产品经理 需求编码_10种不涉及编码的需求技术技能

编程入门 行业动态 更新时间:2024-10-21 03:32:22

产品经理 需求编码

Learning how to code can be daunting. Frustrating. Perhaps even scary. However, the tech industry is huge. If you suspect that coding isn’t for you, know that there are many technical jobs out there that don’t even require coding.

学习如何编码可能是艰巨的。 令人沮丧 也许甚至吓人。 但是,技术行业巨大 。 如果您怀疑编码不适合您,请知道那里有很多技术工作甚至不需要编码。

Below are 10 in-demand technical skills that don’t involve writing a single line of code!


1.数据分析 (1. Data Analysis)

All things data are hot right now. (HBR named Data Science The Sexiest Career of the century.) This career can take lots of forms. Some data analysts do know programming languages (like R or SAS). But analyzing data can happen in a ton of ways.

一切数据现在都很热。 (HBR将其命名为“数据科学”是本世纪最性感的职业。 )该职业可以有多种形式。 一些数据分析人员确实知道编程语言( 例如R或SAS)。 但是分析数据可能以多种方式发生。

A lot of data analysis is all about using tools like Microsoft Excel and even Google Analytics. Familiarize yourself with these tools, and use them to compile and study data on personal projects like your blog or social media, to see if it’s something you enjoy. (Hint: if you enjoyed math/statistics in school, you’ll probably enjoy data analysis!)

许多数据分析都是关于使用Microsoft Excel甚至Google Analytics(分析)之类的工具的。 熟悉这些工具,并使用它们来编辑和研究个人项目(例如博客或社交媒体)上的数据,看是否喜欢这些工具。 (提示:如果您在学校里喜欢数学/统计,那么您可能会喜欢数据分析!)

2.软件测试 (2. Software Testing)

This job entails putting programs through a variety of tests to catch bugs and determine whether the software meets specifications or requirements. Some software testing is automated, but there’s still a lot of value in hiring people to test it manually: machines can’t gauge how enjoyable the user experience is, only actual users can!

这项工作需要对程序进行各种测试,以发现错误并确定软件是否符合规格或要求。 某些软件测试是自动化的,但是聘请人员进行手动测试仍然有很多价值:机器无法衡量用户体验的愉悦程度,只有实际用户可以!

Testers should be able to work with developers and explain what parts of the program worked and didn’t work for them, but they don’t necessarily need to be well-versed in programming terminology.


3.技术支持 (3. Technical Support)

You already know what this one is: helping people use software, answering questions, manning phones. Technical support can be internal (within a large organization, helping coworkers) or external (helping customers). In many cases, soft skills like communication and problem-solving are much more important for tech support specialists than hard technical knowledge – and you probably won’t run into any situations where you need to know JavaScript or Python.

您已经知道这是什么:帮助人们使用软件,回答问题,配电话。 技术支持可以是内部的(在大型组织内部,可以帮助同事)或外部的(可以帮助客户)。 在很多情况下,沟通和解决问题等软技能对于技术支持专家而言比具有扎实的技术知识更为重要-并且您可能不会遇到需要了解JavaScript或Python的情况。

4.快速原型制作 (4. Rapid Prototyping)

This sub-specialization in the UX/UI field is all about wireframing applications quickly. It can be as simple as a quick sketch or as complex as a full prototype: the point is to have various design options for a website or application idea, and incorporate feedback to refine the final product.

UX / UI领域中的此子专业化是关于快速线框图应用程序的。 它可以像简单的草图一样简单,也可以像完整的原型一样复杂:重点是为网站或应用程序构思提供各种设计选项,并结合反馈以完善最终产品。

Usually, rapid prototypers will have input from the rest of their team: developers, stakeholders, testers, etc., as well as the users the product is being built for.


5. Adob​​e产品命令 (5. Command of Adobe Products)

Tools like Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign allow you to wireframe websites, make blog graphics and social media graphics, and more.


Knowledge of these programs is desired in design roles primarily (and ideally you’ll have them more or less mastered if you’re an aspiring designer). However, these skills can help you and increase your desirability in other fields too, like marketing and even writing. (Like, being able to make nice graphics to accompany your blog post.)

在设计角色中首先需要了解这些程序(理想情况下,如果您是一位有抱负的设计师,则可以更好地掌握它们)。 但是,这些技能可以帮助您并增加您在其他领域(如市场营销甚至写作)的需求。 (就像,能够制作漂亮的图形以伴随您的博客文章。)

6.搜索引擎优化(SEO) (6. Search Engine Optimization (SEO))

SEO helps websites rank higher in search result pages. Best practices in SEO are constantly changing: what worked a few years ago certainly doesn’t hold true today. A person with SEO know-how stays on top of the latest trends.

SEO帮助网站在搜索结果页面中排名更高。 SEO的最佳做法在不断变化:几年前有效的方法今天肯定不成立。 具有SEO专门知识的人可以掌握最新趋势。

SEO primarily falls under the marketing umbrella. But it’s also a handy skill for web designers/developers, as well as those who write on the web. Making your website or writing SEO-friendly can increase traffic and get you more online exposure.

SEO主要属于营销范围。 但这对于Web设计师/开发人员以及在Web上进行写作的人员来说,也是一种方便的技能。 使您的网站或编写SEO友好型可以增加访问量,并增加在线曝光率。

There are more technical aspects of SEO, which may involve getting dirty in website files. There’s also lots of data in SEO, so using some data analysis skills from point one may come in handy! On the completely non-technical side, there’s content creation: writing SEO-friendly web content or articles.

SEO还有更多技术方面的内容,可能涉及弄脏网站文件。 SEO中也有很多数据,因此从一点开始使用一些数据分析技能可能会派上用场! 在完全非技术方面,需要进行内容创建: 编写SEO友好的Web内容或文章 。

7. A / B测试 (7. A/B Testing)

Also known as split testing, A/B testing is essentially testing two different versions of the same web page (A and “B”), and seeing which performs better (gets more button clicks, collects more emails, makes more sales, etc.).

也称为拆分测试 , A / B测试实质上是测试同一网页的两个不同版本( A和“ B”),并查看其效果更好(获得更多的按钮点击,收集更多的电子邮件,进行更多的销售等)。 )。

A/B testing is also part of marketing. Knowing how to code can help, but is not required.

A / B测试也是营销的一部分。 知道如何编码可以有所帮助,但这不是必需的。

8.成长黑客 (8. Growth Hacking)

Don’t let the hacking part throw you off: growth hacking is an up-and-coming marketing technique that focuses on acquiring users quickly. It’s all about problem solving, and combines digital marketing with web analytics.

不要让骇客一掷千金 :成长骇客是一种新兴的行销技术,专注于快速吸引使用者。 这都是解决问题的方法,并将数字营销与网络分析相结合。

Essentially, growth hackers combine some of the above skills (SEO, A/B testing, analytics) with social media and viral advertising in an effort to grow their company fast but keep costs low. Knowing how to code can help, but is not required.

本质上,成长型黑客将上述某些技能(SEO,A / B测试,分析)与社交媒体和病毒式广告相结合,以努力快速发展公司,但保持较低的成本。 知道如何编码可以有所帮助,但这不是必需的。

9.技术写作 (9. Technical Writing)

Being able to write about complex technologies in a way everyday people can understand is a valuable skill. Technical writing may take the form of creating instructions and documentation, or it may mean writing a press release describing a new product the company is releasing. This is for the person who can understand technology and communicate effectively via writing. Two gifts to have, powerful when combined!

能够以人们每天都能理解的方式撰写复杂技术是一项宝贵的技能。 技术写作可能采取创建说明和文档的形式,或者可能意味着撰写描述该公司正在发布的新产品的新闻稿。 这是给那些能够理解技术通过写作进行有效沟通的人的。 有两个礼物,组合时功能强大!

10.敏捷方法论 (10. Agile Methodology)

Agile is a project management methodology meant to help teams deal efficiently with unpredictable situations. It’s typically found in software development (e.g. Scrum), but now many other industries use the methodology. There are actually entire jobs based around this, like a Scrum Coach, where the median yearly salary in the United States is $96,000.

敏捷是一种项目管理方法,旨在帮助团队有效应对不可预测的情况。 它通常在软件开发中找到(例如Scrum ),但是现在许多其他行业都在使用该方法。 实际上,所有工作都是基于此,例如Scrum Coach ,在美国,年薪中位数为96,000美元。

The technology industry is enormous, and it has room for all different kinds of personalities and skillsets. So even if you’ve never written a single line of code in your life, don’t assume that tech is not for you. Start experimenting with some of these skills; you never know where it might take you.

科技行业是巨大的,它为各种不同的个性和技能集提供了空间。 因此,即使您一生中从未编写过任何代码,也不要认为技术不适合您。 开始尝试其中一些技巧; 你永远不知道这可能会带你去。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint/10-in-demand-tech-skills-that-dont-involve-coding/

产品经理 需求编码


产品经理 需求编码_10种不涉及编码的需求技术技能

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