
编程入门 行业动态 更新时间:2024-10-27 07:21:25


There’s been lots of talk on social media since the start of the new year, as there is every year, of cleaning out closets, getting rid of the unnecessary, and maybe even taking on a new mindset. I’ve been loving the concept that the less stuff I have, the less time I have to take managing my stuff — dusting my stuff, organizing my stuff, moving my stuff from here to there. I’ve been cleaning out old boxes, recycling, donating, re-selling, and I’m breathing easier.

Ť这里一直很多,因为新的一年的开始谈论社交媒体上的,每一年有,清理壁橱,摆脱不必要的,甚至可能采取的新的思维方式。 我一直很喜欢这样的概念,即我拥有的东西越少,管理我的东西所花费的时间就越少-对我的东西进行除尘,整理我的东西,将我的东西从这里移到那里。 我一直在清理旧箱子,回收,捐赠,转售,而且呼吸也很轻松。

Which had me thinking, wouldn’t it be great to consider the same for our presentations? What if we applied a minimalist mindset here and had to spend less time tinkering with our presentations? Less re-sizing and deciding on fonts, less moving the clip art from here to there, less cropping of all those stock photos. The good news is, this mindset can work in your favor, not only in saving you time and headaches, but also improving the clarity and upping the professionalism of your presentation.

我在想哪个,在我们的演示文稿中考虑相同的想法不是很好吗? 如果我们在这里运用了极简主义的思维方式,而不得不花更少的时间修改演示文稿该怎么办? 减少重新调整大小和确定字体的方式,减少剪贴画从此处移到那里的距离,减少所有这些库存照片的裁剪。 好消息是,这种思维方式不仅可以节省您的时间和头痛,而且可以改善演示文稿的清晰度和专业性,从而对您有利。

The good news is, this mindset can work in your favor, not only in saving you time and headaches, but also improving the clarity and upping the professionalism of your presentation.


When designing a presentation, less is almost always more. Your presentation should support and reinforce what you’re saying, adding where useful, and, gasp! keeping silent where not.

设计演示文稿时,几乎总是少花钱。 您的演示文稿应支持并加强您的发言内容,在有用处添加内容,然后喘一口气! 在没有的地方保持沉默。

Of the thousands of decks I have seen, it’s clear when the presenter is confident in their level of knowledge on the subject matter. Usually, it’s clear if someone is trying to compensate for something (a discomfort with their understanding of presentation software or their level of design knowledge). And here’s the thing — you need very little design knowledge to appear competent in your deck. If you are confident enough to ruthlessly cut down your text, cut down the bells and whistles, cut down on the animation, you are going to be in a much stronger place to present your content.

在我所看到的成千上万的套牌中,很明显,演示者何时对该主题的知识水平充满信心。 通常,很明显有人是否在尝试补偿某些东西(对表达软件的理解或设计知识的水平感到不舒服)。 就是这样-您只需要很少的设计知识就能在您的平台中显得胜任。 如果您有足够的信心无情地削减文本,削减铃声和口哨声,削减动画,那么您将可以在一个更强大的地方展示您的内容。

If you are confident enough to ruthlessly cut down your text, cut down the bells and whistles, cut down on the animation, you are going to be in a much stronger place to present your content.


Here are some great resolutions as it relates to presentation design, and what I would use less of to improve the clarity of any presentation:


Less text — People can either read what you’ve written or listen to what you’re saying, but they can’t do both. So, choose your most important thought, and say it. If there are details that you feel are important, but are going to take your audience’s attention away from your main message, drop it in the notes, or add an appendix for sending on later.

更少的文字 -人们既可以阅读您写的内容,也可以听您说的内容,但不能同时做到。 因此,选择您最重要的想法并说出来。 如果您觉得某些重要的细节很重要,但是却会使听众的注意力从主要信息中移开,请将其放在注释中,或添加附录以供以后发送。

Less visual clutter — Our eyes and minds orient towards straight lines, vertical and horizontal. So where you can, try to put things in rows or columns, or have content lined up in some sort of way that feels like it’s providing order. Also on the topic of visual clutter, remember that white space is good! Just because space is there does not mean it should be filled. Balance, proportion, breathing room. These quick fixes go a long way in providing more clarity to your presentation.

视觉混乱更少 -我们的眼睛和心灵朝向垂直和水平的直线 。 因此,您可以尝试将内容放在行或列中,或者以某种感觉像是在提供顺序的方式排列内容。 另外,在视觉混乱的主题上,请记住空白是好的! 仅仅因为有空间并不意味着它应该被填充。 平衡,比例,呼吸空间。 这些快速修复可以使您的演示文稿更加清晰。

Less predictable stock photography — sites like unsplash are great for a refreshing take on the image, and are free (don’t forget to credit the author). If you use an image that is more tangentially related to the concept or provides a refreshing break from what someone would be expecting to see, you’ve got the bonus of creating an element of surprise and a break from the normal pattern which will re-engage your audience. Science says so.

难以预测的股票摄影 -诸如unsplash的网站非常适合用来刷新图像,并且是免费的(请不要忘了作者的功劳)。 如果您使用的图像与该概念的切线关系更紧密,或者提供了与某人期望看到的图像不同的令人耳目一新的休假,那么您将获得惊喜,可以创建一个惊喜元素,并从正常模式中休憩,这将重新吸引观众。 科学是这样说的 。

Less font variety — the words do not need to convey some sort of artistic concept — let them just be words, clear and legible with a common font. A good general rule is to try to stick to no more than two fonts in your presentation. Here’s a list of 10 of the stronger fonts, which should be available whether you’re using Powerpoint, Keynote, Google Slides, or anything else.

较少的字体变化 -单词不需要传达某种艺术概念-让它们成为具有常见字体的清晰易读的单词。 一个好的通用规则是,在演示文稿中尽量不要使用两种以上的字体。 这是10种更强字体的列表 ,无论您使用的是Powerpoint,Keynote,Google幻灯片还是其他任何字体,这些字体都应可用。

So, the takeaway? Put less stuff on your slides. Allow for more space, more room for your audience to listen to what you’re saying. Remember this is a multi-media experience, and you are the main character. Consider it like a capsule-wardrobe upgrade for your communication.

所以,外卖? 减少幻灯片上的内容。 留出更多空间,让听众有更多的空间收听您的发言。 请记住,这是一种多媒体体验,而您是主要角色。 可以将其视为类似于胶囊袍的升级方式,以进行通信。

Adrienne is Presentation Designer at InVision with over fifteen years of design experience in the Science and Tech space. She is an enthusiastic explorer of the intersections between neuroscience, behavioral psychology, and presentation design. She spends her free time painting miniature watercolors, singing to her kiddo, and learning to play the ukulele.

Adrienne是 InVision的 演示设计师, 在科学和技术领域有15年以上的设计经验。 她是神经科学,行为心理学和演示设计之间交集的热情探索者。 她将业余时间用于绘画微型水彩画,向孩子唱歌,学习演奏夏威夷四弦琴。

翻译自: https://medium/swlh/new-year-new-deck-consider-a-minimalist-approach-to-your-presentation-26bb99f7998f




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