
编程入门 行业动态 更新时间:2024-10-28 03:33:00

Why do you have a Band-Aid on your face?
你脸上为什么贴个 OK绷?
Band-Aid OK绷

It’s not a Band-Aid,it’s an acne patch.
那不是 OK绷,那是痘痘贴。

acne patch 痘痘贴

I have a big pimple here,
and i am hoping the patch will make it go away faster.

pimple 青春痘

Oh,I haven’t had acne problems since high school.

In high school,i had really bad acne.

What did you do about it?

I bought over-the-counter medicine at the pharmacy.
When that didn’t work, I saw a dermatologist regularly and took prescription drugs.

over-the-counter medicine 非处方药
dermatologist 皮肤科医生
prescription drugs 处方药

Did it help?

P22 电话留言
I’d like to talk to Mr.Chang.
He’s currently out of the office. out of the office 不在办公室
When will he be back? 什么时候回来呢?
In two days,on Friday. 两天后,星期五回来。
I see. 了解
Can I take a message? 需要替您留言吗?
Yes.Please let he know Jack called.
I would like to talk to him about the wind power project.
Please ask him to call me back. call someone back 回某人电话
Got it.I’ll ask him to call you back. 记下来了。我会请他回电。
Have a nice day.
Thanks,you too. 谢谢,也祝您愉快。

P23 酒店接驳服务
Hello,front desk, how can i help for you? 您好,这里是前台,有什么我可以协助的吗?
Does your hotel provide free shuttle service from the airport?
shuttle service 接驳车服务
Yes,we do. 有的。
Do they run on regular schedule, or do I have to book in advance?
regular schedule 定期时刻表
book in advance 提前预约
They are on schedule. 是按时刻表接送
The shuttles run every 30 minutes from 8 am to midnight.
That’s great. 太好了
Where is the shuttle pickup location? 接驳车接送地址在哪?
pickup location 接驳地址
It’s at C3 on level one of Terminal One.

P24 服兵役
I am going to the army. 我要去服兵役。
Yes,we hava mandatory basic training for four months.
mandatory basic training 强制基础训练
It used to be 11 months,but it’s been shortened for those born after 1993.
shorten 缩短
I bet those four months will fly by quickly. 我打赌那四个月一转眼就过了。
fly by 飞逝
I sure hope so.希望如此
Once it’s over,I’ll need to look for a job.
look 查阅;查找;看望;探望
look for 寻找;探索;渴望;盼望
I understand.我明白。
I’ll need to look for a job once i finsh my six-month exchange program this summer.
exchange program 交换项目
All the best in your job search! 祝你找工作一切顺利!
job search 找工作
You too!你也是

P25 服饰店
Excuse me.Do you have this sweater in M?–medium
Give me a minute. 等我一下
I’ll check our computer to see if we still have one in stock. 我来查电脑看看我们还有没有库存。
in stock 库存
That sweater comes in black and red. 那件毛衣有黑和红两色。
We only have the red one in M. 不过我们现在只有红色有M号的。
I prefer black. 我想要黑色的。
Let me check if our other locations have the black one in M.
other locations 其他分店
Our Smith Street store has the black one in M.
Would you like me to have them send it here?
It would take three days to get here.
That would be great. 那太好了。
Please fill out this form,and you can come pick it up after Friday.

P26 服务台
I need to buy a SIM card.
Is there a telecom store in this mall?
telecom store 电信行
Yes,there is,but it’s in Building B.
We’re in Building A。
How do I get to Building B?
You need to take the skybridge on the third floor to get to Building B.你得从三楼的天桥走到B栋。
skybridge 天桥
How do I get to the skybridge?
Walk straight ahead,and you will see a set of escalators.
Take the escalator to the second floor, and then another escalator to the third floor.
The skybridge is right beside the third floor escalators.
Walk across the skybridge and you will see a big supermarket.
The telecom store is two doors down from supermarket.
supermarket 超市
escalator 手扶梯
Got it. 我知道了

P27 服装规定
What are you wearing to the company year-end party?
Is there a dress code?
HR send an email this morning.
The dress code is semi-formal.
Sould I wear a tuxedo?
tuxedo 晚礼服
No,that would be overdressing. 不用,那太正式了。
A dark suit and a nice tie are enough. 深色西装配一条好看的领带就够了。
What are you wearing? 你会穿什么呢?
Most of my clothes are business casual. 我大部分的衣服都是商务便装。
I am planing to rent a cocktail dress.所以我打算租一件酒会小礼服。
business casual 商务便装
cocktail dress 酒会小礼服
Why don’t you just buy one?
I only plan to wear it once. 我只打算穿这一次。
I see.Have a nice weekend. 了解 周末愉快

P28 感冒和流感
Tim,you don’t look well today. 你今天脸色不太好
Are you OK?
I think I caught a cold. 我应该是感冒了。
I have a bad cough and I ache all over. 我咳嗽咳得很厉害而且全身疼痛。
Maybe it’s not a cold,maybe it’s the flu. 可能不是感冒哦,可能是流感。
A symptom of the flu is body aches. 流感的一个症状就是全身疼痛。
Mike,Pam,Chris all came down with the flu last week and are on sick leave.
flu 流感
symptom 症状
body ache 全身疼痛
Hmm,maybe you are right.
I think I am also running a fever. 我觉得我还有点发烧。
fever 发烧
Take a sick day. 请个病假吧。
Go see a doctor and get some medicine. 去看医生,拿点药。
OK.I will do that. 好的,就这么做。
Rest well.好好休息
Hope you get well soon. 希望你早日康复。

P29 购买地铁票
ticket 票
Main Street Station is in Zone 2. 大街车站在第二区。
The cost for 2 tickets is 5 dollars. 两张票要五块美元。
OK.Do you sell all-day passes? 好的,你有卖一日票吗?
Yes.The cost of our all-day pass is 5 dollars.
I’d like 2 all-day passes.
Here is 10 dollars.

P30 购买鞋子
Do you have these hiking boots in size 8.5? eight and a half
The boots don’t come in half size.
So the next size after 8 is 9.
half size 半号
I see
I’d like to try both sizes 8 and 9 then.
OK.I’ll be right back.
How do they feel?
Size 8 is too tight at the front.
The shoes pinch my feet.
pinch v.n.拧;捏;掐;夹(脚)
OK.Let’s try size 9.
How do they feel?
They are more comfortable.这双舒服多了。
But I am not sure if they are too loose.
Let me see. 让我看看
I can fit one finger between the heel of your foot and the shoe.
This is the right size.
OK.I’ll take size 9 then.
I’ll ring it up at the cash register.我拿到收银机那里结账。
ring up 打电话;把(钱款)记入(收款机);赚取;盈利

P35 急诊室
What brings you to the Emergency Room today? 你们今天怎么会到急诊来?
My wife has severe diarrhea and has vomited three times in the past few hours.
diarrhea 腹泻
vomit 呕吐
Do you have any other symptoms? 你还有其他症状吗?
I feel week,nauseous and have a bad headache. 我全身虚软、想吐,而且头痛得厉害。
nauseous 恶心
Have you been to this hospital’s ER before? 你来过这家医院的急诊吗?
OK.Let me take your vital signs. 好,我先量一下你的生命征象。
vital sign 生命征象
Please wait in the waiting area to the right. 请先在右手边的等候区稍等片刻。
A doctor will be with you in a few minutes. 医生几分钟后回过去看您。

P36 节食减重
You look good Sam.
You’ve trimmed down since the last time I saw you. 自从我们上次见面之后,你瘦了不少。
trim down 瘦身
Ah,thanks! 对啊,谢谢!
My wedding is just a month away. 我再一个月就要举行婚礼了。
So I’ve been working hard to lose weight so I can good in my suit.
lose weight 减重
Good for you. 很好啊。
I’d like to lose some weight,too.
What have you been doing? 你都做了些什么?
I’ve been exercising five times a week. 我现在一个礼拜都运动五次。
I run for 30 minutes each time.
Good job! 好厉害
Have you changed your diet? 你有改变饮食吗?
Yes. 有
I cut down on carbs (carbohydrates), sugary drinks and fried food.
I alse stop eating late-night snacks. 我也不吃宵夜了。
carbs 碳水化合物
sugary drink 含糖饮料
fried food 油炸食物
snack 点心
Those are good tips. 这些都是很好的建议。
I might try that,too. 我也可以来试试看。
Great. 太好了。

P36 紧急报案专线
911.What is your emergency? 911。你有什么紧急事件?
911 美国紧急报案专线
emergency 紧急事件
A car hit a motorcycle,and the motorcycle driver is badly hurt.
He’s lying in the middle of the street and cannot move.
badly hurt 伤得很重
What is your location? 你现在所在的地点在哪里?
I am at the intersection of Smith Street and Oak Street. 就在史密斯街和橡树街的交叉口。
What is your phone number? 你的电话是几号?
Is anyone else hurt.
No,no one else is hurt.
An ambulance and police car are on the way. 我们已经派了一辆救护车和警车正赶过去。
Please stay on the scene,and wait for help to arrive. 麻烦您待在原地,等待援助。
The ambulance should arrive in five minutes. 救护车应该五分钟后就到了。
on the scene 待在原地
wait for help 等待援助

My phone plan is about to expire. 我的手机合约快到期了。
I am thinking of getting a new phone. 我在考虑换只新手机。
The new iPhone is coming out. 新的 iPhone 快上市了。
Do you plan to get it? 打算买一只吗?
I’ve used an iPhone for the past eight years,but I’m thinking of switching to an Android phone.
The cost of iPhone keeps going up.
It’s over $40,000 NT now for the latest model.
If I switch to a new phone plan,the monthly payment would be higher than my present plan,too.
model 机型
monthly payment 月租费用
I see. 了解
What are the most important features for you?
I need a phone with a good camera as I love taking photos,and a phone with a lot of money to store photos.
And since I want to watch videos on my phone,I want the phone to have a screen size at least 5.5 inches.
OK.Let’s go check out some phones at the telecom store then.
telecom store 通讯行

P48 美国点餐
Hi,what would you like to order?
I’d like to blueberry pancakes. 我要蓝莓煎饼。
blueberry pancake 蓝莓煎饼
Would you like any sides? 你要配菜吗?
Yes.I’d like a side of saussage. 要,我要一份香肠。
What would you like?
I’d like a mushroom omelette. 我要一份蘑菇蛋卷。
Does it come with toast? 有附烤面包吗?
omelette 蛋卷
toast 烤面包
Yes,it comes with two pieces of toast and your choice of potatoes.
Do you have whole wheat toast?
Yes. 有
I’d like whole wheat toast. 我要全麦面包。
What kind of potatoes do you have? 你们有什么样的马铃薯?
Hash browns,fried and potato wedges. 薯饼、薯条和薯块
I’ll have the hash browns,thanks. 我要薯饼,谢谢。
OK,so that’s one order of blueberry pancakes with a side of sausage for you. 所以你点了一份蓝莓煎饼加香肠。
And one order of the mushroom omelette with whole wheat toast and hash browns. 再加一份蘑菇蛋卷,搭配全麦面包加薯饼。
That’s correct,thank you. 没错,谢谢您。

薯饼的英文为什么是Hash Brown呢?
Hash是指剁碎的食物,Browned有炸/fried(通过烹饪使食物呈棕色)的意思。在法语里,薯饼翻译过来应该是hashed and browned potatoes,后来被简化成Hash Brown。


P49 年度绩效考核
Dan,you look nervous. 丹,你看起来很紧张。
Yes I am.我是很紧张。
I am going to have my annual performance review with my boss in half an hour.
The review will determine my bonus this year. 考核结果会决定我今年的奖金。
annual performance review 年度绩效考核
bonus 奖金
You’re going to do fine. 你没问题的啦。
I’m not so sure. 我可没把握。
A few of my collegues came out of the her office looking dejected this morning.
collegue 同事
You hit all your KPIs(key performance indicators) this year.
Plus,you surpassed all your sales targets.
KPI = key performance indicator 关键绩效指标
sales target 年度销售目标
Thanks for being so supportive. 谢谢你这么挺我
I apreciate your encouragement. 真的很感谢你的鼓励。
supportive 支持的
encouragement 鼓励
No problem. 不客气
You’re going to do fine. 你会顺利过关的。
Try to relax and think positive. 放轻松,要正面思考。
OK,thanks. 好,谢谢你。
I will let you know how it goes. 我会让你知道考核结果的。

P50 年度健康检查
John,what are you doing after work today?
I‘m going to go jogging by the riverside.
That’s not like the John I know who goes home and plays video games.
I need to change my lifestyle. 我需要改变一下生活形态。
lifestyle 生活形态
How did you come to that conclusion? 什么事让你下了这个决定?
I had my annual health checkup three weeks ago and I got the results last week.
I have too much body fat,and have hign blood pressure and high cholesterol.
The doctor strongly recommends that I exercise at least three times a week for 30 minutes.
annual health checkup 年度健康检查
body fat 体脂肪
high blood pressure 高血压
high cholesterol 高胆固醇
That makes sense. 那很合理啊。
You should get a health checkup,too. 你也应该做个健康检查。
That’s a good idea. 好主意
Thanks for reminding me. 谢谢你提醒我。
Have a good evening. 祝你晚上愉快
You too. 你也是

What about the food? 食物呢?
Should we make it a potluck? 要用一人一菜的百乐餐方式吗?
potluck 百乐餐
Well, the last time we had a potluck,two-thirds of our guests brought chips and Coke.
True. 确实
That didn’t turn out too well. 那次的确不太理想。
Should we order pizza? 那我们要订披萨吗?
We could. 是可以
But a few of our guests are health fanatics and don’t like to eat fast food or carbs.
health fanatic 健康达人
fast food 速食
carb 碳水化合物
Maybe we could do a Costco run and buy finger foods,BBQ chicken wings,salad,and pizza there.
finger food 手拿餐点
BBQ chicken wings 烧烤鸡翅
That’s a good suggestion. 好建议
We could buy drinks,paper plates and napkins while we’re there too.
napkin 餐巾
OK.Let’s drive there tomorrow morning when it opens.
Sure thing.
See you tomorrow. 明天见

Where should we hold the the party?
What about the first floor buffet restaurant at the Albert Hotel?
buffet restaurant 自助餐厅
It’s too noisy. 太吵了
It would be packed on a Friday night. 那里星期五晚上肯定都是人。
packed 拥挤
What bout the Chinese restaurant at the Miramar Hotel?
The hotel is undergoing renovations,and won’t re-open until December.
renovations 装修
OK.Let me think. 好 我再想想
Eric often talks about wanting to take another vacation to southern France.
A friend took me to a cozy French restaurant last week,and it seats about twenty.
Maybe I should check there. 也许我该问问看
cozy 温馨的
That’s a great idea. 这主意挺棒的。
Eric is a Francophile and loves French food.
If we could book the while restaurant for dinner,that would be great.
Francophile 法国迷
OK.I’ll call the restaurant now. 我现在就打电话给餐厅。

I talked to the coffee shop owner.
He said we could bring our own decorations.
That’s great. 太好了
We need to pick a party theme first. 我们得先选定一个主题
party theme 派对主题
How about a jungle theme? 森林派对如何?
We’ve already been to three parties this summer with a jungle theme.
True. 也是啦
What about an ocean theme? 那么海洋派对如何?
Tammy loves the ocean and takes several diving trips each year.
I think she would like that. 我想她会喜欢哦。
Where can we get ocean decorations?
There is a prop shop behind the train station.
I’ll go there tomorrow and see if I can find some ocean themed decorations there.
prop shop 道具店
OK.I’ll order some blue and white balllons online.
Sera likes to collect straw hats. 莎拉喜欢收集草帽
straw 稻草
I’ll ask her to bring eight to 10 hats we can use for decoration.
Sounds good.好主意
And I’ll ask everyone to wear beach clothing to the party.
Great. 棒极了
Maybe we could go to the beach this weekend and pick up some shells too.
Haha…OK! 哈哈…好哦!

What do you like to do on weekend?
I like to go cycling with my friends. 我喜欢和朋友去骑自行车。
Where do you guys go? 你们都骑去哪里?
We cycle a different route each weekend. 我们每周的路线都不一样
Sometimes we go up the mountains,other times we do a loop around the city.
route 路线 loop 循环
That sounds fun. 听起来很好玩。
Would you like to join us this weekend?
Where are you guys going? 你们要去哪?
We are going to bike up Yangming Mountain,then on to Keelung and back.
Wow,that’s hardcore. 哇,那是高难度的行程。
That’s way beyond my fitness level. 这超过我的体能程度了。
hardcore 高难度
fitness level 体能程度
I understand. 我理解
Well, you have to start somewhere. 不过,凡事都要有个起头。
I’ll invite you next time we go to the riverside. 不然下次我们骑河滨的时候,我再邀你。
Sounds good. 好主意
Have a nice weekend! 祝你周末愉快!
You too. 你也是

Hey Luke,I heard you’re leaving next month. 嘿,路克,我听说你下个月要离开了。
It’s true. 是的
I am going to do a MBA(Master in Business Administration) in the UK this fall.
Congrats! That will be a big chance. 恭喜你!那是很大的改变。
Yes,it will be. 真的很大。
Why did you choose the UK? 你为什么选择英国?
Originally, I wanted to do my MBA in the US.
But most MBAs in the US take two years to finish,while you can do one in the UK in one year if you finish your thesis on time.
thesis 论文
I see. 原来如此
I am sure the cost of living for one year is much lower than two years.
cost of living 生活费
Yes,that’ s the main reason I chose to get to the UK.
Where in the UK will you be going? 你要去英国哪里?
I’ll be studying at the University of Manchester. 我会念曼彻斯特大学。
That’s great. 真好
You love to watch soccer. 你那么爱看足球。
I’'m sure you’ll be able to attend a few games while you’re there.
Good idea. 好主意
Hope I can get some cheap tickets.
It’s 5 o’clock. 五点了
I’ve got to run. 我得走了
See you. 再见

Could I have the bill,please? 请给我账单,好吗?
bill 账单
Sure. 好的
Just a minute. 马上来
Here is the bill. 这是您的账单
Would you like to pay by cash or card? 您要付现金还是刷卡?
I’ll pay by credit card. 我要刷卡。
Please sign the receipt. 请在收据上签名。
Thank you. 谢谢你
Have a good night. 祝你有个愉快的夜晚。

Hi,could you call me a taxi? 可以请你帮我叫辆计程车吗?
Sure. 当然可以
The taxi will arrive in 5 minutes. 计程车会在五分钟后抵达。
The taxi number is 3552.
taxi number 计程车号

I would like to return this pair of pants. 我想要退这件裤子。
return 退还
What is wrong with it? 有什么问题吗?
It’s the wrong size. 这个尺寸不对。
Can you show me the receipt?
receipt 收据
Here you go. 来,给你。
Give me a minute. 请等一下
How did you pay for this item? 这件裤子是怎么结账的?
By cash or credit card? 是付现金还是刷信用卡?
By credit card. 刷信用卡。
OK.I’ll put the amount back on your credit card.

I am a tourist and would like a tax refund. 我是观光客,所以请帮我一并退税。
tax refund 退税
Could you show me your passport? 可以请您出示护照吗?
Sure.Here you go. 当然可以。在这里。
OK.The total comes to 4800 Yen. 好,这里总共是4800日币。
The minimum charge to get a tax refund is 5,400 Yen. 退税的最低消费是5400日币。
minimum 最低限度
I’ll take two more bottles of multi-vitamins.
那我再买两瓶综合维他命。 [ˈmʌlti ˈvaɪtəmənz]
OK.The total is now 6000 Yen. 好的。总共是6000日币。
Cash or credit card? 刷卡还是付现?
I’ll pay in cash. 付现。
Here is your tax refund of 480 Yen. 这里是你的退税金480日币。
I have put your items in these sealed plastic bags. 我已经把您的商品放在这个封好的塑胶袋里。
sealed 密封的 plastic bag 塑胶袋
Please do not open the bags until you leave Japan. 离开日本前请不要打开袋子。

Hi,how may I help you? 您好,有什么需要协助的吗?
I forgot my umbrella on the subway last night. 我昨晚把雨伞掉在地铁上了。
I hope I can find it here. 希望可以在这里找回来。
We have hundreds of umbrella here. 我们这里有数百把伞。
Please describe what your umbrella looks like. 请描述一下您雨伞的样子。
It’s a black foldable umbrella. 是一把黑色的折叠式雨伞。
Let me take a look. 我看看
Can you describe your black umbrella in more detail? 你可以多描述一点细节吗?
We have three foldable black umbrellas. 因为我们有三把黑色的折叠式雨伞。
It has the words “Made in Japan” at the bottom of the steel shaft. 伞柄底部有 made in japan 的字样
shaft 伞柄
OK.Is this your umbrella? 好,是这把吗?
Yes,it is.Thanks! 对,没错!谢谢您!
You’re welcome.Bye. 不客气。再见。

This steak is too raw. 这个牛排有点太生。
Could you take it back to the kitchen and have them cook it longer?
raw 生的
Oh,I’m sorry about that. 喔,真是抱歉。
If we re-heat the steak,it may be too day. 如果我们再加热,可能肉会太干。
re-heat 再加热
That’s okay.没关系
I prefer it dry over eating raw meat. 我宁可吃干一点也不要吃这么生的肉。
OK,I’ll take care of it right away. 好,我马上处理。
take care of it 处理

P62 嗜好
Amber,it’s been a few months. 安柏,几个月不见了。
How are you? 你好吗?
I am doing great. 好得很
I’ve been busy with my new hobby. 最近正忙着学新嗜好。
First it was painting,then scuba diving,then flower-arranging.
painting 绘画
scuba diving 水肺潜水
flower-arranging 插花
What is your new hobby? 你的新嗜好是什么?
Cooking. I’ve been taking cooking classes at CBA Cooking Studio. 烹饪。我已经在CBA烹饪教室上了一阵子的烹饪课了。
cooking class 烹饪课
That sounds fun. 听起来很有趣
What kind of dishes are you learning to cook? 你在学什么样的料理?
Chinese,French,Spanish - all kinds of dishes. 有中式、法式、西班牙式,各式各样的菜。
That sounds fun.真的很有趣耶。
How often do you go? 你多久去一次?
Twice a week. 一个星期两次
How much does it cost? 费用多少?
$900 NT a class. 一堂课九百块台币。
They offer trial classes. 他们有提供试上课程。
Take a trial class and see if you like it. 你可以先试上一堂,看看喜不喜欢。
trial class 试上课程
OK.I just might do that. 好哦。我可能真的会去上。
See you. 下次见。

Do you have any plan this summer? 你今年暑假有什么计划?
I am looking for a summer job. 我在找一份暑假工读。
summer job 暑假工
What kind of job are you looking for? 你想找什么样的工作?
I’d like to work as a barista at a coffee shop. 我想在咖啡厅做咖啡师。
If I can’t get a barista job,I’ll probably work as a shop assistant in my aunt’s flower shop.
What about you ? 你呢?
barista 咖啡师 shop assistant 门市助手
I’m sending out resumes as well. 我也还在寄履历。
I’d like to work as a cashier at a coveinience store. 我想在便利店当收银员。
resume 履历 cashier 收银员 convenience store 便利商店
I hope we both get the jobs we want. 希望我们两都能找到想要的工作。
All the best in job hunting! 祝你找工作顺利!
job hunting 找工作
Thanks! All the best to you too. 谢谢!也祝你一切顺利!

I am going to the supermarket to get some food.
Bring a canvas bag. 带个帆布袋去吧
They no longer provide plastic bags for free. 现在都不免费提供塑胶袋了。
Each plastic bag costs $2 NT dollars. 一个塑胶袋要两块台币。
canvas bag 帆布袋 plastic bag 塑胶袋
Since when have they been charging for the plastic bags? 什么时候开始塑胶袋也要收费了?
Since last year. 去年就开始了。
The government wants everyone to cut down on using plastic bags.
cut down 减少
I see. OK. 我知道了。好吧。
I’ll make sure to bring a canvas bag when I go shopping from now on. 从现在开始,我会记得购物都要自备袋子的。
Good.It looks like it’s going to rain.Make sure to bring an umbrella too! 很好。看起来快下雨了。也记得带把伞哦!
Will do.See you later. 会的。等会见。

We need to postpone our beach party this weekend.
I just watched the news. 我刚刚看了新闻。
A typhone is heading our way and is gaining strength. 有个台风正朝我们逼近,而且逐渐增强中。
Weather forecaster think the typhone may turn into a super typhone in the next few days.
heading our way 朝我们我们接近
strength 强度
weather forecaster 气象播报员
super typhoon 超级强烈台风
When will the typhoon make landfall? 台风何时会登陆?
landfall 登陆
Most likely Saturday morning. 极有可能在星期六早上。
That’s the same day as our party. 刚好和我们的海滩派对同一天。
Let’s start messaging our friends and tell them we need to postpone the party.

I hope we get a typhoon day this Friday. 我希望星期五能放台风假
typhoon day 台风假
Me too.
It would be nice to get an extra day off. 能多放一天假就太好了!
When will we know if we get a day off or not? 我们什么时候会知道能不能放假?
day off 放假
The goverment will make an announcement at 10 p.m. Thursday night about whether schools and offices will be closed Friday. 政府会在星期四晚上十点公布星期五是否停班停课。
Make sure to watch the news then. 到时记得看新闻。
government 政府
announcement 公布
If we get a day off,what do you plan to do? 我们如果放假,你打算做什么?
That’s easy. 那还不简单。
I plan to watch Netflix all day. 我打算看一整天的Netflix
What about you? 你呢
I would sleep in until noon,then spend hours surfing the web. 我会睡到中午,然后花几个小时上网。
sleep in 睡过头

Are you OK? 你还好吧?
You don’t look very well. 你看起来不大好耶。
Your eyes are watery,and your nose is red. 你的眼泪直流,鼻子也红红的。
watery 泪汪汪的
I slept badly last night. 我昨晚没睡好。
I could not stop sneezing. 不停打喷嚏
My allergies are acting up. 我的过敏症状都发起来了。
allergy 过敏症状
sneeze 打喷嚏
act up (病痛)复发
I understand. 我了解
We have a lot of trees here. 我们这边树很多。
There is a lot of pollen in the air during springtime. 春天的时候,空气中总布满大量花粉。
pollen 花粉
There sure is. 花粉真的很多。
Let’s go to the pharmacy and get you some medicine. 我们去药房帮你拿点药吧。
pharmacy 药房
That’s a good idea. 好主意
let’s go! 走吧

P31 归还租车
I’d like to return this car.
OK.I’ll do a quick inspection of the car.
There is a small dent on the passenger side door. 乘客座这边的车门上有个小凹陷。
I don’t see this dent listed in the rental agreement. 这个凹陷并没有列在租约上。
dent 凹痕
I am sorry.I have no idea how the dent got there. 我不知道那是怎么造成的。
Is this covered by the insurance I bought? 我买的保险有涵盖到吗?
Let me check.
Yes.You have a collision damage waiver. 有的。你有买车辆损失险。
That should cover the cost of fixing the dent. 应该会给付修理凹陷的费用。
Please sign on the dotted line to confirm you returned the car.
collision damage waiver (CDW) 碰撞意外免责

P32 行李遗失
baggage carousel 行李转盘
luggage 行李
I waited at the baggage carousel for over an hour. 我在行李转盘等了一个多小时。
But my luggage did not arrive with the other passengers’ luggages.
I am sorry about that.
What flight did you take? 请问你搭哪一班飞机?
Fight 703,coming from Paris.
What does you luggage look like? 你的行李是什么样子?
It is a large,silver hard-shell suitcase. 是一个大型银色硬壳箱。
It has my initials S.K. engraved on the side. 侧边还刻有我的名字缩写 S.K.
haed-shell suitcase 硬壳箱
OK.Please fill out this luggage claim from. 好的。麻烦您填写这份行李提领表。
Make sure to leave a number we can reach you at. 请务必留下可以联络到您的电话。
and we will contact you as soon as we find it. 我们一找到您的行李就会马上和您联络。
Sorry for the incovenience. 很抱歉造成您的不便。
luggage claim form 行李提领表
incovenience 不便

P33 和办公室柜台谈话
Hi! I have an appointment with Sarah Lin at 2 o’clock.
OK.What’s your name.
Tony Smith,of Sun Solar Company.
Sarah is still in a meeting.
She’ll be here in 1 minutes. 她十分钟后会出来。
Plealse have a seat on the sofa over there. 请您先坐在那边的沙发稍后一下。
Thank you. Is there a restroom on this floor? 谢谢您。这层楼有厕所吗?
restroom 厕所
Yeah.Walk past the elevators,then take a left.You’ll see it. 有的,你经过电梯后左转,就会看到了。

P34 机场退税
Please give me your passport and tax-free forms. 请给我你的护照和退税单
Here you go. 在这里
Oh,here are two more forms. 喔,这里还有两张。
(Agent adds up total cost.) 专员加总数目。
The total tax refund is 200 Euros. 退税的总数是200欧元。
Would you like your refund in Euros or another currency? 你希望退欧元还是其他币值?
refund 退款 Euro 欧元 currency 货币
US dollars,please. 麻烦退美金
Would you like it in cash or your credit card? 你想退现金还是退到信用卡?
Please put it on my credit card,thanks. 麻烦退到信用卡,谢谢。




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