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Visual content is becoming increasingly important for website owners. Research has shown that visitors engage better, stay around longer and buy more when the content they are looking at is visually interesting. The problem for many WordPress users is that it’s difficult to find highly engaging, visual content for free whilst paid for images can be very expensive. In this article, we’ll show you why you need visual content and where you can get it for free.

视觉内容对于网站所有者变得越来越重要。 研究表明,当访客所观看的内容在视觉上很有趣时,他们会更好地参与,停留更长的时间并购买更多商品。 对于许多WordPress用户而言,问题在于,很难免费找到具有高度吸引力的视觉内容,而为图片付费可能会非常昂贵。 在本文中,我们将向您展示为什么需要视觉内容以及从何处免费获得视觉内容。

为什么需要出色的视觉内容 (Why you need great visual content)

According to Adobe’s 2015 State of Content Report, 66% of visitors prefer visually stimulating websites to those which are too textual and visually sterile. 38% of people would even leave a visually unattractive website. With this in mind, it is important that you consider enhancing your text with photographs, video and other graphic content.

根据Adobe的2015年内容状况报告 ,有66%的访问者喜欢视觉刺激的网站,而不是那些文字和视觉效果不佳的网站。 38%的人甚至会离开视觉上没有吸引力的网站。 考虑到这一点,重要的是考虑使用照片,视频和其他图形内容来增强文本。

Visual content also carries out quite a few important functions. Images can help readers understand the nature of your business or the topic of a post without you needing to say it in writing; they make reading longer pieces of content easier by providing interesting pauses, and in doing so can drive engagement and lead visitors towards your all-important calls to action. They also help readers conceptualise and emotionally connect with your content and inspire more social sharing.

视觉内容还执行许多重要功能。 图片可以帮助读者理解您的业务性质或帖子主题,而无需您以书面形式说出来; 通过提供有趣的暂停,它们可以使阅读更长的内容变得更容易,并且这样做可以促进互动并引导访问者转向您最重要的号召性用语。 它们还可以帮助读者概念化并与您的内容建立情感联系,并激发更多的社交分享。

To make the most of the visual imagery on your website, consider the following tips:


  • Make sure that the images are related to the theme of the content.

  • Always use high-resolution images that are easier to see and which enhance your professionality.

  • Try to be original in your choice of image. Don’t go for the same stock image that everyone else has used. Be unique.

    在选择图像时尽量保持原创。 不要选择其他所有人都使用过的相同的库存图像。 独一无二。
  • If possible, try to use images that match the colour scheme of your website. This can help create a cohesive look to your site and help with branding.

    如果可能,请尝试使用与您网站的配色方案匹配的图像。 这可以帮助您在网站上创建具有凝聚力的外观,并有助于品牌塑造。
  • Don’t just think about photographs. Also consider using vectors, cartoons, infographics and graphs.

    不要只考虑照片。 还可以考虑使用矢量,卡通,图表和图形。
  • Make sure you use images legally. Follow all copyright and attribution regulations. If you have guest writers who provide images to accompany their work, ask them to provide details of where they obtained the image and, if necessary, proof of their right to use it.

    确保您合法使用图像。 遵守所有版权和归因规定。 如果您有提供图像的客座作家陪同他们的作品,请他们提供其获取图像的详细信息,并在必要时提供其使用权的证明。

在哪里可以找到可在您的网站上使用的免费图像 (Where to find free images to use on your website)

  1. 免费图片网站 ( Free image sites)

Finding free images has become more and more difficult. Many royalty free sites have disappeared and quite a few of the ones still in existence would much prefer it if you clicked on the paid images they advertise rather than the free ones so they can make a commission. However, there are still some good free image sites available and here is a selection of the best.

寻找免费的图像变得越来越困难。 许多免版税网站已经消失了,如果您单击免费广告的付费图片而不是免费网站,那么很多仍然存在的网站会更喜欢它,以便他们可以收取佣金。 但是,仍然有一些不错的免费图像站点,这里是一些最佳的选择。

Pixabay (Pixabay)

Pixabay is one of the leading image websites with over 700,000 images available. This includes photos, vectors, illustrations and videos. The images are free and it’s easy to find what you are looking for and download it. As the images are royalty free, there is no need to credit the copyright owner or the photographer.

png是领先的图像网站之一,提供超过700,000张图像。 其中包括照片,矢量,插图和视频。 图片是免费的,您可以轻松找到想要的内容并下载。 由于图像是免版税的,因此无需相信版权所有者或摄影师。

像素 (Pexels)

Like Pixabay, Pexels also has a great choice of high-resolution images that you can freely download and use without having to give credit to the copyright holder. It is also searchable, as you can see from the image, which makes it much easier to find the perfect image for your content.

像png一样, Pexels还提供了多种高分辨率图像供您选择,您可以免费下载和使用这些图像,而不必将版权归版权所有者。 正如您从图像中看到的那样,它也是可搜索的,这使查找内容的理想图像变得容易得多。

不飞溅 (Unsplash)

Unsplash is the place to go if you want visually stunning images that will have an impact on your audience. Whilst you won’t find the run of the mill stock images here, the photos you do find look great when you superimpose text over the top and use them as featured images for blog posts.

Unsplash是一个理想的选择。 尽管您不会在此处找到工厂库存图片,但是当您将文字叠加在顶部并将其用作博客文章的精选图片时,发现的照片看起来很棒。

A fairly new site, Unspalsh still has a limited number of images available, numbering the hundreds rather than the hundreds of thousands; however, new ones are added daily. A recently added search function makes it much easier to locate the right photo and, as all the images are covered under Creative Commons, they are free to use.

Unspalsh是一个相对较新的网站,其可用图像数量仍然有限,只有数百而不是数十万。 但是,每天都会添加新的。 最近添加的搜索功能使查找正确的照片变得更加容易,并且由于所有图像都在知识共享中,因此可以免费使用。

Picjumbo (picjumbo)

picjumbo lets you download free images that can be used for both commercial and personal purposes. However, unlike the sites mentioned above, you do need to credit the photographer on your site.

picjumbo允许您下载可用于商业和个人目的的免费图像。 但是,与上面提到的网站不同,您确实需要在网站上赞扬摄影师。

The site has both a search facility and category listings to enable you to quickly find related items and it does have some really professional looking images.


Freepik (Freepik)

Freepik is another great source of free, high-quality photos, vectors and icons. The images are all professional quality, however, like picjumbo, you will need to credit the author when you publish them on your website.

Freepik是免费的高质量照片,矢量和图标的另一个重要来源。 这些图像都是专业品质的,但是,像picjumbo一样,当您在网站上发布图像时,您将需要感谢作者。

The graphics section of Freepik offers over 14,000 visually stunning graphic illustrations that enable website owners to present numerical data in a highly engaging way to their audience.


  1. 免费的图像设计工具 ( Free image design tools)

If you want to create your own high-impact images and infographics, there are a growing number of websites that offer free tools to create them. Here are two of the most popular.

如果您想创建自己的高影响力图像和信息图表,那么越来越多的网站提供免费工具来创建它们。 这是最受欢迎的两个。

坎瓦 (Canva)

Canva is a highly versatile tool that can be used to create images for almost any purpose including content for your website, social media pages and even for print. It’s an easy tool to use which provides customisable templates, free photos, graphics and fonts (note: not all images are free) to create eye-catching visual content.

Canva是一种用途广泛的工具,几乎可以用于创建任何目的的图像,包括网站内容,社交媒体页面甚至是印刷内容。 这是一个易于使用的工具,可提供可自定义的模板,免费的照片,图形和字体(注意:并非所有图像都是免费的)来创建引人注目的视觉内容。

通气 (Venngage)

Venngage is another online tool which you can use to create visually engaging content of all kinds. There are free and paid memberships for Venngage, so if you choose the free membership you do have a more limited palette of images and tools at your disposal. However, you still have enough options to add some visual magic to your site.

Venngage是另一个在线工具,您可以使用它来创建各种吸引人的视觉内容。 Venngage有免费和付费会员资格,因此,如果您选择免费会员资格,那么您可以使用的图片和工具调色板会更加有限。 但是,您仍然有足够的选择向您的站点添加视觉效果。

Like Canva, Venngage is very easy to use. It uses a drag and drop interface and has lots of templates, images, graphics and fonts at your disposal.

像Canva一样,Venngage非常易于使用。 它使用拖放界面,并提供许多模板,图像,图形和字体供您使用。

  1. WordPress图像插件 ( WordPress image plugins)

图像插件 (Pixabay Images Plugin)

Instead of downloading an image from Pixabay and then uploading it to your website, save yourself time by installing the Pixabay Images plugin. This way you can search all their royalty free images from your admin panel and insert them directly into the post.

与其从Pixabay下载图像,然后将其上传到您的网站, 不如通过安装Pixel Images插件节省时间。 这样,您可以从管理面板中搜索所有免版税图片,并将其直接插入到帖子中。

WordPress Flickr嵌入式插件 (WordPress Flickr Embed Plugin)

Flickr is another useful source of creative commons images that you can use on your website if you are willing to credit the author. By installing the Flickr Embed plugin, you can search the site for suitable publicly available photos to use. Rather than putting the image directly on your website, it is embedded from Flickr, which can reduce the size of your pages and help improve page loading times.

Flickr是创作共享图片的另一个有用来源,如果您愿意相信作者,则可以在您的网站上使用。 通过安装Flickr Embed插件,您可以在网站上搜索适当的公开可用的照片。 它不是直接将图像放在您的网站上,而是从Flickr嵌入的,它可以减小页面的大小并帮助缩短页面加载时间。

盖蒂图片插件 (Getty Images Plugin)

The Getty Images plugin is a fantastic way for owners of non-commercial websites and blogs to access Getty’s enormous range of images for free and put them on your site. Just like with Flickr, this plugin also embeds images directly from the Getty website, so you don’t actually have to install the image itself.

对于非商业网站和博客的所有者, Getty Images插件是一种绝佳的方式,可以免费访问Getty的大量图像并将其放置在您的网站上。 与Flickr一样,此插件也直接从Getty网站嵌入图像,因此您实际上不必安装图像本身。

The benefit of this plugin is simply the enormous range of exceptional quality images that it offers – you won’t be able to get anything like this elsewhere without paying lots of money. However, do check their terms and conditions carefully – there is restricted usage.

这个插件的好处仅仅是它提供了范围广泛的高质量图像-如果不付出很多钱,您将无法在其他地方得到类似的图像。 但是,请务必仔细检查其条款和条件-使用受限。

结论 (Conclusion)

Visually engaging content can have a huge impact on the success of your WordPress website and from reading this article you should now have a better knowledge of where you can find free to use photos and graphics, including sources such as free image sites, online image design tools and WordPress image plugins.


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翻译自: https://www.eukhost/blog/webhosting/how-to-source-free-images-for-your-wordpress-site/



本文发布于:2023-06-13 08:17:00,感谢您对本站的认可!
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