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Using data to improve your game’s retention and revenue


The innovations which have elevated the games industry over the last year haven’t just been about the free to play model. In fact, arguably the most important change has been the rise of games as a service and in particular the use of Data.

在过去的一年中,提升了游戏产业的创新不仅涉及免费游戏模式。 实际上,可以说最重要的变化是游戏即服务的兴起,尤其是数据的使用。

I’m lucky that for much of my career I was the games guy in Telecom companies so I was exposed to the love of data very early; but for many this topic is still new. In this post I plan to give you a quick starters guide to practical ways to use data to reduce player Churn and improve both revenues from Ads and in app purchases. More than that though I want to show how important it is to use data to create a dialogue with your players and allow you to respond to their changes as they become more engaged with your game.

我很幸运,在我的大部分职业生涯中,我都是电信公司的游戏人,所以我很早就接触到了数据的热爱。 但是对于许多人来说,这个话题仍然是新的。 在这篇文章中,我打算为您提供一个快速入门指南,指导您使用数据来减少玩家流失并提高广告收入和应用购买收入的实用方法。 不仅如此,我还想展示使用数据与您的玩家进行对话并允许他们响应他们对游戏的参与而做出的回应的重要性。

First thing to understand is that players’ reactions and choices aren’t static; they fluctuate over time. There are patterns but these are specific to each game. If we want to understand how to motivate players effectively, we need to understand where in that journey they are and how different groups of people react at those lifecycle stages. I break these down into four sections, Discovery, Learning, Engaging*. Understanding what (and why) players actually do at these stages is key to determining our best response. In this session I will also go into more detail on the Engaging stage itself and look at the specific of Super-Engagement and Re-Engagement as well. A video of the webinar recorded on Tuesday, May 3rd 2016 can be found at the end of this blog.

首先要了解的是,玩家的React和选择不是一成不变的。 他们会随着时间波动。 有模式,但这些模式特定于每个游戏。 如果我们想了解如何有效地激励玩家 ,我们需要了解他们在旅途中的位置以及不同人群在生命周期各个阶段的React。 我将其分为四个部分:发现,学习,参与*。 了解玩家在这些阶段的实际行为(以及原因)是确定我们最佳React的关键。 在本次会议中,我还将详细介绍“参与”阶段,并探讨“超级参与”和“重新参与”的具体内容。 您可以在此博客的末尾找到2016年5月3日星期二录制的网络研讨会视频。

职权范围 (Terms of Reference)

Before we dive into the player lifecycle, we need to make sure we have a common set of terminology and an understanding of the kinds of data we can access and what they mean.


Type of DataWhat is is?How we can use it?
GeodemographicAge/Gender/Location/Household typeKnowing who our players are
BehaviouralEvents recorded within the gameKnowing what players did
OperationalPerformance data of our systemsKnowing how stable the game is
Cohort DataA group of players with similar set-upCreating a common base-line
Funnel AnalysisA way to monitor stages of playTo locate where we can improve
QualitativePersonal feedback from playersUnderstanding Rationale of Behaviour
资料类型 什么是 我们如何使用它?
地理人口学 年龄/性别/位置/家庭类型 了解我们的球员是谁
行为的 游戏中记录的事件 知道球员做了什么
操作 我们系统的性能数据 知道游戏的稳定性
同类群组数据 一组具有相似设置的球员 建立共同的基准
渠道分析 监控比赛阶段的方法 找到我们可以改进的地方
定性的 玩家的个人反馈 了解行为原理

我们如何捕获事件? (How Do We Capture Events?)

In order to get the behavioral data we need, we capture the events or activity the player actually did in our game. Unlike qualitative research, we aren’t looking for opinions or vague memories of players; we need to know what specific actions/choices they actually made. To do that, we create a series of events which are typically player initiated trigger points which tell the game to capture some values.

为了获得我们需要的行为数据,我们捕获了玩家在游戏中实际进行的事件或活动。 与定性研究不同,我们不是在寻找玩家的观点或模糊的记忆;它只是在寻找游戏者。 我们需要知道他们实际做出了哪些具体动作/选择。 为此,我们创建了一系列事件,这些事件通常是玩家触发的触发点,它们告诉游戏捕获一些值。

For example, we might wish to capture that a player was shot in a FPS game. We might give that a name, say PlayerShot, and then store a range of variables with that event. This could include the Date and Time that the hit was resolved, an anonymized PlayerID, the X,Y,Z coordinates of their Avatar, the damage taken, and the anonymized Player ID of who fired the shot as well as the Session ID for that game.

例如,我们可能希望捕获某个玩家在FPS游戏中被射击。 我们可以给它起一个名字,比如PlayerShot,然后在该事件中存储一系列变量。 这可能包括解决命中的日期和时间,匿名的PlayerID,其头像的X,Y,Z坐标,遭受的伤害以及触发射击的匿名玩家ID,以及该会话的会话ID游戏。

Importantly we don’t have to capture everything. There are some kinds of data which are static reference information.  For example, the specific position in a specific map. As long as the version of the map used at that time is known, then X,Y,Z coordinates alone can be used to create a heatmap later. We can also infer a lot of data from other events as long as there is some connecting information. For example, we don’t need to capture the Level that the player is using for that game in every event or even a list of all the players in that session.  We can capture that information with a specific Start Session events and use the associated Session ID to allow us to identify everything that happened in that specific game session.

重要的是,我们不必捕获所有内容。 有一些数据是静态参考信息。 例如,特定地图中的特定位置。 只要知道当时使用的地图版本,即可单独使用X,Y,Z坐标来稍后创建热图。 只要有一些关联信息,我们还可以从其他事件中推断出很多数据。 例如,我们不需要捕获每个事件中玩家用于该游戏的关卡,甚至不需要捕获该会话中所有玩家的列表。 我们可以通过特定的“开始会话”事件来捕获该信息,并使用关联的会话ID来识别在该特定游戏会话中发生的一切。

Notice we want the players to remain anonymous. We don’t want or need to spy on our players, but we do need to understand how the game plays across all players.

请注意,我们希望玩家保持匿名。 我们不想或不需要监视我们的玩家,但是我们确实需要了解游戏如何在所有玩家中进行。

我们应该捕捉哪些事件? (What Events Should We Capture?)

Because we are trying to understand the Lifecycle of our players it’s important to think of the game events in terms of the timeline in which I might encounter them. I find it useful to map out the player experience from the flow of the first time user and separately from the flow of the repeat user. Personally, I’m not necessarily looking for every button press, I’m looking for moments which include meaningful choices. There is an approach used by the Food industry called HACCP. I wrote about this for Develop Online, so I won’t go into detail here, but in essence the point is that we are looking for the “Hazards” such as whether they churn (i.e. leave the game) but also trigger points for more positive action such as paying for an IAP or watching a Video Ad.

因为我们试图了解我们玩家的生命周期,所以重要的是要根据我可能遇到的时间来考虑游戏事件。 我发现从初次使用的用户流中以及与重复使用的用户流中分离出来的玩家体验非常有用。 就个人而言,我并不一定要每次按下按钮,而是要寻找包含有意义选择的时刻。 食品工业使用一种称为HACCP的方法。 我 为Develop Online撰写了有关此内容的文章 ,因此这里不再赘述,但实际上,重点是我们正在寻找“危险”,例如它们是否搅动(即离开游戏),而且还会触发积分以获取更多信息。积极行动,例如为IAP付费或观看视频广告。

It’s also important to recognised that the data we collect will be incomplete, for example if the battery dies or the player switches to a phone call – we will probably not get the last upload. This is less of a problem with a server-based game but it’s never 100% and the compromise is that the game can’t be played offline; impacting our chance for them to create habits of play.

同样重要的是要认识到,我们收集的数据将是不完整的,例如,如果电池没电或播放器切换到电话,我们可能不会得到上一次上传的数据。 对于基于服务器的游戏来说,这不是什么大问题,但绝不是100%的问题,其折衷之处是该游戏不能离线玩。 影响我们为他们建立游戏习惯的机会。

Some typical events could include the following (apologies for the use of pseudocode variable names):


EventData Points Captured
GameMenuLaunch:AnonPlayerID; TimeIconLaunched
SessionLaunch:TimeSessionLaunched; AnonPlayerID(s); SessionID; LevelIDSelected; OptionSelected
SessionStart:TimeSessionStarted; AnonPlayerID; SessionID;
ObjectiveSetTimeObjectiveSet; AnonPlayerID; SessionID; ObjectiveID;
ObjectiveMet:TimeObjectiveMet; AnonPlayerID; SessionID; ObjectiveID; Score; Reward;
TargetHit:TimeTargetHit; AttackerID(AnonPlayerID?); SessionID; TargetID(AnonPlayerID?);

Damage, XYZLocation

PlayerDeath:TimePlayerDeath; AnonPlayerID; SessionID; XYZLocation
LevelComplete:AnonPlayerID; SessionID; ObjectiveID; Score; Reward; XYZLocation
事件 捕获的数据点
GameMenu启动: AnonPlayerID; 推出TimeIcon
SessionLaunch: TimeSessionLaunched; AnonPlayerID(s); 会话ID; LevelIDSelected; 选项已选
SessionStart: TimeSessionStarted; AnonPlayerID; 会话ID;
目标集 TimeObjectiveSet; AnonPlayerID; 会话ID; ObjectiveID;
ObjectiveMet: TimeObjectiveMet; AnonPlayerID; 会话ID; ObjectiveID; 得分; 奖励;
TargetHit: TimeTargetHit; AttackerID(AnonPlayerID?); 会话ID; TargetID(AnonPlayerID?);


玩家死亡: TimePlayerDeath; AnonPlayerID; 会话ID; XYZ位置
LevelComplete: AnonPlayerID; 会话ID; ObjectiveID; 得分; 奖励; XYZ位置

From creating events in this way we can infer a huge amount of information. For example, if we want to know the percentage of players who complete a level we can count the number of GameMenuLaunch events with the number of LevelComplete. But we can also get smarter with our analysis. We can look at how many people completed a specific ObjectiveID in a specific LevelIDSelected and compare that to the number of LevelComplete in the subsequent level to find out if skipping objectives in earlier levels have a particular impact on performance later.

通过以这种方式创建事件,我们可以推断出大量信息。 例如,如果我们想知道完成某个关卡的玩家所占的百分比,我们可以将GameMenuLaunch事件的数量与LevelComplete的数量进行计数。 但是我们也可以通过我们的分析变得更聪明。 我们可以查看有多少人在特定的LevelIDSelected中完成了特定的ObjectiveID,并将其与后续级别中的LevelComplete数量进行比较,以了解在较早级别中跳过目标是否会对以后的性能产生特殊影响。

It’s not just about comparing events in terms of number, but by looking at the timestamps of specific activities in our game we can identify other deeper issues. For example, if we start to notice that the amount of time spent on the menu page starts increasing, this might be warning sign that they are about to Churn or that changes to your menu page are confusing players.

这不仅是根据事件数量比较事件,而且通过查看游戏中特定活动的时间戳,我们可以发现其他更深层次的问题。 例如,如果我们开始注意到在菜单页面上花费的时间开始增加,这可能是警告信号,表明他们即将流失或对菜单页面的更改使玩家感到困惑。

我们不知道什么? (What Don’t We Know?)

Data capture like this can be very powerful, however, the way you capture information will be inherently biased towards your understanding of the way the game is meant to be played. This means that we have to constantly review our metrics. The biggest issue is that we can’t capture what players will do or might have done. That might seem obvious, but we will be using insights from analytics to inform our design decisions. If it’s true that only 2% of players spend in a free to play game, then that means we don’t know what would have triggered the other 98% to spend. There might not be anything that would have convinced them, but the point I’m making is that the data we capture cannot ever be complete and that means we haves to consider statistical significance and be very wary of assuming causation rather than correlation.  Looking at the lifecycle of a player helps us mitigate this, because we can break down each decision stage and look for ways to increase the likelihood of converting players at each stage. It’s all about asking the right questions at the right time.

这样的数据采集是非常强大的,但是,你获取信息的方式将本来对你的游戏, 就是要播放的方式理解偏差。 这意味着我们必须不断检查指标。 最大的问题是我们无法掌握玩家将会做可能做的 。 这似乎很明显,但是我们将使用来自分析的见解来指导我们的设计决策。 如果确实只有2%的玩家花在免费游戏上,那么这意味着我们不知道会导致其他98%的玩家花钱。 可能没有什么可以说服他们的,但是我要说的是,我们捕获的数据永远不可能是完整的,这意味着我们必须考虑统计意义,并且要非常谨慎地假设因果关系而不是相关性。 查看玩家的生命周期可以帮助我们减轻这种情况,因为我们可以分解每个决策阶段,并寻找增加在每个阶段转换玩家的可能性的方法。 这都是关于在正确的时间提出正确的问题。

思维渠道 (Thinking Funnels)

There are some great techniques out there to help us look at data as part of the player lifecycle. In particular one of the most useful is called Funnel Analysis.  This method allows us to look at a set of players and identify how many of them go through to the next stage of the game. The most often quoted version is the ARM funnel.

有一些很棒的技术可以帮助我们在播放器生命周期中查看数据。 特别是其中最有用的一种称为“漏斗分析”。 这种方法使我们能够查看一组玩家并确定其中有多少人进入游戏的下一阶段。 引用最多的版本是ARM漏斗。

With this we look at the number of players we acquire (often as total downloads, although the number of GameMenuLaunch is arguably more useful) through organic installs, direct advertising or virality. Then we compare that with the number of those players who also play the game on subsequent days.  When we compare players on the second day (which I call D2 – others call D1) with players on the 7th day (i.e. D7) or the 30th day(d30) we can get a pretty good idea of what our retention looks like.  Then comparing that with the % of players who pay, we get a good idea of our success in terms of monetization.

通过这种方式,我们可以查看通过自然安装,直接广告或病毒式传播获得的玩家数量(通常为总下载量,尽管GameMenuLaunch的数量可能更有用)。 然后,我们将其与随后几天也玩游戏的玩家数量进行比较。 当我们比较第二天球员(我称之为D2 -别人叫D1)与球员在 第 7 天(即D7)或 第 30 天(D30),我们可以得到什么我们保留看起来像一个不错的主意。 然后将其与支付玩家的百分比进行比较,就货币化而言,我们对我们的成功有一个很好的了解。

However, this doesn’t give me enough detail. So when running a game as a service, it can be useful to expand this funnel to reflect the player’s lifecycle – I call this the Service Funnel. This helps because it allows us to think about the role of the Engaged player as helping feed not only virality (which obviously has diminished over the last few years) but also the willingness of others to spend more in our game. This is why Freeloader players actually add hidden value in the game – as well as their income from, for example watching rewarded Video Ads.

但是,这没有给我足够的细节。 因此,在将游戏作为服务运行时,扩展此渠道以反映玩家的生命周期可能很有用–我将其称为“服务渠道”。 这是有帮助的,因为它使我们可以考虑敬业玩家的角色,不仅可以帮助传播病毒性(在过去几年中明显减少了),而且可以帮助其他人愿意在游戏中投入更多。 这就是为什么Freeloader玩家实际上在游戏中增加隐藏价值的原因,以及他们从观看奖励视频广告等活动中获得的收入。

This way we can better map the flow of the gameplay with the way that we engage and retain users; and more importantly look at the factors which create a Repeat purchase in the game.

这样,我们可以通过吸引和留住用户的方式更好地映射游戏流程。 更重要的是着眼于在游戏中产生重复购买的因素。

Can We Make Better Games?


All this may seem quite commercial and dry, indeed there will be some designers who will think that this kind of approach kills creativity. Actually, the reverse should be true. This is about using evidence to create the most engaging game. We want our player to continue playing over time and if they feel good about spending in the game then they will want to spend money more than once (as long as we continue to give them value in doing so).

所有这些似乎都非常商业化和枯燥,确实会有一些设计师认为这种方法扼杀了创造力。 实际上,反之亦然。 这是关于使用证据来创建最具吸引力的游戏。 我们希望我们的玩家随着时间的推移继续比赛,如果他们对在游戏中的花费感到满意,那么他们将希望花费不止一次(只要我们继续为他们提供这样做的价值)。

The breakdown of our game into stages of engagement matters and allows us to use gameplay, Ads and In-App Purchases to increase enjoyment of play.


However, data has to inform the designer, not become a barrier – qualitative research can help. Asking players and observing them using your game can be invaluable as long as you understand the findings are usually only useful to help you understand motives. Focus groups and online surveys help provide some insight but remember that players are essentially incapable of accurately telling you about what they did, let alone what they will do; but they can tell you how they feel about your game and why they made certain choices. However, this needs to be done in a formal setting  – asking your friends down the pub isn’t usually that useful. Direct feedback can be very useful but again we have to be careful about how we use it as it will usually describe the game that the specific player would have made, not what the wider audience need. However, it’s always important to listen and understand.

但是,数据必须告知设计者,而不是成为障碍-定性研究会有所帮助。 只要您了解发现的结果通常仅对帮助您了解动机有用,那么询问玩家并使用他们的游戏进行观察就非常宝贵。 焦点小组和在线调查有助于提供一些见识,但要记住,玩家本质上不能准确地告诉你他们的所作所为 ,更不用说他们会做些什么 ; 但是他们可以告诉您他们对您的游戏的感觉以及为什么做出某些选择。 但是,这需要在正式的环境中完成–向您的朋友问一下酒吧通常没有什么用处。 直接反馈可能非常有用,但是我们还是要谨慎使用,因为它通常会描述特定玩家会制作的游戏,而不是更广泛的受众的需求。 但是,倾听和理解始终很重要。

我们在找什么? (What Are We Looking For?)

Every game will be different, the following is what I’m generally looking for in terms of the performance of the game and the behaviour of players at each of the player lifestages for each. The key question is about how we get players into that stage and what we need to achieve to transition them to the next stage.

每个游戏都会有所不同,以下是我通常在游戏的性能和每个玩家生命阶段的玩家行为方面寻找的内容。 关键问题是关于如何使玩家进入这一阶段以及将他们过渡到下一阶段我们需要取得什么成就。

发现 (Discovery)

Discovery is the very initial transition stage from players becoming aware of the game to their action to install it on their devices. At this stage, it’s key for us to understand if we converting Players to Download; but also to actually play the game!

发现是从玩家意识到游戏到将游戏安装到设备上的行动的最初过渡阶段。 在此阶段,了解我们是否将Player转换为Download是关键。 而且还要真正玩游戏!

  • Attribution – we need to know not just which sources give us users; but which bring value for retention and monetisation as well. Where you can track these as separate custom segments and compare behaviour.

    归因–我们不仅需要知道哪些来源为我们提供了用户,还需要知道 但也会为保留和获利带来价值。 您可以在其中将其作为单独的自定义细分进行跟踪并比较行为。

  • Always compare players by their elapsed time playing.  Often bringing Custom segments with the same start date works really well; although it can also be useful to compare players based in the number of days of play (even if not concurrent)

    始终根据播放时间比较播放器。 通常,将自定义细分与相同的开始日期一起使用非常有效; 尽管根据比赛天数比较玩家也很有用(即使不是并发)

  • Whilst many ad networks use a combination or CPI or eCPM for calculating the cost of advertising campaigns, we need to look at the effectiveness of every campaign in terms of its % Conversion To Download


  • Downloads aren’t the end of the line – do you know what % Ever Launch the Game or how long it takes them from Launch of the App To playing the game?


学习 (Learning)

Learning is the first time user experience for the player, but only ends when playing this game becomes routine. That’s vital, as we are looking to truly engage the player and help them become fans. The core question we must ask is if players understand how to play and how the game fits into their lifestyle!

学习是玩家的第一次用户体验,但仅在玩此游戏成为例行游戏时结束。 这很重要,因为我们希望真正吸引玩家,并帮助他们成为粉丝。 我们必须问的核心问题是玩家是否了解玩法以及游戏如何适应他们的生活方式!

  • What is the retention on the second day of play (I call this Day 2 Retention)? If we can’t get them back the next day, the game isn’t going to be interesting enough to them to pay for content. Even if this is a premium game abandoning the game so early is a bad sign.

    比赛第二天的保留时间是多少(我称为第二天保留时间)? 如果我们第二天不能让他们回来,那么游戏对他们来说就不会足够有趣以支付内容费用。 即使这是一款高级游戏,但这么早放弃游戏也是一个不好的信号。

  • What is the Frequency & Duration of Sessions? This is going to vary with each game and there is no one level which is ‘good’ or ‘bad’. However, what we are going to be interested in is how this rate changes over time.

    会议的频率和持续时间是多少? 每个游戏都会有所不同,没有一个级别是“好”或“坏”。 但是,我们将感兴趣的是此速率如何随时间变化。

  • Playing the Tutorial is rarely fun.  But do we know what % Initiate Level 2? Or later levels. The rate and pace of unlocking new content can indicate the genuine interest in the game.

    播放教程很少很有趣。 但是,我们知道什么是发起级别2的百分比吗? 或更高级别。 解锁新内容的速度和步伐可以表明对游戏的真正兴趣。

  • During the Learning Stage I’m not all that keen on converting users to paying – largely the early payers are often one-time payers.  However, it is essential that we set an expectation of value for the goods.  One way to check that is to understand the % Who Watch Video Rewarded Ads

    在学习阶段,我并不是很热衷于将用户转换为付款方式-早期付款人通常是一次性付款人。 但是,我们必须设定商品的价值期望。 一种检查方法是了解观看视频奖励广告的百分比

  • It’s often useful to keep track of the Last Position Played in a game session. This will often indicate natural breaks and places where you should have a ‘Call Back Action’ i.e. a reason to set an appointment to return the game at a later date.

    跟踪游戏会话中上次玩的位置通常很有用。 这通常会指示自然休息时间和您应该进行“回叫行动”的地方,即设置约会理由以便以后返回游戏的原因。

参与 (Engaging)

At the Engaging Stage we really have a true fan. This is the point where we really need to focus on retention and expectation of value. As a designer, I value “Repeat Players and Payers”.  I see one-time payers as a red flag that something is wrong with my monetization. Key to revenue generation is to create an expectation of value in the player. Show them the value of the items (often assisted by access to premium elements through rewarded video Ads). However, the key question we need to ask is: are they ready to pay?

在参与阶段,我们确实有一个真正的粉丝。 这是我们真正需要关注保留和期望价值的关键点。 作为设计师,我重视“重复玩家和付款人”。 我认为一次性付款者是一个危险信号,表明我的获利存在问题。 创收的关键是在玩家中创造对价值的期望 。 向他们展示商品的价值(通常通过奖励视频广告访问高级元素来辅助他们)。 但是,我们需要问的关键问题是:他们准备付款了吗?

  • The key metric is still retention. The impact of long term commitment on willingness to pay and how much is linked to how long they keep playing.  This may sound cynical but it really isn’t. It’s a reminder that we need to make a game so good, so enjoyable that player will want to keep playing. What is your Day 7 Retention?

    关键指标仍然是保留率。 长期承诺对支付意愿的影响以及支付的多少与他们持续工作的时间有关。 这听起来很愤世嫉俗,但实际上并非如此。 提醒我们,我们需要使游戏如此出色,令人愉悦,以使玩家希望继续玩游戏。 您的第7天保留时间是多少?

  • Every game is different so there are no hard and fast rules about % Conversion To Pay. However, it’s important that spending money in a game should feel great; and not victimise non-payers. Imaging playing Scissor-Paper-Stone. If I buy the Lizard-Spock upgrade this gives me more choices and all other players an exciting twist. But we can all still play together.

    每个游戏都是不同的,因此没有关于转化百分比的硬性规定。 但是,在游戏中花钱很重要,这很重要。 并且不伤害非付款人。 图像播放剪刀纸石头。 如果我购买Lizard-Spock升级版,这将给我更多选择,而所有其他玩家都将获得令人兴奋的转折。 但是我们仍然可以一起玩。

  • Just as during the learning phase, the frequency of Watching Video Ads can give great insight to the attractiveness of your IAP and if it rapidly changes, this can help identify a willingness to make the initial conversion to buy (or indeed a risk of churn). It’s likely that your biggest spenders will also be heavy ad users too.

    就像在学习阶段一样,观看视频广告的频率可以深入了解您的IAP的吸引力,如果它Swift变化,则可以帮助您确定是否愿意进行初次购买转换(或者确实有流失的风险) 。 您的最大支出者也可能也是大量广告用户。

  • Pay attention to the average level of success and failure of your players during the Engagement phase. Frustration can be a great driver to commitment, but it can quickly turn against you.

    在参与阶段,要注意玩家成功和失败的平均水平。 挫败感可能是促使您做出承诺的重要推动力,但它会很快对您不利。

  • Pay attention to any obvious deviation from Average Success/Failure Ratio.


  • Another neat trick is to map the first point in the game where a player decided to watch a Rewarded Ad or paid for IAP. It can be really useful to understand why – not just where. We need the experience to be fabulous if we want them to do it again!

    另一个巧妙的技巧是在游戏中确定玩家决定观看奖励广告或为IAP付费的第一点。 了解原因-而不仅仅是在何处可能非常有用。 如果我们希望他们再次体验,我们需要丰富的经验!


超级参与 (Super Engaging)

One of the things that separates a game with good IAP from a premium game is the ability to people who really fall in love with the game to want to invest more into the experience.  Again, this should not be a cynical exercise but we should be able to work out through analytics not just which Players are ready to get serious, but more importantly what is it they really value.

将具有良好IAP的游戏与高级游戏区分开来的一件事是,能够真正爱上游戏的人们想要对体验进行更多投资的能力。 同样,这不应该是一种玩世不恭的做法,但我们应该能够通过分析得出结论,不仅是哪个玩家准备认真对待,更重要的是,他们真正重视的是什么。

  • Again, my personal choice is to look at Day 15 Retention; this is a very serious level of commitment regardless of whether they are spending or not.

    同样,我个人的选择是查看第15天的保留时间; 不管他们是否在花钱,这都是非常认真的承诺。

  • Keep an eye on the % of Repeat IAP Purchase as well as the frequency & changes in Types of Purchase. This is important as especially of you can identify better value goods which help extend retention even further. This about why the goods are likely to give players a reason to return. It’s important that players feel they really got value for what they spent money on.

    请留意IAP重复购买的百分比以及购买类型的频率和变化。 这一点很重要,因为尤其是您可以识别出价值更高的商品,这有助于进一步扩大保留期限。 这就是为什么货物很可能给玩家退货的原因。 重要的是,玩家必须感到自己确实物有所值。

  • Also look at the level of social communication. Social capital is an essential element to the perceived value of items in your game, just as much as their gameplay value.

    还要看社交沟通的水平。 社会资本是游戏中物品感知价值的基本要素,与游戏玩法价值一样重要。

重新订婚 (Re-Engagement)

Players will stumble and fall out of the game, but we should look for ways to stimulate their enjoyment and ensure that they continue to get the most from the experience. If we can pre-empt a problem or frustration point, perhaps even offer new content this can help players keep doing what they love about our game. But sometimes they may just be ready to churn.

玩家会跌跌撞撞地退出游戏,但是我们应该寻找方法来激发他们的乐趣,并确保他们继续从体验中获得最大收益。 如果我们能够抢先解决问题或挫败点,甚至可以提供新内容,这可以帮助玩家继续做自己对我们游戏的热爱。 但是有时候他们可能已经准备好了。

  • Players are normally stimulated by an update, but look at the different cohorts of players to see if some fail to re-engage. Any change in behaviour after updates can provide important insight.

    通常,更新会刺激玩家,但请查看不同的玩家群组,看看是否有人无法重新参与。 更新后行为上的任何变化都可以提供重要的见解。

  • Watch out for the Rate of Change in frequency of sessions, purchase/Video Ad behaviour, Social Communication, even the Average Success/Failure Ratio. If this slows, can you act to stimulate interest?

    注意会话频率,购买/视频广告行为,社交活动,甚至平均成功/失败率的变化率。 如果放慢脚步,您可以采取行动激发兴趣吗?

搅动 (Churning)

Players leave.  It’s inevitable. Our job is to keep their interest as long as possible and give them a stimulating, entertaining playing experience as long as possible. Recognizing that the time has come is as important as recognising when we can re-engage players

玩家离开。 这是不可避免的。 我们的工作是尽可能地保持他们的兴趣,并给他们尽可能长的刺激性,娱乐性的游戏体验。 认识到时机已到,与认识到何时可以重新吸引玩家一样重要

  • What was the pattern in terms of rate of change of session length, time between sessions, response levels to updates prior to the last play session


  • Are those players still willing to recommend the game to others


  • How would those players rate the game now they no longer play? This is key for me. Because the more players who leave and remain happy, the more better chance they will return for the next game.

    这些球员现在将不再玩游戏如何评价游戏? 这对我来说很关键。 因为离开并保持快乐的玩家越多,下一场比赛的机会就越大。


翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d/2016/05/03/analytics-the-player-lifecycle/




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