《OpenGL v3.3》——(1)搭建glfw3与glew环境,并创建第一个窗口

编程入门 行业动态 更新时间:2024-10-24 13:25:01


  1. 图形输送管道(pipeline既管线):指一堆原始数据途径一个输送管道,期间经过各种变化处理最终出现在屏幕上的像素的过程。
    (1)把你的3D坐标转换为2D坐标; (2)把2D坐标转变为有实际的颜色的像素;

  2. 着色器(shader):pipeline可以被划分为几个阶段,每个阶段需要把前一个阶段的输出作为输入。所有这些阶段都是高度专门化的(它们持有各自特定的方法),它们能简单地并行执行。

    1. 图形输送管道(pipeline)的几个阶段为:顶点着色器(vertex shader)、基本图形组装(primitive assembly)、几何着色器(geometry shader) 细分着色器(tessellation shader)、像素化(rasterization光栅化、栅格化)、片元着色器(fragment shader)、alpha测试与混合(blending)。
    2. 而有些着着色器允许开发者自己配置,用我们自己写的着色器替换默认存在的。这样我们就能更细致地控制输送管道的特定部分了,因为它们运行在GPU上,它们也会节约宝贵的CPU时间。
    3. 着色器是由“着色器语言(GLSL)”写成的;
  3. 光栅化(rasterization):就是把矢量图或3维物体转化为像素的过程,即三维空间的物体转化为二维图形;

  4. 渲染管线(也就是上面的pipeline):三维物体渲染的过程,从三位物体最终渲染成图像的数据传输和处理;

  5. 开发者常用的着色器:顶点着色器、片元着色器;

  6. 标准化设备坐标:OpenGL只是在当它们的3个轴(x,y,z)在特定的-1.0到1.0的范围内时才处理3D坐标,这个范围的坐标就叫标准化设备坐标;

  7. 双缓冲(double buffer):当一个应用以单缓冲方式绘制的时候,图像会产生闪烁的问题。这是因为最后的图像输出不是被立即绘制出来的,而是一个像素一个像素绘制出来的,通常是从左到右从上到下的方式。


  • Window creation hints 窗口创建的提示


  1. 下载 GLEW 与 GLFW3 的源代码,并编译:

    • 方法1:使用CMake生成对应VS与系统环境的工程文件(sln),然后通过sln工程编译出静态库(.lib);

    • 方法2:也可以编译成动态库(.dll);

  2. 指定 头文件目录 与 库目录:

    • 方法1:设置环境变量(因为太优雅,所以略过);

    • 方法2:将 头文件 和 库文件 放入VS编译器的搜寻目中;
       例如:头文件目录 C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\8.1\Include\um\gl;
          库文件目录 C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\8.1\Lib\winv6.3\um\x86;
          动态库目录 C:\Windows\SysWOW64

    • 方法3:

      1. 创建一个文件(例如名include),将这两个库的所用到的头文件放进去。再创建一个文件(例如明lib),将这两个库的.lib静态库文件都放进去;
      2. “右键项目—属性—VC++目录—包含目录”=> 指定到include文件夹的地址;
      3. “右键项目—属性—VC++目录—库目录”=> 指定到lib文件夹的地址;
    • 方法4:将这些东西都放进你的工程里(不推荐)。

  3. 链接的几种方法:

    • 方法1:直接按照上面链接中,在“右键项目—属性—配置属性—链接器—输入—附加依赖项”处加上相关的库;(本次用到的是opengl32.lib,和glfw3.lib,glew32s.lib)

    • 方法2:在VS编译器中,添加代码#pragma comment(lib,”XXX.lib”)的方式加载lib文件;(本次用到的是opengl32.lib,和glfw3.lib,glew32s.lib)

  4. 补充:如果使用静态库,需要告诉编译器使用的是静态库

    • 方法1:在“右键项目—属性—C/C++—预处理器”的“预处理器定义”里GLEW_STATIC;

    • 方法2:在#include”glew.h”上一行添加 “#define GLEW_STATIC”;


  1. glfw3.h 窗口库

    • GLFW是一个C写的专门用于OpenGL开发的库,它只提供把物体渲染到屏幕所需的必要功能。它可以给我们创建一个OpenGL环境,定义窗口参数,以及相应用户输入,这些都是必要的功能。

    • GLUT并不建议使用,GLFW库目前不支持Android和IOS平台,SDL也不错稍微多一点学习成本但跨平台效果更好,当然还可以使用Qt。

  2. glew.h 扩展库

    • 由于OpenGL是一种标准/规范,它需要由驱动制造商在驱动中来实现这份特定的显卡支持规范。因为有许多不同版本的OpenGL驱动,OpenGL的大多数函数在编译时(compile-time)是未知状态的,需要在运行时(run-time)来请求。这就是开发者的任务了,开发者获取他/她所需要的函数的地址,把它们储存在函数指针中以备后用。

    • GLEW是OpenGL Extension Wrangler Library的缩写,它管理着之前我们提到的那件麻烦事。

    • 获取这些地址是依系统而定的,比如windows下:

// 定义函数原型
typedef void ( * GL_GENBUFFERS) (GLsizei, GLuint * );

// 寻找函数并分配给它一个函数指针
GL_GENBUFFERS glGenBuffers = (GL_GENBUFFERS)wglGetProcAddress("glGenBuffers");

// 现在函数可以正常调用了
GLuint buffer;
glGenBuffers(1, &buffer);



  1. GLFWAPI int glfwInit(void);
    1. 参数:
      • none:
    2. 功能:
       This function initializes the GLFW library. Before most GLFW functions can be used, GLFW must be initialized, and before an application terminates GLFW should be terminated in order to free any resources allocated during or after initialization.
       If this function fails, it calls glfwTerminate before returning. If it succeeds, you should call glfwTerminate before the application exits.
  2. GLFWAPI void glfwWindowHint(int hint, int value);

    1. 参数:
      • hint:The window hint to set.
      • value:The new value of the window hint.
    2. 功能:
       This function sets hints for the next call to glfwCreateWindow. The hints, once set, retain their values until changed by a call to glfwWindowHint or glfwDefaultWindowHints, or until the library is terminated.
       This function does not check whether the specified hint values are valid. If you set hints to invalid values this will instead be reported by the next call to glfwCreateWindow.
  3. GLFWAPI void glfwSetWindowPos(GLFWwindow* window, int xpos, int ypos);

    1. 参数:
      • window:The window to query.
      • xpos:The x-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the client area.
      • ypos:The y-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the client area.
    2. 功能:
       This function sets the position, in screen coordinates, of the upper-left corner of the client area of the specified windowed mode window. If the window is a full screen window, this function does nothing.
       Do not use this function to move an already visible window unless you have very good reasons for doing so, as it will confuse and annoy the user.
       The window manager may put limits on what positions are allowed. GLFW cannot and should not override these limits.
  4. GLFWAPI void glfwShowWindow(GLFWwindow* window);

    1. 参数:
      • window:The window to make visible.
    2. 功能:
       This function makes the specified window visible if it was previously hidden. If the window is already visible or is in full screen mode, this function does nothing.
  5. GLFWAPI GLFWwindow* glfwCreateWindow(int width, int height, const char* title, GLFWmonitor* monitor, GLFWwindow* share);

    1. 参数:
      • width:The desired width, in screen coordinates, of the window. This must be greater than zero.
      • height:The desired height, in screen coordinates, of the window. This must be greater than zero.
      • title:The initial, UTF-8 encoded window title.
      • monitor:The monitor to use for full screen mode, or NULL for windowed mode.
      • share:The window whose context to share resources with, or NULL to not share resources.
    2. 功能:
       This function creates a window and its associated OpenGL or OpenGL ES context. Most of the options controlling how the window and its context should be created are specified with window hints.
       该函数创建一个窗口及其关联的OpenGL或OpenGL ES 环境。大多数控制窗口及其环境的选项都是通过窗口提示(Hint)指定的。
       Once you have created the window, you can switch it between windowed and full screen mode with glfwSetWindowMonitor. If the window has an OpenGL or OpenGL ES context, it will be unaffected.
       一旦您创建了这个窗口,您就可以使用glfwSetWindowMonitor函数,在窗口和全屏模式之间切换。如果窗口已存在一个OpenGL或OpenGL ES环境,这将不产生效果。
       By default, newly created windows use the placement recommended by the window system. To create the window at a specific position, make it initially invisible using the GLFW_VISIBLE window hint, set its position and then show it.
       默认情况下,新创建窗口的位置为视窗系统推荐的位置。要在一个特定的位置创建窗口,就要使用GLFW_VISIBLE窗口提示令它初始化时不可见,接着设置它的位置,然后显示它。(-。-事实上,我直接使用 glfwSetWindowPos(window, x, y) 就能改变位置了,也不懂官方文档中为啥搞那么麻烦)
       Returns:The handle of the created window, or NULL if an error occurred.
  6. GLFWAPI void glfwMakeContextCurrent(GLFWwindow* window);

    1. 参数:
      • window:The window whose context to make current, or NULL to detach the current context.
    2. 功能:
       This function makes the OpenGL or OpenGL ES context of the specified window current on the calling thread. A context can only be made current on a single thread at a time and each thread can have only a single current context at a time.
       该函数指定在当前调用线程上的窗口渲染环境为OpenGL或OpenGL ES环境。单个线程上一次只能设置一个环境,而且每个线程一次只能有一个当前环境。
       By default, making a context non-current implicitly forces a pipeline flush. On machines that support GL_KHR_context_flush_control, you can control whether a context performs this flush by setting the GLFW_CONTEXT_RELEASE_BEHAVIOR window hint.
       The specified window must have an OpenGL or OpenGL ES context. Specifying a window without a context will generate a GLFW_NO_WINDOW_CONTEXT error.
       指定的窗口必须有一个OpenGL或OpenGL ES环境。如果指定一个没有环境的窗口将会产生一个GLFW_NO_WINDOW_CONTEXT错误。
  7. GLFWAPI void glfwTerminate(void);

    1. 参数:
      • none:
    2. 功能:
       This function destroys all remaining windows and cursors, restores any modified gamma ramps and frees any other allocated resources. Once this function is called, you must again call glfwInit successfully before you will be able to use most GLFW functions.
       If GLFW has been successfully initialized, this function should be called before the application exits. If initialization fails, there is no need to call this function, as it is called by glfwInit before it returns failure.
       如果GLFW 已经成功的被初始化,在程序结束之前应该调用这个函数。如果初始化失败,就不需要调用这个函数,因为在glfwInit返回失败之前已经自行调用了。
  8. GLFWAPI GLFWkeyfun glfwSetKeyCallback(GLFWwindow* window, GLFWkeyfun cbfun);

    1. 参数:
      • window:The window whose callback to set.
      • cbfun:The new key callback, or NULL to remove the currently set callback.
    2. 功能:
       This function sets the key callback of the specified window, which is called when a key is pressed, repeated or released.
       The key functions deal with physical keys, with layout independent key tokens named after their values in the standard US keyboard layout. If you want to input text, use the character callback instead.
       按键函数处理物理键,在标准的美式键盘布局中以其布局独立的按键符号命名。如果您想要输入文本,请使用glfwSetCharCallback 函数。
       When a window loses input focus, it will generate synthetic key release events for all pressed keys. You can tell these events from user-generated events by the fact that the synthetic ones are generated after the focus loss event has been processed, i.e. after the window focus callback has been called.
       The scancode of a key is specific to that platform or sometimes even to that machine. Scancodes are intended to allow users to bind keys that don’t have a GLFW key token. Such keys have key set to GLFW_KEY_UNKNOWN, their state is not saved and so it cannot be queried with glfwGetKey.
       Sometimes GLFW needs to generate synthetic key events, in which case the scancode may be zero.
  9. GLFWAPI int glfwWindowShouldClose(GLFWwindow* window);

    1. 参数:
      • window:The window to query.
    2. 功能:
       This function returns the value of the close flag of the specified window.
  10. GLFWAPI void glfwSetWindowShouldClose(GLFWwindow* window, int value);

    1. 参数:
      • window:The window whose flag to change.
      • value:The new value.
    2. 功能:
       This function sets the value of the close flag of the specified window. This can be used to override the user’s attempt to close the window, or to signal that it should be closed.
  11. GLFWAPI void glfwPollEvents(void);

    1. 参数:
      • none:
    2. 功能:
       This function processes only those events that are already in the event queue and then returns immediately. Processing events will cause the window and input callbacks associated with those events to be called.
       On some platforms, a window move, resize or menu operation will cause event processing to block. This is due to how event processing is designed on those platforms. You can use the window refresh callback to redraw the contents of your window when necessary during such operations.
       On some platforms, certain events are sent directly to the application without going through the event queue, causing callbacks to be called outside of a call to one of the event processing functions.
      Event processing is not required for joystick input to work.
  12. GLFWAPI void glfwSwapBuffers(GLFWwindow* window);

    1. 参数:
      • window:window whose buffers to swap.
    2. 功能:
       This function swaps the front and back buffers of the specified window when rendering with OpenGL or OpenGL ES. If the swap interval is greater than zero, the GPU driver waits the specified number of screen updates before swapping the buffers.
       当使用OpenGL或OpenGL ES时,该函数会交换指定窗口的前和后缓冲区。如果交换间隔大于0,GPU驱动程序将在交换缓冲区之前等待指定的屏幕更新数。
       The specified window must have an OpenGL or OpenGL ES context. Specifying a window without a context will generate a GLFW_NO_WINDOW_CONTEXT error.
       指定的窗口必须有一个OpenGL或OpenGL ES环境。指定一个没有环境的窗口将会产生一个GLFW_NO_WINDOW_CONTEXT错误。
       This function does not apply to Vulkan.

《OpenGL API》

  1. GLAPI void GLAPIENTRY glViewport (GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height);
    1. 参数:
      • x,y:Specify the lower left corner of the viewport rectangle, in pixels. The default is (0, 0).
      • width,height:Specify the width and height, respectively, of the viewport. When a GL context is first attached to a window, width and height are set to the dimensions of that window.
    2. 功能:
       glViewport specifies the affine transformation of x and y from normalized device coordinates to window coordinates. Let (xnd, ynd) be normalized device coordinates.
  2. GLAPI void GLAPIENTRY glClearColor (GLclampf red, GLclampf green, GLclampf blue, GLclampf alpha);

    1. 参数:
      • red、green、blue、alpha: Values specified by glClearColor are clamped to the range [0, 1].
    2. 功能:
       specifies the red, green, blue, and alpha values used by glClear to clear the color buffers.
       指定通过glClear来清空颜色缓冲区的红、绿、蓝 和 alpha值;
  3. GLAPI void GLAPIENTRY glClear (GLbitfield mask);

    1. 参数:
      • mask:Bitwise OR of masks that indicate the buffers to be cleared.
    2. 功能:
       takes a single argument that is the bitwise OR of several values indicating which buffer is to be cleared.



#ifndef UTILITY_H
#define UTILITY_H


#include"glew.h" //这个要放在最前面,因为GLEW已经包含了OpenGL的头文件




void key_callback(GLFWwindow * window, int key, int scancode, int action, int mode)
    if (key == GLFW_KEY_ESCAPE && action == GLFW_PRESS)
        glfwSetWindowShouldClose(window, GL_TRUE);

int __stdcall WinMain(_In_ HINSTANCE hInstance, _In_opt_ HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, _In_ LPSTR lpCmdLine, _In_ int nShowCmd)

    glfwWindowHint(GLFW_CONTEXT_VERSION_MAJOR, 3);//这里的意思是告诉GLFW我们使用的版本是3.3
    glfwWindowHint(GLFW_CONTEXT_VERSION_MINOR, 3);
    glfwWindowHint(GLFW_OPENGL_PROFILE, GLFW_OPENGL_CORE_PROFILE);//明确地使用core-profile,既当我们调用一个OpenGL旧遗留函数时会产生invalid operation错误;
    glfwWindowHint(GLFW_RESIZABLE, GL_FALSE);//使用户不可以调整窗口大小;
    glfwWindowHint(GLFW_VISIBLE, GL_FALSE);//初始是否显示

    GLFWwindow * window  = glfwCreateWindow(800, 600, "LearnOpenGL", nullptr, nullptr);//返回的参数,在后面的其他GLFW操作会需要它

    glfwSetWindowPos(window, 100, 80);

    if (window == NULL)
        std::cout << "Failed to create GLFW window" << std::endl;
        return -1;

    glewExperimental = GL_TRUE;//设置为true可以保证GLEW使用更多的现代技术来管理OpenGL机能,不这么设置会使用默认的GL_FALSE,这样当使用core profile时可能发生问题;
    if (glewInit() != GLEW_OK)
        std::cout << "Failed to initialize GLEW" << std::endl;
        return -1;

    //Viewport(视口): 开始渲染前,必须告诉OpenGL渲染窗口的大小,这样OpenGL才知道我们希望如何设置窗口的大小和位置;
    glViewport(0, 0, 800, 600);//前两个参数设置了窗口左下角位置,后两个是宽度和高度,它和GLFW窗口是一样大的.(可以设置为比GLFW更小的尺寸,这样OpenGL就会渲染在一个更小的窗口区域上,其它区域显示其他元素)

    //注册回调函数;(在建立窗口之后 游戏初始化之前)
    glfwSetKeyCallback(window, key_callback);

    while (!glfwWindowShouldClose(window))//此函数检测是否得到关闭指示,如果得到,则返回true;



        glClearColor(0.2f, 0.3f, 0.3f, 1.0f);//这是一个状态设置函数;



    return 0;


OpenGL扩展库使用手册《GLEW—The OpenGL Extension Wrangler Library》


《OpenGL v3.3》——(1)搭建glfw3与glew环境,并创建第一个窗口

本文发布于:2023-06-13 10:20:00,感谢您对本站的认可!
本文标签:第一个   窗口   环境   OpenGL   glew


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