use certain UI elements.

Slack由具有强烈设计本能(Stewart)的CEO领导,并且作为一个平台,他对用户体验非常自以为是。 结果,他们迫使平台上的应用程序使用某些UI元素。

  • For users, this creates a unified experience alongside an expectation of elegant interactions.

  • This can be frustrating for developers because there are inherent limitations that may reduce functionality, but it’s often an accelerator for new products that can utilize existing components and interfaces to get going quickly.


The API is extremely developer-friendly and uses modern technology.


It’s used globally, but the majority of paying customers and its dominant market share are in the US. It’s considered a sign of being “hip” to use Slack at your startup.

它已在全球使用,但大多数付费客户及其主导的市场份额在美国。 这被认为是您在启动时使用Slack的“标志”。

The Slack platform encourages best of breed products to build first-party applications — Google Drive, DropBox, Zoom, etc. There are still simple tools for video calling, note-taking, and workflow building that are built into the OS.

Slack平台鼓励使用最好的产品来构建第一方应用程序-Google Drive,DropBox,Zoom等。操作系统中仍内置了用于视频通话,笔记和工作流构建的简单工具。

Slack is building “walled-garden” experiences such as Slack Connect that improve the experience for multiple parties communicating on Slack (think blue bubbles in iMessage).

Slack正在构建诸如Slack Connect之类的“围墙花园”体验,以改善多方在Slack上进行通信的体验(iMessage中的蓝色气泡)。

Overall, this means Slack is likely the best place to launch a new product. Users are early adopters and a have high willingness to pay, and the API is superbly documented and easy to get started on.

总体而言,这意味着Slack可能是发布新产品的最佳场所。 用户是早期采用者,并且愿意付费,并且该API的文档记录丰富,易于上手。

微软团队更类似于Android (Microsoft Teams is much more similar to Android)

It’s a cheaper product with a free option. As a result, companies and employees using MS Teams are often looking for the budget/free option and will choose that over a “best in breed” solution.

这是一种便宜的产品,带有免费选项。 因此,使用MS Teams的公司和员工通常会寻找“预算/免费”选项,并将选择“最佳同类”解决方案。

UI elements in Teams are much more flexible. “Tabs” are basically an open iFrame where almost anything can be added to the Teams interface.

Teams中的UI元素更加灵活。 “标签”基本上是一个开放的iFrame,几乎所有内容都可以添加到Teams界面中。

  • For users, this means endless ability to modify and configure their experience

  • Developers can do anything they want but have to spend more time designing elements and components of the user experience.


The API is clunky, sometimes hard to navigate, and built on older technologies.


It’s used globally and has seen incredible adoption driven by Microsoft's footprint around the world. Within the “prestigious” tech circles it is looked down upon (think green bubbles in iMessage).

它已在全球范围内使用,并且受到Microsoft在全球范围内足迹的驱动,获得了令人难以置信的采用。 在“久负盛名”的技术圈内,人们对此视而不见(认为iMessage中的绿色气泡)。

It fits into a larger ecosystem of Microsoft and integration with Microsoft products is given priority whether it is the best product or not — SharePoint, Word, Excel, PPT, etc.


Overall, Microsoft Teams is the best place to expand a product once it’s been proven on the Slack platform. Users are more “mass market” and expect products to be out of beta and ready for non-technical users.

总体而言,一旦在Slack平台上得到验证,Microsoft Teams就是扩展产品的最佳场所。 用户更趋于“大众市场”,他们期望产品能够通过Beta测试,并适合非技术用户使用。

在新的工作场所操作系统上启动您的业务的剧本 (The playbook to launch your business on the new workplace operating systems)

If we continue to follow the metaphor, we get a pretty clear set of guidelines on launching a new product on these platforms.


Most of the biggest products for the mobile platform followed the same strategy — they started with iOS and then added Android once they had product-market fit.


The same strategy works well now. If you’re a disruptive new workplace product, start on Slack and work with technical early adopter buyers to hone the product offering. Once it’s resonating, expand to Microsoft Teams to “cross the chasm” and prove the solution works across a mass market of less technical buyers.

现在,相同的策略行之有效。 如果您是破坏性的新工作场所产品,请从Slack开始并与技术早期采用者合作,以完善产品系列。 一旦产生共鸣,请扩展到Microsoft Teams以“克服困难”,并证明该解决方案可在技术含量较低的大众市场中工作。

There are some exceptions to this rule. If your users were primarily Android users (let's say you were targeting a non-US user-base) then it could make sense to start on Android. The same goes for Teams — if you’re targeting Microsoft heavy users then start there.

此规则有一些例外。 如果您的用户主要是Android用户(假设您针对的是非美国用户群),那么在Android上启动是有意义的。 对于Teams同样如此-如果您要针对Microsoft大量用户,则从那里开始。

翻译自: https://medium/@fletchrichman/the-workplace-operating-system-war-1f6f6b15e5f7




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