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产品管理和机器学习。 (Product Management & Machine Learning.)

AI无处不在 (AI Everywhere)

Machine Learning has already transformed the software industry, and AI powered applications are part of everyday life.

中号 achine学习已经改变了软件业,和AI供电的应用是日常生活的一部分。

Now, there is a ‘second wave’ of AI, which extend to reach almost every sector and industry, moving beyond today’s software, healthcare, financial services base. According to both PWC and McKinsey, AI will generate $13-$15 trillion in global GDP by 2030.

现在,出现了“第二波”人工智能,它已延伸到几乎每个领域和行业,超越了当今的软件,医疗保健,金融服务基础。 普华永道和麦肯锡都表示,到2030年,人工智能将在全球GDP中产生13-15万亿美元。

As a product manager you may already be using machine learning services, perhaps relying on partners to deliver the functionality your product needs. Maybe you’re using machine learning, but do you understand the implications?

作为产品经理,您可能已经在使用机器学习服务,也许依赖合作伙伴来交付产品所需的功能。 也许您正在使用机器学习,但是您了解其中的含义吗?

Perhaps the fraud detection service you’re using is actually biased, with the associated risk to reputation? Or maybe you should push back on your in-house development team’s enthusiastic recommendation to ‘try a GAN approach’ so that you can get your product to market on time.

也许您使用的欺诈检测服务实际上存在偏见,并伴有声誉风险? 或者,也许您应该推迟内部开发团队的热情建议,以“尝试GAN方法”,以便按时将产品推向市场。

If you have only a superficial understanding, you may be missing out on key innovation triggers or lack sufficient insight in to how AI will transform your competitors and market.


In this article, I argue that as a Product Manager you’ll need one of three levels of expertise: “AI Aware”, “AI Enabler”, “AI Expert”, in order to provide the leadership needed to evolve your product and services as AI becomes ubiquitous.

在本文中,我认为,作为产品经理,您需要三个专业知识水平之一:“ AI意识”,“ AI Enabler”,“ AI专家”,以便提供开发产品和服务所需的领导力随着AI的普及

Product Management & Machine Learning

“ AI产品鸿沟” (The ‘AI Product Chasm’)

Saleforce’s Director of Product Management, Mayukh Bhaowal, recently spoke about an ‘AI product chasm’. The software industry, although leading the way, is lacking Product Managers with the right skills to fully address the AI opportunity.

产品管理第 aleforce总监, Mayukh Bhaowal ,最近谈到的“AI产品鸿沟 ”。 尽管软件行业处于领先地位,但缺乏具有正确技能以完全解决AI机会的产品经理。

Mayukh goes on to list ‘5 new skillsets’ for Product Managers: ‘Problem Mapping’ — in particular knowing whether AI can address your business goal, ‘Data is the new UI’ — product owners used to specifying user experience need to be equally adept at understanding data and setting ML appropriate requirements , ‘Explainability & Ethics’ — topical, and essential, ‘Scaling from Research to Production’ — particularly if you’re relying on your own infrastructure to build and deploy.

Mayukh继续为产品经理列出“ 5个新技能”:“问题映射”-特别是要知道AI是否可以解决您的业务目标,“数据就是新UI”-用于指定用户体验的产品所有者必须同样熟练在理解数据并设置ML适当要求时,“可解释性和道德”(即主题性和必要性,“从研究到生产的规模化”)尤其是如果您依靠自己的基础结构来构建和部署。

Mayukh is not alone. O’Reilly’s ‘Radar’ has highlighted the ‘need for an AI Product Manager’, whilst there is an ever increasing number of AI product role vacancies and courses.

Mayukh并不孤单。 奥莱利(O'Reilly)的“ 雷达(Radar) ”强调了“人工智能产品经理的需求”,而人工智能产品职位空缺和课程的数量却在不断增加。

But what exactly is an AI Product Manager?


当今的产品角色 (Today’s Product Roles)

Before we can take a look at how product roles might change, let’s first untangle Product Manager, Product Owner and Product Marketing Manager roles.

乙 EFORE我们可以来看看产品的角色会如何改变,让我们先来排解产品经理,产品所有者和产品营销经理的角色。

Here’s a very useful framework from Product Focus —

这是Product Focus的一个非常有用的框架-

Product Focus’s Framework — Included here with the kind permission of Product Focus

产品经理 (Product Manager)

The ‘Strategic Activities’ above belong to the traditional corporate or enterprise Product Manager. This is a leadership role, creating product direction, vision and strategy. There’s a strong understanding of the product’s market, commercials and the role usually requires strong people & management skills as teams, processes and people are brought together to get things done. This is also an ‘enabler’ role with accountability for product profitability and performance.

上面的“战略活动”属于传统的公司或企业产品经理。 这是领导角色,可创建产品方向,愿景和战略。 人们对产品的市场,广告有很深的了解,而角色通常需要强大的人员和管理技能,因为团队,流程和人员必须团结在一起才能完成任务。 这也是“负责人”角色,负责产品的获利能力和性能。

In the software world, the line between Product Owner and Product Manager is often more blurred. Even so, the widely adopted ‘Scaled Agile Framework’ (SAFe), acknowledges that the Product Manager is more market and customer focussed, whist the Product Owner is ‘solution, technology and (delivery) team focused.

在软件世界中,产品负责人和产品经理之间的界线通常更加模糊。 即便如此,被广泛采用的“可伸缩敏捷框架”( SAFe )承认产品经理更加关注市场和客户,而产品所有者则关注“解决方案,技术和(交付)团队”。

Roman Pichler’s Product blog refers to an ideal product manager — a ‘ T type’, where the horizontal line in ‘T’ represents “transferable product management experience”, the vertical “Expertise to make the right decision for a given product”.

Roman Pichler的产品博客指的是理想的产品经理-“ T型”,其中“ T”中的水平线代表“可转让产品管理经验”,垂直的“为给定产品做出正确决策的专业知识”。

Given the imminent impact of AI on all industries, sufficient knowledge of AI is going to be required to make that ‘right decision’, and the Product Manager role must evolve accordingly.


产品拥有者 (Product Owner)

Product Owner is a role mandated by Agile Software development, is delivery focussed, typically with a solid technical understanding. The role corresponds to the ‘Inbound Activities’ shown above, and can include customer trial and in-life activities. The Product Owner is much closer to the software team, with daily contact and direct input into each sprint.

产品负责人是敏捷软件开发要求的角色,通常以扎实的技术理解为重点。 该角色对应于上面显示的“入站活动”,并且可以包括客户试用和生活中的活动。 产品负责人与软件团队的关系更加密切,每天与他们联系并直接输入每个sprint。

When I first viewed Andrew Ng’s, Stamford Professor, Google Brain Founder’s 2016 “AI Nuts & Bolts” lecture — highly recommended, and still very relevant, I found myself considering his AI Product Manager definition, which in reality described a ‘Product Owner’.

当我第一次查看Google Brain Founder在2016年的“ AI螺母和螺栓” 讲座时 ,斯坦福大学教授安德鲁·伍(Andrew Ng)受到强烈推荐,但仍然非常相关,我发现自己正在考虑他的AI产品经理定义,实际上定义为“产品所有者”。

I’m jumping ahead, but this greater understanding of software lifecycle and technical background means that the first AI Product Managers you meet are very likely to be ‘augmented’ Product Owners — Product Owners with an AI skill set.


产品行销经理 (Product Marketing Manager)

This role is primarily responsible for getting the product ‘off the shelves’, translating a Product Manager brief into actual sales, the “Outbound Activities” listed by Product Focus. Unless the product itself is heavily differentiated by AI, or is a true AI product, for example a service or API, then it’s unlikely that the Product Marketing manager will need a good understanding of machine learning.

该角色主要负责将产品“下架”,将产品经理简介翻译成实际销售,即“产品重点”列出的“出库活动”。 除非产品本身在AI方面与众不同,或者是真正的AI产品(例如服务或API),否则产品营销经理不太可能需要对机器学习有很好的理解。

The above descriptions of Product Roles are simplifications. Depending on the size and culture of your organisation, there’s potential for lots of overlap — I’ve certainly been involved in strategic, detailed technical delivery and marketing work as a Product Manager.

吨他上述产品角色的描述是简化。 根据您组织的规模和文化,可能存在很多重叠的地方-我当然作为产品经理参与了战略,详细的技术交付和营销工作。

You’ll see alternate definitions, but as product manager I like Forbe’s take on Gartner’s definition — “machine learning is a subset of data science while artificial intelligence is the business outcome of machine learning.


Product Manager’s more commercial and market focus means they are closer to the business outcome and hence ‘AI’. Product Owner’s greater technical knowledge and delivery focus puts them nearer to the underlying machine learning.

产品经理更加关注商业和市场,这意味着它们更接近业务成果,因此更接近“人工智能”。 产品负责人对技术知识和交付的重视程度更高,使他们更接近基础机器学习。

But before defining the skills needed, let’s take a quick look at some important trends.


访问机器学习 (Accessing Machine Learning)

Things are changing — increasingly, you don’t have to build machine learning solutions from the ground up using vast amounts of data.


认知API-用于标准用例 (Cognitive APIs — for Standard Use Cases)

For a while it’s been possible to purchase end to end solutions from suppliers, or else utilise cognitive APIs (or more simply put, regular ‘APIs’) to embed a specific AI capability into your product.

一段时间以来,有可能从供应商那里购买端到端解决方案,或者利用认知API(或更简单地说,是常规的“ API”)将特定的AI功能嵌入到您的产品中。

As an example, in my last post, I showed how to build a self contained AI image analysis dashboard using Amazon Rekognition’s API. No data needed to create the model, all entirely serverless, and infinitely scalable. We’re simply using a RESTful API to get the results we need.

例如,在上一篇文章中 ,我展示了如何使用Amazon Rekognition的API构建自包含的AI图像分析仪表板。 无需任何数据即可创建模型,而且完全无需服务器,并且可以无限扩展。 我们只是使用RESTful API来获得所需的结果。

This is fine — but you’ve no opportunity to unlock the value of your business’s data, or to address custom use cases. Until recently, the only way to proceed would be to build your own machine learning solutions, with all of the associated complexity.

很好-但是您没有机会释放业务数据的价值或解决自定义用例。 直到最近,唯一可行的方法就是构建自己的机器学习解决方案,并具有所有相关的复杂性。

What’s changed is ‘AutoML’.

更改的是“ AutoML”。

AutoML-用于自定义用例 (AutoML — for Custom Use Cases)

‘AutoML’ services are emerging that allow you to build on existing machine learning models, whilst also automating a complex and time consuming portion of machine learning development — data analysis, model tuning and selection.

新兴的“ AutoML”服务使您可以在现有的机器学习模型上进行构建,同时还可以自动化机器学习开发中复杂且耗时的部分-数据分析,模型调整和选择。

AutoML solutions are now available from Google, Microsoft, IBM, H2o, Amazon Web Services and others. This is a big step towards democratising access to AI.

现在可以从Google,Microsoft,IBM,H2o,Amazon Web Services和其他公司获得AutoML解决方案。 这是朝着使AI普及化迈出的一大步。

You can extend text comprehension to specific domains, think IBM Watson’s Natural Language Understanding customisation, or create more granular image & video classification, for example via Google’s AutoML, without needing to bring huge quantities of data.

您可以将文本理解扩展到特定领域,可以考虑使用IBM Watson的自然语言理解自定义功能 ,也可以创建更细化的图像和视频分类(例如通过Google的AutoML) ,而无需带来大量数据。

The requirement for less data (“small data”) is key, because having sufficient high quality, labelled data in order to run supervised learning and gain the necessary results, is one of the hardest aspects of building AI solutions and has slowed adoption of machine learning solutions beyond large players.

减少数据需求(“小数据”) 关键在于拥有足够高质量的标签数据以进行监督学习并获得必要的结果,这是构建AI解决方案中最困难的方面之一,并且已使机器学习解决方案的采用速度超出了大型企业。

AutoML makes it much easier for your organisation to use its unique and valuable data to create new business outcomes or to help differentiate your products.


Going back to my AI app example, I could extend my cloud based image analytics to use Amazon Rekognition’s ‘custom labels’. Perhaps I need finer grained classification — a particular type of car vs ‘a car’. Or, I need higher classifier performance for my use case. I could accomplish this with much less data, using tools to help my team or external teams label the data — In Amazon’s case, ‘GroundTruth.’ Google simply call their equivalent service, ‘human labelling’.

回到我的AI应用程序示例,我可以扩展基于云的图像分析以使用Amazon Rekognition的“自定义标签”。 也许我需要更精细的分类-特定类型的汽车对比“汽车”。 或者,对于我的用例,我需要更高的分类器性能。 通过使用工具来帮助我的团队或外部团队为数据添加标签,我可以用更少的数据来完成此任务-在亚马逊的案例中为“ GroundTruth”。 Google只是将其等效服务称为“人类标签”。

So, with ‘AutoML’ there’s transfer learning, data transformation, experimentation, model tuning and selection happening in the background — your development teams don’t need to start working with the underlying CNN, LSTM, RNN, or which ever flavour Neural Network model and topology has been used. Even better, the latest and most powerful models are made available — you don’t need to research, select or manage them in-life.

因此,使用“ AutoML”,在后台进行了转移学习,数据转换,实验,模型调整和选择-您的开发团队无需开始使用基础的CNN,LSTM,RNN或具有风味的神经网络模型和拓扑已被使用。 更好的是,提供了最新,最强大的模型-您无需在生活中研究,选择或管理它们。

扎实的机器学习-适用于高级用例 (Ground Up Machine Learning — for Advanced Use Cases)

If you’ve got the data, the data teams and the development expertise, and you’re addressing cutting edge use cases, then you may be in a position to develop your own machine learning models. You’ll need robust data processes — AWS propose a modified version of CRISP-DM as best practice, whilst for Microsoft Azure, Teams Data Science Processes, is the preferred point of reference.

如果您拥有数据,数据团队和开发专业知识,并且正在解决最前沿的用例,那么您就可以开发自己的机器学习模型。 您将需要强大的数据流程-AWS提出了CRISP-DM的修改版本作为最佳实践,而对于Microsoft Azure, Teams Data Science Processes是首选参考点。

There’s lots of risk associated with this approach however — there’s a good chance your work won’t even reach production. When you’re building your own models, you need to keep in mind that Machine Learning is ‘Stochastic’. Given the same or similar inputs, you won’t necessarily get the same outputs. Of the 100s of machine learning papers published every day, few will scale to production.

但是,这种方法存在很多风险-您的工作很有可能甚至无法投产。 在构建自己的模型时,需要记住机器学习是“随机的”。 给定相同或相似的输入,您不一定会获得相同的输出。 每天发表的100篇机器学习论文中,几乎没有什么可以规模化生产的。

Where the Machine Learning code will sit — on a device, at the ‘edge’, in the cloud, is an important consideration. The machine learning code itself is only a small portion of the whole needed to deploy and manage a model in production.

重要的考虑因素是机器学习代码将放置在哪里,即在设备的“边缘”,在云中。 机器学习代码本身只是在生产中部署和管理模型所需的全部的一小部分。

With the emergence of Cloud AI & AI PaaS, this should get easier. An AWS example: your data and development teams can build a custom model on TensorFlow, DevOps deploying as container behind a secure globally available endpoint. Your data team’s Extract Transform & Load (ETL) data work can be run on a fully managed Spark environment.

随着Cloud AI和AI PaaS的出现,这应该会变得更加容易。 一个AWS示例:您的数据和开发团队可以在TensorFlow上构建自定义模型,DevOps作为容器部署在安全的全球可用端点之后。 您的数据团队的提取转换和加载(ETL)数据工作可以在完全托管的Spark环境中运行。

Still, building your own solutions requires significantly more knowledge and incurs greater risk.


AI产品经理 (The AI Product Manager)

Given the trend towards more accessible machine learning, I believe that the Product skills ‘chasm’’ can be bridged — Product Management roles can and will evolve to address the AI revolution.


It’s likely that Product Managers will fall into either “AI Aware” or “AI Enabler” categories below, whilst Product Owners are more likely to become “AI Experts.”

产品经理可能会归入以下“ AI Aware”或“ AI Enabler”类别,而产品所有者更有可能成为“ AI专家”。

Let’s take a look — refer back to the product life-cycle at the beginning of this article for some Product Lifecycle context.


AI Skills for Product Managers

The amount of AI skill needed by Product Managers is closely related to the approach taken to AI enable the product. If you’re going to be consuming AI Services and APIs, then the amount of machine learning knowledge needed within the product team is less.

产品经理需要的AI技能数量与为产品启用AI所采用的方法密切相关。 如果您要使用AI服务和API,那么产品团队中所需的机器学习知识就更少了。

However, all Product Managers will need to understand how AI will affect product risk, time to market and their product’s market itself. Proper understanding of data, how it is managed, transformed and used, how to correctly phrase requirements will also be essential.

但是,所有产品经理都需要了解AI将如何影响产品风险,上市时间及其产品市场本身。 正确理解数据,如何管理,转换和使用数据,如何正确表达需求也必不可少。

No matter where you sit, as a member of a product team you will need to be “AI Aware”. The ability to determine whether machine learning can or should be used up front will save considerable time and effort.

无论您坐在哪里,作为产品团队的成员,您都需要“ AI意识”。 确定是否可以或应该预先使用机器学习的能力将节省大量时间和精力。

Although small data techniques are emerging, data sourcing and management is still critical to developing new use cases, and the ability to understand and work with that data is going to become an important product skill. Ensuring the necessary opt-ins, and data systems are defining characteristics of a Product Manager or Product Owner able to act as an “AI Enabler”.

尽管小数据技术正在兴起 ,但是数据源和管理对于开发新的用例仍然至关重要,理解和使用这些数据的能力将成为一项重要的产品技能。 确保必要的选择加入,并且数据系统正在定义能够充当“ AI推动者”的产品经理或产品负责人的特征。

Product Owners working in software organisations will benefit from much deeper understanding of AI, proportionate to the amount of in-house AI development taking place. They are very likely to be “AI Experts”, with the ability to engage with machine learning teams across the business to effectively lead, whilst checking and challenging delivery decisions taken to bring their product to market.

在软件组织中工作的产品所有者将受益于对AI的更深入了解,这与内部AI开发的数量成正比。 他们很可能是“ AI专家”,能够与整个企业的机器学习团队合作,有效领导,同时检查和挑战将产品推向市场的交付决策。

In conclusion, whilst the software and internet sectors currently frame AI Product Manager roles as specialist Product Owners, as AI reaches beyond software, Product Managers will adapt and evolve to add key AI skills. This will ensure that the full value of AI can be brought into new industries and sectors.

总而言之,尽管软件和互联网部门目前将AI产品经理定位为专家产品所有者,但随着AI超越软件领域,产品经理将适应并发展以增加关键AI技能。 这将确保可以将AI的全部价值带入新的行业和领域。

翻译自: https://medium/digital-diplomacy/ai-product-managers-evolution-or-revolution-729af7e99154



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