matlab stem_适用于您的小书呆子和书呆子的2016年圣诞节最佳STEM玩具清单

编程入门 行业动态 更新时间:2024-10-26 02:31:35

matlab stem

Last year my 9 year old asked, "are we nerds yet?" Being a nerd doesn't have the negative stigma it once did. A nerd is a fan, and everyone should be enthusiastic about something. You might be a gardening nerd or a woodworking nerd. In this house, we are Maker Nerds. We've been doing some 3D Printing lately, and are trying to expand into all kinds of makings.

去年我9岁的孩子问:“我们书呆子了吗?” 做一个书呆子不会像以前那样有负面的污名。 一个书呆子是一个粉丝,每个人都应该对某事充满热情。 您可能是园艺书呆子或木工书呆子。 在这个房子里,我们是创客书呆子。 我们最近一直在进行一些3D打印,并且正在尝试将其扩展到各种形式。

NOTE: We're gearing up for another year of March Is For Makers coming soon in March of 2017. Now is a great time for you to catch up on the last two year's amazing content with made in conjunction with http://codenewbie!

注意:我们正准备在2017年3月即将到来的另一年3月“面向制造商”。现在正是您与http:// codenewbie一起制作的,赶上过去两年令人惊叹的内容的绝佳时机。 org !

Here's a Christmas List of things that I've either personally purchased, tried for a time, or borrowed from a friend. These are great toys and products for kids of all genders and people of all ages.

这是我个人购买,尝试过一段时间或从朋友那里借来的东西的圣诞节清单。 这些是适合所有性别的孩子和各个年龄段的人的好玩具和产品。

Sphero星球大战BB-8 App控制的机器人 (Sphero Star Wars BB-8 App Controlled Robot)

Sphero was a toy the kids got for Christmas last year that they are still playing with. Of course, there's the Original Sphero that's just a white ball with zero personality. I remember when it  came out and I was like, "meh, ok." But then Star Wars happened and I tell ya, you add a little head on the thing and give it some personality and it's a whole new toy.

Sphero是孩子们去年圣诞节仍在玩耍的玩具。 当然,还有原始的Sphero ,它只是一个零个性的白球。 我记得它出来的时候,就像是“嗯,好”。 但是后来发生了《星球大战》,我告诉你,你在这个东西上加点头,赋予它一些个性,这是一个全新的玩具。

The Sphero team continues to update the firmware and software inside BB-8 even now and recently added a new "Sphero Force Band" so you can control Sphero with gestures.

Sphero团队甚至现在仍在BB-8中继续更新固件和软件,并且最近添加了新的“ Sphero Force Band ”,以便您可以用手势控制Sphero。

However, the best part is that Sphero supports a new system called "The SPRK Lightning Lab" (available for Android, iOS, or other devices) that lets kids program BB-8 directly! It's basically Scratch for BB-8. You can even use a C-style language called OVAL when you outgrow their Scratchy system.

但是,最好的部分是Sphero支持名为“ SPRK Lightning Lab”的新系统(适用于Android , iOS或其他设备),该系统可以让孩子们直接为BB-8编程! BB-8基本上是Scratch。 当您不再使用Scratchy系统时,甚至可以使用一种称为OVAL的C风格语言。

麦卡诺微粒 (Meccano Micronoids)

I grew up in a world of Lincoln Logs and Erector Sets. We were always building something with metal and screws. Well, sets like this still exist with actual screws and metal...they just include more plastic than before. Any of these Meccano sets are super fun for little builders. They are in some ways cooler than LEGO for my kids because of the shear size of them. The Meccano Meccanoid 2.0 is HUGE at almost two feet tall. It's got 6 motors and there's three ways to program it. There's a large variety of Meccano robot and building kids from $20 on up, so they fit most budgets.

我在林肯原木和竖琴架的世界中长大。 我们一直在用金属和螺丝来建造东西。 好吧,像这样的套件仍然可以用实际的螺丝和金属制成……它们所包含的塑料比以前更多。 这些Meccano套件中的任何一个对于小型建筑商来说都是超级有趣。 对于我的孩子来说,由于它们的剪切尺寸,它们在某些方面要比乐高酷。 Meccano Meccanoid 2.0身高将近两英尺。 它有6个电机,并且有三种编程方式。 各种各样的Meccano机器人和20美元以上的小孩子都可以建造,因此适合大多数预算。

Elegoo的Arduino UNO项目超级入门套件 (Arduino UNO Project Super Starter Kit from Elegoo)

Arduino Kits are a little touch and go. They usually say things like "1000 pieces!"...but they count all the resistors and screws as a single part. Ignore that and try to look at the underlying pieces and the possibilities. Things move quickly and you'll sometimes need to debug Arudino Programs or search for updates but the fundamentals are great for kids 8-13.

Arduino套件可随时使用。 他们通常说“ 1000件!”之类的东西……但是他们将所有电阻器和螺钉视为一个部分。 忽略这一点,并尝试查看潜在的部分和可能性。 事情发展很快,有时您需要调试Arudino程序或搜索更新,但基础知识非常适合8-13岁的孩子。

I particularly like this Elegoo Arduino UNO Starter Kit as it includes everything you'll need and more to start playing immediately. If you can swing a little more money you can add on touchscreens, speakers, and even a little robot car kit, although the difficulty ratchets up.

我特别喜欢这个Elegoo Arduino UNO入门套件,因为它包含了您需要的一切以及立即开始播放的更多内容。 如果您可以多花一点钱,则可以增加触摸屏,扬声器,甚至还有一些机器人车载套件,尽管困难加剧了。

捕捉电路 (Snap Circuits)

I recommended these before on twitter, and truly, I can't sing about them enough. I love Snap Circuits and have blogged about them before on my blog. We quickly outgrew the 30 parts in the Snap Circuits Jr. Even though it has 100 projects, I recommend you get the Snap Circuits SC-300 that has 60 parts and 300 projects, or do what we did and just get the Snap Circuits Extreme SC-750 that has 80+ parts and 750 projects. I like this one because it includes a computer interface (via your microphone jack, so any old computer will work!) as well as a Solar Panel.

我以前在推特上推荐过这些,实际上,我对它们的评价还不够。 我喜欢Snap Circuits,并且之前在我的博客中写过有关它们的博客。 我们Swift淘汰了Snap Circuits Jr中的30个零件。尽管它有100个项目,但我还是建议您购买具有60个零件和300个项目的Snap Circuits SC-300 ,或者做我们所做的事情,然后获取Snap Circuits Extreme SC -750有80多个零件和750个项目。 我喜欢这个,因为它包含一个计算机接口(通过您的麦克风插Kong,因此任何旧计算机都可以使用!)以及一个太阳能面板。

In 2016 Snap Circuits added a new "3D" kit that lets you build not just on a flat surface but expands building up walls! If you already have a SnapCircuits kit, remember that they all work together so you can pick this one up as well and combine them!

在2016年,Snap Circuits添加了一个新的“ 3D”套件,该套件不仅使您可以在平坦的表面上进行构建,还可以扩展在墙壁上的构建! 如果您已经有了SnapCircuits套件,请记住它们都可以一起使用,因此您也可以将其组合起来!

秘密讯息套件 (Secret Messages Kit)

It's a fact - little kids LOVE secret messages. My kids are always doing secret notes with lemon juice as invisible ink. This kit brings a ton of "hidden writing systems" together in one inexpensive package. Ciphers, Braille, Code Breaking, and more are all combined into a narrative of secret spy missions.

这是事实-小孩子喜欢秘密信息。 我的孩子们总是用柠檬汁作为隐形墨水做秘密笔记。 该套件通过一个便宜的包装将大量“隐藏书写系统”组合在一起。 密码,盲文,密码破解等功能全部组合成秘密间谍任务的叙述。

What educational toys do YOU recommend this holiday season?


FYI: These Amazon links are referral links. When you use them I get a tiny percentage. It adds up to taco money for me and the kids! I appreciate you - and you appreciate me-  when you use these links to buy stuff.

仅供参考:这些Amazon链接是引荐链接。 当您使用它们时,我得到的比例很小。 为我和孩子们加了炸玉米饼的钱! 当您使用这些链接购买商品时,我感谢您-您也感谢我-。

Sponsor: Help your team write better, shareable SQL faster! Discover how your whole team can write better, shareable SQL faster with a free trial of SQL Prompt. Write, refactor and share SQL effortlessly, try it now.

赞助者帮助您的团队更好地编写更好的,可共享SQL 通过免费试用SQL Prompt,发现整个团队如何更快地编写更好的,可共享SQL。 轻松编写,重构和共享SQL,请立即尝试。

翻译自: https://www.hanselman/blog/the-2016-christmas-list-of-best-stem-toys-for-your-little-nerds-and-nerdettes

matlab stem


matlab stem_适用于您的小书呆子和书呆子的2016年圣诞节最佳STEM玩具清单

本文发布于:2023-06-13 22:41:00,感谢您对本站的认可!
本文标签:您的   适用于   书呆子   呆子   圣诞节


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