
编程入门 行业动态 更新时间:2024-10-10 10:24:45


With its family-oriented marketing and easy-to-learn motion controls, the Wii garnered a mixed reputation as a Nintendo console which did not cater to actual gamers, but instead as a vessel for Nintendo to breach every home in the world with their famous IPs. It seemed every developer in the industry wanted to send their Wii game to market chock full of wiggling the Wii Remote, but if the reason you were waggling the controller came into question, well, that was beside the point because of those gorgeous sales figures. Unfortunately, that means that many high quality games get overlooked or forgotten through the years when remembering the console. I thought it was as good of time as any to look back and give credit to the titles that deserved to be played on the Wii, but may have gotten lost in the shovel ware.

瓦特 i个其家庭为导向的营销和易于学习运动控制,Wii的囊括混合美誉的任天堂游戏机,其并不满足实际的游戏玩家,而是作为一个容器任天堂突破在世界上每一个家庭的著名的IP。 似乎行业中的每个开发人员都希望将他们的Wii游戏推向市场,以至于摇摆不定的Wii遥控器,但是如果您摇晃控制器的原因引起了疑问,那么,那是不切实际的,因为这些销售数字不错。 不幸的是,这意味着多年来记住控制台时,许多高质量的游戏被忽视或遗忘了。 我认为现在回头看看并归功于应在Wii上玩过的游戏了,但可能已经在铲子中迷失了。

大脑研究院:Wii学位 (Big Brain Academy: Wii Degree)


The sequel to the light hearted brain teaser game on the Nintendo DS, Big Brain Academy: Wii Degree boiled the Wii controls down to their simplest form of pointing the remote at the screen and clicking to give the player a whole slew of new puzzles appropriate for the entire family. Much like the first game, the puzzles are split into five different categories: Identify, Visualize, Compute, Memorize, and Analyze. Favorite mini games include figuring out what train tracks to throw on a board to get a steam engine to the finish line, determining what animal the player is looking at after zooming in on the image, and identifying one small difference in a picture amongst a set of four. After completing the mini games, your score is calculated and you are told how much your brain “weighs” and how that corresponds with what occupation you would be best suited for in the real world.

大脑科学院 Nintendo DS上的轻轻松松脑筋急转弯游戏的续集:Wii学位将Wii控件简化为最简单的形式,即将遥控器指向屏幕,然后单击以向玩家提供适合于整个游戏的一系列新拼图全家。 就像第一个游戏一样,谜题被分为五个不同的类别:识别,可视化,计算,记忆和分析。 最喜欢的迷你游戏包括:找出要扔在板上的火车轨迹,以使蒸汽机到达终点线;放大图像后,确定玩家正在看的动物;以及识别一组图像中的一个小差异。四。 完成迷你游戏后,将计算出您的分数,并告诉您大脑“重”了多少,这与您在现实世界中最适合的职业如何对应。

All of the things I listed above seem simple enough, and they are, so what differentiates this game from the myriad of other brain busters on the Wii? For one, it was published by Nintendo themselves, so you can trust that thought and care went into crafting the experience based off of the company’s long standing reputation. Secondly, it was a sequel that followed in the same patterns of its DS predecessor, presenting unique and clever brain challenges to players of all ages. The game represented what the Wii was supposed to be, but its genre may leave it susceptible to being thrown in with the rest of the multiplayer/educational/family game night titles.

我在上面列出的所有内容看起来都很简单,而且确实如此,那么,该游戏与Wii上其他众多大脑破坏者有什么区别呢? 首先,它是由任天堂自己发行的,因此您可以相信,在公司长期以来的声誉基础上,思想和关怀已经融入了制作体验的过程。 其次,这是续集,遵循其DS前身的相同模式,向各个年龄段的玩家提出了独特而巧妙的大脑挑战。 这款游戏代表了Wii的本来面目,但它的类型可能会使它容易与其他多人/教育/家庭游戏之夜游戏相关。

一个男孩和他的斑点 (A Boy and His Blob)


A remake of the 1989 NES game of the same title, this gorgeous, hand-drawn puzzle platform game features an adorable team that anyone can get behind. Both characters are in the above stated title, and they are reminiscent of any child character who has a pet as his partner, echoing favorites like Ash and Pikachu, or even Shaggy and Scooby Doo. The blob can transform into a myriad of objects that aid the boy in his adventure, all he needs is to munch on some jelly beans (don’t we all). Cannons, ladders, and bubbles are just a sampling of the objects that the blob’s transformations yield, leading into some very fun puzzle gaming.

这款精美的手绘拼图平台游戏是对1989年同名NES游戏的翻版,拥有一支可爱的队伍,任何人都可以落后。 这两个角色均在上述标题中,这让人想起任何有宠物作为陪伴对象的儿童角色,它们呼应了像Ash和Pikachu甚至Shaggy和Scooby Doo之类的最爱。 这个斑点可以转化为无数的物体,可以帮助男孩冒险,他所需要的只是嚼一些软糖(不是我们所有人)。 大炮,梯子和气泡只是Blob变换产生的对象的样本,导致了一些非常有趣的益智游戏。

This game was a precursor to the many 2D side scrollers that would dominate the indie scene over the next decade. Titles such as Limbo, Inside, and Box Boy all refined the themes from this game, combining unique graphical choices with clever puzzles and moderate platforming difficulty. Speaking of graphics, the hand-drawn style displayed in this title has aged beautifully, and even inspired a rerelease of the title on Xbox One and PlayStation 4 in 2016, among other consoles.

这款游戏是许多2D侧滚轴游戏的前身,它将在未来十年主导独立场景。 诸如LimboInsideBox Boy之类的标题均通过结合独特的图形选择,巧妙的谜题和适度的平台难度来完善了该游戏的主题。 说到图形,此标题中显示的手绘样式已经过时了,甚至激发了2016年Xbox One和PlayStation 4等游戏机的标题重新发行。

马里奥超级弹头 (Mario Super Sluggers)

I know Mario has a plethora of sports titles, so it may be a reach to claim that any of them are overlooked, but I have a lot of fond memories playing this little gem with my brother during the summer vacations of my high school years. Baseball is not a sport that Nintendo has touched on with Mario very often, as this is only the second title in which the plumber takes the diamond. Featuring an enormous cast of nearly 50 characters and with four player multiplayer an option, this is one of the most exciting sports titles in the Mario universe, and it doesn’t get nearly the amount of recognition as the tennis, soccer, or golf outings in the canon. I’m not saying it’s better than those games, just under appreciated.

我知道马里奥(Mario)有很多体育赛事的冠军,因此可以声称他们中的任何一个都被忽视了,但是在高中暑假期间,我和我的兄弟一起玩这个小宝贝,我有很多美好的回忆。 棒球并不是任天堂经常与马里奥(Mario)接触的一项运动,因为这只是水管工获得钻石的第二个冠军。 它拥有近50个角色的庞大演员阵容,并且可以选择四人多人游戏,是马里奥世界上最激动人心的体育赛事之一,并且几乎没有像网球,足球或高尔夫比赛那样获得认可在佳能。 我并不是说它比那些游戏要好,只是受到赞赏。

Perhaps the subject sport is the reason the game isn’t viewed in the same ways as the others listed above. Baseball is a decaying pastime in the United States, and not very popular in Europe, although famously a cultural touchstone of Japanese sport, where Nintendo’s origins reside. The unique swings for each team captain and the interesting chemistry concept between teammates adds some spice in classic Mario fashion to a sport which is not always considered very exciting by the general population. I know that Mario sports games are not usually overlooked titles as they often represent Nintendo over saturating the market with spin offs of their famous characters, but this is one game that gets lost even amongst the sports game genre.

也许主题运动是游戏与上述其他游戏的观看方式不同的原因。 棒球在美国是一种消遣性消遣,在欧洲并不流行,尽管众所周知,任天堂的起源是日本体育的文化试金石。 每位队长的独特挥杆动作和队友之间有趣的化学概念为这项运动增添了一些经典的马里奥风格香料,但一般人并不总是认为这很刺激。 我知道,马里奥体育游戏通常不会被忽视,因为它们经常代表任天堂以其著名角色的衍生产品来充实市场,但这是一款即使在体育游戏类型中也迷失的游戏。

Tom Lau. Tom Lau的 Wii徽标动画。

Wii音乐 (Wii Music)

This title gets lost behind Wii Sports and Wii Fit right away when remembering the series of games Nintendo made to represent the motion control capabilities of the Wii console. A dream project of Shigeru Miyamoto, the game never lived up to the famous developer’s standards in the eyes of gamers and the casual market alike. I remember being incredibly hyped up for this game in the months heading up to its release, and my opinion of the game was dotted with some of the same disappointments other gamers had. The song selection wasn’t enormous, and the variety of instruments to play didn’t result in a variety of ways to play them. In other words, playing Wii Music could sometimes turn into a little bit of waggle fest, waving the controller around in repetitive patterns, the instrument being displayed on the screen becoming somewhat irrelevant.

当记住任天堂代表Wii控制台的运动控制功能而进行的一系列游戏时,此称号就立即丢在Wii SportsWii Fit之后 。 宫本茂(Shigeru Miyamoto)梦and以求的项目,在游戏玩家和休闲市场看来,这款游戏从未达到过著名开发商的标准。 我记得在发布这款游戏之前的几个月里,人们对这款游戏大肆宣传,而我对这款游戏的看法也充斥着其他游戏玩家的一些失望之情。 歌曲的选择不是很多,而且演奏的乐器种类也不多,因此演奏方式也不尽相同。 换句话说,播放Wii音乐有时可能会有点摇摇晃晃的节庆,以重复的方式挥动控制器,显示在屏幕上的乐器变得无关紧要。

Despite these shortcomings, I believe this game should be remembered fondly as well. Its attempt to creatively bring together a musical experience on screen that wasn’t catered to rock music and guitars was welcoming to a wider range of musical interests. The attempt to bring all of the company’s creative controllers in a mini game in which you play a drum set with the Wii balance board, the remote, and the nunchuck controllers really flexed Nintendo’s technological muscles. And for many kids of the era who weren’t musically inclined, just seeing that their actions with the Wii remote were making music, even if it was just waving the control aimlessly, gave off a magical feeling.

尽管有这些缺点,我相信也应该怀念这个游戏。 它试图在屏幕上创造性地融合音乐体验,而这种音乐体验并不能满足摇滚音乐和吉他的需求,因此它受到了广泛的音乐兴趣的欢迎。 试图将公司的所有创意控制器带入迷你游戏中,在这种游戏中,您可以使用Wii平衡板,遥控器和双节棍控制器来演奏鼓组,这确实增强了任天堂的技术力量。 对于那个时代的许多孩子,他们并没有音乐上的偏爱,只是看到他们与Wii遥控器的动作正在制作音乐,即使它只是漫无目的地挥舞着控制杆,也散发出一种神奇的感觉。

节奏天堂热 (Rhythm Heaven Fever)


The sequel to the ingenious Rhythm Heaven on the original Nintendo DS, this insanely fun follow up added on to the fun with motion controls and button pressing, a nice change from the touch-only controls on the previous game. This game is included here as a hidden gem because the series gets a reputation for being set only on the DS family, with a best hits game called Rhythm Heaven Megamix releasing on the 3DS several years after this one. All things considered, I like to think of this series as a musical version of the micro games in WarioWare or the mini games in Mario Party.

原始任天堂DS的精妙节奏节奏天堂的续集,这种疯狂的后续操作加上了运动控件和按钮按下的乐趣,与上一游戏的纯触摸控件相比有了很大的变化。 该游戏被列为隐藏的宝石,因为该系列仅在DS家族中享有盛誉,并在此款游戏推出数年后,在3DS上发行了畅销游戏Rhythm Heaven Megamix 。 考虑到所有因素,我喜欢将此系列视为WarioWare中的微型游戏或Mario Party中的微型游戏的音乐版本。

Much like those series, the mini games in this underrated Wii experience include cooky characters participating in mundane tasks to the tune of some really catchy tunes. My personal favorite game is called Ringside, which sees the player control a wrestler who is being interviewed post-match. Answer the questions to the beat and make sure to strike a stunning pose in rhythm, otherwise failure sets in right away. The offbeat cartoon characters and the sounds they make remind me of a child creating music out of a set of kitchen utensils, something most have tried in their youth. Very fitting, because this game, and series, makes every player feel quite young no matter how far removed from their date of birth.

与这些系列游戏非常相似,在这种被低估的Wii体验中,迷你游戏包括参加平凡任务的烹饪角色,以及一些真正上口的音乐。 我个人最喜欢的游戏是《 Ringside》,该游戏可以看到玩家控制了一名比赛后接受采访的摔跤手。 回答节拍中的问题,并确保在节奏上摆出惊人的姿势,否则马上就要失败。 他们不拘一格的卡通人物和他们发出的声音使我想起一个孩子用一套厨房用具创作音乐的经历,这是大多数青年人尝试过的东西。 非常适合,因为该游戏和系列游戏使每个玩家都变得很年轻,无论距出生日期有多远。

冲出 (Punch Out)

Based off of one of the most famous releases on the original Nintendo Entertainment System, the remake for the Wii gives all of our favorite characters from decades ago a modern reimagining, breathing a whole new life into Little Mac and his diverse adversaries. The pattern-based gameplay is still addictive, puzzling, and now very interactive with motion controls, and in a way that makes a lot of sense; the boxing genre is an obvious boon for the Wii remote and nunchucks. Punch Out’s innovative way to box holds up generations later, and the advanced graphical power is really what makes this game stand out, revealing that crazy cast in entirely original ways.

Wii的改编基于最初的Nintendo Entertainment System上最著名的发行版之一,为数十年前我们所有喜欢的角色提供了现代的重新构想,为Little Mac和他的对手们注入了全新的生命。 基于模式的游戏玩法仍然令人上瘾,令人困惑,并且现在与动作控件非常互动,并且在很多方面都有意义。 对于Wii遥控器和双节棍来说,拳击类型显然是个福音。 Punch Out的创新装箱方式可以延续数代之久,而先进的图形功能才是真正使这款游戏脱颖而出的原因,它以完全原始的方式展现了这种疯狂的表现。

Animations in this game are just irresistible. Glass Joe cowers in fear and Bear Hugger appears as if he was plucked straight out of the woods. Aran Ryan is batshit crazy, and the new Disco Kid brings some rhythmic fighting to the series. All of the challengers are how players would have imagined them back in the pixelated days, and you would be hard pressed to find someone who wouldn’t be at least amused by the collection of character this game brings to the Wii. It’s severely underrated and makes me want a Switch entry in the series.

这个游戏中的动画是无法抗拒的。 Glass Joe害怕地退缩了,Bear Hugger出现了,好像他被直接从树林里拔了出来。 阿兰·瑞安(Aran Ryan)痴迷于杂技,而新的迪斯科小子(Disco Kid)为该系列带来了节奏上的战斗。 所有的挑战者都是玩家在像素时代回想起来的方式,而很难找到一个至少不会被这款游戏带给Wii的角色所逗乐的人。 它被严重低估了,让我想要这个系列中的Switch条目。

景气Blox (Boom Blox)


Partly a game of Jenga, partly something entirely new, Boom Blox was the type of Wii exclusive that demonstrated the creative energy which emanates from Nintendo’s hardware so often. Stephen Spielberg was a surprising lead on this project, and the puzzle genre being his choice of developmental experimentation was shocking, but it yielded amazing results. The game has you pulling blocks, hitting blocks, exploding blocks, well, you get the picture. Just about anything can be done with the clever use of motion control and the various structures on the screen.

Boom Blox是Jenga游戏的一部分,部分是全新的东西,是Wii独家产品的类型,它展现了Nintendo硬件经常发出的创造力。 斯蒂芬·斯皮尔伯格(Stephen Spielberg)是该项目的令人惊讶的领导者,他选择进行发展实验的难题类型令人震惊,但是却产生了惊人的结果。 游戏让您拉动方块,击中方块,爆炸方块,好了,您得到了画面。 巧妙地使用运动控制和屏幕上的各种结构,几乎可以完成任何事情。

The game was pretty hyped when it released, with the collaboration between Spielberg and Electronic Arts getting plenty of publicity, but I feel it has gotten lost in the shuffle of puzzle games over a decade later. The motion controls age very well because they don’t try to do too much. Players intuitively grab and pull forward and backward for most motions, creating a realistic playing scenario for interacting with the block structures in the game. Hopefully we’ll see something similar to this title someday in the future!

斯皮尔伯格和电子艺术公司之间的合作得到了广泛的宣传之后,该游戏在发行时就大肆宣传,但我觉得它在十年后的益智游戏中迷失了。 运动控制年龄很好,因为他们不会尝试做太多事情。 玩家可以直观地抓住并向前和向后拉动大多数动作,从而创建了逼真的游戏场景,可以与游戏中的方块结构进行交互。 希望我们将来有一天会看到与此标题相似的东西!

翻译自: https://medium/super-jump/hidden-gems-of-the-wii-era-911fbe81ef82




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