
编程入门 行业动态 更新时间:2024-10-17 09:44:09

1. 引言

ZCash, Monero, 以及所有基于CryptoNote的coins,都支持confidential transactions 隐私交易。

1.1 Bitcoin transaction

Bitcoin transaction的结构为: ( { a i } , { b i } , { v i } ) (\{a_i\},\{b_i\},\{v_i\}) ({ai},{bi},{vi}),其中 { a i } \{a_i\} {ai}为input addresses, { b i } \{b_i\} {bi}为output addresses, { v i } \{v_i\} {vi}为the amounts that go to each output。

在Bitcoin中,each transaction appears unencrypted for the whole world to see in the public ledger,使得比特币中的交易容易被跟踪,even when the coins go through multiple owners。解决交易跟踪问题的方式可为:

  • 使用tumbler:takes in Bitcoin from many sources, mixes them around, and hands back some fresh uncorrelated coins。(类似于money laundering)
  • confidential transaction:仅允许交易的参与方看见 v i v_i vi values,而对于其他非参与方均隐藏不可见。同时要求非参与方能够发现伪造的交易的。(don’t want a user to be able to print money by spending more than they actually have.)对于非参与方,account contents和output values都是保密的secret,怎么来验证交易是有效的呢? ⇒ \Rightarrow 需要用到的技术主要有:
    ** Schnorr Signature。
    ** AOS Ring Signature。
    ** Borromean Ring Signatures。
    ** Pedersen Commitments。
    ** Hiding Transaction Amounts。
    ** Rangeproofs。

2. Schnorr Signature

详细可参见博客 ECDSA VS Schnorr signature VS BLS signature 第2节内容。


  • an abelian group G \mathbb{G} G of prime order q q q with generator G G G.
  • public key P = x G P=xG P=xG, where x ∈ Z q x\in\mathbb{Z}_q xZq is secret key。
  • hash function H : { 0 , 1 } ∗ → Z q H:\{0,1\}^*\rightarrow \mathbb{Z}_q H:{0,1}Zq.
  • message to be signed M ∈ { 0 , 1 } ∗ M\in\{0,1\}^* M{0,1}

Schnorr 签名过程为:

  • 选择随机数 a ← Z q a\leftarrow \mathbb{Z}_q aZq,设置 Q = a G Q=aG Q=aG;
  • 计算 e = H ( Q ∣ ∣ M ) e=H(Q||M) e=H(QM)
  • 计算 s = a − e x s=a-ex s=aex
  • 发送Schnorr signature σ = ( s , e ) \sigma=(s,e) σ=(s,e)


  • 计算 Q = s G + e P Q=sG+eP Q=sG+eP
  • 验证 e = H ( Q ∣ ∣ M ) e=H(Q||M) e=H(QM)是否成立。

3. AOS Ring Signatures

confindential transactions底层使用的签名机制为ring signatures。ring signature 与普通签名类似,除了:
a ring signature of the message m m m over the public keys { P 1 , P 2 , ⋯   , P n } \{P_1,P_2,\cdots,P_n\} {P1,P2,,Pn} proves that someone with knowledge of one of the private keys { x 1 , x 2 , ⋯   , x n } \{x_1,x_2,\cdots,x_n\} {x1,x2,,xn} has seen the message m m m
普通签名为ring signature n = 1 n=1 n=1的特例。

ring signature的主要目的是:
隐藏实际进行签名的private key,具有signer ambiguity特性。(not reveal which private key it was that performed the signature.)

Abe,Okhubo,Suzuki 2002年论文《1-out-of-n Signatures from a Variety of Keys》中所构建的ring signature是Schnorr Signautre的generalization。

3.1 AOS Ring Signatures签名过程

假设 n n n 个 public keys { P 0 , P 1 , P 2 , ⋯   , P n − 1 } \{P_0,P_1,P_2,\cdots,P_{n-1}\} {P0,P1,P2,,Pn1} 中,签名方实际仅知道 P j P_j Pj的私钥 x j x_j xj,即该签名方实际仅能用 x j x_j xj对消息 M ∈ { 0 , 1 } ∗ M\in\{0,1\}^* M{0,1}进行签名。具体的AOS签名流程为:【注意下面的 j + 1 , i + 1 j+1,i+1 j+1,i+1等计算均做modulus n n n运算,保证实际下标不超过 n n n。】

  • 随机数 a ← Z q a\leftarrow\mathbb{Z}_q aZq,计算 Q = a G , e j + 1 = H ( Q ∣ ∣ M ) Q=aG,e_{j+1}=H(Q||M) Q=aG,ej+1=H(QM)
  • i i i的取值从 ( j + 1 m o d    n ) (j+1\mod n) (j+1modn)开始, f o r   ( i = ( j + 1 m o d    n ) ; 0 ≤ i < n , i ≠ j ; i + + ) for\ (i=(j+1\mod n);0\leq i< n,i\neq j;i++) for (i=(j+1modn);0i<n,i=j;i++),依次选择随机数 s i ← Z q s_i\leftarrow\mathbb{Z}_q siZq,依次计算 e i + 1 = H ( s i G + e i P i ∣ ∣ M ) e_{i+1}=H(s_iG+e_iP_i||M) ei+1=H(siG+eiPiM)
  • 设置 s j = a − e j x j s_j=a-e_jx_j sj=aejxj
  • 最终的AOS signature为 σ = ( e 0 , s 0 , s 1 , ⋯   , s n − 1 ) \sigma=(e_0,s_0,s_1,\cdots, s_{n-1}) σ=(e0,s0,s1,,sn1)

已知 n = 3 n=3 n=3个 public keys { P 0 , P 1 , P 2 } \{P_0,P_1,P_2\} {P0,P1,P2},签名者(我,I)的拥有的私钥为 x 1 x_1 x1满足 P 1 = x 1 G P_1=x_1G P1=x1G,进行AOS signature流程为:

  • start making the ring at index 2: a ← Z q , e 2 = H ( a G ∣ ∣ M ) a\leftarrow \mathbb{Z}_q,e_2=H(aG||M) aZq,e2=H(aGM)
  • continue making the ring: s 2 ← Z q , e 0 = H ( s 2 G + e 2 P 2 ∣ ∣ M ) s_2\leftarrow \mathbb{Z}_q,e_0=H(s_2G+e_2P_2||M) s2Zq,e0=H(s2G+e2P2M)
  • continue making the ring: s 0 ← Z q , e 1 = H ( s 0 G + e 0 P 0 ∣ ∣ M ) s_0\leftarrow \mathbb{Z}_q,e_1=H(s_0G+e_0P_0||M) s0Zq,e1=H(s0G+e0P0M)
  • Now notice that e 2 e_2 e2 has been determined in two ways: from before, e 2 = H ( α G ∣ ∣ M ) e_2=H(αG||M) e2=H(αGM), and also from the property which must hold for every e e e value: e 2 = H ( s 1 G + e 1 P 1 ∣ ∣ M ) e_2=H(s_1G+e_1P_1||M) e2=H(s1G+e1P1M). The only s 1 s_1 s1 that satisfies these constraints is s 1 = α − e 1 x 1 s_1=α−e_1x_1 s1=αe1x1, which I can easily compute, since I know x 1 x_1 x1.
  • 最终的AOS ring signature为: σ = ( e 0 , s 0 , s 1 , s 2 ) \sigma=(e_0,s_0,s_1,s_2) σ=(e0,s0,s1,s2)

3.2 AOS Ring Signatures验签过程

对AOS ring signature σ = ( e 0 , s 0 , s 1 , s 2 ) \sigma=(e_0,s_0,s_1,s_2) σ=(e0,s0,s1,s2)的验签过程为:

  • 计算 e 1 = H ( s 0 G + e 0 P 0 ∣ ∣ M ) e_1=H(s_0G+e_0P_0||M) e1=H(s0G+e0P0M)
  • 计算 e 2 = H ( s 1 G + e 1 P 1 ∣ ∣ M ) e_2=H(s_1G+e_1P_1||M) e2=H(s1G+e1P1M)
  • 计算 e 0 = H ( s 2 G + e 2 P 2 ∣ ∣ M ) e_0=H(s_2G+e_2P_2||M) e0=H(s2G+e2P2M)
  • 验证 e 0 = e 0 e_0=e_0 e0=e0是否成立。

验签者无法知道哪个 s i s_i si值是真正的随机值,从而实现混淆签名者的作用。
【其实即为博客 基于Sigma protocol实现的零知识证明protocol集锦中2.3节的OR证明,或者博客 Proof Systems for General Statements about Discrete Logarithms 学习笔记中2.3和3节中的generalized OR证明】

实际实现时,在签名和验签过程中,没必要在计算每个 e i e_i ei时都hash M M M,可以调整为: e 0 = H ( s n − 1 G + e n − 1 P n − 1 ∣ M ) e_0=H(s_{n-1}G+e_{n-1}P_{n-1}|M) e0=H(sn1G+en1Pn1M),而每个除 e 0 e_0 e0之外的 e i + 1 = H ( s i G + e i P i ) e_{i+1}=H(s_iG+e_iP_i) ei+1=H(siG+eiPi)

4. Borromean Ring Signatures

有multiple sets of public keys A ⃗ 1 , A ⃗ 2 , A ⃗ 3 \vec{A}_1,\vec{A}_2,\vec{A}_3 A 1,A 2,A 3,签名者(我,I)拥有one private key in each A ⃗ i \vec{A}_i A i,然后需要sign a message M M M in each of these rings. In doing so, I am proving "Some key in A ⃗ 1 \vec{A}_1 A 1 signed M M M AND Some key in A ⃗ 2 \vec{A}_2 A 2 signed M M M AND Some key in A ⃗ 3 \vec{A}_3 A 3 signed M M M"。

make a separate AOS signature for each set of public keys, giving us a final signature of σ = ( σ 1 , σ 2 , σ 3 ) \sigma=(\sigma_1,\sigma_2,\sigma_3) σ=(σ1,σ2,σ3)
但是以上方式的签名长度过长,Gregory Maxwell,Andrew Poelstra 2015年论文《Borromean Ring Signatures》对此做了优化:

  • pinning e 0 e_0 e0 as a shared e e e value for all rings A ⃗ i \vec{A}_i A i,该论文中 e 0 = H ( R 0 ∣ ∣ R 1 ∣ ∣ ⋯ ∣ ∣ R n − 1 ∣ ∣ M ) e_0=H(R_0||R_1||\cdots ||R_{n-1}||M) e0=H(R0R1Rn1M),其中 R i = s i , m i − 1 G + e i , m i − 1 P i , m i − 1 R_i=s_{i,m_i-1}G+e_{i,m_i-1}P_{i,m_i-1} Ri=si,mi1G+ei,mi1Pi,mi1 when j i ≠ m i − 1 j_i\neq m_i-1 ji=mi1, and R i = a i G R_i=a_iG Ri=aiG otherwise。 m i m_i mi表示第 i i i个ring的public key数量, j i j_i ji表示在第 i i i个ring中所知道的private key的序号。
    该算法的要点为:每个ring 的 the last e e e s s s值(其实对应index为 m i − 1 m_i-1 mi1,无论是否对应为the known private key)都包含在 e 0 e_0 e0值中。

    最终的Borromean Ring Signatures为:
    σ = ( e 0 , ( s 0 , 0 , s 0 , 1 , ⋯   , s 1 , m 0 − 1 ) , ⋯   , ( s n − 1 , 0 , ⋯   , s n − 1 , m n − 1 − 1 ) ) \sigma=(e_0,(s_{0,0},s_{0,1},\cdots,s_{1,m_0-1}),\cdots,(s_{n-1,0},\cdots,s_{n-1,m_{n-1}-1})) σ=(e0,(s0,0,s0,1,,s1,m01),,(sn1,0,,sn1,mn11))

Borreomean ring signature的总长度为 ∑ m i + 1 \sum_{}m_i+1 mi+1,相比于separate AOS signature for each set of public keys方案,可以节约 n − 1 n-1 n1个数值。

5. Pedersen Commitments

A commitment is a value that is published prior to the revealing of some information. The commitment proves that you knew that information before it was revealed.

Pedersen commitment具有Hash函数所不具有的一些特性。

Pedersen commitment 要素有:

  • an abelian group G \mathbb{G} G of prime order q q q;
  • two public and unrelated generators G G G and H H H。(即无法找到 a a a,使得 a G = H aG=H aG=H成立。)

commit to value v ∈ Z q v\in\mathbb{Z}_q vZq的流程为:

  • 选择随机blinding factor α ← Z q \alpha\leftarrow\mathbb{Z}_q αZq
  • 计算 Q = α G + v H Q=\alpha G+vH Q=αG+vH

若存在不同的 ( α ′ , v ′ ) (\alpha',v') (α,v)使得其commitment也为 Q Q Q,则有:
α G + v H = α ′ G + v ′ H ⇒ ( α − α ′ ) G = ( v ′ − v ) H ⇒ G = v ′ − v α − α ′ H \alpha G+vH=\alpha' G+v'H\Rightarrow (\alpha-\alpha')G=(v'-v)H \Rightarrow G=\frac{v'-v}{\alpha-\alpha'}H αG+vH=αG+vH(αα)G=(vv)HG=ααvvH,违背了之前的 G G G H H H unrelated假设。

Pedersen commitment具有binding和hiding属性。同时具有加法同态属性:
Q + Q ′ = C o m ( v ; α ) + C o m ( v ′ ; α ′ ) = C o m ( v + v ′ ; α + α ′ ) Q+Q'=Com(v;\alpha)+Com(v';\alpha')=Com(v+v';\alpha+\alpha') Q+Q=Com(v;α)+Com(v;α)=Com(v+v;α+α)

6. Hiding Transaction Amounts隐藏交易金额

交易内金额主要有:(都 ∈ Z q \in \mathbb{Z}_q Zq

  • input amount a a a
  • output amount b b b
  • transaction fee f f f

交易内金额要满足公式 a = b + f a=b+f a=b+f,total input equals total output, so no money appears out of thin air and no money disappears into nothingess.
该公式可借助Pedersen commitment来实现 without revealing any of the values:

  • 选择随机数 α a ← Z q , α b ← Z q \alpha_a\leftarrow\mathbb{Z}_q,\alpha_b\leftarrow\mathbb{Z}_q αaZq,αbZq,计算 α f = α a − α b \alpha_f=\alpha_a-\alpha_b αf=αaαb
  • 计算Pedersen commitments P = α a G + a H , Q = α b G + b H , R = α f G + f H P=\alpha_a G+aH,Q=\alpha_b G+bH,R=\alpha_f G+fH P=αaG+aH,Q=αbG+bH,R=αfG+fH。在交易中发送 ( P , Q , R ) (P,Q,R) (P,Q,R)
  • 注意,仅仅验证 P − Q − R = ( α a − α b − α f ) G + ( a − b − f ) H = 0 G + 0 H = O P-Q-R=(\alpha_a -\alpha_b -\alpha_f)G+(a-b-f)H=0G+0H=\mathcal{O} PQR=(αaαbαf)G+(abf)H=0G+0H=O成立,只能证明 a − b − f ≡ 0 ( m o d    q ) a-b-f\equiv 0(\mod q) abf0(modq)成立,而不是 a − b − f = 0 a-b-f=0 abf=0成立。
    举例为:若 q = 13 q=13 q=13,input为1,output为9,transaction fee 5时, a − b − f = 1 − 9 − 5 = − 13 ≡ 0 ( m o d    13 ) a-b-f=1-9-5=-13\equiv 0(\mod 13) abf=195=130(mod13)仍然成立, P − Q − R = O P-Q-R=\mathcal{O} PQR=O验证也会通过。
    但是存在溢出问题overflowed and ended up wrapping around the modulus。可借助Rangeproofs来解决。

7. Rangeproofs

为了overflowed and ended up wrapping around the modulus问题,且避免考虑负数情况,验证等式 a − b − f = 0 a-b-f=0 abf=0成立改为验证 a = b + f a=b+f a=b+f成立。同时要求 b + f < q b+f<q b+f<q

b b b f f f k k k bit二进制形式表示,则有 b , f < 2 k b,f<2^k b,f<2k 2 k + 2 k = 2 k + 1 < q 2^k+2^k=2^{k+1}<q 2k+2k=2k+1<q
对于 b 和 f b和f bf,分别计算 k k k个Pedersen commitments,其中每个 v v v value 要么为0要么为power of 2,这 k k k个commitments之和即为the commitment of b b b or f f f。【——Michael Rosenberg博文 Confidential Transactions from Basic Principles写于2017年,其实可以考虑采用bulletproofs方案来做range proof。】

为证明vallue v v v表示为 k k k bits二进制:

  • 取随机数 α ← Z q \alpha\leftarrow \mathbb{Z}_q αZq,构建commitment P = a G + v H P=aG+vH P=aG+vH
  • v v v k k k bits 二进制表示为: v = b 0 + 2 b 1 + ⋯ + 2 k − 1 b k − 1 v=b_0+2b_1+\cdots+2^{k-1}b_{k-1} v=b0+2b1++2k1bk1
  • ∀ 0 ≤ i < k − 1 \forall 0\leq i<k-1 0i<k1:选择随机数 α i ← Z q \alpha_i\leftarrow\mathbb{Z}_q αiZq,设置 α k − 1 = α − ∑ i = 0 k − 2 α i \alpha_{k-1}=\alpha-\sum_{i=0}^{k-2}\alpha_i αk1=αi=0k2αi,对所有的 i i i,计算 P i = α i G + 2 i b i H P_i=\alpha_i G+2^ib_iH Pi=αiG+2ibiH
  • Verifier验证 P = P 0 + P 1 + ⋯ + P k − 1 P=P_0+P_1+\cdots+P_{k-1} P=P0+P1++Pk1成立。只能证明所commit的值相等。怎么证明是拆分为二进制呢?即每个 b i b_i bi仅能为0或者1值,而不是 3 200 3^{200} 3200等。 ⇒ \Rightarrow 可借助ring signature来实现,构建 A ⃗ i = { P i , P i − 2 i H } \vec{A}_i=\{P_i,P_i-2^iH\} A i={Pi,Pi2iH},将其看作是a set of public keys for a ring signature。有:
  • b i = 0 ⇒ P i = α i G + 0 H = α i G b_i=0\Rightarrow P_i=\alpha_iG+0H=\alpha_iG bi=0Pi=αiG+0H=αiG
  • b i = 1 ⇒ P i − 2 i H = α i G + 2 i H − 2 i H = α i G b_i=1\Rightarrow P_i-2^iH=\alpha_iG+2^iH-2^iH=\alpha_iG bi=1Pi2iH=αiG+2iH2iH=αiG

从而为证明 b i = 0   o r   1 b_i=0\ or\ 1 bi=0 or 1,构建a ring signature over A ⃗ i \vec{A}_i A i。由于ring signature具有signer-ambiguous属性,verifier无法确定具体signing的是哪个key,从而实现对所有bits的hide,也同时证明了 b 0 , b 1 , ⋯   , b k − 1 b_0,b_1,\cdots,b_{k-1} b0,b1,,bk1确实为bits。

采用Borromean ring signature,将有 k k k 个signtures,每个signature有2个数值。最终的rangeproof of value v v v为:
R v = ( P 0 , ⋯   , P k , e 0 , s 0 , s 0 ˉ , s 1 , s 1 ˉ , ⋯   , s k − 1 , s k − 1 ˉ ) R_v=(P_0,\cdots,P_k,e_0,s_0,\bar{s_0},s_1,\bar{s_1},\cdots,s_{k-1},\bar{s_{k-1}}) Rv=(P0,,Pk,e0,s0,s0ˉ,s1,s1ˉ,,sk1,sk1ˉ)
其中 s i , s i ˉ s_i,\bar{s_i} si,siˉ为第i个ring signature的s值。

8. confidential transcation——Put it all together

  • input amount a a a
  • output amount b b b
  • transaction fee f f f

Pedersen Commitment P a , P b , P f P_a,P_b,P_f Pa,Pb,Pf可证明 a − b − f ≡ 0 ( m o d    q ) a-b-f\equiv 0(\mod q) abf0(modq)
range proofs R a , R b , R f R_a,R_b,R_f Ra,Rb,Rf可证明不存在溢出情况。
以上两者结合即可实现confidential transaction: ( P a , P b , P f , R a , R b , R f ) (P_a,P_b,P_f,R_a,R_b,R_f) (Pa,Pb,Pf,Ra,Rb,Rf)

I can conduct a confidential transaction that make public, and then privately reveal the commitments for P a , P b , P f P_a,P_b,P_f Pa,Pb,Pf so that they can be sure that I actually sent what I claim. 因为commitments有binding属性,they can be certain that I can’t claim to someone else that I sent different a , b   o r   f a,b\ or\ f a,b or f values。


[1] Michael Rosenberg 2017年博文 Confidential Transactions from Basic Principles
[2] Monero Confidential Transactions 问答:https://monero.stackexchange/questions/10181/hiding-transaction-values-using-pederson-commitments-and-range-proofs-in-account
[3] https://elementsproject/elements/confidential-transactions/



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