【渝粤题库】陕西师范大学200591 英语语法

编程入门 行业动态 更新时间:2024-10-08 13:33:01

I. elect one answer from the choices provided after each sentence. The word you choose should fit the blank in the sentence:

  1. Fifteen miles (seems, seem) like a long walk to me.
  2. Either my brothers or my father (is, are) coming.
  3. The rest of the novel (is, are) very interesting.
  4. Our family (is, are) a happy one.1
  5. It was reported that six (was, were) including a boy.
  6. Between the two buildings (stands, stand) a monument.
  7. Every boy and every girl in this room (is, are) entitled to a copy.
  8. Few of my family really (understands, understand) me.
  9. What caused the accident and who was responsible for it (remains, remain) a mystery to us.
  10. I, who (is, am) your good friend, will share your joys and sorrows.
  11. There are two roads and either (leads, lead) to the station.
  12. The whole class (was, were) greatly moved at his words.
  13. The wounded (is, are) being taken good care of here now.
  14. The police (is, are) searching for a prisoner.
  15. The United Nations (was, were) founded in 1945.
  16. All that can be eaten (has, have) been eaten up.
  17. Nothing but cars (is, are) sold in the shop.
  18. His brother, rather than his parents, (is, are) to blame.
  19. There (comes, come) the three noisy children from next door.
  20. The boy sitting by the window is the only one of the students who (is, are) from the countryside in our school.
  21. He suffers from diabetes, which (is, are) a kind of chronic disease.
  22. My father, together with some of his old friends, (has, have) been there already.
  23. Those who (enjoys, enjoy) singing may join us.
  24. Many a student (has made, have made) that mistake before.
  25. Deer (runs, run) faster than dogs.
  26. No one except Jack and Tom (knows, know) the answer.
  27. Half of the material (has, have) been taken away.
  28. More than one student (has, have) failed the exam.
  29. Because there (is, are) so many students in that class, I can sometimes sleep in the back row.
  30. Some of the water (has, have) already gone bad.
  31. My family as well as I (am, are) glad to see you.
  32. Twenty miles (is, are) a long way to cover.
  33. Over 80 percent of the population (is, are) workers.
  34. Politics (is, are) one of the subjects that I study.
  35. There (is, are) priceless jeweler on display at the exhibition hall.
  36. Each of the footballers (weighs, weigh) over 150 pounds.
  37. Measles (is, are) an infectious disease.
  38. Each man and each woman there (is, are) asked to help.
  39. At the foot of the mountain (was, were) two enormous vineyards, both owned by the same woman.
  40. Neither Luis nor his parents (is, are) the least bit interested in keeping in touch with her.
    41The United Nations (was, were) formed in San Francisco in 1945.
    42The government (is, are) doing its best to boost production.
    43That family (is, are) a very happy one.
    44The football team (is, are) having baths and then coming back here for tea.
    lot of machinery (was, were) imported from abroad.
    46The public (was, were) convinced of his innocence.
    47War and peace (is, are) a constant theme in history.
    487John, rather than his roommates, (is, are) to blame.
    49Many a boy (was, were) disappointed after seeing the film.
    number of pages (is, are) badly torn.
    51There (is, are) more than one answer to your question.
    52All of the fruit (looks, look) ripe.

II.Choose the best answer from the four choices given:

  1. Can you lend me _______ pencil so that I can finish _______ test?
    A. a…the B. a…a C. the…the D. the…a
  2. This is ________ first time that the child has seen ________ elephant.
    A. a…a B. a…the C. the…an D. a…an
  3. When Linda was a child, her mother always let her have bed.
    A. the breakfast in B. the breakfast in the
    C. breakfast in D. breakfast in the
  4. ______ usually go to church every Sunday.
    A. The Brown B. A Brown C. Browns D. The Browns
  5. The investigators found that more should be done for ________ in India.
    A. those poor B. a poor C. poor D. the poor
  6. The city assigned a policeman to the school crossing because ________ traffic there was so heavy.
    A. a B. an C. the D. /
  7. I had ________ trouble with ________ car this morning.
    A. a…a B. /…a C. /…the D. the…the
  8. He has promised to give up ________ hundreds of times.
    A. a tobacco B. tobacco C. the tobacco D. tobaccos
  9. The train is running fifty miles ________.
    A. an hour B. one hour C. the hour D. a hour
  10. They told me that they had ________ respect for their employer.
    A. a B. the C. / D. quite a
  11. Ann’s habit of riding a motorcycle up and down the road early in the morning annoyed the neighbors and ________ they took her to the court.
    A. in the end B. at the end C. in an end D. in end
  12. He grabbed me ________ and pulled me onto the bus.
    A. by an arm B. an arm C. the arm D. by the arm
  13. She is wearing ________ beautiful dress her mother bought her.
    A. / B. a C. an D. the
  14. I love ________ mountains, but I hate ________ sea.
    A. the…the B. /…the C. /…/ D. the…/
  15. Hundreds of people are ________ now, so there are about 50 people trying for the same position.
    A. out of the work B. out work C. out of work D. out of a work
  16. I didn’t know why he looked angry when I patted him ________.
    A. on the head B. on head C. on a head D. on his head
  17. The DMZ extends about two hundred kilometers ________.
    A. from east to west B. from the east to west
    C. from the east to the west D. from eastern to western
  18. Never travel with ________ who leaves you in case of danger.
    A. the friend B. that friend C. a friend D. friend

III.Put the verbs in brackets into the proper tenses:

  1. I wish I ________ (be) handsome.
  2. I ________ (see) Bill this morning, but I ________ (not see) him since.
  3. I __________ (know) Carl since I __________ (be) a little child.
  4. It’s high time we _________ (go) now.
  5. She ________ (see) her doctor twice a week.
  6. The room ________ (measure) five metros by four.
  7. If you ________ (ask) me, I would have told you the whole story.
  8. If the weather ________ (be) not warm, you couldn’t grow tobacco.
  9. I ________ (write) an essay since two o’clock.
  10. You ________ (live) in North London, don’t you?
  11. I’d rather you ________ (go) now.
  12. Helen ________ (tell) me you are seriously ill. Why didn’t you tell me yourself?
  13. I’ll make sure that everything ________ (be) in order.
  14. We must take an umbrella. It ________ (rain).
  15. A: Do you like this silk dress?
    B: Yes, I do. It ________ (feel) so soft.
  16. I don’t think Jim saw me; he ________ (read) a book at that moment.
  17. We _____ (begin) to learn English five years ago. We ____ it for five years up to now.
  18. Mr. Smith _______ (write) a book about China last year, but I don’t know whether he has finished it.
  19. It just isn’t fair: while I __________ (work) as a waiter last month, my friends __________ (lie) on the beach.
  20. George ________ (get) up at five o’clock every day this week to prepare for his examination.
  21. If only I ________ (have) more money, I could buy some new clothes.
  22. I ________ (listen) to the radio when you ________ (ring) the bell the first time, that’s why I ________ (not hear) you.
  23. There ________ (be) no hospitals in my hometown fifty years ago.
  24. Jane ________ (buy) a new dress every month when she was in Shanghai.
  25. A: I called you at seven yesterday evening, but there was no answer.
    B: Oh, I am sorry. I ________ (have) dinner at my friend’s home.
  26. Mrs. Smith ________ (leave) her keys in the office, so she had to wait until her husband ________ (come) home.
  27. When the teacher came in, the students ________ (talk) about the new film.
  28. A: Did you see Tom at the party?
    B: No, he ________ (leave) by the time I got there.
  29. A: Don’t forget to ask him to write to me.
    B: I won’t. As soon as he ________ (come), I’ll ask him to write to you.
  30. While the train _______ (still move), a great many men suddenly ______ (jump) out. I _______ (think) that something terrible _______ (happen), so I ______ (run) away.
  31. I ________ (know) Miss Huggins for several years. I (read) her latest novel, but I . (not finish) it yet.
  32. When she (arrive) I (telephone) Harry. (=She arrived during my telephone call.)
  33. As soon as I (know), I’ll ring you up.
  34. If he (study) harder, he will catch up with us soon.
  35. Frank (come) to see his grandma if he (be) free tomorrow.
  36. We were all surprised when he made it clear that he (leave) office soon.
  37. He turned off the light and then (leave).
  38. Our geography teacher told us yesterday that the earth (turn) around the sun.
    IV. Put into the blanks an appropriate modal auxiliary verb from the brackets:
  39. Although the boy is only eight years old, he ________ (must, can, may, should) speak English very well.
  40. This dictionary ________ (may, must, can’t, mustn’t) be Liu Ying’s. Look! Her name is on the cover.
  41. A: Come back home every month.
    B: I ________ (will, must, should, can).
  42. A: Shall I tell Mary about it?
    B: No, you ________ (mustn’t, can’t, needn’t, shouldn’t). I’ve told her already.
  43. A: Excuse me. Will you please tell me the way to the station?
    B: Oh, sorry, I don’t know. You ________ (may, must, would, should) go and ask that policeman.
  44. Read the text louder, please. I _____ (wouldn’t, can’t, needn’t, may not) hear you.
  45. We _______ (may, can, should, need) keep the new traffic law and learn how to protect ourselves.
  46. A: May I put my bike here?
    B: No, you _____ (couldn’t, needn’t, won’t, mustn’t). You should put it over there.
  47. A: Listen! Helen is singing in the next room.
    B: It ________ (mustn’t, may, should, can’t) be Helen. She has gone to Beijing.
  48. Peter ________ (must, may, can, will) come with us tonight, but I am not very sure.
  49. Cars and buses ________ (can, need, must, may) stop when the traffic lights are red.
  50. Johnny, you ________ (won’t, mustn’t, shouldn’t, can’t) play with the knife, or you ________ (can’t, may, must, shouldn’t) hurt yourself.
  51. A: ________ (may, must, should, will) I ask you a question?
    B: Sure. But you ________ (can, must, could, would) wait a minute.
  52. The city cleaners ________ (may, can, might, have to) repeat their work many times a day during the dust-storm season.
  53. A: Must I come at four o’clock?
    B: Oh, no, you ________ (mustn’t, can’t, don’t, don’t have to).
  54. A: Could I take this seat?
    B: Yes, you ________ (could, may, must, need).
    V. Multiple choices:
  55. The house built of ________ was once used as a warehouse.
    A. stone B. stones C. a stone D. some stones
  56. There is ________ on your nose.
    A. an egg B. the egg C. egg D. eggs
  57. There are trees on ________ side of the street.
    A. such a B. both C. some D. each
  58. There’s ________ water in the bottle.
    A. few B. a number of C. plenty of D. any
  59. ________ work has to be done before the plant goes into operation.
    A. Much B. Double C. A number of D. Neither
  60. The students spent ________ their time working in the fields.
    A. both B. most C. more D. half
  61. I saw ________ boys at the cinema.
    A. the both B. many a C. both the D. the several
  62. ________ cases have been reported.
    A. Such few B. Such some C. Few such D. Some these
  63. A: Did you see Tom at the party?
    B: No, he ________ by the time I got there.
    A. had left B. was leaving C. left D. has left
  64. A: Do you know Miss Wang?
    B: Yes. I first met her two years ago. She ________ at a radio shop at that time.
    A. was working B. has worked C. is working D. had worked
  65. A: What did Mr. Jones do before he moved here?
    B: He ________ a city bus for over twenty-five years.
    A. is driving B. drove C. has driven D. drives
  66. Hurry up! The play ______ for ten minutes.
    A. has been on B. has begun C. had begun D. began
  67. I’m sorry to have kept you waiting.
    B: Oh, not at all. I ________ here only a few minutes.
    A. have come B. had been C. was D. have been
  68. Do you think that the classroom ________ every day?
    B: Yes, I think so.
    A. should clean B. should be cleaning
    C. should cleaned D. should be cleaned
  69. I wasn’t at home yesterday. I ________ to help with the harvest on the farm.
    A. asked B. was asked C. was asking D. had asked
  70. A: May I speak to Mr. Smith?
    B: Sorry, he ________ Australia. But he ________ in two days.
    A. has been to; will come back B. has gone to; will be back
    C. has been in; would come back D. is leaving for; doesn’t come back
  71. I haven’t heard from Jim for a long time.
    B: What do you think ________ to him?
    A. was happening B. to happen C. has happened D. had happened
  72. I like my new bike. It ________ very well.
    A. rides B. is riding C. is ridden D. has ridden
  73. The old man was quite weak after the accident, so he ________.
    A. must be taken care B. must take care of
    C. must be looked after D. must look after
  74. What a nice bike! How long you it?
    B. Just two weeks.
    A. have; bought B. did; buy C. have; had D. are; having
  75. The television . It doesn’t work now.
    A. must repair B. was repairing C. must be repaired D. has repaired
  76. A: Do you think this kind of apple well?
    B: No, I don’t think so.
    A. have sold B. sells C. are sold D. would sell
  77. A: Can you tell me whom the play in 1998?
    B: Sorry, I don’t know.
    A. was written by B. was written C. is written by D. is written
    24He did it in ________ time it took me.
    A. the one-third B. half a C. the double D. one-third the
    25Are you going to buy ________ rice?
    A. all these B. these all C. all this D. both these
    26________ evenings he did enjoy himself very much.
    A. The first few B. The few first C. The first some D. Some the first
    27Why is there ________ traffic on the streets in February than in May?
    A. less B. fewer C. few D. little
    28There are trees on ________ side of the street.
    A. such a B. both C. some D. each
    29There’s ________ water in the bottle.
    A. few B. a number of C. plenty of D. any
    30There must be ________ empty talk but more hard work.
    A. fewer B. no C. the least D. less
    31The house built of ________ was once used as a warehouse.
    A. stone B. stones C. a stone D. some stones
    32There is ________ on your nose.
    A. an egg B. the egg C. egg D. eggs
    33This will please ________.
    A. the eyes B. eyes C. the eye D. people’s eyes
  78. No sooner had the teacher left the classroom _________ the students made noises.
    A. rather than B. before C. would rather D. than
    35 No matter who _________ this game gets to play against Carret in the final.
    A. wins B. beats C. win D. beat
    36There must be ________ empty talk but more hard work.
    A. fewer B. no C. the least D. less
    37Are you going to buy ________ rice?
    A. all these B. these all C. all this D. both these
    38 Either you or he _________ against traffic regulations.
    A. is driving B. are driving C. drive D. have driven
    : Did you see Tom at the party?
    B: No, he ________ by the time I got there.
    A. had left B. was leaving C. left D. has left
    : What a nice bike! How long ________ you ________ it?
    B. Just two weeks.
    A. have; bought B. did; buy C. have; had D. are; having
    41When I got to the cinema, the film________ for ten minutes.
    A. has begun B. had begun C. had been on D. was
    42I saw ________ boys at the cinema.
    A. the both B. many a C. both the D. the several
    43I like my new bike. It ________ very well.
    A. rides B. is riding C. is ridden D. has ridden
    : Do you know Miss Wang?
    B: Yes. I first met her two years ago. She ________ at a radio shop at that time.
    A. was working B. has worked C. is working D. had worked
    45They paid ________ money for the machine than I expected.
    A. little B. less C. much D. fewer
    46 I’d like ________ paper.
    A. a few B. several C. a bit of D. these
    47 There are ________ mistakes in the paper.
    A. the B. a little C. much D. a few

VI. Rewrite the following sentences:
A. Put the following sentences into the passive voice (by phrase may be omitted):

  1. Someone will tell you how to prepare for the examination.
  2. They criticized me for something wrong that I had done.
  3. It surprised me to hear that they wouldn’t give him a holiday after his hard work.
  4. Someone must have turned on the light without your notice.
  5. They won’t hold the meeting until next Friday.
  6. Someone has taken the stranger to another hospital.
  7. They have found ways to make waste water clean.
  8. They gave him a medal for his wonderful work.
    9Do you wash your clothes very often?
    10Must I do all the exercises on my own?
    11People call him Little Old Man.
    12He told me to wait here for him.
    13Tom broke the window.
    14Someone has left the light on.
    15They will look after your baby well.
    16You’ll have to write out the names clearly.
    17We must take down the notice quickly.
    18People are talking about it all over the town.
    19How should we account for this?
    20Have they looked into the matter?

B. Rephrase the following, using the alternative words given in brackets:

  1. When we reached the football ground, the game had not yet started. (before)
  2. We arrived at the station and then we bought the tickets. (as soon as)
  3. The secretary had typed three letters. I came in. (by the time)
  4. She only noticed it after he had pointed it out. (until)
  5. He answered eight advertisements. Then he got a job. (before)
  6. When I met George, he had not yet heard the news. (before)
  7. When we reached the football ground, the game had already started. (after)
  8. He did all his work. He went to bed. (by the time)
    VII. Translate the following into English:
  9. 据说,他能说几种外国语。
  10. 每隔几分钟电话铃就响一次。
  11. 明年夏天他们打算到大连去度假。
  12. 这种料子容易销售。
  13. 你的来信已经收到。
  14. 我不懂多少法语。
  15. 他的小说销路不佳。
  16. 昨天他告诉我,他打算下个月结婚。
  17. 要是你以前告诉过我该多好啊。
  18. 自从我生病以来,他经常给我写信。
  19. 上星期他每天来看我。
  20. 到下周末,我在这儿就整整一年了。
  21. 他从来不做家庭作业,但在班上学习很好。
  22. 他做了很多工作,也犯了很多错误。
  23. 在房屋前面有一个花园。
    16 上星期他每天来看我。
    17 雨一停,我们就动身。
    18 她说,到周末她将已经返回中国。
    19 如果他来时我在吃中饭,请告诉他等一会儿。
    20 这件事可以马上做
    I. Put the verbs in brackets into the infinitive, the –ing participle or the –ed participle:
  24. I can’t help ______ (wonder) whether we should risk ______ (go) without raincoats.
  25. Matthew didn’t fancy _______ (get) up at five o’clock.
  26. You can’t miss _______ (see) the statue on your way to the bank.
  27. A: I’m thinking of ________ (fly) to Oxford tomorrow in my helicopter. Would you like ________ (come)?
    B: No, thanks. I want ________ (go) to Oxford, but I’d rather ________ (go) by train.
  28. This problem demands ________ (look into).
  29. Success means ________ (work) very, very hard.
  30. The ________ (fall) snow was frozen hard.
  31. We don’t want anything ________ (say) about this.
  32. He soon had them all ________ (laugh).
  33. He kept them ________ (work) all day.
  34. He didn’t feel like ________ (work), so he suggested ________ (spend) the day in the garden.
  35. We all appreciate your ________ (want) ________ (help) us in our difficulties.
  36. I didn’t mean ________ (eat) anything but the cakes looked so good that I couldn’t resist ________ (try) one.
  37. I was beginning ________ (get) angry.
  38. I wish he would stop ________ (pretend) to be an expert on Byzantine art.
  39. More traffic will be able to pass on the ________ (widen) road.
  40. I caught the boys ________ (steal) apples from my garden.
  41. Is there any need for you ________ (hurry)?
  42. He’s watching television. But he’s supposed ________ (do) his homework.
  43. ________ (teach) by a foreigner will improve your oral English.
  44. Tim decided ________ (put) broken glass on top of his wall ________ (prevent) boys ________ (climb) over it.
  45. We don’t understand him ________ (need) so much money.
  46. A: Would you children mind _______ (keep) quiet for a moment? I’m trying _______ (fill) up a form.
    B: It’s no use _______ (ask) children _______ (keep) quiet. They can’t help _____ (make) a noise.
  47. I must remember _______ (remind) him that the garden needs ________ (water).
  48. I remember _______ (allow) them _______ (play) in my garden without first ____ (ask) for permission.
  49. We need another copy of the ________ (sign) contract.
  50. You may take the horse to the water, but you can’t make him ________ (drink).
  51. I won’t have it ________ (say) that I treated him unfairly.
  52. We had nothing _____ (do) except _____ (look) at the posters outside the cinemas.
  53. This cloth is used ________ (make) a coat.
  54. The doctor advised ________ (stay) longer in hospital.
  55. The witness denied ________ (see) the accused man.
  56. Most people prefer ________ (spend) money to ________ (earn) it.
  57. I resented ________ (be) unjustly accused and asked him ________ (apologize).
  58. Has something troubled you? Did you receive some ________ (trouble) news?
  59. Do you wish your breakfast ________ (bring) to your room, madam?
  60. You should make your views ________ (know).
  61. Children were warned ________ (not play) fire.
  62. China is a ________ (develop) nation with an ________ (increase) population.
  63. She used ______ (drive) to the station every day, but then she suddenly decided ____ (walk) instead.
    41He didn’t feel like _____ (work), so he suggested _____ (spend) the day in the garden.
    42I didn’t mean ________ (eat) anything but the cakes looked so good that I couldn’t resist ____
    (try) one.
    43Most people prefer ________ (spend) money to ________ (earn) it.
    44I don’t regret ________ (tell) her what I thought, even if it upset her.
    45She began ________ (understand) what he really wanted.
    46I remember ________ (hear) him ________ (say) the grass needed ________ (cut).
    47I advise you ________ (wait) before ________ (decide) ________ (accept) the job.
    48Success means ________ (work) very, very hard.
    49I hate ________ (mention) it, but you owe me some money.
    child can’t learn ________ (spell) without ________ (be) helped.
    51I remember ________ (allow) them ________ (play) in my garden without first ________ (ask) for permission.
    52I was beginning ________ (get) angry.
    53The criminal even threatened ________ (murder) the president.
    54I can’t help ________ (wonder) whether we should risk ________ (go) without raincoats.
    55You still have a lot ________ (learn) if you’ll forgive my saying so.
    56Mrs Allison will charm everyone at the party. She is a ________ (charm) woman.
    57Did you try to encourage your son? Did you give him any ________ (encourage) advice?
    58He soon had them all ________ (laugh).

II.Add a suitable question tag to each of the following statements:

  1. You’d rather go, ________?
  2. I’m older that you, ________?
  3. He has his hair cut every month, ________?
  4. I needn’t tell you the news, ________?
  5. You must be hungry, ________?
  6. There’s nothing wrong, ________?
  7. Something’ll have to be done about the price, ________?
  8. No one left here yesterday, ________?
  9. You’d rather I didn’t say anything, ________?
  10. David usually goes on foot, ________?
  11. Helen has just finished reading a novel about an English family trying to settle down in Italy,_____?
  12. You’re married, ________?
  13. I must answer the letter, ________?
  14. Someone turn that radio down, ________?
  15. Naturally, the aim is to enjoy our time together, ________?
  16. Now it won’t be long before we meet again, ________?
  17. Jack has coffee with breakfast, ________?
  18. I suppose you know the meaning of the word, ________?
  19. We may go home now, ________?
  20. If paradise exists, this must be it, ________?
  21. Eventually, everything will turn out fine, ________?
  22. Don’t forget to phone me, ________?
  23. Do sit down, ________?
  24. Birds rarely build nests in our garden, ________?
    25You’d rather go, ________?
    26I needn’t tell you the news, ________?
    27You have two cars, ________?
    28You couldn’t lend me a pound, ________?
    29Jane has to stay here all day, ________?
    30Give me a hand, ________?
    31The pubs close at half past three, ________?
    32David wouldn’t get such a long holiday if he worked in industry, ________?
    33He was spring-cleaning all day yesterday, ________?
    34Jack has coffee with breakfast, ________?
    35He shouldn’t smoke so much, ________?
    36There’s nothing wrong, ________?

III.Fill in each blank with a proper preposition:

  1. Fruit is rich ________ vitamins. In
  2. The weather is favorable ________ football.
  3. Mary is still inseparable ________ her mother.
  4. She is sick ________ flu.
  5. You can never be happy if you feel envious ________ other people.
  6. Everyone blames you ________ a certain mistake.
  7. You should always look out ________ the traffic.
  8. The manager will have to hire two people to make up ________ the lost time.
  9. I don’t like the idea ________ getting married yet.
  10. A key ________ the back door is always kept on a high ledge above the door.
  11. My uncle is an expert ________ electronics.
  12. There’s a limit ________ every man’s patience.
  13. Pop music has a very bad effect ________ children.
  14. Your team has no hope ________ winning.
  15. Anyway he was dead. I couldn’t bring him back ________ life.
  16. It’s rude to point ________ someone.
  17. He compared the girl ________ a flower.
  18. Laura is very enthusiastic ________ her new job.
  19. She was deaf ________ his request to do her work.
  20. Please don’t get mad ________ me. I was only trying to help.
  21. Much ________ his regret, he had found out his mistakes too late.
  22. ________ general, far too many people get married ________ haste.
  23. He takes pride ________ doing things properly.
  24. You can bring a friend along ________ the party if you like.
  25. His illness may result ________ malnutrition.
  26. I believe they are related ________ marriage.
  27. The chair is ________ the way here. Let’s move it away.
  28. Her marriage ________ Smith didn’t last very long.
  29. The key ________ success is hard work.
  30. Do your children receive gifts ________ Christmas?
    31Look ________ the sentence ________ the bottom ________ the page.
    32Let’s go on ________ our discussion.
    33I’m sure we’ll be able to catch up ________ you.
    34Please remind her ________ the meeting when you see her.
    35That depends much ________ how we look at it.
    36I don’t care ________ what people say.
    37How shall we deal ________ the matter?
    38We must keep the children ________ playing near the river.
    39The city seems quite different ________ what it was three months ago.
    40The plan is far ________ perfect.
    41The subject isn’t very familiar ________ us.
    42The place is famous ________ its plum-blossoms.
    43She was very much worried ________ your health.
    44What is the name of the girl ________ a blue coat?
    45When still a child ________ six, he could already recite poems.
    46She showed great interest ________ physics.
    47There is no need ________ anxiety.

IV.Rephrase the following sentences:
A. Rephrase the following sentences using anticipatory it:

  1. He is quite likely to let you down.
  2. Possibly the Joneses will come to the party as well.
  3. Whether they will come or not doesn’t matter very much.
  4. To be with you here this evening is a great pleasure.
  5. To spoil such a fine drawing would be a pity.
  6. To drive without a license is illegal.
  7. John happened to be the only witness.
  8. John doesn’t seem to be coming after all.
  9. Do you find living here very dull?
  10. I cannot possibly forgive him.
  11. You were so kind to invite us.
  12. The park looks very small.
  13. Our plan seems to be perfect.
  14. How he came to have such a valuable painting is a mystery.
  15. That you should feel obliged to resign at this point is regretted.
  16. I think a good idea would be to get up a petition.
    car was ready for us.
    18Is anyone waiting to see me?
    19 Beneath our house was an old cellar with a thick flint wall.
    man is sitting on that sofa.
    cherry tree is in my garden.
    22Something must be wrong
    B. Rewrite the following sentences, using inversion:
  17. I have never found him in such a good mood.
  18. He had hardly finished his work when the telephone rang.
  19. He only found out an hour ago that an accident had happened.
  20. They rarely go to school by bus.
  21. It is no longer necessary these days for women to spend hours of drudgery in the kitchen.
  22. He got to the meeting in time only because someone had given him a lift.
  23. I will not give up halfway for anything.
  24. He had no sooner begun to speak than I sensed that something was wrong.
  25. He did not come to our school at any time during his long stay in Shanghai.
  26. I only realized what trouble he was in when I heard his voice trembling.
  27. He had scarcely got to the office when his boss wanted to see him.
  28. Jimmy not only passed the exam but got good marks for all the courses he had taken.
    13You can improve your spoken English only by practice.
    14She seldom speaks with foreigners.
    15 The little boy had no sooner seen me than he ran off.
    16I realized that I was wrong only then.
    17I’ve never taught such a clever student as he.
    18He could scarcely concentrate on his work because others kept disturbing him.

V. Combine each group of sentences into one:
A. Combine each group of sentences into one containing a suitable non-finite clause:

  1. I knew that he was poor. I offered to pay his fare.
  2. She didn’t want to hear the story again. She had heard it all before.
  3. I don’t like to cross the field. I knew that the bull was bad tempered.
  4. Mrs. Wilson suddenly felt dizzy. She sat down quickly.
  5. I had worked hard all day. I was ready for bed by eight o’clock.
  6. He found no one at home. He left the house in a bad temper.
  7. I had heard that the caves were dangerous. I didn’t like to go any further without a light.
  8. The castle was burnt in the sixteenth century. It was never built.
  9. At the station, we were met by a man. He was carrying a copy of the Times.
  10. He had spent all his money. He decided to go home and ask his father for a job.
  11. He was exhausted by his work. He threw himself on his bed.
  12. The men were working on the site. They were in some danger.
    13I saw him. He was running for the bus.
    14He sat there. He was watching the men at work.
    15Tom felt tired. He went to bed at once.
    16He used chopsticks. He ate his dinner.
    17I stood at the gate. I was waiting for his arrival.
    18We had not got a reply from them. We became quite worried.
    B. Combine each pair of simple sentences into one sentence, using proper subordinators:
  13. I saw a film yesterday. The film was dull.
  14. The students were trapped in a cave. One of them has already been brought out.
  15. She spoke French rapidly. I couldn’t understand her.
  16. I lost my pen somewhere. The auditorium might be the place.
  17. He had a sore throat. He had spoken for three hours.
    6Illness kept him away from school. He didn’t get the prize. (because)
    7You promise to behave yourself. You shall not go to the party this afternoon. (unless)
    8His mother waited up. He came home. (until)
    9I graduated from high school. I have been studying at the university. (since)
    10I came to the United States. I had studied English in my own country. (before)
    11He passed the examination. He had been prevented by illness from studying. (although)

VI.Correct errors in the following sentences:

  1. I can tell you a much more funnier story than that.
  2. Dick’s behaviour is more courteous than Bob.
  3. Mary’s nicer of the four girls in the family.
  4. Both Mary will do it and her husb will do it too.
  5. You can either write a thesis or a short essay on the subject.
  6. He not only likes the girl, but the family too.
  7. Mr Jones is principal of the school, moreover he is an expert in translation.
  8. For I have never met him, I can’t tell you what he looks like.
  9. So that he awakened his mother, John slammed the door.
  10. Let’s start as arranged, although it rain tomorrow.
  11. He is as a good worker as John.
  12. He is more an efficient worker than John.
  13. She told us to read the text carefully, and that we should write a short review of it.
  14. Give him an inch, or he’ll take a mile.
  15. The teacher is very strict with us, simply since he wants us to make rapid progress.
  16. Just take a look at that fellow, so you’ll get sick.
  17. I think Mary is nicer of the two.
  18. George did work more than anyone else.
  19. The students are not only organizing social activities, but also are interested in political questions.
  20. He can neither sing nor he can compose.
  21. Because all the shops have closed, it must be very late now.
  22. I often take a shower, even althogh I prefer a bath.
  23. This room is larger than that one three times.
  24. He looked as more nervous as a brick wall.
  25. Either he needs some rest or some cold drink.
  26. Both Pauline and her husband did not want to attend the meeting.
    I have least experience in teaching than he.
    She is more friendly and diligent than any girl in her class.
    His English is as good as his brother.
    Mary sings best than any daughters in the family.
    Her sister is three years elder than she.
    He skates not so well as Tom.
    Qinghua University is one of the biggest university in China.
    The hot weather here started more later this year than last year.
    Tim runs fastest of we all.
    They will make a farther investigation on the life of the panda.
    The much you practice speaking English, the much fluently you will be able to speak it.
    Of all these machine tools you have seen, this one is more useful.

VII.Translate the following into English:

I. Fill in the blanks:
A. Put the verbs in brackets into the infinitive (动词不定式), the -ing participle (-ing 分词) or the -ed participle (-ed分词):

  1. I don’t want that sort of thing ________ (keep) happening.
  2. He soon had them all ________ (laugh).
  3. Just get them ________ (finish up) as soon as possible.
  4. You won’t catch me ________ (do) that again!
  5. You should make your views ________ (know).
  6. He kept them ________ (work) all day.
  7. Has something troubled you? Did you receive some ________ (trouble) news?
  8. He was in low spirits and even considered ________ (go) away.
  9. I can’t help ________ (wonder) whether we should risk ________ (go) without raincoats.
  10. I didn’t mean ________ (eat) anything but the cakes looked so good that I couldn’t resist ________ (try) one.
  11. He suggested ________ (call) a meeting and ________ (let) the workers ________ (decide) the matter themselves.
    Practise ________ (put) the tip of your tongue between your teeth and blowing: You will pronounce perfect th’s!
    You must try ________ (explain) yourself more clearly; it is impossible ________ (understand) what you are trying ________ (say).
    The witness denied ________ (see) the accused man.
    Most people prefer ________ (spend) money to ________ (earn) it.
    I wish he would stop ________ (pretend) to be an expert on Byzantine Art.
    I remember ________ (allow) them ________ (play) in my garden without first ________ (ask) for permission.
    Was the ________ (attempt) experiment a success?
    We need another copy of the ________ (sign) contract.
    Mrs Allison will charm everyone at the party. She is a ________ (charm) woman.
    Don’t forget to have him ________ (come).
    You must tell us exactly what you would like ________ (do).

B. Put the verbs in brackets into the proper tenses:

  1. I’d rather you ________ (go) now.
  2. I wish I ________ (be) handsome.
  3. Helen __________ (tell) me you are seriously ill. Why didn’t you tell me yourself?
  4. I __________ (see) Bill this morning, but I __________ (not see) him since.
  5. It just isn’t fair: while I __________ (work) as a waiter last month, my friends __________ (lie) on the beach.
  6. I __________ (know) Carl since I __________ (be) a little child.
  7. I’d rather Helen __________ (leave) a little later today.
  8. It’s high time we __________ (go) now.
  9. You ________ (live) in North London, don’t you?
  10. She ________ (see) her doctor twice a week.
  11. George ________ (get) up at five o’clock every day this week to prepare for his examination.
  12. The room ________ (measure) five metres by four.
    If you ________ (ask) me, I would have told you the whole story.
    I was lucky actually because that ________ (be) the second time I ________ (visit) China that year.
    If the weather ________ (be) not warm, you couldn’t grow tobacco.
    I ________ (write) an essay since two o’clock.
    I ________ (know) Miss Huggins for several years. I ________ (read) her latest novel, but I ________ (not finish) it yet.

C. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate preposition:

  1. Fruit is rich ________ vitamins.
  2. She was deaf ________ his request to do her work.
  3. Mary is still inseparable ________ her mother.
  4. The jury decided that Susan was guilty ________ murder.
  5. It’s rude to point ________ someone.
  6. Do you think this scarf would go ________ my new dress?
  7. I don’t like the idea ________ getting married yet.
  8. Her marriage ________ Smith didn’t last very long.
  9. Pop music has a very bad effect ________ children.
  10. That is an exception ________ the rule.
    There seems to be a solution ________ this problem.
    Is there any need ________ all this hurry?
    Please don’t get mad ________ me. I was only trying to help.
    The nurses must see ________ the comfort of their patients.
    A key ________ the back door is always kept on a high ledge above the door.
    Parents sometimes feel that they have no influence ________ their children.
    They arrived ________ the late afternoon of 20th December.
    Do your children receive gifts ________ Christmas?
    Much ________ his regret, he had found out his mistake too late.
    Jessie sang ________ the accompaniment of the piano.
    The key ________ success is hard work.
    The sought shelter ________ the rain.
    My uncle is an expert ________ electronics.
    Vitamin C tablets, if taken regularly, may reduce your chances ________ getting a cold.
    You team has no hope ________ winning.
    The manager will have to hire two people to make up ________ the lost time.
    Rising from the seat, he drank ________ the health of his parents.
    He was always attentive ________ my ideas.
    Laura is very enthusiastic ________ her new job.

II. Rewrite the following sentences:
A. Put the following sentences into the passive voice (by phrase may be omitted):
1.They made the young man head of the volleyball team.
2.Someone will tell you how to prepare for the examination.
3.They criticized me for something wrong that I had done.
4.Someone has taken the stranger to another hospital.
5.It surprised me to hear that they wouldn’t give him a holiday after his hard work.
6.Someone must have turned on the light without your notice.
7.They have found ways to make waste water clean.
8.Someone must take care of the children when we go out.
9.They won’t hold the meeting until next Friday.
10.They gave him a medal for his wonderful work.
11.We shall discuss the problem at tomorrow’s meeting.
12.Has anybody fed the birds?
13.People will never forget the accident.
14.You may write this letter in pencil.
15.They are repairing the car in the garage.
16.People speak English in many countries.
17.We built this bridge last year.
18.The tiger in the zoo frightened the little girl.
19.Xiao Liu has invited you to a lunch party.
20.You must not take these magazines out of the reading-room.

B. Rephrase the following, using the alternative words given in brackets:

  1. When I met George, he had already heard the news. (after)
  2. When we reached the football ground, the game had not yet started. (before)
  3. We arrived at the station and then we bought the tickets. (as soon as)
  4. He did all his work. He went to bed. (by the time)
  5. She only noticed it after he had pointed it out. (until)
  6. He answered eight advertisements. Then he got a job. (before)
  7. The secretary had typed three letters. I came in. (by the time)
  8. We arrived at the station and then we bought the tickets. (as soon as)


【渝粤题库】陕西师范大学200591 英语语法

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