
编程入门 行业动态 更新时间:2024-10-24 12:33:44

最近复习英语,复习完就不记得了 考试加油


Text A

Chinese Translation




1   我到了三十五岁时才突然意识到我的教育可能存在一些漏洞。我刚刚买了房子,需要安装水管,请来的水管工就站在我的厨房里。他个子矮小,留着山羊胡,说话带着很重的波士顿口音,我忽然发现我压根儿就不知道该如何和这样一个人交谈。在我看来,他的经历如此陌生,他的价值观如此难以推测,他的语言怪异难懂,在他开始干活之前,我都没有办法和他闲聊几句。我曾接受过十四年的高等教育,拥有好几所常青藤名校的学位,可以用好几种语言和其他国家的人侃侃而谈,却无法和这个站在我家里的人聊天。

2   过了这么长时间我才发现我所接受的教育的错误程度,这并不让人吃惊,因为精英教育绝不可能让你认识到它自身的不足。正如在耶鲁和哥伦比亚大学二十多年的经验告诉我,名牌学校不遗余力地蛊惑学生为能到这些地方上学而自豪,不断地夸耀名牌大学经历能给他们带来的好处。精英教育的优势当然是不可不论的。至少某些方式上,你学会思考,并建立一些必要的人际关系,从而为日后能拥有让世人珍视羡慕的生活打下基础。如果认为它创造了一些机会,却取消了其他机会,培养了一些能力,却削弱了其他能力,这种情况不仅是大逆不道的,而且是不可思议的。

3   正如我那天在厨房里所认识到的,精英教育的第一个劣势是它让你无法和与你不同的人交流。精英大学常常夸耀其多元化,但这种多元化几乎总局限于民族和种族的范畴。在阶级方面,这些学校基本上越来越趋同化。如果你去拜访我们这个伟大的国家的任何一所精英大学,你会惊讶地发现白人商贾名流和专业人士的子女和黑人、亚裔、拉丁美洲裔的商贾名流和专业人士的子女一起学习和玩耍的温馨美妙的场景。与此同时,因为这些学校倾向于培养自由开放的态度,所以让学生们陷入矛盾的困境,他们愿意为劳动阶层代言,却无法与来自这个阶层的人民进行简单的交流。让我们回顾一下上次民主党的两位总统提名候选人戈尔和克里吧:他们一个来自哈佛,一个来自耶鲁,两人都很真诚、体面、富有智慧,但他们都根本无法和广大的选民们沟通。

4   但这不仅仅是阶级的问题。我受到的教育让我相信没有进入常春藤名校或其他名牌大学的人都是不值得交谈的,不管他出身于什么阶级。我所接收到的无可置疑的信息是这些人低我一等。正如这些地方喜欢宣扬的,我们是“最好的、最聪明的人”,其他人都与我们不同:没我们好,没我们聪明。当人们告诉我他们上的大学不那么知名,我学会了表示理解地点点头,并略带同情地说:“哦。”我从不知道有些聪明人没能上名牌大学,往往正是出于阶级原因。我从不知道还有很多聪明人压根儿就没上过大学。

5   第二个劣势隐藏在我前文一直在讲的观点里,那就是精英教育灌输了一种虚假的自我价值。考上精英大学,在精英大学上学,毕业于精英大学都取决于分数排名:大学入学考试(SAT)、平均学分级(GPA)、研究生入学考试(GRE)。你学会了用那些分数来衡量自己。他们将不仅表示了你的命运,而且表示了你的身份;不仅表示了你的身份,还表示了你的价值。人们总说那些考试检测的其实是你的考试能力,但即使他们检测出真实的能力,那也不过是一小部分的真实能力而已。但当学生们都被鼓励着忘记这个事实,把学业方面的优秀当成绝对意义上的优秀时,就出现了问题。

6   对自己的智慧或知识自豪并没有不对的地方。但从录取通知书进门的时刻起,这些名牌大学就纵容沾沾自喜和自我吹捧,这就有些问题了。从大学入学培训伊始,到大学毕业的整个过程,每个人的音调、点头,每个老校的传统活动,学生报纸的每篇文章,每个学院院长的致词都隐含着一个信息:你来了。欢迎加入这个俱乐部。而结论也明白无误:你值得拥有你因来到此处后所能得到的一切。当人们说名牌大学的学生们有一种强烈的权利意识,他们的意思是这些学生认为因为他们的SAT分数比别人高,所以他们理应得到比别人更多的东西。

7   第三个弊端则在于当精英大学夸耀他们教学生如何思考时,他们的意思是给学生们传授在法律、医药、科学、商业等方面取得成功所需要的分析和修辞技巧。但是人文教育应该意味着更多的东西,而这一点许多大学还不是很清楚。因此当学生们刚进大学时,他们听过几场报告要他们提出大问题,毕业时又听了一些报告让他们提出大问题。而在两者之间,他们花了四年时间上课,这些课程却训练他们提出小问题――由专业教授对专业学生讲授专业课程。虽然广泛性的概念隐含在文科教育的理念中的,但录取过程中大学越来越多地挑选那些已经开始使用专业术语来设想自己未来的学生――如初级记者、崭露头角的宇航员、语言天才等等。即使身处精英大学,我们也逐步陷入了披上光环的职业教育的泥坑。

8   实际上,这些似乎恰恰是这些学校想要的。精英大学声称要培养领袖人物,而不是思想家――权力的拥有者,而不是针对权力的批评家,这是有其理由的。有独立思想的人与任何联盟无缘,而精英大学的大部分预算来自校友捐助,所以会花费大量投资来培养学生对学校的忠诚。正如一位家里三代都是耶鲁人的朋友所说,耶鲁大学的目的就是生产耶鲁校友。当然,为了让体制能够工作,那些校友们需要钱。在耶鲁,学生们纷纷从人文专业和基础科学专业转向更实用的专业如计算机科学和经济,而这一势头长期以来都受到校方淡然的纵容。对那些对法律、医学或商业不感兴趣的学生,大学就业办公室很少提出什么指导意见,而精英大学也不准备做出任何举动去打击毕业生们拿着学位涌向华尔街的热情。事实上,他们向学生指明了这条道路。文科大学在转变成公司大学,它的重心已经转向技术领域,那里学术专长可得到充分利用,创造利润丰厚的商业机遇。

9   这个产生过戈尔和约翰·克里的世界正在为我们培养下一代领导人。那些在高中时就进修大学课程的学生,或一边修双学位一边还在编辑三种校园出版物的学生,那些每所大学都想要,但课堂上谁都不想要的学生,那些忙得连呼吸的时间都没有,更别提思考的学生将在不久的将来管理一家公司、一个机构甚至一个政府。他/她可能有很多成就,但是很少经验,可能有很辉煌的成功,但没有广阔的视野。精英教育的劣势就是它培养出了我们现有的精英,并还将继续下去。



Key to Exercises

I.    Reading Comprehension


1.      I suddenly realized that I couldnt communicate with people who are very different from me, and then I realized that there are some defects in the elite education I received in the past years.

2.     The author said very clearly in para. 2 that it's undeniable there are some advantages of elite education. In elite universities, you can learn to think in certain ways, and you can make contacts with many people who may help you in your later development after you step into society, and thus it may be easier for you to obtain success in your career and to accumulate material riches.

3.     According to the author, there are several disadvantages of elite education. The first one is that it distances you from people who are different from you, and thus you cannot even talk with the latter. The second one is that it gives you a false sense of your self-worth. You are wrongly encouraged to believe that you are undoubtedly better than others. The third disadvantage is that it teaches you specialized skills but do not encourage you to think broadly, nor to care about humanities.

4.     No, people who didn't attend the first-rank universities are not necessary stupid. There might be various reasons for that. Some may not go there just because they are born into poor families and cannot afford it; some may because they don't fit in the educational system very well and thus they cannot score high in examinations; some may because they are just more interested in extracurricular things or in projects that have nothing to do with school. In one word, not all smart people go to elite universities, and not all the elite university students are smart.

5.      By big questions, the author means that students should learn how to think independently and profoundly, should care about philosophy, society, humanities, etc. By small questions, the author means that students are trained to ask specific questions about a certain practical skill. The author argues that it is not right for universities to just train practical technical skills, but not to develop liberal minds, because that will make the students become very practical money-makers, but not the responsible citizens who care about society, culture, history, philosophy, nor human beings.

6.     The author thinks there are some disadvantages in the current elite education, but undoubtedly also some advantages. He is not utterly against elite education, but he hopes that the elite universities should reflect on its teaching principles and make some changes to produce more qualified elites for the society. After all, these elites will later become useful people to the society, and will play an important role in social development.


  1. I didn't realize that there might be a few defects in my education until I was 35.

2.     It's not surprising that only after so many years do I realize what I have missed in my education or how wrong my education can be. That's because an elite education would never tell you what it lacks.

3.     Within such a context that the university tries to make you feel pleased about coming there, and about all the benefits it may bring to you, it is impossible to consider that while the elite education creates many favorable opportunities for you, it takes away some other chances; while it helps you to develop certain abilities, it makes you disabled in other ways.

4.     Elite schools are proud of their colorfulness and differences, but that is only limited to ethnicity and race.

5.      It is OK to be proud of one's intellect or knowledge. But it is not so good if you begin to think yourself superior to others or to be excessively satisfied with yourself when you receive the notice of acceptance by mail from the elite universities. However, the elite universities seem to allow those feelings to grow.


II.   Vocabulary


1.  prestigious

2.  connived

3.  implicit

4.  engage in

5.  thrilling

6.  spectacle

7.  prodigy

8.  inculcate


1.       paradoxical   2.    On behalf of 3.     allegiance        4.     diverse             5.      identity

6.   advocator   7.     relentlessly   8.     lucrative         9.     smugness        10.   dawned on


III. Grammar & Structure


New York State already outspends the rest of the nation on education, and a group of education experts at Teachers College at Columbia University are calling for it to spend even more.

At a conference on Tuesday, the Campaign for Educational Equity will suggest that the state, that spends an average of $18,126 annually per student, should also pay for an array of support services outside of the classroom.

While some educators have long supported such services for the poor, the governor and State Legislature would have to approve to the increased education spending as part of the state’s budget ---- something that is unlikely giving the tough fiscal times.

“We’re always trying to strike balance between protecting taxpayers and investing in shared priorities like education,” said Dean G. Skelos, a Republican from Long Island. “Moreover, the state is facing extraordinary fiscal challenges, including a $2 billion budget deficit next year that must be closed without raising taxes.”

Sheldon Silver, a Manhattan Democrat, said that because he recognized the needs of poor students, he believed that the first step should be to increase overall education spending for poor districts rather than focusing on separate spending for support services outside the classroom.

 In papers to be presented at Tuesday's conference, Robert Smith, an education professor and lawyer who is the executive director of the Campaign for Educational Equity, laid out the result of a five-year effort to determine the cost of providing the extra services with all poor students. It arrived at a total average cost per year of $13,900 a student. But after deducting current spending for these services and assuming that not all services would be used, it came up with a total net cost of $4,750. 




1. ____is_____


2. __which____


3. ____/ _____



4. _____/ ____

5. ___given___


6. ____a_____


7. _ however___




8. __although__



9. __to focus___









1.      A                        2.     D                         3.     B                         4.     C                         5.      D

6.     C                      7.    B                      8.    D                      9.     A                      10.   C


IV.  Translation

       This passage mainly talks about my reflections over an elite education. One day, it dawned on me that I didn't know how to talk with a plumber although I had received fourteen years' elite education. I come to realize that there might be a few holes in the elite education. The first disadvantage is that it makes you incapable of talking to people who aren't like you. The second disadvantage is that it inculcates a false, exaggerated sense of self-worth. The third disadvantage is that it teaches students the analytic and rhetorical skills necessary for success in law or medicine or science or business, but pays no regard to a real humanistic education. The elite education tries to give us the next generation of leaders, but it needs further thinking that what kind of elites can shoulder the task of being the next generation of leaders.



Text B

Key to Exercises  

Comprehension & Appreciation  


1.      B.              2.     C.              3.     C.              4.     D.              5.      A.              6.     D.


1. 韩国科学技术院――简称为Kaist――里的学业压力非常大,自杀事件发生后,忧心忡忡的心理师扩大了心理辅导服务的范围。

2.  学校里的心理师说最近由于期末考试即将来临,在这种关键时刻,几乎没有什么学生来接受心理辅导。

3.  整个韩国的自杀率在经济发展与合作组织的国家里位列第一,在发达国家里长期名列前位。首尔的地铁站里都设置了障碍,防止行人跳下站台,扑向进站的火车,首都的八座桥梁上也安装了闭路摄像头,以监控是否有人自杀。

4.  韩国科学技术院并不在乎全国统考的结果,而是从一些理科超强的高中招收尖子毕业生。这所大学一年只招收1000名新生。录取的关键是面试情况、高中成绩单和高中校长的推荐信。 

5.  对某些学生,特别是那些以前一直是学业明星,而现在却突然发现必须非常努力才能在更为严峻的竞争中胜出的学生而言,压力变得太大了。

Key to Unit 5, Book 2


Text A

Chinese Translation




1   我家附近有座小山,我常在夜里爬上山去。那时,城市的喧嚣变成远方的低语。在夜色的沉寂中,蟋蟀们伴我同乐,猫头鹰也与我交心。然而,真正我想一睹的却是那如戏剧般场景的月出。因为,它给予我内心一份被城市恣意挥霍去的宁静和澄明。

2   在这山上,我曾数次观看月出。每次都别有一番情趣。秋季,获月朗朗,傲然大方;春宵,月色朦胧,娇倩含羞;冬夜,孤月冷寂,皓临苍穹;夏天,月出旱田,橘色如熏。每个季节的月亮都犹如一首动听的乐曲,让我心潮澎湃,继而又平抚我的灵魂。

3   观月是一门古老的艺术。对史前猎人们而言,月相的更迭就如同心脏跳动一般准确无误。他们知道,每隔29天月亮就会变得饱满明亮,接着逐渐衰残、殆灭,转而又重生;他们也知道,在月盈期间,每经一次日落月亮都会显得更高更大;他们还知道,在月亏的时候,月出将越来越迟,直至消失于日出中。单凭经验就掌握了月相的规律,这真可谓造诣非凡。

4   然而,久惯深居的我们已然失去了与月亮的联系。街灯的光炫携伴烟尘的污影笼罩起夜空。尽管人类已涉足过月球,月亮对于我们却反而陌生了。很少有人能够说出今夜的月亮将何时升起。

5   即便如此,月亮依然牵动着你我的心弦。假若有缘邂逅满月,见其高悬于地平线上金辉璀璨,我们只能不由自主地仰望它那超然的威仪。月亮也将对其倾望者回以厚礼。

6   我就是于七月里一夜在山间获其馈赠的。那时,车子莫名其妙地熄火了,我只身被困林中,束手无策。日已西沉,入我眼帘的,犹如森林大火那橙黄色亮光,自山脊后向东射来。突然间,那道山脉似乎也燃烧了起来。尔后,一轮巨大的红月由林间冉冉升起,且因尘埃和暑汽之故而形态颇异。

7   月亮于是被大地灼热的气息扭曲了面目;貌似燥戾,相若有缺。农舍旁的狗群不安地吠叫起来,仿佛这异样的月光唤起了草丛间的鬼魅。
8   然而,当月亮缓缓升至山脊之上时,它也聚足了坚定与威严。从火红、到橘红、到金色、再到清冷的浅黄,其容颜都在不断更易。而且,它似乎正从沦入黑暗的大地身上汲取光亮。因为随着它的起升,群山万壑都渐而晦暗难见了。直至月满高挂、色若象牙之时,幽谷便成了山水间的重重阴影。又见这一轮熟悉的月亮,吠犬们终于被安抚下来,停止了叫声。刹那间,我感到自信满怀,无比愉悦,几近要放声大笑起来。

9   这一幕持续了一小时之久。月出进程缓慢而渐变微妙。欲观此景,我们需拥有一种更古老隐忍的时间感。看着月亮不可阻逆地高升,也就是在我们内心求索一种不寻常的宁谧。我们会联想到宇宙的广袤、大地的无垠,以及自身得以存在的渺茫几率,然后自叹卑微却又受宠若惊。

10  月光收起了生活中的坚硬棱角。在这光芒中,山坡柔若银缎,海洋静泛幽蓝。月下的我们,少了些许算计和心机,多了几分对情感的专注。

11  怪事也就在这个时候发生了。在七月的那个夜里,我欣赏了一两个小时的月色,然后回到车上,转动钥匙,便听到了引擎发动的声响,这正如数小时前它无端熄火时令人费解一般。之后我便从山上驶下,带着满肩月光,还有一心的宁静安详。

12  后来我便经常会到那里观赏月出。当杂事缠身以致心乱目冥时,它的魔力尤令我着迷。这经常发生在秋季。那时我便会登上我的山坡,静候一轮金黄的猎月,犹巨盘般悬起在地平线上,将秋夜朗照无遗。

13  突然,山脊上一只猫头鹰俯冲下来,悄无声响,犹如一道火光。草间又有蟋蟀孑然长鸣。这令我想到了诗人和音乐家,想到了贝多芬的《月光奏鸣曲》,也想到了莎士比亚笔下的洛伦佐在《威尼斯商人》中的慷慨陈词:“柔美月光酣眠堤上、吾辈团坐席地此岸、任凭乐响入耳悄然”。于是,我便怀疑起他们的诗句、乐曲、还有蟋蟀的音乐,是否都能算作是月亮的声音。想到这里,我那些受染于都市习气的困惑烦扰便都涣然融入夜的寂静之中了。

14  恋人与诗人都在夜间找到了生命的深层意义。我们也往往要对自己的来处和去向提出更深刻的质问。比起那毫无人情味的几何学,尽管它左右着白日的世界,我们更愿沉湎在不解之谜中。在夜里,我们都变成了哲人和神秘主义者。

15  月升时分,当我们尾随天空的步履放缓脚步时,月亮的魔力就在此时蔓延到我们全身。我们会敞开心扉,任凭那些在白天被理智禁锢的思绪情感尽情释放。就这样,我们穿越过时空,听见远古猎人们的低语,又再看到从前的诗人和恋人们眼中的世界。


Key to Exercises

I.    Reading Comprehension


1.      At night.

2.     He shares the cheerfulness of crickets, the confidence of owls and the moonrise.

3.     Because there have been broad, confident harvest moons in autumn; shy, misty moons in spring; lonely, winter moons rising into the utter silence of an ink black sky and smoke-smudged orange moons over the dry fields of summer.

4.     To prehistoric hunters the moon overhead was as unerring as heartbeat. They knew that every 29 days it became full-bellied and brilliant, then sickened and died, and then was reborn. They knew the waxing moon appeared larger and higher overhead after each succeeding sunset. They knew the waning moon rose later each night until it vanished in the sunrise.

5.    We, living indoors, have lost contact with the moon. The moon grows less familiar to us because of the veiling of the night sky by the glare of street lights and the dust of pollution veil the night sky. And few of us can say when the moon will rise tonight.

6.     His car had mysteriously stalled, and he was left alone. After he watched the moon for an hour or two, and then got back into the car, he succeeded in turning the key in the ignition and heard the engine start, just as mysteriously as it had stalled a few hours earlier. Then he drove down from the mountains with the moon on his shoulder and peace in his heart.

7.      Because their verse and music, like the music of crickets, are in some way voices of the moon. And the verse and music convey the lovers' and poets' feelings.


1.      Because watching moonrise suffices me with a sense of peace, quietness and purity that people can easily waste in the hustle and bustle life of city.

2.     The night sky seems like being under the veil because of the shining lights in the streets and the polluted air in the sky.

3.     The huge and red moon was rising, with a strange shape due to the smoky and wet summer air. It appeared slowly above the trees.

4.     At night, people are more interested in difficult, puzzling and riddle-like questions about where I shall go and what I should do, than in the city life which are unemotionally controlled by the so-called reason represented by geometries in the world at daylight. We changed into philosophers and mystics in the dark.

5.      We open our minds and relieve our feelings that have been under strict control of reason.


II.   Vocabulary


1.     be apt to           2.     inexorably         3.     feel drawn to          4.     odd

5.    loom             6.     unerring                   7.      stranded              8.     tugging


1.     steal over   2.  in awe            3. indulge          4.  waxing       5. restored

6.  impassive  7.  calculating    8. commanding    9.  bestowed  10. serried


III. Grammar & Structure


   The moon is the only natural satellite of Earth. The moon orbits the earth from 384,400 km and has an average speed of 3700 km per hour. It has a diameter of 3476 km, which is about ¼ that of the earth.

    The moon is the second bright object in the sky after the sun. The gravitational forces between the earth and the moon cause some interesting affect; tides are the most obvious. The moon has no atmosphere, but there is evidence that there may be water ice in some deep craters near the moon's North and South Pole that are permanently shaded.

    Most of the moon's surface is covered with regality, which is a

mixture of fine dust and rocky debris produced by meteor impact. There are two types of terrain on the moon. One is the heavily cratered and very old highland. The other type is the relative smooth younger crater that was flooded with molten lava.

    Through the 19th and 20th centuries, visual exploration through powerful telescopes has fielded a fairly comprehensive picture of the invisible side of the moon. The unseen far side of the moon was first revealed to the world in October 1959 through photographs made by the Soviet Lunik III spacecraft.

    This photograph showed that the far side of the moon is similar with the near side except that large lunar Maria is absent. Craters are

now known to cover the entire moon, range in size from huge, ringed

Maria to those of microscopic size. The entire moon has about 3 trillion craters larger than 1m in diameter.

    The moon shows different phases as it moves along its orbit around the earth. Half the moon is always in sunlight, just as half the

earth has day while the other half has night. The phases of the moon depend on how much of the sunlit half can be seen at any one time. In

the new moon, the face is completely in shade.

    About a week later, the moon is in first quarter, resembling a half-

circle; another week later, the full moon shows its fully lighted surface; a week afterward, in its last quarter, the moon appears as a half-circle

again. The entire cycle is repeated each lunar month, which is approximately 29.5 days.

    The moon is filling when it is farther from the sun than the earth; it is new when it is closer. When it is more than half-illuminated, it is said to be in gibbous phase. When it progresses, the moon is from full to new, and waxing as it proceeds again to full.

    Temperatures on its surface are extreme, ranging from a maximum of 127° C (261° F) at lunar noon to a minimum of-173° C (-279° F) just before lunar dawn. The moon rises only a few minutes later each night, affording on several successive evenings an attractive moonrise close to sunset time and strong moonlight almost all night if the sky is not cloud.

The continuance of the moonlight after sunset is useful to farmers in northern latitudes, who are then harvesting his crops. The full moon, which exhibits the same phenomenon in a lesser degree, is called the hunter's moon. A similar phenomenon to the harvest moon is observed in southern latitudes at the spring equinox on about March 21.





1. _brightest_


2.   effects 







3.   relatively




4.    visible  




5.     to    _

6.   ranging 







7.   shadow    






8.    away   









9.   clouded     


10.    their                    


1.      B                         2.     C                         3.     A                         4.     B                         5.      C

6.     D                      7.    A                      8.    B                      9.     D                      10.   A


IV.  Translation

       参考译文一The moon sheds her liquid light silently over the leaves and flowers, which, in the floating transparency of a bluish haze from the pond, look as if they had just been bathed in milk, or like a dream wrapped in a gauzy hood. Although it is a full moon, shining through a film of clouds, the light is not at its brightest; it is, however, just right for me ---- a profound sleep is indispensable, yet a snatched doze also has a savor of its own. The moonlight is streaming down through the foliage, casting bushy shadows on the ground from high above, dark and checkered, like an army of ghosts; whereas the benign figures of the drooping willows, here and there, look like paintings on the lotus leaves. The moonlight is not spread evenly over the pond, but rather in a harmonious rhythm of light and shade, like a famous melody played on a violin.(Excerpt from Moonlight over the Lotus Pond by Zhu Ziqing)(朱纯深译)

    参考译文二:Moonlight cascaded like water over the lotus leaves and flowers, and a light blue mist floating up from the pool made them seem washed in milk or caught in a gauzy dream. Though the moon was full, a film of pale clouds in the sky would not allow its rays to shine through brightly; but I felt this was all to the good ---- though refreshing sleep is indispensable, short naps have a charm all their own. As the moon shone from behind them, the dense trees on the hills threw checkered shadows, dark forms loomed like devils, and the sparse, graceful shadows of willows seemed painted on the lotus leaves. The moonlight on the pool was not uniform, but light and shadow made up a harmonious rhythm like a beautiful tune played on a violin. (Excerpt from Moonlight over the Lotus Pond by Zhu Ziqing)(杨宪益、戴乃迭译)


Text B

Key to Exercises  

Comprehension & Appreciation  


1.      B.              2.     D.              3.     B.              4.     C.              5.      B.              6.     D.


1. 读书足以怡情,足以傅彩,足以长才。其怡情也,最见于独处幽居之时;其傅彩也,最见于高谈阔论之中;其长才也,最见于处世判事之际。练达之士虽能分别处理细事或一一判别枝节,然纵观统筹,全局策划,则舍好学深思者莫属。

2. 读书使人充实,讨论使人机智,笔记使人准确。因此不常做笔记者须记忆力特强,不常讨论者须天生聪颖,不常读书者须欺世有术,始能无知而显有知。读史使人明智,读诗使人灵秀,数学使人周密,科学使人深刻,伦理学使人庄重,逻辑修辞之学使人善辩;凡有所学,皆成性格。

3. 美不在颜色艳丽而在面目端正,又不尽在面目端正而在举止文雅合度。最高的美是画家所无法表现的,因为它是难于直观的。没有哪种美能极致到不存在比例上的瑕疵。

4. 美犹如盛夏的水果,是容易腐烂而难保持的。世上有许多美人,他们有过放荡的青春,却迎受着愧悔的晚年。因此,应该把美的形貌与美的德行结合起来。这样,美才会发出夺目的光辉。

5.  人心中可能普遍具有一种博爱倾向,若不集中于某个专一的对象身上,就必然施之于更广泛的大众,使他成为仁善的人,象有的僧侣那样。夫妻之爱,使人类繁衍。朋友之爱,给人以帮助。但那荒淫纵欲之爱,却只会使人堕落毁灭啊!

Key to Unit 7, Book 2


Text A

Chinese Translation




1   近年来,西方审美观正逐渐取代从中国和印度到韩国和日本的古典的审美观。印度丰满而性感的女神以及瓜子脸的中国美女正让位于西方的圆眼睛、长方形脸蛋和苗条的身材。这些迹象能从那些出现在大屏幕和时尚杂志上的明星们的脸上看出,其中许多人具有东西方的特点。“现在的趋势是东西方特点并存,”南希·伊特可弗说,她是哈佛医学院研究审美观的心理学家,“但是西方审美标准还是有很大的影响。”

2   目前的趋势在很多方面是西方电影和电视中的人物形象长期影响的一个延伸。而近年来卫星电视和因特网的应用更起到了推波助澜的作用。但是整形手术的增多已经给这个趋势一个新的意外的发展。现在整形手术技术和工艺的使用比以前更加广泛。随着手术价格的不断下降,越来越多的女人——还有男人——选择整形手术来追求正在出现的全球性美丽标准。几年前在加州比佛利山庄和棕榈温泉兴起的美容趋势,现在已经传播到了首尔、北京、东京和孟买,更不必说它们中间成千上万的小一点的地方了。不再仅仅是富人和名人有能力改变他们的形象来迎合潮流了。全球越来越多的中产阶级也对美容逐渐产生了兴趣,包括丰胸、丰臀或者颊骨削薄。

3   所有这些技术还不成熟的脸部和身体整形或许正改变我们对美的观点。几百万年以来,我们对美的意识起了一个进化的作用:它曾经帮助我们选择最合适的伴侣——臀部宽的女性最适合生孩子,肩膀宽厚的男性能提供保护和养家糊口。但是在我们认为美丽的面孔当中,很大一部分只是我们所看到脸的平均值。过去我们通过选择伴侣来表达我们的审美倾向,这种倾向是由自然选择决定的。

4   许多年以来,亚洲女性都希望有白皙的皮肤,樱桃小嘴,直挺的鼻子,乌黑发亮的长头发和一张椭圆形瓜子脸。而现在一些亚洲女性想的是拉长她们的脸,使她们的脸颊更有棱有角。在中国,伊美尔的整形医生一星期工作七天,每天大约做六个整形手术,这还不包括在其它医院、诊所甚至美容院工作的医生所做的手术。虽然中国政府没有做官方统计,但估计过去几年所做的整形手术可能有几百万。这种行为如此广泛以至于去年中国政府首次制定规章来约束这个行业。在韩国,这个行业已经相当繁荣。虽然没有可靠的官方统计,但韩国有1200多整形外科医生,是世界上人均占有量最多的国家。这些医生每年大约做50万例整形手术。

5   事实上,美容业在世界各地都很繁荣——包括化妆,整形手术以及温泉治疗,年收入达到1600亿美元。从除皱到丰胸,美容手术比以往更加安全、方便和容易。沃勒根,这个生产除皱药品的公司,其美容药品的年收入达到将近5亿美元,其中30%来自美国以外的国家和地区。去年美国整形手术猛增到六百九十万例,较1997年上涨了226%,而在欧洲和亚洲整形手术也有大幅的上升。

6   近年来实验室研发出来的一些新科技,包括器官移植、消除皱纹和激光治疗,促成了整形手术的平民化。史蒂芬·马科特博士曾经是加利福尼亚亨汀顿海滩医院的整形外科医生。他坚持认为理想的漂亮的脸蛋可以简化成以黄金分割,即自然界中任何东西,从指甲到树叶,都呈现出1.618:1的分割比率。为基础的脸部几何。“人们总想多了解漂亮的脸蛋,但是究竟什么是漂亮的脸蛋呢?”马科特问到。“它是一个可以量化的形象。所有的生命都是生物,所有的生物都是化学,而所有的化学都是数学。”他发明了一种技术,即先数字扫描顾客脸部,然后在电脑上根据数学标准进行改变,这样可以为其他医生做手术提供指导。高级美容学院打算在其旗舰美容诊所采用马科特的计划,这家旗舰将于下个月在佛罗里达的棕榈滩开业。然后再推广到东京、伦敦和巴黎的美容诊所,以及在美国和加拿大的40多家诊所。

7   尽管取得了进步,但美容手术仍然是个充满风险的行业,特别是对亚洲女性。因为亚洲人的脸都是平面的,没有西方人的脸那么轮廓分明。这很容易造成医生的手误。整形美容行业缺乏严格标准也是很常见的。在中国,许多违法的从业医生收费不到100美元就可以为病人做整形手术,其结果是将近一半的人变得惨不忍睹。根据中国政府的报告,在过去的十年里,做过整容手术的病人所提起的法律诉讼达到200,000例,他们声称自己是那些不成功手术的受害者。“我的绰号是消防队员。”中国医学科学院的陈奂然医生调侃道,因为他不得不修复那些所谓的医生给病人造成的损害。另外一个令人担心的趋势是整形手术市场正瞄准那些对自己长相不自信的年轻人。在韩国,整形手术在年轻人当中相当普遍。“这几天在韩国的大街上,我们看到了许多由整形手术做出来的面貌一致的年轻人,”崔梗植,首尔庆熙大学的艺术教授说道。“整形手术使韩国年轻人丧失了个性特征。”

8   在许多方面, 西方对相貌的固执正影响着东方。“整个文化都存在一种审美取向,”伊特科夫说。“任何事情已成为一种美的选择。”研究表明长相好的人在找工作、学业和交友方面都要成功一些.这正好支持这种潮流。27岁的崔慧恩是名护士。她借了1700美元做隆鼻手术,把她的鼻子垫高了3毫米,这样她的脸就看起来不是那么圆了。当问其感想时,她说手术改变了她的生活:朋友们赞美她;老板因为她工作态度积极表扬她;甚至约会时运气都好多了。“过去他们常常只说我可爱,现在他们说我漂亮。”崔慧恩自豪地说。

9   虽然全世界对美的追求正趋于统一, 但仍然存在着一些与之相抗衡的趋势。欧莱雅公司——美容行业的佼佼者,在全球建立了12家美容研究中心,研究公司如何调整它的产品来满足不同文化的人们独特的需求。今年九月,欧莱雅在芝加哥开了一家民族头发和皮肤研究所,致力于美籍非裔的美容研究。同时公司在中国也进行了类似的研究工作。“我们正在同所谓完美的美容作斗争。”这个研究所的发言人葩翠霞·派力欧说道。有些专家认为亚洲国家之间频繁的旅游和文化交流正创造一种泛亚美丽标准,而不是西方的美丽标准。

10  有些专家认为美一直有其标准。他们的观点是有道理的。我们审美观的一部分是由进化而来的,从而保障我们选择最好的伴侣。这种审美观从群居狩猎时代一直延续至今。但它只是美丽公式的一部分。自然界赋予了我们适应不断变化着的环境的能力——从某种意义上来说,就是爱和你在一起的人。即使她(他)做过丰臀和皮肤除皱手术,你也要学会喜欢看这种变化。


Key to Exercises

I.    Reading Comprehension


1.     Western notions of beauty have a great influence on the classical Asian ones. The classical Zaftig Indian goddesses and the heart-shaped face of the Chinese beauty are being taken place by round eyes, oblong faces and lean figures.

2.     For one thing, techniques and technologies of plastic surgery are more mature and more popular than before. For another, cosmetic surgeries are becoming cheaper and cheaper.

3.     It helped us choose the best mates.  

4.     Asian women want oblong faces, round eyes and lean figures. And they want to make their cheeks more angular.

5.      South Korea.

6.     Because he thinks all life is biology, all biology is chemistry and all chemistry is    mathematics. He insists that ideal beauty can be achieved through a facial geometry        based on the Golden Ratio.

7.      Because the Asian face is vertical and smooth, without all the contours of Western        faces, it is hard for surgeons to avoid making slight errors when doing cosmetic      surgeries.


1. From those stars' faces that appear on film/TV and those periodicals dealing with clothes, fashions, etc, we can know the trend that many of them have a mixed look of East and West.

2. But the increase of cosmetic surgery had offered a surprising development to this tendency.

3. Those immature cosmetic surgeries on faces and bodies may change our notions of beauty.

4. The fact that cosmetic surgeries are being accepted by more and more people is due to some new technologies those labs have achieved.

5. Although people's notions of beauty are becoming similar, some other trends also appear to fight against this trend.


II.   Vocabulary


1.     conform to              2.     accelerate          3.  warmed to         4.   lengthen         

5.      brisk            6.    bolster up      7.  botch up              8. contour


1.  formula    2amalgamate         3.  augment       4.  ratio     5.  fine-tune

6.  esthetic     7.  tricky           8.  per capita    9.  glossy   10.  proliferation


III. Grammar & Structure


Just in time for the new century, the new fashion trends offer a lot of choices to the customers. Instead one main fashion look, fashion houses are offering a wide range of different fashion looks. The new prediction about high fashion this year is Personal Style.

What is the reason behind the confused fashion scene this year? One Italian designer gets the confusion up to a world-wild reaction to the globalization of high fashion over the past years. Globalization has meant that all over the high-fashion world, fashion designers have influenced each other's designs. This has resulted from clear fashion trends, and the true followers of high fashion have had no choices but follow the seasons new fashion.

But this year, on the fashion catwalks around Europe and the U.S.A., there is no definitive designer style to be copied. Instead we now get to decide our own fashion style. The individual can now be true individual. The latest trend is for the fashion-conscious to experiment of different styles. You try to work out your personal style called Personal Aesthetic. In short this style should suit your body more than your outlook on life and your personal philosophy.

This new freedom of choice hasn't meant total chaos on the fashion scene. Out of the main fashion centers of Milan, Paris, New York and London having come three main looks: a) the decorative, colorful boho look, b) the less is more streamlined look and c) the new look, the mix and match look.


1. ___of____


2. ___for___


3. __down__



4. ___in____


5. ___to____


6. __copy___


7. __truly___

8. __with___


9. _as well as_







1.      C                        2.     A                         3.     C                         4.     B                         5.      B

6.     B                        7.    A                      8.    A                      9.     D                      10.   A


IV.  Translation

In recent years, cosmetic industry has reached an unprecedented stage. People in increasing numbers are enthusiastic about cosmetic surgery to reshape themselves.

Those who advocate cosmetic surgery argue that the pursuit of beauty is not only human nature, but also a reflection of human evolution and civilization. The advance of medical technology has made it possible for people to realize their dreams. Moreover it is widely believed that people with good looking are more successful in getting jobs and higher grades in school and making friends.

But those who criticize cosmetic surgery hold the opinion that we can not change any part of our bodies at random because we are born to be ourselves. Despite its progress, cosmetic surgery is still a tricky business. Once a cosmetic surgery is done by an unqualified cosmetic surgeon or illegitimate practitioner, the client will become a victim.

So when we are ready for cosmetic surgery, we should take the hidden hazards into consideration and cut our coat to suit our cloth.     



Text B

Key to Exercises  

Comprehension & Appreciation  


1.      C                2.     A                3.     B                4.     D               5.      A                6.     C


1.  因此,鉴于你的身体想通过储存脂肪来产生可携带的能量,把脂肪储存在身体的中间部位不失为一种明智之举。

2.  第三,你的身体把脂肪储存在有脂肪细胞的部位。这或许听起来是显而易见的。但实际上很有趣。 因为你会意识到人们做的抽掉脂肪细胞的抽脂手术只是导致细胞转移到其它并不太需要它们的地方。

3. 想减掉最后10磅多余的脂肪是非常困难的,这一点我有同感。特别是当你在享用美国标准饮食中的任何一种流行食物和饮料时,更是如此。

4.  但是在减去多余脂肪上你将永远不会获得完全成功,除非同时你进行定期身体锻炼和采用健康的饮食。

5. 换句话说,减肥没有捷径。即使你想做抽脂手术来走捷径,其结果只能是脂肪被储存到了身体的其他部位。这将看起来比在你的腹部或者臀部更为糟糕。



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