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Beymard Institute made a very illustrative research regarding the cart abandonment many eCommerce organizations face. Due to various reasons, about 70% of the online shoppers abandon their purchases. The main cause seems the complicated checkout procedures making online customers leave their orders uncompleted. How does this relate to the email campaigns? The thing is that the situation is potentially recoverable with the help of the properly arranged email campaigns. The re-engagement capabilities of the carefully considered email campaigns can get the customers back to their former orders as well as to the brands they allegedly gave up. Is the game worth the candle? The optimization of checkouts through email campaigns can bring up to $260M annually. The amount is enough convincing to have a hand in all of this.

Beymard研究所对许多电子商务组织面临的购物车遗弃进行了非常具有说明性的研究。 由于各种原因,大约70%的在线购物者放弃了购物。 主要原因似乎是复杂的结帐程序,使在线客户无法完成其订单。 这与电子邮件活动有什么关系? 事实是,借助适当安排的电子邮件活动,这种情况有可能恢复。 经过仔细考虑的电子邮件活动的重新参与功能可以使客户重新获得以前的订单以及据称放弃的品牌。 这个游戏值得吗? 通过电子邮件活动优化结帐每年可以带来高达2.6亿美元的收入。 这一数额足以说服所有这些人。

定制电子邮件活动可以吸引客户 (Customization of email campaigns can bring customers back)

The personalized experience is what a contemporary customer expects from brands. The lack of personalization makes people think that they are not important for brands. While the attention is the golden currency with which brands can conquer the customers’ hearts, the personalization can be recognized as the velvet wallet containing that currency. The “one-size-fits-all” approach is not about the eCommerce segment where 50% of customers hope on brands remembering their past purchases.

个性化的体验是当代客户对品牌的期望。 缺乏个性化使得人们认为他们对品牌并不重要。 虽然注意力是品牌用来征服客户心的黄金货币,但个性化可以被视为包含该货币的天鹅绒钱包。 “一刀切”的方法与电子商务领域无关,在电子商务领域,50%的客户希望品牌记住他们过去的购买。

Therefore, the segmentation is the core idea upon which the progressive promotion campaigns should be performed. The contemporary automated marketing tools allow brands to segment various email audiences in order to meet the personalized customer expectations. However, the abundance of tools itself does not guarantee the desired results. Besides, surfing the internet in search of the appropriate tools and templates is a time-consuming activity.

因此,细分是应进行渐进式促销活动的核心思想。 当代的自动营销工具使品牌可以细分各种电子邮件受众,以满足个性化客户的期望。 但是,工具本身的丰富并不能保证获得预期的结果。 此外,在互联网上搜索合适的工具和模板是一项耗时的活动。

电子邮件模板资源 (Email Templates Resources)

The platforms offering free email templates have done a hard work to satisfy email marketers with their requirements to the professionally created and attractively looking templates. Litmus is probably the first place on the Internet that a marketer should visit while looking for the free but rich-functional templates. Litmus represents several collections of the email templates including newsletters, marketing emails, eCommerce ones, and even the account management templates. Each collection consists of several different thematic templates covered, however, with a joint design. Nevertheless, all the designs are well-balanced with regard to their visual elements, structures, and colors. Even though the templates are dedicated to the business purposes mostly, they look funny and encouraging. Having a responsive design, all the templates are displayed equally well whatever email client is used.

提供免费电子邮件模板的平台经过艰苦的努力,满足了电子邮件营销人员对专业创建且外观精美的模板的要求。 Litmus可能是营销人员在寻找免费但功能丰富的模板时应该在Internet上访问的第一名。 Litmus代表了电子邮件模板的多个集合,包括新闻通讯,市场营销电子邮件,电子商务电子邮件,甚至是帐户管理模板。 每个集合均包含多个不同的主题模板,但是采用联合设计。 尽管如此,所有设计在视觉元素,结构和颜色方面都达到了很好的平衡。 尽管模板主要用于业务目的,但它们看起来很有趣而且令人鼓舞。 具有响应式设计,无论使用哪种电子邮件客户端,所有模板的显示效果均相同。

Another resource offering free email templates is Zubr with five responsive templates having abundant customization capabilities. Texts, images, colors, fonts, that is to say, everything can be adjusted, altered, and shuffled like a deck of cards while creating emails with the templates on Zubr. Focusing on responsiveness, Zubr keeps pace with the contemporary trend of transition to mobile. The available preview feature allows checking the final version of an email through different email clients on various platforms. Indeed, the true flexibility is achieved by such an approach.

Oftentimes, just the dedicated communities of volunteers know better what matters most for the end customers. And the email marketing area is no different. The collaboration platform 99designs offers 45 free email templates created by the enthusiastic designers for small and middle-sized businesses. The templates are compatible with the majority of email clients. The newsletters, promotional email campaigns, and personalized messages look pretty attractive being correctly displayed on both desktop and mobile platforms.

提供免费电子邮件模板的另一资源是Zubr,其中五个响应模板具有丰富的自定义功能。 文本,图像,颜色,字体,也就是说,在使用Zubr上的模板创建电子邮件时,所有内容都可以像一副纸牌一样进行调整,更改和改组。 专注于响应能力,Zubr紧跟当今向移动过渡的趋势。 可用的预览功能允许通过各种平台上的不同电子邮件客户端检查电子邮件的最终版本。 实际上,通过这种方法可以实现真正的灵活性。

通常,只有专门的志愿者社区才能更好地了解最终客户最重要的事情。 电子邮件营销领域也是如此。 协作平台99designs提供了45个由热情的设计师为中小型企业创建的免费电子邮件模板。 模板与大多数电子邮件客户端兼容。 在桌面和移动平台上正确显示时事通讯,促销电子邮件活动和个性化消息看起来很有吸引力。

可以动员电子邮件营销 (Email marketing can be mobilized)

The contemporary fierce competition in every business segment makes merchants and marketers strive hard while reaching their target audience. Sometimes, there is no enough time to arrange a new email campaign which might be pertinent. It is easy to imagine an overstressed marketer rushing along the street to a subway station in the morning where s/he can find twenty minutes to do something meaningful through the only equipment available on the run – a mobile gadget. Time is money by all means, and the service capable of representing time-saving solutions is worthy of special attention.

当代每个业务领域的激烈竞争都使商人和营销人员在争取目标受众的同时进行了艰苦的努力。 有时,没有足够的时间安排可能相关的新电子邮件活动。 很难想象一个压力太大的商人在早上沿着街道奔赴地铁站,在那里他/他可以找到20分钟通过运行中唯一可用的设备–移动设备来做有意义的事情。 时间绝对是金钱,能够代表省时解决方案的服务值得特别关注。

随时随地制作电子邮件广告系列 (Creating email campaigns on the go)

MailChimp’s mobile app available on AppStore and Google Play facilitates the creation of email campaigns with phones and tablets. Acquiring almost the entire functionality of the desktop version of the platform, the app provides marketers with numerous opportunities of creating the full-fledged email campaigns on the go. The flexible designing section of the app allows adding various visuals from both the gadget memory and the cloud repositories such as Dropbox. Besides, the feature of using a gadget camera can add creativity to the email design since the spontaneous insights are always expressive. The campaign engagement, audience growth, e-commerce performance, and other various metrics can be tracked and adjusted via the mobile dashboard of the app. The mobile solution from MailChimp gives marketers a chance to spot the ongoing trends timely that is crucially important in these dynamic days.

可在AppStore和Google Play上使用MailChimp的移动应用程序来简化使用手机和平板电脑创建电子邮件广告系列的过程。 该应用程序几乎获得了平台台式机版本的全部功能,为营销人员提供了许多在旅途中创建完整电子邮件活动的机会。 该应用程序的灵活设计部分允许从小工具内存和云存储库(例如Dropbox)添加各种视觉效果。 此外,使用小工具摄像头的功能还可以增加电子邮件设计的创意,因为自发的洞察力总是可以表达的。 可以通过应用程序的移动仪表板跟踪和调整活动参与度,受众增长,电子商务绩效以及其他各种指标。 MailChimp的移动解决方案使营销人员有机会及时发现持续的趋势,这在这些动态的日子中至关重要。

结论 (Conclusion)

The happy customers covered with the relevant and well-personalized email campaign will most likely tend to share the content with their friends and families. The referrals consisting of the loved ones of your happy customers are the most reliable source of the future revenues. In order to correspond to the customers’ expectations, every dedicated email campaign should be created with a customized design. The agile, perfectly looking, and free of charge email templates are available on the Internet at marketers’ disposal. Besides, such solutions as MailChimp’s mobile app provides marketers with the rich functionality for creating the professional email campaigns on the go. Thus, the things marketers should find just themselves are dedication and creativity. But in achieving this only the sky is the limit.

涉及相关且个性化的电子邮件活动的满意客户很可能倾向于与他们的朋友和家人共享内容。 由您的快乐客户的亲人组成的推荐人是未来收入的最可靠来源。 为了符合客户的期望,每个专用的电子邮件活动都应使用自定义的设计进行创建。 营销人员可以在Internet上获得敏捷,外观精美且免费的电子邮件模板。 此外,MailChimp的移动应用程序等解决方案还为营销人员提供了用于在旅途中创建专业电子邮件活动的丰富功能。 因此,营销人员应该发现自己的东西就是奉献精神和创造力。 但是,要实现这一目标,只有天空是极限。

翻译自: https://www.journaldev/19538/chain-letters-customers-happy-with-personalized-emails




本文发布于:2023-06-13 22:41:00,感谢您对本站的认可!
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