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Thanks for your interest in Certifications. This post is out-of-date, so check out certifications.unity for the latest info.

感谢您对认证的关注。 该帖子已过时,请查看certifications.unity以获取最新信息。

与Unity社区中的成员交谈时,我们遇到的常见的重复主题之一是需要一种方法来根据熟练度基准可靠地评估个人的Unity知识和技能。 (In talking with members in the Unity community, one of the common, recurring themes we have encountered is a need for a way to reliably assess an individual’s Unity knowledge and skills against a benchmark of proficiency.)

From our community of Unity educators, we’ve heard a need for tools that will support their educational programs, and help them set students up for success as they move into the workforce by ensuring they have the relevant skills that industry employers really want. From studios, we’ve heard that they are looking for a way to more easily identify and qualify Unity talent, so recruiting and initial evaluations are more efficient. They are also looking for a way to assess their existing teams, so they can identify individual strengths and areas where professional development is needed. Aspiring developers, who are looking for a job in the games industry and may not yet have the benefit of years of experience or an extensive portfolio, are looking for a way to communicate their skills to potential employers. The community in general, in fact, has been asking about certification for a long time — there are forum threads dating back as far as 2010 — and expressing a desire to validate their skills against a common baseline, to better know where they stand in terms of proficiency.

从我们的Unity教育工作者社区中,我们听说过需要一种工具来支持他们的教育计划,并通过确保他们具备行业雇主真正想要的相关技能,帮助他们为进入劳动力市场的学生建立成功的基础。 在工作室,我们听说他们正在寻找一种方法来更轻松地识别和鉴定Unity人才,因此招聘和初步评估更加有效。 他们还正在寻找一种评估现有团队的方法,以便他们可以确定个人优势和需要专业发展的领域。 有抱负的开发人员正在寻找游戏行业的工作,可能还没有从多年的经验或丰富的投资组合中受益,他们正在寻找一种与潜在雇主交流其技能的方法。 实际上,整个社区一直以来都在询问认证问题很久了-论坛帖子最早可以追溯到2010年-并表达了希望根据一个共同的基准来验证他们的技能,以便更好地了解他们的立场。熟练程度。

为了满足所有这些需求,我们制定了Unity认证计划,在GDC 2016上,我们很高兴地宣布,第一级,即Unity Certified Developer,现已可用! (In an effort to respond to all of these needs, we developed the Unity Certification Program, and at GDC 2016 we were thrilled to announce that the first level, Unity Certified Developer, is now available!)

Unity认证开发人员考试 (The Unity Certified Developer Exam)

The Unity Certified Developer Exam was designed to provide a credential that validates foundational skills for making a game with Unity, spanning key concepts in both technical art and programming. In addition to breadth, it also has depth: the feedback we’ve received is that it is a challenging exam, even for those with some experience under their belts, and that a passing score is a good indicator that an individual has the core skills required for successful game production in Unity.

Unity认证的开发人员考试旨在提供证书,以验证使用Unity制作游戏的基本技能,涵盖技术和编程方面的关键概念。 除了广度之外,它还具有深度:我们收到的反馈是,即使对于那些有一定经验的人来说,这也是一项具有挑战性的考试,并且合格分数可以很好地表明一个人具有核心技能在Unity中成功制作游戏所必需的。

It offers Unity developers at all levels an opportunity to challenge themselves, to test their understanding of the end-to-end game production process. Results are given immediately upon completion of the exam and shown by topic area, so areas of strength are identified as well as areas where improvement may be needed. By providing a challenging, meaningful indicator of Unity knowledge and skill, we also hope to provide aspiring game developers with a credential that will help them communicate their skills to employers and successfully transition into a professional career in games.

它为各个级别的Unity开发人员提供了一个挑战自我的机会,可以测试他们对端到端游戏制作过程的理解。 考试完成后立即给出结果,并按主题区域显示,因此可以确定优势领域以及可能需要改进的领域。 通过提供具有挑战性,有意义的Unity知识和技能指标,我们还希望为有抱负的游戏开发人员提供证书,以帮助他们与雇主交流其技能,并成功过渡到游戏专业领域。

Certification candidates receive their results the instant they complete the exam. In addition to their final score, they are also shown a breakdown of their results by topic area, so they can see where they did well, and where they may need to brush up.

认证考生完成考试后即会收到结果。 除了最终得分以外,他们还按主题领域显示了他们的结果细分,因此他们可以查看他们的出色表现以及可能需要复习的地方。

We developed the exam through extensive research and requirements gathering with an advisory board of commercial game studios and educational institutions, to ensure that it would address Unity skills that are relevant and valuable to industry employers and be challenging enough to represent a meaningful benchmark of skill. We hope to help close the loop between education and industry by helping educators create graduates that will populate the future workforce with talent equipped with the Unity knowledge and skills that employers truly value. To that end, we structured the program so that it would complement and support the way educators teach.

我们通过与商业游戏工作室和教育机构的咨询委员会进行广泛研究和收集要求来开发考试,以确保它能够解决与行业雇主相关且有价值的Unity技能,并具有足够的挑战性来代表有意义的技能基准。 我们希望通过帮助教育工作者创造毕业生,从而为未来的劳动力提供人才,这些人才具备雇主真正重视的Unity知识和技能,从而帮助消除教育与行业之间的循环。 为此,我们设计了该程序,以便它可以补充和支持教育者的教学方式。

全球最早的Unity认证开发人员考试是在GDC进行的,其中包括Unity技术团队的成员以及用户组负责人和其他乐于接受挑战的Unity社区成员。 (The very first Unity Certified Developer exams in the world were administered at GDC and included members of the Unity Technologies team along with User Group Leaders and other enthusiastic Unity community members who were ready to take on the challenge.)

The world’s very first Unity Certified Developer was the ever-popular Carl Callewaert, long-time Head of Global Evangelism for Unity Technologies. CTO and Co-founder Joachim Ante also showed that he has what it takes to become Unity Certified!  We can’t tell you who got the better score, but it starts with a J…

全球首位获得Unity认证的开发人员是广受好评的Unity技术全球传福音负责人Carl Callewaert。 首席技术官兼联合创始人约阿希姆·安特(Joachim Ante)还表明,他具备成为Unity认证所需要的一切! 我们无法告诉您谁获得了更好的分数,但是它以J…开头

At GDC we were happy to congratulate the first Unity Certified Developers from many countries, among them Ross Kelly from South Africa, Balbino Aylagas from El Salvador, and Rodrigo Medina and Fabian Hernandez from Mexico. We were also pleased to congratulate Katherine Harris, a Microsoft Technical Evangelist from San Francisco, Ca., the first female in the world to become a Unity Certified Developer.

在GDC,我们很高兴地祝贺许多国家的第一批获得Unity认证的开发人员,其中包括来自南非的Ross Kelly,来自萨尔瓦多的Balbino Aylagas,以及来自墨西哥的Rodrigo Medina和Fabian Hernandez。 我们也很高兴祝贺来自加利福尼亚州旧金山的微软技术传播者Katherine Harris,这是世界上第一位成为Unity认证开发人员的女性。

For those who are looking to take on the challenge, the Unity Certified Developer Exam is available at Unity Certification events around the world, including select Unite conferences and Unity Roadshows. If you’re already planning on attending one of these events, you can conveniently take the exam in a couple of hours while you’re there. We’re also working on rolling out an online proctoring solution, to make certification exams more easily accessible and widely available.

对于希望挑战的人,可以在 世界各地的Unity认证活动中 参加Unity认证的开发人员考试 ,包括精选的Unite会议和Unity路演 。 如果您已经计划参加其中一项活动,则可以在几个小时内方便地参加考试。 我们还正在努力推出在线监督解决方案,以使认证考试更容易获得和广泛使用。

考试内容包括什么? (What’s covered on the exam?)

If you’d like to see whether you’d feel comfortable having a go at it based on your existing Unity knowledge and experience, you can review the Unity Certified Developer Exam Objectives to see a detailed list of the topics covered on the exam.

如果您想根据自己现有的Unity知识和经验来看看是否愿意尝试,可以查看 Unity认证的开发人员考试目标, 以查看考试所涵盖主题的详细列表。

需要准备吗? 我们已经覆盖了您! (Need to prepare? We’ve got you covered!)

If after looking at the Exam Objectives you feel like you might need to study up — good news! We’re currently putting the finishing touches to an online learning program, the Unity Certified Developer Courseware, that directly maps to preparation for the certification exam. The Courseware includes instructional videos and game project-based exercises that encourage hands-on learning as it takes you through the process of making a working game with Unity, from the ground up. Though it is not required to take the exam, it provides a structured learning experience that can help new users build their foundational skills in game production. For those that already have some experience, courseware can help fill in any gaps in knowledge and help ensure they are ready for the full range of topics they will encounter on the exam.

如果在查看了考试目标之后,您觉得您可能需要学习,那就是好消息! 目前,我们正在对在线学习程序( Unity Certified Developer Developer课件)进行最后的修改 ,该程序直接映射到认证考试的准备工作。 课件包括教学视频和基于游戏项目的练习,鼓励动手学习,因为它使您从头开始逐步完成使用Unity制作可运行游戏的过程。 尽管不需要参加考试,但它提供了结构化的学习体验,可以帮助新用户建立游戏制作的基础技能。 对于已经有一定经验的人,课件可以帮助填补知识上的空白,并帮助确保他们准备好将在考试中遇到的所有主题。

Courseware will be available shortly, sign up to get notified as soon as it’s ready.

课件将很快提供,请注册并在准备就绪后立即得到通知 。

The Unity Certified Developer Courseware covers 20 topic areas that are designed to prepare you for your certification exam. Instructional videos take you through the process of making a working game as you follow along and learn hands-on with the Zombie Toys game project exercise files.

Unity Certified Developer课件涵盖了20个主题领域,旨在为您准备认证考试做准备。 指导性视频将带您逐步完成制作有效的游戏的过程,并通过Zombie Toys游戏项目练习文件学习动手实践。

这仅仅是开始… (This is just the beginning…)

Unity Certified Developer is just the starting point for this program — future levels that will address more advanced and specialized skill sets, such as artist or programmer, are in development.


In addition, exams and courseware will be made available in multiple languages in addition to English, to ensure that developers around the world have access to certification in their native language.


If you’re interested in being kept up-to-date about new certifications as we roll them out, you can sign up here.

如果您有兴趣在推出新认证时保持最新状态,则可以在此处注册 。

你准备好挑战了吗? (Are you up to the challenge?)

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d/2016/04/04/introducing-the-unity-certification-program/




本文发布于:2023-06-13 22:41:00,感谢您对本站的认可!
本文标签:计划   unity   Unity


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