
编程入门 行业动态 更新时间:2024-10-20 00:30:55


by David Venturi

大卫·文图里(David Venturi)

如果您想学习数据科学,请从以下编程课程之一开始 (If you want to learn Data Science, start with one of these programming classes)

A year ago, I was a numbers geek with no coding background. After trying an online programming course, I was so inspired that I enrolled in one of the best computer science programs in Canada.

一年前,我是没有编码背景的数字极客。 尝试了在线编程课程后,我受到了极大的启发,以至于我报名参加了加拿大最好的计算机科学程序之一。

Two weeks later, I realized that I could learn everything I needed through edX, Coursera, and Udacity instead. So I dropped out.

两周后,我意识到我可以通过edX,Coursera和Udacity学习所需的一切。 所以我退学了。

The decision was not difficult. I could learn the content I wanted to faster, more efficiently, and for a fraction of the cost.

决定并不困难。 我可以更快,更高效地学习想要的内容,而费用却很少。

I already had a university degree and, perhaps more importantly, I already had the university experience. Paying $30K+ to go back to school seemed irresponsible.

我已经拥有大学学位,也许更重要的是,我已经拥有大学经验。 支付3万美元以上重返学校似乎是不负责任的。

I started creating my own data science master’s degree using online courses shortly afterwards, after realizing it was a better fit for me than computer science. I scoured the introduction to programming landscape. I’ve already taken several courses and audited portions of many others. I know the options, and what skills are needed if you’re targeting a data analyst or data scientist role.

不久之后,我开始意识到自己比计算机科学更适合我,然后通过在线课程开始创建自己的数据科学硕士学位 。 我搜寻了编程领域的简介。 我已经参加了几门课程,并审核了许多其他课程。 我知道这些选项,以及如果您要定位数据分析师或数据科学家角色,需要哪些技能。

For this guide, I spent 20+ hours trying to find every single online introduction to programming course offered as of August 2016, extracting key bits of information from their syllabi and reviews, and compiling their ratings. For this task, I turned to none other than the open source Class Central community and its database of thousands of course ratings and reviews.

对于本指南,我花了20多个小时来尝试查找截至2016年8月提供的编程课程的每一个在线介绍,从他们的教学大纲和评论中提取关键信息,并编制他们的评分。 对于此任务,我只选择了开放源码的Class Central社区及其包含数千个课程评分和评论的数据库。

Since 2011, Class Central founder Dhawal Shah has kept a closer eye on online courses than arguably anyone else in the world. Dhawal personally helped me assemble this list of resources.

自2011年以来, Class Central的创始人Dhawal Shah一直在关注在线课程,这一点可以说是世界上其他任何人所不及的。 达瓦尔亲自帮助我整理了这份资源清单。

我们如何选择要考虑的课程 (How we picked courses to consider)

Each course had to fit four criteria:


  • It introduces programming and, optionally, computer science. See “A note on Programming vs. Computer Science” below.

    它介绍了编程以及计算机科学(可选) 。 请参阅下面的“关于程序设计与计算机科学的说明”。

  • The language of instruction is Python or R. These are by far the two most popular programming languages used in data science.


  • It must be an interactive online course, so no books or text-based tutorials. Regarding the latter, Codecademy’s video-less and text editor-based courses would qualify, but strict text tutorials like the ones from R tutorial would not. Though books are viable ways to learn programming, Python, and R, this guide focuses on courses.

    它必须是交互式在线课程,因此没有书籍或基于文本的教程。 对于后者,Codecademy的无视频和基于文本编辑器的课程将有资格,但严格的文本教程(如R教程中的教程)则没有资格。 尽管书籍是学习编程,Python和R的可行方法,但本指南重点关注课程。

  • It must be a decent length: at least ten hours in total for estimated completion.


我们如何评估课程 (How we evaluated courses)

We believe we covered every notable course that exists and which fits the above criteria. Since there are seemingly hundreds of courses on Udemy in Python and R, we chose to consider the most reviewed and highest rated ones only. There is a chance we missed something, however. Please let us know if you think that is the case.

我们相信,我们涵盖了所有存在且符合上述条件的重要课程。 由于在Python和R中似乎有数百本有关Udemy的课程,所以我们选择只考虑评论最多和评分最高的课程。 但是,我们有可能错过了一些东西。 如果您认为是这种情况,请告诉我们。

We compiled average rating and number of reviews from Class Central and other review sites. We calculated a weighted average rating for each course. If a series had multiple courses (like Rice University’s Part 1 and Part 2), we calculated the weighted average rating across all courses. We also read text reviews and used this feedback to supplement the numerical ratings.

我们汇总了Class Central和其他评论网站的平均评分和评论数量。 我们计算了每门课程的加权平均评分。 如果一个系列有多个课程(例如莱斯大学的第1 部分和第2部分 ),我们将计算所有课程的加权平均评分。 我们还阅读了文本评论,并使用此反馈来补充数字等级。

We made subjective syllabus judgment calls based on three factors:


  1. Coverage of the fundamentals of programming.


  2. Coverage of more advanced, but useful, topics in programming. (E.g. several courses choose to not cover object-oriented programming. We believe this is a key topic, though not a deal-breaker, hence these courses only being docked marks and not excluded from consideration.)

    涵盖编程中更高级但更有用的主题。 (例如,几门课程选择不覆盖面向对象的编程。我们认为这是一个关键主题,尽管不是一个破坏交易的话题,因此,这些课程仅是停靠的标记,不会被排除在考虑范围之外。)

  3. How much of the syllabus is relevant to data science?


关于编程与计算机科学的注释 (A note on Programming vs. Computer Science)

Programming is not computer science and vice versa. There is a difference of which beginners may not be acutely aware. Borrowing this answer from Programmers Stack Exchange:

编程不是计算机科学,反之亦然。 初学者可能没有敏锐地意识到这一点。 从程序员堆栈交换中借用以下答案 :

Computer science is the study of what computers [can] do; programming is the practice of making computers do things.
计算机科学是对计算机[可以]做什么的研究。 编程是使计算机做事的实践。

The course we are looking for introduces programming and optionally touches on relevant aspects of computer science that would benefit a new programmer in terms of awareness. Many of the courses considered, you’ll notice, do indeed have a computer science portion.

我们正在寻找的课程介绍编程,并有选择地涉及计算机科学的相关方面,这些方面将使新程序员在认识方面有所裨益。 您会注意到,所考虑的许多课程确实包含计算机科学部分。

None of the courses, however, are strictly computer science courses, which is why something like Harvard’s CS50x on edX is excluded.

但是,这些课程都不是严格的计算机科学课程,这就是为什么排除诸如 edX上的哈佛大学CS50x之类的东西的原因 。

我们为数据科学家选择的最佳编程课程是…… (Our pick for the best programming course for data scientists is…)

University of Toronto’s “Learn to Program” series on Coursera. LTP1: The Fundamentals and LTP2: Crafting Quality Code have a near-perfect weighted average rating of 4.71 out of 5 stars over 284 reviews. They also have a great mix of content difficulty and scope for the beginner data scientist.

多伦多大学在Coursera上的“学习编程”系列。 LTP1:基础知识和LTP2:Craft.io质量准则在284条评论中,满分5星的加权平均评分为4.71,近乎完美。 对于初学者来说,他们在内容难度和范围上也有很大的不同。

This free, Python-based introduction to programming sets itself apart from the other 20+ courses we considered.


Jennifer Campbell and Paul Gries, two associate professors in the University of Toronto’s department of computer science (which is regarded as one of the best in the world) teach the series. The self-paced, self-contained Coursera courses match the material in their book, “Practical Programming: An Introduction to Computer Science Using Python 3.” LTP1 covers 40–50% of the book and LTP2 covers another 40%. The 10–20% not covered is not particularly useful for data science, which helped their case for being our pick.

多伦多大学计算机科学系(被认为是世界上最好的之一 )的两位副教授詹妮弗·坎贝尔和保罗·格里斯教授该系列。 自定进度,自包含的Coursera课程与他们的书“ 实践编程:使用Python 3进行计算机科学入门 ”中的材料相匹配。 LTP1占本书的40–50%,LTP2占本书的40%。 未涵盖的10–20%对数据科学不是特别有用,这有助于他们选择我们。

The professors kindly and promptly sent me detailed course syllabi upon request, which were difficult to find online prior to the course’s official restart in September 2016.


Learn to Program: The Fundamentals (LTP1)


Timeline: 7 weeks


Estimated time commitment: 6–8 hours per week


This course provides an introduction to computer programming intended for people with no programming experience. It covers the basics of programming in Python including elementary data types (numeric types, strings, lists, dictionaries, and files), control flow, functions, objects, methods, fields, and mutability.

本课程向没有编程经验的人介绍计算机编程。 它涵盖了Python编程的基础知识,包括基本数据类型(数字类型,字符串,列表,字典和文件),控制流,函数,对象,方法,字段和可变性。



  1. Installing Python, IDLE, mathematical expressions, variables, assignment statement, calling and defining functions, syntax, and semantic errors.

  2. Strings, input/output, function reuse, function design recipe, and docstrings.

  3. Booleans, import, namespaces, and if statements.

  4. For loops and fancy string manipulation.

  5. While loops, lists, and mutability.

  6. For loops over indices, parallel lists and strings, and files.

  7. Tuples and dictionaries.


Learn to Program: Crafting Quality Code (LTP2)


Timeline: 5 weeks


Estimated time commitment: 6–8 hours per week


You know the basics of programming in Python: elementary data types (numeric types, strings, lists, dictionaries, and files), control flow, functions, objects, methods, fields, and mutability. You need to be good at these in order to succeed in this course.

您知道Python编程的基础:基本数据类型(数字类型,字符串,列表,字典和文件),控制流,函数,对象,方法,字段和可变性。 您需要擅长于这些,才能在本课程中取得成功。

LTP: Crafting Quality Code covers the next steps: designing larger programs, testing your code so that you know it works, reading code in order to understand how efficient it is, and creating your own types.




  1. Designing algorithms: how do you decide what to do in a function body? How do you figure out what functions to write in the first place?

    设计算法:如何确定在功能主体中要做什么? 您如何弄清楚首先要编写什么函数?
  2. Automated testing: doctest and unittest.

  3. Analyzing code for speed — details of searching and sorting.

  4. Creating new types: classes in Python.

  5. Functions as arguments, default parameter values, and exceptions.


Associate professor Gries also provided the following commentary on the course structure: “Each module has between about 45 minutes to a bit more than an hour of video. There are in-video quiz questions, which will bring the total time spent studying the videos to perhaps 2 hours.”

格里斯副教授还对课程结构提供了以下评论:“每个模块的视频播放时间大约为45分钟到一个多小时。 视频中存在测验问题,这将使学习视频的总时间缩短到大约2个小时。”

These videos are generally shorter than ten minutes each.


He continued: “In addition, we have one exercise (a dozen or two or so multiple choice and short-answer questions) per module, which should take an hour or two. There are three programming assignments in LTP1, each of which might take four to eight hours of work. There are two programming assignments in LTP2 of similar size.”

他继续说:“此外,每个模块我们都有一个练习(一两个练习或十二个左右的多项选择题和简答题),这需要一两个小时。 LTP1中有3个编程任务,每个任务可能需要4到8个小时的工作。 LTP2中有两个大小相似的编程任务。”

He emphasized that the estimate of 6–8 hours per week is a rough guess: “Estimating time spent is incredibly student-dependent, so please take my estimates in that context. For example, someone who knows a bit of programming, perhaps in another programming language, might take half the time of someone completely new to programming. Sometimes someone will get stuck on a concept for a couple of hours, while they might breeze through on other concepts … That’s one of the reasons the self-paced format is so appealing to us.”

他强调说,每周估计需要6-8个小时,这是一个粗略的猜测:“估计花费的时间非常依赖于学生,因此请在这种情况下采用我的估计。 例如,一个可能会用另一种编程语言了解一点编程的人可能要花一半的时间来学习一个完全陌生的人。 有时候,某个人会被困在一个概念上几个小时,而他们可能会轻而易举地了解其他概念……这就是自定进度格式对我们如此吸引人的原因之一。”

In total, the University of Toronto’s Learn to Program series runs an estimated 12 weeks at 6–8 hours per week, which is about standard for most online courses created by universities. If you prefer to binge-study your MOOCs, that’s 72–96 hours, which could feasibly be completed in two to three weeks, especially if you have a bit of programming experience.

总体而言,多伦多大学的“ 学习计划”系列课程估计需要12周,每周6-8小时,这是大学开设的大多数在线课程的标准。 如果您希望对MOOC进行狂欢学习,则需要72到96个小时,这可以在两到三周内完成,特别是如果您有一定的编程经验。

另一个很棒的Python选项 (Another great Python option)

If you already have some familiarity with programming, and don’t mind a syllabus that has a notable skew towards games and interactive applications, I would also recommend Rice University’s An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python (Part 1 and Part 2) on Coursera.

如果您已经对编程有所了解,并且不介意教学大纲对游戏和交互式应用程序有明显的偏见,那么我还建议您在Coursera上推荐莱斯大学的《 Python交互式编程入门》( 第1 部分和第2部分 )。

With 6,000+ reviews and the highest weighted average rating of 4.93/5 stars, this popular course is noted for its engaging videos, challenging quizzes, and enjoyable mini projects. It’s slightly more difficult, and focuses less on the fundamentals and more on topics that aren’t applicable in data science than our #1 pick.

该热门课程拥有6,000多个评论,加权平均最高评分为4.93 / 5星,以其引人入胜的视频,具有挑战性的测验和令人愉悦的迷你项目而著称。 比起我们的第一选择,它稍微困难一点,并且只关注基础知识,而不关注数据科学中不适用的主题。

These courses are also part of the 7 course Principles in Computing Specialization on Coursera.


The materials are self-paced and free, and a paid certificate is available. The course must be purchased for $79 (USD) for access to graded materials.

这些材料是自定进度的,免费的,并且提供了付费证书。 该课程必须以79美元(美元)的价格购买,才能获得分级材料。

The condensed course description and full syllabus are as follows:


“This two-part course is designed to help students with very little or no computing background learn the basics of building simple interactive applications … To make learning Python easy, we have developed a new browser-based programming environment that makes developing interactive applications in Python simple. These applications will involve windows whose contents are graphical and respond to buttons, the keyboard, and the mouse.

“这个分为两部分的课程旨在帮助很少或没有计算背景的学生学习构建简单的交互式应用程序的基础知识……为了使学习Python变得容易,我们开发了一个新的基于浏览器的编程环境,该环境使得可以用Python开发交互式应用程序简单。 这些应用程序将涉及内容为图形并响应按钮,键盘和鼠标的窗口。

Recommended background: A knowledge of high school mathematics is required. While the class is designed for students with no prior programming experience, some beginning programmers have viewed the class as being fast-paced. For students interested in some light preparation prior to the start of class, we recommend a self-paced Python learning site such as codecademy.”

推荐背景:要求具备高中数学知识。 尽管该课程是为没有任何编程经验的学生而设计的,但一些入门的程序员认为该课程是快节奏的 。 对于希望在上课前做好一些准备的学生,我们建议您使用一个自定进度的Python学习网站,例如codecademy。”

第1部分 (Part 1)

Timeline: 5 weeks


Estimated time commitment: 7–10 hours per week


Week 0 — statements, expressions, variables Understand the structure of this class, and explore Python as a calculator.


Week 1 — functions, logic, conditionals Learn the basic constructs of Python programming, and create a program that plays a variant of Rock-Paper-Scissors.


Week 2 — event-driven programming, local/global variables Learn the basics of event-driven programming, understand the difference between local and global variables, and create an interactive program that plays a simple guessing game.


Week 3 — canvas, drawing, timers Create a canvas in Python, learn how to draw on the canvas, and create a digital stopwatch.


Week 4 — lists, keyboard input, the basics of modeling motion Learn the basics of lists in Python, model moving objects in Python, and recreate the classic arcade game “Pong.”

第4周-列表,键盘输入,运动建模的基础知识学习Python中列表的基础知识,Python中运动对象的建模方法,并重新创建经典的街机游戏“ Pong”。

第2部分 (Part 2)

Week 5 — mouse input, list methods, dictionaries Read mouse input, learn about list methods and dictionaries, and draw images. Week 6 — classes and object-oriented programming Learn the basics of object-oriented programming in Python using classes, and work with tiled images.

第5周-鼠标输入,列表方法,字典 阅读鼠标输入,了解列表方法和词典,并绘制图像。 第6周-类和面向对象的编程 使用类学习Python中面向对象编程的基础,并使用平铺图像。

Week 7 — basic game physics, sprites Understand the math of acceleration and friction, work with sprites, and add sound to your game.

第7周-基本的游戏物理学,子画面 了解加速和摩擦的数学原理,使用精灵,并为游戏添加声音。

Week 8 — sets and animation Learn about sets in Python, compute collisions between sprites, and animate sprites.

第8周-布景和动画 了解Python中的集合,计算Sprite之间的碰撞以及动画Sprite。

如果您设定为R (If you are set on R)

If you are set on an introduction to programming course in R, we recommend DataCamp’s series of R courses: Introduction to R, Intermediate R, Intermediate R — Practice, and Writing Functions in R. Though the latter three come at a price point of $25/month, DataCamp is best in category for covering the programming fundamentals and R-specific topics, which is reflected in its average rating of 4.29/5 stars.

如果您是R语言编程课程的入门者,我们建议您使用DataCamp的R系列课程: R入门 , 中级R , 中级R —练习和用R编写函数 。 尽管后三个价格为每月25美元,但DataCamp在涵盖编程基础知识和R特定主题方面是最佳的,这在其4.29 / 5星的平均评分中得到了体现。

We believe the best approach to learning programming for data science using online courses is to do it first through Python. Why? There is a lack of MOOC options that teach core programming principles and use R as the language of instruction. We found six such R courses that fit our testing criteria, compared to twenty-two Python-based courses. Most of the R courses didn’t receive great ratings and failed to meet most of our subjective testing criteria.

我们认为,使用在线课程学习数据科学编程的最好方法是首先通过Python进行学习。 为什么? 缺少MOOC选项来教授核心编程原理并使用R作为指令语言。 与22个基于Python的课程相比,我们发现了6个符合我们测试标准的R课程。 大多数R课程都没有获得很高的评分,并且没有达到我们大多数的主观测试标准。

The series breakdown is as follows:


R介绍 (Introduction to R)

Estimated time commitment: 4 hours




  1. Intro to basics

  2. Vectors

  3. Matrices

  4. Factors

  5. Data frames

  6. Lists


中级R (Intermediate R)

Estimated time commitment: 6 hours




  1. Conditionals and control flow

  2. Loops

  3. Functions

  4. The apply family

  5. Utilities


中级R —练习 (Intermediate R — Practice)

Estimated time commitment: 4 hours


This follow-up course on intermediate R does not cover new programming concepts. Instead, you will strengthen your knowledge of the topics in intermediate R with a bunch of new and fun exercises.

关于中级R的后续课程不涉及新的编程概念。 相反,您将通过一系列新的有趣的练习来增强对R中的主题的了解。

用R编写函数 (Writing Functions in R)

Estimated time commitment: 4 hours




  1. A quick refresher

  2. When and how you should write a function

  3. Functional programming

  4. Advanced inputs and output

  5. Robust functions


Another option for R would be to take a Python-based introduction to programming course to cover the fundamentals of programming, and then pick up R syntax with an R basics course. This is what I did, but I did it with Udacity’s Data Analysis with R. It worked well for me.

R的另一种选择是采用基于Python的编程课程入门,以涵盖编程的基础知识,然后通过R基础课程学习R语法。 这是我所做的,但是我使用Udacity的Data Analysis with R做到了。 对我来说效果很好。

You can also pick up R with our top recommendation for a statistics class, which teaches the basics of R through coding up stats problems.


竞赛 (The Competition)

Our #1 and #2 picks had a 4.71 and 4.93 star weighted average rating over 284 and 6,069 reviews, respectively. Let’s look at the other alternatives.

我们的第一和第二选择权分别获得284和6,069条评论的4.71和4.93星加权平均评分。 让我们看看其他选择。

Python课程(降低加权平均评分) (Python courses (descending weighted average ratings))

  • Programming for Everybody (Getting Started with Python) and Python Data Structures (University of Michigan/Coursera): another great option. It has a great teacher (Dr. Charles “Chuck” Severance), as well. This series came close to usurping our #1 pick because it matched it in rating and in most of the subjective criteria. This course is more gentle, however, with reviewers noting that it might not prepare you as well as other options. Dr. Chuck himself noted that this course is a bridge to more advanced programming courses: “I would suggest that after students complete my Python course, if they are interested in more programming, that they would take the Rice course.” We also felt that the reviews for our #1 pick were more enthusiastic. It has a 4.8-star weighted average rating over 4,800+ reviews.

    面向所有人的编程(Python入门)和Python数据结构 (密歇根大学/库瑟拉):另一个不错的选择。 它也有一位很棒的老师(查尔斯·“查克”遣散费博士)。 该系列几乎篡夺了我们的第一选择权,因为它在评分和大多数主观标准上都与之匹配。 但是,本课程比较温和,评论者指出,它可能无法像其他选项一样为您做准备。 Chuck博士本人指出,这门课程是通往更高级编程课程的桥梁:“ 我建议学生完成我的Python课程后,如果他们对更多编程感兴趣,那就去上Rice课程。 ”我们还认为,我们第一名的评论更加热情。 它拥有4.8星级的加权平均评分,超过4,800条评论。

  • Python A-Z: Python For Data Science With Real Exercises (Udemy): it costs money, and has a 4.7-star weighted average rating over 52 reviews.

    Python AZ:用于实际练习的数据科学Python (Udemy):它需要花钱,并且在52条评论中获得4.7星的加权平均评分。

  • Automate the Boring Stuff with Python Programming (Udemy): it costs money, and has a 4.6-star weighted average rating over 2,000+ reviews.

    使用Python编程 (Udemy) 自动执行“无聊的工作” :它需要花钱,并且在2,000多个评论中获得4.6星的加权平均评分。

  • Python for Beginners: From Noob to Expert in 22+ Hours (Udemy): it costs money, and has a 4.6-star weighted average rating over 240 reviews.

    适用于初学者的Python:从Noob到22个小时以上的专家 (Udemy):它需要花钱,并且在240条评论中获得4.6星的加权平均评分。

  • Introduction to Computer Science and Programming Using Python (MIT/edX): another good option. It has 4.5-star weighted average rating over 240 reviews.

    使用Python的计算机科学和编程入门 (MIT / edX):另一个不错的选择。 它拥有超过240条评论的4.5星级加权平均评分。

  • Complete Python Bootcamp (Udemy): it costs money, and has a 4.5-star weighted average rating over 4,700+ reviews.


  • Treehouse’s Python series (9 courses): it costs money. It’s a popular option, but there are not enough reviews to make a value judgment. It has a 4.5-star weighted average rating over 5 reviews.

    Treehouse的Python系列(共9门课程):它花钱。 这是一个受欢迎的选项,但没有足够的评论来做出价值判断。 它有超过5条评论的4.5星级加权平均评分。
  • Python (Codecademy): video-less, text editor-based, interactive course. It has a 4.5-star weighted average rating over 20 reviews.

    Python (Codecademy):无视频,基于文本编辑器的交互式课程。 它有超过20条评论的4.5星级加权平均评分。

  • Introduction to Python for Data Science (Microsoft/edX): it has a 4.47-star weighted average rating over 360 reviews.

    面向数据科学的Python简介 (Microsoft / edX):它拥有4.47颗星的加权平均评分,涵盖360条评论。

  • Intro to Programming Nanodegree (Udacity): it has a notable focus on web development. It’s a great option for someone who doesn’t know what type of programming they want to do. It has a 4.4-star weighted average rating over 730 reviews. Note that it contains the first half of Udacity’s popular “Intro to Computer Science” course, which doesn’t fit our inclusion criteria.

    纳米度编程 (Udacity) 简介 :它非常着重于Web开发。 对于不知道自己想做哪种编程的人来说,这是一个不错的选择。 它具有730条评论的4.4星级加权平均评分。 请注意,它包含Udacity受欢迎的“ 计算机科学入门 ”课程的前半部分,这不符合我们的纳入标准 。

  • CS For All: Introduction to Computer Science and Python Programming (Harvey Mudd College/edX): it has very few reviews, and a 4.33-star weighted average rating over 6 reviews.

    面向所有人的CS:计算机科学和Python编程简介 (Harvey Mudd College / edX):它的评论很少,并且对6条评论的评价为4.33星加权平均。

  • Programming Foundations with Python (Udacity): doesn’t cover the fundamentals. It has a 4-star weighted average rating over 7 reviews.

    使用Python编程基础 (Udacity):不涵盖基础知识。 它具有7条评论的4星级加权平均评分。

  • Learn to Program Using Python (edX/University of Texas Arlington): it has a 4-star weighted average rating over 14 reviews.

    学习使用Python编程 (edX /德克萨斯大学阿灵顿大学):它具有14条评论的4星级加权平均评分。

  • Learn to Code for Data Analysis (The Open University/FutureLearn): it has a 3.5-star weighted average rating over 2 reviews.

    学习数据分析代码 (The Open University / FutureLearn):在2条评论中,它具有3.5星级加权平均评分。

  • DataCamp’s Python series (3 courses): it has no reviews on the two major course review sites, but DataCamp is a popular option.

    DataCamp的Python系列 (共3门课程):在两个主要的课程评论站点上都没有评论,但是DataCamp是一个受欢迎的选择。

  • SoloLearn’s Python 3 Tutorial: it has no reviews, but has a comprehensive curriculum and a dedicated fanbase.

    SoloLearn的Python 3教程 :没有评论,但是有全面的课程和专门的支持者。

  • Dataquest’s Python series (3 courses): it has no reviews, but has a comprehensive curriculum and an outspoken fanbase.

    Dataquest的Python系列 (共3门课程):没有任何评论,但是有全面的课程和坦率的粉丝群。

R课程(降低加权平均评分) (R courses (descending weighted average ratings))

  • R Programming A-Z™: R For Data Science With Real Exercises! (Udemy): costs money. It doesn’t offer as much bang for your buck as our #1 R offering. Ratings are similar, considering sample size. It has a 4.7-star weighted average rating over 785 reviews.

    R编程AZ™:R结合实际练习,用于数据科学! (乌迪米):要花钱。 它没有像我们的#1 R产品那样为您提供足够的性价比。 考虑到样本量,评级相似。 它有785条评论中的4.7星级加权平均评分。

  • Introduction to R for Data Science (Microsoft/edX): not as much depth as DataCamp’s offering. It has a 4.48-star weighted average rating over 500 reviews.

    面向数据科学的R简介 (Microsoft / edX):深度不如DataCamp的产品。 它拥有500多个评论中的4.48星级加权平均评分。

  • R Programming (Johns Hopkins University/Coursera): doesn’t sufficiently cover the basics of programming. Reviewers note that it is difficult, and not in a good way. It has a 4.04-star weighted average rating over 900+ reviews, despite a 2.5-star rating over 212 reviews on Class Central.

    R程序设计 (约翰霍普金斯大学/库尔塞拉分校):尚未充分涵盖编程的基础知识。 评论者指出,这很困难,而且不是很好。 尽管在Class Central上有212条评论获得2.5颗星的评分,但它获得了900多个评论中的4.04颗星的加权平均评分。

  • TryR (CodeSchool): it’s not long enough to fit testing criteria, and doesn’t sufficiently cover programming fundamentals. It has a 4-star weighted average rating over 260 reviews.

    TryR (CodeSchool):不够长,无法满足测试标准,并且还不足以涵盖编程基础。 它具有260条点评的4星级加权平均评分。

  • Programming with R for Data Science (Microsoft/edX): more of an introduction to the R language rather than programming. The course site states, “If you have some programming experience, and would like to learn more about R, then you’re at the right place.” It has a 3-star weighted average rating over 12 reviews.

    使用R进行数据科学编程 (Microsoft / edX):更多介绍R语言而不是编程。 该课程网站指出:“如果您有一定的编程经验,并且想了解有关R的更多信息,那么您来对地方了。” 该酒店在12条评论中拥有3星级加权平均评分。

结语 (Wrapping it Up)

This is the first of a six-piece series that covers the best MOOCs for launching yourself into the data science field. It will cover several other data science core competencies: statistics, the data science process, data visualization, and machine learning.

这是一个由六部分组成的系列文章的第一个,该系列文章涵盖了最佳的MOOC,可帮助您进入数据科学领域。 它将涵盖其他几个数据科学核心能力: 统计 , 数据科学过程 ,数据可视化和机器学习。

If you want to learn Data Science, take a few of these statistics classesA comprehensive guide to online statistics and probability courses.medium.freecodecampI ranked every Intro to Data Science course on the internet, based on thousands of data pointsA comprehensive guide to online intro to data science courses.medium.freecodecamp

如果您想学习数据科学,请参加一些此类统计 课程。有关在线统计和概率课程的全面指南。 medium.freecodecamp 我根据数千个数据点对互联网上的每门数据科学入门课程进行了排名 。数据科学课程在线入门的综合指南。 medium.freecodecamp

The final piece will be a summary of those courses, and the best MOOCs for other key topics such as data wrangling, databases, and even software engineering.


If you’re looking for a complete list of Data Science MOOCs, you can find them on Class Central’s Data Science and Big Data subject page.

如果要查找数据科学MOOC的完整列表,可以在Class Central的数据科学和大数据主题页面上找到它们。

If you enjoyed reading this, check out some of Class Central’s other pieces:

如果您喜欢阅读本文,请查看Class Central的其他部分:

Here are 250 Ivy League courses you can take online right now for free250 MOOCs from Brown, Columbia, Cornell, Dartmouth, Harvard, Penn, Princeton, and Yale.medium.freecodecampThe 50 best free online university courses according to dataWhen I launched Class Central back in November 2011, there were around 18 or so free online courses, and almost all of…medium.freecodecamp

这里有250个常春藤盟军课程,您可以立即在线免费获得 来自布朗,哥伦比亚,康奈尔,达特茅斯,哈佛,佩恩,普林斯顿和耶鲁的250个MOOC。 根据数据, media.freecodecamp上前 50个最好的免费在线大学课程 当我于2011年11月启动Class Central时,大约有18个左右的免费在线课程,几乎所有…

If you have suggestions for courses I missed, let me know in the responses!


If you found this helpful, click the ? so more people will see it here on Medium.

如果您认为这有帮助,请单击“?”。 因此更多的人会在Medium上看到它。

This is a condensed version of the original article published on Class Central, where course descriptions, syllabi, and multiple reviews are included.

这是在Class Central上发布的原始文章的精简版本,其中包括课程说明,教学大纲和多项评论。

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp/news/if-you-want-to-learn-data-science-start-with-one-of-these-programming-classes-fb694ffe780c/




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