
编程入门 行业动态 更新时间:2024-10-25 04:26:21

Whether shopping for a new computer or upgrading an old one, you’ve likely come across the the “64-bit” designation and wondered what it meant. Read on as we explain what Windows 64-bit is and why you’d want a piece of that 64-bit pie.

无论是购买新计算机还是升级旧计算机,您都可能遇到“ 64位”标识,并且想知道这意味着什么。 继续阅读,我们将解释什么是Windows 64位以及为什么要使用该64位Pie。

Starting with Windows 7, Microsoft has done an enormous amount to increase the popularity of 64-bit computing among home users, but many people are unclear on what exactly it means (and may not even realize they’re already running it). Today we’re taking a look at the history of 32-bit and 64-bit computing, whether or not your computer can handle it, and the benefits and shortcomings of using a 64-bit Windows environment.

从Windows 7开始,Microsoft已经做出了巨大的努力来提高64位计算在家庭用户中的普及程度,但是许多人不清楚它的确切含义(甚至可能没有意识到他们已经在运行它 )。 今天,我们来看看32位和64位计算的历史,您的计算机是否可以处理它,以及使用64位Windows环境的优点和缺点。

64位计算的简史 (A Very Brief History of 64-bit Computing)

Before we start dazzling you with interesting history, let’s get the basics down. What does 64-bit even mean? In the context of discussions about 32-bit and 64-bit personal computers the XX-bit format refers to the width of the CPU register.

在我们开始用有趣的历史使您眼花azz乱之前,让我们先了解一下基础知识。 64位甚至意味着什么? 在有关32位和64位个人计算机的讨论中,XX位格式是指CPU寄存器的宽度。

The register is a small amount of storage where the CPU keeps whatever data it needs to access quickly for optimal computer performance. The bit designation refers to the width of the register. A 64-bit register can hold more data than a 32-bit register, which in turn holds more than 16-bit and 8-bit registers. The more ample the space in the CPU’s register system, the more it can handle—especially in terms of using system memory efficiently. A CPU with a 32-bit register, for example, has a ceiling of 232 addresses within the register and is thus limited to accessing 4GB of RAM. This may have seemed like an enormous amount of RAM when they were hashing out register sizes 40 years ago but it’s a rather inconvenient limit for modern computers.

寄存器是少量的存储空间,CPU会在其中保留快速访问所需的任何数据以实现最佳计算机性能。 位指定是指寄存器的宽度。 64位寄存器比32位寄存器可容纳更多数据,而32位寄存器又可容纳16位和8位寄存器。 CPU寄存器系统中的空间越大,它处理的内容就越多-特别是在有效使用系统内存方面。 例如,具有32位寄存器的CPU在该寄存器内最多只能有2 32个地址,因此只能访问4GB RAM。 40年前,当他们计算寄存器大小时,这似乎是一个巨大的RAM,但是对于现代计算机而言,这是一个相当不便的限制。

Although it may seem like 64-bit computing is the new kid on the techno-wizardry block, it has actually been around for decades. The first computer to utilize a 64-bit architecture was the Cray UNICOS in 1985, which sets a precedent for 64-bit super computers (the Cray 1 is seen in the center of the photo above). 64-bit computing would remain the sole province of super computers and large servers for the next 15 or so years. During that time, consumers were exposed to 64-bit systems, but most were completely unaware of it. The Nintendo 64 and the Playstation 2, both seen in the photo above, had 64-bit processors a full 5 years before consumer level 64-bit CPUs and accompanying operating systems even made an appearance on the public radar.

尽管看起来64位计算是Techno-wizardry领域的新手,但实际上它已经存在了数十年。 1985年, 第一台使用64位体系结构的计算机是Cray UNICOS,它为64位超级计算机开创了先例(在上图的中央可以看到Cray 1)。 在未来的15年左右的时间里,64位计算仍将是超级计算机和大型服务器的唯一工作领域。 在此期间,消费者接触了64位系统,但是大多数人完全不知道。 上图中看到的Nintendo 64和Playstation 2具有64位处理器整整5年,而消费者级别的64位CPU和随附的操作系统甚至已经出现在公众视野中。

Consumer confusion over what 64-bit means to them—and poor driver support from manufacturers—severely hampered the push towards 64-bit PCs throughout most of the 2000s. In 2001, Microsoft released Windows XP 64-bit edition. It was not widely adopted, save for those willing to deal with extremely limited driver support and a lot of headaches.

消费者对于64位设备的含义感到困惑,加上制造商对驱动程序的支持不足,严重地阻碍了在整个2000年代向64位PC的推动。 Microsoft在2001年发布了Windows XP 64位版本。 它没有被广泛采用,除了那些愿意处理极其有限的驾驶员支持和很多麻烦的人。

The following year, OS X Panther and a handful of Linux distributions began supporting 64-bit CPUs in varying capacities. macOS X didn’t fully support 64-bit for another five years with the release of OS X Leopard. Windows supported 64-bit in Windows Vista but, again, it wasn’t widely adopted. All around it was a bumpy road for 64-bit adoption among home users.

次年,OS X Panther和一些Linux发行版开始支持各种容量的64位CPU。 随着OS X Leopard的发布,macOS X在接下来的五年中还没有完全支持64位。 Windows在Windows Vista中支持64位,但同样,它未被广泛采用。 到处都是家庭用户采用64位的坎road之路。

Two things turned the tide in the PC world. The first was the release of Windows 7. Microsoft pushed 64-bit computing heavily to manufacturers and gave them better tools—and a longer lead time—for implementing 64-bit drivers.

两件事扭转了PC世界的潮流。 首先是Windows 7的发布。Microsoft向制造商大力推销64位计算,并为他们提供了用于实施64位驱动程序的更好的工具以及更长的交货时间。

The second, arguably bigger, influence came from the way PC manufacturers marketed their PCs. Selling to people who may not fully understand the platforms they’re buying means marketers have to push certain, easy-to-understand numbers. The amount of memory in a PC is one of those numbers. A PC with 8 GB of RAM just seems better than one with 4 GB of RAM, right? And 32-bit PCs were limited to 4 GB of RAM. In order to offer PCs with higher amounts of memory, manufacturers needed to adopt 64-bit PCs.

第二个可能更大的影响力来自PC制造商销售其PC的方式。 向可能不完全了解他们要购买的平台的人进行销售,意味着营销人员必须推动某些易于理解的数字。 PC中的内存量就是其中之一。 一台具有8 GB RAM的PC似乎比一台具有4 GB RAM的PC好吗? 而且32位PC的RAM限制为4 GB。 为了向PC提供更高的内存量,制造商需要采用64位PC。

您的计算机可以处理64位吗? (Can Your Computer Handle 64-bits?)

Unless your PC predates Windows 7, the chances are high that it supports a 64-bit version of Windows. You may even already be running a 64-bit version of Windows, and that’s a pretty easy thing to check. Even if you’re running a 32-bit version of Windows 10, you may be able to switch versions if you have 64-bit capable hardware.

除非您的PC早于Windows 7,否则支持Windows 64位版本的可能性很高。 您甚至可能已经在运行64位版本的Windows,这很容易检查 。 即使您运行的是Windows 10的32位版本, 如果具有支持64位的硬件 ,也可以切换版本 。

64位计算的优点和缺点 (The Benefits and Shortcomings of 64-bit Computing)

You’ve read a little on the history of 64-bit computing and your system check indicates you can run 64-bit Windows. Now what? Let’s run through the pros and cons of switching over to a 64-bit operating system.

您已经阅读了64位计算的历史,并且系统检查表明您可以运行64位Windows。 怎么办? 让我们来看看切换到64位操作系统的利弊。

What do you have to look forward to if you make the leap? Here are some of the enormous benefits to making the jump to a 64-bit system:

如果您取得了飞跃,您将期待什么? 这是跳转到64位系统的一些巨大好处:

  • You can rock radically more RAM: How much more? 32-bit versions of Windows (and other OSes for that matter) are limited to 4096MB  (or 4GB) of RAM. 64-bit versions are theoretically capable of supporting a little over 17 billion GBs of RAM thanks to that spacious register system we talked about earlier. Realistically, Windows 7 64-bit Home editions are limited (because of licensing issues, not physical limitations) to 16GB of RAM and the Professional and Ultimate editions can rock up to 192GB of RAM.

    您可以大幅增加RAM:还有多少? Windows(以及其他操作系统)的32位版本限制为4096MB(或4GB)RAM。 理论上讲,由于我们之前提到的宽敞的寄存器系统,因此64位版本在理论上能够支持170亿GB以上的RAM。 实际上,Windows 7 64位家庭版(由于许可问题,而非物理限制)限制为16GB RAM,而专业版和旗舰版则可以达到192GB RAM。

  • You’ll see increased efficiency: Not only can you install more RAM in your system (easily as much as your motherboard can support) you’ll also see more efficient use of that RAM. Because of the nature of the 64-bit address system in the register and how Windows 64-bit allocates memory you’ll see less of your system memory chewed up by secondary systems (like your video card). Although you may only double the physical amount of RAM in your machine it will feel like way more than that because of the new efficiency of your system.

    您将看到更高的效率:您不仅可以在系统中安装更多的RAM(轻松达到主板可以支持的数量),还可以更高效地使用该RAM。 由于寄存器中64位地址系统的性质以及Windows 64位如何分配内存,您将看到较少的系统内存被辅助系统(例如视频卡)占用。 尽管您可能仅将机器中的物理RAM数量增加一倍,但由于系统的新效率,因此感觉比实际更多。

  • Your computer will be able to allocated more virtual memory per process: Under 32-bit architecture Windows is limited to assigning 2GB of memory to an application. Modern games, video and photo editing applications, and hungry applications like virtual machines, crave large chunks of memory. Under 64-bit systems they can have, brace yourself for another big theoretical number, up to 8TB of virtual memory. That’s more than enough for even the craziest of Photoshop editing and Crysis sessions. On top of the more efficient use and allocation of memory, applications optimized for 64-bit operating systems, such as Photoshop and Virtualbox, are super fast and take full advantage of the spaciousness of the processor and memory afforded to them.

    您的计算机将能够为每个进程分配更多的虚拟内存:在32位体系结构下,Windows只能为应用程序分配2GB的内存。 现代游戏,视频和照片编辑应用程序以及诸如虚拟机之类的饥饿应用程序都需要大量内存。 在64位系统下,他们可以承受另一个更大的理论数字,即高达8TB的虚拟内存。 即使是最疯狂的Photoshop编辑和《孤岛危机》会话,这也绰绰有余。 除了更有效地使用和分配内存外,针对64位操作系统进行了优化的应用程序(例如Photoshop和Virtualbox)也非常快,并充分利用了它们所提供的处理器和内存的宽敞性。

  • You’ll enjoy advanced security features: Windows 64-bit with a modern 64-bit processor enjoys additional protections not available to 32-bit users. These protections include the aforementioned hardware D.E.P., as well as Kernel Patch Protection that protects you against kernel exploits, and device drivers must be digitally signed which cuts down on the incident of driver-related infections.

    您将享受高级安全功能:具有现代64位处理器的Windows 64位享有32位用户不可用的附加保护。 这些保护包括前面提到的硬件DEP以及防止您被内核利用的内核补丁保护 ,并且必须对设备驱动程序进行数字签名,以减少与驱动程序相关的感染。

That all sounds wonderful, no? What about the shortcomings? Fortunately the list of shortcomings that come with adopting a 64-bit operating system is increasingly smaller as time goes on. Still there are a few considerations:

听起来不错,不是吗? 缺点呢? 幸运的是,随着时间的流逝,采用64位操作系统的缺点列表越来越小。 仍然有一些注意事项:

  • You can’t find 64-bit drivers for older but critical devices on your system: This one is a serious deal killer, but the good news is that it’s not as big a problem as it used to be. Vendors almost universally support 64-bit versions of the latest operating systems and devices. If you’re running Windows 8 or 10 and using hardware manufactured in the last five or so years, you shouldn’t have any trouble with hardware drivers. If you’re running Windows 7 or previous—or using very old hardware—you might have less luck. Have an expensive sheet-fed scanner from 2003 that you love? Too bad. You’re probably not going to find any 64-bit drivers for it. Hardware companies would rather spend their energy supporting new products (and encouraging you to buy them) than supporting older hardware. For small things that are easily replaced or need to be upgraded anyway, this isn’t a big deal. For mission critical and expensive hardware, it’s more important. You’ll have to decide for yourself if the upgrade cost and tradeoffs are worth it.

    您无法在系统上找到用于较旧但关键设备的64位驱动程序:这是一个严重的交易杀手,但是好消息是它不再像以前那样严重。 供应商几乎普遍支持最新操作系统和设备的64位版本。 如果您运行的是Windows 8或10,并且使用最近五年左右制造的硬件,则硬件驱动程序应该不会有任何问题。 如果您运行的是Windows 7或更低版​​本,或者使用的硬件非常旧,则运气可能会更差。 有您喜欢的昂贵的2003年单张纸扫描仪吗? 太糟糕了。 您可能不会为此找到任何64位驱动程序。 硬件公司宁愿花费精力支持新产品(并鼓励您购买它们),也不愿支持旧硬件。 对于易于替换或需要升级的小物件,这不是什么大问题。 对于关键任务和昂贵的硬件,它更为重要。 您必须自己决定升级成本和折衷是否值得。

  • Your motherboard doesn’t support more than 4GB of RAM: Although rare, it’s not unheard of to have a motherboard that will support an early 64-bit processor but not support more than 4GB of RAM. In this case you’ll still get some of the benefits of a 64-bit processor but you won’t get the benefit that most people crave: access to more memory. If you’re not buying bleeding edge parts, however, hardware has gotten so cheap lately that it might be time to retire the old motherboard and upgrade at the same time you’re upgrading your OS.

    您的主板不支持超过4GB的RAM:尽管很少见,但拥有支持早期64位处理器但不支持超过4GB的RAM的主板并非鲜见。 在这种情况下,您仍将获得64位处理器的某些优势,但您将无法获得大多数人渴望的优势:访问更多内存。 但是,如果您不购买前沿部件,那么硬件价格已经变得如此便宜,以至于您应该在升级OS的同时退役旧主板并进行升级。

  • You have legacy software or other software issues to deal with: Some software doesn’t make the transition to 64-bit smoothly. While 32-bit apps run just fine on 64-bit Windows, 16-bit apps will not. If by some chance you’re still using a really old legacy app for something, you’ll need to either virtualize it or forgo an upgrade.

    您有遗留软件或其他软件问题要处理:某些软件无法平稳过渡到64位。 虽然32位应用程序可以在64位Windows上正常运行 ,但16位应用程序则不能。 如果有机会您仍在使用旧版旧版应用程序进行处理,则需要对其进行虚拟化或放弃升级。

At some point, everybody’s going to be using a 64-bit version of Windows. We’re very nearly there, now. Still, even in these later stages of the 32-bit to 64-bit transition, there are a few speed bumps out there. Have any recent experience with 64-bit issues? We’d love to hear about it in the discussions.

在某些时候,每个人都将使用64位版本的Windows。 现在,我们已经快到了。 尽管如此,即使在从32位到64位过渡的这些后期阶段,也有一些速度障碍。 最近是否有处理64位问题的经验? 我们希望在讨论中听到它。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek/56701/htg-explains-whats-the-difference-between-32-bit-and-64-bit-windows-7/



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