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One of the most popular types of WordPress themes are those of the magazine variety. While there isn’t an exact definition of a magazine theme (there are many variations), they are best described as a digital version of your good ‘old, traditional magazine. This means lots of pictures supporting a story, content boxes everywhere and multiple layouts.

WordPress主题中最受欢迎的类型之一是各种杂志主题。 虽然没有确切的杂志主题定义(有很多变体),但最好将它们描述为您的旧式传统杂志的数字版本。 这意味着许多图片支持一个故事,内容框无处不在,并且布局多种。

Magazine themes generally come with a plethora of shortcodes, sliders and pre-defined layouts. Using all of the available features can mean taking the risk that you might overwhelm your visitors and make it hard for a reader to keep track of your new content.

杂志主题通常带有大量的短代码,滑块和预定义的布局。 使用所有可用功能可能意味着冒着您可能使访问者不知所措的风险,并使读者难以跟踪您的新内容。

Personally, I’m a big fan of magazine themes and use them a lot for my sites, mostly for their range of shortcodes. Also, setting up your own magazine theme can be a tedious and time-consuming task.

就个人而言,我是杂志主题的忠实拥护者,并且在我的网站上经常使用它们,主要是它们的短代码范围。 此外,设置自己的杂志主题可能是一项繁琐且耗时的任务。

I have compiled a list of 13 of the best WordPress magazine themes currently available, mixing in both paid and free themes. There are many more available of course, but these themes have proven to be useful, and some of them are jaw-dropping awesome.

我整理了当前可用的13种最佳WordPress杂志主题列表,其中包括付费主题和免费主题。 当然,还有更多可用的方法,但是这些主题已被证明是有用的,并且其中一些令人叹为观止。

Because I use some of these themes myself, I have added links to both the original demo content, and my own sites so you can see the difference.


萨菲哈 (Safiha)

Homepage Demo 1 | Homepage Demo 2 | Article Demo 1 | Article Demo 2 | Download theme | Price: $58

主页演示1 | 主页演示2 | 文章演示1 | 文章演示2 | 下载主题 | 价钱:$ 58

Description The Safiha theme is, by far, the most commonly sold magazine theme in Themeforest’s magazine category. It has seen some tremendous improvement since its inception a few years ago, keeping up-to-date with current trends.

描述到目前为止,Safiha主题是Themeforest杂志类别中最常见的杂志主题。 自几年前问世以来,它已取得了巨大的进步,与时俱进。

Safiha features a built-in review system, various content blocks, mega-menus (with sub-menus), Ajax live search and sticky sidebars, to name just a few features. It also has one of the most convenient page builders, which allows you to build a functional homepage within minutes.

Safiha具有内置的查看系统,各种内容块,巨型菜单(带子菜单),Ajax实时搜索和粘性侧边栏,仅举几例。 它还具有最便捷的页面构建器之一,它使您可以在几分钟之内构建一个功能齐全的主页。

The theme is extremely well built. The official demo has a page speed grade of 99%, while my own site still has a page speed of 97% (mainly due to some of the plugins on the site). It makes use of lazy loading, so even if your site is full of images your readers will hardly notice any delays. My own site loads in less than 1 second, which is pretty impressive.

主题是精心打造的。 官方演示的页面速度等级为99%,而我自己的网站的页面速度仍然为97%(主要是由于网站上的某些插件所致)。 它利用了延迟加载,因此即使您的站点上到处都是图像,读者也几乎不会注意到任何延迟。 我自己的网站在不到1秒的时间内加载,这非常令人印象深刻。

X主题 (X-Theme)

Homepage Demo 1 | Homepage Demo 2 | Article Demo 1 | Article Demo 2 | Download Theme | Price: $63

主页演示1 | 主页演示2 | 文章演示1 | 文章演示2 | 下载主题 | 价钱:$ 63

Description X-Theme has been the sensation of 2014. With a seemingly unlimited advertising budget, the ads for this theme appeared everywhere. It’s such a versatile theme I could feature it in virtually any WordPress theme category. It recently introduced ‘Extensions‘, a variety of quite useful plugins, which come included without any additional costs.

Description X-Theme一直是2014年的热门话题。由于广告预算看似无限,该主题的广告无处不在。 我可以在几乎所有WordPress主题类别中都使用这种通用的主题。 它最近引入了“ 扩展 ”,这是许多非常有用的插件,其包含在内而无需任何额外费用。

X-Theme comes with a lot of very clever shortcodes, which has been one of their unique selling points from the beginning. It comes with four different designs, called ‘stacks’ (the demo site above is using the Integrity stack), each of which is very different from one another. Its shortcodes can be combined, as you can see in the demo site, which uses a combination of a content band and a callout.

X-Theme带有很多非常聪明的简码,从一开始它就是它们的独特卖点之一。 它具有四种不同的设计,称为“堆栈”(上面的演示站点使用的是Integrity堆栈),每种设计彼此之间都非常不同。 您可以在演示站点中看到它的短代码,可以将其组合在一起,该演示站点使用内容带和标注的组合。

It has been developed with speed optimization in mind, making it pretty light-weight for such a heavy looking theme. To me, it’s one of the most time-consuming themes to set up, but it does give me the most professional end result.

它的开发考虑了速度优化,使其对于如此沉重的主题而言非常轻巧。 对我来说,这是设置最耗时的主题之一,但它确实给了我最专业的最终结果。

MH Magazine Lite (MH Magazine Lite)

Homepage demo | Article demo | Download theme | Price: Free

主页演示 | 文章演示 | 下载主题 | 价格:免费

Description MH Magazine Lite is the free version of MH Magazine, offering most of the paid features but without the shortcodes, responsiveness and a few less important features. Still, it’s a great theme for starting a new online magazine without any upfront costs.

说明 MH杂志精简版是免费版本的MH杂志 ,提供大部分的支付功能,但没有简码,响应和一些不太重要的功能。 不过,这是开设新的在线杂志而无需任何前期费用的绝佳主题。

Being a free version of a paid theme means it has some very professional features built-in and your readers probably won’t believe it’s a free theme at all. It comes with full-page background ability, its own Facebook widget and 12 pre-defined widget locations (including in-content) and is very well optimized (A+ Page Speed grade).

作为付费主题的免费版本,意味着它具有一些非常专业的内置功能,您的读者可能根本不会相信它是免费的主题。 它具有整页背景功能,自己的Facebook窗口小部件和12个预定义的窗口小部件位置(包括内容内),并且经过了很好的优化(A + Page Speed等级)。

小工具 (Gadgetry)

Homepage demo 1 | Homepage demo 2 | Article demo 1 | Article demo 2 | Download theme | Price: Free

主页演示1 | 主页演示2 | 文章演示1 | 文章演示2 | 下载主题 | 价格:免费

Description Auto-installer (scripts, framework, dummy content, child theme) Gadgetry is an amazing magazine developed by Themefuse, one of the bigger WordPress theme developers. While it doesn’t look that impressive at first site, it certainly has more features than you might expect.

说明自动安装程序(脚本,框架,虚拟内容,子主题)Gadgetry是由Themefuse开发的惊人杂志,这是规模较大的WordPress主题开发人员之一。 尽管它在第一个站点上看起来并不令人印象深刻,但是它肯定具有比您预期的更多的功能。

Gadgetry comes with an auto-installer, which is a fool-proof way of making sure you get the most recent version without hassle. It has its own framework, comes with a child theme and even an integration for MailChimp and CampaignMonitor email services. It also comes with a convenient contact form builder, a reservation system (not sure why, but still) and has excellent performance grades (A for both PageSpeed and YSlow).

Gadgetry带有自动安装程序,这是一种确保您获得最新版本而不会麻烦的简单方法。 它具有自己的框架,带有子主题,甚至还集成了MailChimp和CampaignMonitor电子邮件服务。 它还带有一个方便的联系表单生成器,一个预订系统(不知道为什么,但仍然),并具有出色的性能等级(PageSpeed和YSlow均为A)。

复古风 (Retro)

Homepage demo 1 | Homepage demo 2 | Article demo 1 | Article demo 2 | Download theme | Price: $48

主页演示1 | 主页演示2 | 文章演示1 | 文章演示2 | 下载主题 | 价钱:$ 48

Description Retro is an excellent theme if you want to give your magazine a certain feel. It’s one of the most unique themes you will find, even though it has a very limited reach because of its design.

如果你想给你的杂志有一定的感觉描述复古是一个很好的主题。 这是您会发现的最独特的主题之一,尽管由于设计而影响范围非常有限。

If you want to start your own food magazine (or in my case, coffee equipment reviews) this theme instantly helps you achieve a level of comfort and coziness. Using its extensive color palette, along with design features like a wood board background, this theme makes your site stand out. You can also use a photo-heavy homepage if you like.

如果您想创办自己的食品杂志(或者在我的情况下,是关于咖啡设备的评论),则此主题可立即帮助您达到舒适和舒适的水平。 使用其广泛的调色板以及木板背景等设计功能,此主题使您的网站脱颖而出。 您也可以根据需要使用照片繁多的主页 。

It has all the necessary shortcodes, like tabs and toggles, buttons and callouts, but its design is the reason to give it a go (or not). You won’t find a similar theme anytime soon, that’s for sure.

它具有所有必需的短代码,例如选项卡和切换,按钮和标注,但是其设计是允许(或不允许)使用的原因。 可以肯定的是,您很快将找不到类似的主题。

双重冲击 (Dualshock)

Homepage demo | Article demo | Download theme | Price: Free

主页演示 | 文章演示 | 下载主题 | 价格:免费

Description DualShock is a free magazine theme from MyThemeShop, where the team is seriously focused on combining performance with usability. The DualShock theme is a great starter theme, especially if you’re running a gaming or tech related magazine.

描述 DualShock是MyThemeShop的免费杂志主题,该团队致力于将性能与可用性相结合。 DualShock主题是一个不错的入门主题,尤其是当您运行游戏或与技术相关的杂志时。

It doesn’t have the amount of shortcodes the other themes offers, but does come with integrated widgets and its own related posts plugin. But the most amazing part of this theme is that it is fast. In fact, out-of-the-box it’s the fastest theme in this list scoring just a little of 0.5 seconds of load time (yes, that is half second). It also has a 96% page speed grade and 93% Yslow grade, which is amazing.

它没有其他主题提供的短代码数量,但是带有集成的小部件和它自己的相关文章插件。 但是这个主题最令人惊奇的部分是它的速度很快。 实际上,开箱即用是该列表中最快的主题,它的加载时间仅为0.5秒(是,是半秒)。 它还具有96%的页面速度等级和93%的Yslow等级,这非常了不起。

好消息 (Goodnews)

Homepage demo 1 | Homepage demo 2 | Article demo 1 | Article demo 2 | Download theme | Price: $58

主页演示1 | 主页演示2 | 文章演示1 | 文章演示2 | 下载主题 | 价钱:$ 58

Description GoodNews is one of the old-time favorites on ThemeForest and in the top five of best selling magazine themes. Up until version four, it was falling behind in terms of features, but with the recent release of version five, it’s back in the game.

说明 GoodNews是ThemeForest上的最爱之一,也是最畅销的杂志主题前五名。 直到第四版,它在功能方面都落后于其他人,但是随着第五版的最新发布,它又重新回到了游戏中。

GoodNews is the theme I run my most successful site on, which allowed me to to build a landing page that I’m pretty proud of. As you can see in that landing page, GoodNews has some extremely useful shortcodes. Using its three-column layout you can instantly dazzle your readers with tons of different widgets. It also has Ajax live search, a review system, an advertising system and it looks amazing on any phone or tablet.

GoodNews是我运营最成功的网站的主题,它使我能够建立自己引以为傲的登录页面 。 如您在该登录页面中所见,GoodNews具有一些非常有用的短代码。 使用其三列布局,您可以立即通过大量不同的小部件使读者眼花azz乱。 它还具有Ajax实时搜索,评论系统,广告系统,并且在任何手机或平板电脑上看起来都很棒。

关系 (Nexus)

Homepage demo | Article demo | Download theme | Price: Starting at $69 a year

主页演示 | 文章演示 | 下载主题 | 价格:每年69美元起



Nexus is a magazine theme from Elegant Themes, which you may have heard before since they’re also the developer of the popular Divi theme. Elegant Themes has its own framework, which is included in the Nexus theme.

Nexus是优雅主题的杂志主题,您可能听说过它,因为它们也是流行的Divi主题的开发者。 典雅主题有其自己的框架,该框架包含在Nexus主题中。

Nexus looks very fresh and has some of the best article layouts of all magazine themes. Its homepage builder is pretty impressive, as you can see in the demo, and allows you to build a homepage in any form or shape you can imagine. The theme has shortcodes for pricing tables and testimonials and even a content protection box. It also has one of the best breadcrumb designs I’ve ever seen.

Nexus看起来很新鲜,并且拥有所有杂志主题中最好的文章布局。 正如您在演示中所看到的那样,它的主页构建器非常令人印象深刻,并且允许您以可以想象的任何形式或形状构建主页。 该主题具有用于定价表和个人鉴定的简码,甚至还有内容保护框。 它还具有我见过的最好的面包屑设计之一。

瓦伦蒂 (Valenti)

Homepage demo | Article demo | Download theme | Price: $58

主页演示 | 文章演示 | 下载主题 | 价钱:$ 58

Description Valenti is a magazine theme which has taken the use of photos to the extreme. It also has some nice movement in it, as you can see in the demo homepage by moving your mouse around. As you might expect, this theme is quite slow in terms of loading times due to all of these pictures, so some optimization is required.

描述瓦伦蒂(Valenti)是一本杂志主题,将照片的使用发挥到了极致。 它也有一些不错的动作,如您在演示主页上移动鼠标所见。 如您所料,由于所有这些图片,此主题在加载时间方面非常慢,因此需要进行一些优化。

Still, Valenti is a beautiful theme and an excellent match if you want to use large photos for something like a fashion magazine. It has an impressive over-sized mega menu, many different layout options and even the ability to use clickable background ads (so you can sell your massive images).

尽管如此,如果您想将大照片用于时尚杂志,Valenti就是一个美丽的主题,也是绝佳的选择。 它具有令人印象深刻的超大菜单,许多不同的布局选项,甚至还具有使用可点击的背景广告的功能(因此您可以出售大量图片)。

休曼 (Hueman)

Homepage demo | Article demo | Download theme | Price: Free

主页演示 | 文章演示 | 下载主题 | 价格:免费

Description Hueman is one of the most popular themes in the WordPress theme repository and is a very clean and down-to-earth magazine theme. It allows you to easily fill its left and right sidebars with sharp looking integrated widgets.

描述休曼(Hueman)是WordPress主题存储库中最受欢迎的主题之一,并且是一个非常简洁,务实的杂志主题。 它使您可以使用外观清晰的集成小部件轻松地填充其左侧和右侧边栏。

When is comes to navigation it also has a nice catch. The ‘Next’ and ‘Previous’ buttons are located in the top left corner, which allows your readers to actually browse through your articles. It also has a sticky top bar with its own navigation. While not as fancy looking as the rest, this is still a very useful magazine, which would be perfect for articles which don’t require many photos.

谈到导航时,它也有不错的收获。 “下一个”和“上一个”按钮位于左上角,使读者可以实际浏览文章。 它还具有一个带有其自身导航的粘滞顶部栏。 虽然看起来不像其他照片那么花哨,但它仍然是一本非常有用的杂志,非常适合不需要很多照片的文章。

报纸 (Newspaper)

Homepage demo | Article demo | Download theme | Price: $58

主页演示 | 文章演示 | 下载主题 | 价钱:$ 58

Description Newspaper does exactly what its name suggest, it allows you to run a digital newspaper. It has an enormous amount of features, layouts and shortcodes. It may be the best magazine theme in this list, but only if you’re willing to commit some serious time to set the whole thing up.

说明报纸完全按照其名称的含义运行,它使您可以运行数字报纸。 它具有大量的功能,布局和简码。 它可能是此列表中最好的杂志主题,但前提是您愿意花一些认真的时间来设置整个主题。

Its feature set shows some smart functionality like an integrated video playlist and a mechanism to prevent articles being shown in more than one section (which is bound to happen when you have several widgets set up). It also has a views counter, an intelligent social widget counter, a popular articles list based on the last seven days and its own performance booster. Want to see it in action on a major site? Just visit Technorati.

它的功能集显示了一些智能功能,例如集成的视频播放列表,以及一种防止文章显示在多个部分中的机制(当您设置了多个小部件时,这一定会发生)。 它还有一个观点计数器,一个智能的社交小部件计数器,一个基于过去7天的热门文章列表以及它自己的性能提升器。 是否希望在主要站点上看到它的实际效果? 只需访问Technorati即可 。

味道 (Flavor)

Homepage demo 1 | Homepage demo 2 | Article demo 1 | Article demo 2 | Download theme | Price: $58

主页演示1 | 主页演示2 | 文章演示1 | 文章演示2 | 下载主题 | 价钱:$ 58

Description Flavor is the best magazine theme if you plan to build an online magazine consisting of several sub-magazines. It has perfected the art of mini-sites in such a way that you can run several sub-magazines completely independent of each other (just compare the homepage to the movies mini-site).

描述如果您计划建立由几本子杂志组成的在线杂志,则“风味”是最好的杂志主题。 它完善了迷你站点的艺术,您可以完全独立地运行多个子杂志(只需将主页与电影迷你站点进行比较即可)。

Flavor has some nice ways to engage your customers. It has its own rating system, which also has an option for editor and user ratings with its widgets. You can run a Top-10 scroll based on views or likes, and a trending bar based on various settings. There’s even an option to insert awards (which you can make up yourself) like ‘Editors Choice’ or ‘Best Products of 2015’. As with almost all of the massive themes it does require quite some time to set up, but it’s more than worth your time.

风味有一些吸引客户的好方法。 它具有自己的评级系统,该系统还具有用于其小部件的编辑者评级和用户评级的选项。 您可以基于视图或喜欢来运行Top-10滚动,并可以基于各种设置运行趋势栏。 甚至还可以插入诸如“编辑选择”或“ 2015年度最佳产品”之类的奖项(您可以自己弥补)。 与几乎所有大型主题一样,它确实需要花费一些时间来设置,但是这比您花费的时间还多。

简单的魔术 (SimpleMag)

Homepage demo | Article demo | Download theme | Price: $53

主页演示 | 文章演示 | 下载主题 | 价钱:$ 53

Description SimpleMag is an excellent choice if you want a professional looking online magazine, without spending hours setting it up. It also has some nice design features, which will bring some ease to your readers eyes.

说明 SimpleMag是一个很好的选择,如果你需要一个专业的在线杂志,无需花费时间设置它。 它还具有一些不错的设计功能,可以使您的读者轻松一些。

Some of its style features include a column based mega-menu, very clean review and latest comment widget and a visually appealing author box. It doesn’t have an enormous amount of shortcodes, but the ones included are all very useful. The ability to make an attractive author page is very helpful in connecting writers to readers, so does the author at the bottom of each article. These are all excellent features if you are running a magazine with different writers, which is something most other themes don’t offer in such an easy way.

它的一些样式功能包括基于列的大型菜单,非常干净的评论和最新的评论小部件以及一个视觉上吸引人的作者框。 它没有大量的短代码,但是其中包含的全部非常有用。 制作引人入胜的作者页面的能力对于将作者与读者联系起来非常有帮助,每篇文章底部的作者也是如此。 如果您与其他作家一起经营杂志,这些都是出色的功能,而大多数其他主题都没有这么简单的方式提供这些功能。

结论 (Conclusion)

Choosing the right magazine theme for your online magazine or newspaper can make or break your website right from the start. I have tried to include a diverse selection of the best WordPress magazine themes so you can make an informed decision.

为您的在线杂志或报纸选择正确的杂志主题可以从一开始就建立或破坏您的网站。 我试图包括最好的WordPress杂志主题的各种选择,以便您可以做出明智的决定。

What’s important when choosing a theme is deciding how much time you are willing to spend on setting it up. If you want to start right away, you’ll be better off choosing one of the lighter themes. The heavier themes allow you to start off with a big bang but require at least a few full days to make it look professional. But you can always start out small and grow into a larger theme when success arrives.

选择主题时,重要的是确定您愿意花多少时间进行设置。 如果您想立即开始,最好选择一个较浅的主题。 较重的主题可让您从爆炸中入手,但至少需要整整几天才能使其看起来专业。 但是,当成功到来时,您总是可以从小处着手,然后成长为更大的主题。

Please let me know in the comments what your favorite WordPress magazine theme is.


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint/best-wordpress-magazine-themes/




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