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做一件事并且做好事道格·麦克罗伊(Doug McIlroy):Unix哲学



在您的专业范围内选择技术堆栈。例如:如果您选择网络开发,则需要在Ruby on Rails,Python和Django,JavaScript和MEAN等之间进行选择。如果您选择移动设备,则需要在iOS或Android等之间进行选择。



我将使用以下技术堆栈:用于Web开发的Ruby on Rails,用于移动开发的iOS。只是因为我有使用它的经验。我可以亲自谈谈。说的结尾只是个口味问题。如果您选择其他书架,则需要查找其他书籍。


您每天都会使用多种语言,具体取决于您选择的技术。虽然,您的大多数代码将用一种语言编写。例如:Ruby on Rails开发人员主要使用Ruby。 AngularJS开发人员大多数时候都使用JavaScript。确定您选择的语言并掌握它对您的职业至关重要。学习它,掌握它!您每天都会使用这种语言。选择您的语言并阅读一本高级手册。




对于Rails开发人员-Michael Hartl的Rails教程

对于iOS开发人员-iOS编程:The Big Nerd Ranch Guide

步骤4.成为文本编辑器/ IDE的主人


我建议使用Git。这是我喜欢的资源:Pro git-免费的在线电子书,其中全面介绍了git的各个方面


对于Ruby on Rails开发人员-Rails测试处方


随着添加更多功能,代码库变得越来越复杂。为了使您的代码库易于管理,您需要重构。如果您不随便进行重构,那么您很快就会到一个令人难过的地方,即使是很小的更改也很难,错误是不可避免的,没有人愿意处理您凌乱的代码库。只是让您的生活更轻松。不要延迟您的重构。养成重构的习惯。这是一本关于如何做到的好书:重构:改进现有代码的设计,作者是Martin Fowler

根据您选择的堆栈,找到一本关于体系结构的好书。这是我由马丁·福勒(Martin Fowler)推荐的。称为企业应用架构的模式

一开始,命令行会让人感到恐惧。虽然,一旦您学会了如何使用它,您将在执行基本任务时变得更加高效。仅凭这一点,您就可以在更短的时间内实现更多成就,从而使您成为一名更好的开发人员。使用shell自动执行常见任务并构建您的dotfile。如果您使用的是Mac或任何Linux发行版,请学习Shell。这是Mark Ba​​tes撰写的一本好书:征服命令行






Software engineers go through several stages in their careers. They start from a Junior role, then they move to a Mid Level role. Then they become senior. This blog post has 10 steps that help you to become a Senior Software Engineer.
Why bother?

Get paid more! Your salary grows as you level up
Advance in your career. Senior Software Engineers are moving towards Architect, Team Lead, CTO kind of roles
Take on bigger challenges. As you grow you make a bigger impact


Software engineering is hard. The industry is always changing and you need to keep up with it. You need to put constant effort and time. There is always more to learn than you can possibly absorb. Many engineers who finish a several month boot camp don’t realize how much more they need to learn on top of it. No worries, there is a clear path to becoming a senior software engineer in almost any area of software development.
Step 0: choose your path and stick to it!

do one thing and do it wellDoug McIlroy : Unix Philosophy

I can’t emphasize this enough! It is really important to choose a specialty and a technical stack that you will be working with. Sticking to it and not getting distracted is what will make you a specialist.

It’s an important choice to make. Here is how to do it:

Choose your specialty. It’s what you want to do. For example: Web development or Mobile development or DevOps etc.
Choose a technical stack within your specialty. For example: if you chose web development, you’ll need to choose between Ruby on Rails, Python and Django, JavaScript and MEAN etc. If you chose mobile, you’ll need to choose between iOS or Android, etc.
Stick to it and master it.

I’m not saying that you shouldn’t get familiar with anything else outside of your main specialty. A well rounded T-Shaped Software Engineer knows about other aspects of programming too. Although he/she knows their main specialty extremely well.

Now that you’ve chosen your specialty, you have a lot of things to learn. Take your time. It will take you several years to read all these books and practice necessary skills. Get through this challenge one skill at the time.

I’ll be using the following technical stacks going forward: Ruby on Rails for web development, iOS for mobile development. It is just because I have experience working with it. I can speak to it personally. At the end of the says it’s just a matter of taste. If you choose some other stack, you’ll need to find different books.
Step 1. Lay the foundations

Read The Pragmatic Programmer book. It’s a good starting point on the path to software mastery. The book summarizes best high level practices. It’s language / technology agnostic. It doesn’t matter which tech stack you choose, the main principles stay the same.
Step 2. Master your programming language

You’ll be using many languages day to day depending on the technology stack of your choice. Although, majority of your code will be written in one language. For example: a Ruby on Rails developer uses Ruby primarily. An AngularJS developer uses JavaScript most of the time. Identifying the language of your choice and mastering it is crucial for your career. Learn it, master it! You’ll be using this language every day. Choose your language and read an advance book on it.

For a Ruby Developer - Programming Ruby
For an iOS Developer - The Swift Programming Language

Step 3. Learn your framework

Choose one, learn it:

For a Rails Developer - Rails Tutorial by Michael Hartl

For an iOS Developer - iOS programming: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide

Step 4. Become a master of your text editor / IDE

Again. Choose one, master it and stick to it. If you chose VIM, stay with VIM and become a master of it.
Step 5. Use your Version Control System like a pro

I recommend using Git. Here is the resource that I like: Pro git - free online ebook with a complete breakdown on every aspect of git
Step 6. Commit to doing Test Driven Development

Choose a book specific to your tech stack, learn it. Get into a habit of doing it every day. Quality code comes with writing tests.

For a Ruby on Rails Developer - Rails Test Prescriptions
For an iOS Developer - Test Driven iOS Development

Step 7. Refactor as a habit

The codebase grows in complexity as you add more functionality. In order to keep your codebase manageable you need to refactor. If you don’t refactor as you go, you’ll soon come to a sad place where even a small change is hard, bugs are inevitable and nobody wants to deal with your messy codebase. Just make your life easier. Don’t delay your refactor. Get into a habit of refactoring. Here is a good book on how to do it: Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code by Martin Fowler
Step 8. Learn software architecture

Depending on the stack you choose, find a good book on architecture. Here is one that I recommend by Martin Fowler. It’s called Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture
Step 9. Unleash the power of the command line

The command line can feel intimidating at first. Although, as soon as you learn how to use it, you’ll become a lot more efficient in performing basic tasks. That alone makes you a better developer since you are able to achieve more in less time.Then you can take it to the next level. Use shell to automate common tasks and build your dotfiles. If you’re working on a Mac or any Linux distribution, learn shell. Here is a good book on it by Mark Bates: Conquering the Command Line
Step 10. Code code code!

Every single day. Like in any sport, you need to practice what you learned in order for knowledge to stick.

Yes, becoming Senior Software Engineer is hard. It takes a lot of time and commitment. Different people learn at different speed, but on average, it takes about 10 years to become a solid senior dev. It’s a big investment in time for a big return.Software Engineers have the bright future. They are in high demand on the job market. Their salary grows proportionally with their experience. It’s a rapidly growing and a relatively new field. Every day of a software engineer is a challenge. A challenge of changing people’s lives. Go ahead and take on this challenge by becoming a Senior Software Engineer one skill at the time.


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