PMP 模拟200题

编程入门 行业动态 更新时间:2024-10-14 20:23:26
PMP 模拟题三(答案和解析在最下方)   1:一项目经理正在管理他第二个项目,第二个项目在第一个项目开始一个月后启动,两个项目同时进行中。尽管第一 个项目很小,但规模与 日俱增。每经历一天,项目经理就越加感到需要帮助。最近,项目经理听说去年公司某 一项目和自己的第二个项目非常相似,项目经理该如 何做? A project manager is managing his second project. It started one month after the first and both are ongoing . Though his first project is small, this one seems to be growing in size every day . As each day passes, the project manager is beginning to feel more and more in need of help . The project manager has recently heard that there was another project in the company last year that is similar to his second project. What should he do? A. 联系那位项目经理寻求帮助。 Contact the other project manager and ask for assistance. B. PMO 处获取历史记录及指导原则。 Obtain historical records and guidance from the PMO. C. 等待并确定项目是否会受到范围扩大的影响 Wait to see if the project is impacted by the growth in scope. D. 确保所有相关方同意项目范围。 Make sure the scope for the project is agreed to by all the stakeholders. 2: 一些新需求在项目范围批准后被识别。项目经理应该做什么? After approval of project scope, new requirements are identifie What should the project manager do? A. 调整范围。 Adjust the scope. B. 按原计划继续。 Continue as planned C. 评估影响。 Assess the impact. D. 修订各种计划。 Amend the various plans. 3: 应急储备应: The cost reserve should be: A. 隐蔽,以防止管理层不批准该项资金 Hidden to prevent management from disallowing the reserve B. 加到每项任务上,以防止客户知道该储备金的存在 Added to each task to preserve the customer from knowing that a reserve exists C. 由管理层掌握,用来填补成本超支 Maintained by management to cover cost overruns D. 加到项目的基本成本上,用来解决风险问题 Added to the base costs of the project to account for risks 4: 离完成分配的任务只剩 30 天时, 名项目团队成员离开公司。可惜的是,没有可用的替代资源。项目经理在项目进度计划中包含 个应 急储备金。为了计算剩余的应急储备金,项目经理应该使用什么技术? From the completion of assigned tasks only 30 days, a project team members leave the company . Unfortunately, there is no available alternative resources. Project manager includes a contingency reserve in the project schedule. In order to calculate the remaining contingency reserve, the project manager should use what technology? A. 风险审计 risk audit B. 趋势分析 trend analysis C. 储备分析 Reserves analysis D. 技术绩效衡量 Technical performance measurement 5: 在项目开始时, 名关键资源计划退休。项目经理应该怎么做? At the start of a project, a key resource plans to retire. What the project manager should do? A. 修订工作分解结构( WBS )。 Revise the work breakdown structure (WBS) . B. 与项目发起人合作,找到适合的替代资源。 Work with the sponsor to find a suitable replacement for the key resource. C. 与职能经理协商获得 名同等相当资源。 Negotiate with the functional manager to obtain to obtain an equal resource. D. 更新风险登记册。 Update the risk register. 6: 设备可用性风险图 风险 概率 影响 零部件可靠性 0.3 $1500 万美元 多个问题 0.8 $450 万美元 技术人员技能水平 0.5 $800 万美元 零部件可获 得性 0.2 $250 万美元 自然灾害 0.1 $3000 万美元 设备环境 0.9 $75 万美元 无效的错误监测 0.15 $250 万美元 资源不足 0.15 $450 万美元 项目团队 执行高层次风险评估,并识别出表中所有的风险。为制定应急计划,项目经理应在下列哪 项上花最少的时间? Equipment Availability Risk Chart Risks Probability Impact Parts Reliability 0.3 US$15 million Multiple issues 0.8 US$4.5 million Technician skill level 0.5 US$8 million Part availability 0.2 US$2.5 million Natural disaster 0.1 US$30 million Equipment environment 0.9 US$750,000 Ineffective error monitoring 0.15 US$2.5 million Inadequate resource 0.15 US$4.5 million The project team to perform high - level risk assessment, and identify all the risks in the table. To develop contingency plans, project manager should spend the least amount of time on which of the following items A. 技术人员技能水平 Technician skill level B. 零部件可获得性 Part availability C. 自然灾害 Natural disaster D. 无效的错误监测 Ineffective error monitoring 7: 在项目执行阶段,项目经理意识到项目相关方 直延迟答复敏感性电子邮件。项目经理应该怎么做? During a project s execution phase, the project manager realizes that a stakeholder is consistently late in responding to sensitive emails. What should the project manager do? A. 将其作为 个沟通问题记录在风险登记册中。 Log it in the risk register as a communication issue. B. 参阅监督沟通过程,获得替代沟通方式。 Refer to the Control Communications process for an alternative form of communication. C. 修订沟通管理计划中使用的沟通渠道。 Revise the communication channel being used in the communications management plan. D. 请求项目发起人解决该项目相关方的问题。 Ask the project sponsor to address the issue with the stakeholder. 8: 项目经理相信 , 管理的最佳方式是在团队中形成良好的、和谐的工作关系 , 高效团队将随后而来。从而带来高绩效。项目经理可被定义为 _____ 经理。 A project manager believes that the best way to manage is to form a good, harmonious working relationship with the team, and high performance will follow. The project manager could be defined as a _____ manager A.1, 9 1, 9 B.9, 1 9, 1 C.1, 1 1, 1 D.9, 9 9, 9 9: 项目开始时,项目发起人通知项目经理必须优先考虑成本控制。在规划期间,项目经理确定由外部供应商制造的部件需求明确,不大可能 发生变化。 项目经理应该对该供应商使用什么合同类型? When the project starts, the project sponsor notifies the project manager that the cost control must be given priority . During the planning period, the project manager determines that parts manufactured by external suppliers are clearly required and unlikely to change. What type of contract should the project manager use for the supplier? A. 总价加激励费用合同( FPIF Fixed Price Incentive Fee Contract FPIF B. 成本加激励费用合同( CPIF Cost Plus Incentive Fee Contract CPIF C. 工料合同( T&M Time and Material Contract T&M D. 固定总价合同( FFP Firm Fixed Price Contract FFP 10: 在开发 个新产品时,耐久性测试是关键路径上的 项重要活动。然而,测试设施被 个优先级较高的项目占用,且占用时间比原计划 长。 项目经理接下来应该怎么做? In the development of a new project the endurance testing is an important activity on the critical path. However, the last facility is occupied by a higher project, Which is taking longer than initially planne What should the project manager do text? A. 为延迟的项目开展根本原因分析 Perform a root cause analysis for the delayed project. B. 审查风险登记册中的适当响应 Review the risk register for the appropriate response C. 将延期情况通知项目相关方 Inform the project stakeholders about the delay D. 将问题上报给高级管理层 Escalate the issue to senior management. 11: 项目经理邀请 名有经验的工程师出席项目启动大会,讨论记录的历史限制和制约的因素。项目经理使用的是下列哪 项组织资产? A project manager invites an engineer with experience to an initiation meeting to discuss documented historical limitations and constrains. Which of the following organizational assessor does the project manager use? A. 主题专家 Subject matter expert B. 事业环境因素 Enterprise environmental factors C. 经验教训 Lessons learned D. 专家判断 Expert judgment 12: 名项目经理负责管理 个已经经历质量问题的项目。项目经理应使用什么来控制这些质量问题? A project manager assumes a project that has experienced quality issues. What should the project manager use to control these quality issues? A. 蒙特卡洛模拟 Monte Carlo simulation B. 专家判断 Expert judgment C. 帕累托图 Pareto diagram D. 工作绩效数据分析 Work performance data analysis 13: 份重要项目文件的过期版本被误发给 组项目相关方。更新问题日志之后,项目经理下 步应该做什么? An outdated version of an important project document was mistakenly sent to a group of stakeholders. After updating the issue log, what should the project manager do next? A. 确定纠正措施并执行缺陷补救。 Determine corrective actions, and perform defect repair. B. 确定预防措施并执行缺陷补救。 Determine preventive actions, and perform defect repair. C. 确定纠正措施并更新工作绩效报告。 Determine corrective actions, and update the work performance report. D. 确定预防措施并更新工作绩效报告。 Determine preventive actions, and update the work performance report. 14: 个高层管理会议上,定义了战略组织目标。其中 个目标是通过进入本地区内的 个细分市场提高 8% 的销售组合。 名项目经理被 任命管理这个项目。项目经理下 步应该怎么做? At a senior management meeting, strategic organizational goals are define One of the goals is to increase the 8% sales mix by entering a market segment in the local are A project manager was appointed to manage the project. What should the project manager do next? A. 执行成本效益分析。 Implementation cost - benefit analysis B. 召开焦点小组会议收集市场调研。 Hold focus group meeting to collect market research C. 执行相关方分析。 Perform related party analysis D. 查阅组织过程资产。 Review organization process assets 15: 由于不可预测的项目整合复杂性和资源可用性,导致项目发生进度超支。为了满足项目期限,职能经理要求项目经理在未经测试情况下 上线。 若要避免这种情况,项目经理事先应该做什么? Project progress overruns because of unpredictable project consolidation complexity and resource availability . To meet the project deadline, the functional manager requires the project manager to be online without testing . What should the project manager do in advance to avoid this situation? A. 管理进度偏差 Manage Progress deviations B. 管理风险 Managing risk C. 识别风险 Identify risks D. 识别质量问题 Identify quality issues 16: 确定需求应从分析下列哪 项的信息开始: The development of requirements begins with an analysis of the information contained in the A. 项目章程以及问卷或调查 Project Charter and Questionnaire or Surveys. B. 组织项目资产和项目范围说明书 Organizational project assets and project scope statement. C. 项目章程和相关方登记册 Project charter and stakeholder register D. 相关方登记册和项目范围说明书 Stakeholder register and project scope statement. 17: 项目经理正在与不同公司部门工作的成员 起组建项目团队。现在团队成员 起工作并 且彼此信任。 团队预期将经历下列哪 项组建阶 段? A project manager is developing a project team with members from different departments and have not worked together. Now, team members work together and trust one another.What development stage should the team expect to experience? A. 形成阶段 Forming B. 成熟阶段 Performing C. 规范阶段 Norming D. 震荡阶段 Storming 18: 你的某些小组成员不断出现吵架、缺席和工作表现不佳的情况。你已经安排了 次在当地山区进行的团体活动,包括芳香疗法、品尝美 酒、温泉浴等等。其它更有趣的活动包括弹球游戏和草地保龄球。你组织这些活动的主要目的是: Constant bickering, absenteeism, and substandard performance have characterized the behavior of certain members of your team. You have planned a gathering in the local mountains for the teem to engage in a variety of activities, including aromatherapy, wine tasting, meditation, and soaking in sulfur springs hot tubs. Other more strenuous activities, such as croquet and lawn bowling, are also planne Your primary objective for investing time and money in this event is to improve A. 改善小组工作业绩 Team performance B. 提高士气 Morale C. 提高质量 Quality D. 提高个人绩效 Individual performance 19: 次会议之前, 名关键项目发起人需要知道项目的高层级风险和主要需求。该项目发起人希望让项目相关方参与,确保他们的参与 程度,并根据当前环境识别主要制约因素。 项目经理首先应该为发起人准备哪 项? Prior to the next meeting, a critical project s sponsor needs to know its high - level risks and major requirements. The sponsor wants to involve the stakeholders to ensure their levels of engagement, and to identify the main constraints based on the current environment. What should the project manager prepare first for the sponsor? A. 相关方登记册 Stakeholder register B. 风险分解结构 Risk breakdown structure (RBS) C. 风险管理计划 Risk management plan D. 相关方参与度评估矩阵 Stakeholders engagement assessment matrix 20: 对要交付的产品和服务的描述可从下面那里找到? A narrative description of produces or services to be delivered can be found in which of the following? A. 项目计划 Project plan B. 项目工作说明书 Project statement of work C. 项目范围 project scope D. 项目整体计划 Project integration plan 21: 物业管理团队通知他们的现有办公大楼已经达到其容量。项目经理已经开始为新项目招募资源,包括外包提供商和 些外部承包商。项 目经理应考虑下列哪 项? A property management team advises that their existing office building has reached its capability . A project manager has already started acquiring resources for a new project, which will include outsourced providers and a few external contractors.Which of the following should the project manager consider? A. 组建虚拟团队,从多个地点工作 Forming virtual teams working from multiple locations B. 允许团队成员在远程地点工作 Allowing team members to work from remote locations C. 安排团队成员在不同班次、时间或日期工作 Scheduling team members to work in different shifts, hours, or days D. 提交 份请求,重新安排项目团队的工作地点 Submitting a request to relocate the project team 22: 名新的项目经理被任命管理 个项目,而该项目已经在进行中。由于涉及到的资源非常多,新的项目经理弄不清楚每个人的职责范 围。新的项目经理可以参阅什么文件来解除他的困惑? A new project manager is assigned to a project that is already in progress. Because there are so many resources involved, the new project manager is confused about who does what. What document can the new project manager consult to clear their confusion? A. 项目组织图 Project organization chart B. 组织分解结构 Organization breakdown structure C. 责任分配矩阵 Responsibility assignment matrix D. 资源分解结构 Resource breakdown structure 23: 以下均是指导与管理项目工作的组成部分,除了? All of the following are parts of direct and manage project work except? A. 定义变更 Identifying changes B. 使用 WBS Using a work breakdown structure C. 实施纠正措施 Implementing corrective actions D. 建立项目监控系统 Setting up a project control system 24: 在项目执行阶段, 名新项目经理加入团队。项目经理得知关键相关方已经确认和接受 些可交付成果,但还存在关于其它可交付成果 验收标准的协商。 若要获得项目相关方对其它可交付成果的验收,项目经理应参阅哪 份文件? During a project s execution phase, a new project manager joins the team. The project manager learns that key stakeholders have verified and accepted some deliverables, but there are some ongoing negotiations regarding acceptance criteria of other deliverables. To what should the project manager refer to obtain stakeholders accept the other deliverables? A. 变更管理计划 Change management plan B. 质量管理计划 Quality management plan C. 绩效测量指标 Performance metrics D. 需求跟踪矩阵 Requirements traceability matrix 25: 由于 名资源过度承诺而导致 些任务未完成。项目经理意识到如果使用其他资源将不能按时完成关键路径。 项目经理应使用什么来满 足进度计划? Some tasks have not been completed due to an excessive commitment of resources. The project manager realizes that the critical path will not be completed on time if other resources are use What should the project manager use to meet the progress plan? A. 假设情景分析 Scenario Analysis B. 资源平衡 Resource Balance C. 赶工 Clock D. 资源平滑 Resource Smoothing 26: 某公司的项目管理办公室(PMO)负责协调不同国家的项目 . 有些项目在财务上不成功 . PMO 给组织带来的其中 个好处是什么? A company s project management office PMO is responsible for coordinating projects in different countries. Some projects did not have financial success. What is one of the benefits a PMO brings to an organization A. 为公司项目提供适当的监督 Provides adequate oversight of the company s project B. 为成功项目提供监督 Provides oversight of successful projects C. 让资源留在成功项目中 Keeps resources in successful projects D. 只需要定期审查不成功的项目 Requires only reviews of unsuccessful projects on a regular basis 27: 当项目经理通知项目发起人项目落后于进度计划时,项目发起人坚持消减范围以满足项目期限。项目经理不同意,认为项目应延迟交付 全部范围。 项目经理下 步应该怎么做? When a project manager informs the sponsor that the project is behind schedule, the sponsor insists that scope must be reduced to meet the deadline. The project manager believes that the project should be delivered later with full scope. What should the project manager do next? A. 接受项目发起人的要求。 Accept the project sponsor s demands. B. 要求项目团队提供解决方案。 Ask the project team for a solution. C. 保持原始范围,但比计划晚交付。 Maintain the original scope, but deliver later than planne D. 要求关键项目相关方做出最终决策。 Ask key stakeholders to make the final decision. 28: 施工公司已经被 个投资者联合体聘请来建设 幢公寓楼。施工公司计划将某些工作分包出去;但是,由于房地产市场价值下跌,他们 十分关心企业的盈利性。项目经理与分包商签订的最佳合同类型是什么合同? A construction company has been engaged by a consortium of investors to build a block of apartments. The construction company plans to subcontract some of the work; however, they are very concerned about the profitability of the venture due to falling market values of property . What is the best type of contract for the project manager to agree to with the subcontractors? A. 成本加固定费用合同 Cost - plus - fixed - fee B. 工料合同 Time and material C. 总价加经济价格调整合同 Fixed - price with economic price adjustment D. 成本加激励费用合同 Cost - plus - incentive - fee 29: 在项目期间发生了多个计划内的风险,工作只完成了 15% ,项目经理应该使用什么技术来评估剩余的应急补助是否足够应对风险? There are multiple planned risks during the project and only 15% of the work is completed, what techniques should the project manager use to assess the adequacy of the remaining contingency grants to meet the risk? A. 挣值管理 Earned Value management B. 风险审计 Risk Audit C. 风险重新评估 Risk Reassessment D. 储备分析 Reserve analysis 30: 项目经理了解到主题专家 (SME) 正在考虑离开公司,该专家资源在其主题领域拥有深厚知识,很难被替代,为确保主题专家能在整个项目 期间留在项目中,项目经理与主题专家的经理讨论可能的措施,这些措施应记录在哪些文件中? The project manager learned that the subject matter expert (SME) was considering leaving the company, the expert resource has deep knowledge in its subject area and is difficult to replace, to ensure that the subject matter expert can remain in the project throughout the project, the project manager discusses possible measures with the manager of the subject matter, and what documents should be recorded in these measures? A. 人力资源计划 Human resources planning B. 风险登记册 Risk Register C. 风险管理计划 Risk management Plan D. 组织分解结构 Organizational Breakdown Structure 31: 次项目审查后,项目经理询问风险问题汇总并进行风险优先级排序,此过程需要用到哪种方法? After a project review the project manager asks a summarize of all the incidents and then prioritize the incidents ,which method should be used? A. 三点估算 PERT B. 概率和影响矩阵 Probability Impact Matrix C. 风险评估 Risk Assessment D. 风险等级 Risk ranking 32: 你在准备 个综合项目计划和 个项目时间表。你将它们提交给筹划指导委员会,并得到了批准。有关各方也接受了计划。现在是分发 这些计划的时候了。项目计划和时间表应该分发给: You prepared an integrated project plan and a project schedule. You submitted it to the steering committee and it was approve Key stakeholders accepted the plan. It is time to distribute it. Both the project plan and schedule should be distributed to A. 组织中执行项目的所有有关各方 All stakeholders in the performing organization B. 项目所有的相关方 All project stakeholders C. 项目小组成中和项目发起人 Project team members and the project sponsor D. 在沟通管理计划中指明的人 People noted in the communications management plan 33: 你的员工提交报告晚了 3 天。讨论这篇报告的会议开始前 5 分钟,她向你交了报告。你注意到里面有 些严重的错误。你应该怎么办? Your employee is three days late with a report. Five minutes before the meeting where the topic of the report is to be discussed, she hands you the report. You notice some serious errors in it. What should you do? A. 取消会议,等报告修改好再重新计划时间 Cancel the meeting and reschedule when the report is fixe B. 去开会,告诉其他与会人报告有错误 Go to the meeting and tell the other attendees there are errors in the report. C. 强迫员工讲报告,当其他与会人发现错误时自己保持沉默 Force the employee to do the presentation and remain silent as the other attendees find the errors. D. 取消会议,自己重新写这篇报告 Cancel the meeting and rewrite the report yourself. 34: 采购订单属于哪 种合同类型? Which contract type is a purchase order? A. 工料合同 Time and material B. 成本加固定酬金合同 CPFF C. 成本补偿合同 Cost - reimbursable D. 固定总价合同 Firm fixed - price 35: 名项目团队成员未能按照沟通管理计划完成时间表。该团队成员没有这么做的正当理由。项目经理应该怎么做? A project team member fails to complete timesheets in accordance with the communication management plan. The team member has no valid reason for this. What should the project manager do? A. 将问题上报给发起人。 Escalate it to the sponsor. B. 评估对项目进度计划的影响。 Evaluate the impact on the project schedule. C. 提醒该团队成员需要遵循正确的程序。 Remind the team member of the need to follow correct procedure. D. 委派另 名团队成员完成时间表。 Delegate another team member to complete the timesheets. 36: 某公司在执行技术项目方面非常成功,为确保新的项目经理从这些最佳实践方面获益,应该如何分享他们的成功经验? A company is successful with implementing technology projects. To ensure new project managers benefit from these best practices. How would existing project managers share their success? A. 沟通管理过程 Communications management process B. 项目团队会议 Project team meetings C. 经验教训知识库 Lessons learned knowledge base D. 项目收尾报告 Project closeout report 37: 根据缺陷报告,在 82% 投诉量中,第 个问题占投诉量的 55% ,第二个问题占投诉的 27% 项目经理应利用下列哪 个工具来说明问题的 共同原因? According to the defect report, among the 82% complaints, the first question accounted for 55% of the complaints, and the second one accounted for 27% of the complaints. Which of the following tools should be used by the project manager to illustrate the common cause of the problem? A. 因果图 Causal diagram B. 散点图 Scatter chart C. 帕累托图 Pareto chart D. 控制图 Control chart 38: 新的软件产品的实施阶段已基本完成,下 阶段是测试和实施。项目提前进度 2 周,在进入最后阶段前,项目经理最应该关注: The construction phase of a new software product is near completion. The next phase is testing and implementation. The project is two weeks ahead of schedule. What should the project manager be MOST concerned with before moving on to the final phase? A. 确认范围 Validate scope B. 质量控制 Quality control C. 业绩报告 Performance reports D. 成本控制 Cost control 39: 家公司第 次考虑全球分布 项新产品,必须确定项目是否值得投资,项目经理接下来应该怎么做? The first time a company is considering a global distribution of a new product, it must determine whether the project is worth investing, and what should the project manager do next? A. 在项目章程中记录项目目标和商业论证,对项目的开展提出建议 Document project objectives and business justification in the project Charter and make recommendations for project development B. 在项目范围说明书中记录项目目标和已知的可交付成果 Document project objectives and known deliverables in the project scope statement C. 记录项目的商业需求,并推荐 个为确定项目可行性而执行的可行性研究 Document the business requirements of the project and recommend a feasibility study for the feasibility of the project D. 项目范围说明书,记录高层次产品需求和相关方期望 Project scope specification, record high level product requirements and related party expectations 40: 项目经理很高兴公司在新地区取得项目。项目经理识别了该项目风险并予以排序。项目经理接下来应采取下列哪项行动? A project manager is pleased the company has obtained a project in a new geographic location. The project manager identifies and prioritizes the risks of this project. Which of the following actions should the project manager take next? A. 启动风险过程 Initiate the risk process B. 识别威胁和机遇 Identify threats and opportunities C. 计划促进机会并降低威胁 Plan to enhance opportunities and reduce threats D. 审查并更新风险信息 Review and update risk information 41: 客户批准了最终产品,项目经理收到所有部门的报告。项目经理下 步应该怎么做? The customer approved the final product, and the project manager received reports from all departments. What should the project manager do next? A. 查看沟通管理计划,并共享最终项目报告。 Review the communications management plan, and share the final project report. B. 执行结束采购过程,并记录经验教训。 Conduct the Close Procurements process, and document lessons learne C. 安排 次项目结束会议,并解散资源。 Schedule an end - of - project review meeting, and release the resources. D. 安排 次所有团队成员参加的会议,庆祝项目成功。 Schedule a meeting with all team members to celebrate the project s success. 42: 团队成员开始 起工作并调整支持团队的工作习惯和行为处于以下哪个阶段 Which stage of team development do team members begin to adjust habits and behaviors to support the team? A. 形成阶段 A Forming B. 震荡阶段 Storming C. 规范阶段 Naming D. 成熟阶段 Performing 43: 由于对项目无关事项的多次讨论和激烈争论。在项目启动大会上,项目经理无法解决所有事项。若要满足所有会议目标,项目经理事先 应该做什么? Due to multiple discussions and heated debates about unrelated project matters. The project manager is unable to address all agenda items at the project kick - off meeting . What should the project manager have done to satisfy all meeting objectives? A. 仅邀请关键项目相关方 Invited only the key stakeholders B. 计划更少的会议议程事项 Planned fewer agenda items C. 邀请主题专家( SME Invited subject matter experts (SMEs) D. 制定基本规则 Established ground rules 44: 项目经理正在开展 个涉及动态环境中多名项目相关方的项目。结果,项目相关方的利益水平不 致。 若要了解项目相关方的利益,项 目经理应该怎么做? A project manager is working on a project involving multiple stakeholders in a dynamic environment. As a result, stakeholders interest levels are inconsistent. What should the project manager do to understand stakeholders interests? A. 执行沟通需求分析。 Perform a communication requirements analysis. B. 召开强制性、每周 次的项目相关方会议。 Implement a mandatory, weekly stakeholder meeting . C. 更新相关方登记册。 Update the stakeholder register. D. 使用拉式沟通方法。 Use the pull communication metho 45: 软件开发项目的发起人很随意地通知项目经理, 个新沟通产品将很快在整个组织实施。项目经理应该怎么做? The sponsor of a software development project casually informs the project manager communications product will soon be implemented across the organization. What should the project manager do? A. 更新沟通管理计划。 Update the communications management plan. B. 向项目相关方通知新产品。 Inform the stakeholders about the new product. C. 指示项目团队在新产品过程中发送项目更新信息。 Instruct the project team to send project updates through the new product. D. 等待接收正式通知。 Wait to receive formal notification. 46: 项目经理担心大量的变更请求已经导致项目偏离其原始目的。哪 份文件有助于评估这些变更的影响? The project manager is concerned that a large number of change requests have caused the project to deviate from its original purpose. Which document helps to assess the impact of these changes? A. 问题日志 Issue Log B. 项目范围说明书 Project Scope Manual C. 需求跟踪矩阵 Requirement Tracking Matrix D. 范围基准 Scope Datum 47: 定期项目评审过程中,项目经理发现挣值( EV )为 50 000 美元,而计划价值( PV )为 30 000 美元。此外,与预先估算的 15 000 元相比,已经花费了 35 000 美元。 下列哪 种说法描述了项目的当前状态? During a regular project review, the project manager discovers that the earned value (EV) is US$50,000, compare to the planned value (PV) of US$30,000. In addition, US$35,000 has been spent compared to the pre - estimated US$15,000. What statement describes the project s current status? A. 处于正常轨道,并与风险管理计划保持 On track, and aligned with the risk management plan B. 落后于进度计划,且由于许多变量可能偏移 Behind schedule and, due to many variables, may slip C. 由于有效利用资源,处于正常轨道 On track due to efficient resource utilization D. 由于赶工,超前于进度 Ahead of schedule due to crashing 48: 项目管理计划 定要具备可行性,这样才能用来管理项目。以下哪个选项是获得现实可行性管理计划的最佳方法? A project management plan should be realistic in order to be used to manage the project. Which of the following is the BEST method to achieve a realistic project management plan? A. 根据项目经理的输入信息,由发起人创建项目管理计划。 Sponsor creates the project management plan based on input from the project manager. B. 根据项目经理的输入信息,由职能经理创建项目管理计划。 Functional manager creates the project management plan based on input from the project manager. C. 根据高级管理层的输入信息,由项目经理创建项目管理计划。 Project manager creates the project management plan based on input from senior management. D. 根据团队成员的输入信息,由项目经理创建项目管理计划。 Project manager creates the project management plan based on input from the team. 49: 在最终测试阶段,新项目经理请求主题专家( SME )协助解决产品的 个紧急产量问题。应使用哪 项? During the final testing phase, a new project manager requests assistance from subject matter experts (SMEs) to resolve an urgent yield issue with the project. What should be used? A. 专家判断 Expert judgment B. 石川图 Ishikawa diagram C. 质量管理计划 Quality management plan D. 控制图 Control chart 50: 在项目执行阶段为特定任务分配资源时,项目经理应该参考下列哪 项? A. 工作分解结构 B. 资源日历 C. 资源分解结构 D. 任务分解结构 51: 在项目实施期间, 些团队成员抱怨说他们对项目可交付成果不确定。若要确保项目团队按照项目范围工作,项目经理应该怎么做? During project implementation, some team members complain that they are unsure about the project s deliverables. What should the project manager do to ensure that the project team is working according to project scope? A. 审查执行、负责、咨询和知情( RACI )矩阵。 Review the responsible, accountable, consult, and inform (RACI) matrix. B. 更新沟通管理计划,澄清期望。 Update the communications management plan to clarify expectations. C. 与团队分享项目章程。 Share the project charter with the team. D. 将工作分解结构( WBS )分发给团队 Distribute the work breakdown structure (WBS) to the team. 52: 个制造项目预期每周将交付 100 000 件产品,周缺陷率不大于 0.01% 。在过去四周内的缺陷率却是 0.3% 0.1% 0.1% 0.45% 。项目 经理集合了 支专家队,判定原材料不满足质量规范。项目团队决定将有必要修订原材料检查过程。 项目经理应如何处理这些信息? A manufacturing project is expected to deliver 100,000 items per week at a weekly defect rate of no more than 0.01 percent. Within the past four weeks, the defect rate was meanwhile 0.3 percent, 0.1 percent, 0.1 percent, and 0.45 percent. The project manager assembles a team of experts that determines that the raw materials do not meet quality specification. The project team decides that a revised raw material inspection process will be necessary . What should the project manager do with this information? A. 执行优势、劣势、机会与威胁( SWOT )分析。 Perform a strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) analysis. B. 提出变更请求。 Initiate a change request. C. 请求额外的质量资源。 Request additional quality resources. D. 开展 致成本研究。 Conduct a cost of conformance study . 53: 如果承包工作所费成本比估算金额多,项目经理所在公司和供应商必须根据预定的成本分摊公式 分摊这些成本,这种合同类型为 If the contracted work costs more than the estimated amount, both the project manager s company and the vendor must share these costs based on a predetermined sharing formul This type of contract is known as: A. 成本加固定费用合同 cost - plus fixed - fee B. 成本加激励费用合同 cost - plus - incentive - fee C. 成本加奖励费用合同 cost - plus - award - fee D. 工料合同 Time - and - material Contracts 54: 个施工项目中,主题专家( SME )对如何识别材料方面的潜在项目风险持有不同意见。若要识别风险,项目经理应建议 SME 使用下 列哪 项? In a construction project, subject matter experts (SMEs) have differing opinions about how to identify potential project risks regarding construction materials. To identify the risks, the project manager should recommend that the SMEs use which of the following? A. 德尔菲技术 Delphi technique B. 头脑风暴法 Brainstorming C. 访谈 Interviewing D. 根本原因分析 Root cause analysis 55: 在风险管理会议期间, 名团队成员识别到 个关键供应商将可能停业。失去这个供应商将无法交付最终产品。团队审查并更新必要的 关键组件规格,用于评估替代供应商是否符合资格。这使用的是什么风险应对策略? During a risk management meeting, a team member identifies that a critical supplier will likely go out of business. Loss of this supplier will prevent delivery of the den product. The team reviews and updates the critical component specifications necessary to quality an alternative supplier. What risk response strategy is being used? A. 回避 Avoid B. 转移 Transfer C. 减轻 Mitigate D. 接收 Accept 56: 项目管理计划导致 个持续时间较长的进度表。如果不能改变网络图,但有充足人员时,你应该: Your project management plan results in a project schedule that is too long . If the project network diagram cannot change but you have extra personnel resources, what is the BEST thing to do? A. 快速跟进项目 Fast track the project. B. 资源平衡 Level the resources. C. 赶工 Crash the project. D. 蒙特卡罗分析 Monte Carlo analysis. 57: 个项目需要在技术部门之间进行详细信息交流,项目团队位于不同位置。 些团队成员对提议的沟通系统没有经验。 项目经理应该使 用什么来解决这个问题? A project requiring detailed information exchanges among technical departments has teams situated in different locations. Some team members are inexperienced with the proposed communication system. What should the project manager use to address this? A. 沟通管理计划 Communications management plan B. 沟通技能 Communication skills C. 项目沟通渠道 Project communication channels D. 沟通技术 Communication technology 58: 特殊的相关方以多次发起变更而闻名。项目之初,项目经理可以通过何种方法避免此情况发生: A particular stakeholder has a reputation for making many changes on projects. What is the BEST approach a project manager can take at the beginning of the project to manage this situation? A. 不断对他说不,以阻止他提出更多的变更 Say No to the stakeholder a few times to dissuade him from submitting more changes B. 让他尽早参与项目 Get the stakeholder involved in the project as early as possible C. 直接找他的老板,要求把他的工作分配到别的项目上 Talk to the stakeholder ' s boss to find ways to direct the stakeholder ' s activities to another project D. 把他排除在相关方名单外 Ask that the stakeholder not be included in the stakeholder listing 59: 在以下哪种合同中,更容易进行合同范围变更? Which of the following is easier to make contract scope change? A. 固定价 Fixed - price B. 固定价加激励费 Fixed - Plus - Incentive - Fee C. 成本加酬金 Cost - Plus - Fee D. 以上都不是 None of the above 60: 在查看项目进度的图表表示时,项目经理看到 个周期性跨越上下基准数字的参数。项目经理正在查看哪 项? While reviewing a graphic representation of a project s progress, the project manager sees a parameter that periodically crosses upper and lower baseline figures. What is the project manager reviewing? A. 控制图 Control chart B. 趋势图 Run chart C. 帕累托图 Pareto diagram D. 散点图 Scatter diagram 61: 个施工项目中,项目经理识别到图表中的某些风险。如果所有三个风险全部发生,项目经理应请求多少额外资金? In a construction project, the project manager identifies certain risks in the chart. How much additional funds should the project manager request if all three risks occur? A.130,00 美元 130, 00 dollars B.375,00 美元 375, 00 dollar C.275,00 美元 275, 00 dollars D.175,00 美元 175, 00 dollars 62: 项目的进度绩效指数为 0.7 ,通过绩效评估,项目经理确定 名团队成员的绩效达不到期望,项目经理应该怎么做来改善绩效? The project s schedule performance index is 0.7 . Through a performance assessment manager identifies a team member that is not performing as expecte What should the project manager do to improve performance? A. 执行进度分析 perform a schedule analysis B. 将该问题上报给职能经理 Escalate the issue to the functional manager C. 重新分配该团队成员的任务 Reassign the team member tasks D. 指导该团队成员或者提供额外的培训 Mentor the team member or provide additional train 63: 客户给你 复杂项目的采购工作说明书,该项目为期 8 个月,未知的东西不多。客户只要你将它完成,只要在 8 月末你交付项目的时 候见你。在这种情况下,下列哪种做法最好? A customer has given you a contract statement of work for a complex, eight month project that has a few unknowns. The customer has asked you to just get it done and onlywants to see you at the end of eight months when you deliver the finished project. Under these circumstances, which of the following is the BEST thing to do? A. 按要求完成项目,但是 直与客户时不时地确认其范围 Complete the project as requested, but validate its scope with the customer occasionally throughout. B. 8 个月内完成项目,期间不联系客户 Complete the project within eight months without contacting the customer during this time. C. 让管理层时不时地和客户联系 Ask management to check in with the customer occasionally . D. 完成项目,但是记录下客户不想联系 Complete the project, but document that the customer did not want contact. Procurement Management Answers 64: 在项目启动阶段,项目经理执行专家判断来验证预算和资源,估算预算高于原始预期,项目要求雇用分包商,预计超过 60% 的工作要有 外部资源完成, 周之内,项目经理必须向高级管理层提供 份批准的项目章程,项目经理接下来应该怎么做? During the start - up phase of the project, the project manager performs expert judgment to validate the budget and resources. The estimated budget is higher than the original forecast, the project requires the subcontractor to hire, more than 60% of the work is expected to have external resources to complete, within a week, the project manager must provide senior management with an approved project charter, what should the project manager do next? A. 减少项目范围,降低项目成本 Reduce project scope and cost B. 审查商业论证,确认商业利益和制约因素是否仍然有效 Review business justification to verify that business interests and constraints remain valid C. 与分包商谈判,减少合同价格,因为他们为项目提供了更多的资源 Negotiate with subcontractors to reduce contract prices as they provide more resources for the project D. 需求项目发起人增加项目预算 Demand project sponsors increase project budge 65: 个产品开发项目关键部件遭遇供应链的中断,未来的部件交付将会延迟几个星期,结果生产线停止,有 个替代供应商能够提供相同 质量的部件,但是使用该替代供应商需要变更技术规范,变更技术规范以及证明该部件合乎质量要求的成本为 260 万美元,而且需要八周时 间,原始供应商的部件将会无限期延迟的可能性有 50% 。项目经理应该怎么做? A key component of a product development project is interrupted by a supply chain, and future parts deliveries will be delayed for a few weeks, resulting in the production line being discontinued and an alternative supplier capable of providing the same quality components, but using the replacement supplier requires changing the technical specifications, The cost of changing the technical specification and proving that the part meets the quality requirements is USD 2.6 million, and it takes eight weeks for the original supplier to have a 50% chance of indefinitely delaying the part. What should the project manager do? A. 推迟项目直至规定部件继续供应为止 Postpone the project until the required parts continue to be supplied B. 开展更换供应商对项目成本影响的定量风险分析 Quantitative risk analysis of the impact of changing suppliers on project cost C. 放弃风险分析,立即开始采用替代供应商,让项目跟上进度 Abandon risk analysis and start using alternative suppliers immediately to keep projects up to speed D. 采用替代供应商,并在 旦原始供应商能继续交付时,平衡两家供应商的交付量 Use of alternative suppliers and balance the delivery of two suppliers once the original suppliers continue to deliver 66: 由于分包的工作, 个复杂项目延期了。结果,多个后续任务也延迟。项目最终按预算和范围完成,但未按时完成。 项目经理应该向客 户提供什么文件? A complex project experienced delays due to subcontracted work. As a result, several successive tasks were late. The project finished within budget and scope, but not on time. What documentation should the project manager provide to the customer? A. 更新的活动清单和活动持续时间估算 Updated activity list and activity duration estimates B. 更新的工作基准结构和进度基准 Updated work baseline structure and schedule baseline C. 检查协议和测量 Inspection protocol and measurements D. 验收协议和工作绩效规范 Acceptance protocol and work performance specifications 67: 买卖双方的谈判日益复杂,因此,买方要求双方在会议纪要上签字。但是,卖方在实际执行工作时宣称不需要提供双方在谈判过程中商 定的 项内容,因为该内容没有包括在随后的合同中,在该种情况下,卖方的说法: Negotiations between two parties are becoming complex, so party buyer makes some notes that both parties sign. However, when the work is being done, party seller claims that they are not required to provide an item they both agreed to during negotiations, because it was not included in the subsequent contract, in this case, party seller is: A. 通常正确,因为双方仅需要执行合同规定的事宜 Generally correct because both parties are only required to perform what is in the contract B. 通常不正确,因为所有协议都必须遵守 Generally incorrect because all agreements must be upheld C. 不正确,因为双方必须遵守双方商定的事宜 Incorrect because both parties must comply with what they agreed upon D. 正确,因为双方必须遵守双方签订的合同内商定的事宜 Correct because both parties must comply with what they agreed to in the signed contract 68: 项目团队成员在地理位置、文化以及工作实践方面存在多样化,若要确保团队遵从标准方法,项目经理可以怎么做? When project team members are diverse regarding their locations, cultures, and work practice, what can a project manager do to ensure that the team adheres to a common standard approach? A. 采用由所有团队成员都同意的最佳实践。 Adopt best practices agreed to by all team members. B. 在风险登记册中记录并接受相关风险,但允许有充足的项目应急。 Note and accept the associated risks in the risk register, but allow for sufficient project contingency . C. 使用帕累托图确定在哪里可以实现共性。 Use a Pareto diagram to determine where commonality can be achieve D. 在制定项目管理计划之前要求团队输入。 Ask for team input prior to developing the project management plan. 69: 项目具有高失败风险,然而,如果项目成功,将会使公司进入 个新的业务领域,项目开始后,商业环境气氛发生了变化,项目变成了 公司优先业务的首选,若要识别哪些人在项目中存在业务利益,应参考下列那份文件? Project has a high risk of failure, however, if the project succeeds, it will enable the company to enter a new business area, after the project began, the business climate changed, the project became the preferred business priority, to identify those who have business interests in the project, should refer to the following document? A. 人力资源计划 Human resources planning B. 风险登记册 Risk Register C. 相关方登记册 Relevant party registers D. 沟通计划 Communication plan 70: 项目经理正在管理价值 300 万美元、涉及两个供应商的项目。项目经理为每名供应商创 建了 份工作说明书( SOW )。 下列哪 项需要 SOW 信息? A project manager works on a US$3 million project which involves two vendors. The project manager creates a statement of work (SOW) for each vendor. Which of the following requires the information from the SOW? A. 风险管理计划 Risk management plan B. 项目章程 Project charter C. 采购管理计划 Procurement management plan D. 供应商范围说明书 Vendor scope statement 71: 个实施企业资源规划( ERP )软件的项目已经完成。项目经理希望将可交付成果的所有权移交给 IT 部门。 为确保可交付成果的验收, 项目经理应查阅哪 份文件? A project to implement enterprise planning (ERP) software has been complete The project manager wants to transfer ownership of the deliverables to the IT department.What document should the project management reference to ensure acceptance of the deliverable? A. 范围管理计划 Scope management plan B. 沟通管理计划 Communications management plan C. 需求文件 Requirements documentation D. 项目章程 Project charter 72: 项目已完成 50% ,项目经理计算出项目的进度绩效指数为 1.03 , 成本绩效指数为 0.97 ,项目的状态是什么? A project is 50%complete. The project manager calculate that the project s schedule performance index is 1.03, and the cost performance index is 0.97. A. 进度提前,但超出预算 Ahead of schedule and over budget B. 进度提前,但低于预算 Ahead of schedule and under budget C. 进度落后,但低于预算 Behind schedule and over budget D. 进度落后,但超出预算 Behind schedule and under budget 73: 位最近聘用的项目经理了解新项目有工作说明书、商业论证书以及与客户签署的合同。项目经理下 步该怎么做 A recently hired project manager learned that the project has a statement of work business case and a signed contract with an customer. What would the project manager do next? A. 收集需求 Gather the requirement B. 核实范围 Validate the scope C. 制定项目章程 Create a project charter D. 召开项目启动大会 Conduct a kick - off meeting 74: 在项目开始时,项目经理被要求准备 份快速、高层次成本估算。该项目经理之前从事过 个具有类似规模和复杂性的项目。 项目经理 应使用下列哪项工具或技术准备估算? At the beginning of a project, a project manager is asked to prepare a quick, high - level cost estimate. The project manager previously worked on a project of similar size and complexity . What tools and techniques should the project manager use to develop the estimate? A. 三点估算和质量成本( COQ Three - points estimating and cost of quality (COQ) B. 卖方投标分析和群体决策技术 Vendor bid analysis and group decision - making techniques C. 专家判断和类比估算 Expert judgment and analogous estimating D. 自下而上估算和储备分析 Bottom - up estimating and reserve analysis 75: 次经验教训会议中,项目经理应记录哪项信息用于持续改进? In a lessons learned meeting, what information should a project manager record for continuous improvement? A. 团队成员会议纪要 Team member s meeting minutes B. 总成本和总预算 Total cost and budget C. 所做纠正措施原因 Reasons for corrective actions made D. 变更请求数量 Number of change requests 76: 工作分解结构可以作为 —— 沟通的有效辅助工具。 The work breakdown structure can BEST be thought of as an effective aid -- for communications. A. 团队 team B. 项目经理 project manager C. 客户 customer D. 相关方 stakeholder 77: 质量团队对项目执行 项审计 , 发现可交付成果存在 个问题,项目团队应该采取下列哪 项措施? The quality team performs an audit on the project and finds an issue with a deliverable. The project team should do which of the following? A. 提交变更请求,遵循实施整体变更控制过程 Create a change request and follow the integrated change control. B. 立即解决问题 Fix the issue immediately . C. 为这个问题做估算,并解决问题 Do an estimate for the issue and fix the issue. D. 组织团队召开会议,讨论这个问题 Call the team for the meeting and discuss the issue 78: 个期限很短的项目关键相关方希望避免质量控制。项目经理知道必须提供最低质量水平。 项目经理应当使用什么工具或技术? Key stakeholders on a shout - deadline project want to avoid quality control. The project manager knows that a minimum level of quality must be provide What tool or technique should the project manager use? A. 标杆对照 Benchmarking B. 统计抽样 Statistical sampling C. 实验设计 Design of experiments D. 成本效益分析 Cost - benefit analysis 79: 项目经理分别与客户和高级管理层会面,定义项目章程。另外,项目经理又从关键团队成员那里收集有关项目的假设和约束条件,用于 制定项目章程。项目经理所使用的是下列哪 种信息收集技术? The project manager meets with the customer and senior management on separate occasions to define the project charter. On another occasion, the project manager collects assumptions and constraints from key team members for the purpose of developing the charter. What type of information gathering technique is the project manager using? A. 根本原因识别 Root cause identification B. 德尔菲技术 Delphi technique C. 头脑风暴法 Brainstorming D. 优势、劣势、机会和威胁分析法 Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats analysis 80: 最终确定进度计划时,项目经理注意到关键路径上的多项任务被安排在关键资源可能休假的夏季期间。项目经理决定将这些任务重新分 配给位于另 个国家的 支团队,在该过夏季期间 般不会休假。项目经理使用的是哪 项风险应对策略? While finalizing the project schedule, a project manager notices that several tasks on the critical path are scheduled during the summer, when key resources are likely to take vacations. The project manager decides to reassign those tasks to a team based in another country that typically does not take vacations during the summer. What risk response strategy did the project manager use? A. 回避 Avoid B. 接受 Accept C. 转移 Transfer D. 减轻 Mitigate 81: 在前两个月 直处于正常进度轨道的项目开始经历严重延期。项目经理已经识别出主要问题。项目经理应在哪里报告项目状态? A project that has been on track for the last two months has started experiencing significant delays. The project manager has identified the major issues. Where should the project manager report the project s status? A. 项目进度计划 Project schedule B. 工作绩效报告 Work performance report C. 问题日志 Issue log D. 相关方会议 Stakeholder meeting 82: 编制沟通计划时,项目经理确定了 10 名相关方,之后其中两名相关方离开了项目,沟通渠道数量将发生什么样的变化? When compiling the communication plan, the project manager identified 10 relevant parties, after which two related parties left the project, how the number of communication channels will change? A. 增加 2 Add 2 B. 增加 17 Add 17 C. 减少 2 Reduced by 2 D. 减少 17 Reduced by 17 83: 项目团队刚刚制定完成 个新的订单跟踪系统的开发。项目发起人销售总监对新系统非常满意。 而生产总监对此不满,并要求重新设计 该系统以满足生产需求。项目经理估计重新设计系统会导致项目实施延迟两个月。项目经理本应如何做就可以避免发生这种情况? A project team has just completed the development of a new order tracking system. The project sponsor, the director of sales, is pleased with the new system. However, the director of manufacturing is not pleased and has demanded that the system be re - designed to meet manufacturing concerns. The project manager estimates that a system redesign will delay implementation by two months.How could the project manager have avoided this situation? A. 在编制计划阶段完成角色和职责矩阵 Completed a roles and responsibility matrix in the planning phrase. B. 让项目相关方参与,确保要求不被忽略 Involved key stakeholders to ensure that requirements were not overlooke C. 确保让销售总监批准该需求 Ensured that the director of sales had approved the requirements. D. 在编制项目计划阶段,制定有效的项目范围和变更控制流程 Developed an effective project scope and change control process during project planning . 84: 公司希望进行 个新的财务应用程序。完成自制或外购分析之后,公司审查了所有供应商建议书并选择了其中 家供应商。下 步做什 么? A company wants to proceed with a new financial application. After completing but or make analysis,the company reviews all vendor proposals and and choose one vendor.What should do next? A. 创建 份风险采购计划。 Create a risk of purchasing plan B. 对管理层外包项目的决定进行申诉。 On management outsourcing project ' s decision to appeal C. 进行合同谈判。 Contract negotiations D. 记录变更请求。 Record the change request 85: 在项目执行期间,团队成员通知项目经理,有 个工作包未到达质量标准,为了分析这种情况,项目经理希望与项目所有相关方开会, 项目经理是在参与质量管理过程的那 部分? During the execution of the project, the team member notifies the project manager that there is a work package that does not reach the quality standard, and in order to analyze the situation, the project manager wants to meet with all the stakeholders in the project and the project manager is part of the quality management process. A. 检查质量 Check quality B. 管理质量 Management quality C. 监控项目工作 Monitor project work D. 控制质量 Control quality 86: 个过程的 系列输出测量值随时间记录下来。平均值为 0.8 ,标准差为 0.2 ,而测量值分别 为: 0.72 0.91 0.85 1.45 0.64 0.65 0.86 下列哪 项描述了以上结果? A series of output measurements of a process are recorded over time. The average is 0.8, the standard deviation is 0.2, and the measured values are: 0.72, 0.91, 0.85, 1.45, 0.64, 0.65, 0.86, which one of the following describes the above results? A. 运行当中 Running B. 在控制当中 In control C. 失控 Runaway D. 趋向 Trend 87: 审查完团队成员的技能情况后,项目经理发现缺少某些必要技能。为解决这种情况,项目经理该怎么做? After reviewing team member s skill profiles, the project manager determines some skills are missing . What should the project manager do to address this situation? A. 创建 份培训计划,培养需要的技能 create a training plan to develop the needed skill B. 将问题上报高级管理层 escalate the issue to senior management C. 调整项目范围使之适应团队成员的技能 adapt the project s scope to the skill the team member D. 在项目发起人的帮助下申请新项目团队成员 request new project team member with the project sponsor s assistance 88: 出于个人原因,项目发起人通知项目经理更换表现良好的团队成员。项目经理接下来应该怎么做? For personal reasons, a project sponsor advises the project manager to replace a team member who is performing well. What should the project manager do next? A. 与发起人讨论重新考虑这个请求,因为团队成员表现良好,对项目成功有价值。 Discuss with the sponsor to reconsider the request, as the team member is performing well and is valuable for project success. B. 只有对项目有利,才接受项目发起人的请求。 Accept the project sponsor s request only if acceptance will benefit the project. C. 接受项目发起人的请求,并使用合格资源更换团队成员。 Accept the project sponsor s request and replace the team member with qualified resource D. 忽视项目发起人的请求,因为项目经理负责该资源。 Disregard the project sponsor s request, as the project manager is responsible for the resources. 89: 个项目反复出现缺陷,可能导致无法满足客户期望。项目经理首先应该使用什么来解决这个问题? A project is experiencing recurring defects, which may result in unmet customer expectation. What should the project manager do first to address this? A. 开展统计抽样。 Conduct statistical sampling . B. 准备石川图。 Prepare an Ishikawa diagram. C. 创建 份亲和图。 Create an affinity diagram. D. 执行质量审计。 Perform a quality audit. 90: 在项目执行阶段中途,经济不稳定以及工会罢工让项目产生风险。更新风险登记册之后,项目经理下 步应该做什么? Midway through the project execution stage, economic instability and a labor union strike pose project risks. After updating the risk register, what should the project manager do next? A. 为每个风险建模。 Model each risk. B. 对这些风险开展敏感性分析。 Conduct sensitivity analyses of the risks. C. 规划风险应对。 Plan risk responses. D. 根据对风险的了解,更新受影响的基准。 Update impacted baselines based on an understanding of the risks. 91: 客户向供应商授予 个实现系统的固定总价合同,在该系统通过测试之后,供应商交付了系统并且项目收尾,三周后,客户投诉说系统 缺失 项特定的法律要求。供应商首先应该怎么做? A customer awards a supplier a fixed - price contract to implement a system. After the system testing, the supplier delivers the system and the project is close Three weeks later, the customer complains the system is missing a specific legal requirement. what should the supplier do first? A. 立即安排 次与发起人的会议 Schedule a meeting immediately with the originator B. 立即纠正系统,以遵守法律需求 Correct system immediately, in order to comply with legal requirements C. 在法院解决冲突 Resolve conflicts in the courts D. 审查项目收尾文件 Review project file 92: 项目经理必须为客户实施 个战略项目。该项目中包含 名特定的技术工程师,该项目经理应该与下列哪 方谈判? A project manager must implement a strategic project for client. This project must include a specific technical engineer. Whom should the project manager has negotiation with? A. 所有项目相关方 All stakeholders B. 项目发起人和项目总监 Sponsors and program manager C. 职能经理和其他项目管理团队 Function manager and other project management teams D. 人力资源经理和项目领导 HR manager and supervisor 93: 项目很难管理。每个人都将在规定时间内完成工作。不幸的是,气氛越来越紧张,大家在团队会议上争吵,每次会议都完不成什么工 作。 团队成员请求不参加以后的会议,因为他厌倦了争吵。同时,出资人要参加团队会议以更好的了解项目进行的如何和完成该项目涉及 的问题,客户已经开始讨论增加项目的范围。在这种情况下,项目经理最好: The project has been challenging to manage. Everyone has been on edge to complete the project on time. Unfortunately, the tension has grown to the point where team meetings have become shouting matches and little work is accomplished during the meetings. One team member asks to be excused from future team meetings, as all the shouting upsets him. Meanwhile, the sponsor has asked to attend team meetings in order to better understand how the project is going and the issues involved in completing the project, and the customer has started discussions about adding scope to the project. In this situation, it would be best for the project manager to: A. 问出资人他所需要的信息如果可以用报告寄给他,是否可以不参加会议 ask the sponsor if the information needed could be send in a report rather than have him attend the meeting . B. 和不想参加会议的团队成员讲这些会议的沟通价值 inform the team member who asked to be excused from the meetings of the value of communication in such meetings. C. 编制新的会议规章,让团队遵守 create new ground rules for the meetings and introduce them to the team. D. 请团队所有成员参加团队建设工作 hold a team building exercise that involves all the team members. 94: 名新项目经理必须了解项目相关方在项目中的利益、关系、期望和影响。项目经理需要根据这些关系建立联系。 下列哪 项将帮助项 目经理完成这项工作? A new project manager must gain an understanding of stakeholders interests, relations, expectations, and influence on a project. The project manager must also leverage relation build coalitions. What will help the project manager accomplish this? A. 相关方分析 Stakeholder analysis B. 人际关系技巧 Interpersonal skills C. 分析技术 Analytical techniques D. 相关方参与度评估矩阵 Stakeholders engagement assessment matrix 95: 项目经理在管理客户期望以及指导实现项目目标方面有困难。若要解决这些问题,项目经理应将客户的高层次需求记录在哪里? A project manager is having difficulty managing customer expectations, and directing the achievement of project goals, where should the project manager have documented the customer s high - level needs to address these issues? A. 项目章程 Project charter B. 工作分解结构( WBS Work breakdown structure (WBS) C. 需求管理计划 Requirements management plan D. 相关方参与计划 Stakeholder management plan 96: 制定项目章程时,销售团队和运营团队对高层次项目描述和需求意见不 致。项目经理应该怎么做? While developing a project charter, a disagreement on the high - level project description and requirements occurs between the sales and operational teams. What should the project manager do? A. 使用专家判断来完成项目章程。 Use expert judgment to complete the project charter. B. 安排 次与项目发起人的会议。 Schedule a meeting with the sponsor. C. 应用引导技术解决问题。 Apply facilitation techniques for problem solving . D. 使用可用的详细信息完成项目章程。 Complete the project charter with the available details. 97: 分配到 个为期 10 天任务的开发人员完成了 50% 的任务。在每周的状态评审会议上,项目经理发现 名团队成员希望加班工作三天来完 成该任务。 该任务的挣值是多少? A developer assigned to a task with a 10 - day duration completes 50% of the task during a weekly status review session, the project manager discovers a team member wants to overtime for there days to complete the task. What is the task s earned value? A.7 7days B.6.25 6.25days C.5 5days D.4 4days 98: 家公司启动了 个内部战略项目,高级管理层定义了项目目标,项目经理被要求确定重要的里程碑点以及概要系统需求。为获得项目 的正式授权,项目经理下 步该怎么做? A company initiates an internal strategic project. Senior management defines the project. The project manager is asked to identify major milestones and high - level system requirement. To obtain formal authorization for the project, what should the project manage do next? A. 与高级管理层会面,获得他们的支持。 Meet with senior management to obtain their support B. 定义项目范围和进度,确保项目可行 Define the project scope and schedule to ensure it is feasible C. 通过记录相关方和需求制定项目章程 Develop the project charter by documenting stakeholder requirements D. 获得关键相关方对项目范围的批准,创建项目基准 Obtain the key stakeholder s approval of the scope to create the project baseline 99: 项目执行阶段,发现 个子团队没有为约定的项目目标工作。项目经理应该查阅哪份文件? During the project execution phase, it is discovered that a sub - team is not working toward agreed - upon project goals. What document should the project manager consult? A. 项目管理计划 Project management plan B. 资源分解结构( RBS Resource breakdown structure (RBS) C. 项目章程 Project charter D. 资源管理计划 Resource management plan 100: 项目经理希望在项目启动阶段执行风险分析。为确保项目成功,项目经理应首先查阅哪份组织过程资产? A project manager wants to perform a risk analysis during the initiation phase. To ensure the project s success, which of the following organizational process assets should the project manager review first? A. 更新的项目风险登记册 Updated project risk register B. 风险管理计划和相关方承受力 Risk management plan and stakeholders tolerance C. 历史信息和经验教训 Historical information and lessons learned D. 组织基础设施和市场条件 Organization infrastructure and marker place conditions 101: 名工程师在没有提交变更请求的情况下,完成 名项目相关方的可交付成果变更要求。项目经理应该怎么做? An engineer completes a stakeholder request for a change in a deliverable without submitting a change request. What should the project manager do? A. 获得为何进行变更的相关信息。 Obtain information about why the change was made. B. 审查变更的影响,并提交变更请求。 Review the impact of the change, and submit a change request. C. 更新问题日志。 Update the issue log . D. 指示该工程师撤销变更。 Instruct the engineer to undo the change. 102: 项目发起人要求对某个可交付成果进行修改。该请求经过评审和批准。 项目经理的首要任务是什么? A project sponsor asks for a modification to a deliverable. The request is reviewed and approve What is the project manager s first task? A. 评审项目的变更管理流程 Review the project s change management process B. 收集团队成员的意见和准备风险评估 Gather input from the team members and prepare a risk assessment. C. 确定工作需要,以好作出改变 Identify the work required to make the change D. 更改日志中的变更请求状态 Update the change request status in the change log . 103: 两名项目团队成员 直对产品设计意见不 致。即使经过多次尝试,项目经理仍无法解决这个问题,项目现在落后于进度计划。 项目 经理应该是用什么冲突解决技术来立即解决这个问题? Two project team members continually disagree on product design. Despite several attempts, the project manager is unable to resolve the issue, and the project is now behind schedule. What conflict resolution technique should the project manager use to immediately resolve this issue? A. 缓和 / 包容 Smooth/accommodate B. 妥协 / 调解 Compromise/reconcile C. 撤退 / 回避 Withdraw/avoid D. 强迫 / 命令 Force/direct 104: 在项目执行期间,应使用什么技术来数字量化确定风险对总体项目目标的影响? What techniques should be used to quantify the impact of risk on overall project objectives during project execution? A. 制定风险响应计划 Develop a risk response plan B. 识别风险 Identify risks C. 定量风险分析 Quantitative risk Analysis D. 定性风险分析 Qualitative risk analysis 105: 项目预测显示项目将在测试阶段落后于进度,由于产品上市的时间是强制性的,在项目开始时,这个事件就被记录为已知风险。由于目 前项目尚处于分析阶段,项目经理决定将测试任务外包,并开始与选定的供应商讨论。这是哪个风险策略的事例 ? Project projections show that the project will fall behind in the testing phrase. This event was documented as a known risk at the project s beginning due to the time to market imperative because the project is currently in the analysis phrase, the project manager decides to outsource the testing function and begin discussions with the chosen vendor. Of which risk strategy is this an example? A. 回避 Avoidance B. 转移 Transference C. 分享 Sharing D. 减轻 Mitigation 106: 作为指导和管理 个项目的组成部分,项目经理必须审查已经完成的活动。项目经理应该首先审查哪份文件? As part of directing and managing a project, the project manager must review completed activities. What document should the project manager first review? A. 工作绩效数据 Work performance data B. 之前的状态报告 Previous status reports C. 项目进度计划 Project schedule D.D 问题日志 Issue logs 107: 如果项目中有六名相关方,那么存在多少潜在的沟通渠道? The many potential communication channels does a project have if there if there are six stakeholders? A.36 36 B.18 18 C.15 15 D.6 6 108: 项目工作过程中,项目经理所在公司被 家大型国际组织收购,项目经理担心这可能会影响到项目,项目经理接下来应该怎么做? In the course of the project, the project manager ' s company was acquired by a large international organization, and the project manager feared that it might affect the project, what should the project manager do next? A. 实施范围控制 Implementation Scope control B. 管理相关方期望 Manage the expectations of relevant parties C. 执行变更管理 Perform change management D. 更新项目基准 Update Project Baseline 109: 在项目启动大会期间,人力资源经理沟通说,在提供详细的项目进度计划之前将不会提供资源。若要获得资源,项目经理应该怎么做? During a project kick - off meeting, the human resource manager communicates that resources will not be provided until a detailed project schedule is available. What should the project manager do to obtain resources? A. 将该问题上报给项目发起人。 Escalate the issue to the sponsor. B. 提交工作说明书( SOW )。 Present the statement of work (SOW) . C. 创建 份详细的活动清单。 Create a detailed activity list. D. 参见责任分配矩阵( RAM )。 Refer to the responsibility assignment matrix (RAM) . 110: 个软件开发项目的项目经理收到该系统内 个重大组件的完工预告,然而,在内部审查过程中发现了 个缺陷,技术主管通知项目经 理这个缺陷将需要 段时间来修复,且无法满足交付日期。项目经理应采取下列哪 项措施? A project manager for a software development project receives a completion report for a major module of the system. However, during the internal review process a defect is foun The technical lead advises the project manager that the defect will take a week to fix and that the delivery date cannot be met. Which of the following actions should the project manager take? A. 为开发代码的团队成员安排 次培训会议 Arrange a training session for the team member who developed the code. B. 要求团队修改代码,并向项目发起人通知延期 Ask the team to rectify the code and report the delay to the project sponsor C. 向项目发起人提交 份范围变更请求,因此可以避免延期 Submit a scope change request to the project sponsor, so the delay can be avoided D. 在状态报告中报告缺陷,并等待项目发起人的指示 Report the defect in the status report and wait for direction from the project sponsor 111: 项目经理负责安装和调试 个新的生产设施。 条新的生产线已准备好调试,且正在进行试生产。若要确保生产线的运行符合技术规 范,项目经理应使用什么工具或技术? A project manager is responsible for installing and commissioning a new production facility . A new line is ready to commission, and a trial production is underway .What tool or technique should the project manager use to ensure that the production line is working according to specifications? A. 标杆对照 Benchmarking B. 控制图 Control chart C. 检查 Inspection D. 流程图 Flowchart 112: IT 系统实施项目的执行阶段,客户要求开发团队变更。这些变更已经被批准,然而项目经理认为这些变更与原始项目需求有冲 突。项目经理应该怎么做? During the execution phase of an IT system implementation project, the customer asks the development team for changes. The changes are approved, but the project manager thinks that they contradict the original project requirements. What should the project manager do? A. 更新变更日志。 Update the change log . B. 提出变更请求。 Initiate a change request. C. 修订变更管理计划。 Revise the change management plan. D. 执行预防和纠正措施。 Perform preventive and corrective actions. 113: 在预算规划过程中,项目经理意识到可供创建估算的信息很少。项目经理应该使用什么来提高准确性? During the budget - planning process, the project manager realizes that little information is available for creating the estimate. What should the project manager use to improve accuracy? A. 历史经验教训 Historical lessons learned B. 三点估算 Three - point estimating C. 类比估算 Analogous estimating D. 专家判断 Expert judgment 114: 项目经理希望在新项目中使用 名特定供应商。该供应商目前正在为项目经理管理的另 个项目工作。项目经理希望在开始为新项目工 作之前,先完成当前项目。在供应商开始为新项目工作之前,项目经理应该做什么? The project manager wants to use a specific vendor in the new project. The vendor is currently working on another project managed by the project manager. The project manager wants to complete the current project before starting work on the new project. What should the project manager do before the vendor starts working on the new project? A. 与供应商 起评审合同协议。 Review contract agreements with suppliers B. 更新采购文档。 Update purchase document C. 执行采购审计。 Perform procurement audits D. 要求供应商完成所有现有工作。 Require suppliers to complete all existing work 115: 在项目实施阶段,客户请求新的功能,团队估算将需要 10 万美元的预算,以及为批准的计划增加 15% 的工作。项目经理应该怎么做? During the project s implementation phase, the customer requests new functionality . The team estimates US $100,000 will be required in the budget and 15% more effort added to the approve plan. What should the project manager do? A. 与项目发起人安排 次会议,定义之后的步骤 Arrange A meeting with the project sponsor, after the definition of steps B. 指示团队实施新的功能 Directions team to implement new functionality C. 安排 次变更控制会议 Schedule a change control meetings D. 要求主管批准变更并修订项目管理计划 Require competent approved changes and revision of the project management plan 116: 项目虽然完成了,但是却延期了,导致项目结束时成本超支。 在这种情况下,项目经理应该怎么做? A project is completed, however, the project was delayed, causing cost overruns at the end of the project What should the project manager do in this case? A. 将这种情况记录为经验教训 Document the circumstances as lessons learned B. 将注意力集中在存档该项目的财务记录上 Focus attrition on archiving the financial records for this project C. 评估项目的所有工作,并将结果与项目范围相比较 Evaluate at the work of the project and compare the results to the project scope D. 在范围核实过程记录项目完成相关的情况 Document the circumstances surrounding project completion during the scope verification process. 117: 个职能经理拒绝安排某个员工到项目上去。项目经理决定与职能经理当面讨论,寻求解决方案。项目经理使用的是什么技巧? A functional manager of a project team has refused a request to release a resource to a project; the project manager decides to meet with the functional manager to find a solution. Which skill is the project manager using? A. 妥协 Compromise B. 冲突管理 Conflict management C. 行使职权 Exercising authority D. 谈判 Negotiation 118: 你作为项目经理管理着来自许多不同国家的项目组成员,为了管理不同的文化,你应该怎么办? You are the project manager managing resources who are working in many different countries. In order to manage the different culture, what would you do? A. 忽略这些国家存在的文化差异 Ignore the cultural differences B. 准备 份适用于所有成员的行为标准指南 Prepare a guideline for standard behavior applicable to all members C. 鼓励团队成员尊重文化上的差异 Encourage members to respect for the cultural differences D. 向他们讲解你自己国家的文化,以便符合你公司的政策 Teach them the culture of your own country in order to meet your company s policy 119: 名新项目经理被任命管理 个正在执行的项目。针对这个项目,三天内将召开 次重要的里程碑核实会议。若要确保相应人员受邀参 加会议,项目经理应该怎么做? A new project manager is appointed to an ongoing project for which an important milestone validation meeting will occur in three days. What should the project manager do to ensure that the appropriate people are invited to this meeting? A. 请求高级管理层提供建议 Ask senior management for recommendations B. 参照以往里程碑核实会议的与会者 Refer to the attendance at previous milestone validation meetings C. 与项目团队讨论该问题 Discuss it with the project team D. 查看相关方管理计划 Consult the stakeholder management plan 120: 名项目关键相关方通知项目经理,项目价值低于 100 万美元的项目不需要正式批准就可以执行。项目经理下 步应该怎么做? A key project stakeholder informs the project manager that formal approval is unneeded to proceed with projects under US$1 million. What should the project manager do next? A. 在没有正式批准的情况下继续执行项目。 Proceed with the project without formal approval. B. 要求获得项目发起人的反馈,并获得书面批准继续执行。 Ask for feedback from the project sponsor, and obtain written approval to procee C. 更新项目章程说明无需正式批准,并继续执行项目。 Update the project charter to indicate that formal approval is unneeded, and proceed with the project. D. 通知项目管理办公室( PMO )无需正式批准,并继续执行项目。 Inform the project management office (PMO) that formal approval is unneeded and proceed with the project. 121: 在评估 个项目时,项目团队识别到多个风险,其中大部分风险都具有风险减轻计划。然而,其中 个可能的风险不能减少。项目经理 应该怎么做? While evaluating a project, the project team identifies several risks, most of which have mitigation plans. However, one probable risk cannot be reduce What should the project manager do? A. 将问题上报给高级管理层 Escalate the issue to senior management. B. 要求额外资源 Ask for additional resources. C. 使用管理储备 Use the management reserve. D. 实施应急储备 Implement the contingency reserve. 122: 某项目进度超前,但是预算超支,下列哪 项可能是项目进度和成本绩效指数? A project is ahead of schedule, which the budget is overrun.Which of the following could be the schedule and cost performance indices? A. 进度绩效指数为 1.20 ;成本绩效指数为 1.15 schedule performance index is 1.20 and the cost performance index is 1.15 B. 进度绩效指数为 1.10 ;成本绩效指数为 0.09 schedule performance index is 1.10 and the cost performance index is 0.09 C. 进度绩效指数为 0.95 ;成本绩效指数为 0.85 schedule performance index is0.95 and the cost performance index is 0.85 D. 进度绩效指数为 0.90 ;成本绩效指数为 1.10 schedule performance index is 0.90 and the cost performance index is 1.10 123: 项目过程中可能发生哪三种质量成本类型? What are the three types of cost of quality that may be incurred during project? A. 预防成本、评价成本和失败成本 Prevention, appraisal, and failure B. 环境成本、评价成本和预防成本 Environmental, appraisal, and prevention C. 评价成本、人工成本和预防成本 Appraisal, labor, and prevention D. 相关方成本、预防成本和人工成本 Stakeholder, prevention, and labor 124: 个项目团队由来自项目经理所在公司的 15 名团队成员组成。十名团队成员来自客户组织,三名团队成员来自外部顾问。 项目经理应 该在哪份文件中找到有关不同团队成员角色和职责的定义? A project team is composed of 15 team members from the project manager s company . Ten team members are from the customer s organization, and three team members are from external consultants. Where should the project manager find a definition of the roles and responsibilities for the various team members? A. 资源管理计划 Resource management plan B. 项目组织计划 Project organization plan C. 人员管理计划 Staffing management plan D. 资源分解结构 Resource breakdown structure 125: 执行项目后评价时,项目经理识别到产品设计是各种制造问题的根本原因。项目经理应该怎么做? While performing the post - project review, the project manager identifies that product design is the root cause of various manufacturing problems. What should the project manager do? A. 更新风险登记册。 Update the risk register. B. 审查项目管理计划 Review the project management plan. C. 应用实施整体变更控制过程。 Apply the Perform Integrated Change Control process. D. 更新经验教训知识库。 Update the lessons learned knowledge base. 126: 个项目的最终阶段, 名关键相关方识别到产品缺失关键功能,必须增加这些功能才能在市场上具有竞争力。项目经理应该怎么 做? During a project s final stage, a key stakeholder identifies that the product is missing critical features that must be added to be marketplace competitive. What should the project manager do? A. 修订范围管理计划。 Modify the scope management plan. B. 更新质量核对表。 Update the quality checklists. C. 遵循变更管理计划。 Follow the change management plan. D. 查看工作说明书( SOW )。 Review the statement of work (SOW) . 127: 个新的关键组件在项目执行期间获得批准。在产品发布之后,业务经理抱怨说,这个组件对财务预测产生负面影响。 项目经理应从 哪里获得业务经理的验收? A new key component was approved during project execution. After the product was released, a business manager complains that the component adversely affected the financial forecast. Where should the project manager have captured the business manager s acceptance? A. 变更控制委员会( CCB )沟通 Change control board (CCB) communications B. 相关方分析文档 Stakeholder analysis documentation C. 变更日志 Change log D. 问题日志 Issue log 128: 个初级项目团队成员对 位高级团队成员提交的建议书中方法提出质疑。这两名团队成员的争论现在威胁到项目进度。仔细考虑之 后,项目经理同意初级团队成员的意见。项目经理使用的是什么方法? A junior project team member questions the methods in a proposal submitted by a senior member. The argument between the team members now threaten the project schedule after careful consideration, the project manager agrees with the junior project team member to modify the proposal. What method is the project manager using? A. 合作 Collaborate B. 缓解 Smooth C. 强迫 Force D. 撤退 Withdraw 129: 本地专家警告天气情况可能影响项目进度计划,项目经理接下来应该怎样做? Local experts warn that weather condition may impact the project what should the project manager do next? A. 将与受影响区域天气情况有关的已识别风险排列优先顺序 prisonlike the identify risks associated with weather conditions B. 继续监控本地专家的警告 continue to monitor the exports warnings C. 向客户请求进度灵活性来完成该项目 request schedule flexibility from the customer to complete the D. 从项目范围中减少潜在受影响区域 emanate the potential impacted areas from the project scope 130: 为了缩短完工时间,并向客户提供比原计划更低的成本,公司向项目分配了关键性人才。公司的战略是,消除与某个特定积极风险相关 的不确定性,确保机会肯定出现。公司所采用的是下列哪 项风险响应战略? To reduce time to completion and provide customers with a lower cost than originally planned, the company assigns key talent to the project. The company s strategy is to eliminate an uncertainty associated with a particular upside risk by ensuring that the opportunity definitely happens. Which risk response strategy has the company adopted? A. 开拓 Exploit B. 分摊 Share C. 避免 Avoid D. 减轻 Mitigate 131: 项目经理被任命管理 个正在进行的项目,在交接期,项目经理获得与该项目成本有关的完工预 算和实际成本数据。可从该数据中确 定下列哪 项? A project manager is assigned to an ongoing project.During the transition period, the project manager is provided with the budget at completion and actual cost data regarding the cost of this project. What can be determined from this data? A. 完工估算 Estimate at completion B. 完工尚需估算 Estimate to complete C. 剩余资金 Funds remaining D. 剩余工作 Work remaining 132: 项目经理审查风险登记册,并希望识别风险原因。应该使用下列哪 项分析和绘图技术? A project manager reviews the risk register and wants to identify the causes of a risk. Which of the following analytical and diagramming techniques should be used? A. 故障树分析( FTA )和鱼骨图 Fault tree analysis (FTA) and fishbone diagram B. 计划评审技术( PERT )和因果分析 Program evaluation and review technique (PERT) and causal analysis C. 失效模式与影响分析( FMEA )和关键性分析 Failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA) and criticality analysis D. 蒙特卡洛模拟和偏差分析 Monte Carlo simulation and variance analysis 133: 项目团队 些成员通过消除那些不增加项目整体价值的活动,促进项目绩效,团队成员所做为下列那 Some members of the project team promote project performance by eliminating activities that do not add to the overall value of the project, and the team members are the following A. 规划质量 Planning quality B. 监督与控制 Supervision and control C. 管理质量 Management quality D. 制定项目管理计划 Develop a project management plan 134: 由于专家对项目需求的意见不 致,项目现在存在落后于进度的风险,项目经理应该怎么做? A project is at risk of falling behind schedule due to experts differences of opinion over project requirements. What should the project manager do? A. 将问题上报给项目发起人。 Escalate it to the project sponsor. B. 安排 次会议,审查项目范围。 Schedule a meeting to review project scope. C. 提交变更请求。 Submit a change request. D. 妥协,同时关注项目目标。 Compromise, with focusing on project goals. 135: 项目 A 的活动取决于项目 B 的任务完成,如果完成项目 B 的活动表示项目 A 的活动完成,则这之间的逻辑是? The project A s activity depends on project B task completion, if completed project B activities represent the activities of project A is completed, this is the logic between? A. 完成到开始 Finish to start B. 开始到完成 Start to finish C. 完成到完成 Complete to complete D. 开始到开始 Start to start 136: 个已经完成多个类似项目的组织里,项目经理必须执行 个新项目的成本估算。如果项目经理利用这些之前的工作作为估算当前项 目的基础,这属于下列哪 个估算法? A project manager must perform a cost estimate for a new project in an organization that had completed several similar projects. If the project manager uses these previous effects as the basis for estimating the current project which of the following estimates would this be A. 三点估算法 Three - point B. 自下而上估算 Bottom - up C. 参数估算 Parametric D. 类比估算 Analogous 137: 在经济不景气时期, 个项目的成本绩效指数( CPI )和进度绩效指数( SPI )均为 0.99 。为了按进度完成项目,并且为了降低成本,项 目发起人建议减少项目文档数量。项目经理下 步应该怎么做? During an economic slowdown, a project s cost performance index (CPI) and schedule performance index (SPI) are both 0.99. To complete the project with budget, on schedule, and to reduce costs, the project sponsor suggests reducing the amount of project documentation. What should the project manager do next? A. 由于 SPI CPI 都在可接受范围,按照原计划继续项目。 Continue the project according to original plan because the SPI and CPI are acceptable. B. 释放应急基金,改善项目 CPI ,并带来更多资源改善 SPI Release contingency founds to improve the project s CPI and bring in more resource to improve the SPI. C. 通知项目发起人,执行冗余任务会将成本转移到其它关键任务。 Inform the project sponsor that performing redundant tasks will transfer costs to other key D. 将项目发起人担忧的问题添加到问题日志,并提出 项变更请求。 Add the project sponsor s concerns to the issue log and initiate a change request. 138: 项调查显示执行 个项目的最低可能成本为 1 亿美元。进 步调查同类项目比估算多 25% ,而另 个项目成本比最低成本估算多三 倍。使用提供的估算,下列哪 项应作为成本估算? An investigation shows that the lowest possible cost to perform a project is US$100 million. Further inquiry . It is found that similar project were for 25% more three times more than the lowest cost estimate. Using all of the provided estimates, which of the following should A.$1 亿美元 US$100 million B.$1.5 亿美元 US$150 million C.$2 亿美元 US$200 million D.$2.5 亿美元 US$250 million 139: 项产品已经交付给客户进行测试验收,但由于产品未经外部检查机构的审计,客户拒收产品,项目经理下 步该怎么做 A project is delivered to the customer for test acceptance, but they refuse it because the product was not audited by an external inspection authority . What should the project manager do next? A. 协商开始审计过程 Negotiate the start of the auditing process B. 检查质量管理计划 Check the quality management plan. C. 修订进度计划,避免可能的影响 Revise the schedule plan to avoid a possible impact D. 更新项目管理计划 Update the project management plan. 140: 若要管理项目的范围蔓延 , 项目经理应该如何做? To manage scope creep on a project, the project manager should: A. 与项目发起人 起审查变更要求 Review change requests with the project sponsor B. 设立变更控制委员会 Implement a change control board C. 实施风险管理计划 Implement a risk management plan D. 执行项目绩效审查 Perform a project performance review 141: 项目经理完成了 个项目。组织正常要求关于绩效评审的文件以及每个完成项目的经验教训。 这些属于下列哪 个过程的工具和技 术? A project manager completes a project. Organizational policies require documentation of performance reviews and lessons learned for every completed project.These are tools and techniques for which of the following processes? A. 合同收尾 Contact closes B. 行政收尾 Administrative closure C. 绩效审计 Performance audit D. 正式验收 Formal acceptance 142: 下面哪 个选项最好的描述了属性样本以及变量样本? Which of the following statements best describes attribute sampling versus variable sampling? A. 属性样本与预防有关,而变量样本与监督有关 Attribute sampling is concerned with prevention, whereas variable sampling is concerned with inspection. B. 属性样本与 致性有关,而变量样本与 致性的程度有关 Attribute sampling is concerned with conformance, whereas variable sampling is concerned with the degree of conformity . C. 属性样本与具体原因有关,而变量样本与任何原因有关 Attribute sampling is concerned with conformance, whereas variable sampling is concerned with any causes. D. 两者是同 概念 Both are the same concept. 143: 家全球性经营公司在各个不同地理区域拥有数千家客户。对于本年度完成的 项大型项目,公司项目管理办公室希望获得关键项目相 关方的反馈。 项目管理办公室应该使用下列哪 项工具或技术? A company operating worldwide business which has thousands of customers spread across various geographical areas. The company s Project Management Office would like to obtain feedback from its key stakeholders on some large projects completed in the current year. The Project Management Office should use which of the following tools or techniques? A. 问卷调查 Questionnaires B. 群体创造性技术 Group creativity technique C. 群体决策技术 Group decision making technique D. 访谈技术 Interviewing technique 144: 某项目的交付期为 3 1 日。根据关键相关方,项目预算是灵活的,但是必须满足交付日期。项目经理应该在哪份文件中记录该信息? A project has a delivery date of March 1st, According to the key stakeholder, the budget is flexible, but the delivery date must be met. Where does the project manager document this information? A. 项目范围说明书 Project scope statement B. 项目进度计划 Project schedule C. 工作分解结构 WBS D. 成本管理计划 project cost management 145: 名新项目发起人接管 个处于执行阶段的项目。项目发起人要求项目经理停止同意项目资源时间表。相反,发起人将该任务分配给另 一 名团队成员。 若要重新确立控制权,项目经理下 步应该做什么? A new sponsor takes over a project in the execution phase. The sponsor directs manager to stop approving the project resources timesheets. Instead, the sponsor assigns task to another team member. To re - establish control, what should the project manager do next? A. 组织与项目发起人召开会议,确定新的批准流程。 Organize a meeting with the sponsor to establish a new approval process. B. 遵循新项目发起人的指标,将任务委托给团队成员。 Follow the new sponsor s instruction and delegate the task to the team C. 让项目发起人参考资源管理计划。 Refer the sponsor to the human resource management plan. D. 让项目发起人参考项目章程中提供的职权。 Refer the sponsor to the authority provided in the project charter. 146: 项目经理正在制定质量管理计划。为了解决质量相关问题,公司希望使用计划 - 实施 - 检查 - 行动 (PDCA) 周期的七个基本质量工具。应将 哪个工具包含在内? A project manager is developing the quality management plan. To solve quality - related problems, the company wants to use the seven basic quality tools in the plan - do - check - act (PDCA) cycle. What tool should be included? A. 实验设计 Design of experiments B. 成本效益分析 Cost - benefit analysis C. 标杆对照 Benchmarking D. 因果图 Cause - and - effect diagrams 147: 项目执行阶段,其进度绩效指数为 1.2 成本绩效指数为 0.9 ,该项目目前是什么状态? In the project implementation phase, the progress Performance index is 1.2 cost performance index is 0.9, what is the current state of the project? A. 进度落后,成本未超支 Lag behind, cost not overrun B. 进度超前,成本超支 Progress ahead, cost overruns C. 进度超前,成本未超支 Ahead of schedule, cost not overrun D. 进度落后,成本超支 Lagging behind, cost overruns 148: 质量成本包括: Cost of quality includes: A. 发生在确保生产和提交验收产品及服务方面的所有费用 The total of all costs incurred to assure the production and delivery of acceptable products and services B. 只用于防止、检查和纠正上的费用 Only costs classified as prevention, detection and corrective action C. 用于废品、由于缺陷而进行的返工、客户退货和担保的费用 Only the costs of scrap rework due to defects, customer returns and warranty costs D. 高层管理的费用 The expense of upper management 149: 总部要求更快的执行速度,支持 个地区性项目。若要正式制定 个资源获取策略,项目经理首先应该怎么做? Faster execution is required to support a regional project from headquarters. What should the project manager do first to formulate a sourcing strategy? A. 成立 个集中办公团队。 Set up a collocated team. B. 查看资源管理计划。 Consult the resource management plan. C. 查看采购管理计划。 Review the procurement management plan. D. 成立 个跨时区虚拟团队。 Set up a cross - time - zone virtual team. 150: 为获得新项目所需的资源,项目经理必须得到所有职能经理的许可,这家公司的组织结构是什么? To obtain the resources necessary for a new project, the project manager must obtain permission from all functional managers. What is the company s organizational structure? A. 平衡矩阵型组织 Balanced matrix B. 弱矩阵型组织 Weak matrix C. 强矩阵型组织 Strong matrix D. 职能型组织 Functional 151: 项目的主要相关方要求对 个优先问题立即采取纠正措施,并批准项目经理继续。项目经理下 步应该怎么做? A project s major stakeholder requests immediate corrective action for a priority issue, and authorizes the project manager to procee What should the project manager do next? A. 请求变更控制委员会( CCB )的批准。 Request approve from the change control board (CCB) . B. 评估对关键路径的影响,并更新进度基准。 Assess the impact on the critical path, and update the schedule baseline. C. 更新问题日志。 Update the issue log . D. 继续进行变更。 Proceed with the change. 152: 名团队成员声称 名供应商未能满足可交付成果要求。哪 份文件将帮助项目经理确定这项主张的有效性? A team member claims that a supplier has filed to meet deliverables requirements. What document will help the project manager determine the validity of this claim? A. 供应商出价 Supplier offer B. 采购工作说明书( SOW Procurement statement of work (SOW) C. 采购管理计划 Procurement management plan D. 工作分解结构( WBS Work breakdown structure (WBS) 153: 两个团队成员之间存在个人冲突。这两名团队成员互相不说话,项目经理预计到这将对项目执行产生直接影响。团队成员正在使用下列 项冲突解决技巧? There is a personal conflict between two team members. These two team members ignore each other, and the project manager anticipates that it will have a direct impact on project implementation.The team members are using which of the following conflict resolution technique? A. 撤退 / 回避 Withdraw/Avoid B. 合作 / 解决问题 Collaborate/Problem Solve C. 妥协 / 调解 Compromise/Reconcile D. 强迫 / 命令 Force/Direct 154: 个新项目的项目经理获得 份活动清单以及 份公司已经执行过的类似项目的资源估算,为了估算活动持续时间,项目经理首先必须 制定哪 个过程? The project manager for a new project is provided with a list of activities, and a resource estimation of similar projects the company has implemente What process must the project manager do first to estimate the project s duration? A. 识别风险 Identify Risks B. 估算活动持续时间 Estimate Activity Durations C. 排列活动顺序 Sequence Activities D. 控制进度 Control Schedule 155: 个项目接近完工,这时项目经理发现 个新风险。发现这个风险时,项目经理执行的是什么活动? A project is nearing completion when the project manager discovers a new risk. What activity was the project manager performing when they discovered this risk? A. 识别风险 Identifying risks B. 定量风险分析 Quantitative risk analysis C. 风险再评估 Risk reassessment D. 监督风险 Controlling risks 156: 个成本控制敏感项目团队分布在三个位置 —— 存在时区、语言、沟通问题。若要解决这些问题,项目经理应该怎么做? A cost - control - sensitive project has teams in three locations - with time - zone, language and communication issues. What should the project manager do to manage these issues? A. 召开定期的视频会议。 Hold periodic video - conferencing meetings. B. 使用电子邮件让沟通可跟踪。 Make communications traceable using email. C. 使用拉式沟通方法。 Use the pull communication metho D. 确保关键任务分配给处于单独位置的团队。 Ensure that critical tasks are assigned to a single location. 157: 由于活动 A 的资源不可用,这项活动将会延迟五周。根据表格内容,对项目的影响是什么? Due to the unavailability of resources for activity A, it will be delayed by five weeks. Based on the table, what is the impact on the project? A. 项目将延期五周。 Project will be delayed by five weeks. B. 活动 F 的浮动时间将增加五周。 Activity F s float will be increased by five weeks. C. 活动 F 将延期五周。 Activity F will be delayed by five weeks. D. 项目结束日期保持相同。 Project end date remains the same. 158: 项目进度绩效指数为 0.86 ,因果分析之后,项目经理发现时间都花在返工上了,结果可交付成果被拒绝,因为项目团队不遵循文件标 准。 项目经理应使用什么策略来解决这个问题? The schedule performance index of a project is 0.86. After a cause and effect analysis the project manager discovers that most of time was spent on rewor The deliverables are rejecte What strategy should the project manager use to solve this issue? A. 批准额外时间进行文件返工 Approve overtime for the document reward B. 确保管理质量,执行相应的进度压缩技巧 Ensure quality assurance is performed and implement schedule compression technic C. 创建变更请求,向团队提供额外的时间执行返工 Create a change request to give the team the extra time D. 分配有经验的资源代替目前资源 Assign experienced resources to instead of the current ones 159: 项目阶段接近结束, 些项目相关方认为,由于所在国家的经济情况,项目将超出预算,这个在项目启动时并未纳入考据范围,项目团 队执行的是哪 个过程? A project is reaching its en Some stakeholders believe the project will be over budget over, because of the country s economic situation. This impact was not taken into account at project initiation. What process is the project team performing? A. 实施定性风险分析 Perform Qualitative Risk Analysis B. 实施定量风险分析 Perform Quantitative Risk Analysis C. 监督风险 Control Risks D. 控制成本 Control Costs 160: 项目发起人批准项目里程碑进度计划并任命 名项目经理。评审进度计划之后,项目经理得出日期不现实的结论。项目经理下 步应该 怎么做? A project sponsor approves the project milestone schedule and assigns a project manager. After reviewing the schedule, the project manager concludes that the dates are unrealisti What should the project manager do next? A. 创建 份因果图。 Create a cause - and - effect diagram. B. 产生进度计划网络图。 Produce a schedule network diagram. C. 对批准的进度计划赶工。 Crash the approved schedule. D. 执行进度网络分析。 Perform a schedule network analysis. 161: 个项目经理最近奖励并晋升了 个雇员,只有非常小的工资增加量,但是充分地赋予了更多责任。项目经理看上去喜欢满足雇员 _____ 需要。 A project manager recently rewarded an individual with a promotion that carried with it a very small salary increase but substantially more responsibility The project manager appears to be appealing to the employee ' s _____ need. A. 金钱 Monetary B. 生理 Physiological C. 尊重 Esteem D. 自我实现 Self - actualization 162: 700 450 个为期六周、价值 万美元的项目中途,成本已经达到 万美元。只有三周 剩余时间,项目处于什么状态? Midway through a six - week, US$7 million project, costs have reached US$4.5 million. With only three weeks remaining, what is the project s status? A. 超前于进度,但低于预算 Ahead of schedule and under budget B. 落后于进度,但低于预算 Behind schedule and under budget C. 符合进度,并低于预算 On schedule and under budget D. 符合进度,但超出预算 On schedule and over budget 163: 开发团队观察到两个主要项目变量向相反的方向移动,可能导致项目处于风险当中。项目经理用什么工具或技术来确定这两个变量是如 何密切相关的? The development team observes that two major project variables are moved to different directions, which could put the project at risk. What tool or technique should the project manager use to determine how these two variables are relate A. 散点图 Scatter diagram B. 帕嘉托图 Pareto chart C. 直方图 Histogram D. 偏差分析 Variance analysis 164: 安装项目的成本绩效指数为 1.03 ,进度绩效指数为 1.0 。团队有 14 名成员,每名成员都参与了最终项目管理计划。客户已经接受了现 已完成的 3 项交付成果,没有提出异议。从项目启动开始,责任分配矩阵还没有变动。该项目是在矩阵环境中完成的,不需要合同。虽然发 起人对项目状态表示满意,但是 名团队成员总是抱怨说他在项目工作花了太多时间。项目经理最好怎么办? The installation project has a CPI of 1.03 and an SPI of 1.0. There are 14 team members and each team member had input into the final project management plan. The customer has accepted the three deliverable completed so far without complaint and the responsibility assignment matrix has not changed since the project began. The project is being completed in a matrix environment and there are no contracts needed for the project. Though the sponsor is happy with the status of the project, one of the team members is always complaining about how much time his project work is taking . Which of the following would be the BEST thing for the project manager to do? A. 审核项目的奖励体系 Review the reward system for the project. B. 改进项目的进度执行 Try to improve schedule performance of the project. C. 会见客户,试图延长进度计划 Meet with the customer to try to extend the schedule. D. 从客户的书面材料中取得认可 Gain formal acceptance in writing from the customer. 165: 哪个过程可用于控制范围蔓延的负面效应? Which process is used to control the adverse effects of scope creep A. 总体质量管理 Total quality management B. 变更管理 Change management C. 风险管理 Risk management D. 并行工程 Concurrent engineering 166: 在新项目的相关方会议中,项目经理发现 名相关方对项目有抵触。项目经理记录该情况,并对该相关方的参与程度评级。项目经理使 用了哪项工具或技术来为相关方的参与程度评级? During a new project s stakeholder meeting, the project manager discovers that one stakeholder is resistant to the project. The project manager notes this, and rates the stakeholder engagement level. What tool or technique did the project manager use to rate this stakeholder s engagement level? A. 分析技术 Analytical techniques B. 风险概率和影响评级 Risk probability and impact assessment C. 人际关系技巧 Interpersonal skills D. 专家判断 Expert judgment 167: 个项目要求从外部供应商购买 些服务器。标准程序要求在做出采购决策前需考虑三个供应商的报价。项目经理应该怎么做? A project requires that some servers be purchased from external vendors. Standard procedure requires that three vendor quotations be obtained before making a purchasing decision. What should the project manager do? A. 发出投标邀请书 (IFB) Send out an invitation for bid (IFB) . B. 准备建议邀请书( RFP )。 Prepare a request for proposal (RFP) . C. 提交采购订单( PO )。 Submit a purchase order (PO) . D. 发出洽谈邀请。 Send out an invitation for negotiation. 168: 由于之前识别到的障碍未能解决,项目可交付成果将不能按计划完成。项目经理应该事先做什么? A project deliverable will not be completed as planned, because a previous identified issue failed to be addresse What should the project manager have done to avoid this? A. 与团队 起定期审查问题日志 Regularly reviewed the issue log with the team B. 持续更新执行、负责、咨询和知情( RACI )图 Continually updated the responsible, accountable, consult, and inform (RACI) diagram C. 定期审查相关方登记册 Routinely reviewed the stakeholder register D. 开展质量审计 Conducted a quality audit 169: 下列哪 项直接(或作为其他文件的参数)纳入详细的项目范围说明书? Which of the following is included, either directly, or by reference to other documents in the detailed project scope statement? A. 范围说明、质量计划、沟通计划、除外计划和工作说明书 Scope description, quality plan, communication plan, exclusion plan, and statement of work B. 范围说明、项目时间表,可交付称成果、项目预算和除外情况 Scope description, project timescale, deliverables, project budget, and exclusions C. 范围说明、验收标注、可交付成果、除外情况,制约因素和假设条件 Scope description, acceptance criteria, deliverables, exclusions, constraints, and assumptions D. 项目章程,需求文件和组织过程资产 Project charter, requirements documentation, and organization process assets 170: 公司决定推出 项新产品来增加公司收入。项目经理被选择来管理这个项目。 下列哪 份文件中可以找到高层次需求和相关方期望? A company decides to launch a new product increase its revenues. A project manager is selected for this new project. In which of the following documents will the high - level requirements and stakeholders expectations be found? A. 项目管理计划 Project management plan B. 项目章程 Project charter C. 相关方登记册 Stakeholder register D. 活动清单 Activities list 171: 个新产品开发三个月后, 名团队成员通知项目经理其中某个部件的质量问题。项目经理应该使用哪种工具与技术有效地处理和解决 这个问题? Three months into the development of a new product, a team member informs the project manager of a quality issue with one of the components. What tool or technique should the manager use to efficiently address and solve this issue? A. 帕累托图 Pareto diagram B.SWOT 分析 Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) analysis C. 因果图 Cause - and - effect diagrams D. 控制图 Control charts 172: 某个施工项目的计划成本是 100,000 美元 . 在完成实际工作的 40% 之后,实际成本为 60,000 美元 . 项目的成本绩效指数是下列哪 个? The planned cost for a construction project is US $100,000. after 40% of the physical work is completed, the actual cost incurred is US $60,000. The project s cost performance index is which if the following A.0. 6 0. 6 B.0. 67 0. 67 C.1. 5 1. 5 D.1. 6 1. 6 173: 项目经理希望将质量管理技术引进到项目中。下列哪 个方法可以作为持续质量改进的基础? The project manager wants to introduce quality management techniques to the project. Which methodology can be used as a basis for continuous quality improvement? A. 参数估算 Parametric estimating B. 计划 - 实施 - 检查 - 行动循环 Plan - do - check - act cycle C. 标杆对照 Benchmarking D. 成本效益分析 Cost - benefit analysis 174: 项目团队被要求遵守政府法规和劳工合同。项目经理已经确定了实施战略。下列哪 项计划应跟随战略更新? The project team is required to comply with government regulations and union contracts. The project manager has identified the strategy for its implementation. Which plan should be updated with this strategy? A. 资源管理计划 Staffing management plan B. 风险管理计划 Risk management plan C. 项目管理计划 Project management plan D. 沟通管理计划 Communication management plan 175: 项目经理正在努力完成 个软件开发项目,但项目得不到足够的重视。资源都用在了与流程相关的工作上了,项目经理没有权力合理分 配资源。这位项目经理所在项目的组织结果为? A project manager is trying to complete a software development project, but cannot get enough attention for the project. Resources are focused on completing process - related work and the project manager has little authority to properly assign resources. What form of organization must the project manager be working in? A. 职能型 Functional B. 矩阵型 Matrix C. 联络员 Expediter D. 协调员 Coordinator 176: 项目团队定期向客户演示软件。客户在这些演示中请求变更,然后团队合并这些变更。这导致团队落后于进度计划。 若要预防这个问 题,项目经理应该事先做什么? The project team demonstrates software to a client on a regular basis. The client requests changes among demonstrations, which the team then incorporates. This causes the team to fail behind schedule. What should the project manager have done to prevent this? A. 使用快速跟进 Used fast tracking B. 将这种变更定义为项目风险 Defined the changes as project risks C. 创建 个变更控制过程 Created a change control process D. 分配更多的项目资源 Assigned more project resources 177: 项目在执行阶段被取消。项目经理将所有信息转移给项目发起人,但 名关键相关方不同意项目经理对分包商取消费用的估算。项目经 理应该怎么做? A project is cancelled during the execution phase. The project manager transfers all information to the sponsor, but a key stakeholder disagrees with the project manager s estimate of the subcontractor s cancellation fee. What should the project manager do? A. 进行采购谈判。 Conduct procurement negotiations. B. 更新付款进度。 Update the payment schedule. C. 等待分包商提交索赔。 Wait for the subcontractor to submit a claim. D. 修订工作绩效信息。 Revise the work performance information. 178: 在项目会议中,二名工程师就向客户提交的设计方案发生争执。在他们争论过程中。项目经理决定结束会议。这采用了哪种冲突解决方 式? In a project meeting, two engineers argue about the design of a solution that will be presented to the customer. During the debate, the project manager decides to end the meeting . Which type of conflict resolution technique was used A. 包容 Accommodating B. 合作 Collaborating C. 面对 Confronting D. 回避 Avoiding 179: 项目发起人的最佳角色为: The sponsor ' s role on a project is BEST described as: A. 帮助计划活动 helping to plan activities. B. 确定项目目标 Decide the project objectives. C. 识别不必要的项目约束条件 identifying unnecessary project constraints. D. 帮助将项目管理计划整合在 helping to put the project management plan together. 180: 正在执行 个全球性项目的项目经理遇到及时交付办公室设备的风险,办公设备可能比项目进度提前交付,但办公空间还没准备好安装 这些设备。若要尽可能减少对项目的影响,项目经理下 步应该怎么做? A project manager implementing a global project encounter a rick in the timely setup equipment.It is possible that the office equipment could arrive ahead of space is not ready for setup . What should the project manager do next to minimize the impact to the project? A. 将这个可能性记录在问题登记册中,并调整项目进度计划 Record the possibility in the issue register and adjust the project schedule. B. 重新评估风险,更新风险登记册并修订风险应对计划 Reassess the risk, update risk register, and revise risk response plan. C. 为紧跟任务压缩工期 Compress the schedule for the predecessor task. D. 推迟设备交付,与项目进度保持 Postpone the equipment delivery to align with the project schedule. 181: 家大型、全球性公司的员工分布在七个不同国家。为确保项目成功,每个人 —— 无论其物理位置 —— 必须能够方便地通过安全的内部 网站访问培训。 这使用的是哪种沟通方法? A large, global company has employees located in seven different countries. To assure the project successes, everyone regardless of physical location must be able to convenient to visit training via a secured intranet site. A. 交互式沟通 Interactive B. 编码沟通 Encoded C. 拉式沟通 Pull D. 推式沟通 Push 182: 下列哪 个群体有责任提供成功质量管理所需的资源 ? Which group has the responsibility to provide the resource for the quality management? A. 项目团队成员 Project team members B. 人力资源部 Human resources C. 职能型组织 Functional organization D. 管理层 Management 183: 管理质量过程的 项输出称为: An output of the Manage Quality process is called: A. 工作绩效信息 Work performance information B. 项目管理计划更新 Project management plan updates C. 质量审计 Quality audits D. 质量测量指标 Quality metrics. 184: 项目经理遇到了项目预算的挑战。在项目伊始,他得到了 百万美元的项目预算,这些预算分别 如下: 200,000 美元用于材料支出 100,000 美元用于差旅 100,000 美元用于资本折旧。 项目开始后,在有限的资金预算中,新的需求出现了那就是需要额外的 50,000 美元来支 付给工人,但是项目经理不能得到额外的资金。 因为项目进度十分紧张且不能延期,项目经理应该怎么做? A project manager encounters a challenge to the budget. At the beginning of the project, they obtain budget approval of US$1 million broken down as follows. US$200,000 for material expense US$100,000 for travel US$100,000 for depreciation of capital After the project starts, new requirements may incur an additional US$50,000 for labor. Due to budget constrains, the project manager cannot obtain additional funds for the project. Since the project schedule is tight and cannot be delayed, what should the project manager do? A. 与项目发起人协商,继续项目之前获得足够的预算 Negotiate with the sponsor to get enough budgeted before continuing the project. B. 与项目团队协商,继续项目之前获得 份意见 Negotiate with the project team and get an advice before continuing the project. C. 要求更多的时间来交付项目 Require more time to deliver the project. D. 接受预算短缺作为 项风险,并继续项目 Accept the budget as a risk and continue the project. 185: 名项目团队成员被要求支持另 个职能部门三天时间。项目经理识别到这将会让项目延期五天。项目经理应使用什么技术来确定这 点? A project team member is required to support another functional department for three days. The project manager identifies that this will delay the project by five days. What technique did the project manager use to determine this? A. 进度网络分析 Schedule network analysis B. 关键路径法( CPM Critical path method (CPM) C. 关键链法( CCM Critical chain method (CCM) D. 资源平衡 Resource leveling 186: 在为 个大型项目开展风险分析时,项目团队创建了 个用于模拟的项目模型。计算与成本估算和活动工期等输入值迭代。然后从这些 迭代中计算出概率分布。 这属于哪 项技术的描述? In conducting risk analysis for a large project. the project team creates a project model for simulation. The computations are iterative alive with input values such as cost estimates and activity durations. A probability distribution is then calculated from these iteration. What technique is described? A. 趋势分析 Trend analysts. B. 赫茨伯格的模拟方法 Herzberg s simulation method C. 德尔菲技术 Delphi technique D. 蒙特卡洛分析 Monte Carle analysis. 187: 在项目实施期间发生组织重组, 名关键相关方被替换。新的相关方对项目成功存在很高的兴趣并拥有足够的影响力,对项目结果产生 重大影响。 在执行相关方分析之后,项目经理该如何处理该新项目相关方? Organizational restructuring occurred during a project s implementation and a key stakeholder was replace The new stakeholder has high interest in the project s success and enough influence and can significantly impact its outcome. After performing a stakeholder analysis, how should the project manager handle this new stakeholder? A. 监测相关方期望发生的任何变化。 Monitor any change in stakeholder in stakeholder expectation. B. 保持向相关方通知项目进度 / 状态。 Keep the stakeholder informed of the project s progress/status. C. 确保相关方满意项目进度 / 状态。 Ensure stakeholder id satisfied with the project s progress/status. D. 密切管理相关方的期望。 Manage the stakeholder s expectation closely . 188: 收到新项目的客户请求之后,项目经理首先应该做什么? What should a project manager do first after receiving a customer request for a new project? A. 寻求项目发起人批准。 Seek project sponsor approval. B. 准备商业论证。 Prepare the business case. C. 组织项目启动大会。 Organize a kick - off meeting . D. 获得专家判断。 Obtain expert judgment. 189: 团队不能遵循项目技术规范。但是,没有这个问题的正式报告。结果,项目经理无法确认团队是否有执行工作的技术能力。项目经理接 下来应该怎么做? A team can ' t follow the project specifications. However, there is no formal report of this issue. As a result, the project manager cannot confirm that the team has the technical capacity to perform the work. What should the project manager do next? A. 申请由质量保证团队进行质量审计审查。 Request a quality audit review by the quality assurance team B. 执行质量控制流程。 Perform the control quality process. C. 与项目发起人审查这种情况。 Review the situation with the project ' s sponsor. D. 询问团队成员有关他们满足项目要求的技术问题。 Ask the team members about their technical issues in meeting the project requirements. 190: 在项目执行阶段,项目发生了很多变更,项目经理应该: During project executing, a large number of changes are made to the project. The project manager should: A. 直等待,直到了解了所有的变更,然后打印 个新的进度表。 wait until all changes are known and print out a new schedule. B. 根据需要尽快实施被批准的变更,但是保留原有的进度基准。 make approved changes as needed, but retain the schedule baseline. C. 只实施管理层批准的变更。 make only the changes approved by management. D. 实施任何变更前要通知管理层。 talk to management before any changes are made. 191: 在项目初始阶段,项目发起人表示项目必须在六个月内完成。若要确定时间线是否切合实际,项目经理应该怎么做? During a project s initial phase, the project sponsor expresses that it must be completed within six months. What should the project manager do to determine if the timeline is realistic? A. 咨询主题专家( SME )。 Consult subject matter experts (SMEs) . B. 查看资源管理计划。 Refer to the human resource management plan. C. 查看进度管理计划。 Refer to the schedule management plan. D. 安排 次与项目相关方召开的焦点小组会议。 Arrange a focus group with project stakeholders. 192: 意料之外的技术问题需要添加三个新的项目资源。现有团队表现良好,但由于不能跟团队新资源分享关键信息,导致落后于进度。项目 经理应该怎么做? Unexpected technical problems require the addition of three new project resources. The existing project team was performing well, but now falls behind schedule since critical information not being shared by the new resources. What should the project manager do? A. 指示所有团队成员查看沟通管理计划。 Direct all team members to refer to the communications management plan. B. 与新资源开会,说明基本规则并要求妥协。 Meet with the new resources to explain the ground rules, and request a compromise. C. 要求职能经理指示新团队成员遵循相关方管理计划。 Ask the functional managers to instruct the new team members to follow the stakeholder management plan. D. 开展团队建设活动,鼓励人际关系纽带 Conduct team building activities to encourage interpersonal bonds. 193: 在项目评审会上,项目经理发现 个项目团队不能解决的问题。项目经理应该怎么做? During a project review meeting, the project finds an issue that cannot resolved by the project team. What should the project manager do? A. 更新问题日志。 Update the issue log . B. 提交变更请求。 Submit a change request. C. 更新相关方管理计划。 Update the stakeholder management plan. D. 请求额外的资源。 Request additional resources. 194: 高级管理层要求项目经理开发 个新系统,但对应实施的功能没有提供建议。项目经理首先应该做什么? Senior management asks a project manager to develop a new system, but has no suggestion for the functions that should be implemente What should the project manager do first? A. 制定项目章程。 Develop the project charter. B. 创建商业论证。 Create the business case. C. 制定范围管理计划。 Develop the scope management plan. D. 准备项目工作说明书( SOW )。 Prepare the project statement of work (SOW) 195: 家全球性公司推出 个新项目,在其各分支机构交付 个质量体系。关键项目相关方担心位于公司总部外面的人员参与程度。 若要 解决这个问题,项目经理应该怎么做? A global company launches a new project to deliver a quality system across its branches. Key stakeholders are concerned about the levels of engagement for those located outside of company headquarters. What should the project manager do to address this? A. 为位于公司总部的人员举行面对面会议,并向所有团队成员发送电子邮件会议纪要。 Conduct face - to - face meetings for those located in company headquarters, and email meeting minutes to all team members. B. 与所有团队成员分享主要成就,并根据需要安排后续追踪电话。 Share main achievements with all team members, and schedule follow - up calls as require C. 使用电子邮件向所有团队成员发送项目相关主题。 Email all team members with topics relevant to the project. D. 安排运行所有参与者参加的虚拟会议,并向所有团队成员发送电子邮件会议纪要。 Schedule virtual meetings that allow all participants to attend, and email meeting minutes to all team members. 196: 某个施工项目的网络实施持续的不稳定,即使花了 些精力来纠正部分安装工作 . 项目经理指定 支特别工作小组来确定根本原因并解 决问题,特别工作小组应该应用下列哪 项技术? A network implementation in a construction project has constant instability despite efforts to correct parts of the installation. The project manager assigns a task force to identify the root cause and resolve the issue. Which of the following techniques should the task force apply A. 统计抽样 Statistical sampling B. 蒙特卡洛分析 Monte Carlo analysis C. 石川图 Ishikawa diagram D. 帕累托图 Pareto chart 197: 项目经理首次管理 个多现场项目。由于工作部分是以不同格式提交的,难以组织成 份整体的进度计划。另外,需要由谁来批准进度 计划不明确。 项目经理应该怎么做? A project manager is a first - time leader of a multi - site project. It has been difficult assembling an integrated schedule, because work segments are submitted in different formats. Additionally, it is unclear who needs to approve the schedule. A. 接管制定每份进度计划,确保格式相同。 Take ownership of developing each schedule so they are in the same format. B. 提供更好的进度安排工具。 Provide better scheduling tools. C. 查看范围管理计划。 Review the scope management plan. D. 让项目发起人与每个现场的管理层谈话。 Ask the project sponsor to speak with each site s management. 198: 客户抱怨说产品要求的标准未满足。项目经理确定已正确记录客户要求的标准,且保持不变。项目经理应该怎么做? A client complains that the required standards for the product are unmet. The project manager is certain that the client s required standards were accurately recorded and have remained unchange What should the project manager do? A. 查看范围管理计划 Review the scope management plan. B. 开展假设情景分析,确定潜在变更的影响 Conduct a what - if scenario analysis to determine the impact of potential changes. C. 查看质量管理计划 Review the quality management plan. D. 提交变更请求解决该问题 Submit a change request to address the problem. 199: 个处于执行阶段的多年期项目失去 位关键团队成员,目前团队短缺 名成员,项目经理利用资源平衡方法,尽可能减少影响,直至 找到替代人为止,项目经理应该从哪 个活动中重新分配 名团队成员? A multi - year project in the execution phase loses a key team member, and a member of the team is currently in short supply, and the project manager uses the resource balance method to minimize the impact until a replacement is found, what activity should the project manager reassign a team member from? A. 时间最提前的活动 The most advanced activities of the time B. 时间最落后的活动 The most backward activities of the time C. 最具浮动时间的活动 Activities with the most floating time D. 关键路径上活动 Activities on critical path 200: 矩阵型组织需要应对双重焦点的外部压力 , _____ 和具备高信息处理能力的压力。 Situations calling for a matrix organization include outside pressure for dual focus, _____ and pressure for high information processing capability A. 职责明确的压力 Pressure for clear accountability B. 减少重复工作的压力 Pressure for reduced duplication of effort C. 资源共享的压力 Pressure for shared resources D. 形式化沟通的压力 Pressure for formalized communication  

答案 & 解析


解析:指南- 项目管理办公室 PMO职能,2.3.2组织过程资产-组织知识库。



解析:项目范围已经被批准,发现新的需求需要走变更流程。参考PMBOK第6版 中 “实施整体变更控制” 引言。



解析:和7.3.2.2 在风险管理过程中,你为风险事件确定适当的成本储备。这些储备的总和加到项目的总估算上,用来填补风险事件发生的成本。此处的储备既可以理解成应急费用,也可以理解成应急储备。



解析:所属过程组:监控过程组。所属知识领域:项目风险管理。 考点:风险监督的工具和技术:储备分析。



解析: 实施风险应对:输出:项目文件更新。一名关键资源计划退休是新识别的风险,应首先更新风险登记册。









解析:管理方格理论(Management Grid Theory)是研究企业的领导方式及其有效性的理论,是由美国得克萨斯大学的行为科学家罗伯特•布莱克(Robert R•Blake)和简•莫顿(Jane S•Mouton)在 1964 年出版的《管理方格》一书中提出的。管理方格图中,1.1 定向表示贫乏的管理,对生产和人的关心程度都很小;9.1 定向表示任务管理,重点抓生产任务,不大注意人的因素;1.9 定向表示所谓俱乐部式管理,重点在于关心人,企业充满轻松友好气氛,不大关心生产任务;5.5 定向表示中间式或不上不下式管理,既不偏重于关心生产,也不偏重于关心人,完成任务不突出;9.9 定向表示理想型管理,对生产和对人都很关心,能使组织的目标和个人的需示最理想最有效地结合起来。"1.9"方格表示重点放在满足职工的需要上,而对指挥监督、规章制度却重视不够。



解析:采用总价合同,买方需要准确定义拟采购的产品或服务。虽然可能允许范围变更,但范围变更通常会导致合同价格提高。固定总价合同(FFP)。FFP 是最常用的合同类型。大多数买方都喜欢这种合同,因为采购的价格在一开始就确定,并且不允许改变(除非工作范围发生变更)。



解析:项目经理应该事先考虑此项重要风险。风险登记册中的应有相应的应对计划,因此在风险发生时要做审查风险登记册的应对计划。 选项A:延迟原因已明确,多此一举。选项C和D:项目经理应该努力解决问题,而不是直接通知项目相关方。



解析:题目问哪项是组织过程资产。给出的背景是干扰项。A是资源D是工具B是同组织过程资产并列的项目环境因素。所以选C。 参与PMBOK第6版/2.3 组织过程资产/组织过程资产是执行组织所特有并使用的计划、过程、政策、程序和知识库,会影响对具体项目的管理。组织过程资产包括来自任何(或所有)项目执行组织的,可用于执行或治理项目的任何工件、实践或知识,还包括来自组织以往项目的经验教训和历史信息。组织过程资产可能还包括完成的进度计划、风险数据和挣值数据。






解析:见PMBOK 为了处理版本误发问题必须执行缺陷补救,为了避免以后发生同样问题需要确定预防措施。



解析:商业论证或类似文件能从商业角度提供必要的信息,决定项目是否值得投资。高于项目级别的经理和高管们往往使用该文件作为决策的依据。在商业论证中,开展业务需要和成本效益分析,论证项目的合理性,并确定项目边界。 8%为战略目标,商业论证中的成本效益分析论证战略目标的可行性及可操作性,从而进行项目边界定义。












解析: 建设项目团队-工具与技术-3.团队建设活动。建设团队的目标就是提升项目绩效。












解析:参考 PMBOK第6版 中 术语表 责任分配矩阵:是一种将项目组织分解结构与工作分解结构联系起来的结构,有助于确保项目工作范围的每一个组成部分都被分到了某个人或者某个团体。












解析:PMBOK第6版/ 项目管理办公室/项目管理办公室 (PMO) 是对与项目相关的治理过程进行标准化,并促进资源、方法论、工具和技术共享的一个组织结构。 项目管理办公室可能会承担整个组织范围的职责,在支持战略调整和创造组织价值方面发挥重要的作用。 PMO 从组织战略项目中获取数据和信息,进行综合分析,评估如何实现更高级别的战略目标的。



解析:消减范围即变更项目范围基准,需要 CCB 批准。















解析:出处:PMBOK第6版 中 规划沟通管理-输出-1.沟通管理计划:沟通管理计划通常包括以下内容:…接受信息的人员或群体。



解析:选项 C 是惩罚员工,让她丢脸。选项 B、C 和 D 都会降低员工的士气,最佳选项,不浪费任何人的时间的选项是取消会议,找到问题的根源并解决问题,再重新计划会议(选项 A 说了一部分)情景题,已知有严重错误,修改后再安排更合适









解析:根据题意,新项目经理要借鉴经验教训,可从组织过程资产中借鉴,组织过程资产中包含历史信息与经验教训知识库,所以选 C。















解析:指南- 最终可交付成果已经移交给客户,并且收集了项目文档,应在庆功会之后再解散团队。



解析:所属过程组:执行过程组。所属知识领域:项目资源管理。团队建设分为形成、震荡、规范、成熟、解散 5 个阶段,题中描述为规范阶段的明显特征。在规范阶段,团队成员开始协同工作,并调整各自的工作习惯和行为来支持团队,团队成员开始相互信任。



解析: 团队章程。 团队章程对项目团队成员的可接受行为确定了明确的期望。尽早认可并遵守明确的规则,有助于减少误解,提高生产力;讨论诸如行为规范、沟通、决策、会议礼仪等领域,团队成员可以了解彼此重要的价值观。由团队制定或参与制定的团队章程可发挥最佳效果。所有项目团队成员都分担责任,确保遵守团队章程中规定的规则。












解析:挣值(EV)50,000 美元大于计划价值(PV)30,000 美元,进度提前。









解析: 资源日历记录每个项目团队成员在项目上的工作时间段。必须很好地了解每个人的可用性和时间限制(包括时区、工作时间、休假时间、当地节假日和在其他项目的工作时间)



解析:WBS 是对项目团队为实现项目目标、创建所需可交付成果而需要实施的全部工作范围的层级分解。



解析:修订原材料检查过程需要提变更请求。 对项目产品质量的缺陷补救,属于变更的其中一种,项目经理集合专家分析,属于监控过程中运用专家判断的方法,项目经理通过对项目评估(题目中未提及到是否涉及到项目基准)做出决策:提出了解决问题的办法就是修订原材料检查过程。所以应提出变更请求来提高产品质量基准。



解析:见 PMBOK6/组织过程资产-合同类型:成本加激励费用合同/P471。为卖方报销履行合同工作所发生的一切可列支成本,并在卖方达到合同规定的绩效目标时,向卖方支付预先确定的激励费用。在 CPIF 合同中,如果最终成本低于或高于原始估算成本,则买方和卖方需要根据事先商定的成本分摊比例来分享节约部分或分担超支部分






解析:出处: 1. 减轻措施包括采用较简单的流程,进行更多次测试,或者选用更可靠的卖方; 2. 若直接更换合规供应商,则应选择C,注意区分减轻&避免。









解析:我们不能躲避相关方(选项 C和 D),因为项目中有他的利益。项目经理可以说不(选项 A),但这并不能解决更本问题。这些变更会有好的想法或建议。只有选项 B 在处理实质问题。变更并非都是负面的,变更通常源于项目之初对对输入缺乏认识。如果我们尽早与这位相关方沟通(选项 B),项目计划执行过程中变更机会就会少很多,由此带来的负面影响就会减少



解析:PMBOK第6版 中12.1.1.6 不需要严格的范围说明便可以启动项目是费用偿还合同的特点之一,但同时买方有权对卖方的费用支出进行严格的审计。









解析:见 PMBOK6/培训。培训包括旨在提高项目团队成员能力的全部活动。如果项目团队成员缺乏必要的管理或技术技能,可以把对这种技能的培养作为项目工作的一部分。






解析:在制定项目章程过程中要审查商业论证,确认假设条件,所以选 B。考察制定项目章程的输入项(制定或审查项目章程的依据)。



解析:PMBOK第6版 11.4 实施定量风险分析 参见11.4.2.5 可以利用数据分析技术,确定风险对项目整体目标的影响





















解析:见 PMBOK5/挣值管理。进度绩效指数 SPI 大于 1,表示已经完成的工作进度提前,成本绩效指数 CPI 小于 1,表示已经完成的工作成本超支。



解析:见 PMBOK6/4.1/制定项目章程。输入工作说明书,签署的合同,商业论证,下一步输出项目章程。









解析:相关方这个术语包含了其它选项的内容。所以这种情况下,相关方是最佳选项,因为WBS 可以用作所有相关方之间沟通的工具,近而识别项目包含的内容。


















解析:所属知识领域:项目沟通管理。所属过程组:规划过程组。沟通管理计划中关于沟通渠道的计算。10*9/2=45,8*7/2=28,45-28=17,所以项目团队减少了 2 名队员,沟通渠道减少 17 个。考点:沟通需求分析。出处:PMBOK2012 中10.2.2.1



























解析:指南- 组织过程资产更新-项目或阶段收尾文件,项目收尾文件是项目或阶段完工正式文件,包括客户验收文件及合同协议,项目达到全部需求之后才正式结束项目。



解析:PMBOK第6版 中 在许多项目中,人员分派是通过谈判完成的。例如,项目管理团队需要与下列各方谈判:职能经理,确保项目能够在需要时获得具备适当能力的人员,确保项目团队成员能够、愿意并且有权在项目上工作,直到完成其职责。执行组织中的其他项目管理团队,合理分配稀缺或特殊人力资源。



解析: 团队章程。 团队章程是为团队创建团队价值观、共识和工作指南的文件。团队章程可能包括(但不限于): 团队价值观;沟通指南;决策标准和过程; 冲突处理过程; 会议指南;团队共识。















解析:见 PMBOK6/4.1/制定项目章程。项目章程对 PM 进行正式授权。章程虽然由发起人发布,但可以由项目经理代笔。






解析:AB是项目文件,D 是事业环境因素。



























解析:不能获得项目资源需要请项目发起人协调解决。 题目中明确写了与职能经理谈判无法获得资源时,可以找发起人协调解决



解析:见PMBOK 核实的可交付成果。对变更或补救的对象进行检查,做出接受或拒绝的决定,并把决定通知相关方,被拒绝的对象可能需要返工。



解析:控制图。控制图用于确定一个过程是否稳定,或者是否具有可预测的绩效。规格上限和下限是根据要求制定的,反映了可允许的最大值和最小值。上下控制界限不同于规格界限。控制界限 根据标准的统计原则,通过标准的统计计算确定,代表一个稳定过程的自然波动范围。项目经理和相关方可基于计算出的控制界限,识别须采取纠正措施的检查点,以预防不在控制界限内的绩效。控制图可用于监测各种类型的输出变量。虽然控制图最常用来跟踪批量生产中的重复性活动,但也可用来监测成本与进度偏差、产量、范围变更频率或其他管理工作成果,以便帮助确定项目管理过程是否受控。









解析:采购审计是指对合同和采购过程的完整性、正确性和有效性进行的审查。 采购审计的独立性和可信度,是采购系统可靠性的关键决定因素. 所以买方在结束项目前需要进行核查.同时也是让卖方认可此过程,以免后续争议。



解析:见 PMBOK6/4.6/实施整体变更控制。按照整体变更控制流程评估变更的影响,按程序获得变更批准。安排变更控制会议,进行变更评估、准备变更方案等变更申请及批准前工作。



解析:指南- 组织过程资产更新-经验教训知识库,项目或阶段收尾时,应把历史信息和经验教训信息存入经验教训知识库,供未来项目或阶段使用。



解析: 人际关系与团队技能,人际关系技能中与只能经理进行谈判,确保项目在要求的时限内获得最佳资源,直到完成职责。












解析:参见 PMBOK第6版 中威胁应对策略,对于那些已知但又无法主动管理的风险,要分配一定的应急储备。



解析:所属过程组:监控过程组。所属知识领域:项目成本管理。挣值管理—挣值分析。根据题目描述,进度超前,预算超支,因此 SPI 大于 1,CPI 小于 1,B 正确。



解析:见8.1.2.3质量成本。图 8-5 质量成本包括:预防成本、评价成本和失败成本(内部、外部)。















解析: 所属过程组:执行过程组,所属知识领域:项目资源管理。管理项目团队的工具—冲突管理,项目经理做出决定是强迫。



解析:所属过程组:规划过程组。所属知识领域:项目风险管理。题目描述了一个识别风险的结果,即天气会影响进度,敏感词是“接下来”,需要选一个马上开始的选项,识别风险后,应马上做定性分析,A 正确。



解析:出处: 开拓指将特定机会的出 现概率提高到100%,确保其肯定出现,从而获得与其相关的收益。与题干描述相符。



解析:完工尚需绩效指数 根据题目描述,项目经理知道了项目当前的 BAC 和 AC,BAC-AC 得到的是项目剩余的资金。






解析:8.2 管理质量 本过程的主要作用是,提高实现质量目标的可能性,以及识别无效过程和导致质量低劣的原因。 管理质量使用控制质量过程的数据和结果向相关方展示项目的总体质量状态。












解析:在项目执行过程中总会存在些许成本或进度偏差,项目的成本绩效指数(CPI)和进度绩效指数(SPI)均为 0.99 是一个正常的状态。



解析:所属过程组:规划过程组。所属知识领域:项目成本管理。根据三点估算法,最低1亿,最可能1.25 亿,最多3亿,因此该项目成本=(1+4*1.25+3)/6=1.5亿









解析:指南-4.7 结束项目或阶段。行政收尾包括:为达到阶段或项目的完工或退出标准所必须的行动和活动;为关闭项目合同协议或项目阶段合同协议所必须开展的活动;为向下一个阶段,或者向生产和(或)运营部门移交项目的产品、服务或成果所必须开展的行 动和活动;收集关于改进或更新组织政策和程序的建议,并将它们发送给相应的组织部门;测量相关方的满意程度等。



解析:出处:PMBOK第6版 中 8.3 引言“8.3 控制质量-属性抽样(结果或为合格,或为不合格)变量抽样(在连续的量表上标明结果所处的位置,以此表明合格的程度)”















解析:所属知识领域:项目成本管理。所属过程组:监控过程组。CPI 小于 1成本未超支,小于 1 超支:SPI 小于 1 进度落后,大于 1 提前。考点:EVM。出处:PMBOK第6版中



解析:PMBOK第6版 中 规划质量工具与技术-质量成本。



解析:资源管理计划提供了关于如何定义、配备、管理及最 终遣散项目人力资源的指南。









解析: 采购工作说明书 依据项目范围基准,为每次采购编制工作说明书(SOW),仅对将要包含在相关合同中的那一部 分项目范围进行定义。工作说明书会充分详细地描述拟采购的产品、服务或成果,以便潜在卖方 确定是否有能力提供此类产品、服务或成果。根据采购品的性质、买方的需求,或拟采用的合同形 式,工作说明书的详细程度会有较大不同。工作说明书的内容包括:规格、所需数量、质量水平、 绩效数据、履约期间、工作地点和其他要求。



解析:所属过程组:执行过程组。所属知识领域:项目资源管理。 五种冲突解决方法中,合作是综合考虑不同的观点,采用合作的态度和开发式对话引导各方达成共识。强迫是以牺牲其他方为代价,推行一方观点,通常利用权利来强行解决紧急问题。妥协是暂时或部分解决冲突,寻求让各方都在一定程度满意。缓和是求同存异。撤退/回避是从实际或潜在冲突退出或将问题推给其他人。题目中两名团队成员互相不说话属于撤退/回避。因此选 A。






解析:在监督风险中,经常需要识别新风险,对现有风险进行再评估,以及删去已过时的风险。 应该定期进行项目风险再评估。反复进行再评估的次数和详细程度,应该根据相对于项目目标的项目进展情况而定。






解析:活动 A 在关键路径上,延期五周将直接导致项目延期五周。






解析:见 PMBOK6/11.7.2/监督风险。根据题目描述,这是在项目执行过程中,新监控、识别发现的风险。这属于监督风险中的“风险再评估”工具的作用"



解析:进度网络分析是创建项目进度模型的一种综合技术,它采用了其他几种技术,例如关键路径法、资源优化技术和建模技术。其他分析包括(但不限于):1、当多个路径在同一时间点汇聚或分叉时,评估汇总进度储备的必要性,以减少出现进度落后的可能性。2、审查网络,看看关键路径是否存在高风险活动或具有较多提前量的活动,是否需要使用进度储备或执行风险应对计划来降低关键路径的风险。 进度网络分析是一个反复进行的过程,一直持续到创建出可行的进度模型。






解析:只能假定进度安排是均衡的,并且中途是指挣值为预算的一半,即 350 万美元。



解析:见PMBOK 散点图是一种展示两个变量之间的关系的图形,它能够展示两支轴的关系,一支轴表示过程、环境或活动的任何要素,另一支轴表示质量缺陷。



解析:提高进度绩效(选项 B)会使项目提前结束。虽然看上去是个好办法,但是这个项目的绩效很好,进度计划已经得到了改进。项目经理更好的做法是多花点儿时间控制项目,确定它会按照计划完成。如果你选了 C,问问你自己为什么。项目进度绩效没有问题,不必延期。



解析:变更不可避免,因而必须强制实施某种形式的变更控制,因此选 B。控制范围蔓延,进而避免范围蔓延,只能是严格的变更管理。





















解析:CPI=EV/AC=40000/60000=0.67,所以选B。参见PMBOK第6版 中,考点:挣值计算。






解析:PMBOK第6版 中 资源管理计划中可包含一些策略,以遵循适用的政府法规、工会合同和其他现行的人力资源政策。



解析:在职能组织中,项目经理对项目的支持力度很小,更没有权分配资源。C和D是弱矩阵组织的特点。 指南-组织结构类型-表2-1组织结构对项目的影响。






解析: 人际关系与团队技能 适用于本过程的人际关系与团队技能包括谈判。谈判是为达成协议而进行的讨论。采购谈判是 指在合同签署之前,对合同的结构、各方的权利和义务,以及其他条款加以澄清,以便双方达成共 识。最终的文件措辞应该反映双方达成的全部一致意见。谈判以签署买方和卖方均可执行的合同文 件或其他正式协议而结束。



解析:根据题意,项目经理结束会议是为了避免冲突升级,所以选 D。参见 。考点:冲突解决方法。






解析: 会议。在监督风险中,在会议中对现有风险进行再评估。根据当前的风险评估确定是否需要调整成本或进度应急储备。



解析:拉式沟通。用于信息量很大或受众很多的情况。要求接收者自主自行地访问信息内容。 这种方法包括门户网站、企业内网、电子在线课程、经验教训数据库、知识库等。






解析:8.2.3 管理质量:输出 变更请求



解析:所属知识领域:项目风险管理,所属过程组:监控过程组。因为项目进度紧张且不能延期,故 A、B 继续项目之前先协商的做法不可取。C:不可能,已经说明不可延期。D:作为风险进行分析。



解析:进度网络分析是创建项目进度模型的一种综合技术,它采用了其他几种技术,例如关键路径法、资源优化技术和建模技术。其他分析包括(但不限于):1、当多个路径在同一时间点汇聚或分叉时,评估汇总进度储备的必要性,以减少出现进度落后的可能性。2、审查网络,看看关键路径是否存在高风险活动或具有较多提前量的活动,是否需要使用进度储备或执行风险应对计划来降低关键路径的风险。 进度网络分析是一个反复进行的过程,一直持续到创建出可行的进度模型。



解析:考点:蒙特卡洛分析。蒙特卡洛分析(Monte Carlo Analysis):从可能的成本或持续时间的概率分布中随机选取数值,作为输入,来计算或迭代计算项目成本或工期的一种技术,从而得到项目可能的总成本或完工日期的分布情况。






解析:Business Case 商业论证:对新项目进行文档化的经济可行性研究报告,用来对尚缺乏充分定义的所选方案的收益进行有效性论证,是启动后续项目管理活动的依据。



解析:PMBOK第6版 审计。质量审计是用来确定项目活动是否遵循了组织和项目的政策、过程与程序的一种结构化的,独立的过程。目的在于-识别全部违规做法、差距及不足。



解析:项目经理应该更多的去控制项目,而不是C和D所反应的内容。选项A是很多项目经理容易犯的一个错误。项目经理对项目的监控应该贯穿于整个项目始终。 PM监控变更的实施,被批准的变更应尽快按变更流程实施。









解析: 项目文件更新-问题日志,项目经理发现一个项目团队不能解决的问题应当首先更新问题日志。



解析:项目工作说明书(Statement of Work,SOW)是对项目需交付的产品、服务或成果的叙述性说明。对于内部项目,项目启动者或发起人根据业务需要及对产品或服务的需求,来提供工作说明书。对于外部项目,工作说明书则由客户提供,可以是招标文件(如建议邀请书、信息邀请书、投标邀请书)的一部分,或合同的一部分。



解析: 虚拟团队。 虚拟团队的使用为招募项目团队成员提供了新的可能性。虚拟团队可定义为具有共同目标、 在完成角色任务的过程中很少或没有时间面对面工作的一群人。现代沟通技术(如电子邮件、电话 会议、社交媒体、网络会议和视频会议等)使虚拟团队成为可行



解析:概念题,考点为质量管理的工具 石川图(因果图、鱼骨图)。石川图是用于根本原因分析的,直观地显示各种因素如何与潜在问题或结果相联系。
















PMP 模拟200题

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