
编程入门 行业动态 更新时间:2024-10-28 04:20:32


Design influences the way we perceive the world, the way we feel and the choices we make. Design is an act of communication, often tailored to the receiver’s psyche, culture and background. For centuries people have been using shapes, colors, typography and compositions to create stories, architecture, prints, products, identities and experiences that have influenced and defined cultures around the globe. Shapes, objects, colors and typefaces speak to us in several ways. We can see symbolism and meaning by our associations and personal experiences, because of its context, but also on a subconscious level. To communicate to your target audience effectively as a designer, having knowledge of the psychological principles of human behavior can be very helpful.

设计会影响我们感知世界的方式,我们的感受和做出的选择。 设计是一种交流行为,通常是根据接收者的心理,文化和背景量身定制的。 几个世纪以来,人们一直在使用形状,颜色,版式和构图来创作故事,建筑,印刷品,产品,身份和体验,这些都影响和定义了全球文化。 形状,物体,颜色和字体以多种方式与我们交谈。 由于上下文的关系,我们还可以在潜意识的层面上通过联想和个人经验看到象征和意义。 作为设计师有效地与目标受众进行沟通,了解人类行为的心理原理可能会很有帮助。

I’ve been a visual designer for a number of years now. As a designer that mostly designs websites, apps and other online services, accessibility and usability are very important. For example, it’s essential that I make sure there is enough contrast on the buttons and that I use elements and layouts that the target audience is comfortable with. But my fascination with design lies in another area of my craft: Using shapes, colors, typefaces, compositions and symbolism to influence the way the end-users feel about a certain company or product. Today I would like to focus on the first two: Shapes and colors.

我已经担任视觉设计师多年了。 作为主要设计网站,应用程序和其他在线服务的设计师,可访问性和可用性非常重要。 例如,至关重要的是要确保按钮上有足够的对比度,并确保使用目标受众满意的元素和布局。 但是我对设计的迷恋在于我的手艺的另一个领域:使用形状,颜色,字体,构图和象征意义来影响最终用户对某家公司或产品的感觉。 今天,我想着重介绍前两个:形状和颜色。

So, how does this work?


形状 (Shapes)

Our brains are hardwired to derive meaning from shapes, which have a bigger impact on our subconscious than you might think! Shapes have associations that can be used by a designer to set the mood and visualize a backstory. For example, shapes can be applied to typefaces, cartoon characters, compositions and logos.

我们的大脑很难从形状中获取意义,形状对我们的潜意识的影响比您想象的要大! 形状具有设计师可以用来设置心情和可视化背景故事的关联。 例如,可以将形状应用于字体,卡通人物,构图和徽标。

Triangles can be perceived as being edgy, defiant, powerful and having a purpose. The evil character in a cartoon, for example, will usually be built up by triangles. They will have pointy noses and sharp edges. Because of these characteristics, your brain will interpret this character to be powerful, edgy, mischievous, and a troublemaker. Triangle shapes in typography can have an aggressive look & feel, because of their sharp angles. You can also associate triangles as a symbol for the great pyramids, which portray power and wealth. Companies that want to portray masculinity and stability often use this shape in their logo.

三角形可以被认为是前卫,挑衅,强大且有目的的。 例如,卡通中的邪恶人物通常会由三角形构成。 他们将有尖的鼻子和锋利的边缘。 由于这些特征,您的大脑会将此角色解释为有力,前卫,调皮和制造麻烦的人。 字体中的三角形形状因其尖锐的角度而具有积极的外观和感觉。 您还可以将三角形关联为代表力量和财富的大金字塔的象征。 想要描绘男性气概和稳定性的公司通常在徽标中使用这种形状。

Circles can be associated with being friendly and non-threatening. In a cartoon, the friendly characters are usually built up by circular shapes. A circle has no beginning or end and it has no edges. Curves in general are seen as more feminine compared to their sharp-angled cousins. You can also associate circles and spheres with the world we live in or the circle of life. In this sense, they can symbolize community and unity. Circular shapes and rounded corners in typefaces can make a text feel fun and friendly. Companies often use circular shapes in their logo to portray a feeling of security, continuity, and protection.

圈子可以与友善和无威胁联系在一起。 在动画片中,友好的角色通常由圆形构成。 圆没有起点或终点,也没有边。 一般而言,与尖锐的表亲相比,曲线更女性化。 您还可以将圈子和领域与我们生活的世界或生活圈子联系起来。 从这个意义上讲,它们可以象征社区和团结。 字体的圆形和圆角可以使文本变得有趣和友好。 公司经常在徽标中使用圆形形状,以表现出安全性,连续性和保护感。

Squares and rectangles, mainly because of their sturdy, solid appearance and symmetry can be associated as being strong, stable, balanced, professional and efficient. Because of these associations, superheroes and powerful characters in cartoons are often built up by square shapes. Companies that want to be seen as professional and reliable will often use this shape in their logo or use a typeface with these characteristics in their brand guide.

正方形矩形,主要是因为它们坚固,坚固的外观和对称性,可以被认为是坚固,稳定,平衡,专业和高效的。 由于这些联系,漫画中的超级英雄和强大人物通常由正方形构成。 希望被视为专业和可靠的公司通常会在徽标中使用此形状,或者在其品牌指南中使用具有这些特征的字体。

Personalities of shapes and colors

Even the direction of lines can make an impact on your perception. Horizontal lines can come across as calm and progressive, and having a sense of community. They can symbolize a horizon or progress, which conveys a feeling of rest and tranquility. Vertical lines, on the other hand, are more often associated with strength, height, aggression and masculinity. Diagonal lines can be symbolic for decline or progress.

甚至线条的方向也会影响您的感知。 水平线条能碰上平静和进步,并具有社区感。 它们可以象征地平线或进步,传达出一种安宁和宁静的感觉。 另一方面,垂直线通常与强度,身高,侵略性和男性气质相关。 对角线可能象征着下降或进步。

色彩 (Colors)

Colors have an enormous impact on us. Colors can make a design look and feel cheap, expensive, homemade, natural or exciting. But colors don’t only affect us psychologically, also physically. They can be used to stimulate our appetite, make us calm, agitate us, they can even raise our blood pressure! The meaning of a color can be learned or be biologically innate and can vary depending on the color’s shade, tint and hue. But contrary to popular belief, independent colors do not have one symbolic meaning. For example: it’s easy to conclude that a red button is associated with negative feelings and a green button with positive ones. But it’s not as simple as that. Yes, we all consciously and subconsciously derive meaning from certain colors, but how these colors affect us depends on numerous factors. The meaning we derive from colors depends on our age, gender and circumstances. It also differs widely from culture to culture and often stems from religion, spirituality, social environment and historical events.

颜色对我们有巨大的影响。 颜色可以使设计看起来和感觉便宜,昂贵,自制,自然或令人兴奋。 但是颜色不仅会在心理上和身体上影响我们。 它们可以用来刺激我们的食欲,使我们镇定,激动我们,甚至可以提高我们的血压! 颜色的含义可以了解,也可以是生物学上固有的,并且可以根据颜色的阴影,色调和色调而变化。 但是与普遍的看法相反,独立的颜色没有一种象征意义。 例如:很容易得出结论,红色按钮与负面感觉相关联,绿色按钮与正面感觉相关联。 但这不是那么简单。 是的,我们所有人都有意识和无意识地从某些颜色中获取含义,但是这些颜色如何影响我们取决于许多因素。 我们从颜色中得出的含义取决于我们的年龄,性别和环境。 不同文化之间的差异也很大,并且通常源于宗教,灵性,社会环境和历史事件。

The color red for example. Seeing the color red can stimulate your appetite. It’s no coincidence that most fast food restaurants use the color red in their brand identity. Studies have shown that being surrounded by the color red can have a stimulating effect on our body. It can even influence our breathing pattern, pulse, blood pressure and muscle tension. If we are overstimulated, we can become agitated and aggressive. If you have no stimulating colors around you, it can have the reverse effect. Being in a completely white environment for longer periods of time can lead to anxiety, sleeplessness and nervousness. In western culture red is known for warmth, energy, passion and love. But also, for warnings and negativity. But coming back to symbolism and historic events, in Russia people will be reminded of communism and revolution. In Asian countries, brides usually wear red on their wedding day, because here the color is symbolic for happiness and prosperity.

红色的例子。 看到红色可以刺激您的食欲。 大多数快餐店在其品牌标识中使用红色不是巧合。 研究表明,被红色包围可以对我们的身体产生刺激作用。 它甚至会影响我们的呼吸方式,脉搏,血压和肌肉张力。 如果我们过度刺激,我们就会变得激动和进取。 如果周围没有刺激性的颜色,则可能会产生相反的效果。 长时间处于完全白色的环境中会导致焦虑,失眠和紧张。 在西方文化中,红色以温暖,活力,激情和热爱着称。 而且,对于警告和否定性。 但是回到象征主义和历史事件之后,在俄罗斯,人们会被提醒共产主义和革命。 在亚洲国家,新娘通常在婚礼上穿红色的衣服,因为这里的颜色象征着幸福和繁荣。

The color green can be associated with finance, ambition, envy and greed. But also, with nature, fertility and harmony. By being surrounded by too much green, a person can become lazy, moody and depressed. On the other hand, not enough green can cause feelings of apathy and boredom. Yellow-green can stand for jealousy and cowardice.

绿色可以与财务,野心,嫉妒和贪婪联系在一起。 而且,与自然,生育与和谐。 被太多的绿色包围,一个人可能变得懒惰,喜怒无常和沮丧。 另一方面,绿色不足会引起冷漠和无聊的感觉。 黄绿色代表嫉妒和怯ward。

我们如何使用这些信息? (How do we use this information?)

There are many textures, color schemes, typefaces and objects that people will associate with a certain mood, taste or period in time. This powerful tool is used by designers to communicate backstories and add context to designed products or services. If colors and shapes have so many meanings, and are symbolic for so many emotions, how do I know how to use them? It all depends on context: who is your audience, and what message do you want to send. Design is all about storytelling. It’s about creating an experience for the users that fits the market you are in and the strategy of a company, service or product.

人们可以将许多纹理,配色方案,字体和对象与某种心情,品味或一段时间联系在一起。 设计人员可使用此功能强大的工具来传达背景信息,并为设计的产品或服务添加上下文。 如果颜色和形状具有多种含义,并且是多种情感的象征,那么我怎么知道如何使用它们呢? 这完全取决于上下文:谁是您的听众,以及您要发送什么消息。 设计就是讲故事。 这是为用户提供适合您所在市场的体验以及公司,服务或产品的战略。

Whether it is true or not, we can convince you that a product has a rich heritage, is progressive and modern, or comes from a certain region. Because designers have the power to make a cheap product seem expensive or make a villain look trustworthy, ethics and morals come into play. Guiding users to a certain outcome, warning them or giving them a backstory to your brand are ways of manipulation that are mostly harmless, and even beneficial. You can argue if it’s ethical to exaggerate how organic or exclusive a company or product is. But when you look at propaganda for example, it can be frightening to see that mass manipulation can have dangerous consequences.

无论是真的还是假的,我们都能说服您产品具有悠久的历史,先进和现代的产品或来自某个地区。 因为设计师有能力使廉价产品显得昂贵或使反派看起来值得信任,所以道德和道德开始发挥作用。 引导用户获得特定结果,警告他们或使他们背叛您的品牌是大多数无害甚至有益的操纵方式。 您可以争论夸大公司或产品的有机性或排他性是否合乎道德。 但是,例如,当您看宣传时,看到大规模操纵会带来危险的后果可能会令人感到恐惧。

Graphic design is very powerful. It’s a fine balance between esthetics, research and strategy. A professional designer can help you create a brand your customers can trust and tell the stories that need to be told.

图形设计非常强大。 在美学,研究和策略之间取得了很好的平衡。 专业的设计师可以帮助您创建客户可以信赖的品牌,并讲述需要讲述的故事。

Bay Area Black Designers: a professional development community for Black people who are digital designers and researchers in the San Francisco Bay Area. By joining together in community, members share inspiration, connection, peer mentorship, professional development, resources, feedback, support, and resilience. Silence against systemic racism is not an option. Build the design community you believe in. 海湾地区黑人设计师:一个专业的黑人开发社区,他们是旧金山湾区的数字设计师和研究人员。 通过在社区中团结起来,成员可以共享灵感,联系,同伴指导,专业发展,资源,反馈,支持和韧性。 对系统性种族主义保持沉默是不可行的。 建立您相信的设计社区。

翻译自: https://uxdesign/the-psychology-behind-shapes-and-colors-17dd93ce08a2




本文发布于:2023-06-13 08:17:00,感谢您对本站的认可!
本文标签:形状   颜色   线段   心理学   plot


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