
编程入门 行业动态 更新时间:2024-10-22 16:20:42


by Matthew Burfield

通过马修·伯菲尔德(Matthew Burfield)

在短短8个月内如何获得中级前端开发人员的角色 (How I got a mid-level front end developer role in just 8 months)

Three weeks ago I landed a mid-level front-end developer role at a startup. Our front end stack is React, Redux, Flow, Immutable.js — all the awesome stuff that I love!

三周前,我在一家初创公司担任中层前端开发人员角色。 我们的前端堆栈是React,Redux,Flow,Immutable.js-我喜欢的所有很棒的东西!

I started learning JavaScript for real about 8 months ago. (Before that, I only knew enough JavaScript to hack together ugly scripts when absolutely necessary).

我大约8个月前开始真正学习JavaScript。 (在此之前,我只知道有足够JavaScript可以在绝对必要时将难看的脚本合并在一起)。

My development over the past 8 months can be split into three pretty distinct stages, which I want to share with you. I hope you find some of it helpful.

我在过去8个月中的发展可以分为三个截然不同的阶段,我想与您分享。 希望对您有所帮助。

阶段0 (Stage 0)

  • Bachelor Degree in Physics & Masters in Information Technology

  • 4 years experience in IT as a Software Configurer


If you’re new to web development it may seem you can’t relate to my story, since these qualifications may seem advanced.


I had 2 university degrees (one being in IT), and I already had 4 years of IT experience under my belt. Heck, my job title at my previous job was a “Senior Developer” so I should be set right?

我拥有2个大学学位(其中一个是IT学位),并且已经拥有4年的IT经验。 哎呀,我上一份工作的头衔是“高级开发人员”,所以我应该设置对吗?

One year ago, after a year of traveling, I had applied to teach English as a second language in Colombia. My plan was to do that for a year while I figured out my next proper career move. But my teaching position wasn’t starting for another 6 months. While I was waiting, I thought I’d look around for some temporary work, so I called an IT recruiter.

一年前,经过一年的旅行,我申请在哥伦比亚教授英语作为第二语言。 我的计划是这样做一年,然后才确定下一步的职业发展方向。 但是我的教学职位再也没有开始六个月了。 在等待的过程中,我以为我会四处寻找一些临时工作,所以我打电话给IT招聘人员。

I didn’t have a huge amount of confidence speaking about my technical abilities over the phone. The recruiter told me I should upgrade my skills by going through Codecademy, which I did. I flew through all the lessons.

通过电话谈论我的技术能力时,我没有很大的信心。 招聘人员告诉我,我应该通过Codecademy来提高自己的技能,我做到了。 我完成了所有课程。

It all made sense at the time, but I couldn’t actually apply what I was learning to real projects. The information wasn’t sticking. It was in one ear and out the other, as they say.

当时这一切都说得通,但我无法将我所学的东西真正应用于实际项目。 信息不固定。 正如他们所说,它在一只耳朵里,另一只耳朵里。

Eventually, I stumbled across freeCodeCamp. I was sold on the concept of learning how to build full-stack apps, and then building apps for not-for-profits!

最终,我偶然发现了freeCodeCamp。 我被学习如何构建全栈应用程序,然后为非盈利组织构建应用程序的概念所吸引!

阶段1 (Stage 1)

  • freeCodeCamp Front-End Cert 1 (Oct 27, 2016 — Dec 29, 2016)

  • Life event: Grandad getting cancer/Moving to New Zealand

  • Talking to Recruiters


I started freeCodeCamp in October 2016 and was racing through the Front End Certificate. In December, I learned that my Grandad was diagnosed with prostate cancer. They said he probably wouldn’t live until Christmas so I moved back to New Zealand be with him.

我于2016年10月启动了freeCodeCamp,并通过了前端证书竞赛。 十二月,我得知我的爷爷被诊断出患有前列腺癌。 他们说他可能要等到圣诞节才能住,所以我和他一起搬回新西兰。

Grandad ended up living a lot longer than the one month we were told. I stayed with him for two months, caring for him during the day. I spent a few hours in the mornings and evenings working through the freeCodeCamp Front End exercises.

爷爷的寿命比我们被告知的一个月长得多。 我和他在一起住了两个月,白天照顾他。 我在早上和晚上花了几个小时来完成freeCodeCamp前端练习。

I finished the Front End Certificate almost two months to the day since I started.


I had created a portfolio and updated my LinkedIn. Soon I was getting some messages from recruiters! Sweet. I set up some interviews for when I arrived back in Australia and was keen to start interviewing for some jobs.

我创建了投资组合并更新了LinkedIn。 很快,我收到了招聘人员的一些信息! 甜。 当我回到澳大利亚时,我进行了一些面试,并渴望开始面试一些工作。

第二阶段 (Stage 2)

  • freeCodeCamp Data-Viz Cert

    freeCodeCamp Data-Viz证书
  • Pushing Everything To Github

  • Local freeCodeCamp Meetups (Saturdays)

  • Chingu

  • JavaScript and React Meetups

  • Hackathons


Recruiters seemed keen to want to meet with me. Perhaps they were enticed by my previous experience as a ‘Senior Dev’, (“Hey look, there’s a senior dev!”). But after talking to me and hearing about my work experience and dev skills (or lack thereof), they all ghosted me.

招聘人员似乎很想与我见面。 也许他们被我以前的“高级开发人员”经验所吸引(“嗨,有个高级开发人员!”)。 但是,在与我交谈并听到我的工作经验和开发技能(或缺乏这些技能)后,他们全都把我搞砸了。

I realized that my previous role didn’t match the recruiter’s expectation of a Senior Developer. I updated my LinkedIn job title to Developer. I updated again to a Configurer after I had an honest conversation with myself. I decided that it wasn’t development that I was doing at my previous job at all.

我意识到我以前的角色与招聘人员对高级开发人员的期望不符。 我已将LinkedIn职位更新为Developer。 与自己进行诚实的交谈后,我再次更新为配置程序。 我认为我以前的工作根本不是在发展。

I soldiered on.


I started on the freeCodeCamp Data Visualization Certificate. After the initial learning curve for React, I enjoyed developing in it. I decided that I wanted to focus on that.

我开始使用freeCodeCamp数据可视化证书。 在经历了React的最初学习曲线之后,我喜欢在其中进行开发。 我决定要专注于此。

I was spending at least 4 hours a day working on freeCodeCamp projects or other side projects. It was getting lonely coding by myself and I had no real validation for the code that I was writing. I started looking at other avenues for learning and building out my network.

我每天至少花费4个小时在freeCodeCamp项目或其他副项目上工作。 我自己变得越来越孤独,我对自己编写的代码没有真正的验证。 我开始寻找其他途径来学习和建立我的网络。

本地freeCodeCamp聚会 (Local freeCodeCamp Meetup)

I’m generally okay in most social situations. But sometimes social anxiety gets the better of me, especially when I start over thinking things. The first time I went to my local freeCodeCamp meetup was on a Saturday morning. I just sat outside. I couldn’t build up the courage actually to go in. Dumb and irrational, I know…

我通常在大多数社交场合都可以。 但是有时候,社交焦虑对我有好处,尤其是当我开始思考问题时。 我第一次去本地的freeCodeCamp聚会是在星期六的早晨。 我只是坐在外面。 我实在没有勇气去参加。愚蠢和不理性,我知道……

Fortunately, I went back the following week and walked through the door before I could stop to think about it. I have been going back ever since!

幸运的是,下周我回去走了过去,然后才停下来考虑一下。 从那时起我就一直回去!

I wanted to share that story because those social situations don’t always come easily to me. But I knew that meeting other developers would help me in my quest to becoming a better developer. It would also help me get the front end dev job I wanted.

我想分享这个故事,因为这些社交场合对我而言并不总是那么容易。 但是我知道与其他开发人员会面会帮助我成为一名更好的开发人员。 这也将帮助我获得所需的前端开发人员工作。

JavaScript和React聚会 (JavaScript and React Meetups)

I went to the weekly local freeCodeCamp meetings. I also started going to meetups from www.meetup including JavaScript and React.

我参加了每周的本地freeCodeCamp会议。 我也开始从www.meetup参加聚会,包括JavaScript和React。

At first I didn’t speak to anyone, but over time I started to meet the regulars that went every week. Some of the other freeCodeCampers from my local meetup starting going as well.

起初我没有和任何人说话,但是随着时间的流逝,我开始结识每周去的常客。 我本地聚会上的其他一些freeCodeCampers也开始进行。

I think networking and meeting other developers is so underrated. As well as asking questions, I also got hints on what type of tech companies were using/were popular in my city.

我认为建立网络和与其他开发人员会面是如此被低估了。 除了提出问题之外,我还暗示了我所在城市正在/正在使用哪种类型的科技公司。

黑客马拉松 (Hackathons)

Hackathons are (usually) weekend-long events. You build or prototype a product that solves a problem or uses a particular dataset. You aren’t told about the project until the hackathon starts. (i.e. you can’t start early because you don’t know what you’ll be doing yet).

黑客马拉松通常是周末活动。 您可以构建解决问题或使用特定数据集的产品或为其原型设计。 在黑客马拉松开始之前,不会告诉您有关该项目的信息。 (即,因为您不知道要做什么,所以不能提早开始)。

I had wanted to go to hackathons for a long time. I didn’t want to be the “developer guy” with my team expecting me to build something cool. I didn’t feel I had the expertise.

我很想参加黑客马拉松。 我不想成为我的团队的“开发人员”,希望我能建立一些很棒的东西。 我觉得我没有专业知识。

I can tell you right now that this doesn’t happen. Anyone can still be helpful in a hackathon! Even someone who has never coded, with no design skills or any technical ability for that matter. The number of energetic and enthusiastic people at hackathons is unreal. They love what they do.

我现在可以告诉您,这不会发生。 任何人在骇客马拉松比赛中仍然可以提供帮助! 即使是从未编码的人,也没有设计技能或技术能力。 在黑客马拉松上充满活力和热情的人们的数量是不真实的。 他们喜欢他们的工作。

That type of energy is amazing and I find it definitely rubs off on me after I go to an event. I always learn a ton of new things and am super pumped/motivated for weeks afterwards. Not to mention it’s something cool to put on a resume. Plus, you’ll potentially leave with another cool project that you can add to your portfolio!

那种能量真是太棒了,我发现参加比赛后肯定会消失。 我总是学习大量的新事物,并且在接下来的几周里非常努力。 更不用说写简历了。 另外,您可能会离开另一个很酷的项目,可以将其添加到投资组合中!

成古 (Chingu)

It was also during this phase that I found the Chingu cohorts. The chingu cohort is a community of aspiring developers to help one another in their quest to learn. They learn while building cool stuff together. I had a lot of free time on my hands when I first started with Chingu. I was unemployed and studying coding full time, so I signed up for all the build to learn projects!

也是在这个阶段,我找到了Chingu人群 。 chingu队列是一个有抱负的开发人员社区,他们可以互相帮助学习。 他们在学习的同时共同构建有趣的东西。 刚接触Chingu时,我有很多空闲时间。 我当时失业,全职学习编码,所以我报名参加了学习项目的所有构建!

It was only after I started these projects that I learned what pair programming was. I learned what a Trello board was. I learned how important it was to schedule meetings and put them on my calendar. I learned about GitHub/Trello integrations with slack. And I learned how to cope with other people’s styles of writing code that was different than mine. There are so many things you can learn from working with others that you don’t get when working solo.

直到我开始这些项目后,我才知道配对编程是什么。 我了解了Trello板是什么。 我了解到安排会议并将其放在我的日历上有多么重要。 我了解了slack的GitHub / Trello集成。 而且我学会了如何应付别人编写的代码风格与我的不同。 与他人一起工作可以学到很多东西,而独自工作是没有的。

My motivation was high during build-to-learn projects. This is especially true when you have someone else to keep you accountable.

在从构建到学习的项目中,我的动力很高。 当您有其他人让您负责时,尤其如此。

Projects included a gif slack bot, a slack bot that helped to bulk invite people to private channels, and a clone of the first level of Super Mario Bros :)

项目包括gif松弛机器人 , 帮助大量邀请人们进入私人频道的松弛机器人以及超级马里奥兄弟第一级的克隆版本:)

@tropicalchancer even awarded me “Chingu of the Week” one week.

@tropicalchancer甚至还一周授予我“本周成吉思 ”的称号。

第三阶段 (Stage 3)

  • Getting My Dream Front-End Dev Job


I was getting to the point where recruiters were starting to take notice of me. I’d built out a solid portfolio of projects. Recruiters and companies were sending me programming/algorithm challenges. I was doing well.

我到了招募人员开始注意到我的地步。 我建立了坚实的项目组合。 招聘人员和公司给我发送了编程/算法方面的挑战。 我过得很好

I was starting to get some solid interviews but wasn’t having any luck landing the job I wanted.


One recruiter helped to set me up at a digital agency. They needed help finishing off a react project that was about to go over the deadline. It was a day-by-day contract, and they said if I wasn’t productive from day 1, then they’d let me go. This made sense in context since they needed to get that project finished.

一名招聘人员帮助我建立了一家数字代理机构。 他们需要帮助来完成即将超过最后期限的React项目。 这是一份日常合同,他们说,如果从第一天起我就没有生产力,那么他们会让我离开。 在上下文中这很有意义,因为他们需要完成该项目。

Turns out that they were happy with my work! It gave me confidence knowing that I could join an existing team and contribute from day one.

原来他们对我的工作很满意! 知道我可以加入现有团队并从第一天起就为我提供了信心。

They even offered me a full-time role. However, I turned them down. I loved working on the react project. But working at the digital agency wouldn’t allow me to specialize like I wanted to. And I’d potentially be doing things like WordPress plugins (ugh!). Plus, I also had another interview coming up, and there was a job I really wanted to apply for.

他们甚至为我提供了专职职位。 但是,我拒绝了他们。 我喜欢在react项目上工作。 但是,在数字代理机构工作不会让我像我想要的那样专精。 而且我可能会做WordPress插件之类的事情(嗯!)。 另外,我还接受了另一次面试,我真的很想申请一份工作。

The job I wanted to apply for was advertised as a mid/senior level front end react developer at a startup. My first thought was “damn this place looks awesome! But probably way above my skill level”.

我想申请的工作被广告宣传为初创公司中/高级前端React开发人员。 我的第一个念头是“该死的地方真棒! 但可能远高于我的技能水平”。

I almost didn’t apply. My original plan was to ask if one of their devs would meet up for a coffee. I could ask them what kind of things should I be doing now so that in 6 months time, I would be good enough to work there.

我几乎没有申请。 我最初的计划是询问他们的一位开发人员是否会聚在一起喝咖啡。 我可以问他们现在应该做什么样的事情,这样在6个月的时间里,我就可以在那里工作了。

I can’t actually remember why I changed my mind, but a switch flipped at some point and I decided, “stuff it, I’m going to apply!”.


I knew I didn’t have as much experience as the other developers applying for this role. I also knew I’d have to take an outside the box approach.

我知道我没有其他申请此职位的开发人员那么多的经验。 我也知道我必须采取一种开箱即用的方法。

I thought their web page was pretty cool. So I decided to take the approach that another Chingu member (@coffeecraftcode) took. I built out my resume as a website, copying the design of the website of the company that I was applying for.

我认为他们的网页非常酷。 因此,我决定采用另一位Chingu成员( @coffeecraftcode )采取的方法。 我将简历建立为网站,复制了我所申请的公司网站的设计。

You can learn more about this approach in her article.


If you want to see the comparisons:


Here’s their website, and here’s my resume, or see below for the screenshots

这是他们的网站 ,这是我的简历 ,或者请参见下面的屏幕截图

I built it out as a little single page react app, and they loved it! After I got the job they said I was the preferred applicant, even though I didn’t have as much experience as the others.

我将其构建为一个小页面的React应用程序,他们喜欢它! 我得到这份工作后,他们说我是首选的申请人,尽管我没有其他人那么多的经验。

In preparing for my interview I was prepared to defend not having much experience. Surprisingly that didn’t come up at all. They asked me a few high-level questions, but the whole interview felt a lot more like a casual chat.

在准备面试时,我准备辩护没有太多经验。 令人惊讶的是根本没有。 他们问了我几个高级问题,但整个访谈更像是闲聊。

They had already gone through my portfolio of projects and looked at my code, so they were happy with my ability. They just wanted to see if I was a good culture fit, someone that they’d like to be working with every day.

他们已经浏览了我的项目组合并查看了我的代码,因此他们对我的能力感到满意。 他们只是想看看我是否适合自己,是否适合每天与他们合作的人。

So that’s it. My story from late October 2016, up until now, when I got my first Front-end developer job! I hope you enjoyed your break, now get back to coding! ;)

就是这样了。 从2016年10月下旬至今,直到我获得第一份前端开发人员职位时,我的故事! 希望您过得愉快,现在回到编码! ;)

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp/news/how-i-got-a-mid-senior-front-end-dev-role-in-8-months-9b0bc5f50e7d/




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